提交 f573875b 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng


上级 64912b6c
......@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ int32_t sDebugFlag = 135;
int32_t wDebugFlag = 135;
int32_t tsdbDebugFlag = 131;
int32_t cqDebugFlag = 135;
int32_t fsDebugFlag = 135;
int32_t (*monitorStartSystemFp)() = NULL;
void (*monitorStopSystemFp)() = NULL;
......@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ typedef struct {
int tfsInit(SDiskCfg *pDiskCfg, int ndisk);
void tfsDestroy();
void tfsUpdateInfo();
void tfsIncDiskFile(int level, int id, int num);
void tfsDecDiskFile(int level, int id, int num);
const char *TFS_PRIMARY_PATH();
const char *TFS_DISK_PATH(int level, int id);
......@@ -52,7 +54,10 @@ typedef struct {
#define TFILE_ID(pf) ((pf)->id)
#define TFILE_NAME(pf) ((pf)->aname)
int tfsInitFile(TFILE *pf, int level, int id, const char *bname);
void tfsInitFile(TFILE *pf, int level, int id, const char *bname);
int tfsopen(TFILE *pf, int flags);
int tfsclose(int fd);
int tfsremove(TFILE *pf);
// DIR APIs ====================================
int tfsMkdir(const char *rname);
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ typedef struct {
#define TFS_IS_VALID_ID(level, id) (((id) >= 0) && ((id) < TIER_NDISKS(TFS_TIER_AT(level))))
#define TFS_IS_VALID_DISK(level, id) (TFS_IS_VALID_LEVEL(level) && TFS_IS_VALID_ID(level, id))
#define TFS_MIN_DISK_FREE_SIZE 50*1024*1024
static SFS tfs = {0};
static SFS *pfs = &tfs;
......@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ static int tfsUnLock();
static int tfsOpendirImpl(TDIR *tdir);
static void tfsInitDiskIter(SDiskIter *pIter);
static SDisk *tfsNextDisk(SDiskIter *pIter);
static int tfsAssignDisk(int level);
// FS APIs ====================================
int tfsInit(SDiskCfg *pDiskCfg, int ndisk) {
......@@ -136,20 +139,79 @@ void tfsUpdateInfo() {
void tfsIncDiskFile(int level, int id, int num) {
TFS_DISK_AT(level, id)->dmeta.nfiles += num;
void tfsDecDiskFile(int level, int id, int num) {
TFS_DISK_AT(level, id)->dmeta.nfiles -= num;
ASSERT(TFS_DISK_AT(level, id)->dmeta.nfiles >= 0);
const char *TFS_PRIMARY_PATH() { return DISK_DIR(TFS_PRIMARY_DISK()); }
const char *TFS_DISK_PATH(int level, int id) { return DISK_DIR(TFS_DISK_AT(level, id)); }
// TFILE APIs ====================================
int tfsInitFile(TFILE *pf, int level, int id, const char *bname) {
if (!TFS_IS_VALID_DISK(level, id)) return -1;
void tfsInitFile(TFILE *pf, int level, int id, const char *bname) {
SDisk *pDisk = TFS_DISK_AT(level, id);
pf->level = level;
pf->id = id;
strncpy(pf->rname, bname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN);
snprintf(pf->aname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/%s", DISK_DIR(pDisk), pf->rname);
int tfsopen(TFILE *pf, int flags) {
int fd = -1;
if (flags & O_CREAT) {
if (pf->level > TFS_NLEVEL()) {
pf->level = TFS_NLEVEL();
if (pf->id == TFS_UNDECIDED_ID) {
pf->id = tfsAssignDisk(pf->level);
if (pf->id < 0) {
fError("failed to assign disk at level %d", pf->level);
return -1;
tfsIncDiskFile(pf->level, pf->id, 1);
fd = open(pf->aname, flags);
if (fd < 0) {
fError("failed to open file %s since %s", pf->aname, strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
return -1;
return fd;
int tfsclose(int fd) {
int code = close(fd);
if (code != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
return -1;
return 0;
int tfsremove(TFILE *pf) {
int code = remove(pf->aname);
if (code != 0) {
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
return -1;
tfsDecDiskFile(pf->level, pf->id, 1);
return 0;
......@@ -482,4 +544,32 @@ static SDisk *tfsNextDisk(SDiskIter *pIter) {
return pDisk;
static int tfsAssignDisk(int level) {
if (!TFS_IS_VALID_LEVEL(level)) return -1;
STier *pTier = TFS_TIER_AT(level);
int id = -1;
for (int tid = 0; tid < TIER_NDISKS(pTier); tid++) {
SDisk *pDisk = DISK_AT_TIER(pTier, tid);
if (id == -1) {
id = tid;
id = tid;
return id;
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -520,6 +520,7 @@ int tsdbOpenFile(SFile* pFile, int oflag);
void tsdbCloseFile(SFile* pFile);
int tsdbCreateFile(SFile* pFile, STsdbRepo* pRepo, int fid, int type);
SFileGroup* tsdbSearchFGroup(STsdbFileH* pFileH, int fid, int flags);
int tsdbGetFidLevel(int fid, SFidGroup fidg);
void tsdbRemoveFilesBeyondRetention(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SFidGroup* pFidGroup);
int tsdbUpdateFileHeader(SFile* pFile);
int tsdbEncodeSFileInfo(void** buf, const STsdbFileInfo* pInfo);
......@@ -593,7 +594,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int compTSKEY(const void* key1, const void* key2) {
#define TSDB_SUBMIT_MSG_HEAD_SIZE sizeof(SSubmitMsg)
char* tsdbGetMetaFileName(char* rootDir);
void tsdbGetDataFileName(char* rootDir, int vid, int fid, int type, const char* fname);
void tsdbGetDataFileName(char* rootDir, int vid, int fid, int type, char* fname);
int tsdbLockRepo(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbUnlockRepo(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
char* tsdbGetDataDirName(char* rootDir);
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ static int tsdbCommitToFile(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int fid, SCommitH *pch) {
if ((pGroup = tsdbSearchFGroup(pFileH, fid, TD_EQ)) == NULL) {
pGroup = tsdbCreateFGroup(pRepo, fid);
pGroup = tsdbCreateFGroup(pRepo, fid, tsdbGetFidLevel(fid, pch->fidg));
if (pGroup == NULL) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create file group %d since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), fid, tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
......@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
const char *tsdbFileSuffix[] = {".head", ".data", ".last", ".stat", ".h", ".d", ".l", ".s"};
static int compFGroup(const void *arg1, const void *arg2);
static int keyFGroupCompFunc(const void *key, const void *fgroup);
// STsdbFileH ===========================================
STsdbFileH *tsdbNewFileH(STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
STsdbFileH *pFileH = (STsdbFileH *)calloc(1, sizeof(*pFileH));
......@@ -85,51 +88,47 @@ void tsdbCloseFileH(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
// SFileGroup ===========================================
SFileGroup *tsdbCreateFGroup(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int fid, int level) {
STsdbFileH *pFileH = pRepo->tsdbFileH;
char fname[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "\0";
SFileGroup fg = {0};
SFileGroup *pfg = &fg;
SFile * pFile = NULL;
char fname[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "\0";
ASSERT(tsdbSearchFGroup(pFileH, fid, TD_EQ) == NULL && pFileH->nFGroups < pFileH->maxFGroups);
ASSERT(tsdbSearchFGroup(pFileH, fid, TD_EQ) == NULL);
ASSERT(pFileH->nFGroups < pFileH->maxFGroups);
// 1. Create each files
fg.fileId = fid;
for (int type = 0; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) {
pFile = &(pfg->files[type]);
SFile *pFile = &(fg.files[type]);
pFile->fd = -1;
pFile->info.size = TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE;
pFile->info.magic = TSDB_FILE_INIT_MAGIC;
tsdbGetDataFileName(pRepo->rootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), fid, type, pFile->file.rname);
pFile->file.level = level;
pFile->file.id = id;
tsdbGetDataFileName(pRepo->rootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), fid, type, fname);
tfsInitFile(&pFile->file, level, id, fname);
if (tsdbOpenFile(pFile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT) < 0); {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create file group %d since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), fid, tstrerror(terrno));
return NULL;
if (tsdbOpenFile(pFile, O_WRONLY|O_CREAT) < 0) return NULL;
if (tsdbUpdateFileHeader(pFile) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to update file %s header since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), TSDB_FILE_NAME(pFile),
return NULL;
level = pFile->file.level;
id = pFile->file.id;
level = TFILE_LEVEL(&(pFile->file));
id = TFILE_ID(&(pFile->file));
// Set fg
pfg->fileId = fid;
pfg->state = 0;
// Register fg to the repo
pFileH->pFGroup[pFileH->nFGroups++] = fGroup;
pFileH->pFGroup[pFileH->nFGroups++] = fg;
qsort((void *)(pFileH->pFGroup), pFileH->nFGroups, sizeof(SFileGroup), compFGroup);
pfg = tsdbSearchFGroup(pFileH, fid, TD_EQ);
SFileGroup *pfg = tsdbSearchFGroup(pFileH, fid, TD_EQ);
ASSERT(pfg != NULL);
return pfg;
......@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@ void tsdbRemoveFileGroup(STsdbRepo *pRepo, SFileGroup *pFGroup) {
ASSERT(pFGroup != NULL);
STsdbFileH *pFileH = pRepo->tsdbFileH;
SFileGroup fileGroup = *pFGroup;
SFileGroup fg = *pFGroup;
int nFilesLeft = pFileH->nFGroups - (int)(POINTER_DISTANCE(pFGroup, pFileH->pFGroup) / sizeof(SFileGroup) + 1);
if (nFilesLeft > 0) {
......@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ void tsdbRemoveFileGroup(STsdbRepo *pRepo, SFileGroup *pFGroup) {
ASSERT(pFileH->nFGroups >= 0);
for (int type = 0; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) {
SFile *pFile = &(pFGroup->files[type]);
SFile *pFile = &(fg.files[type]);
......@@ -161,6 +160,18 @@ SFileGroup *tsdbSearchFGroup(STsdbFileH *pFileH, int fid, int flags) {
return (SFileGroup *)ptr;
int tsdbGetFidLevel(int fid, SFidGroup fidg) {
if (fid >= fidg.maxFid) {
return 0;
} else if (fid >= fidg.midFid) {
return 1;
} else if (fid >= fidg.minFid) {
return 2;
} else {
return -1;
static int compFGroup(const void *arg1, const void *arg2) {
int val1 = ((SFileGroup *)arg1)->fileId;
int val2 = ((SFileGroup *)arg2)->fileId;
......@@ -271,7 +282,7 @@ int tsdbOpenFile(SFile *pFile, int oflag) {
void tsdbCloseFile(SFile *pFile) {
tsdbTrace("close file %s, fd %d", TSDB_FILE_NAME(pFile), pFile->fd);
pFile->fd = -1;
......@@ -406,55 +417,58 @@ void tsdbGetFidGroup(STsdbCfg *pCfg, SFidGroup *pFidGroup) {
int tsdbApplyRetention(STsdbRepo *pRepo, SFidGroup *pFidGroup) {
STsdbFileH *pFileH = pRepo->tsdbFileH;
SFileGroup *pGroup = NULL;
SFileGroup nFileGroup = {0};
SFileGroup oFileGroup = {0};
int level = 0;
if (tsDnodeTier->nTiers == 1 || (pFidGroup->minFid == pFidGroup->midFid && pFidGroup->midFid == pFidGroup->maxFid)) {
return 0;
for (int gidx = pFileH->nFGroups - 1; gidx >= 0; gidx--) {
pGroup = pFileH->pFGroup + gidx;
level = tsdbGetFidLevel(pGroup->fileId, pFidGroup);
if (level == pGroup->level) continue;
if (level > pGroup->level && level < tsDnodeTier->nTiers) {
SDisk *pODisk = tdGetDisk(tsDnodeTier, pGroup->level, pGroup->did);
SDisk *pDisk = tdAssignDisk(tsDnodeTier, level);
tsdbCreateVnodeDataDir(pDisk->dir, REPO_ID(pRepo));
oFileGroup = *pGroup;
nFileGroup = *pGroup;
nFileGroup.level = level;
nFileGroup.did = pDisk->did;
char tsdbRootDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN];
tdGetTsdbRootDir(pDisk->dir, REPO_ID(pRepo), tsdbRootDir);
for (int type = 0; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) {
tsdbGetDataFileName(tsdbRootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), pGroup->fileId, type, nFileGroup.files[type].fname);
for (int type = 0; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) {
if (taosCopy(oFileGroup.files[type].fname, nFileGroup.files[type].fname) < 0) return -1;
*pGroup = nFileGroup;
for (int type = 0; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) {
tdDecDiskFiles(tsDnodeTier, pODisk, false);
tdIncDiskFiles(tsDnodeTier, pDisk, false);
return 0;
// STsdbFileH *pFileH = pRepo->tsdbFileH;
// SFileGroup *pGroup = NULL;
// SFileGroup nFileGroup = {0};
// SFileGroup oFileGroup = {0};
// int level = 0;
// if (tsDnodeTier->nTiers == 1 || (pFidGroup->minFid == pFidGroup->midFid && pFidGroup->midFid == pFidGroup->maxFid)) {
// return 0;
// }
// for (int gidx = pFileH->nFGroups - 1; gidx >= 0; gidx--) {
// pGroup = pFileH->pFGroup + gidx;
// level = tsdbGetFidLevel(pGroup->fileId, pFidGroup);
// if (level == pGroup->level) continue;
// if (level > pGroup->level && level < tsDnodeTier->nTiers) {
// SDisk *pODisk = tdGetDisk(tsDnodeTier, pGroup->level, pGroup->did);
// SDisk *pDisk = tdAssignDisk(tsDnodeTier, level);
// tsdbCreateVnodeDataDir(pDisk->dir, REPO_ID(pRepo));
// oFileGroup = *pGroup;
// nFileGroup = *pGroup;
// nFileGroup.level = level;
// nFileGroup.did = pDisk->did;
// char tsdbRootDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN];
// tdGetTsdbRootDir(pDisk->dir, REPO_ID(pRepo), tsdbRootDir);
// for (int type = 0; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) {
// tsdbGetDataFileName(tsdbRootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), pGroup->fileId, type, nFileGroup.files[type].fname);
// }
// for (int type = 0; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) {
// if (taosCopy(oFileGroup.files[type].fname, nFileGroup.files[type].fname) < 0) return -1;
// }
// pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&(pFileH->fhlock));
// *pGroup = nFileGroup;
// pthread_rwlock_unlock(&(pFileH->fhlock));
// for (int type = 0; type < TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX; type++) {
// (void)remove(oFileGroup.files[type].fname);
// }
// tdLockTiers(tsDnodeTier);
// tdDecDiskFiles(tsDnodeTier, pODisk, false);
// tdIncDiskFiles(tsDnodeTier, pDisk, false);
// tdUnLockTiers(tsDnodeTier);
// }
// }
// return 0;
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@ static void tsdbStopStream(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
int32_t tsdbCreateRepo(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
char tsdbDir[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "\0";
snprintf(tsdbDir, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/%s", tfsPrimaryPath(), rootDir);
DIR *dir = tfs(tsdbDir);
snprintf(tsdbDir, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/%s", TFS_PRIMARY_PATH(), rootDir);
DIR *dir = opendir(tsdbDir);
if (dir) {
tsdbDebug("repository %s already exists", rootDir);
......@@ -196,13 +196,15 @@ uint32_t tsdbGetFileInfo(TSDB_REPO_T *repo, char *name, uint32_t *index, uint32_
SFileGroup *pFGroup =
taosbsearch(&fid, pFileH->pFGroup, pFileH->nFGroups, sizeof(SFileGroup), keyFGroupCompFunc, TD_GE);
if (pFGroup->fileId == fid) {
fname = strdup(pFGroup->files[(*index) % TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX].fname);
magic = pFGroup->files[(*index) % TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX].info.magic;
SFile *pFile = &pFGroup->files[(*index) % TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX];
fname = strdup(TSDB_FILE_NAME(pFile));
magic = pFile->info.magic;
} else {
if ((pFGroup->fileId + 1) * TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX - 1 < (int)eindex) {
fname = strdup(pFGroup->files[0].fname);
SFile *pFile = &pFGroup->files[0];
fname = strdup(TSDB_FILE_NAME(pFile));
*index = pFGroup->fileId * TSDB_FILE_TYPE_MAX;
magic = pFGroup->files[0].info.magic;
magic = pFile->info.magic;
} else {
return 0;
......@@ -303,18 +305,18 @@ int tsdbGetState(TSDB_REPO_T *repo) {
// ----------------- INTERNAL FUNCTIONS -----------------
char *tsdbGetMetaFileName(char *rootDir) {
int tlen = (int)(strlen(tfsPrimaryPath()) + strlen(rootDir) + strlen(TSDB_META_FILE_NAME) + 2);
int tlen = (int)(strlen(TFS_PRIMARY_PATH()) + strlen(rootDir) + strlen(TSDB_META_FILE_NAME) + 2);
char *fname = calloc(1, tlen);
if (fname == NULL) {
return NULL;
snprintf(fname, tlen, "%s/%s/%s", tfsPrimaryPath(), rootDir, TSDB_META_FILE_NAME);
snprintf(fname, tlen, "%s/%s/%s", TFS_PRIMARY_PATH(), rootDir, TSDB_META_FILE_NAME);
return fname;
void tsdbGetDataFileName(char *rootDir, int vid, int fid, int type, const char *fname) {
void tsdbGetDataFileName(char *rootDir, int vid, int fid, int type, char *fname) {
snprintf(fname, TSDB_FILENAME_LEN, "%s/%s/v%df%d%s", rootDir, TSDB_DATA_DIR_NAME, vid, fid, tsdbFileSuffix[type]);
......@@ -480,7 +482,7 @@ _err:
static int32_t tsdbSetRepoEnv(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
if (tfsCreateDir(rootDir) < 0) {
if (tfsMkdir(rootDir) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create rootDir %s since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, rootDir, tstrerror(terrno));
return -1;
......@@ -493,7 +495,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbSetRepoEnv(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
char *dirName = tsdbGetDataDirName(rootDir);
if (dirName == NULL) return -1;
if (tfsCreateDir(dirName) < 0) {
if (tfsMkdir(dirName) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to create directory %s since %s", pCfg->tsdbId, dirName, strerror(errno));
return -1;
......@@ -514,7 +516,7 @@ static int32_t tsdbSetRepoEnv(char *rootDir, STsdbCfg *pCfg) {
static int32_t tsdbUnsetRepoEnv(char *rootDir) {
tsdbDebug("repository %s is removed", rootDir);
return 0;
......@@ -610,14 +612,14 @@ _err:
static char *tsdbGetCfgFname(char *rootDir) {
int tlen = (int)(strlen(tfsPrimaryPath()) + strlen(rootDir) + strlen(TSDB_CFG_FILE_NAME) + 3);
int tlen = (int)(strlen(TFS_PRIMARY_PATH()) + strlen(rootDir) + strlen(TSDB_CFG_FILE_NAME) + 3);
char *fname = calloc(1, tlen);
if (fname == NULL) {
return NULL;
snprintf(fname, tlen, "%s/%s/%s", tfsPrimaryPath(), rootDir, TSDB_CFG_FILE_NAME);
snprintf(fname, tlen, "%s/%s/%s", TFS_PRIMARY_PATH(), rootDir, TSDB_CFG_FILE_NAME);
return fname;
......@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ int tsdbSetAndOpenHelperFile(SRWHelper *pHelper, SFileGroup *pGroup) {
ASSERT(pHelper != NULL && pGroup != NULL);
SFile * pFile = NULL;
STsdbRepo *pRepo = pHelper->pRepo;
char fname[TSDB_FILENAME_LEN] = "\0";
int level = pGroup->files[0].file.level;
int id = pGroup->files[0].file.id;
// Clear the helper object
......@@ -113,17 +116,16 @@ int tsdbSetAndOpenHelperFile(SRWHelper *pHelper, SFileGroup *pGroup) {
// Set the files
pHelper->files.fGroup = *pGroup;
if (helperType(pHelper) == TSDB_WRITE_HELPER) {
tsdbGetDataFileName(tsdbRootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), pGroup->fileId, TSDB_FILE_TYPE_NHEAD,
helperNewHeadF(pHelper)->file.level = pGroup->files[0].file.level;
helperNewHeadF(pHelper)->file.id = pGroup->files[0].file.id;
// if (helperType(pHelper) == TSDB_WRITE_HELPER) {
// tsdbGetDataFileName(pRepo->rootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), pGroup->fileId, TSDB_FILE_TYPE_NHEAD, fname);
// helperNewHeadF(pHelper)->file.level = pGroup->files[0].file.level;
// helperNewHeadF(pHelper)->file.id = pGroup->files[0].file.id;
tsdbGetDataFileName(tsdbRootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), pGroup->fileId, TSDB_FILE_TYPE_NLAST,
helperNewLastF(pHelper)->file.level = pGroup->files[0].file.level;
helperNewLastF(pHelper)->file.id = pGroup->files[0].file.id;
// tsdbGetDataFileName(tsdbRootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), pGroup->fileId, TSDB_FILE_TYPE_NLAST,
// helperNewLastF(pHelper)->file.rname);
// helperNewLastF(pHelper)->file.level = pGroup->files[0].file.level;
// helperNewLastF(pHelper)->file.id = pGroup->files[0].file.id;
// }
// Open the files
if (tsdbOpenFile(helperHeadF(pHelper), O_RDONLY) < 0) return -1;
......@@ -133,18 +135,25 @@ int tsdbSetAndOpenHelperFile(SRWHelper *pHelper, SFileGroup *pGroup) {
// Create and open .h
pFile = helperNewHeadF(pHelper);
if (tsdbOpenFile(pFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) < 0) return -1;
pFile->fd = -1;
pFile->info.size = TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE;
pFile->info.magic = TSDB_FILE_INIT_MAGIC;
tsdbGetDataFileName(pRepo->rootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), pGroup->fileId, TSDB_FILE_TYPE_NHEAD, fname);
tfsInitFile(&(pFile->file), level, id, fname);
// TODO: not allow it the increase 1
if (tsdbOpenFile(pFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) < 0) return -1;
if (tsdbUpdateFileHeader(pFile) < 0) return -1;
// Create and open .l file if should
if (tsdbShouldCreateNewLast(pHelper)) {
pFile = helperNewLastF(pHelper);
if (tsdbOpenFile(pFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) < 0) return -1;
pFile->fd = -1;
pFile->info.size = TSDB_FILE_HEAD_SIZE;
pFile->info.magic = TSDB_FILE_INIT_MAGIC;
pFile->info.len = 0;
tsdbGetDataFileName(pRepo->rootDir, REPO_ID(pRepo), pGroup->fileId, TSDB_FILE_TYPE_NHEAD, fname);
tfsInitFile(&(pFile->file), level, id, fname);
// TODO: not allow it the increase 1
if (tsdbOpenFile(pFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) < 0) return -1;
if (tsdbUpdateFileHeader(pFile) < 0) return -1;
} else {
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