提交 fb0456ca 编写于 作者: H Haojun Liao

[td-1747] reduce tableMeta size

上级 3abaaabe
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ typedef struct SCMCorVgroupInfo {
int32_t version;
int8_t inUse;
int8_t numOfEps;
} SCMCorVgroupInfo;
typedef struct STableMeta {
......@@ -145,10 +145,11 @@ static void tscInitCorVgroupInfo(SCMCorVgroupInfo *corVgroupInfo, SCMVgroupInfo
corVgroupInfo->inUse = 0;
corVgroupInfo->numOfEps = vgroupInfo->numOfEps;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < corVgroupInfo->numOfEps; i++) {
strncpy(corVgroupInfo->epAddr[i].fqdn, vgroupInfo->epAddr[i].fqdn, TSDB_FQDN_LEN);
corVgroupInfo->epAddr[i].fqdn = strdup(vgroupInfo->epAddr[i].fqdn);
corVgroupInfo->epAddr[i].port = vgroupInfo->epAddr[i].port;
STableMeta* tscCreateTableMetaFromMsg(STableMetaMsg* pTableMetaMsg, size_t* size) {
assert(pTableMetaMsg != NULL);
......@@ -164,7 +165,17 @@ STableMeta* tscCreateTableMetaFromMsg(STableMetaMsg* pTableMetaMsg, size_t* size
pTableMeta->id.tid = pTableMetaMsg->sid;
pTableMeta->id.uid = pTableMetaMsg->uid;
pTableMeta->vgroupInfo = pTableMetaMsg->vgroup;
SCMVgroupInfo* pVgroupInfo = &pTableMeta->vgroupInfo;
pVgroupInfo->numOfEps = pTableMetaMsg->vgroup.numOfEps;
pVgroupInfo->vgId = pTableMetaMsg->vgroup.vgId;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pVgroupInfo->numOfEps; ++i) {
SEpAddrMsg* pEpMsg = &pTableMetaMsg->vgroup.epAddr[i];
pVgroupInfo->epAddr[i].fqdn = strndup(pEpMsg->fqdn, tListLen(pEpMsg->fqdn));
pVgroupInfo->epAddr[i].port = pEpMsg->port;
tscInitCorVgroupInfo(&pTableMeta->corVgroupInfo, &pTableMeta->vgroupInfo);
......@@ -1839,22 +1839,28 @@ int tscProcessSTableVgroupRsp(SSqlObj *pSql) {
SSqlCmd* pCmd = &parent->cmd;
for(int32_t i = 0; i < pStableVgroup->numOfTables; ++i) {
STableMetaInfo *pInfo = tscGetTableMetaInfoFromCmd(pCmd, pCmd->clauseIndex, i);
SVgroupsInfo * pVgroupInfo = (SVgroupsInfo *)pMsg;
pVgroupInfo->numOfVgroups = htonl(pVgroupInfo->numOfVgroups);
size_t size = sizeof(SCMVgroupInfo) * pVgroupInfo->numOfVgroups + sizeof(SVgroupsInfo);
SVgroupsMsg * pVgroupMsg = (SVgroupsMsg *) pMsg;
pVgroupMsg->numOfVgroups = htonl(pVgroupMsg->numOfVgroups);
size_t size = sizeof(SCMVgroupInfo) * pVgroupMsg->numOfVgroups + sizeof(SVgroupsInfo);
pInfo->vgroupList = calloc(1, size);
assert(pInfo->vgroupList != NULL);
memcpy(pInfo->vgroupList, pVgroupInfo, size);
pInfo->vgroupList->numOfVgroups = pVgroupMsg->numOfVgroups;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pInfo->vgroupList->numOfVgroups; ++j) {
//just init, no need to lock
SCMVgroupInfo *pVgroups = &pInfo->vgroupList->vgroups[j];
pVgroups->vgId = htonl(pVgroups->vgId);
SCMVgroupMsg *vgroupMsg = &pVgroupMsg->vgroups[j];
pVgroups->vgId = htonl(vgroupMsg->vgId);
pVgroups->numOfEps = vgroupMsg->numOfEps;
assert(pVgroups->numOfEps >= 1);
for (int32_t k = 0; k < pVgroups->numOfEps; ++k) {
pVgroups->epAddr[k].port = htons(pVgroups->epAddr[k].port);
pVgroups->epAddr[k].port = htons(vgroupMsg->epAddr[k].port);
pVgroups->epAddr[k].fqdn = strndup(vgroupMsg->epAddr[k].fqdn, tListLen(vgroupMsg->epAddr[k].fqdn));
......@@ -182,10 +182,16 @@ extern char *taosMsg[];
#pragma pack(push, 1)
// null-terminated string instead of char array to avoid too many memory consumption in case of more than 1M tableMeta
typedef struct {
char fqdn[TSDB_FQDN_LEN];
uint16_t port;
} SEpAddr;
} SEpAddrMsg;
typedef struct {
char* fqdn;
uint16_t port;
} SEpAddr1;
typedef struct {
int32_t numOfVnodes;
......@@ -664,14 +670,25 @@ typedef struct SCMSTableVgroupMsg {
typedef struct {
int32_t vgId;
int8_t numOfEps;
} SCMVgroupInfo;
typedef struct {
int32_t vgId;
int8_t numOfEps;
} SCMVgroupMsg;
typedef struct {
int32_t numOfVgroups;
SCMVgroupInfo vgroups[];
} SVgroupsInfo;
typedef struct {
int32_t numOfVgroups;
SCMVgroupMsg vgroups[];
} SVgroupsMsg;
typedef struct STableMetaMsg {
int32_t contLen;
char tableId[TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN]; // table id
......@@ -684,7 +701,7 @@ typedef struct STableMetaMsg {
int16_t tversion;
int32_t sid;
uint64_t uid;
SCMVgroupInfo vgroup;
SCMVgroupMsg vgroup;
SSchema schema[];
} STableMetaMsg;
......@@ -1472,12 +1472,12 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessSuperTableVgroupMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t numOfTable = htonl(pInfo->numOfTables);
// reserve space
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SCMSTableVgroupRspMsg) + 32 * sizeof(SCMVgroupInfo) + sizeof(SVgroupsInfo);
int32_t contLen = sizeof(SCMSTableVgroupRspMsg) + 32 * sizeof(SCMVgroupInfo) + sizeof(SVgroupsMsg);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfTable; ++i) {
char *stableName = (char*)pInfo + sizeof(SCMSTableVgroupMsg) + (TSDB_TABLE_FNAME_LEN) * i;
SSuperTableObj *pTable = mnodeGetSuperTable(stableName);
if (pTable != NULL && pTable->vgHash != NULL) {
contLen += (taosHashGetSize(pTable->vgHash) * sizeof(SCMVgroupInfo) + sizeof(SVgroupsInfo));
contLen += (taosHashGetSize(pTable->vgHash) * sizeof(SCMVgroupInfo) + sizeof(SVgroupsMsg));
......@@ -1506,12 +1506,12 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessSuperTableVgroupMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
// even this super table has no corresponding table, still return
SVgroupsInfo *pVgroupInfo = (SVgroupsInfo *)msg;
pVgroupInfo->numOfVgroups = 0;
SVgroupsMsg *pVgroupMsg = (SVgroupsMsg *)msg;
pVgroupMsg->numOfVgroups = 0;
msg += sizeof(SVgroupsInfo);
msg += sizeof(SVgroupsMsg);
} else {
SVgroupsInfo *pVgroupInfo = (SVgroupsInfo *)msg;
SVgroupsMsg *pVgroupMsg = (SVgroupsMsg *)msg;
SHashMutableIterator *pIter = taosHashCreateIter(pTable->vgHash);
int32_t vgSize = 0;
......@@ -1520,15 +1520,15 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessSuperTableVgroupMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
SVgObj * pVgroup = mnodeGetVgroup(*pVgId);
if (pVgroup == NULL) continue;
pVgroupInfo->vgroups[vgSize].vgId = htonl(pVgroup->vgId);
pVgroupMsg->vgroups[vgSize].vgId = htonl(pVgroup->vgId);
for (int32_t vn = 0; vn < pVgroup->numOfVnodes; ++vn) {
SDnodeObj *pDnode = pVgroup->vnodeGid[vn].pDnode;
if (pDnode == NULL) break;
tstrncpy(pVgroupInfo->vgroups[vgSize].epAddr[vn].fqdn, pDnode->dnodeFqdn, TSDB_FQDN_LEN);
pVgroupInfo->vgroups[vgSize].epAddr[vn].port = htons(pDnode->dnodePort);
tstrncpy(pVgroupMsg->vgroups[vgSize].epAddr[vn].fqdn, pDnode->dnodeFqdn, TSDB_FQDN_LEN);
pVgroupMsg->vgroups[vgSize].epAddr[vn].port = htons(pDnode->dnodePort);
......@@ -1538,10 +1538,10 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessSuperTableVgroupMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
pVgroupInfo->numOfVgroups = htonl(vgSize);
pVgroupMsg->numOfVgroups = htonl(vgSize);
// one table is done, try the next table
msg += sizeof(SVgroupsInfo) + vgSize * sizeof(SCMVgroupInfo);
msg += sizeof(SVgroupsMsg) + vgSize * sizeof(SCMVgroupMsg);
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