提交 a519389d 编写于 作者: S Steven Li

Now supporting CTRL-C abort in Crash_Gen, plus tracking top numbers

上级 88ac7bb6
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ from __future__ import annotations # For type hinting before definition, ref: h
import sys
import os
import io
import signal
import traceback
# Require Python 3
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
......@@ -36,6 +38,8 @@ from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from typing import List
from typing import Dict
from typing import Set
from typing import IO
from queue import Queue, Empty
from util.log import *
from util.dnodes import *
......@@ -205,6 +209,7 @@ class WorkerThread:
# else:
# return self._tc.getDbState().getDbConn().query(sql)
# The coordinator of all worker threads, mostly running in main thread
class ThreadCoordinator:
def __init__(self, pool: ThreadPool, dbManager):
self._curStep = -1 # first step is 0
......@@ -217,6 +222,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
self._stepBarrier = threading.Barrier(self._pool.numThreads + 1) # one barrier for all threads
self._execStats = ExecutionStats()
self._runStatus = MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING
def getTaskExecutor(self):
return self._te
......@@ -227,6 +233,10 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
def crossStepBarrier(self):
def requestToStop(self):
self._runStatus = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING
self._execStats.registerFailure("User Interruption")
def run(self):
......@@ -234,17 +244,33 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
self._curStep = -1 # not started yet
maxSteps = gConfig.max_steps # type: ignore
self._execStats.startExec() # start the stop watch
failed = False
while(self._curStep < maxSteps-1 and not failed): # maxStep==10, last curStep should be 9
transitionFailed = False
hasAbortedTask = False
while(self._curStep < maxSteps-1 and
(not transitionFailed) and
(self._runStatus==MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING) and
(not hasAbortedTask)): # maxStep==10, last curStep should be 9
if not gConfig.debug:
print(".", end="", flush=True) # print this only if we are not in debug mode
logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread going to sleep")
# Now ready to enter a step
# Now main thread (that's us) is ready to enter a step
self.crossStepBarrier() # let other threads go past the pool barrier, but wait at the thread gate
self._stepBarrier.reset() # Other worker threads should now be at the "gate"
# At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate"
# We use this period to do house keeping work, when all worker threads are QUIET.
hasAbortedTask = False
for task in self._executedTasks :
if task.isAborted() :
print("Task aborted: {}".format(task))
hasAbortedTask = True
if hasAbortedTask : # do transition only if tasks are error free
self._execStats.registerFailure("Aborted Task Encountered")
sm = self._dbManager.getStateMachine()
logger.debug("[STT] starting transitions")
......@@ -256,19 +282,18 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
logger.debug("[DB] use db for all worker threads")
# t.execSql("use db") # main thread executing "use db" on behalf of every worker thread
except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
if ( err.msg == 'network unavailable' ): # broken DB connection
logger.info("DB connection broken, execution failed")
failed = True
transitionFailed = True
self._te = None # Not running any more
self._execStats.registerFailure("Broken DB Connection")
# continue # don't do that, need to tap all threads at end, and maybe signal them to stop
# finally:
# pass
self.resetExecutedTasks() # clear the tasks after we are done
......@@ -278,14 +303,14 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
logger.debug("\r\n\n--> Step {} starts with main thread waking up".format(self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
# A new TE for the new step
if not failed: # only if not failed
if not transitionFailed: # only if not failed
self._te = TaskExecutor(self._curStep)
logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread waking up at step {}, tapping worker threads".format(self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
self.tapAllThreads() # Worker threads will wake up at this point, and each execute it's own task
logger.debug("Main thread ready to finish up...")
if not failed: # only in regular situations
if not transitionFailed: # only in regular situations
self.crossStepBarrier() # Cross it one last time, after all threads finish
logger.debug("Main thread in exclusive zone...")
......@@ -298,8 +323,8 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
logger.info("\nAll worker threads finished")
def logStats(self):
def printStats(self):
def tapAllThreads(self): # in a deterministic manner
wakeSeq = []
......@@ -1061,15 +1086,60 @@ class DbManager():
class TaskExecutor():
class BoundedList:
def __init__(self, size = 10):
self._size = size
self._list = []
def add(self, n: int) :
if not self._list: # empty
# now we should insert
nItems = len(self._list)
insPos = 0
for i in range(nItems):
insPos = i
if n <= self._list[i] : # smaller than this item, time to insert
break # found the insertion point
insPos += 1 # insert to the right
if insPos == 0 : # except for the 1st item, # TODO: elimiate first item as gating item
return # do nothing
# print("Inserting at postion {}, value: {}".format(insPos, n))
self._list.insert(insPos, n) # insert
newLen = len(self._list)
if newLen <= self._size :
return # do nothing
elif newLen == (self._size + 1) :
del self._list[0] # remove the first item
else :
raise RuntimeError("Corrupt Bounded List")
def __str__(self):
return repr(self._list)
_boundedList = BoundedList()
def __init__(self, curStep):
self._curStep = curStep
def getBoundedList(cls):
return cls._boundedList
def getCurStep(self):
return self._curStep
def execute(self, task: Task, wt: WorkerThread): # execute a task on a thread
def recordDataMark(self, n: int):
# print("[{}]".format(n), end="", flush=True)
# def logInfo(self, msg):
# logger.info(" T[{}.x]: ".format(self._curStep) + msg)
......@@ -1089,6 +1159,7 @@ class Task():
self._dbManager = dbManager
self._workerThread = None
self._err = None
self._aborted = False
self._curStep = None
self._numRows = None # Number of rows affected
......@@ -1102,6 +1173,9 @@ class Task():
def isSuccess(self):
return self._err == None
def isAborted(self):
return self._aborted
def clone(self): # TODO: why do we need this again?
newTask = self.__class__(self._dbManager, self._execStats)
return newTask
......@@ -1143,7 +1217,9 @@ class Task():
else: # non-debug
print("\n\n----------------------------\nProgram ABORTED Due to Unexpected TAOS Error: \n\n{}\n".format(errMsg) +
# sys.exit(-1)
self._err = err
self._aborted = True
self.logDebug("[=] Unexpected exception, SQL: {}".format(self._lastSql))
......@@ -1213,7 +1289,7 @@ class ExecutionStats:
self._failed = True
self._failureReason = reason
def logStats(self):
def printStats(self):
logger.info("| Crash_Gen test {}, with the following stats:".
format("FAILED (reason: {})".format(self._failureReason) if self._failed else "SUCCEEDED"))
......@@ -1228,6 +1304,7 @@ class ExecutionStats:
logger.info("| Total Task Busy Time (elapsed time when any task is in progress): {:.3f} seconds".format(self._accRunTime))
logger.info("| Average Per-Task Execution Time: {:.3f} seconds".format(self._accRunTime/execTimesAny))
logger.info("| Total Elapsed Time (from wall clock): {:.3f} seconds".format(self._elapsedTime))
logger.info("| Top numbers written: {}".format(TaskExecutor.getBoundedList()))
......@@ -1449,6 +1526,8 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
ds.getNextBinary(), ds.getNextFloat(),
ds.getNextTick(), nextInt)
self.execWtSql(wt, sql)
# Successfully wrote the data into the DB, let's record it somehow
if gConfig.record_ops:
self.fAddLogDone.write("Wrote {} to {}\n".format(nextInt, regTableName))
......@@ -1528,23 +1607,152 @@ class MyLoggingAdapter(logging.LoggerAdapter):
return "[{}]{}".format(threading.get_ident() % 10000, msg), kwargs
# return '[%s] %s' % (self.extra['connid'], msg), kwargs
class MainExec:
def runClient(cls):
# resetDb = False # DEBUG only
# dbState = DbState(resetDb) # DBEUG only!
class SvcManager:
def __init__(self):
print("Starting service manager")
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigIntHandler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigIntHandler)
self.ioThread = None
self.subProcess = None
self.shouldStop = False
self.status = MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING
def svcOutputReader(self, out: IO, queue):
# print("This is the svcOutput Reader...")
for line in out : # iter(out.readline, b''):
# print("Finished reading a line: {}".format(line))
queue.put(line.rstrip()) # get rid of new lines
print("No more output from incoming IO") # meaning sub process must have died
def sigIntHandler(self, signalNumber, frame):
if self.status != MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING :
print("Ignoring repeated SIGINT...")
return # do nothing if it's already not running
self.status = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING # immediately set our status
print("Terminating program...")
self.shouldStop = True
def joinIoThread(self):
if self.ioThread :
self.ioThread = None
def run(self):
ON_POSIX = 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names
svcCmd = ['../../build/build/bin/taosd', '-c', '../../build/test/cfg']
# svcCmd = ['vmstat', '1']
self.subProcess = subprocess.Popen(svcCmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, close_fds=ON_POSIX, text=True)
q = Queue()
self.ioThread = threading.Thread(target=self.svcOutputReader, args=(self.subProcess.stdout, q))
self.ioThread.daemon = True # thread dies with the program
# proc = subprocess.Popen(['echo', '"to stdout"'],
# stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
# )
# stdout_value = proc.communicate()[0]
# print('\tstdout: {}'.format(repr(stdout_value)))
while True :
line = q.get_nowait() # getting output at fast speed
except Empty:
# print('no output yet')
time.sleep(2.3) # wait only if there's no output
else: # got line
# print("----end of iteration----")
if self.shouldStop:
print("Ending main Svc thread")
print("end of loop")
class ClientManager:
def __init__(self):
print("Starting service manager")
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.sigIntHandler)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.sigIntHandler)
self.status = MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING
self.tc = None
def sigIntHandler(self, signalNumber, frame):
if self.status != MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING :
print("Ignoring repeated SIGINT...")
return # do nothing if it's already not running
self.status = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING # immediately set our status
print("Terminating program...")
def _printLastNumbers(self): # to verify data durability
dbManager = DbManager(resetDb=False)
dbc = dbManager.getDbConn()
if dbc.query("show databases") == 0 : # no databae
dbc.execute("use db")
sTbName = dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName()
# get all regular tables
dbc.query("select TBNAME from db.{}".format(sTbName)) # TODO: analyze result set later
rTables = dbc.getQueryResult()
bList = TaskExecutor.BoundedList()
for rTbName in rTables : # regular tables
dbc.query("select speed from db.{}".format(rTbName[0]))
numbers = dbc.getQueryResult()
for row in numbers :
# print("<{}>".format(n), end="", flush=True)
print("Top numbers in DB right now: {}".format(bList))
print("TDengine client execution is about to start in 2 seconds...")
dbManager = None # release?
def prepare(self):
def run(self):
dbManager = DbManager() # Regular function
Dice.seed(0) # initial seeding of dice
thPool = ThreadPool(gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps)
tc = ThreadCoordinator(thPool, dbManager)
self.tc = ThreadCoordinator(thPool, dbManager)
def conclude(self):
class MainExec:
# STATUS_STOPPED = 3 # Not used yet
def runClient(cls):
clientManager = ClientManager()
def runService(cls):
print("Running service...")
svcManager = SvcManager()
def runTemp(cls): # for debugging purposes
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