system sh/ system sh/ -n dnode1 -i 1 system sh/ -n dnode1 -c walLevel -v 1 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start sleep 100 sql connect print ========== db name and table name check in create and drop, describe sql create database abc keep 36500 sql create database 'abc123' sql create database '_ab1234' sql create database 'ABC123' sql create database '_ABC123' sql_error create database 'aABb123 ' sql_error create database ' xyz ' sql_error create database ' XYZ ' sql use 'abc123' sql use '_ab1234' sql use 'ABC123' sql use '_ABC123' sql_error use 'aABb123' sql_error use ' xyz ' sql_error use ' XYZ ' sql drop database 'abc123' sql drop database '_ab1234' sql_error drop database 'ABC123' sql drop database '_ABC123' sql_error drop database 'aABb123' sql_error drop database ' xyz ' sql_error drop database ' XYZ ' sql use abc sql create table (ts timestamp, c int) sql create table 'abc.Dd' (ts timestamp, c int) sql create table 'abc'.ee (ts timestamp, c int) sql create table 'abc'.'FF' (ts timestamp, c int) sql create table abc.'gG' (ts timestamp, c int) sql_error create table table.'a1' (ts timestamp, c int) sql_error create table 'table'.'b1' (ts timestamp, c int) sql_error create table 'table'.'b1' (ts timestamp, c int) sql create table mt (ts timestamp, c1 int, c2 bigint, c3 float, c4 double, c5 smallint, c6 tinyint, c7 bool, c8 binary(10), c9 nchar(10)) tags(t1 int, t2 nchar(20), t3 binary(20), t4 bigint, t5 smallint, t6 double) sql create table sub_001 using mt tags ( 1 , 'tag_nchar' , 'tag_bianry' , 4 , 5 , 6.1 ) sql_error create table sub_002 using mt tags( 2 , tag_nchar , tag_bianry , 4 , 5 , 6.2 ) sql insert into sub_dy_tbl using mt tags ( 3 , 'tag_nchar' , 'tag_bianry' , 4 , 5 , 6.3 ) values (now, 1, 2, 3.01, 4.02, 5, 6, true, 'binary_8', 'nchar_9') sql describe sql describe 'abc.Dd' sql describe 'abc'.ee sql describe 'abc'.'FF' sql describe abc.'gG' sql describe cc sql describe 'Dd' sql describe ee sql describe 'FF' sql describe 'gG' sql describe mt sql describe sub_001 sql describe sub_dy_tbl sql describe Dd sql describe FF sql describe gG sql drop table sql drop table 'abc.Dd' sql drop table 'abc'.ee sql drop table 'abc'.'FF' sql drop table abc.'gG' sql drop table sub_001 sql drop table sub_dy_tbl sql drop table mt print ========== insert data by multi-format sql create table abc.tk_mt (ts timestamp, a int, b binary(16), c bool, d float, e double, f nchar(16)) tags (t1 int, t2 binary(16)) sql create table abc.tk_subt001 using tk_mt tags(1, 'subt001') sql insert into abc.tk_subt001 values (now-1w, 3, 'binary_3', true, 1.003, 2.003, 'nchar_3') sql insert into abc.tk_subt001 (ts, a, c, e, f) values (now-1d, 4, false, 2.004, 'nchar_4') sql insert into abc.tk_subt001 (ts, a, c, e, f) values (now-1h, 5, false, 2.005, 'nchar_5') sql insert into abc.tk_subt001 (ts, b, d) values (now-1m, 'binary_6', 1.006) sql insert into abc.tk_subt001 (ts, b, d) values (now-1s, 'binary_7', 1.007) sql insert into abc.tk_subt001 (ts, b, d) values (now-1a, 'binary_8', 1.008) sql select * from tk_subt001 if $rows != 6 then print ==== expect rows is 6, but actually is $rows return -1 endi sql insert into abc.tk_subt002 using tk_mt tags (22, 'subt002x') values (now+1s, 2001, 'binary_2001', true, 2001.001, 2001.001, 'nchar_2001') sql insert into abc.tk_subt002 using tk_mt tags (2, 'subt002') values (now+1m, 2002, 'binary_2002', false, 2002.001, 2002.001, 'nchar_2002') sql insert into abc.tk_subt002 using tk_mt tags (2, 'subt002') values (now+1h, 2003, 'binary_2003', false, 2003.001, 2003.001, 'nchar_2003') sql insert into abc.tk_subt002 using tk_mt tags (2, 'subt002') values (now+1d, 2004, 'binary_2004', true, 2004.001, 2004.001, 'nchar_2004') sql insert into abc.tk_subt002 using tk_mt tags (2, 'subt002') values (now+1w, 2005, 'binary_2005', false, 2005.001, 2005.001, 'nchar_2005') sql select * from tk_subt002 if $rows != 5 then print ==== expect rows is 5, but actually is $rows return -1 endi sql insert into abc.tk_subt003 (ts, a, c, e, f) using tk_mt tags (3, 'subt003') values (now-38d, 3004, false, 3004.001, 'nchar_3004') sql insert into abc.tk_subt003 (ts, a, c, e, f) using tk_mt tags (3, 'subt003') values (now-37d, 3005, false, 3005.001, 'nchar_3005') sql insert into abc.tk_subt003 values (now-36d, 3006, 'binary_3006', true, 3006.001, 3006.001, 'nchar_3006') sql insert into abc.tk_subt003 (ts, a, c, e, f) using tk_mt tags (33, 'subt003x') values (now-35d, 3007, false, 3007.001, 'nchar_3007') sql select * from tk_subt003 if $rows != 4 then print ==== expect rows is 4, but actually is $rows return -1 endi system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT