################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os import sys sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd()) from fabric import Connection from util.sql import * from util.log import * import taos import random import threading import logging class Node: def __init__(self, index, username, hostIP, hostName, password, homeDir): self.index = index self.username = username self.hostIP = hostIP self.hostName = hostName self.homeDir = homeDir self.conn = Connection("{}@{}".format(username, hostName), connect_kwargs={"password": "{}".format(password)}) def buildTaosd(self): try: self.conn.cd("/root/TDinternal/community") self.conn.run("git checkout develop") self.conn.run("git pull") self.conn.cd("/root/TDinternal") self.conn.run("git checkout develop") self.conn.run("git pull") self.conn.cd("/root/TDinternal/debug") self.conn.run("cmake ..") self.conn.run("make") self.conn.run("make install") except Exception as e: print("Build Taosd error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) pass def startTaosd(self): try: self.conn.run("sudo systemctl start taosd") except Exception as e: print("Start Taosd error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) def stopTaosd(self): try: self.conn.run("sudo systemctl stop taosd") except Exception as e: print("Stop Taosd error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) def restartTaosd(self): try: self.conn.run("sudo systemctl restart taosd") except Exception as e: print("Stop Taosd error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) def removeTaosd(self): try: self.conn.run("rmtaos") except Exception as e: print("remove taosd error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) def installTaosd(self, packagePath): self.conn.put(packagePath, self.homeDir) self.conn.cd(self.homeDir) self.conn.run("tar -zxf $(basename '%s')" % packagePath) with self.conn.cd("TDengine-enterprise-server"): self.conn.run("yes|./install.sh") def configTaosd(self, taosConfigKey, taosConfigValue): self.conn.run("sudo echo '%s %s' >> %s" % (taosConfigKey, taosConfigValue, "/etc/taos/taos.cfg")) def removeTaosConfig(self, taosConfigKey, taosConfigValue): self.conn.run("sudo sed -in-place -e '/%s %s/d' %s" % (taosConfigKey, taosConfigValue, "/etc/taos/taos.cfg")) def configHosts(self, ip, name): self.conn.run("echo '%s %s' >> %s" % (ip, name, '/etc/hosts')) def removeData(self): try: self.conn.run("sudo rm -rf /var/lib/taos/*") except Exception as e: print("remove taosd data error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) def removeLog(self): try: self.conn.run("sudo rm -rf /var/log/taos/*") except Exception as e: print("remove taosd error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) def removeDataForMnode(self): try: self.conn.run("sudo rm -rf /var/lib/taos/*") except Exception as e: print("remove taosd error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) def removeDataForVnode(self, id): try: self.conn.run("sudo rm -rf /var/lib/taos/vnode%d/*.data" % id) except Exception as e: print("remove taosd error for node %d " % self.index) logging.exception(e) class Nodes: def __init__(self): self.node1 = Node(1, 'root', '', 'node1', 'r', '/root/') self.node2 = Node(2, 'root', '', 'node1', 'r', '/root/') self.node3 = Node(3, 'root', '', 'node1', 'r', '/root/') self.node4 = Node(4, 'root', '', 'node1', 'r', '/root/') self.node5 = Node(5, 'root', '', 'node1', 'r', '/root/') def stopAllTaosd(self): self.node1.stopTaosd() self.node2.stopTaosd() self.node3.stopTaosd() def startAllTaosd(self): self.node1.startTaosd() self.node2.startTaosd() self.node3.startTaosd() def restartAllTaosd(self): self.node1.restartTaosd() self.node2.restartTaosd() self.node3.restartTaosd() def addConfigs(self, configKey, configValue): self.node1.configTaosd(configKey, configValue) self.node2.configTaosd(configKey, configValue) self.node3.configTaosd(configKey, configValue) def removeConfigs(self, configKey, configValue): self.node1.removeTaosConfig(configKey, configValue) self.node2.removeTaosConfig(configKey, configValue) self.node3.removeTaosConfig(configKey, configValue) def removeAllDataFiles(self): self.node1.removeData() self.node2.removeData() self.node3.removeData() class ClusterTest: def __init__(self, hostName): self.host = hostName self.user = "root" self.password = "taosdata" self.config = "/etc/taos" self.dbName = "mytest" self.stbName = "meters" self.numberOfThreads = 20 self.numberOfTables = 10000 self.numberOfRecords = 1000 self.tbPrefix = "t" self.ts = 1538548685000 self.repeat = 1 def connectDB(self): self.conn = taos.connect( host=self.host, user=self.user, password=self.password, config=self.config) def createSTable(self, replica): cursor = self.conn.cursor() tdLog.info("drop database if exists %s" % self.dbName) cursor.execute("drop database if exists %s" % self.dbName) tdLog.info("create database %s replica %d" % (self.dbName, replica)) cursor.execute("create database %s replica %d" % (self.dbName, replica)) tdLog.info("use %s" % self.dbName) cursor.execute("use %s" % self.dbName) tdLog.info("drop table if exists %s" % self.stbName) cursor.execute("drop table if exists %s" % self.stbName) tdLog.info("create table %s(ts timestamp, current float, voltage int, phase int) tags(id int)" % self.stbName) cursor.execute("create table %s(ts timestamp, current float, voltage int, phase int) tags(id int)" % self.stbName) cursor.close() def insertData(self, threadID): print("Thread %d: starting" % threadID) cursor = self.conn.cursor() tablesPerThread = int(self.numberOfTables / self.numberOfThreads) baseTableID = tablesPerThread * threadID for i in range (tablesPerThread): cursor.execute("create table %s%d using %s tags(%d)" % (self.tbPrefix, baseTableID + i, self.stbName, baseTableID + i)) query = "insert into %s%d values" % (self.tbPrefix, baseTableID + i) base = self.numberOfRecords * i for j in range(self.numberOfRecords): query += "(%d, %f, %d, %d)" % (self.ts + base + j, random.random(), random.randint(210, 230), random.randint(0, 10)) cursor.execute(query) cursor.close() print("Thread %d: finishing" % threadID) def run(self): threads = [] tdLog.info("Inserting data") for i in range(self.numberOfThreads): thread = threading.Thread(target=self.insertData, args=(i,)) threads.append(thread) thread.start() for i in range(self.numberOfThreads): threads[i].join()