/* * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "os.h" #include "taos.h" #include "trpc.h" #include "tsclient.h" #include "tsocket.h" #include "ttimer.h" #include "tutil.h" #include "tscLog.h" #include "tscUtil.h" #include "tcache.h" #include "tscProfile.h" typedef struct SSubscriptionProgress { int64_t uid; TSKEY key; } SSubscriptionProgress; typedef struct SSub { void * signature; char topic[32]; tsem_t sem; int64_t lastSyncTime; int64_t lastConsumeTime; TAOS * taos; void * pTimer; SSqlObj * pSql; int interval; TAOS_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK fp; void * param; SArray* progress; } SSub; static int tscCompareSubscriptionProgress(const void* a, const void* b) { const SSubscriptionProgress* x = (const SSubscriptionProgress*)a; const SSubscriptionProgress* y = (const SSubscriptionProgress*)b; if (x->uid > y->uid) return 1; if (x->uid < y->uid) return -1; return 0; } TSKEY tscGetSubscriptionProgress(void* sub, int64_t uid, TSKEY dflt) { if (sub == NULL) { return dflt; } SSub* pSub = (SSub*)sub; SSubscriptionProgress target = {.uid = uid, .key = 0}; SSubscriptionProgress* p = taosArraySearch(pSub->progress, &target, tscCompareSubscriptionProgress, TD_EQ); if (p == NULL) { return dflt; } return p->key; } void tscUpdateSubscriptionProgress(void* sub, int64_t uid, TSKEY ts) { if( sub == NULL) { return; } SSub* pSub = (SSub*)sub; SSubscriptionProgress target = {.uid = uid, .key = ts}; SSubscriptionProgress* p = taosArraySearch(pSub->progress, &target, tscCompareSubscriptionProgress, TD_EQ); if (p != NULL) { p->key = ts; tscDebug("subscribe:%s, uid:%"PRIu64" update sub start ts:%"PRId64, pSub->topic, p->uid, p->key); } } static void asyncCallback(void *param, TAOS_RES *tres, int code) { assert(param != NULL); SSub *pSub = ((SSub *)param); pSub->pSql->res.code = code; tsem_post(&pSub->sem); } static SSub* tscCreateSubscription(STscObj* pObj, const char* topic, const char* sql) { int code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS, line = __LINE__; SSqlObj* pSql = NULL; SSub* pSub = calloc(1, sizeof(SSub)); if (pSub == NULL) { line = __LINE__; code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } pSub->signature = pSub; if (tsem_init(&pSub->sem, 0, 0) == -1) { line = __LINE__; code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); goto fail; } tstrncpy(pSub->topic, topic, sizeof(pSub->topic)); pSub->progress = taosArrayInit(32, sizeof(SSubscriptionProgress)); if (pSub->progress == NULL) { line = __LINE__; code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } pSql = calloc(1, sizeof(SSqlObj)); if (pSql == NULL) { line = __LINE__; code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } pSql->signature = pSql; pSql->pTscObj = pObj; pSql->pSubscription = pSub; pSub->pSql = pSql; SSqlCmd* pCmd = &pSql->cmd; SSqlRes* pRes = &pSql->res; if (tsem_init(&pSql->rspSem, 0, 0) == -1) { line = __LINE__; code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); goto fail; } pSql->param = pSub; pSql->maxRetry = TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; pSql->fp = asyncCallback; pSql->fetchFp = asyncCallback; pSql->sqlstr = strdup(sql); if (pSql->sqlstr == NULL) { line = __LINE__; code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } strtolower(pSql->sqlstr, pSql->sqlstr); pRes->qId = 0; pRes->numOfRows = 1; pCmd->resColumnId = TSDB_RES_COL_ID; code = tscAllocPayload(pCmd, TSDB_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { line = __LINE__; goto fail; } registerSqlObj(pSql); code = tsParseSql(pSql, true); if (code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_ACTION_IN_PROGRESS) { tsem_wait(&pSub->sem); code = pSql->res.code; } if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { line = __LINE__; goto fail; } if (pSql->cmd.command != TSDB_SQL_SELECT && pSql->cmd.command != TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_EMPTY_RESULT) { line = __LINE__; code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_OPERATION; goto fail; } return pSub; fail: tscError("tscCreateSubscription failed at line %d, reason: %s", line, tstrerror(code)); if (pSql != NULL) { if (pSql->self != 0) { taosReleaseRef(tscObjRef, pSql->self); } else { tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); } pSql = NULL; } if (pSub != NULL) { taosArrayDestroy(pSub->progress); tsem_destroy(&pSub->sem); free(pSub); pSub = NULL; } terrno = code; return NULL; } static void tscProcessSubscriptionTimer(void *handle, void *tmrId) { SSub *pSub = (SSub *)handle; if (pSub == NULL || pSub->pTimer != tmrId) return; TAOS_RES* res = taos_consume(pSub); if (res != NULL) { pSub->fp(pSub, res, pSub->param, 0); } taosTmrReset(tscProcessSubscriptionTimer, pSub->interval, pSub, tscTmr, &pSub->pTimer); } //TODO refactor: extract table list name not simply from the sql static SArray* getTableList( SSqlObj* pSql ) { const char* p = strstr( pSql->sqlstr, " from " ); assert(p != NULL); // we are sure this is a 'select' statement char* sql = alloca(strlen(p) + 32); sprintf(sql, "select tbid(tbname)%s", p); SSqlObj* pNew = taos_query(pSql->pTscObj, sql); if (pNew == NULL) { tscError("0x%"PRIx64" failed to retrieve table id: cannot create new sql object.", pSql->self); return NULL; } else if (taos_errno(pNew) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscError("0x%"PRIx64" failed to retrieve table id,error: %s", pSql->self, tstrerror(taos_errno(pNew))); return NULL; } TAOS_ROW row; SArray* result = taosArrayInit( 128, sizeof(STidTags) ); while ((row = taos_fetch_row(pNew))) { STidTags tags; memcpy(&tags, row[0], sizeof(tags)); taosArrayPush(result, &tags); } taos_free_result(pNew); return result; } static int32_t compareTidTag(const void* p1, const void* p2) { const STidTags* t1 = (const STidTags*)p1; const STidTags* t2 = (const STidTags*)p2; if (t1->vgId != t2->vgId) { return (t1->vgId > t2->vgId) ? 1 : -1; } if (t1->tid != t2->tid) { return (t1->tid > t2->tid) ? 1 : -1; } return 0; } static int tscUpdateSubscription(STscObj* pObj, SSub* pSub) { SSqlObj* pSql = pSub->pSql; SSqlCmd* pCmd = &pSql->cmd; pSub->lastSyncTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetTableMetaInfoFromCmd(pCmd, 0); if (UTIL_TABLE_IS_NORMAL_TABLE(pTableMetaInfo)) { STableMeta * pTableMeta = pTableMetaInfo->pTableMeta; SSubscriptionProgress target = {.uid = pTableMeta->id.uid, .key = 0}; SSubscriptionProgress* p = taosArraySearch(pSub->progress, &target, tscCompareSubscriptionProgress, TD_EQ); if (p == NULL) { taosArrayClear(pSub->progress); taosArrayPush(pSub->progress, &target); } return 1; } SArray* tables = getTableList(pSql); if (tables == NULL) { return 0; } size_t numOfTables = taosArrayGetSize(tables); SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfo(pCmd); SArray* progress = taosArrayInit(numOfTables, sizeof(SSubscriptionProgress)); for( size_t i = 0; i < numOfTables; i++ ) { STidTags* tt = taosArrayGet( tables, i ); SSubscriptionProgress p = { .uid = tt->uid }; p.key = tscGetSubscriptionProgress(pSub, tt->uid, pQueryInfo->window.skey); taosArrayPush(progress, &p); } taosArraySort(progress, tscCompareSubscriptionProgress); taosArrayDestroy(pSub->progress); pSub->progress = progress; if (UTIL_TABLE_IS_SUPER_TABLE(pTableMetaInfo)) { taosArraySort( tables, compareTidTag ); tscFreeVgroupTableInfo(pTableMetaInfo->pVgroupTables); tscBuildVgroupTableInfo(pSql, pTableMetaInfo, tables); } taosArrayDestroy(tables); TSDB_QUERY_SET_TYPE(tscGetQueryInfo(pCmd)->type, TSDB_QUERY_TYPE_MULTITABLE_QUERY); return 1; } static int tscLoadSubscriptionProgress(SSub* pSub) { char buf[TSDB_MAX_SQL_LEN]; sprintf(buf, "%s/subscribe/%s", tsDataDir, pSub->topic); FILE* fp = fopen(buf, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { tscDebug("subscription progress file does not exist: %s", pSub->topic); return 1; } if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) { tscDebug("invalid subscription progress file: %s", pSub->topic); fclose(fp); return 0; } for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i++) { if (buf[i] == 0) break; if (buf[i] == '\r' || buf[i] == '\n') { buf[i] = 0; break; } } if (strcmp(buf, pSub->pSql->sqlstr) != 0) { tscDebug("subscription sql statement mismatch: %s", pSub->topic); fclose(fp); return 0; } SArray* progress = pSub->progress; taosArrayClear(progress); while( 1 ) { if (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) { fclose(fp); return 0; } SSubscriptionProgress p; sscanf(buf, "%" SCNd64 ":%" SCNd64, &p.uid, &p.key); taosArrayPush(progress, &p); } fclose(fp); taosArraySort(progress, tscCompareSubscriptionProgress); tscDebug("subscription progress loaded, %" PRIzu " tables: %s", taosArrayGetSize(progress), pSub->topic); return 1; } void tscSaveSubscriptionProgress(void* sub) { SSub* pSub = (SSub*)sub; char path[256]; sprintf(path, "%s/subscribe", tsDataDir); if (taosMkDir(path, 0777) != 0) { tscError("failed to create subscribe dir: %s", path); } sprintf(path, "%s/subscribe/%s", tsDataDir, pSub->topic); FILE* fp = fopen(path, "wb+"); if (fp == NULL) { tscError("failed to create progress file for subscription: %s", pSub->topic); return; } fputs(pSub->pSql->sqlstr, fp); fprintf(fp, "\n"); for(size_t i = 0; i < taosArrayGetSize(pSub->progress); i++) { SSubscriptionProgress* p = taosArrayGet(pSub->progress, i); fprintf(fp, "%" PRId64 ":%" PRId64 "\n", p->uid, p->key); } fclose(fp); } TAOS_SUB *taos_subscribe(TAOS *taos, int restart, const char* topic, const char *sql, TAOS_SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK fp, void *param, int interval) { STscObj* pObj = (STscObj*)taos; if (pObj == NULL || pObj->signature != pObj) { terrno = TSDB_CODE_TSC_DISCONNECTED; tscError("connection disconnected"); return NULL; } SSub* pSub = tscCreateSubscription(pObj, topic, sql); if (pSub == NULL) { return NULL; } pSub->taos = taos; if (restart) { tscDebug("restart subscription: %s", topic); } else { tscLoadSubscriptionProgress(pSub); } if (pSub->pSql->cmd.command == TSDB_SQL_SELECT) { if (!tscUpdateSubscription(pObj, pSub)) { taos_unsubscribe(pSub, 1); return NULL; } } pSub->interval = interval; if (fp != NULL) { tscDebug("asynchronize subscription, create new timer: %s", topic); pSub->fp = fp; pSub->param = param; taosTmrReset(tscProcessSubscriptionTimer, interval, pSub, tscTmr, &pSub->pTimer); } return pSub; } SSqlObj* recreateSqlObj(SSub* pSub) { SSqlObj* pSql = calloc(1, sizeof(SSqlObj)); if (pSql == NULL) { return NULL; } pSql->signature = pSql; pSql->pTscObj = pSub->taos; SSqlCmd* pCmd = &pSql->cmd; SSqlRes* pRes = &pSql->res; if (tsem_init(&pSql->rspSem, 0, 0) == -1) { tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); return NULL; } pSql->param = pSub; pSql->maxRetry = TSDB_MAX_REPLICA; pSql->fp = asyncCallback; pSql->fetchFp = asyncCallback; pSql->sqlstr = strdup(pSub->pSql->sqlstr); if (pSql->sqlstr == NULL) { tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); return NULL; } pRes->qId = 0; pRes->numOfRows = 1; int code = tscAllocPayload(pCmd, TSDB_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); return NULL; } registerSqlObj(pSql); code = tsParseSql(pSql, true); if (code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_ACTION_IN_PROGRESS) { tsem_wait(&pSub->sem); code = pSql->res.code; } if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { taosReleaseRef(tscObjRef, pSql->self); return NULL; } if (pSql->cmd.command != TSDB_SQL_SELECT) { taosReleaseRef(tscObjRef, pSql->self); return NULL; } return pSql; } TAOS_RES *taos_consume(TAOS_SUB *tsub) { SSub *pSub = (SSub *)tsub; if (pSub == NULL) return NULL; if (pSub->pSql->cmd.command == TSDB_SQL_RETRIEVE_EMPTY_RESULT) { SSqlObj* pSql = recreateSqlObj(pSub); if (pSql == NULL) { return NULL; } if (pSub->pSql->self != 0) { taosReleaseRef(tscObjRef, pSub->pSql->self); } else { tscFreeSqlObj(pSub->pSql); } pSub->pSql = pSql; pSql->pSubscription = pSub; } tscSaveSubscriptionProgress(pSub); SSqlObj *pSql = pSub->pSql; SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res; SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd; STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetTableMetaInfoFromCmd(pCmd, 0); SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfo(pCmd); if (taosArrayGetSize(pSub->progress) > 0) { // fix crash in single table subscription size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pSub->progress); TSKEY s = INT64_MAX; for(int32_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { TSKEY k = ((SSubscriptionProgress*)taosArrayGet(pSub->progress, i))->key; if (s > k) { s = k; } } pQueryInfo->window.skey = s; tscDebug("subscribe:%s set next round subscribe skey:%"PRId64, pSub->topic, pQueryInfo->window.skey); } if (pSub->pTimer == NULL) { int64_t duration = taosGetTimestampMs() - pSub->lastConsumeTime; if (duration < (int64_t)(pSub->interval)) { tscDebug("subscription consume too frequently, blocking..."); taosMsleep(pSub->interval - (int32_t)duration); } } size_t size = taosArrayGetSize(pSub->progress) * sizeof(STableIdInfo); size += sizeof(SQueryTableMsg) + 4096; int code = tscAllocPayload(&pSql->cmd, (int)size); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscError("failed to alloc payload"); return NULL; } for (int retry = 0; retry < 3; retry++) { tscRemoveFromSqlList(pSql); if (taosGetTimestampMs() - pSub->lastSyncTime > 10 * 60 * 1000) { tscDebug("begin table synchronization"); if (!tscUpdateSubscription(pSub->taos, pSub)) return NULL; tscDebug("table synchronization completed"); } uint32_t type = pQueryInfo->type; tscFreeSqlResult(pSql); pRes->numOfRows = 1; pRes->qId = 0; pSql->cmd.command = TSDB_SQL_SELECT; pQueryInfo->type = type; pTableMetaInfo->vgroupIndex = 0; pSql->fp = asyncCallback; pSql->fetchFp = asyncCallback; pSql->param = pSub; pSql->cmd.active = pQueryInfo; executeQuery(pSql, pQueryInfo); tsem_wait(&pSub->sem); if (pRes->code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { continue; } // meter was removed, make sync time zero, so that next retry will // do synchronization first pSub->lastSyncTime = 0; break; } if (pRes->code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscError("failed to query data: %s", tstrerror(pRes->code)); tscRemoveFromSqlList(pSql); return NULL; } pSub->lastConsumeTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); return pSql; } void taos_unsubscribe(TAOS_SUB *tsub, int keepProgress) { SSub *pSub = (SSub *)tsub; if (pSub == NULL || pSub->signature != pSub) return; if (pSub->pTimer != NULL) { taosTmrStop(pSub->pTimer); } if (keepProgress) { if (pSub->progress != NULL) { tscSaveSubscriptionProgress(pSub); } } else { char path[256]; sprintf(path, "%s/subscribe/%s", tsDataDir, pSub->topic); if (remove(path) != 0) { tscError("failed to remove progress file, topic = %s, error = %s", pSub->topic, strerror(errno)); } } if (pSub->pSql != NULL) { if (pSub->pSql->self != 0) { taosReleaseRef(tscObjRef, pSub->pSql->self); } else { tscFreeSqlObj(pSub->pSql); } } taosArrayDestroy(pSub->progress); tsem_destroy(&pSub->sem); memset(pSub, 0, sizeof(*pSub)); free(pSub); }