#!/usr/bin/python ################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. # No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, # disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as # expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao # ################################################################### # install pip # pip install src/connector/python/linux/python2/ # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import getopt import subprocess from distutils.log import warn as printf from util.log import * from util.dnodes import * from util.cases import * import taos if __name__ == "__main__": fileName = "all" deployPath = "" masterIp = "" testCluster = False valgrind = 0 stop = 0 opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'f:p:m:scgh', [ 'file=', 'path=', 'master', 'stop', 'cluster', 'valgrind', 'help']) for key, value in opts: if key in ['-h', '--help']: tdLog.printNoPrefix( 'A collection of test cases written using Python') tdLog.printNoPrefix('-f Name of test case file written by Python') tdLog.printNoPrefix('-p Deploy Path for Simulator') tdLog.printNoPrefix('-m Master Ip for Simulator') tdLog.printNoPrefix('-c Test Cluster Flag') tdLog.printNoPrefix('-s stop All dnodes') sys.exit(0) if key in ['-f', '--file']: fileName = value if key in ['-p', '--path']: deployPath = value if key in ['-m', '--master']: masterIp = value if key in ['-c', '--cluster']: testCluster = True if key in ['-g', '--valgrind']: valgrind = 1 if key in ['-s', '--stop']: stop = 1 if (stop != 0): if (valgrind == 0): toBeKilled = "taosd" else: toBeKilled = "valgrind.bin" killCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -HUP " % toBeKilled # os.system(killCmd) # time.sleep(1) psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % toBeKilled processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True) while(processID): os.system(killCmd) time.sleep(1) processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True) tdLog.exit('stop All dnodes') if masterIp == "": tdDnodes.init(deployPath) tdDnodes.setTestCluster(testCluster) tdDnodes.setValgrind(valgrind) if testCluster: tdLog.notice("Procedures for testing cluster") if fileName == "all": tdCases.runAllCluster() else: tdCases.runOneCluster(fileName) else: tdLog.notice("Procedures for testing self-deployment") tdDnodes.stopAll() tdDnodes.deploy(1) tdDnodes.start(1) conn = taos.connect( host='', config=tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath()) if fileName == "all": tdCases.runAllLinux(conn) else: try: tdCases.runOneLinux(conn, fileName) except Exception as e: tdLog.exit("failed: %s" % fileName) conn.close() else: tdLog.notice("Procedures for tdengine deployed in %s" % (masterIp)) cfgPath = "../../build/test/cfg" # was: tdDnodes.getSimCfgPath() conn = taos.connect(host=masterIp, config=cfgPath) if fileName == "all": tdCases.runAllWindows(conn) else: tdCases.runOneWindows(conn, fileName) conn.close()