#!/usr/bin/python3 # * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. # * # * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify # * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # * # * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # * # * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # * along with this program. If not, see . # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys import getopt import requests import json import random import time import datetime from multiprocessing import Process, Pool from multipledispatch import dispatch from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, wait, ALL_COMPLETED @dispatch(str, str) def v_print(msg: str, arg: str): if verbose: print(msg % arg) @dispatch(str, int) def v_print(msg: str, arg: int): if verbose: print(msg % int(arg)) @dispatch(str, int, str) def v_print(msg: str, arg1: int, arg2: str): if verbose: print(msg % (int(arg1), str(arg2))) @dispatch(str, str, int) def v_print(msg: str, arg1: str, arg2: int): if verbose: print(msg % (arg1, int(arg2))) @dispatch(str, int, int) def v_print(msg: str, arg1: int, arg2: int): if verbose: print(msg % (int(arg1), int(arg2))) @dispatch(str, int, int, str) def v_print(msg: str, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: str): if verbose: print(msg % (int(arg1), int(arg2), str(arg3))) @dispatch(str, int, int, int) def v_print(msg: str, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int): if verbose: print(msg % (int(arg1), int(arg2), int(arg3))) @dispatch(str, int, int, int, int) def v_print(msg: str, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int): if verbose: print(msg % (int(arg1), int(arg2), int(arg3), int(arg4))) def restful_execute(host: str, port: int, user: str, password: str, cmd: str): url = "http://%s:%d/rest/sql" % (host, port) if verbose: v_print("cmd: %s", cmd) resp = requests.post(url, cmd, auth=(user, password)) v_print("resp status: %d", resp.status_code) if verbose: v_print( "resp text: %s", json.dumps( resp.json(), sort_keys=True, indent=2)) else: print("resp: %s" % json.dumps(resp.json())) def query_func(process: int, thread: int, cmd: str): v_print("%d process %d thread cmd: %s", process, thread, cmd) if oneMoreHost != "NotSupported" and random.randint( 0, 1) == 1: v_print("%s", "Send to second host") restful_execute( oneMoreHost, port, user, password, cmd) else: v_print("%s", "Send to first host") restful_execute( host, port, user, password, cmd) def query_data_process(i: int, cmd: str): v_print("Process:%d threads: %d cmd: %s", i, threads, cmd) with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: workers = [ executor.submit( query_func, i, j, cmd) for j in range( 0, threads)] wait(workers, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) return i def query_data(cmd: str): v_print("query_data processes: %d, cmd: %s", processes, cmd) pool = Pool(processes) for i in range(processes): pool.apply_async(query_data_process, args=(i, cmd)) time.sleep(1) pool.close() pool.join() def insert_data(processes: int): pool = Pool(processes) begin = 0 end = 0 quotient = numOfTb // processes if quotient < 1: processes = numOfTb quotient = 1 remainder = numOfTb % processes v_print( "num of tables: %d, quotient: %d, remainder: %d", numOfTb, quotient, remainder) for i in range(processes): begin = end if i < remainder: end = begin + quotient + 1 else: end = begin + quotient v_print("Process %d from %d to %d", i, begin, end) pool.apply_async(insert_data_process, args=(i, begin, end)) pool.close() pool.join() def create_stb(): for i in range(0, numOfStb): restful_execute( host, port, user, password, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS st%d (ts timestamp, value float) TAGS (uuid binary(50))" % i) def create_databases(): for i in range(0, numOfDb): v_print("will create database db%d", int(i)) restful_execute( host, port, user, password, "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS db%d" % i) def drop_databases(): v_print("drop databases total %d", numOfDb) # drop exist databases first for i in range(0, numOfDb): v_print("will drop database db%d", int(i)) restful_execute( host, port, user, password, "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db%d" % i) def insert_func(process: int, thread: int): v_print("%d process %d thread, insert_func ", process, thread) # generate uuid uuid_int = random.randint(0, numOfTb + 1) uuid = "%s" % uuid_int v_print("uuid is: %s", uuid) v_print("numOfRec %d:", numOfRec) if numOfRec > 0: row = 0 while row < numOfRec: v_print("row: %d", row) sqlCmd = ['INSERT INTO '] try: sqlCmd.append( "%s.tb%s " % (current_db, thread)) if (numOfStb > 0 and autosubtable): sqlCmd.append("USING %s.st%d TAGS('%s') " % (current_db, numOfStb - 1, uuid)) start_time = datetime.datetime( 2020, 9, 25) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=row) sqlCmd.append("VALUES ") for batchIter in range(0, batch): sqlCmd.append("('%s', %f) " % (start_time + datetime.timedelta( milliseconds=batchIter), random.random())) row = row + 1 if row >= numOfRec: v_print("BREAK, row: %d numOfRec:%d", row, numOfRec) break except Exception as e: print("Error: %s" % e.args[0]) cmd = ' '.join(sqlCmd) if measure: exec_start_time = datetime.datetime.now() if oneMoreHost != "NotSupported" and random.randint( 0, 1) == 1: v_print("%s", "Send to second host") restful_execute( oneMoreHost, port, user, password, cmd) else: v_print("%s", "Send to first host") restful_execute( host, port, user, password, cmd) if measure: exec_end_time = datetime.datetime.now() exec_delta = exec_end_time - exec_start_time print( "%s, %d" % (time.strftime('%X'), exec_delta.microseconds)) v_print("cmd: %s, length:%d", cmd, len(cmd)) def create_tb_using_stb(): # TODO: pass def create_tb(): v_print("create_tb() numOfTb: %d", numOfTb) for i in range(0, numOfDb): restful_execute(host, port, user, password, "USE db%d" % i) for j in range(0, numOfTb): restful_execute( host, port, user, password, "CREATE TABLE tb%d (ts timestamp, value float)" % j) def insert_data_process(i: int, begin: int, end: int): tasks = end - begin v_print("Process:%d table from %d to %d, tasks %d", i, begin, end, tasks) if (threads < (end - begin)): for j in range(begin, end, threads): with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: k = end if ((j + threads) > end) else (j + threads) workers = [ executor.submit( insert_func, i, n) for n in range( j, k)] wait(workers, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) else: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=threads) as executor: workers = [ executor.submit( insert_func, i, j) for j in range( begin, end)] wait(workers, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) if __name__ == "__main__": verbose = False measure = False dropDbOnly = False numOfDb = 1 batch = 1 numOfTb = 1 numOfStb = 0 numOfRec = 10 ieration = 1 host = "" oneMoreHost = "NotSupported" port = 6041 user = "root" defaultPass = "taosdata" processes = 1 threads = 1 insertonly = False autosubtable = False queryCmd = "" try: opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'Nh:p:u:P:d:a:m:Ms:Q:T:P:r:t:n:c:xOR:D:vgyH', [ 'native', 'host', 'port', 'user', 'password', 'dbname', 'replica', 'tbname', 'supertable', 'stbname', 'query', 'numOfThreads', 'numOfProcesses', 'numOfRecPerReq', 'numbOfTb', 'numOfRec', 'config', 'insertOnly', 'outOfOrder', 'rateOOOO','deleteMethod', 'verbose', 'debug', 'skipprompt', 'help' ]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: print('ERROR:', err) print('Try `taosdemo.py --help` for more options.') sys.exit(1) if bool(opts) is False: print('Try `taosdemo.py --help` for more options.') sys.exit(1) for key, value in opts: if key in ['-H', '--help']: print('') print( 'taosdemo.py for TDengine') print('') print('Author: Shuduo Sang ') print('') print('\t-H, --help Show usage.') print('') print('\t-N, --native flag, Use native interface if set. Default is using RESTful interface.') print('\t-h, --host host, The host to connect to TDengine. Default is localhost.') print('\t-p, --port port, The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection. Default is 0.') print('\t-u, --user user, The user name to use when connecting to the server. Default is \'root\'.') print('\t-P, --password password, The password to use when connecting to the server. Default is \'taosdata\'.') print('\t-d, --dbname database, Destination database. Default is \'test\'.') print('\t-a, --replica replica, Set the replica parameters of the database, Default 1, min: 1, max: 5.') print('\t-m, --tbname table_prefix, Table prefix name. Default is \'t\'.') print('\t-M, --supertable flag, Use super table. Default is no') print('\t-s, --stbname stable_prefix, STable prefix name. Default is \'st\'') print('\t-Q, --query query, Execute query command. set \'DEFAULT\' means select * from each table') print('\t-T, --numOfThreads num_of_threads, The number of threads. Default is 1.') print('\t-P, --numOfProcesses num_of_processes, The number of threads. Default is 1.') print('\t-r, --numOfRecPerReq num_of_records_per_req, The number of records per request. Default is 1000.') print('\t-t, --numOfTb num_of_tables, The number of tables. Default is 1.') print('\t-n, --numOfRec num_of_records_per_table, The number of records per table. Default is 1.') print('\t-c, --config config_directory, Configuration directory. Default is \'/etc/taos/\'.') print('\t-x, --inserOnly flag, Insert only flag.') print('\t-O, --outOfOrder out of order data insert, 0: In order, 1: Out of order. Default is in order.') print('\t-R, --rateOOOO rate, Out of order data\'s rate--if order=1 Default 10, min: 0, max: 50.') print('\t-D, --deleteMethod Delete data methods 0: don\'t delete, 1: delete by table, 2: delete by stable, 3: delete by database.') print('\t-v, --verbose Print verbose output') print('\t-g, --debug Print debug output') print('\t-y, --skipprompt Skip read key for continous test, default is not skip') print('') sys.exit(0) if key in ['-s', '--hoSt']: host = value if key in ['-m', '--one-More-host']: oneMoreHost = value if key in ['-o', '--pOrt']: port = int(value) if key in ['-u', '--User']: user = value if key in ['-w', '--passWord']: password = value else: password = defaultPass if key in ['-v', '--Verbose']: verbose = True if key in ['-A', '--Autosubtable']: autosubtable = True if key in ['-M', '--Measure']: measure = True if key in ['-P', '--Processes']: processes = int(value) if processes < 1: print("FATAL: number of processes must be larger than 0") sys.exit(1) if key in ['-T', '--Threads']: threads = int(value) if threads < 1: print("FATAL: number of threads must be larger than 0") sys.exit(1) if key in ['-q', '--Query']: queryCmd = str(value) if key in ['-p', '--droPdbonly']: dropDbOnly = True if key in ['-d', '--numofDb']: numOfDb = int(value) v_print("numOfDb is %d", numOfDb) if (numOfdb <= 0): print("ERROR: wrong number of database given!") sys.exit(1) if key in ['-c', '--batCh']: batch = int(value) if key in ['-t', '--numofTb']: numOfTb = int(value) v_print("numOfTb is %d", numOfTb) if key in ['-b', '--numofstB']: numOfStb = int(value) v_print("numOfStb is %d", numOfStb) if key in ['-r', '--numofRec']: numOfRec = int(value) v_print("numOfRec is %d", numOfRec) if key in ['-f', '--File']: fileOut = value v_print("file is %s", fileOut) if key in ['-x', '--insertonLy']: insertonly = True v_print("insert only: %d", insertonly) # if verbose: # restful_execute( # host, # port, # user, # password, # "SHOW DATABASES") if dropDbOnly: drop_databases() print("Drop Database done.") sys.exit(0) if queryCmd != "": print("queryCmd: %s" % queryCmd) query_data(queryCmd) sys.exit(0) # create databases if (insertonly == False): drop_databases() create_databases() if measure: start_time = time.time() # use last database current_db = "db%d" % (numOfDb - 1) restful_execute(host, port, user, password, "USE %s" % current_db) if numOfStb > 0: create_stb() if (autosubtable == False): create_tb_using_stb() insert_data(processes) if verbose: for i in range(0, numOfDb): for j in range(0, numOfStb): restful_execute(host, port, user, password, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db%d.st%d" % (i, j,)) print("done") if measure: end_time = time.time() print( "Total time consumed {} seconds.".format( (end_time - start_time))) sys.exit(0) if numOfTb > 0: create_tb() insert_data(processes) if verbose: for i in range(0, numOfDb): restful_execute(host, port, user, password, "USE db%d" % i) for j in range(0, numOfTb): restful_execute(host, port, user, password, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tb%d" % (j,)) print("done") if measure: end_time = time.time() print( "Total time consumed {} seconds.".format( (end_time - start_time)))