提交 960d40d4 编写于 作者: H hjxilinx

fix bugs found in regression test.

上级 acc083b2
......@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ void destroyMeterQueryInfo(SMeterQueryInfo* pMeterQueryInfo, int32_t numOfCols);
* @param skey
* @param ekey
void changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(SQueryDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, SMeterQueryInfo* pMeterQueryInfo,
void changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(SQuery* pQuery, SMeterQueryInfo* pMeterQueryInfo,
TSKEY skey, TSKEY ekey);
......@@ -1445,9 +1445,15 @@ static char *getDataBlocks(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SArithmeticSupport *sa
static bool isWindowResClosed(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, int32_t slot) {
assert(pWindowResInfo != NULL && slot >= 0 && slot < pWindowResInfo->size);
return (pWindowResInfo->pResult[slot].status.closed == true);
static SWindowResult* getWindowResult(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, int32_t slot) {
assert(pWindowResInfo != NULL && slot >= 0 && slot < pWindowResInfo->size);
return &pWindowResInfo->pResult[slot];
static int32_t curTimeWindow(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo) {
assert(pWindowResInfo->curIndex >= 0 && pWindowResInfo->curIndex < pWindowResInfo->size);
return pWindowResInfo->curIndex;
......@@ -1516,8 +1522,6 @@ static STimeWindow getActiveTimeWindow(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, int64_t t
w.ekey = w.skey + pQuery->intervalTime - 1;
assert(ts >= w.skey && ts <= w.ekey && w.skey != 0);
// query border check
if (w.ekey > pQuery->ekey && QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) {
w.ekey = pQuery->ekey;
......@@ -1526,6 +1530,11 @@ static STimeWindow getActiveTimeWindow(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, int64_t t
w.skey = pQuery->ekey;
assert(ts >= w.skey && ts <= w.ekey && w.skey != 0);
if (w.skey == 1542597000000) {
int32_t k = 1;
return w;
......@@ -1559,6 +1568,9 @@ static int32_t addNewWindowResultBuf(SWindowResult *pWindowRes, SQueryDiskbasedR
return -1;
if (pageId == 153 && pData->numOfElems >= 138) {
int32_t k = 1;
// set the number of rows in current disk page
if (pWindowRes->pos.pageId == -1) { // not allocated yet, allocate new buffer
pWindowRes->pos.pageId = pageId;
......@@ -1686,7 +1698,7 @@ static int32_t getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(SQuery *pQuery, SBlockInfo *pBlockInfo,
assert(ekey < pPrimaryColumn[startPos]);
} else {
if (updateLastKey) {
pQuery->lastKey = MAX(ekey, pPrimaryColumn[startPos + (num - 1)]) + step;
pQuery->lastKey = pPrimaryColumn[startPos + (num - 1)] + step;
} else {
......@@ -1702,7 +1714,7 @@ static int32_t getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(SQuery *pQuery, SBlockInfo *pBlockInfo,
assert(ekey > pPrimaryColumn[startPos]);
} else {
if (updateLastKey) {
pQuery->lastKey = MIN(ekey, pPrimaryColumn[startPos - (num - 1)]) + step;
pQuery->lastKey = pPrimaryColumn[startPos - (num - 1)] + step;
} else {
......@@ -1713,6 +1725,10 @@ static int32_t getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(SQuery *pQuery, SBlockInfo *pBlockInfo,
if (pQuery->lastKey == 1542597000001) {
int32_t k = 1;
assert(num >= 0);
return num;
......@@ -1849,12 +1865,20 @@ static int32_t blockwiseApplyAllFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t
TSKEY ts = primaryKeyCol[offset];
STimeWindow win = getActiveTimeWindow(pWindowResInfo, ts, pQuery);
if (win.skey >= 1542597000000 && pRuntimeEnv->pMeterObj->sid == 9 && IS_MASTER_SCAN(pRuntimeEnv)) {
int32_t k = 1;
if (win.skey >= 1542597000000 && pRuntimeEnv->pMeterObj->sid == 9 && !IS_MASTER_SCAN(pRuntimeEnv)) {
int32_t k = 1;
if (setWindowOutputBufByKey(pRuntimeEnv, pWindowResInfo, pRuntimeEnv->pMeterObj->sid, &win) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
return 0;
TSKEY ekey = QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery) ? win.ekey : win.skey;
forwardStep = getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(pQuery, pBlockInfo, primaryKeyCol, pQuery->pos, ekey, searchFn, false);
forwardStep = getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(pQuery, pBlockInfo, primaryKeyCol, pQuery->pos, ekey, searchFn, true);
SWindowStatus *pStatus = getTimeWindowResStatus(pWindowResInfo, curTimeWindow(pWindowResInfo));
doBlockwiseApplyFunctions(pRuntimeEnv, pStatus, &win, pQuery->pos, forwardStep);
......@@ -1869,6 +1893,10 @@ static int32_t blockwiseApplyAllFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t
if (nextWin.skey >= 1542597000000 && pRuntimeEnv->pMeterObj->sid == 9 && IS_MASTER_SCAN(pRuntimeEnv)) {
int32_t k = 1;
// null data, failed to allocate more memory buffer
int32_t sid = pRuntimeEnv->pMeterObj->sid;
if (setWindowOutputBufByKey(pRuntimeEnv, pWindowResInfo, sid, &nextWin) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1876,7 +1904,7 @@ static int32_t blockwiseApplyAllFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t
ekey = QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery) ? nextWin.ekey : nextWin.skey;
forwardStep = getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(pQuery, pBlockInfo, primaryKeyCol, startPos, ekey, searchFn, false);
forwardStep = getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(pQuery, pBlockInfo, primaryKeyCol, startPos, ekey, searchFn, true);
pStatus = getTimeWindowResStatus(pWindowResInfo, curTimeWindow(pWindowResInfo));
doBlockwiseApplyFunctions(pRuntimeEnv, pStatus, &nextWin, startPos, forwardStep);
......@@ -5486,7 +5514,7 @@ static void printBinaryData(int32_t functionId, char *data, int32_t srcDataType)
void UNUSED_FUNC displayInterResult(SData **pdata, SQuery *pQuery, int32_t numOfRows) {
int32_t numOfCols = pQuery->numOfOutputCols;
printf("metric query intern-result, total:%d\n", numOfRows);
printf("super table query intermediate result, total:%d\n", numOfRows);
SQInfo * pQInfo = (SQInfo *)(GET_QINFO_ADDR(pQuery));
SMeterObj *pMeterObj = pQInfo->pObj;
......@@ -5720,6 +5748,8 @@ int32_t doMergeMetersResultsToGroupRes(STableQuerySupportObj *pSupporter, SQuery
tFilePage * pPage = getMeterDataPage(pResultBuf, pTableList[pos]->pMeterQInfo, position->pageIdx);
int64_t ts = getCurrentTimestamp(&cs, pos);
assert(ts > 0);
if (ts == lastTimestamp) { // merge with the last one
doMerge(pRuntimeEnv, ts, pPage, position->rowIdx, true);
} else {
......@@ -6559,12 +6589,22 @@ void destroyMeterQueryInfo(SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo, int32_t numOfCols)
void changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(SQueryDiskbasedResultBuf *pResultBuf, SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo,
void changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(SQuery* pQuery, SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo,
TSKEY skey, TSKEY ekey) {
if (pMeterQueryInfo == NULL) {
//order has change already!
int32_t step = GET_FORWARD_DIRECTION_FACTOR(pQuery->order.order);
if (!QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) {
assert(pMeterQueryInfo->ekey >= pMeterQueryInfo->lastKey + step);
} else {
assert(pMeterQueryInfo->ekey <= pMeterQueryInfo->lastKey + step);
pMeterQueryInfo->ekey = pMeterQueryInfo->lastKey + step;
SWAP(pMeterQueryInfo->skey, pMeterQueryInfo->ekey, TSKEY);
pMeterQueryInfo->lastKey = pMeterQueryInfo->skey;
......@@ -7524,16 +7564,21 @@ void applyIntervalQueryOnBlock(STableQuerySupportObj *pSupporter, SMeterDataInfo
if (pQuery->intervalTime == 0) { // todo refactor
SWindowResInfo *p1 = &pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < p1->size; ++i) {
p1->pResult[i].numOfRows = p1->pResult->resultInfo->numOfRes;
SWindowResult* pResult = getWindowResult(p1, i);
if (isWindowResClosed(p1, i) && pResult->numOfRows == 0) {
pResult->numOfRows = getNumOfResult(pRuntimeEnv);
int32_t step = GET_FORWARD_DIRECTION_FACTOR(pQuery->order.order);
if ((pQuery->lastKey > pSupporter->rawEKey && QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) ||
(pQuery->lastKey < pSupporter->rawEKey && !QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery))) {
pMeterQueryInfo->ekey = pQuery->lastKey - step;
// get the true maximum timestamp within the query range to set the correct time window
// in the supplementary query
// int32_t step = GET_FORWARD_DIRECTION_FACTOR(pQuery->order.order);
// if ((pQuery->lastKey > pBlockInfo->keyLast && QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) ||
// (pQuery->lastKey < pBlockInfo->keyFirst && !QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery))) {
// pMeterQueryInfo->ekey = pQuery->lastKey - step;
// }
updatelastkey(pQuery, pMeterQueryInfo);
......@@ -849,10 +849,11 @@ static void doOrderedScan(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
static void setupMeterQueryInfoForSupplementQuery(STableQuerySupportObj *pSupporter) {
SQuery* pQuery = pSupporter->runtimeEnv.pQuery;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pSupporter->numOfMeters; ++i) {
SMeterQueryInfo * pMeterQueryInfo = pSupporter->pMeterDataInfo[i].pMeterQInfo;
SQueryDiskbasedResultBuf *pResultBuf = pSupporter->runtimeEnv.pResultBuf;
changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(pResultBuf, pMeterQueryInfo, pSupporter->rawSKey, pSupporter->rawEKey);
SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo = pSupporter->pMeterDataInfo[i].pMeterQInfo;
changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(pQuery, pMeterQueryInfo, pSupporter->rawSKey, pSupporter->rawEKey);
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