system sh/ system sh/ -n dnode1 -i 1 system sh/ -n dnode2 -i 2 system sh/ -n dnode1 -c commitLog -v 0 system sh/ -n dnode2 -c commitLog -v 0 system sh/ -n dnode1 -c numofMpeers -v 3 system sh/ -n dnode2 -c numofMpeers -v 3 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start sql connect sql create dnode system sh/ -n dnode2 -s start sleep 3000 print =================== step 1 create db sql create database c2db replica 2 days 10 keep 50 sql use c2db sql create table tb (ts timestamp, speed int) sql insert into tb values(now, 0) print =================== step2 sleep 2000 and kill dnode2(SIGINT) sleep 2000 system sh/ -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGINT sleep 1000 print =================== step3 insert into dnode1 $x = 1 while $x < 100 $time = $x . m sql insert into tb values (now + $time , $x ) $x = $x + 1 endw $x = 240 while $x < 400 $time = $x . m sql insert into tb values (now + $time , $x ) $x = $x + 1 endw $x = 480 while $x < 700 $time = $x . m sql insert into tb values (now + $time , $x ) $x = $x + 1 endw $x = 720 while $x < 809 $time = $x . m sql insert into tb values (now + $time , $x ) $x = $x + 1 endw $x = 960 while $x < 1043 $time = $x . m sql insert into tb values (now + $time , $x ) $x = $x + 1 endw $x = 1200 while $x < 1244 $time = $x . m sql insert into tb values (now + $time , $x ) $x = $x + 1 endw $x = 1440 while $x < 1677 $time = $x . m sql insert into tb values (now + $time , $x ) $x = $x + 1 endw $x = 1680 while $x < 1683 $time = $x . m sql insert into tb values (now + $time , $x ) $x = $x + 1 endw print =================== step4 sql select count(*) from tb print select count(*) from tb ==> $data00 (expect 936) if $data00 != 936 then return -1 endi sql select * from tb order by ts desc print select * from tb ==> $data00 $data01 $rows if $data01 != 1682 then return -1 endi if $rows != 936 then return -1 endi print =================== step5 sleep kill dnode1(SIGINT) then start dnode1 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT sleep 5000 system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start sleep 3000 print =================== step6 start dnode2 and sleep 10000 (wait sync complete) system sh/ -n dnode2 -s start sleep 12000 print =================== step7 sql_error insert into tb values(now + 1000h, 100) sql select count(*) from tb order by ts desc print select count(*) from tb ==> $data00 (expect <= 936) if $data00 != 936 then return -1 endi $remainRows = $data00 sql select * from tb order by ts desc print select * from tb ==> $data00 $data01 $data10 $data11 $rows if $data11 != 1681 then return -1 endi if $rows != $remainRows then return -1 endi print =================== step8 kill dnode1(SIGINT) and query system sh/ -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT sleep 2000 print =================== step9 sql select count(*) from tb order by ts desc print select count(*) from tb ==> $data00 (expect == $remainRows ) if $data00 > $remainRows then return -1 endi if $data00 <= 0 then return -1 endi $remainRows = $data00 sql select * from tb order by ts desc print select * from tb ==> $data00 $data01 $rows if $rows != $remainRows then return -1 endi system sh/ -n dnode1 -s start