package main import ( "bufio" "bytes" "database/sql" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "" "hash/crc32" "io" "log" "os" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" _ "" ) const ( TIMESTAMP = "timestamp" DATETIME = "datetime" MILLISECOND = "millisecond" DEFAULT_STARTTIME int64 = -1 DEFAULT_INTERVAL int64 = 1*1000 JSON_FORMAT = "json" CSV_FORMAT = "csv" SUPERTABLE_PREFIX = "s_" SUBTABLE_PREFIX = "t_" DRIVER_NAME = "taosSql" STARTTIME_LAYOUT = "2006-01-02 15:04:05.000" INSERT_PREFIX = "insert into " ) var ( cfg string cases string hnum int vnum int thread int batch int auto int starttimestr string interval int64 host string port int user string password string dropdb int db string dbparam string dataSourceName string startTime int64 superTableConfigMap = make(map[string]*superTableConfig) subTableMap = make(map[string]*dataRows) scaleTableNames []string scaleTableMap = make(map[string]*scaleTableInfo) totalSuccessRows int64 delay int64 // default 10 milliseconds ) type superTableConfig struct { startTime int64 endTime int64 cycleTime int64 avgInterval int64 config dataimport.CaseConfig } type scaleTableInfo struct { scaleTableName string subTableName string insertRows int64 } type tableRows struct { tableName string // tableName value string // values(...) } type dataRows struct { rows []map[string]interface{} config dataimport.CaseConfig } func (rows dataRows) Len() int { return len(rows.rows) } func (rows dataRows) Less(i, j int) bool { itime := getPrimaryKey(rows.rows[i][rows.config.Timestamp]) jtime := getPrimaryKey(rows.rows[j][rows.config.Timestamp]) return itime < jtime } func (rows dataRows) Swap(i, j int) { rows.rows[i], rows.rows[j] = rows.rows[j], rows.rows[i] } func getPrimaryKey(value interface{}) int64 { val, _ := value.(int64) //time, _ := strconv.ParseInt(str, 10, 64) return val } func init() { parseArg() //parse argument if db == "" { //db = "go" db = fmt.Sprintf("test_%s",time.Now().Format("20060102")) } if auto == 1 && len(starttimestr) == 0 { log.Fatalf("startTime must be set when auto is 1, the format is \"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS\" ") } if len(starttimestr) != 0 { t, err := time.ParseInLocation(STARTTIME_LAYOUT, strings.TrimSpace(starttimestr), time.Local) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("param startTime %s error, %s\n", starttimestr, err) } startTime = t.UnixNano() / 1e6 // as millisecond }else{ startTime = DEFAULT_STARTTIME } dataSourceName = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@/tcp(%s:%d)/", user, password, host, port) printArg() log.SetFlags(log.Ldate | log.Ltime | log.Lshortfile) } func main() { importConfig := dataimport.LoadConfig(cfg) for _, userCase := range strings.Split(cases, ",") { caseConfig, ok := importConfig.UserCases[userCase] if !ok { log.Println("not exist case: ", userCase) continue } checkUserCaseConfig(userCase, &caseConfig) //read file as map array fileRows := readFile(caseConfig) log.Printf("case [%s] sample data file contains %d rows.\n", userCase, len(fileRows.rows)) if len(fileRows.rows) == 0 { log.Printf("there is no valid line in file %s\n", caseConfig.FilePath) continue } _, exists := superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname] if !exists { superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname] = &superTableConfig{config:caseConfig} } else { log.Fatalf("the stname of case %s already exist.\n", caseConfig.Stname) } var start, cycleTime, avgInterval int64 = getSuperTableTimeConfig(fileRows) // set super table's startTime, cycleTime and avgInterval superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname].startTime = start superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname].avgInterval = avgInterval superTableConfigMap[caseConfig.Stname].cycleTime = cycleTime startStr := time.Unix(0, start*int64(time.Millisecond)).Format(STARTTIME_LAYOUT) log.Printf("case [%s] startTime %s(%d), average dataInterval %d ms, cycleTime %d ms.\n", userCase, startStr, start, avgInterval, cycleTime) } superTableNum := len(superTableConfigMap) if superTableNum == 0 { log.Fatalln("no valid file, exited") } start := time.Now() // create super table createSuperTable(superTableConfigMap) log.Printf("create %d superTable ,used %d ms.\n", superTableNum, time.Since(start)/1e6) //create sub table start = time.Now() createSubTable(subTableMap) log.Printf("create %d times of %d subtable ,all %d tables, used %d ms.\n", hnum, len(subTableMap), len(scaleTableMap), time.Since(start)/1e6) subTableNum := len(scaleTableMap) if subTableNum < thread { thread = subTableNum } filePerThread := subTableNum / thread leftFileNum := subTableNum % thread var wg sync.WaitGroup start = time.Now() startIndex, endIndex := 0, filePerThread for i := 0; i < thread; i++ { // start thread if i < leftFileNum { endIndex++ } wg.Add(1) go insertData(i, startIndex, endIndex, &wg) startIndex, endIndex = endIndex, endIndex+filePerThread } wg.Wait() usedTime := time.Since(start) log.Printf("finished insert %d rows, used %d ms, speed %d rows/s", totalSuccessRows, usedTime/1e6, totalSuccessRows * 1e9 / int64(usedTime)) if vnum == 0 { // continue waiting for insert data wait := make(chan string) v := <- wait log.Printf("program receive %s, exited.\n", v) } } func getSuperTableTimeConfig(fileRows dataRows) (start, cycleTime, avgInterval int64){ if auto == 1 { // use auto generate data time start = startTime avgInterval = interval maxTableRows := normalizationDataWithSameInterval(fileRows, avgInterval) cycleTime = maxTableRows * avgInterval + avgInterval } else { // use the sample data primary timestamp sort.Sort(fileRows)// sort the file data by the primarykey minTime := getPrimaryKey(fileRows.rows[0][fileRows.config.Timestamp]) maxTime := getPrimaryKey(fileRows.rows[len(fileRows.rows)-1][fileRows.config.Timestamp]) start = minTime // default startTime use the minTime if DEFAULT_STARTTIME != startTime { start = startTime } tableNum := normalizationData(fileRows, minTime) if minTime == maxTime { avgInterval = interval cycleTime = tableNum * avgInterval + avgInterval }else{ avgInterval = (maxTime - minTime) / int64(len(fileRows.rows)) * tableNum cycleTime = maxTime - minTime + avgInterval } } return } func createSubTable(subTableMaps map[string]*dataRows) { connection := getConnection() defer connection.Close() connection.Exec("use " + db) createTablePrefix := "create table if not exists " for subTableName := range subTableMaps { superTableName := getSuperTableName(subTableMaps[subTableName].config.Stname) tagValues := subTableMaps[subTableName].rows[0] // the first rows values as tags buffers := bytes.Buffer{} // create table t using supertTable tags(...); for i := 0; i < hnum; i++ { tableName := getScaleSubTableName(subTableName, i) scaleTableMap[tableName] = &scaleTableInfo{ subTableName: subTableName, insertRows: 0, } scaleTableNames = append(scaleTableNames, tableName) buffers.WriteString(createTablePrefix) buffers.WriteString(tableName) buffers.WriteString(" using ") buffers.WriteString(superTableName) buffers.WriteString(" tags(") for _, tag := range subTableMaps[subTableName].config.Tags{ tagValue := fmt.Sprintf("%v", tagValues[strings.ToLower(tag.Name)]) buffers.WriteString("'" + tagValue + "'") buffers.WriteString(",") } buffers.Truncate(buffers.Len()-1) buffers.WriteString(")") createTableSql := buffers.String() buffers.Reset() //log.Printf("create table: %s\n", createTableSql) _, err := connection.Exec(createTableSql) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("create table error: %s\n", err) } } } } func createSuperTable(superTableConfigMap map[string]*superTableConfig) { connection := getConnection() defer connection.Close() if dropdb == 1 { dropDbSql := "drop database if exists " + db _, err := connection.Exec(dropDbSql) // drop database if exists if err != nil { log.Fatalf("drop database error: %s\n", err) } log.Printf("dropDb: %s\n", dropDbSql) } createDbSql := "create database if not exists " + db + " " + dbparam _, err := connection.Exec(createDbSql) // create database if not exists if err != nil { log.Fatalf("create database error: %s\n", err) } log.Printf("createDb: %s\n", createDbSql) connection.Exec("use " + db) prefix := "create table if not exists " var buffer bytes.Buffer //CREATE TABLE ( TIMESTAMP, field_name1 field_type,…) TAGS(tag_name tag_type, …) for key := range superTableConfigMap { buffer.WriteString(prefix) buffer.WriteString(getSuperTableName(key)) buffer.WriteString("(") superTableConf := superTableConfigMap[key] buffer.WriteString(superTableConf.config.Timestamp) buffer.WriteString(" timestamp, ") for _, field := range superTableConf.config.Fields { buffer.WriteString(field.Name + " " + field.Type + ",") } buffer.Truncate(buffer.Len()-1) buffer.WriteString(") tags( ") for _, tag := range superTableConf.config.Tags { buffer.WriteString(tag.Name + " " + tag.Type + ",") } buffer.Truncate(buffer.Len()-1) buffer.WriteString(")") createSql := buffer.String() buffer.Reset() //log.Printf("supertable: %s\n", createSql) _, err = connection.Exec(createSql) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("create supertable error: %s\n", err) } } } func getScaleSubTableName(subTableName string, hnum int) string { if hnum == 0 { return subTableName } return fmt.Sprintf( "%s_%d", subTableName, hnum) } func getSuperTableName(stname string) string { return SUPERTABLE_PREFIX + stname } /** * normalizationData , and return the num of subTables */ func normalizationData(fileRows dataRows, minTime int64) int64 { var tableNum int64 = 0 for _, row := range fileRows.rows { // get subTableName tableValue := getSubTableNameValue(row[fileRows.config.SubTableName]) if len(tableValue) == 0 { continue } row[fileRows.config.Timestamp] = getPrimaryKey(row[fileRows.config.Timestamp]) - minTime subTableName := getSubTableName(tableValue, fileRows.config.Stname) value, ok := subTableMap[subTableName] if !ok { subTableMap[subTableName] = &dataRows{ rows: []map[string]interface{}{row}, config: fileRows.config, } tableNum++ }else{ value.rows = append(value.rows, row) } } return tableNum } // return the maximum table rows func normalizationDataWithSameInterval(fileRows dataRows, avgInterval int64) int64{ // subTableMap currSubTableMap := make(map[string]*dataRows) for _, row := range fileRows.rows { // get subTableName tableValue := getSubTableNameValue(row[fileRows.config.SubTableName]) if len(tableValue) == 0 { continue } subTableName := getSubTableName(tableValue, fileRows.config.Stname) value, ok := currSubTableMap[subTableName] if !ok { row[fileRows.config.Timestamp] = 0 currSubTableMap[subTableName] = &dataRows{ rows: []map[string]interface{}{row}, config: fileRows.config, } }else{ row[fileRows.config.Timestamp] = int64(len(value.rows)) * avgInterval value.rows = append(value.rows, row) } } var maxRows, tableRows int = 0, 0 for tableName := range currSubTableMap{ tableRows = len(currSubTableMap[tableName].rows) subTableMap[tableName] = currSubTableMap[tableName] // add to global subTableMap if tableRows > maxRows { maxRows = tableRows } } return int64(maxRows) } func getSubTableName(subTableValue string, superTableName string) string { return SUBTABLE_PREFIX + subTableValue + "_" + superTableName } func insertData(threadIndex, start, end int, wg *sync.WaitGroup) { connection := getConnection() defer connection.Close() defer wg.Done() connection.Exec("use " + db) // use db num := 0 for { log.Printf("thread-%d start insert into [%d, %d) subtables.\n", threadIndex, start, end) threadStartTime := time.Now() var successRows int64 var rows []tableRows subTables := scaleTableNames[start:end] for _, tableName := range subTables { subTableInfo := subTableMap[scaleTableMap[tableName].subTableName] subTableRows := int64(len(subTableInfo.rows)) superTableConf := superTableConfigMap[subTableInfo.config.Stname] tableStartTime := superTableConf.startTime var tableEndTime int64 if vnum == 0 { // need continue generate data tableEndTime = time.Now().UnixNano()/1e6 }else { tableEndTime = tableStartTime + superTableConf.cycleTime * int64(vnum) - superTableConf.avgInterval } insertRows := scaleTableMap[tableName].insertRows for { loopNum := insertRows / subTableRows rowIndex := insertRows % subTableRows currentRow := subTableInfo.rows[rowIndex] currentTime := getPrimaryKey(currentRow[subTableInfo.config.Timestamp]) + loopNum * superTableConf.cycleTime + tableStartTime if currentTime <= tableEndTime { // append row := buildRow(tableName, currentTime, subTableInfo, currentRow) rows = append(rows, row) insertRows++ if len(rows) == batch { // executebatch insertSql := buildSql(rows) affectedRows := executeBatchInsert(insertSql, connection) successRows = atomic.AddInt64(&successRows, affectedRows) rows = []tableRows{} } }else { // finished insert current table break } } scaleTableMap[tableName].insertRows = insertRows } left := len(rows) if left > 0 { // executebatch insertSql := buildSql(rows) affectedRows := executeBatchInsert(insertSql, connection) successRows = atomic.AddInt64(&successRows, affectedRows) } atomic.AddInt64(&totalSuccessRows, successRows) log.Printf("thread-%d finished insert %d rows, used %d ms.", threadIndex, successRows, time.Since(threadStartTime)/1e6) if vnum != 0 { // thread finished insert data break } if(num == 0){ wg.Done() // finished insert history data } num++ // need continue insert data // log.Printf("thread-%d start to sleep %d ms.", threadIndex, delay) time.Sleep(time.Duration(delay) * time.Millisecond) } } func buildSql(rows []tableRows) string{ var lastTableName string buffers := bytes.Buffer{} for i, row := range rows { if i == 0 { lastTableName = row.tableName buffers.WriteString(INSERT_PREFIX) buffers.WriteString(row.tableName) buffers.WriteString(" values") buffers.WriteString(row.value) continue } if lastTableName == row.tableName { buffers.WriteString(row.value) }else { buffers.WriteString(" ") buffers.WriteString(row.tableName) buffers.WriteString(" values") buffers.WriteString(row.value) lastTableName = row.tableName } } inserSql := buffers.String() return inserSql } func buildRow(tableName string, currentTime int64, subTableInfo *dataRows, currentRow map[string]interface{}) tableRows{ tableRows := tableRows{tableName: tableName} buffers := bytes.Buffer{} buffers.WriteString("(") buffers.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%v", currentTime)) buffers.WriteString(",") for _,field := range subTableInfo.config.Fields { buffers.WriteString(getFieldValue(currentRow[strings.ToLower(field.Name)])) buffers.WriteString(",") } buffers.Truncate(buffers.Len()-1) buffers.WriteString(")") insertSql := buffers.String() tableRows.value = insertSql return tableRows } func executeBatchInsert(insertSql string, connection *sql.DB) int64 { result, error := connection.Exec(insertSql) if error != nil { log.Printf("execute insertSql %s error, %s\n", insertSql, error) return 0 } affected, _ := result.RowsAffected() if affected < 0 { affected = 0 } return affected } func getFieldValue(fieldValue interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf("'%v'", fieldValue) } func getConnection() *sql.DB{ db, err := sql.Open(DRIVER_NAME, dataSourceName) if err != nil { panic(err) } return db } func getSubTableNameValue(suffix interface{}) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%v", suffix) } func hash(s string) int { v := int(crc32.ChecksumIEEE([]byte(s))) if v < 0 { return -v } return v } func readFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows { fileFormat := strings.ToLower(config.Format) if fileFormat == JSON_FORMAT { return readJSONFile(config) } else if fileFormat == CSV_FORMAT { return readCSVFile(config) } log.Printf("the file %s is not supported yet\n", config.FilePath) return dataRows{} } func readCSVFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows { var rows dataRows f, err := os.Open(config.FilePath) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error: %s, %s\n", config.FilePath, err) return rows } defer f.Close() r := bufio.NewReader(f) //read the first line as title lineBytes, _, err := r.ReadLine() if err == io.EOF { log.Printf("the file %s is empty\n", config.FilePath) return rows } line := strings.ToLower(string(lineBytes)) titles := strings.Split(line, config.Separator) if len(titles) < 3 { // need suffix、 primarykey and at least one other field log.Printf("the first line of file %s should be title row, and at least 3 field.\n", config.FilePath) return rows } rows.config = config var lineNum = 0 for { // read data row lineBytes, _, err = r.ReadLine() lineNum++ if err == io.EOF { break } // fmt.Println(line) rowData := strings.Split(string(lineBytes), config.Separator) dataMap := make(map[string]interface{}) for i, title := range titles { title = strings.TrimSpace(title) if i < len(rowData) { dataMap[title] = strings.TrimSpace(rowData[i]) } else { dataMap[title] = "" } } // if the suffix valid if !existMapKeyAndNotEmpty(config.Timestamp, dataMap) { log.Printf("the Timestamp[%s] of line %d is empty, will filtered.\n", config.Timestamp, lineNum) continue } // if the primary key valid primaryKeyValue := getPrimaryKeyMillisec(config.Timestamp, config.TimestampType, config.TimestampTypeFormat, dataMap) if primaryKeyValue == -1 { log.Printf("the Timestamp[%s] of line %d is not valid, will filtered.\n", config.Timestamp, lineNum) continue } dataMap[config.Timestamp] = primaryKeyValue rows.rows = append(rows.rows, dataMap) } return rows } func readJSONFile(config dataimport.CaseConfig) dataRows { var rows dataRows f, err := os.Open(config.FilePath) if err != nil { log.Printf("Error: %s, %s\n", config.FilePath, err) return rows } defer f.Close() r := bufio.NewReader(f) //log.Printf("file size %d\n", r.Size()) rows.config = config var lineNum = 0 for { lineBytes, _, err := r.ReadLine() lineNum++ if err == io.EOF { break } line := make(map[string]interface{}) err = json.Unmarshal(lineBytes, &line) if err != nil { log.Printf("line [%d] of file %s parse error, reason: %s\n", lineNum, config.FilePath, err) continue } // transfer the key to lowercase lowerMapKey(line) if !existMapKeyAndNotEmpty(config.SubTableName, line) { log.Printf("the SubTableName[%s] of line %d is empty, will filtered.\n", config.SubTableName, lineNum) continue } primaryKeyValue := getPrimaryKeyMillisec(config.Timestamp, config.TimestampType, config.TimestampTypeFormat, line) if primaryKeyValue == -1 { log.Printf("the Timestamp[%s] of line %d is not valid, will filtered.\n", config.Timestamp, lineNum) continue } line[config.Timestamp] = primaryKeyValue rows.rows = append(rows.rows, line) } return rows } /** * get primary key as millisecond , otherwise return -1 */ func getPrimaryKeyMillisec(key string, valueType string, valueFormat string, line map[string]interface{}) int64 { if !existMapKeyAndNotEmpty(key, line) { return -1 } if DATETIME == valueType { // transfer the datetime to milliseconds return parseMillisecond(line[key], valueFormat) } value, err := strconv.ParseInt(fmt.Sprintf("%v", line[key]), 10, 64) // as millisecond num if err != nil { return -1 } return value } // parseMillisecond parse the dateStr to millisecond, return -1 if failed func parseMillisecond(str interface{}, layout string) int64 { value, ok := str.(string) if !ok { return -1 } t, err := time.ParseInLocation(layout, strings.TrimSpace(value), time.Local) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return -1 } return t.UnixNano()/1e6 } // lowerMapKey transfer all the map key to lowercase func lowerMapKey(maps map[string]interface{}) { for key := range maps { value := maps[key] delete(maps, key) maps[strings.ToLower(key)] = value } } func existMapKeyAndNotEmpty(key string, maps map[string]interface{}) bool { value, ok := maps[key] if !ok { return false } str, err := value.(string) if err && len(str) == 0 { return false } return true } func checkUserCaseConfig(caseName string, caseConfig *dataimport.CaseConfig) { if len(caseConfig.Stname) == 0 { log.Fatalf("the stname of case %s can't be empty\n", caseName) } caseConfig.Stname = strings.ToLower(caseConfig.Stname) if len(caseConfig.Tags) == 0 { log.Fatalf("the tags of case %s can't be empty\n", caseName) } if len(caseConfig.Fields) == 0 { log.Fatalf("the fields of case %s can't be empty\n", caseName) } if len(caseConfig.SubTableName) == 0 { log.Fatalf("the suffix of case %s can't be empty\n", caseName) } caseConfig.SubTableName = strings.ToLower(caseConfig.SubTableName) caseConfig.Timestamp = strings.ToLower(caseConfig.Timestamp) var timestampExist = false for i, field := range caseConfig.Fields { if strings.EqualFold(field.Name, caseConfig.Timestamp) { if strings.ToLower(field.Type) != TIMESTAMP { log.Fatalf("case %s's primaryKey %s field type is %s, it must be timestamp\n", caseName, caseConfig.Timestamp, field.Type) } timestampExist = true if i < len(caseConfig.Fields)-1 { // delete middle item, a = a[:i+copy(a[i:], a[i+1:])] caseConfig.Fields = caseConfig.Fields[:i+copy(caseConfig.Fields[i:], caseConfig.Fields[i+1:])] }else { // delete the last item caseConfig.Fields = caseConfig.Fields[:len(caseConfig.Fields)-1] } break } } if !timestampExist { log.Fatalf("case %s primaryKey %s is not exist in fields\n", caseName, caseConfig.Timestamp) } caseConfig.TimestampType = strings.ToLower(caseConfig.TimestampType) if caseConfig.TimestampType != MILLISECOND && caseConfig.TimestampType != DATETIME { log.Fatalf("case %s's timestampType %s error, only can be timestamp or datetime\n", caseName, caseConfig.TimestampType) } if caseConfig.TimestampType == DATETIME && len(caseConfig.TimestampTypeFormat) == 0 { log.Fatalf("case %s's timestampTypeFormat %s can't be empty when timestampType is datetime\n", caseName, caseConfig.TimestampTypeFormat) } } func parseArg() { flag.StringVar(&cfg, "cfg", "config/cfg.toml", "configuration file which describes usecase and data format.") flag.StringVar(&cases, "cases", "sensor_info", "usecase for dataset to be imported. Multiple choices can be separated by comma, for example, -cases sensor_info,camera_detection.") flag.IntVar(&hnum, "hnum", 100, "magnification factor of the sample tables. For example, if hnum is 100 and in the sample data there are 10 tables, then 10x100=1000 tables will be created in the database.") flag.IntVar(&vnum, "vnum", 1000, "copies of the sample records in each table. If set to 0,this program will never stop simulating and importing data even if the timestamp has passed current time.") flag.Int64Var(&delay, "delay", 3 * 1000, "the delay millisecond to continue generate data when vnum set 0.") flag.IntVar(&thread, "thread", 10, "number of threads to import data.") flag.IntVar(&batch, "batch", 100, "rows of records in one import batch.") flag.IntVar(&auto, "auto", 0, "whether to use the starttime and interval specified by users when simulating the data. 0 is disabled and 1 is enabled.") flag.StringVar(&starttimestr, "start", "", "the starting timestamp of simulated data, in the format of yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS. If not specified, the ealiest timestamp in the sample data will be set as the starttime.") flag.Int64Var(&interval, "interval", DEFAULT_INTERVAL, "time inteval between two consecutive records, in the unit of millisecond. Only valid when auto is 1.") flag.StringVar(&host, "host", "", "tdengine server ip.") flag.IntVar(&port, "port", 6030, "tdengine server port.") flag.StringVar(&user, "user", "root", "user name to login into the database.") flag.StringVar(&password, "password", "taosdata", "the import tdengine user password") flag.IntVar(&dropdb, "dropdb", 0, "whether to drop the existing datbase. 1 is yes and 0 otherwise.") flag.StringVar(&db, "db", "", "name of the database to store data.") flag.StringVar(&dbparam, "dbparam", "", "database configurations when it is created.") flag.Parse() } func printArg() { fmt.Println("used param: ") fmt.Println("-cfg: ", cfg) fmt.Println("-cases:", cases) fmt.Println("-hnum:", hnum) fmt.Println("-vnum:", vnum) fmt.Println("-thread:", thread) fmt.Println("-batch:", batch) fmt.Println("-auto:", auto) fmt.Println("-start:", starttimestr) fmt.Println("-interval:", interval) fmt.Println("-delay:", delay) fmt.Println("-host:", host) fmt.Println("-port", port) fmt.Println("-user", user) fmt.Println("-password", password) fmt.Println("-dropdb", dropdb) fmt.Println("-db", db) fmt.Println("-dbparam", dbparam) }