# How to Run the JDBC Demo Code On Linux OS TDengine's JDBC demo project is organized in a Maven way so that users can easily compile, package and run the project. If you don't have Maven on your server, you may install it using ``` sudo apt-get install maven ``` ## Install TDengine Client Make sure you have already installed a tdengine client on your current develop environment. Download the tdengine package on our website: ``https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/`` and install the client. ## Run jdbcDemo using mvn plugin run command: ``` mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.taosdata.example.JDBCDemo" ``` and run with your customed args ``` mvn clean compile exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.taosdata.example.JDBCDemo" -Dexec.args="-host [HOSTNAME]" ``` ## Compile the Demo Code and Run It To compile taos-jdbcdriver, go to the source directory ``TDengine/src/connector/jdbc`` and execute ``` mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true ``` To compile the demo project, go to the source directory ``TDengine/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo`` and execute ``` mvn clean package assembly:single ``` To run JDBCDemo.jar, go to ``TDengine/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo`` and execute ``` java -Djava.ext.dirs=../../../../src/connector/jdbc/target:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext -jar target/JDBCDemo-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -host [HOSTNAME] ```