提交 867bc9cc 编写于 作者: P Ping Xiao

Merge branch 'develop' into jdbcfixes

......@@ -87,6 +87,16 @@ typedef struct SVgroupTableInfo {
SArray* itemList; //SArray<STableIdInfo>
} SVgroupTableInfo;
static FORCE_INLINE SQueryInfo* tscGetQueryInfoDetail(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t subClauseIndex) {
assert(pCmd != NULL && subClauseIndex >= 0 && subClauseIndex < TSDB_MAX_UNION_CLAUSE);
if (pCmd->pQueryInfo == NULL || subClauseIndex >= pCmd->numOfClause) {
return NULL;
return pCmd->pQueryInfo[subClauseIndex];
int32_t tscCreateDataBlock(size_t initialSize, int32_t rowSize, int32_t startOffset, const char* name,
STableMeta* pTableMeta, STableDataBlocks** dataBlocks);
void tscDestroyDataBlock(STableDataBlocks* pDataBlock);
......@@ -477,7 +477,13 @@ void tscTableMetaCallBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) {
tscDebug("%p redo parse sql string to build submit block", pSql);
pCmd->parseFinished = false;
if ((code = tsParseSql(pSql, true)) == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
code = tsParseSql(pSql, true);
if (code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
* Discard previous built submit blocks, and then parse the sql string again and build up all submit blocks,
* and send the required submit block according to index value in supporter to server.
......@@ -340,13 +340,12 @@ bool stableQueryFunctChanged(int32_t funcId) {
void resetResultInfo(SResultInfo *pResInfo) { pResInfo->initialized = false; }
void setResultInfoBuf(SResultInfo *pResInfo, int32_t size, bool superTable) {
void setResultInfoBuf(SResultInfo *pResInfo, int32_t size, bool superTable, char* buf) {
assert(pResInfo->interResultBuf == NULL);
pResInfo->bufLen = size;
pResInfo->superTableQ = superTable;
pResInfo->interResultBuf = calloc(1, (size_t)size);
pResInfo->interResultBuf = buf;
// set the query flag to denote that query is completed
......@@ -1310,6 +1310,11 @@ int tsParseSql(SSqlObj *pSql, bool initial) {
tscDebug("%p resume to parse sql: %s", pSql, pCmd->curSql);
ret = tscAllocPayload(&pSql->cmd, TSDB_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != ret) {
return ret;
if (tscIsInsertData(pSql->sqlstr)) {
* Set the fp before parse the sql string, in case of getTableMeta failed, in which
......@@ -1326,11 +1331,6 @@ int tsParseSql(SSqlObj *pSql, bool initial) {
ret = tsParseInsertSql(pSql);
} else {
ret = tscAllocPayload(&pSql->cmd, TSDB_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_SIZE);
if (TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS != ret) {
return ret;
SSqlInfo SQLInfo = qSQLParse(pSql->sqlstr);
ret = tscToSQLCmd(pSql, &SQLInfo);
......@@ -1464,16 +1464,6 @@ STableMetaInfo* tscGetMetaInfo(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, int32_t tableIndex) {
return pQueryInfo->pTableMetaInfo[tableIndex];
SQueryInfo* tscGetQueryInfoDetail(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t subClauseIndex) {
assert(pCmd != NULL && subClauseIndex >= 0 && subClauseIndex < TSDB_MAX_UNION_CLAUSE);
if (pCmd->pQueryInfo == NULL || subClauseIndex >= pCmd->numOfClause) {
return NULL;
return pCmd->pQueryInfo[subClauseIndex];
int32_t tscGetQueryInfoDetailSafely(SSqlCmd* pCmd, int32_t subClauseIndex, SQueryInfo** pQueryInfo) {
int32_t ret = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
......@@ -2097,7 +2087,7 @@ void tscTryQueryNextClause(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*queryFp)()) {
void tscGetResultColumnChr(SSqlRes* pRes, SFieldInfo* pFieldInfo, int32_t columnIndex) {
SFieldSupInfo* pInfo = taosArrayGet(pFieldInfo->pSupportInfo, columnIndex);//tscFieldInfoGetSupp(pFieldInfo, columnIndex);
SFieldSupInfo* pInfo = taosArrayGet(pFieldInfo->pSupportInfo, columnIndex);
assert(pInfo->pSqlExpr != NULL);
int32_t type = pInfo->pSqlExpr->resType;
......@@ -2112,7 +2102,7 @@ void tscGetResultColumnChr(SSqlRes* pRes, SFieldInfo* pFieldInfo, int32_t column
if (isNull(pData, type)) {
pRes->tsrow[columnIndex] = NULL;
} else {
pRes->tsrow[columnIndex] = pData + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE;
pRes->tsrow[columnIndex] = ((tstr*)pData)->data;
if (realLen < pInfo->pSqlExpr->resBytes - VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE) { // todo refactor
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ int32_t tsMnodeEqualVnodeNum = 4;
int32_t tsEnableHttpModule = 1;
int32_t tsRestRowLimit = 10240;
uint16_t tsHttpPort = 6020; // only tcp, range tcp[6020]
int32_t tsHttpCacheSessions = 100;
int32_t tsHttpCacheSessions = 1000;
int32_t tsHttpSessionExpire = 36000;
int32_t tsHttpMaxThreads = 2;
int32_t tsHttpEnableCompress = 0;
......@@ -16,11 +16,9 @@ public class TDNodes {
public void setPath(String path) {
try {
String psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w taosd| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" ;
Process ps = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(psCmd);
String killCmd = "kill -9 " + ps.pid();
String killCmd = "pkill -kill -x taosd";
String[] killCmds = {"sh", "-c", killCmd};
String binPath = System.getProperty("user.dir");
binPath += "/../../../debug";
......@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ extern "C" {
int32_t dnodeInitMgmt();
void dnodeCleanupMgmt();
int32_t dnodeInitMgmtTimer();
void dnodeCleanupMgmtTimer();
void dnodeDispatchToMgmtQueue(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg);
void* dnodeGetVnode(int32_t vgId);
......@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ static const SDnodeComponent tsDnodeComponents[] = {
{"server", dnodeInitServer, dnodeCleanupServer},
{"mgmt", dnodeInitMgmt, dnodeCleanupMgmt},
{"modules", dnodeInitModules, dnodeCleanupModules},
{"mgmt-tmr",dnodeInitMgmtTimer, dnodeCleanupMgmtTimer},
{"shell", dnodeInitShell, dnodeCleanupShell}
......@@ -147,6 +147,12 @@ int32_t dnodeInitMgmt() {
return -1;
dInfo("dnode mgmt is initialized");
int32_t dnodeInitMgmtTimer() {
tsDnodeTmr = taosTmrInit(100, 200, 60000, "DND-DM");
if (tsDnodeTmr == NULL) {
dError("failed to init dnode timer");
......@@ -155,13 +161,11 @@ int32_t dnodeInitMgmt() {
taosTmrReset(dnodeSendStatusMsg, 500, NULL, tsDnodeTmr, &tsStatusTimer);
dInfo("dnode mgmt is initialized");
dInfo("dnode mgmt timer is initialized");
void dnodeCleanupMgmt() {
void dnodeCleanupMgmtTimer() {
if (tsStatusTimer != NULL) {
tsStatusTimer = NULL;
......@@ -171,7 +175,10 @@ void dnodeCleanupMgmt() {
tsDnodeTmr = NULL;
void dnodeCleanupMgmt() {
if (tsMgmtQset) taosQsetThreadResume(tsMgmtQset);
......@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ typedef struct {
void (*cleanup)();
} SMnodeComponent;
void *tsMnodeTmr;
void *tsMnodeTmr = NULL;
static bool tsMgmtIsRunning = false;
static const SMnodeComponent tsMnodeComponents[] = {
......@@ -471,8 +471,8 @@ static int32_t sdbInsertHash(SSdbTable *pTable, SSdbOper *pOper) {
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pTable->autoIndex, 1);
sdbDebug("table:%s, insert record:%s to hash, rowSize:%d numOfRows:%" PRId64 " ver:%" PRIu64 ", msg:%p", pTable->tableName,
sdbGetKeyStrFromObj(pTable, pOper->pObj), pOper->rowSize, pTable->numOfRows, sdbGetVersion(), pOper->pMsg);
sdbDebug("table:%s, insert record:%s to hash, rowSize:%d numOfRows:%" PRId64 ", msg:%p", pTable->tableName,
sdbGetKeyStrFromObj(pTable, pOper->pObj), pOper->rowSize, pTable->numOfRows, pOper->pMsg);
......@@ -490,8 +490,8 @@ static int32_t sdbDeleteHash(SSdbTable *pTable, SSdbOper *pOper) {
taosHashRemove(pTable->iHandle, key, keySize);
atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pTable->numOfRows, 1);
sdbDebug("table:%s, delete record:%s from hash, numOfRows:%" PRId64 " ver:%" PRIu64 ", msg:%p", pTable->tableName,
sdbGetKeyStrFromObj(pTable, pOper->pObj), pTable->numOfRows, sdbGetVersion(), pOper->pMsg);
sdbDebug("table:%s, delete record:%s from hash, numOfRows:%" PRId64 ", msg:%p", pTable->tableName,
sdbGetKeyStrFromObj(pTable, pOper->pObj), pTable->numOfRows, pOper->pMsg);
int8_t *updateEnd = pOper->pObj + pTable->refCountPos - 1;
*updateEnd = 1;
......@@ -501,8 +501,8 @@ static int32_t sdbDeleteHash(SSdbTable *pTable, SSdbOper *pOper) {
static int32_t sdbUpdateHash(SSdbTable *pTable, SSdbOper *pOper) {
sdbDebug("table:%s, update record:%s in hash, numOfRows:%" PRId64 " ver:%" PRIu64 ", msg:%p", pTable->tableName,
sdbGetKeyStrFromObj(pTable, pOper->pObj), pTable->numOfRows, sdbGetVersion(), pOper->pMsg);
sdbDebug("table:%s, update record:%s in hash, numOfRows:%" PRId64 ", msg:%p", pTable->tableName,
sdbGetKeyStrFromObj(pTable, pOper->pObj), pTable->numOfRows, pOper->pMsg);
......@@ -967,7 +967,11 @@ static void *sdbWorkerFp(void *param) {
int32_t code = sdbWrite(pOper, pHead, type);
if (pOper && code <= 0) pOper->retCode = code;
if (code > 0) code = 0;
if (pOper)
pOper->retCode = code;
pHead->len = code; // hackway
......@@ -982,7 +986,8 @@ static void *sdbWorkerFp(void *param) {
sdbDecRef(pOper->table, pOper->pObj);
sdbConfirmForward(NULL, pOper, pOper->retCode);
} else if (type == TAOS_QTYPE_FWD) {
syncConfirmForward(tsSdbObj.sync, pHead->version, TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS);
pHead = (SWalHead *)item;
syncConfirmForward(tsSdbObj.sync, pHead->version, pHead->len);
} else {
......@@ -310,7 +310,8 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessConnectMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
if (pDb->status != TSDB_DB_STATUS_READY) {
mError("db:%s, status:%d, in dropping", pDb->name, pDb->status);
goto connect_over;
......@@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessUseMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
if (pMsg->pDb == NULL) pMsg->pDb = mnodeGetDb(pUseDbMsg->db);
if (pMsg->pDb == NULL) {
if (pMsg->pDb->status != TSDB_DB_STATUS_READY) {
......@@ -372,7 +372,6 @@ static int32_t mnodeCreateVgroupCb(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, int32_t code) {
pMsg->expected = pVgroup->numOfVnodes;
mnodeSendCreateVgroupMsg(pVgroup, pMsg);
......@@ -393,6 +392,9 @@ int32_t mnodeCreateVgroup(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SDbObj *pDb) {
pMsg->pVgroup = pVgroup;
SSdbOper oper = {
.table = tsVgroupSdb,
......@@ -402,8 +404,6 @@ int32_t mnodeCreateVgroup(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SDbObj *pDb) {
.cb = mnodeCreateVgroupCb
pMsg->pVgroup = pVgroup;
int32_t code = sdbInsertRow(&oper);
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
pMsg->pVgroup = NULL;
......@@ -814,19 +814,20 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessVnodeCfgMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) {
mDebug("dnode:%s, vgId:%d, invalid dnode", taosIpStr(pCfg->dnodeId), pCfg->vgId);
SVgObj *pVgroup = mnodeGetVgroup(pCfg->vgId);
if (pVgroup == NULL) {
mDebug("dnode:%s, vgId:%d, no vgroup info", taosIpStr(pCfg->dnodeId), pCfg->vgId);
mDebug("vgId:%d, send create vnode msg to dnode %s for vnode cfg msg", pVgroup->vgId, pDnode->dnodeEp);
SRpcIpSet ipSet = mnodeGetIpSetFromIp(pDnode->dnodeEp);
mnodeSendCreateVnodeMsg(pVgroup, &ipSet, NULL);
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ typedef struct HttpThread {
pthread_mutex_t threadMutex;
bool stop;
int pollFd;
int numOfFds;
int numOfContexts;
int threadId;
char label[HTTP_LABEL_SIZE];
bool (*processData)(HttpContext *pContext);
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ static void httpDestroyContext(void *data) {
HttpThread *pThread = pContext->pThread;
atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pThread->numOfFds, 1);
atomic_sub_fetch_32(&pThread->numOfContexts, 1);
pContext->pThread = 0;
......@@ -171,38 +171,39 @@ bool httpInitContext(HttpContext *pContext) {
void httpCloseContextByApp(HttpContext *pContext) {
pContext->parsed = false;
bool keepAlive = true;
if (pContext->httpVersion == HTTP_VERSION_10 && pContext->httpKeepAlive != HTTP_KEEPALIVE_ENABLE) {
keepAlive = false;
} else if (pContext->httpVersion != HTTP_VERSION_10 && pContext->httpKeepAlive == HTTP_KEEPALIVE_DISABLE) {
keepAlive = false;
} else {}
} else {
if (keepAlive) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:handling, keepAlive:true, reuse connect",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:handling, keepAlive:true, reuse context", pContext, pContext->fd,
} else if (httpAlterContextState(pContext, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_DROPPING, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_CLOSED)) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:dropping, keepAlive:true, close connect",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:dropping, keepAlive:true, close connect", pContext, pContext->fd,
} else if (httpAlterContextState(pContext, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_READY, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_READY)) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:ready, keepAlive:true, reuse connect",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:ready, keepAlive:true, reuse context", pContext, pContext->fd,
} else if (httpAlterContextState(pContext, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_CLOSED, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_CLOSED)) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:ready, keepAlive:true, close connect",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:ready, keepAlive:true, close connect", pContext, pContext->fd,
} else {
httpError("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:%s:%d, keepAlive:true, close connect",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, httpContextStateStr(pContext->state), pContext->state);
httpError("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:%s:%d, keepAlive:true, close connect", pContext, pContext->fd,
pContext->ipstr, httpContextStateStr(pContext->state), pContext->state);
} else {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:%s:%d, keepAlive:false, close connect",
pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, httpContextStateStr(pContext->state), pContext->state);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, last state:%s:%d, keepAlive:false, close context", pContext, pContext->fd,
pContext->ipstr, httpContextStateStr(pContext->state), pContext->state);
......@@ -214,7 +215,7 @@ void httpCloseContextByServer(HttpContext *pContext) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, epoll already finished, wait app finished", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
} else if (httpAlterContextState(pContext, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_READY, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_CLOSED)) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, epoll finished, close context", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, epoll finished, close connect", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
} else if (httpAlterContextState(pContext, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_CLOSED, HTTP_CONTEXT_STATE_CLOSED)) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, epoll finished, will be closed soon", pContext, pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr);
} else {
......@@ -313,9 +313,9 @@ bool httpParseRequest(HttpContext* pContext) {
return true;
httpTraceL("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, thread:%s, numOfFds:%d, read size:%d, raw data:\n%s", pContext, pContext->fd,
pContext->ipstr, pContext->pThread->label, pContext->pThread->numOfFds, pContext->parser.bufsize,
httpTraceL("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, thread:%s, numOfContexts:%d, read size:%d, raw data:\n%s", pContext,
pContext->fd, pContext->ipstr, pContext->pThread->label, pContext->pThread->numOfContexts,
pContext->parser.bufsize, pContext->parser.buffer);
if (!httpGetHttpMethod(pContext)) {
return false;
......@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static void *httpAcceptHttpConnection(void *arg) {
totalFds = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < pServer->numOfThreads; ++i) {
totalFds += pServer->pThreads[i].numOfFds;
totalFds += pServer->pThreads[i].numOfContexts;
if (totalFds > tsHttpCacheSessions * 100) {
......@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@ static void *httpAcceptHttpConnection(void *arg) {
// notify the data process, add into the FdObj list
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pThread->numOfFds, 1);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, thread:%s numOfFds:%d totalFds:%d, accept a new connection", pContext, connFd,
pContext->ipstr, pThread->label, pThread->numOfFds, totalFds);
atomic_add_fetch_32(&pThread->numOfContexts, 1);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, ip:%s, thread:%s numOfContexts:%d totalFds:%d, accept a new connection", pContext,
connFd, pContext->ipstr, pThread->label, pThread->numOfContexts, totalFds);
// pick up next thread for next connection
......@@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ typedef struct SQueryRuntimeEnv {
bool topBotQuery; // false
bool groupbyNormalCol; // denote if this is a groupby normal column query
bool hasTagResults; // if there are tag values in final result or not
int32_t interBufSize; // intermediate buffer sizse
int32_t prevGroupId; // previous executed group id
SDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf; // query result buffer based on blocked-wised disk file
} SQueryRuntimeEnv;
......@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
int32_t getOutputInterResultBufSize(SQuery* pQuery);
void clearTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult* pOneOutputRes);
void copyTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult* dst, const SWindowResult* src);
......@@ -35,7 +37,7 @@ SWindowResult *getWindowResult(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, int32_t slot);
#define curTimeWindow(_winres) ((_winres)->curIndex)
bool isWindowResClosed(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, int32_t slot);
void createQueryResultInfo(SQuery *pQuery, SWindowResult *pResultRow, bool isSTableQuery, SPosInfo *posInfo);
void createQueryResultInfo(SQuery *pQuery, SWindowResult *pResultRow, bool isSTableQuery, SPosInfo *posInfo, size_t interBufSize);
char *getPosInResultPage(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t columnIndex, SWindowResult *pResult);
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ bool top_bot_datablock_filter(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t functionId, char *mi
bool stableQueryFunctChanged(int32_t funcId);
void resetResultInfo(SResultInfo *pResInfo);
void setResultInfoBuf(SResultInfo *pResInfo, int32_t size, bool superTable);
void setResultInfoBuf(SResultInfo *pResInfo, int32_t size, bool superTable, char* buf);
static FORCE_INLINE void initResultInfo(SResultInfo *pResInfo) {
pResInfo->initialized = true; // the this struct has been initialized flag
......@@ -123,6 +123,14 @@ static void setQueryStatus(SQuery *pQuery, int8_t status);
#define QUERY_IS_INTERVAL_QUERY(_q) ((_q)->intervalTime > 0)
// previous time window may not be of the same size of pQuery->intervalTime
#define GET_NEXT_TIMEWINDOW(_q, tw) \
do { \
int32_t factor = GET_FORWARD_DIRECTION_FACTOR((_q)->order.order); \
(tw)->skey += ((_q)->slidingTime * factor); \
(tw)->ekey = (tw)->skey + ((_q)->intervalTime - 1); \
} while (0)
// todo move to utility
static int32_t mergeIntoGroupResultImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo, SArray *group);
......@@ -130,7 +138,6 @@ static void setWindowResOutputBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *
static void setWindowResOutputBufInitCtx(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *pResult);
static void resetMergeResultBuf(SQuery *pQuery, SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, SResultInfo *pResultInfo);
static bool functionNeedToExecute(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t functionId);
static void getNextTimeWindow(SQuery *pQuery, STimeWindow *pTimeWindow);
static void setExecParams(SQuery *pQuery, SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, void* inputData, TSKEY *tsCol, SDataBlockInfo* pBlockInfo,
SDataStatis *pStatis, void *param, int32_t colIndex);
......@@ -419,7 +426,7 @@ static SWindowResult *doSetTimeWindowFromKey(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWin
for (int32_t i = pWindowResInfo->capacity; i < newCap; ++i) {
SPosInfo pos = {-1, -1};
createQueryResultInfo(pQuery, &pWindowResInfo->pResult[i], pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery, &pos);
createQueryResultInfo(pQuery, &pWindowResInfo->pResult[i], pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery, &pos, pRuntimeEnv->interBufSize);
pWindowResInfo->capacity = newCap;
......@@ -551,19 +558,29 @@ static SWindowStatus *getTimeWindowResStatus(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, int
static int32_t getForwardStepsInBlock(int32_t numOfRows, __block_search_fn_t searchFn, TSKEY ekey, int16_t pos,
int16_t order, int64_t *pData) {
int32_t endPos = searchFn((char *)pData, numOfRows, ekey, order);
int32_t forwardStep = 0;
if (endPos >= 0) {
forwardStep = (order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) ? (endPos - pos) : (pos - endPos);
assert(forwardStep >= 0);
if (order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
int32_t end = searchFn((char*) &pData[pos], numOfRows - pos, ekey, order);
if (end >= 0) {
forwardStep = end;
// endPos data is equalled to the key so, we do need to read the element in endPos
if (pData[endPos] == ekey) {
if (pData[end + pos] == ekey) {
forwardStep += 1;
} else {
int32_t end = searchFn((char *)pData, pos + 1, ekey, order);
if (end >= 0) {
forwardStep = pos - end;
if (pData[end] == ekey) {
forwardStep += 1;
assert(forwardStep > 0);
return forwardStep;
......@@ -686,7 +703,7 @@ static int32_t getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(SQuery *pQuery, SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlo
assert(num >= 0);
assert(num > 0);
return num;
......@@ -736,59 +753,60 @@ static void doRowwiseApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowStatus
static int32_t getNextQualifiedWindow(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, STimeWindow *pNextWin,
SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlockInfo, TSKEY *primaryKeys,
__block_search_fn_t searchFn) {
static int32_t getNextQualifiedWindow(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, STimeWindow *pNext, SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlockInfo,
TSKEY *primaryKeys, __block_search_fn_t searchFn, int32_t prevPosition) {
SQuery *pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
// tumbling time window query, a special case of sliding time window query
if (pQuery->slidingTime == pQuery->intervalTime) {
// todo opt
getNextTimeWindow(pQuery, pNextWin);
// next time window is not in current block
if ((pNextWin->skey > pDataBlockInfo->window.ekey && QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) ||
(pNextWin->ekey < pDataBlockInfo->window.skey && !QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery))) {
if ((pNext->skey > pDataBlockInfo->window.ekey && QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) ||
(pNext->ekey < pDataBlockInfo->window.skey && !QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery))) {
return -1;
TSKEY startKey = -1;
if (QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) {
startKey = pNextWin->skey;
startKey = pNext->skey;
if (startKey < pQuery->window.skey) {
startKey = pQuery->window.skey;
} else {
startKey = pNextWin->ekey;
startKey = pNext->ekey;
if (startKey > pQuery->window.skey) {
startKey = pQuery->window.skey;
int32_t startPos = searchFn((char *)primaryKeys, pDataBlockInfo->rows, startKey, pQuery->order.order);
int32_t startPos = 0;
// tumbling time window query, a special case of sliding time window query
if (pQuery->slidingTime == pQuery->intervalTime && prevPosition != -1) {
int32_t factor = GET_FORWARD_DIRECTION_FACTOR(pQuery->order.order);
startPos = prevPosition + factor;
} else {
startPos = searchFn((char *)primaryKeys, pDataBlockInfo->rows, startKey, pQuery->order.order);
* This time window does not cover any data, try next time window,
* this case may happen when the time window is too small
if (QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery) && primaryKeys[startPos] > pNextWin->ekey) {
if (QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery) && primaryKeys[startPos] > pNext->ekey) {
TSKEY next = primaryKeys[startPos];
pNextWin->ekey += ((next - pNextWin->ekey + pQuery->slidingTime - 1)/pQuery->slidingTime) * pQuery->slidingTime;
pNextWin->skey = pNextWin->ekey - pQuery->intervalTime + 1;
} else if ((!QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) && primaryKeys[startPos] < pNextWin->skey) {
pNext->ekey += ((next - pNext->ekey + pQuery->slidingTime - 1)/pQuery->slidingTime) * pQuery->slidingTime;
pNext->skey = pNext->ekey - pQuery->intervalTime + 1;
} else if ((!QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) && primaryKeys[startPos] < pNext->skey) {
TSKEY next = primaryKeys[startPos];
pNextWin->skey -= ((pNextWin->skey - next + pQuery->slidingTime - 1) / pQuery->slidingTime) * pQuery->slidingTime;
pNextWin->ekey = pNextWin->skey + pQuery->intervalTime - 1;
pNext->skey -= ((pNext->skey - next + pQuery->slidingTime - 1) / pQuery->slidingTime) * pQuery->slidingTime;
pNext->ekey = pNext->skey + pQuery->intervalTime - 1;
return startPos;
static TSKEY reviseWindowEkey(SQuery *pQuery, STimeWindow *pWindow) {
static FORCE_INLINE TSKEY reviseWindowEkey(SQuery *pQuery, STimeWindow *pWindow) {
TSKEY ekey = -1;
if (QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) {
ekey = pWindow->ekey;
......@@ -924,20 +942,23 @@ static void blockwiseApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SDataStatis *
int32_t forwardStep = 0;
int32_t startPos = pQuery->pos;
if (hasTimeWindow) {
TSKEY ekey = reviseWindowEkey(pQuery, &win);
int32_t forwardStep =
getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(pQuery, pDataBlockInfo, tsCols, pQuery->pos, ekey, searchFn, true);
forwardStep = getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(pQuery, pDataBlockInfo, tsCols, pQuery->pos, ekey, searchFn, true);
SWindowStatus *pStatus = getTimeWindowResStatus(pWindowResInfo, curTimeWindow(pWindowResInfo));
doBlockwiseApplyFunctions(pRuntimeEnv, pStatus, &win, pQuery->pos, forwardStep, tsCols, pDataBlockInfo->rows);
doBlockwiseApplyFunctions(pRuntimeEnv, pStatus, &win, startPos, forwardStep, tsCols, pDataBlockInfo->rows);
int32_t index = pWindowResInfo->curIndex;
STimeWindow nextWin = win;
while (1) {
int32_t startPos = getNextQualifiedWindow(pRuntimeEnv, &nextWin, pDataBlockInfo, tsCols, searchFn);
int32_t prevEndPos = (forwardStep - 1) * step + startPos;
startPos = getNextQualifiedWindow(pRuntimeEnv, &nextWin, pDataBlockInfo, tsCols, searchFn, prevEndPos);
if (startPos < 0) {
......@@ -953,7 +974,7 @@ static void blockwiseApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SDataStatis *
TSKEY ekey = reviseWindowEkey(pQuery, &nextWin);
int32_t forwardStep = getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(pQuery, pDataBlockInfo, tsCols, startPos, ekey, searchFn, true);
forwardStep = getNumOfRowsInTimeWindow(pQuery, pDataBlockInfo, tsCols, startPos, ekey, searchFn, true);
SWindowStatus* pStatus = getTimeWindowResStatus(pWindowResInfo, curTimeWindow(pWindowResInfo));
doBlockwiseApplyFunctions(pRuntimeEnv, pStatus, &nextWin, startPos, forwardStep, tsCols, pDataBlockInfo->rows);
......@@ -1224,7 +1245,7 @@ static void rowwiseApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SDataStatis *pS
int32_t index = pWindowResInfo->curIndex;
while (1) {
getNextTimeWindow(pQuery, &nextWin);
GET_NEXT_TIMEWINDOW(pQuery, &nextWin);
if (/*pWindowResInfo->startTime > nextWin.skey ||*/
(nextWin.skey > pQuery->window.ekey && QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) ||
(nextWin.skey < pQuery->window.ekey && !QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery))) {
......@@ -1236,7 +1257,7 @@ static void rowwiseApplyFunctions(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SDataStatis *pS
// null data, failed to allocate more memory buffer
bool hasTimeWindow = false;
hasTimeWindow = false;
if (setWindowOutputBufByKey(pRuntimeEnv, pWindowResInfo, pDataBlockInfo->tid, &nextWin, masterScan, &hasTimeWindow) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
......@@ -1459,11 +1480,13 @@ static void setCtxTagColumnInfo(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SQLFunctionCtx *p
static FORCE_INLINE void setWindowResultInfo(SResultInfo *pResultInfo, SQuery *pQuery, bool isStableQuery) {
static FORCE_INLINE void setWindowResultInfo(SResultInfo *pResultInfo, SQuery *pQuery, bool isStableQuery, char* buf) {
char* p = buf;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
assert(pQuery->pSelectExpr[i].interBytes <= DEFAULT_INTERN_BUF_PAGE_SIZE);
int32_t size = pQuery->pSelectExpr[i].interBytes;
setResultInfoBuf(&pResultInfo[i], size, isStableQuery, p);
setResultInfoBuf(&pResultInfo[i], pQuery->pSelectExpr[i].interBytes, isStableQuery);
p += size;
......@@ -1542,8 +1565,10 @@ static int32_t setupQueryRuntimeEnv(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int16_t order
char* buf = calloc(1, pRuntimeEnv->interBufSize);
// set the intermediate result output buffer
setWindowResultInfo(pRuntimeEnv->resultInfo, pQuery, pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery);
setWindowResultInfo(pRuntimeEnv->resultInfo, pQuery, pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery, buf);
// if it is group by normal column, do not set output buffer, the output buffer is pResult
if (!isGroupbyNormalCol(pQuery->pGroupbyExpr) && !pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery) {
......@@ -1581,9 +1606,9 @@ static void teardownQueryRuntimeEnv(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv) {
......@@ -2017,14 +2042,6 @@ static bool needToLoadDataBlock(SQuery *pQuery, SDataStatis *pDataStatis, SQLFun
return true;
// previous time window may not be of the same size of pQuery->intervalTime
static void getNextTimeWindow(SQuery *pQuery, STimeWindow *pTimeWindow) {
int32_t factor = GET_FORWARD_DIRECTION_FACTOR(pQuery->order.order);
pTimeWindow->skey += (pQuery->slidingTime * factor);
pTimeWindow->ekey = pTimeWindow->skey + (pQuery->intervalTime - 1);
SArray *loadDataBlockOnDemand(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, void* pQueryHandle, SDataBlockInfo* pBlockInfo, SDataStatis **pStatis) {
SQuery *pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
......@@ -2737,7 +2754,8 @@ int32_t mergeIntoGroupResultImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo, SArray *pGroup) {
longjmp(pRuntimeEnv->env, TSDB_CODE_QRY_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
setWindowResultInfo(pResultInfo, pQuery, pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery);
char* buf = calloc(1, pRuntimeEnv->interBufSize);
setWindowResultInfo(pResultInfo, pQuery, pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery, buf);
resetMergeResultBuf(pQuery, pRuntimeEnv->pCtx, pResultInfo);
int64_t lastTimestamp = -1;
......@@ -2823,11 +2841,9 @@ int32_t mergeIntoGroupResultImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo, SArray *pGroup) {
pQInfo->offset = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
return pQInfo->numOfGroupResultPages;
......@@ -2980,14 +2996,16 @@ void switchCtxOrder(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv) {
void createQueryResultInfo(SQuery *pQuery, SWindowResult *pResultRow, bool isSTableQuery, SPosInfo *posInfo) {
void createQueryResultInfo(SQuery *pQuery, SWindowResult *pResultRow, bool isSTableQuery, SPosInfo *posInfo, size_t interBufSize) {
int32_t numOfCols = pQuery->numOfOutput;
pResultRow->resultInfo = calloc((size_t)numOfCols, sizeof(SResultInfo));
pResultRow->pos = *posInfo;
char* buf = calloc(1, interBufSize);
// set the intermediate result output buffer
setWindowResultInfo(pResultRow->resultInfo, pQuery, isSTableQuery);
setWindowResultInfo(pResultRow->resultInfo, pQuery, isSTableQuery, buf);
void resetCtxOutputBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv) {
......@@ -3365,7 +3383,7 @@ static STableQueryInfo *createTableQueryInfo(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, void
// set more initial size of interval/groupby query
if (QUERY_IS_INTERVAL_QUERY(pQuery) || pRuntimeEnv->groupbyNormalCol) {
int32_t initialSize = 20;
int32_t initialSize = 16;
int32_t initialThreshold = 100;
initWindowResInfo(&pTableQueryInfo->windowResInfo, pRuntimeEnv, initialSize, initialThreshold, TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT);
} else { // in other aggregate query, do not initialize the windowResInfo
......@@ -3591,20 +3609,7 @@ bool needPrimaryTimestampCol(SQuery *pQuery, SDataBlockInfo *pDataBlockInfo) {
return loadPrimaryTS;
static int32_t getNumOfSubset(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
SQuery *pQuery = pQInfo->runtimeEnv.pQuery;
int32_t totalSubset = 0;
if (pQInfo->runtimeEnv.groupbyNormalCol || (QUERY_IS_INTERVAL_QUERY(pQuery))) {
totalSubset = numOfClosedTimeWindow(&pQInfo->runtimeEnv.windowResInfo);
} else {
totalSubset = GET_NUM_OF_TABLEGROUP(pQInfo);
return totalSubset;
static int32_t doCopyToSData(SQInfo *pQInfo, SWindowResult *result, int32_t orderType) {
static int32_t doCopyToSData(SQInfo *pQInfo, SWindowResInfo *pResultInfo, int32_t orderType) {
SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv = &pQInfo->runtimeEnv;
SQuery * pQuery = pRuntimeEnv->pQuery;
......@@ -3613,17 +3618,18 @@ static int32_t doCopyToSData(SQInfo *pQInfo, SWindowResult *result, int32_t orde
int32_t step = -1;
qDebug("QInfo:%p start to copy data from windowResInfo to query buf", pQInfo);
int32_t totalSubset = getNumOfSubset(pQInfo);
int32_t totalSet = numOfClosedTimeWindow(pResultInfo);
SWindowResult* result = pResultInfo->pResult;
if (orderType == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) {
startIdx = pQInfo->groupIndex;
step = 1;
} else { // desc order copy all data
startIdx = totalSubset - pQInfo->groupIndex - 1;
startIdx = totalSet - pQInfo->groupIndex - 1;
step = -1;
for (int32_t i = startIdx; (i < totalSubset) && (i >= 0); i += step) {
for (int32_t i = startIdx; (i < totalSet) && (i >= 0); i += step) {
if (result[i].numOfRows == 0) {
pQInfo->offset = 0;
pQInfo->groupIndex += 1;
......@@ -3678,11 +3684,11 @@ static int32_t doCopyToSData(SQInfo *pQInfo, SWindowResult *result, int32_t orde
* @param pQInfo
* @param result
void copyFromWindowResToSData(SQInfo *pQInfo, SWindowResult *result) {
void copyFromWindowResToSData(SQInfo *pQInfo, SWindowResInfo *pResultInfo) {
SQuery *pQuery = pQInfo->runtimeEnv.pQuery;
int32_t orderType = (pQuery->pGroupbyExpr != NULL) ? pQuery->pGroupbyExpr->orderType : TSDB_ORDER_ASC;
int32_t numOfResult = doCopyToSData(pQInfo, result, orderType);
int32_t numOfResult = doCopyToSData(pQInfo, pResultInfo, orderType);
pQuery->rec.rows += numOfResult;
......@@ -4013,7 +4019,7 @@ static bool skipTimeInterval(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, TSKEY* start) {
STimeWindow tw = win;
getNextTimeWindow(pQuery, &tw);
if (pQuery->limit.offset == 0) {
if ((tw.skey <= blockInfo.window.ekey && QUERY_IS_ASC_QUERY(pQuery)) ||
......@@ -4025,7 +4031,7 @@ static bool skipTimeInterval(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, TSKEY* start) {
tw = win;
int32_t startPos =
getNextQualifiedWindow(pRuntimeEnv, &tw, &blockInfo, pColInfoData->pData, binarySearchForKey);
getNextQualifiedWindow(pRuntimeEnv, &tw, &blockInfo, pColInfoData->pData, binarySearchForKey, -1);
assert(startPos >= 0);
// set the abort info
......@@ -4068,7 +4074,7 @@ static bool skipTimeInterval(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, TSKEY* start) {
tw = win;
int32_t startPos =
getNextQualifiedWindow(pRuntimeEnv, &tw, &blockInfo, pColInfoData->pData, binarySearchForKey);
getNextQualifiedWindow(pRuntimeEnv, &tw, &blockInfo, pColInfoData->pData, binarySearchForKey, -1);
assert(startPos >= 0);
// set the abort info
......@@ -4197,7 +4203,7 @@ int32_t doInitQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo, STSBuf *pTsBuf, void *tsdb, int32_t vgId, bo
type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_INT; // group id
initWindowResInfo(&pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo, pRuntimeEnv, 512, 4096, type);
initWindowResInfo(&pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo, pRuntimeEnv, 32, 4096, type);
} else if (pRuntimeEnv->groupbyNormalCol || QUERY_IS_INTERVAL_QUERY(pQuery)) {
......@@ -4469,6 +4475,8 @@ static void sequentialTableProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
pRuntimeEnv->pQueryHandle = tsdbQueryTables(pQInfo->tsdb, &cond, &gp, pQInfo);
SArray* s = tsdbGetQueriedTableList(pRuntimeEnv->pQueryHandle);
assert(taosArrayGetSize(s) >= 1);
......@@ -4505,7 +4513,7 @@ static void sequentialTableProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
pQInfo->groupIndex = 0;
ensureOutputBufferSimple(pRuntimeEnv, pWindowResInfo->size);
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, pWindowResInfo->pResult);
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, pWindowResInfo);
pQInfo->groupIndex = currentGroupIndex; //restore the group index
assert(pQuery->rec.rows == pWindowResInfo->size);
......@@ -4520,7 +4528,7 @@ static void sequentialTableProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
* we need to return it to client in the first place.
if (pQInfo->groupIndex > 0) {
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo.pResult);
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, &pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo);
pQuery->rec.total += pQuery->rec.rows;
if (pQuery->rec.rows > 0) {
......@@ -4721,7 +4729,7 @@ static void multiTableQueryProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
displayInterResult(pQuery->sdata, pRuntimeEnv, pQuery->sdata[0]->num);
} else {
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo.pResult);
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, &pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo);
qDebug("QInfo:%p current:%"PRId64", total:%"PRId64"", pQInfo, pQuery->rec.rows, pQuery->rec.total);
......@@ -4772,7 +4780,7 @@ static void multiTableQueryProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
} else { // not a interval query
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo.pResult);
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, &pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo);
// handle the limitation of output buffer
......@@ -4927,7 +4935,7 @@ static void tableIntervalProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo, STableQueryInfo* pTableInfo) {
pQInfo->groupIndex = 0; // always start from 0
pQuery->rec.rows = 0;
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo.pResult);
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, &pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo);
clearFirstNTimeWindow(pRuntimeEnv, pQInfo->groupIndex);
......@@ -4956,7 +4964,7 @@ static void tableIntervalProcess(SQInfo *pQInfo, STableQueryInfo* pTableInfo) {
if (pRuntimeEnv->groupbyNormalCol) { // todo refactor with merge interval time result
pQInfo->groupIndex = 0;
pQuery->rec.rows = 0;
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo.pResult);
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, &pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo);
clearFirstNTimeWindow(pRuntimeEnv, pQInfo->groupIndex);
......@@ -4988,7 +4996,7 @@ static void tableQueryImpl(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
pQInfo->groupIndex = 0; // always start from 0
if (pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo.size > 0) {
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo.pResult);
copyFromWindowResToSData(pQInfo, &pRuntimeEnv->windowResInfo);
clearFirstNTimeWindow(pRuntimeEnv, pQInfo->groupIndex);
if (pQuery->rec.rows > 0) {
......@@ -5736,7 +5744,7 @@ static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SArray* pTableIdList,
STimeWindow window = pQueryMsg->window;
taosArraySort(pTableIdList, compareTableIdInfo);
// TODO optimize the STableQueryInfo malloc strategy
pQInfo->runtimeEnv.interBufSize = getOutputInterResultBufSize(pQuery);
pQInfo->pBuf = calloc(pTableGroupInfo->numOfTables, sizeof(STableQueryInfo));
int32_t index = 0;
......@@ -5851,6 +5859,18 @@ _error:
return code;
static void freeColumnFilterInfo(SColumnFilterInfo* pFilter, int32_t numOfFilters) {
if (pFilter == NULL) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfFilters; i++) {
if (pFilter[i].filterstr) {
static void freeQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
if (!isValidQInfo(pQInfo)) {
......@@ -5919,7 +5939,15 @@ static void freeQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
if (pQuery->colList != NULL) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfCols; i++) {
SColumnInfo* column = pQuery->colList + i;
freeColumnFilterInfo(column->filters, column->numOfFilters);
......@@ -6116,6 +6144,11 @@ _over:
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQueryMsg->numOfCols; i++) {
SColumnInfo* column = pQueryMsg->colList + i;
freeColumnFilterInfo(column->filters, column->numOfFilters);
//pQInfo already freed in initQInfo, but *pQInfo may not pointer to null;
if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
*pQInfo = NULL;
......@@ -17,15 +17,24 @@
#include "hash.h"
#include "taosmsg.h"
#include "qextbuffer.h"
#include "ttime.h"
#include "qfill.h"
#include "ttime.h"
#include "qExecutor.h"
#include "qUtil.h"
int32_t getOutputInterResultBufSize(SQuery* pQuery) {
int32_t size = 0;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQuery->numOfOutput; ++i) {
assert(pQuery->pSelectExpr[i].interBytes <= DEFAULT_INTERN_BUF_PAGE_SIZE);
size += pQuery->pSelectExpr[i].interBytes;
assert(size > 0);
return size;
int32_t initWindowResInfo(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t size,
int32_t threshold, int16_t type) {
pWindowResInfo->capacity = size;
......@@ -43,7 +52,7 @@ int32_t initWindowResInfo(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRun
pWindowResInfo->pResult = calloc(threshold, sizeof(SWindowResult));
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pWindowResInfo->capacity; ++i) {
SPosInfo posInfo = {-1, -1};
createQueryResultInfo(pRuntimeEnv->pQuery, &pWindowResInfo->pResult[i], pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery, &posInfo);
createQueryResultInfo(pRuntimeEnv->pQuery, &pWindowResInfo->pResult[i], pRuntimeEnv->stableQuery, &posInfo, pRuntimeEnv->interBufSize);
......@@ -54,11 +63,7 @@ void destroyTimeWindowRes(SWindowResult *pWindowRes, int32_t nOutputCols) {
// TODO opt malloc strategy
for (int32_t i = 0; i < nOutputCols; ++i) {
......@@ -241,10 +246,9 @@ void clearTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *pWindow
pWindowRes->numOfRows = 0;
// pWindowRes->nAlloc = 0;
pWindowRes->pos = (SPosInfo){-1, -1};
pWindowRes->status.closed = false;
pWindowRes->window = (STimeWindow){0, 0};
pWindowRes->window = TSWINDOW_INITIALIZER;
......@@ -254,7 +258,6 @@ void clearTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *pWindow
void copyTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *dst, const SWindowResult *src) {
dst->numOfRows = src->numOfRows;
// dst->nAlloc = src->nAlloc;
dst->window = src->window;
dst->status = src->status;
......@@ -1366,6 +1366,7 @@ static int32_t rpcCompressRpcMsg(char* pCont, int32_t contLen) {
int32_t compLen = LZ4_compress_default(pCont, buf, contLen, contLen + overhead);
tDebug("compress rpc msg, before:%d, after:%d, overhead:%d", contLen, compLen, overhead);
* only the compressed size is less than the value of contLen - overhead, the compression is applied
......@@ -1378,7 +1379,7 @@ static int32_t rpcCompressRpcMsg(char* pCont, int32_t contLen) {
memcpy(pCont + overhead, buf, compLen);
pHead->comp = 1;
//tDebug("compress rpc msg, before:%d, after:%d", contLen, compLen);
tDebug("compress rpc msg, before:%d, after:%d", contLen, compLen);
finalLen = compLen + overhead;
} else {
finalLen = contLen;
......@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#include "taoserror.h"
#include "twal.h"
#include "tqueue.h"
#include "tfile.h"
#define walPrefix "wal"
......@@ -180,7 +181,7 @@ int walWrite(void *handle, SWalHead *pHead) {
taosCalcChecksumAppend(0, (uint8_t *)pHead, sizeof(SWalHead));
int contLen = pHead->len + sizeof(SWalHead);
if(write(pWal->fd, pHead, contLen) != contLen) {
if(twrite(pWal->fd, pHead, contLen) != contLen) {
wError("wal:%s, failed to write(%s)", pWal->name, strerror(errno));
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
} else {
......@@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ static int walRestoreWalFile(SWal *pWal, void *pVnode, FWalWrite writeFp) {
wDebug("wal:%s, start to restore", name);
while (1) {
int ret = read(fd, pHead, sizeof(SWalHead));
int ret = tread(fd, pHead, sizeof(SWalHead));
if ( ret == 0) break;
if (ret != sizeof(SWalHead)) {
......@@ -340,7 +341,7 @@ static int walRestoreWalFile(SWal *pWal, void *pVnode, FWalWrite writeFp) {
ret = read(fd, pHead->cont, pHead->len);
ret = tread(fd, pHead->cont, pHead->len);
if ( ret != pHead->len) {
wWarn("wal:%s, failed to read body, skip, len:%d ret:%d", name, pHead->len, ret);
terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno);
......@@ -606,6 +606,47 @@ class DbConnRest(DbConn):
raise RuntimeError("TBD")
# Duplicate code from TDMySQL, TODO: merge all this into DbConnNative
class MyTDSql:
def __init__(self):
self.queryRows = 0
self.queryCols = 0
self.affectedRows = 0
def init(self, cursor, log=True):
self.cursor = cursor
# if (log):
# caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
# self.cursor.log(caller.filename + ".sql")
def close(self):
def query(self, sql):
self.sql = sql
self.queryResult = self.cursor.fetchall()
self.queryRows = len(self.queryResult)
self.queryCols = len(self.cursor.description)
except Exception as e:
# caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
# args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, repr(e))
# tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args)
return self.queryRows
def execute(self, sql):
self.sql = sql
self.affectedRows = self.cursor.execute(sql)
except Exception as e:
# caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
# args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, repr(e))
# tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args)
return self.affectedRows
class DbConnNative(DbConn):
def __init__(self):
......@@ -623,7 +664,7 @@ class DbConnNative(DbConn):
# self._cursor.execute('use db') # do this at the beginning of every step
# Open connection
self._tdSql = TDSql()
self._tdSql = MyTDSql()
def close(self):
......@@ -1213,9 +1254,15 @@ class Task():
self._executeInternal(te, wt) # TODO: no return value?
except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
errno2 = err.errno if (err.errno > 0) else 0x80000000 + err.errno # correct error scheme
if ( errno2 in [
if ( gConfig.continue_on_exception ): # user choose to continue
self.logDebug("[=] Continue after TAOS exception: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format(errno2, err, self._lastSql))
self._err = err
elif ( errno2 in [
0x200, 0x360, 0x362, 0x36A, 0x36B, 0x36D, 0x381, 0x380, 0x383, 0x503,
0x200, 0x360, 0x362, 0x36A, 0x36B, 0x36D,
0x381, 0x380, 0x383,
0x386, # DB is being dropped?!
0x510, # vnode not in ready state
1000 # REST catch-all error
......@@ -2077,6 +2124,8 @@ def main():
help='Maximum number of steps to run (default: 100)')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--num-threads', action='store', default=5, type=int,
help='Number of threads to run (default: 10)')
parser.add_argument('-x', '--continue-on-exception', action='store_true',
help='Continue execution after encountering unexpected/disallowed errors/exceptions (default: false)')
global gConfig
gConfig = parser.parse_args()
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importTORestart.py
python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importTPORestart.py
python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importTRestart.py
python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importInsertThenImport.py
python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importCSV.py
# user
python3 ./test.py -f user/user_create.py
python3 ./test.py -f user/pass_len.py
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import os
import csv
import random
from util.log import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
from util.dnodes import *
class TDTestCase:
def init(self, conn, logSql):
tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__)
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
self.csvfile = "/tmp/file.csv"
self.rows = 10000
self.ntables = 1
self.startTime = 1520000010000
def genRandomStr(self, maxLen):
H = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
salt = ''
if maxLen <= 1:
maxLen = 2
l = random.randint(1,maxLen)
for i in range(l):
salt += random.choice(H)
return salt
def createCSVFile(self):
f = open(self.csvfile,'w',encoding='utf-8')
csv_writer = csv.writer(f, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
for i in range(self.rows):
csv_writer.writerow([self.startTime + i,
def destroyCSVFile(self):
def run(self):
tdSql.execute('reset query cache')
tdSql.execute('drop database if exists db')
tdSql.execute('create database db')
tdSql.execute('use db')
tdSql.execute('''create table tbx (ts TIMESTAMP,
collect_area NCHAR(5),
device_id BINARY(6),
imsi BINARY(7),
imei BINARY(8),
mdn BINARY(9),
net_type BINARY(10),
mno NCHAR(11),
province NCHAR(12),
city NCHAR(13),
alarm BINARY(14))''')
tdSql.execute("import into tbx file \'%s\'"%(self.csvfile))
tdSql.query('select * from tbx')
def stop(self):
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__)
tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase())
tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase())
......@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importTORestart.py
python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importTPORestart.py
python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importTRestart.py
python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importInsertThenImport.py
python3 ./test.py -f import_merge/importCSV.py
# user
python3 ./test.py -f user/user_create.py
python3 ./test.py -f user/pass_len.py
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# install pip
# pip install src/connector/python/linux/python2/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import getopt
import subprocess
from distutils.log import warn as printf
from util.log import *
from util.dnodes import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
import taos
if __name__ == "__main__":
fileName = "all"
deployPath = ""
testCluster = False
valgrind = 0
logSql = True
stop = 0
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'l:sgh', [
'logSql', 'stop', 'valgrind', 'help'])
for key, value in opts:
if key in ['-h', '--help']:
'A collection of test cases written using Python')
tdLog.printNoPrefix('-l <True:False> logSql Flag')
tdLog.printNoPrefix('-s stop All dnodes')
tdLog.printNoPrefix('-g valgrind Test Flag')
if key in ['-l', '--logSql']:
if (value.upper() == "TRUE"):
logSql = True
elif (value.upper() == "FALSE"):
logSql = False
tdLog.printNoPrefix("logSql value %s is invalid" % logSql)
if key in ['-g', '--valgrind']:
valgrind = 1
if key in ['-s', '--stop']:
stop = 1
if (stop != 0):
if (valgrind == 0):
toBeKilled = "taosd"
toBeKilled = "valgrind.bin"
killCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -HUP > /dev/null 2>&1" % toBeKilled
psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % toBeKilled
processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True)
processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True)
for port in range(6030, 6041):
usePortPID = "lsof -i tcp:%d | grep LISTEn | awk '{print $2}'" % port
processID = subprocess.check_output(usePortPID, shell=True)
if processID:
killCmd = "kill -9 %s" % processID
fuserCmd = "fuser -k -n tcp %d" % port
if valgrind:
tdLog.info('stop All dnodes')
tdDnodes.addSimExtraCfg("compressMsgSize", "10240")
host = ''
tdLog.info("Procedures for tdengine deployed in %s" % (host))
conn = taos.connect(
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), True)
tdSql.execute("USE t10b")
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS s_sensor_info (ts TIMESTAMP, temperature INT, humidity FLOAT)")
start_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
for i in range(1, 1000):
tdSql.execute("IMPORT INTO s_sensor_info VALUES (1575129600000, 16, 19.405090) (1575129601000, 22, 14.377142) (1575129602000, 16, 16.868231) (1575129603000, 20, 11.565193) (1575129604000, 31, 13.009119) (1575129605000, 29, 18.136400) (1575129606000, 17, 13.806572) (1575129607000, 23, 14.688898) (1575129608000, 26, 12.931019) (1575129609000, 32, 12.185531) (1575129610000, 30, 13.608714) (1575129611000, 23, 18.624914) (1575129612000, 22, 12.970826) (1575129613000, 22, 12.065827) (1575129614000, 25, 16.967192) (1575129615000, 16, 10.283031) (1575129616000, 22, 16.072535) (1575129617000, 24, 10.794536) (1575129618000, 32, 10.591207) (1575129619000, 20, 13.015227) (1575129620000, 28, 15.410999) (1575129621000, 29, 12.785076) (1575129622000, 28, 15.305857) (1575129623000, 33, 12.820810) (1575129624000, 34, 13.618055) (1575129625000, 32, 12.971123) (1575129626000, 24, 10.974546) (1575129627000, 15, 10.742910) (1575129628000, 23, 16.810783) (1575129629000, 18, 13.115224) (1575129630000, 26, 17.418489) (1575129631000, 20, 17.302315) (1575129632000, 21, 14.283571) (1575129633000, 16, 16.826534) (1575129634000, 18, 19.222122) (1575129635000, 18, 14.931420) (1575129636000, 17, 19.549454) (1575129637000, 22, 16.908388) (1575129638000, 32, 15.637796) (1575129639000, 31, 15.517650) (1575129640000, 18, 14.038033) (1575129641000, 32, 19.859648) (1575129642000, 16, 13.220840) (1575129643000, 28, 16.445398) (1575129644000, 26, 16.695753) (1575129645000, 33, 13.696928) (1575129646000, 21, 15.352819) (1575129647000, 15, 12.388407) (1575129648000, 27, 11.267529) (1575129649000, 20, 14.103228) (1575129650000, 20, 16.250950) (1575129651000, 30, 16.236088) (1575129652000, 22, 18.305340) (1575129653000, 25, 17.360685) (1575129654000, 25, 14.978681) (1575129655000, 33, 14.096183) (1575129656000, 26, 10.019039) (1575129657000, 19, 19.158213) (1575129658000, 22, 15.593924) (1575129659000, 26, 18.780119) (1575129660000, 21, 16.001656) (1575129661000, 16, 18.458328) (1575129662000, 21, 16.417843) (1575129663000, 28, 11.736558) (1575129664000, 34, 18.143946) (1575129665000, 27, 10.303225) (1575129666000, 20, 19.756748) (1575129667000, 22, 12.940063) (1575129668000, 23, 11.509640) (1575129669000, 19, 18.319309) (1575129670000, 19, 16.278345) (1575129671000, 27, 10.898361) (1575129672000, 31, 13.922162) (1575129673000, 15, 19.296116) (1575129674000, 26, 15.885763) (1575129675000, 15, 15.525804) (1575129676000, 19, 19.579538) (1575129677000, 20, 11.073811) (1575129678000, 16, 13.932510) (1575129679000, 17, 11.900328) (1575129680000, 22, 16.540415) (1575129681000, 33, 15.203803) (1575129682000, 17, 11.518434) (1575129683000, 17, 13.152081) (1575129684000, 18, 11.378041) (1575129685000, 21, 15.390745) (1575129686000, 30, 15.127818) (1575129687000, 19, 16.530401) (1575129688000, 32, 16.542702) (1575129689000, 26, 16.366442) (1575129690000, 25, 10.306822) (1575129691000, 15, 13.691117) (1575129692000, 15, 13.476817) (1575129693000, 25, 12.529998) (1575129694000, 22, 15.550021) (1575129695000, 20, 15.064971) (1575129696000, 24, 13.313683) (1575129697000, 23, 17.002878) (1575129698000, 30, 19.991594) (1575129699000, 15, 11.116746) (1575129699990, 16, 19.405090) (1575129700990, 22, 14.377142) (1575129701990, 16, 16.868231) (1575129702990, 20, 11.565193) (1575129703990, 31, 13.009119) (1575129704990, 29, 18.136400) (1575129705990, 17, 13.806572) (1575129706990, 23, 14.688898) (1575129707990, 26, 12.931019) (1575129708990, 32, 12.185531) (1575129709990, 30, 13.608714) (1575129710990, 23, 18.624914) (1575129711990, 22, 12.970826) (1575129712990, 22, 12.065827) (1575129713990, 25, 16.967192) (1575129714990, 16, 10.283031) (1575129715990, 22, 16.072535) (1575129716990, 24, 10.794536) (1575129717990, 32, 10.591207) (1575129718990, 20, 13.015227) (1575129719990, 28, 15.410999) (1575129720990, 29, 12.785076) (1575129721990, 28, 15.305857) (1575129722990, 33, 12.820810) (1575129723990, 34, 13.618055) (1575129724990, 32, 12.971123) (1575129725990, 24, 10.974546) (1575129726990, 15, 10.742910) (1575129727990, 23, 16.810783) (1575129728990, 18, 13.115224) (1575129729990, 26, 17.418489) (1575129730990, 20, 17.302315) (1575129731990, 21, 14.283571) (1575129732990, 16, 16.826534) (1575129733990, 18, 19.222122) (1575129734990, 18, 14.931420) (1575129735990, 17, 19.549454) (1575129736990, 22, 16.908388) (1575129737990, 32, 15.637796) (1575129738990, 31, 15.517650) (1575129739990, 18, 14.038033) (1575129740990, 32, 19.859648) (1575129741990, 16, 13.220840) (1575129742990, 28, 16.445398) (1575129743990, 26, 16.695753) (1575129744990, 33, 13.696928) (1575129745990, 21, 15.352819) (1575129746990, 15, 12.388407) (1575129747990, 27, 11.267529) (1575129748990, 20, 14.103228) (1575129749990, 20, 16.250950) (1575129750990, 30, 16.236088) (1575129751990, 22, 18.305340) (1575129752990, 25, 17.360685) (1575129753990, 25, 14.978681) (1575129754990, 33, 14.096183) (1575129755990, 26, 10.019039) (1575129756990, 19, 19.158213) (1575129757990, 22, 15.593924) (1575129758990, 26, 18.780119) (1575129759990, 21, 16.001656) (1575129760990, 16, 18.458328) (1575129761990, 21, 16.417843) (1575129762990, 28, 11.736558) (1575129763990, 34, 18.143946) (1575129764990, 27, 10.303225) (1575129765990, 20, 19.756748) (1575129766990, 22, 12.940063) (1575129767990, 23, 11.509640) (1575129768990, 19, 18.319309) (1575129769990, 19, 16.278345) (1575129770990, 27, 10.898361) (1575129771990, 31, 13.922162) (1575129772990, 15, 19.296116) (1575129773990, 26, 15.885763) (1575129774990, 15, 15.525804) (1575129775990, 19, 19.579538) (1575129776990, 20, 11.073811) (1575129777990, 16, 13.932510) (1575129778990, 17, 11.900328) (1575129779990, 22, 16.540415) (1575129780990, 33, 15.203803) (1575129781990, 17, 11.518434) (1575129782990, 17, 13.152081) (1575129783990, 18, 11.378041) (1575129784990, 21, 15.390745) (1575129785990, 30, 15.127818) (1575129786990, 19, 16.530401) (1575129787990, 32, 16.542702) (1575129788990, 26, 16.366442) (1575129789990, 25, 10.306822) (1575129790990, 15, 13.691117) (1575129791990, 15, 13.476817) (1575129792990, 25, 12.529998) (1575129793990, 22, 15.550021) (1575129794990, 20, 15.064971) (1575129795990, 24, 13.313683) (1575129796990, 23, 17.002878) (1575129797990, 30, 19.991594) (1575129798990, 15, 11.116746) (1575129799980, 16, 19.405090) (1575129800980, 22, 14.377142) (1575129801980, 16, 16.868231) (1575129802980, 20, 11.565193) (1575129803980, 31, 13.009119) (1575129804980, 29, 18.136400) (1575129805980, 17, 13.806572) (1575129806980, 23, 14.688898) (1575129807980, 26, 12.931019) (1575129808980, 32, 12.185531) (1575129809980, 30, 13.608714) (1575129810980, 23, 18.624914) (1575129811980, 22, 12.970826) (1575129812980, 22, 12.065827) (1575129813980, 25, 16.967192) (1575129814980, 16, 10.283031) (1575129815980, 22, 16.072535) (1575129816980, 24, 10.794536) (1575129817980, 32, 10.591207) (1575129818980, 20, 13.015227) (1575129819980, 28, 15.410999) (1575129820980, 29, 12.785076) (1575129821980, 28, 15.305857) (1575129822980, 33, 12.820810) (1575129823980, 34, 13.618055) (1575129824980, 32, 12.971123) (1575129825980, 24, 10.974546) (1575129826980, 15, 10.742910) (1575129827980, 23, 16.810783) (1575129828980, 18, 13.115224) (1575129829980, 26, 17.418489) (1575129830980, 20, 17.302315) (1575129831980, 21, 14.283571) (1575129832980, 16, 16.826534) (1575129833980, 18, 19.222122) (1575129834980, 18, 14.931420) (1575129835980, 17, 19.549454) (1575129836980, 22, 16.908388) (1575129837980, 32, 15.637796) (1575129838980, 31, 15.517650) (1575129839980, 18, 14.038033) (1575129840980, 32, 19.859648) (1575129841980, 16, 13.220840) (1575129842980, 28, 16.445398) (1575129843980, 26, 16.695753) (1575129844980, 33, 13.696928) (1575129845980, 21, 15.352819) (1575129846980, 15, 12.388407) (1575129847980, 27, 11.267529) (1575129848980, 20, 14.103228) (1575129849980, 20, 16.250950) (1575129850980, 30, 16.236088) (1575129851980, 22, 18.305340) (1575129852980, 25, 17.360685) (1575129853980, 25, 14.978681) (1575129854980, 33, 14.096183) (1575129855980, 26, 10.019039) (1575129856980, 19, 19.158213) (1575129857980, 22, 15.593924) (1575129858980, 26, 18.780119) (1575129859980, 21, 16.001656) (1575129860980, 16, 18.458328) (1575129861980, 21, 16.417843) (1575129862980, 28, 11.736558) (1575129863980, 34, 18.143946) (1575129864980, 27, 10.303225) (1575129865980, 20, 19.756748) (1575129866980, 22, 12.940063) (1575129867980, 23, 11.509640) (1575129868980, 19, 18.319309) (1575129869980, 19, 16.278345) (1575129870980, 27, 10.898361) (1575129871980, 31, 13.922162) (1575129872980, 15, 19.296116) (1575129873980, 26, 15.885763) (1575129874980, 15, 15.525804) (1575129875980, 19, 19.579538) (1575129876980, 20, 11.073811) (1575129877980, 16, 13.932510) (1575129878980, 17, 11.900328) (1575129879980, 22, 16.540415) (1575129880980, 33, 15.203803) (1575129881980, 17, 11.518434) (1575129882980, 17, 13.152081) (1575129883980, 18, 11.378041) (1575129884980, 21, 15.390745) (1575129885980, 30, 15.127818) (1575129886980, 19, 16.530401) (1575129887980, 32, 16.542702) (1575129888980, 26, 16.366442) (1575129889980, 25, 10.306822) (1575129890980, 15, 13.691117) (1575129891980, 15, 13.476817) (1575129892980, 25, 12.529998) (1575129893980, 22, 15.550021) (1575129894980, 20, 15.064971) (1575129895980, 24, 13.313683) (1575129896980, 23, 17.002878) (1575129897980, 30, 19.991594) (1575129898980, 15, 11.116746) (1575129899970, 16, 19.405090) (1575129900970, 22, 14.377142) (1575129901970, 16, 16.868231) (1575129902970, 20, 11.565193) (1575129903970, 31, 13.009119) (1575129904970, 29, 18.136400) (1575129905970, 17, 13.806572) (1575129906970, 23, 14.688898) (1575129907970, 26, 12.931019) (1575129908970, 32, 12.185531) (1575129909970, 30, 13.608714) (1575129910970, 23, 18.624914) (1575129911970, 22, 12.970826) (1575129912970, 22, 12.065827) (1575129913970, 25, 16.967192) (1575129914970, 16, 10.283031) (1575129915970, 22, 16.072535) (1575129916970, 24, 10.794536) (1575129917970, 32, 10.591207) (1575129918970, 20, 13.015227) (1575129919970, 28, 15.410999) (1575129920970, 29, 12.785076) (1575129921970, 28, 15.305857) (1575129922970, 33, 12.820810) (1575129923970, 34, 13.618055) (1575129924970, 32, 12.971123) (1575129925970, 24, 10.974546) (1575129926970, 15, 10.742910) (1575129927970, 23, 16.810783) (1575129928970, 18, 13.115224) (1575129929970, 26, 17.418489) (1575129930970, 20, 17.302315) (1575129931970, 21, 14.283571) (1575129932970, 16, 16.826534) (1575129933970, 18, 19.222122) (1575129934970, 18, 14.931420) (1575129935970, 17, 19.549454) (1575129936970, 22, 16.908388) (1575129937970, 32, 15.637796) (1575129938970, 31, 15.517650) (1575129939970, 18, 14.038033) (1575129940970, 32, 19.859648) (1575129941970, 16, 13.220840) (1575129942970, 28, 16.445398) (1575129943970, 26, 16.695753) (1575129944970, 33, 13.696928) (1575129945970, 21, 15.352819) (1575129946970, 15, 12.388407) (1575129947970, 27, 11.267529) (1575129948970, 20, 14.103228) (1575129949970, 20, 16.250950) (1575129950970, 30, 16.236088) (1575129951970, 22, 18.305340) (1575129952970, 25, 17.360685) (1575129953970, 25, 14.978681) (1575129954970, 33, 14.096183) (1575129955970, 26, 10.019039) (1575129956970, 19, 19.158213) (1575129957970, 22, 15.593924) (1575129958970, 26, 18.780119) (1575129959970, 21, 16.001656) (1575129960970, 16, 18.458328) (1575129961970, 21, 16.417843) (1575129962970, 28, 11.736558) (1575129963970, 34, 18.143946) (1575129964970, 27, 10.303225) (1575129965970, 20, 19.756748) (1575129966970, 22, 12.940063) (1575129967970, 23, 11.509640) (1575129968970, 19, 18.319309) (1575129969970, 19, 16.278345) (1575129970970, 27, 10.898361) (1575129971970, 31, 13.922162) (1575129972970, 15, 19.296116) (1575129973970, 26, 15.885763) (1575129974970, 15, 15.525804) (1575129975970, 19, 19.579538) (1575129976970, 20, 11.073811) (1575129977970, 16, 13.932510) (1575129978970, 17, 11.900328) (1575129979970, 22, 16.540415) (1575129980970, 33, 15.203803) (1575129981970, 17, 11.518434) (1575129982970, 17, 13.152081) (1575129983970, 18, 11.378041) (1575129984970, 21, 15.390745) (1575129985970, 30, 15.127818) (1575129986970, 19, 16.530401) (1575129987970, 32, 16.542702) (1575129988970, 26, 16.366442) (1575129989970, 25, 10.306822) (1575129990970, 15, 13.691117) (1575129991970, 15, 13.476817) (1575129992970, 25, 12.529998) (1575129993970, 22, 15.550021) (1575129994970, 20, 15.064971) (1575129995970, 24, 13.313683) (1575129996970, 23, 17.002878) (1575129997970, 30, 19.991594) (1575129998970, 15, 11.116746) (1575129999960, 16, 19.405090) (1575130000960, 22, 14.377142) (1575130001960, 16, 16.868231) (1575130002960, 20, 11.565193) (1575130003960, 31, 13.009119) (1575130004960, 29, 18.136400) (1575130005960, 17, 13.806572) (1575130006960, 23, 14.688898) (1575130007960, 26, 12.931019) (1575130008960, 32, 12.185531) (1575130009960, 30, 13.608714) (1575130010960, 23, 18.624914) (1575130011960, 22, 12.970826) (1575130012960, 22, 12.065827) (1575130013960, 25, 16.967192) (1575130014960, 16, 10.283031) (1575130015960, 22, 16.072535) (1575130016960, 24, 10.794536) (1575130017960, 32, 10.591207) (1575130018960, 20, 13.015227) (1575130019960, 28, 15.410999) (1575130020960, 29, 12.785076) (1575130021960, 28, 15.305857) (1575130022960, 33, 12.820810) (1575130023960, 34, 13.618055) (1575130024960, 32, 12.971123) (1575130025960, 24, 10.974546) (1575130026960, 15, 10.742910) (1575130027960, 23, 16.810783) (1575130028960, 18, 13.115224) (1575130029960, 26, 17.418489) (1575130030960, 20, 17.302315) (1575130031960, 21, 14.283571) (1575130032960, 16, 16.826534) (1575130033960, 18, 19.222122) (1575130034960, 18, 14.931420) (1575130035960, 17, 19.549454) (1575130036960, 22, 16.908388) (1575130037960, 32, 15.637796) (1575130038960, 31, 15.517650) (1575130039960, 18, 14.038033) (1575130040960, 32, 19.859648) (1575130041960, 16, 13.220840) (1575130042960, 28, 16.445398) (1575130043960, 26, 16.695753) (1575130044960, 33, 13.696928) (1575130045960, 21, 15.352819) (1575130046960, 15, 12.388407) (1575130047960, 27, 11.267529) (1575130048960, 20, 14.103228) (1575130049960, 20, 16.250950) (1575130050960, 30, 16.236088) (1575130051960, 22, 18.305340) (1575130052960, 25, 17.360685) (1575130053960, 25, 14.978681) (1575130054960, 33, 14.096183) (1575130055960, 26, 10.019039) (1575130056960, 19, 19.158213) (1575130057960, 22, 15.593924) (1575130058960, 26, 18.780119) (1575130059960, 21, 16.001656) (1575130060960, 16, 18.458328) (1575130061960, 21, 16.417843) (1575130062960, 28, 11.736558) (1575130063960, 34, 18.143946) (1575130064960, 27, 10.303225) (1575130065960, 20, 19.756748) (1575130066960, 22, 12.940063) (1575130067960, 23, 11.509640) (1575130068960, 19, 18.319309) (1575130069960, 19, 16.278345) (1575130070960, 27, 10.898361) (1575130071960, 31, 13.922162) (1575130072960, 15, 19.296116) (1575130073960, 26, 15.885763) (1575130074960, 15, 15.525804) (1575130075960, 19, 19.579538) (1575130076960, 20, 11.073811) (1575130077960, 16, 13.932510) (1575130078960, 17, 11.900328) (1575130079960, 22, 16.540415) (1575130080960, 33, 15.203803) (1575130081960, 17, 11.518434) (1575130082960, 17, 13.152081) (1575130083960, 18, 11.378041) (1575130084960, 21, 15.390745) (1575130085960, 30, 15.127818) (1575130086960, 19, 16.530401) (1575130087960, 32, 16.542702) (1575130088960, 26, 16.366442) (1575130089960, 25, 10.306822) (1575130090960, 15, 13.691117) (1575130091960, 15, 13.476817) (1575130092960, 25, 12.529998) (1575130093960, 22, 15.550021) (1575130094960, 20, 15.064971) (1575130095960, 24, 13.313683) (1575130096960, 23, 17.002878) (1575130097960, 30, 19.991594) (1575130098960, 15, 11.116746) (1575130099950, 16, 19.405090) (1575130100950, 22, 14.377142) (1575130101950, 16, 16.868231) (1575130102950, 20, 11.565193) (1575130103950, 31, 13.009119) (1575130104950, 29, 18.136400) (1575130105950, 17, 13.806572) (1575130106950, 23, 14.688898) (1575130107950, 26, 12.931019) (1575130108950, 32, 12.185531) (1575130109950, 30, 13.608714) (1575130110950, 23, 18.624914) (1575130111950, 22, 12.970826) (1575130112950, 22, 12.065827) (1575130113950, 25, 16.967192) (1575130114950, 16, 10.283031) (1575130115950, 22, 16.072535) (1575130116950, 24, 10.794536) (1575130117950, 32, 10.591207) (1575130118950, 20, 13.015227) (1575130119950, 28, 15.410999) (1575130120950, 29, 12.785076) (1575130121950, 28, 15.305857) (1575130122950, 33, 12.820810) (1575130123950, 34, 13.618055) (1575130124950, 32, 12.971123) (1575130125950, 24, 10.974546) (1575130126950, 15, 10.742910) (1575130127950, 23, 16.810783) (1575130128950, 18, 13.115224) (1575130129950, 26, 17.418489) (1575130130950, 20, 17.302315) (1575130131950, 21, 14.283571) (1575130132950, 16, 16.826534) (1575130133950, 18, 19.222122) (1575130134950, 18, 14.931420) (1575130135950, 17, 19.549454) (1575130136950, 22, 16.908388) (1575130137950, 32, 15.637796) (1575130138950, 31, 15.517650) (1575130139950, 18, 14.038033) (1575130140950, 32, 19.859648) (1575130141950, 16, 13.220840) (1575130142950, 28, 16.445398) (1575130143950, 26, 16.695753) (1575130144950, 33, 13.696928) (1575130145950, 21, 15.352819) (1575130146950, 15, 12.388407) (1575130147950, 27, 11.267529) (1575130148950, 20, 14.103228) (1575130149950, 20, 16.250950) (1575130150950, 30, 16.236088) (1575130151950, 22, 18.305340) (1575130152950, 25, 17.360685) (1575130153950, 25, 14.978681) (1575130154950, 33, 14.096183) (1575130155950, 26, 10.019039) (1575130156950, 19, 19.158213) (1575130157950, 22, 15.593924) (1575130158950, 26, 18.780119) (1575130159950, 21, 16.001656) (1575130160950, 16, 18.458328) (1575130161950, 21, 16.417843) (1575130162950, 28, 11.736558) (1575130163950, 34, 18.143946) (1575130164950, 27, 10.303225) (1575130165950, 20, 19.756748) (1575130166950, 22, 12.940063) (1575130167950, 23, 11.509640) (1575130168950, 19, 18.319309) (1575130169950, 19, 16.278345) (1575130170950, 27, 10.898361) (1575130171950, 31, 13.922162) (1575130172950, 15, 19.296116) (1575130173950, 26, 15.885763) (1575130174950, 15, 15.525804) (1575130175950, 19, 19.579538) (1575130176950, 20, 11.073811) (1575130177950, 16, 13.932510) (1575130178950, 17, 11.900328) (1575130179950, 22, 16.540415) (1575130180950, 33, 15.203803) (1575130181950, 17, 11.518434) (1575130182950, 17, 13.152081) (1575130183950, 18, 11.378041) (1575130184950, 21, 15.390745) (1575130185950, 30, 15.127818) (1575130186950, 19, 16.530401) (1575130187950, 32, 16.542702) (1575130188950, 26, 16.366442) (1575130189950, 25, 10.306822) (1575130190950, 15, 13.691117) (1575130191950, 15, 13.476817) (1575130192950, 25, 12.529998) (1575130193950, 22, 15.550021) (1575130194950, 20, 15.064971) (1575130195950, 24, 13.313683) (1575130196950, 23, 17.002878) (1575130197950, 30, 19.991594) (1575130198950, 15, 11.116746) (1575130199940, 16, 19.405090) (1575130200940, 22, 14.377142) (1575130201940, 16, 16.868231) (1575130202940, 20, 11.565193) (1575130203940, 31, 13.009119) (1575130204940, 29, 18.136400) (1575130205940, 17, 13.806572) (1575130206940, 23, 14.688898) (1575130207940, 26, 12.931019) (1575130208940, 32, 12.185531) (1575130209940, 30, 13.608714) (1575130210940, 23, 18.624914) (1575130211940, 22, 12.970826) (1575130212940, 22, 12.065827) (1575130213940, 25, 16.967192) (1575130214940, 16, 10.283031) (1575130215940, 22, 16.072535) (1575130216940, 24, 10.794536) (1575130217940, 32, 10.591207) (1575130218940, 20, 13.015227) (1575130219940, 28, 15.410999) (1575130220940, 29, 12.785076) (1575130221940, 28, 15.305857) (1575130222940, 33, 12.820810) (1575130223940, 34, 13.618055) (1575130224940, 32, 12.971123) (1575130225940, 24, 10.974546) (1575130226940, 15, 10.742910) (1575130227940, 23, 16.810783) (1575130228940, 18, 13.115224) (1575130229940, 26, 17.418489) (1575130230940, 20, 17.302315) (1575130231940, 21, 14.283571) (1575130232940, 16, 16.826534) (1575130233940, 18, 19.222122) (1575130234940, 18, 14.931420) (1575130235940, 17, 19.549454) (1575130236940, 22, 16.908388) (1575130237940, 32, 15.637796) (1575130238940, 31, 15.517650) (1575130239940, 18, 14.038033) (1575130240940, 32, 19.859648) (1575130241940, 16, 13.220840) (1575130242940, 28, 16.445398) (1575130243940, 26, 16.695753) (1575130244940, 33, 13.696928) (1575130245940, 21, 15.352819) (1575130246940, 15, 12.388407) (1575130247940, 27, 11.267529) (1575130248940, 20, 14.103228) (1575130249940, 20, 16.250950) (1575130250940, 30, 16.236088) (1575130251940, 22, 18.305340) (1575130252940, 25, 17.360685) (1575130253940, 25, 14.978681) (1575130254940, 33, 14.096183) (1575130255940, 26, 10.019039) (1575130256940, 19, 19.158213) (1575130257940, 22, 15.593924) (1575130258940, 26, 18.780119) (1575130259940, 21, 16.001656) (1575130260940, 16, 18.458328) (1575130261940, 21, 16.417843) (1575130262940, 28, 11.736558) (1575130263940, 34, 18.143946) (1575130264940, 27, 10.303225) (1575130265940, 20, 19.756748) (1575130266940, 22, 12.940063) (1575130267940, 23, 11.509640) (1575130268940, 19, 18.319309) (1575130269940, 19, 16.278345) (1575130270940, 27, 10.898361) (1575130271940, 31, 13.922162) (1575130272940, 15, 19.296116) (1575130273940, 26, 15.885763) (1575130274940, 15, 15.525804) (1575130275940, 19, 19.579538) (1575130276940, 20, 11.073811) (1575130277940, 16, 13.932510) (1575130278940, 17, 11.900328) (1575130279940, 22, 16.540415) (1575130280940, 33, 15.203803) (1575130281940, 17, 11.518434) (1575130282940, 17, 13.152081) (1575130283940, 18, 11.378041) (1575130284940, 21, 15.390745) (1575130285940, 30, 15.127818) (1575130286940, 19, 16.530401) (1575130287940, 32, 16.542702) (1575130288940, 26, 16.366442) (1575130289940, 25, 10.306822) (1575130290940, 15, 13.691117) (1575130291940, 15, 13.476817) (1575130292940, 25, 12.529998) (1575130293940, 22, 15.550021) (1575130294940, 20, 15.064971) (1575130295940, 24, 13.313683) (1575130296940, 23, 17.002878) (1575130297940, 30, 19.991594) (1575130298940, 15, 11.116746) (1575130299930, 16, 19.405090) (1575130300930, 22, 14.377142) (1575130301930, 16, 16.868231) (1575130302930, 20, 11.565193) (1575130303930, 31, 13.009119) (1575130304930, 29, 18.136400) (1575130305930, 17, 13.806572) (1575130306930, 23, 14.688898) (1575130307930, 26, 12.931019) (1575130308930, 32, 12.185531) (1575130309930, 30, 13.608714) (1575130310930, 23, 18.624914) (1575130311930, 22, 12.970826) (1575130312930, 22, 12.065827) (1575130313930, 25, 16.967192) (1575130314930, 16, 10.283031) (1575130315930, 22, 16.072535) (1575130316930, 24, 10.794536) (1575130317930, 32, 10.591207) (1575130318930, 20, 13.015227) (1575130319930, 28, 15.410999) (1575130320930, 29, 12.785076) (1575130321930, 28, 15.305857) (1575130322930, 33, 12.820810) (1575130323930, 34, 13.618055) (1575130324930, 32, 12.971123) (1575130325930, 24, 10.974546) (1575130326930, 15, 10.742910) (1575130327930, 23, 16.810783) (1575130328930, 18, 13.115224) (1575130329930, 26, 17.418489) (1575130330930, 20, 17.302315) (1575130331930, 21, 14.283571) (1575130332930, 16, 16.826534) (1575130333930, 18, 19.222122) (1575130334930, 18, 14.931420) (1575130335930, 17, 19.549454) (1575130336930, 22, 16.908388) (1575130337930, 32, 15.637796) (1575130338930, 31, 15.517650) (1575130339930, 18, 14.038033) (1575130340930, 32, 19.859648) (1575130341930, 16, 13.220840) (1575130342930, 28, 16.445398) (1575130343930, 26, 16.695753) (1575130344930, 33, 13.696928) (1575130345930, 21, 15.352819) (1575130346930, 15, 12.388407) (1575130347930, 27, 11.267529) (1575130348930, 20, 14.103228) (1575130349930, 20, 16.250950) (1575130350930, 30, 16.236088) (1575130351930, 22, 18.305340) (1575130352930, 25, 17.360685) (1575130353930, 25, 14.978681) (1575130354930, 33, 14.096183) (1575130355930, 26, 10.019039) (1575130356930, 19, 19.158213) (1575130357930, 22, 15.593924) (1575130358930, 26, 18.780119) (1575130359930, 21, 16.001656) (1575130360930, 16, 18.458328) (1575130361930, 21, 16.417843) (1575130362930, 28, 11.736558) (1575130363930, 34, 18.143946) (1575130364930, 27, 10.303225) (1575130365930, 20, 19.756748) (1575130366930, 22, 12.940063) (1575130367930, 23, 11.509640) (1575130368930, 19, 18.319309) (1575130369930, 19, 16.278345) (1575130370930, 27, 10.898361) (1575130371930, 31, 13.922162) (1575130372930, 15, 19.296116) (1575130373930, 26, 15.885763) (1575130374930, 15, 15.525804) (1575130375930, 19, 19.579538) (1575130376930, 20, 11.073811) (1575130377930, 16, 13.932510) (1575130378930, 17, 11.900328) (1575130379930, 22, 16.540415) (1575130380930, 33, 15.203803) (1575130381930, 17, 11.518434) (1575130382930, 17, 13.152081) (1575130383930, 18, 11.378041) (1575130384930, 21, 15.390745) (1575130385930, 30, 15.127818) (1575130386930, 19, 16.530401) (1575130387930, 32, 16.542702) (1575130388930, 26, 16.366442) (1575130389930, 25, 10.306822) (1575130390930, 15, 13.691117) (1575130391930, 15, 13.476817) (1575130392930, 25, 12.529998) (1575130393930, 22, 15.550021) (1575130394930, 20, 15.064971) (1575130395930, 24, 13.313683) (1575130396930, 23, 17.002878) (1575130397930, 30, 19.991594) (1575130398930, 15, 11.116746) (1575130399920, 16, 19.405090) (1575130400920, 22, 14.377142) (1575130401920, 16, 16.868231) (1575130402920, 20, 11.565193) (1575130403920, 31, 13.009119) (1575130404920, 29, 18.136400) (1575130405920, 17, 13.806572) (1575130406920, 23, 14.688898) (1575130407920, 26, 12.931019) (1575130408920, 32, 12.185531) (1575130409920, 30, 13.608714) (1575130410920, 23, 18.624914) (1575130411920, 22, 12.970826) (1575130412920, 22, 12.065827) (1575130413920, 25, 16.967192) (1575130414920, 16, 10.283031) (1575130415920, 22, 16.072535) (1575130416920, 24, 10.794536) (1575130417920, 32, 10.591207) (1575130418920, 20, 13.015227) (1575130419920, 28, 15.410999) (1575130420920, 29, 12.785076) (1575130421920, 28, 15.305857) (1575130422920, 33, 12.820810) (1575130423920, 34, 13.618055) (1575130424920, 32, 12.971123) (1575130425920, 24, 10.974546) (1575130426920, 15, 10.742910) (1575130427920, 23, 16.810783) (1575130428920, 18, 13.115224) (1575130429920, 26, 17.418489) (1575130430920, 20, 17.302315) (1575130431920, 21, 14.283571) (1575130432920, 16, 16.826534) (1575130433920, 18, 19.222122) (1575130434920, 18, 14.931420) (1575130435920, 17, 19.549454) (1575130436920, 22, 16.908388) (1575130437920, 32, 15.637796) (1575130438920, 31, 15.517650) (1575130439920, 18, 14.038033) (1575130440920, 32, 19.859648) (1575130441920, 16, 13.220840) (1575130442920, 28, 16.445398) (1575130443920, 26, 16.695753) (1575130444920, 33, 13.696928) (1575130445920, 21, 15.352819) (1575130446920, 15, 12.388407) (1575130447920, 27, 11.267529) (1575130448920, 20, 14.103228) (1575130449920, 20, 16.250950) (1575130450920, 30, 16.236088) (1575130451920, 22, 18.305340) (1575130452920, 25, 17.360685) (1575130453920, 25, 14.978681) (1575130454920, 33, 14.096183) (1575130455920, 26, 10.019039) (1575130456920, 19, 19.158213) (1575130457920, 22, 15.593924) (1575130458920, 26, 18.780119) (1575130459920, 21, 16.001656) (1575130460920, 16, 18.458328) (1575130461920, 21, 16.417843) (1575130462920, 28, 11.736558) (1575130463920, 34, 18.143946) (1575130464920, 27, 10.303225) (1575130465920, 20, 19.756748) (1575130466920, 22, 12.940063) (1575130467920, 23, 11.509640) (1575130468920, 19, 18.319309) (1575130469920, 19, 16.278345) (1575130470920, 27, 10.898361) (1575130471920, 31, 13.922162) (1575130472920, 15, 19.296116) (1575130473920, 26, 15.885763) (1575130474920, 15, 15.525804) (1575130475920, 19, 19.579538) (1575130476920, 20, 11.073811) (1575130477920, 16, 13.932510) (1575130478920, 17, 11.900328) (1575130479920, 22, 16.540415) (1575130480920, 33, 15.203803) (1575130481920, 17, 11.518434) (1575130482920, 17, 13.152081) (1575130483920, 18, 11.378041) (1575130484920, 21, 15.390745) (1575130485920, 30, 15.127818) (1575130486920, 19, 16.530401) (1575130487920, 32, 16.542702) (1575130488920, 26, 16.366442) (1575130489920, 25, 10.306822) (1575130490920, 15, 13.691117) (1575130491920, 15, 13.476817) (1575130492920, 25, 12.529998) (1575130493920, 22, 15.550021) (1575130494920, 20, 15.064971) (1575130495920, 24, 13.313683) (1575130496920, 23, 17.002878) (1575130497920, 30, 19.991594) (1575130498920, 15, 11.116746) (1575130499910, 16, 19.405090) (1575130500910, 22, 14.377142) (1575130501910, 16, 16.868231) (1575130502910, 20, 11.565193) (1575130503910, 31, 13.009119) (1575130504910, 29, 18.136400) (1575130505910, 17, 13.806572) (1575130506910, 23, 14.688898) (1575130507910, 26, 12.931019) (1575130508910, 32, 12.185531) (1575130509910, 30, 13.608714) (1575130510910, 23, 18.624914) (1575130511910, 22, 12.970826) (1575130512910, 22, 12.065827) (1575130513910, 25, 16.967192) (1575130514910, 16, 10.283031) (1575130515910, 22, 16.072535) (1575130516910, 24, 10.794536) (1575130517910, 32, 10.591207) (1575130518910, 20, 13.015227) (1575130519910, 28, 15.410999) (1575130520910, 29, 12.785076) (1575130521910, 28, 15.305857) (1575130522910, 33, 12.820810) (1575130523910, 34, 13.618055) (1575130524910, 32, 12.971123) (1575130525910, 24, 10.974546) (1575130526910, 15, 10.742910) (1575130527910, 23, 16.810783) (1575130528910, 18, 13.115224) (1575130529910, 26, 17.418489) (1575130530910, 20, 17.302315) (1575130531910, 21, 14.283571) (1575130532910, 16, 16.826534) (1575130533910, 18, 19.222122) (1575130534910, 18, 14.931420) (1575130535910, 17, 19.549454) (1575130536910, 22, 16.908388) (1575130537910, 32, 15.637796) (1575130538910, 31, 15.517650) (1575130539910, 18, 14.038033) (1575130540910, 32, 19.859648) (1575130541910, 16, 13.220840) (1575130542910, 28, 16.445398) (1575130543910, 26, 16.695753) (1575130544910, 33, 13.696928) (1575130545910, 21, 15.352819) (1575130546910, 15, 12.388407) (1575130547910, 27, 11.267529) (1575130548910, 20, 14.103228) (1575130549910, 20, 16.250950) (1575130550910, 30, 16.236088) (1575130551910, 22, 18.305340) (1575130552910, 25, 17.360685) (1575130553910, 25, 14.978681) (1575130554910, 33, 14.096183) (1575130555910, 26, 10.019039) (1575130556910, 19, 19.158213) (1575130557910, 22, 15.593924) (1575130558910, 26, 18.780119) (1575130559910, 21, 16.001656) (1575130560910, 16, 18.458328) (1575130561910, 21, 16.417843) (1575130562910, 28, 11.736558) (1575130563910, 34, 18.143946) (1575130564910, 27, 10.303225) (1575130565910, 20, 19.756748) (1575130566910, 22, 12.940063) (1575130567910, 23, 11.509640) (1575130568910, 19, 18.319309) (1575130569910, 19, 16.278345) (1575130570910, 27, 10.898361) (1575130571910, 31, 13.922162) (1575130572910, 15, 19.296116) (1575130573910, 26, 15.885763) (1575130574910, 15, 15.525804) (1575130575910, 19, 19.579538) (1575130576910, 20, 11.073811) (1575130577910, 16, 13.932510) (1575130578910, 17, 11.900328) (1575130579910, 22, 16.540415) (1575130580910, 33, 15.203803) (1575130581910, 17, 11.518434) (1575130582910, 17, 13.152081) (1575130583910, 18, 11.378041) (1575130584910, 21, 15.390745) (1575130585910, 30, 15.127818) (1575130586910, 19, 16.530401) (1575130587910, 32, 16.542702) (1575130588910, 26, 16.366442) (1575130589910, 25, 10.306822) (1575130590910, 15, 13.691117) (1575130591910, 15, 13.476817) (1575130592910, 25, 12.529998) (1575130593910, 22, 15.550021) (1575130594910, 20, 15.064971) (1575130595910, 24, 13.313683) (1575130596910, 23, 17.002878) (1575130597910, 30, 19.991594) (1575130598910, 15, 11.116746) (1575130599900, 16, 19.405090) (1575130600900, 22, 14.377142) (1575130601900, 16, 16.868231) (1575130602900, 20, 11.565193) (1575130603900, 31, 13.009119) (1575130604900, 29, 18.136400) (1575130605900, 17, 13.806572) (1575130606900, 23, 14.688898) (1575130607900, 26, 12.931019) (1575130608900, 32, 12.185531) (1575130609900, 30, 13.608714) (1575130610900, 23, 18.624914) (1575130611900, 22, 12.970826) (1575130612900, 22, 12.065827) (1575130613900, 25, 16.967192) (1575130614900, 16, 10.283031) (1575130615900, 22, 16.072535) (1575130616900, 24, 10.794536) (1575130617900, 32, 10.591207) (1575130618900, 20, 13.015227) (1575130619900, 28, 15.410999) (1575130620900, 29, 12.785076) (1575130621900, 28, 15.305857) (1575130622900, 33, 12.820810) (1575130623900, 34, 13.618055) (1575130624900, 32, 12.971123) (1575130625900, 24, 10.974546) (1575130626900, 15, 10.742910) (1575130627900, 23, 16.810783) (1575130628900, 18, 13.115224) (1575130629900, 26, 17.418489) (1575130630900, 20, 17.302315) (1575130631900, 21, 14.283571) (1575130632900, 16, 16.826534) (1575130633900, 18, 19.222122) (1575130634900, 18, 14.931420) (1575130635900, 17, 19.549454) (1575130636900, 22, 16.908388) (1575130637900, 32, 15.637796) (1575130638900, 31, 15.517650) (1575130639900, 18, 14.038033) (1575130640900, 32, 19.859648) (1575130641900, 16, 13.220840) (1575130642900, 28, 16.445398) (1575130643900, 26, 16.695753) (1575130644900, 33, 13.696928) (1575130645900, 21, 15.352819) (1575130646900, 15, 12.388407) (1575130647900, 27, 11.267529) (1575130648900, 20, 14.103228) (1575130649900, 20, 16.250950) (1575130650900, 30, 16.236088) (1575130651900, 22, 18.305340) (1575130652900, 25, 17.360685) (1575130653900, 25, 14.978681) (1575130654900, 33, 14.096183) (1575130655900, 26, 10.019039) (1575130656900, 19, 19.158213) (1575130657900, 22, 15.593924) (1575130658900, 26, 18.780119) (1575130659900, 21, 16.001656) (1575130660900, 16, 18.458328) (1575130661900, 21, 16.417843) (1575130662900, 28, 11.736558) (1575130663900, 34, 18.143946) (1575130664900, 27, 10.303225) (1575130665900, 20, 19.756748) (1575130666900, 22, 12.940063) (1575130667900, 23, 11.509640) (1575130668900, 19, 18.319309) (1575130669900, 19, 16.278345) (1575130670900, 27, 10.898361) (1575130671900, 31, 13.922162) (1575130672900, 15, 19.296116) (1575130673900, 26, 15.885763) (1575130674900, 15, 15.525804) (1575130675900, 19, 19.579538) (1575130676900, 20, 11.073811) (1575130677900, 16, 13.932510) (1575130678900, 17, 11.900328) (1575130679900, 22, 16.540415) (1575130680900, 33, 15.203803) (1575130681900, 17, 11.518434) (1575130682900, 17, 13.152081) (1575130683900, 18, 11.378041) (1575130684900, 21, 15.390745) (1575130685900, 30, 15.127818) (1575130686900, 19, 16.530401) (1575130687900, 32, 16.542702) (1575130688900, 26, 16.366442) (1575130689900, 25, 10.306822) (1575130690900, 15, 13.691117) (1575130691900, 15, 13.476817) (1575130692900, 25, 12.529998) (1575130693900, 22, 15.550021) (1575130694900, 20, 15.064971) (1575130695900, 24, 13.313683) (1575130696900, 23, 17.002878) (1575130697900, 30, 19.991594) (1575130698900, 15, 11.116746) (1575130699890, 16, 19.405090) (1575130700890, 22, 14.377142) (1575130701890, 16, 16.868231) (1575130702890, 20, 11.565193) (1575130703890, 31, 13.009119) (1575130704890, 29, 18.136400) (1575130705890, 17, 13.806572) (1575130706890, 23, 14.688898) (1575130707890, 26, 12.931019) (1575130708890, 32, 12.185531) (1575130709890, 30, 13.608714) (1575130710890, 23, 18.624914) (1575130711890, 22, 12.970826) (1575130712890, 22, 12.065827) (1575130713890, 25, 16.967192) (1575130714890, 16, 10.283031) (1575130715890, 22, 16.072535) (1575130716890, 24, 10.794536) (1575130717890, 32, 10.591207) (1575130718890, 20, 13.015227) (1575130719890, 28, 15.410999) (1575130720890, 29, 12.785076) (1575130721890, 28, 15.305857) (1575130722890, 33, 12.820810) (1575130723890, 34, 13.618055) (1575130724890, 32, 12.971123) (1575130725890, 24, 10.974546) (1575130726890, 15, 10.742910) (1575130727890, 23, 16.810783) (1575130728890, 18, 13.115224) (1575130729890, 26, 17.418489) (1575130730890, 20, 17.302315) (1575130731890, 21, 14.283571) (1575130732890, 16, 16.826534) (1575130733890, 18, 19.222122) (1575130734890, 18, 14.931420) (1575130735890, 17, 19.549454) (1575130736890, 22, 16.908388) (1575130737890, 32, 15.637796) (1575130738890, 31, 15.517650) (1575130739890, 18, 14.038033) (1575130740890, 32, 19.859648) (1575130741890, 16, 13.220840) (1575130742890, 28, 16.445398) (1575130743890, 26, 16.695753) (1575130744890, 33, 13.696928) (1575130745890, 21, 15.352819) (1575130746890, 15, 12.388407) (1575130747890, 27, 11.267529) (1575130748890, 20, 14.103228) (1575130749890, 20, 16.250950) (1575130750890, 30, 16.236088) (1575130751890, 22, 18.305340) (1575130752890, 25, 17.360685) (1575130753890, 25, 14.978681) (1575130754890, 33, 14.096183) (1575130755890, 26, 10.019039) (1575130756890, 19, 19.158213) (1575130757890, 22, 15.593924) (1575130758890, 26, 18.780119) (1575130759890, 21, 16.001656) (1575130760890, 16, 18.458328) (1575130761890, 21, 16.417843) (1575130762890, 28, 11.736558) (1575130763890, 34, 18.143946) (1575130764890, 27, 10.303225) (1575130765890, 20, 19.756748) (1575130766890, 22, 12.940063) (1575130767890, 23, 11.509640) (1575130768890, 19, 18.319309) (1575130769890, 19, 16.278345) (1575130770890, 27, 10.898361) (1575130771890, 31, 13.922162) (1575130772890, 15, 19.296116) (1575130773890, 26, 15.885763) (1575130774890, 15, 15.525804) (1575130775890, 19, 19.579538) (1575130776890, 20, 11.073811) (1575130777890, 16, 13.932510) (1575130778890, 17, 11.900328) (1575130779890, 22, 16.540415) (1575130780890, 33, 15.203803) (1575130781890, 17, 11.518434) (1575130782890, 17, 13.152081) (1575130783890, 18, 11.378041) (1575130784890, 21, 15.390745) (1575130785890, 30, 15.127818) (1575130786890, 19, 16.530401) (1575130787890, 32, 16.542702) (1575130788890, 26, 16.366442) (1575130789890, 25, 10.306822) (1575130790890, 15, 13.691117) (1575130791890, 15, 13.476817) (1575130792890, 25, 12.529998) (1575130793890, 22, 15.550021) (1575130794890, 20, 15.064971) (1575130795890, 24, 13.313683) (1575130796890, 23, 17.002878) (1575130797890, 30, 19.991594) (1575130798890, 15, 11.116746) (1575130799880, 16, 19.405090) (1575130800880, 22, 14.377142) (1575130801880, 16, 16.868231) (1575130802880, 20, 11.565193) (1575130803880, 31, 13.009119) (1575130804880, 29, 18.136400) (1575130805880, 17, 13.806572) (1575130806880, 23, 14.688898) (1575130807880, 26, 12.931019) (1575130808880, 32, 12.185531) (1575130809880, 30, 13.608714) (1575130810880, 23, 18.624914) (1575130811880, 22, 12.970826) (1575130812880, 22, 12.065827) (1575130813880, 25, 16.967192) (1575130814880, 16, 10.283031) (1575130815880, 22, 16.072535) (1575130816880, 24, 10.794536) (1575130817880, 32, 10.591207) (1575130818880, 20, 13.015227) (1575130819880, 28, 15.410999) (1575130820880, 29, 12.785076) (1575130821880, 28, 15.305857) (1575130822880, 33, 12.820810) (1575130823880, 34, 13.618055) (1575130824880, 32, 12.971123) (1575130825880, 24, 10.974546) (1575130826880, 15, 10.742910) (1575130827880, 23, 16.810783) (1575130828880, 18, 13.115224) (1575130829880, 26, 17.418489) (1575130830880, 20, 17.302315) (1575130831880, 21, 14.283571) (1575130832880, 16, 16.826534) (1575130833880, 18, 19.222122) (1575130834880, 18, 14.931420) (1575130835880, 17, 19.549454) (1575130836880, 22, 16.908388) (1575130837880, 32, 15.637796) (1575130838880, 31, 15.517650) (1575130839880, 18, 14.038033) (1575130840880, 32, 19.859648) (1575130841880, 16, 13.220840) (1575130842880, 28, 16.445398) (1575130843880, 26, 16.695753) (1575130844880, 33, 13.696928) (1575130845880, 21, 15.352819) (1575130846880, 15, 12.388407) (1575130847880, 27, 11.267529) (1575130848880, 20, 14.103228) (1575130849880, 20, 16.250950) (1575130850880, 30, 16.236088) (1575130851880, 22, 18.305340) (1575130852880, 25, 17.360685) (1575130853880, 25, 14.978681) (1575130854880, 33, 14.096183) (1575130855880, 26, 10.019039) (1575130856880, 19, 19.158213) (1575130857880, 22, 15.593924) (1575130858880, 26, 18.780119) (1575130859880, 21, 16.001656) (1575130860880, 16, 18.458328) (1575130861880, 21, 16.417843) (1575130862880, 28, 11.736558) (1575130863880, 34, 18.143946) (1575130864880, 27, 10.303225) (1575130865880, 20, 19.756748) (1575130866880, 22, 12.940063) (1575130867880, 23, 11.509640) (1575130868880, 19, 18.319309) (1575130869880, 19, 16.278345) (1575130870880, 27, 10.898361) (1575130871880, 31, 13.922162) (1575130872880, 15, 19.296116) (1575130873880, 26, 15.885763) (1575130874880, 15, 15.525804) (1575130875880, 19, 19.579538) (1575130876880, 20, 11.073811) (1575130877880, 16, 13.932510) (1575130878880, 17, 11.900328) (1575130879880, 22, 16.540415) (1575130880880, 33, 15.203803) (1575130881880, 17, 11.518434) (1575130882880, 17, 13.152081) (1575130883880, 18, 11.378041) (1575130884880, 21, 15.390745) (1575130885880, 30, 15.127818) (1575130886880, 19, 16.530401) (1575130887880, 32, 16.542702) (1575130888880, 26, 16.366442) (1575130889880, 25, 10.306822) (1575130890880, 15, 13.691117) (1575130891880, 15, 13.476817) (1575130892880, 25, 12.529998) (1575130893880, 22, 15.550021) (1575130894880, 20, 15.064971) (1575130895880, 24, 13.313683) (1575130896880, 23, 17.002878) (1575130897880, 30, 19.991594) (1575130898880, 15, 11.116746) (1575130899870, 16, 19.405090) (1575130900870, 22, 14.377142) (1575130901870, 16, 16.868231) (1575130902870, 20, 11.565193) (1575130903870, 31, 13.009119) (1575130904870, 29, 18.136400) (1575130905870, 17, 13.806572) (1575130906870, 23, 14.688898) (1575130907870, 26, 12.931019) (1575130908870, 32, 12.185531) (1575130909870, 30, 13.608714) (1575130910870, 23, 18.624914) (1575130911870, 22, 12.970826) (1575130912870, 22, 12.065827) (1575130913870, 25, 16.967192) (1575130914870, 16, 10.283031) (1575130915870, 22, 16.072535) (1575130916870, 24, 10.794536) (1575130917870, 32, 10.591207) (1575130918870, 20, 13.015227) (1575130919870, 28, 15.410999) (1575130920870, 29, 12.785076) (1575130921870, 28, 15.305857) (1575130922870, 33, 12.820810) (1575130923870, 34, 13.618055) (1575130924870, 32, 12.971123) (1575130925870, 24, 10.974546) (1575130926870, 15, 10.742910) (1575130927870, 23, 16.810783) (1575130928870, 18, 13.115224) (1575130929870, 26, 17.418489) (1575130930870, 20, 17.302315) (1575130931870, 21, 14.283571) (1575130932870, 16, 16.826534) (1575130933870, 18, 19.222122) (1575130934870, 18, 14.931420) (1575130935870, 17, 19.549454) (1575130936870, 22, 16.908388) (1575130937870, 32, 15.637796) (1575130938870, 31, 15.517650) (1575130939870, 18, 14.038033) (1575130940870, 32, 19.859648) (1575130941870, 16, 13.220840) (1575130942870, 28, 16.445398) (1575130943870, 26, 16.695753) (1575130944870, 33, 13.696928) (1575130945870, 21, 15.352819) (1575130946870, 15, 12.388407) (1575130947870, 27, 11.267529) (1575130948870, 20, 14.103228) (1575130949870, 20, 16.250950) (1575130950870, 30, 16.236088) (1575130951870, 22, 18.305340) (1575130952870, 25, 17.360685) (1575130953870, 25, 14.978681) (1575130954870, 33, 14.096183) (1575130955870, 26, 10.019039) (1575130956870, 19, 19.158213) (1575130957870, 22, 15.593924) (1575130958870, 26, 18.780119) (1575130959870, 21, 16.001656) (1575130960870, 16, 18.458328) (1575130961870, 21, 16.417843) (1575130962870, 28, 11.736558) (1575130963870, 34, 18.143946) (1575130964870, 27, 10.303225) (1575130965870, 20, 19.756748) (1575130966870, 22, 12.940063) (1575130967870, 23, 11.509640) (1575130968870, 19, 18.319309) (1575130969870, 19, 16.278345) (1575130970870, 27, 10.898361) (1575130971870, 31, 13.922162) (1575130972870, 15, 19.296116) (1575130973870, 26, 15.885763) (1575130974870, 15, 15.525804) (1575130975870, 19, 19.579538) (1575130976870, 20, 11.073811) (1575130977870, 16, 13.932510) (1575130978870, 17, 11.900328) (1575130979870, 22, 16.540415) (1575130980870, 33, 15.203803) (1575130981870, 17, 11.518434) (1575130982870, 17, 13.152081) (1575130983870, 18, 11.378041) (1575130984870, 21, 15.390745) (1575130985870, 30, 15.127818) (1575130986870, 19, 16.530401) (1575130987870, 32, 16.542702) (1575130988870, 26, 16.366442) (1575130989870, 25, 10.306822) (1575130990870, 15, 13.691117) (1575130991870, 15, 13.476817) (1575130992870, 25, 12.529998) (1575130993870, 22, 15.550021) (1575130994870, 20, 15.064971) (1575130995870, 24, 13.313683) (1575130996870, 23, 17.002878) (1575130997870, 30, 19.991594) (1575130998870, 15, 11.116746) (1575130999860, 16, 19.405090) (1575131000860, 22, 14.377142) (1575131001860, 16, 16.868231) (1575131002860, 20, 11.565193) (1575131003860, 31, 13.009119) (1575131004860, 29, 18.136400) (1575131005860, 17, 13.806572) (1575131006860, 23, 14.688898) (1575131007860, 26, 12.931019) (1575131008860, 32, 12.185531) (1575131009860, 30, 13.608714) (1575131010860, 23, 18.624914) (1575131011860, 22, 12.970826) (1575131012860, 22, 12.065827) (1575131013860, 25, 16.967192) (1575131014860, 16, 10.283031) (1575131015860, 22, 16.072535) (1575131016860, 24, 10.794536) (1575131017860, 32, 10.591207) (1575131018860, 20, 13.015227) (1575131019860, 28, 15.410999) (1575131020860, 29, 12.785076) (1575131021860, 28, 15.305857) (1575131022860, 33, 12.820810) (1575131023860, 34, 13.618055) (1575131024860, 32, 12.971123) (1575131025860, 24, 10.974546) (1575131026860, 15, 10.742910) (1575131027860, 23, 16.810783) (1575131028860, 18, 13.115224) (1575131029860, 26, 17.418489) (1575131030860, 20, 17.302315) (1575131031860, 21, 14.283571) (1575131032860, 16, 16.826534) (1575131033860, 18, 19.222122) (1575131034860, 18, 14.931420) (1575131035860, 17, 19.549454) (1575131036860, 22, 16.908388) (1575131037860, 32, 15.637796) (1575131038860, 31, 15.517650) (1575131039860, 18, 14.038033) (1575131040860, 32, 19.859648) (1575131041860, 16, 13.220840) (1575131042860, 28, 16.445398) (1575131043860, 26, 16.695753) (1575131044860, 33, 13.696928) (1575131045860, 21, 15.352819) (1575131046860, 15, 12.388407) (1575131047860, 27, 11.267529) (1575131048860, 20, 14.103228) (1575131049860, 20, 16.250950) (1575131050860, 30, 16.236088) (1575131051860, 22, 18.305340) (1575131052860, 25, 17.360685) (1575131053860, 25, 14.978681) (1575131054860, 33, 14.096183) (1575131055860, 26, 10.019039) (1575131056860, 19, 19.158213) (1575131057860, 22, 15.593924) (1575131058860, 26, 18.780119) (1575131059860, 21, 16.001656) (1575131060860, 16, 18.458328) (1575131061860, 21, 16.417843) (1575131062860, 28, 11.736558) (1575131063860, 34, 18.143946) (1575131064860, 27, 10.303225) (1575131065860, 20, 19.756748) (1575131066860, 22, 12.940063) (1575131067860, 23, 11.509640) (1575131068860, 19, 18.319309) (1575131069860, 19, 16.278345) (1575131070860, 27, 10.898361) (1575131071860, 31, 13.922162) (1575131072860, 15, 19.296116) (1575131073860, 26, 15.885763) (1575131074860, 15, 15.525804) (1575131075860, 19, 19.579538) (1575131076860, 20, 11.073811) (1575131077860, 16, 13.932510) (1575131078860, 17, 11.900328) (1575131079860, 22, 16.540415) (1575131080860, 33, 15.203803) (1575131081860, 17, 11.518434) (1575131082860, 17, 13.152081) (1575131083860, 18, 11.378041) (1575131084860, 21, 15.390745) (1575131085860, 30, 15.127818) (1575131086860, 19, 16.530401) (1575131087860, 32, 16.542702) (1575131088860, 26, 16.366442) (1575131089860, 25, 10.306822) (1575131090860, 15, 13.691117) (1575131091860, 15, 13.476817) (1575131092860, 25, 12.529998) (1575131093860, 22, 15.550021) (1575131094860, 20, 15.064971) (1575131095860, 24, 13.313683) (1575131096860, 23, 17.002878) (1575131097860, 30, 19.991594) (1575131098860, 15, 11.116746) (1575131099850, 16, 19.405090) (1575131100850, 22, 14.377142) (1575131101850, 16, 16.868231) (1575131102850, 20, 11.565193) (1575131103850, 31, 13.009119) (1575131104850, 29, 18.136400) (1575131105850, 17, 13.806572) (1575131106850, 23, 14.688898) (1575131107850, 26, 12.931019) (1575131108850, 32, 12.185531) (1575131109850, 30, 13.608714) (1575131110850, 23, 18.624914) (1575131111850, 22, 12.970826) (1575131112850, 22, 12.065827) (1575131113850, 25, 16.967192) (1575131114850, 16, 10.283031) (1575131115850, 22, 16.072535) (1575131116850, 24, 10.794536) (1575131117850, 32, 10.591207) (1575131118850, 20, 13.015227) (1575131119850, 28, 15.410999) (1575131120850, 29, 12.785076) (1575131121850, 28, 15.305857) (1575131122850, 33, 12.820810) (1575131123850, 34, 13.618055) (1575131124850, 32, 12.971123) (1575131125850, 24, 10.974546) (1575131126850, 15, 10.742910) (1575131127850, 23, 16.810783) (1575131128850, 18, 13.115224) (1575131129850, 26, 17.418489) (1575131130850, 20, 17.302315) (1575131131850, 21, 14.283571) (1575131132850, 16, 16.826534) (1575131133850, 18, 19.222122) (1575131134850, 18, 14.931420) (1575131135850, 17, 19.549454) (1575131136850, 22, 16.908388) (1575131137850, 32, 15.637796) (1575131138850, 31, 15.517650) (1575131139850, 18, 14.038033) (1575131140850, 32, 19.859648) (1575131141850, 16, 13.220840) (1575131142850, 28, 16.445398) (1575131143850, 26, 16.695753) (1575131144850, 33, 13.696928) (1575131145850, 21, 15.352819) (1575131146850, 15, 12.388407) (1575131147850, 27, 11.267529) (1575131148850, 20, 14.103228) (1575131149850, 20, 16.250950) (1575131150850, 30, 16.236088) (1575131151850, 22, 18.305340) (1575131152850, 25, 17.360685) (1575131153850, 25, 14.978681) (1575131154850, 33, 14.096183) (1575131155850, 26, 10.019039) (1575131156850, 19, 19.158213) (1575131157850, 22, 15.593924) (1575131158850, 26, 18.780119) (1575131159850, 21, 16.001656) (1575131160850, 16, 18.458328) (1575131161850, 21, 16.417843) (1575131162850, 28, 11.736558) (1575131163850, 34, 18.143946) (1575131164850, 27, 10.303225) (1575131165850, 20, 19.756748) (1575131166850, 22, 12.940063) (1575131167850, 23, 11.509640) (1575131168850, 19, 18.319309) (1575131169850, 19, 16.278345) (1575131170850, 27, 10.898361) (1575131171850, 31, 13.922162) (1575131172850, 15, 19.296116) (1575131173850, 26, 15.885763) (1575131174850, 15, 15.525804) (1575131175850, 19, 19.579538) (1575131176850, 20, 11.073811) (1575131177850, 16, 13.932510) (1575131178850, 17, 11.900328) (1575131179850, 22, 16.540415) (1575131180850, 33, 15.203803) (1575131181850, 17, 11.518434) (1575131182850, 17, 13.152081) (1575131183850, 18, 11.378041) (1575131184850, 21, 15.390745) (1575131185850, 30, 15.127818) (1575131186850, 19, 16.530401) (1575131187850, 32, 16.542702) (1575131188850, 26, 16.366442) (1575131189850, 25, 10.306822) (1575131190850, 15, 13.691117) (1575131191850, 15, 13.476817) (1575131192850, 25, 12.529998) (1575131193850, 22, 15.550021) (1575131194850, 20, 15.064971) (1575131195850, 24, 13.313683) (1575131196850, 23, 17.002878) (1575131197850, 30, 19.991594) (1575131198850, 15, 11.116746) (1575131199840, 16, 19.405090) (1575131200840, 22, 14.377142) (1575131201840, 16, 16.868231) (1575131202840, 20, 11.565193) (1575131203840, 31, 13.009119) (1575131204840, 29, 18.136400) (1575131205840, 17, 13.806572) (1575131206840, 23, 14.688898) (1575131207840, 26, 12.931019) (1575131208840, 32, 12.185531) (1575131209840, 30, 13.608714) (1575131210840, 23, 18.624914) (1575131211840, 22, 12.970826) (1575131212840, 22, 12.065827) (1575131213840, 25, 16.967192) (1575131214840, 16, 10.283031) (1575131215840, 22, 16.072535) (1575131216840, 24, 10.794536) (1575131217840, 32, 10.591207) (1575131218840, 20, 13.015227) (1575131219840, 28, 15.410999) (1575131220840, 29, 12.785076) (1575131221840, 28, 15.305857) (1575131222840, 33, 12.820810) (1575131223840, 34, 13.618055) (1575131224840, 32, 12.971123) (1575131225840, 24, 10.974546) (1575131226840, 15, 10.742910) (1575131227840, 23, 16.810783) (1575131228840, 18, 13.115224) (1575131229840, 26, 17.418489) (1575131230840, 20, 17.302315) (1575131231840, 21, 14.283571) (1575131232840, 16, 16.826534) (1575131233840, 18, 19.222122) (1575131234840, 18, 14.931420) (1575131235840, 17, 19.549454) (1575131236840, 22, 16.908388) (1575131237840, 32, 15.637796) (1575131238840, 31, 15.517650) (1575131239840, 18, 14.038033) (1575131240840, 32, 19.859648) (1575131241840, 16, 13.220840) (1575131242840, 28, 16.445398) (1575131243840, 26, 16.695753) (1575131244840, 33, 13.696928) (1575131245840, 21, 15.352819) (1575131246840, 15, 12.388407) (1575131247840, 27, 11.267529) (1575131248840, 20, 14.103228) (1575131249840, 20, 16.250950) (1575131250840, 30, 16.236088) (1575131251840, 22, 18.305340) (1575131252840, 25, 17.360685) (1575131253840, 25, 14.978681) (1575131254840, 33, 14.096183) (1575131255840, 26, 10.019039) (1575131256840, 19, 19.158213) (1575131257840, 22, 15.593924) (1575131258840, 26, 18.780119) (1575131259840, 21, 16.001656) (1575131260840, 16, 18.458328) (1575131261840, 21, 16.417843) (1575131262840, 28, 11.736558) (1575131263840, 34, 18.143946) (1575131264840, 27, 10.303225) (1575131265840, 20, 19.756748) (1575131266840, 22, 12.940063) (1575131267840, 23, 11.509640) (1575131268840, 19, 18.319309) (1575131269840, 19, 16.278345) (1575131270840, 27, 10.898361) (1575131271840, 31, 13.922162) (1575131272840, 15, 19.296116) (1575131273840, 26, 15.885763) (1575131274840, 15, 15.525804) (1575131275840, 19, 19.579538) (1575131276840, 20, 11.073811) (1575131277840, 16, 13.932510) (1575131278840, 17, 11.900328) (1575131279840, 22, 16.540415) (1575131280840, 33, 15.203803) (1575131281840, 17, 11.518434) (1575131282840, 17, 13.152081) (1575131283840, 18, 11.378041) (1575131284840, 21, 15.390745) (1575131285840, 30, 15.127818) (1575131286840, 19, 16.530401) (1575131287840, 32, 16.542702) (1575131288840, 26, 16.366442) (1575131289840, 25, 10.306822) (1575131290840, 15, 13.691117) (1575131291840, 15, 13.476817) (1575131292840, 25, 12.529998) (1575131293840, 22, 15.550021) (1575131294840, 20, 15.064971) (1575131295840, 24, 13.313683) (1575131296840, 23, 17.002878) (1575131297840, 30, 19.991594) (1575131298840, 15, 11.116746) (1575131299830, 16, 19.405090) (1575131300830, 22, 14.377142) (1575131301830, 16, 16.868231) (1575131302830, 20, 11.565193) (1575131303830, 31, 13.009119) (1575131304830, 29, 18.136400) (1575131305830, 17, 13.806572) (1575131306830, 23, 14.688898) (1575131307830, 26, 12.931019) (1575131308830, 32, 12.185531) (1575131309830, 30, 13.608714) (1575131310830, 23, 18.624914) (1575131311830, 22, 12.970826) (1575131312830, 22, 12.065827) (1575131313830, 25, 16.967192) (1575131314830, 16, 10.283031) (1575131315830, 22, 16.072535) (1575131316830, 24, 10.794536) (1575131317830, 32, 10.591207) (1575131318830, 20, 13.015227) (1575131319830, 28, 15.410999) (1575131320830, 29, 12.785076) (1575131321830, 28, 15.305857) (1575131322830, 33, 12.820810) (1575131323830, 34, 13.618055) (1575131324830, 32, 12.971123) (1575131325830, 24, 10.974546) (1575131326830, 15, 10.742910) (1575131327830, 23, 16.810783) (1575131328830, 18, 13.115224) (1575131329830, 26, 17.418489) (1575131330830, 20, 17.302315) (1575131331830, 21, 14.283571) (1575131332830, 16, 16.826534) (1575131333830, 18, 19.222122) (1575131334830, 18, 14.931420) (1575131335830, 17, 19.549454) (1575131336830, 22, 16.908388) (1575131337830, 32, 15.637796) (1575131338830, 31, 15.517650) (1575131339830, 18, 14.038033) (1575131340830, 32, 19.859648) (1575131341830, 16, 13.220840) (1575131342830, 28, 16.445398) (1575131343830, 26, 16.695753) (1575131344830, 33, 13.696928) (1575131345830, 21, 15.352819) (1575131346830, 15, 12.388407) (1575131347830, 27, 11.267529) (1575131348830, 20, 14.103228) (1575131349830, 20, 16.250950) (1575131350830, 30, 16.236088) (1575131351830, 22, 18.305340) (1575131352830, 25, 17.360685) (1575131353830, 25, 14.978681) (1575131354830, 33, 14.096183) (1575131355830, 26, 10.019039) (1575131356830, 19, 19.158213) (1575131357830, 22, 15.593924) (1575131358830, 26, 18.780119) (1575131359830, 21, 16.001656) (1575131360830, 16, 18.458328) (1575131361830, 21, 16.417843) (1575131362830, 28, 11.736558) (1575131363830, 34, 18.143946) (1575131364830, 27, 10.303225) (1575131365830, 20, 19.756748) (1575131366830, 22, 12.940063) (1575131367830, 23, 11.509640) (1575131368830, 19, 18.319309) (1575131369830, 19, 16.278345) (1575131370830, 27, 10.898361) (1575131371830, 31, 13.922162) (1575131372830, 15, 19.296116) (1575131373830, 26, 15.885763) (1575131374830, 15, 15.525804) (1575131375830, 19, 19.579538) (1575131376830, 20, 11.073811) (1575131377830, 16, 13.932510) (1575131378830, 17, 11.900328) (1575131379830, 22, 16.540415) (1575131380830, 33, 15.203803) (1575131381830, 17, 11.518434) (1575131382830, 17, 13.152081) (1575131383830, 18, 11.378041) (1575131384830, 21, 15.390745) (1575131385830, 30, 15.127818) (1575131386830, 19, 16.530401) (1575131387830, 32, 16.542702) (1575131388830, 26, 16.366442) (1575131389830, 25, 10.306822) (1575131390830, 15, 13.691117) (1575131391830, 15, 13.476817) (1575131392830, 25, 12.529998) (1575131393830, 22, 15.550021) (1575131394830, 20, 15.064971) (1575131395830, 24, 13.313683) (1575131396830, 23, 17.002878) (1575131397830, 30, 19.991594) (1575131398830, 15, 11.116746) (1575131399820, 16, 19.405090) (1575131400820, 22, 14.377142) (1575131401820, 16, 16.868231) (1575131402820, 20, 11.565193) (1575131403820, 31, 13.009119) (1575131404820, 29, 18.136400) (1575131405820, 17, 13.806572) (1575131406820, 23, 14.688898) (1575131407820, 26, 12.931019) (1575131408820, 32, 12.185531) (1575131409820, 30, 13.608714) (1575131410820, 23, 18.624914) (1575131411820, 22, 12.970826) (1575131412820, 22, 12.065827) (1575131413820, 25, 16.967192) (1575131414820, 16, 10.283031) (1575131415820, 22, 16.072535) (1575131416820, 24, 10.794536) (1575131417820, 32, 10.591207) (1575131418820, 20, 13.015227) (1575131419820, 28, 15.410999) (1575131420820, 29, 12.785076) (1575131421820, 28, 15.305857) (1575131422820, 33, 12.820810) (1575131423820, 34, 13.618055) (1575131424820, 32, 12.971123) (1575131425820, 24, 10.974546) (1575131426820, 15, 10.742910) (1575131427820, 23, 16.810783) (1575131428820, 18, 13.115224) (1575131429820, 26, 17.418489) (1575131430820, 20, 17.302315) (1575131431820, 21, 14.283571) (1575131432820, 16, 16.826534) (1575131433820, 18, 19.222122) (1575131434820, 18, 14.931420) (1575131435820, 17, 19.549454) (1575131436820, 22, 16.908388) (1575131437820, 32, 15.637796) (1575131438820, 31, 15.517650) (1575131439820, 18, 14.038033) (1575131440820, 32, 19.859648) (1575131441820, 16, 13.220840) (1575131442820, 28, 16.445398) (1575131443820, 26, 16.695753) (1575131444820, 33, 13.696928) (1575131445820, 21, 15.352819) (1575131446820, 15, 12.388407) (1575131447820, 27, 11.267529) (1575131448820, 20, 14.103228) (1575131449820, 20, 16.250950) (1575131450820, 30, 16.236088) (1575131451820, 22, 18.305340) (1575131452820, 25, 17.360685) (1575131453820, 25, 14.978681) (1575131454820, 33, 14.096183) (1575131455820, 26, 10.019039) (1575131456820, 19, 19.158213) (1575131457820, 22, 15.593924) (1575131458820, 26, 18.780119) (1575131459820, 21, 16.001656) (1575131460820, 16, 18.458328) (1575131461820, 21, 16.417843) (1575131462820, 28, 11.736558) (1575131463820, 34, 18.143946) (1575131464820, 27, 10.303225) (1575131465820, 20, 19.756748) (1575131466820, 22, 12.940063) (1575131467820, 23, 11.509640) (1575131468820, 19, 18.319309) (1575131469820, 19, 16.278345) (1575131470820, 27, 10.898361) (1575131471820, 31, 13.922162) (1575131472820, 15, 19.296116) (1575131473820, 26, 15.885763) (1575131474820, 15, 15.525804) (1575131475820, 19, 19.579538) (1575131476820, 20, 11.073811) (1575131477820, 16, 13.932510) (1575131478820, 17, 11.900328) (1575131479820, 22, 16.540415) (1575131480820, 33, 15.203803) (1575131481820, 17, 11.518434) (1575131482820, 17, 13.152081) (1575131483820, 18, 11.378041) (1575131484820, 21, 15.390745) (1575131485820, 30, 15.127818) (1575131486820, 19, 16.530401) (1575131487820, 32, 16.542702) (1575131488820, 26, 16.366442) (1575131489820, 25, 10.306822) (1575131490820, 15, 13.691117) (1575131491820, 15, 13.476817) (1575131492820, 25, 12.529998) (1575131493820, 22, 15.550021) (1575131494820, 20, 15.064971) (1575131495820, 24, 13.313683) (1575131496820, 23, 17.002878) (1575131497820, 30, 19.991594) (1575131498820, 15, 11.116746) (1575131499810, 16, 19.405090) (1575131500810, 22, 14.377142) (1575131501810, 16, 16.868231) (1575131502810, 20, 11.565193) (1575131503810, 31, 13.009119) (1575131504810, 29, 18.136400) (1575131505810, 17, 13.806572) (1575131506810, 23, 14.688898) (1575131507810, 26, 12.931019) (1575131508810, 32, 12.185531) (1575131509810, 30, 13.608714) (1575131510810, 23, 18.624914) (1575131511810, 22, 12.970826) (1575131512810, 22, 12.065827) (1575131513810, 25, 16.967192) (1575131514810, 16, 10.283031) (1575131515810, 22, 16.072535) (1575131516810, 24, 10.794536) (1575131517810, 32, 10.591207) (1575131518810, 20, 13.015227) (1575131519810, 28, 15.410999) (1575131520810, 29, 12.785076) (1575131521810, 28, 15.305857) (1575131522810, 33, 12.820810) (1575131523810, 34, 13.618055) (1575131524810, 32, 12.971123) (1575131525810, 24, 10.974546) (1575131526810, 15, 10.742910) (1575131527810, 23, 16.810783) (1575131528810, 18, 13.115224) (1575131529810, 26, 17.418489) (1575131530810, 20, 17.302315) (1575131531810, 21, 14.283571) (1575131532810, 16, 16.826534) (1575131533810, 18, 19.222122) (1575131534810, 18, 14.931420) (1575131535810, 17, 19.549454) (1575131536810, 22, 16.908388) (1575131537810, 32, 15.637796) (1575131538810, 31, 15.517650) (1575131539810, 18, 14.038033) (1575131540810, 32, 19.859648) (1575131541810, 16, 13.220840) (1575131542810, 28, 16.445398) (1575131543810, 26, 16.695753) (1575131544810, 33, 13.696928) (1575131545810, 21, 15.352819) (1575131546810, 15, 12.388407) (1575131547810, 27, 11.267529) (1575131548810, 20, 14.103228) (1575131549810, 20, 16.250950) (1575131550810, 30, 16.236088) (1575131551810, 22, 18.305340) (1575131552810, 25, 17.360685) (1575131553810, 25, 14.978681) (1575131554810, 33, 14.096183) (1575131555810, 26, 10.019039) (1575131556810, 19, 19.158213) (1575131557810, 22, 15.593924) (1575131558810, 26, 18.780119) (1575131559810, 21, 16.001656) (1575131560810, 16, 18.458328) (1575131561810, 21, 16.417843) (1575131562810, 28, 11.736558) (1575131563810, 34, 18.143946) (1575131564810, 27, 10.303225) (1575131565810, 20, 19.756748) (1575131566810, 22, 12.940063) (1575131567810, 23, 11.509640) (1575131568810, 19, 18.319309) (1575131569810, 19, 16.278345) (1575131570810, 27, 10.898361) (1575131571810, 31, 13.922162) (1575131572810, 15, 19.296116) (1575131573810, 26, 15.885763) (1575131574810, 15, 15.525804) (1575131575810, 19, 19.579538) (1575131576810, 20, 11.073811) (1575131577810, 16, 13.932510) (1575131578810, 17, 11.900328) (1575131579810, 22, 16.540415) (1575131580810, 33, 15.203803) (1575131581810, 17, 11.518434) (1575131582810, 17, 13.152081) (1575131583810, 18, 11.378041) (1575131584810, 21, 15.390745) (1575131585810, 30, 15.127818) (1575131586810, 19, 16.530401) (1575131587810, 32, 16.542702) (1575131588810, 26, 16.366442) (1575131589810, 25, 10.306822) (1575131590810, 15, 13.691117) (1575131591810, 15, 13.476817) (1575131592810, 25, 12.529998) (1575131593810, 22, 15.550021) (1575131594810, 20, 15.064971) (1575131595810, 24, 13.313683) (1575131596810, 23, 17.002878) (1575131597810, 30, 19.991594) (1575131598810, 15, 11.116746) (1575131599800, 16, 19.405090) (1575131600800, 22, 14.377142) (1575131601800, 16, 16.868231) (1575131602800, 20, 11.565193) (1575131603800, 31, 13.009119) (1575131604800, 29, 18.136400) (1575131605800, 17, 13.806572) (1575131606800, 23, 14.688898) (1575131607800, 26, 12.931019) (1575131608800, 32, 12.185531) (1575131609800, 30, 13.608714) (1575131610800, 23, 18.624914) (1575131611800, 22, 12.970826) (1575131612800, 22, 12.065827) (1575131613800, 25, 16.967192) (1575131614800, 16, 10.283031) (1575131615800, 22, 16.072535) (1575131616800, 24, 10.794536) (1575131617800, 32, 10.591207) (1575131618800, 20, 13.015227) (1575131619800, 28, 15.410999) (1575131620800, 29, 12.785076) (1575131621800, 28, 15.305857) (1575131622800, 33, 12.820810) (1575131623800, 34, 13.618055) (1575131624800, 32, 12.971123) (1575131625800, 24, 10.974546) (1575131626800, 15, 10.742910) (1575131627800, 23, 16.810783) (1575131628800, 18, 13.115224) (1575131629800, 26, 17.418489) (1575131630800, 20, 17.302315) (1575131631800, 21, 14.283571) (1575131632800, 16, 16.826534) (1575131633800, 18, 19.222122) (1575131634800, 18, 14.931420) (1575131635800, 17, 19.549454) (1575131636800, 22, 16.908388) (1575131637800, 32, 15.637796) (1575131638800, 31, 15.517650) (1575131639800, 18, 14.038033) (1575131640800, 32, 19.859648) (1575131641800, 16, 13.220840) (1575131642800, 28, 16.445398) (1575131643800, 26, 16.695753) (1575131644800, 33, 13.696928) (1575131645800, 21, 15.352819) (1575131646800, 15, 12.388407) (1575131647800, 27, 11.267529) (1575131648800, 20, 14.103228) (1575131649800, 20, 16.250950) (1575131650800, 30, 16.236088) (1575131651800, 22, 18.305340) (1575131652800, 25, 17.360685) (1575131653800, 25, 14.978681) (1575131654800, 33, 14.096183) (1575131655800, 26, 10.019039) (1575131656800, 19, 19.158213) (1575131657800, 22, 15.593924) (1575131658800, 26, 18.780119) (1575131659800, 21, 16.001656) (1575131660800, 16, 18.458328) (1575131661800, 21, 16.417843) (1575131662800, 28, 11.736558) (1575131663800, 34, 18.143946) (1575131664800, 27, 10.303225) (1575131665800, 20, 19.756748) (1575131666800, 22, 12.940063) (1575131667800, 23, 11.509640) (1575131668800, 19, 18.319309) (1575131669800, 19, 16.278345) (1575131670800, 27, 10.898361) (1575131671800, 31, 13.922162) (1575131672800, 15, 19.296116) (1575131673800, 26, 15.885763) (1575131674800, 15, 15.525804) (1575131675800, 19, 19.579538) (1575131676800, 20, 11.073811) (1575131677800, 16, 13.932510) (1575131678800, 17, 11.900328) (1575131679800, 22, 16.540415) (1575131680800, 33, 15.203803) (1575131681800, 17, 11.518434) (1575131682800, 17, 13.152081) (1575131683800, 18, 11.378041) (1575131684800, 21, 15.390745) (1575131685800, 30, 15.127818) (1575131686800, 19, 16.530401) (1575131687800, 32, 16.542702) (1575131688800, 26, 16.366442) (1575131689800, 25, 10.306822) (1575131690800, 15, 13.691117) (1575131691800, 15, 13.476817) (1575131692800, 25, 12.529998) (1575131693800, 22, 15.550021)")
end_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
tdLog.info("Execute time with compress: %dms" % (end_time - start_time))
simLogPath = tdDnodes.getSimLogPath()
grepCmd = "grep -a 'compress rpc msg, before:' -r %s | head -2" % simLogPath
output = subprocess.check_output(grepCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
if output != "":
tdLog.info("Find %s in log file." % output)
tdLog.success("%s successfully executed! Compress works as expected." % __file__)
tdLog.exit("%s failed! Compress does NOT works." % __file__)
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted,
# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as
# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao
# install pip
# pip install src/connector/python/linux/python2/
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import getopt
import subprocess
from distutils.log import warn as printf
from util.log import *
from util.dnodes import *
from util.cases import *
from util.sql import *
import taos
if __name__ == "__main__":
fileName = "all"
deployPath = ""
masterIp = ""
testCluster = False
valgrind = 0
logSql = True
stop = 0
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'l:sgh', [
'file=', 'path=', 'master', 'logSql', 'stop', 'cluster', 'valgrind', 'help'])
for key, value in opts:
if key in ['-h', '--help']:
'A collection of test cases written using Python')
tdLog.printNoPrefix('-l <True:False> logSql Flag')
tdLog.printNoPrefix('-s stop All dnodes')
tdLog.printNoPrefix('-g valgrind Test Flag')
if key in ['-l', '--logSql']:
if (value.upper() == "TRUE"):
logSql = True
elif (value.upper() == "FALSE"):
logSql = False
tdLog.printNoPrefix("logSql value %s is invalid" % logSql)
if key in ['-g', '--valgrind']:
valgrind = 1
if key in ['-s', '--stop']:
stop = 1
if (stop != 0):
if (valgrind == 0):
toBeKilled = "taosd"
toBeKilled = "valgrind.bin"
killCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -HUP > /dev/null 2>&1" % toBeKilled
psCmd = "ps -ef|grep -w %s| grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'" % toBeKilled
processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True)
processID = subprocess.check_output(psCmd, shell=True)
for port in range(6030, 6041):
usePortPID = "lsof -i tcp:%d | grep LISTEn | awk '{print $2}'" % port
processID = subprocess.check_output(usePortPID, shell=True)
if processID:
killCmd = "kill -9 %s" % processID
fuserCmd = "fuser -k -n tcp %d" % port
if valgrind:
tdLog.info('stop All dnodes')
tdDnodes.addSimExtraCfg("compressMsgSize", "-1")
host = ''
tdLog.info("Procedures for tdengine deployed in %s" % (host))
conn = taos.connect(
tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql)
tdSql.execute("USE t10b")
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS s_sensor_info (ts TIMESTAMP, temperature INT, humidity FLOAT)")
start_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
for i in range(1, 1000):
tdSql.execute("IMPORT INTO s_sensor_info VALUES (1575129600000, 16, 19.405090) (1575129601000, 22, 14.377142) (1575129602000, 16, 16.868231) (1575129603000, 20, 11.565193) (1575129604000, 31, 13.009119) (1575129605000, 29, 18.136400) (1575129606000, 17, 13.806572) (1575129607000, 23, 14.688898) (1575129608000, 26, 12.931019) (1575129609000, 32, 12.185531) (1575129610000, 30, 13.608714) (1575129611000, 23, 18.624914) (1575129612000, 22, 12.970826) (1575129613000, 22, 12.065827) (1575129614000, 25, 16.967192) (1575129615000, 16, 10.283031) (1575129616000, 22, 16.072535) (1575129617000, 24, 10.794536) (1575129618000, 32, 10.591207) (1575129619000, 20, 13.015227) (1575129620000, 28, 15.410999) (1575129621000, 29, 12.785076) (1575129622000, 28, 15.305857) (1575129623000, 33, 12.820810) (1575129624000, 34, 13.618055) (1575129625000, 32, 12.971123) (1575129626000, 24, 10.974546) (1575129627000, 15, 10.742910) (1575129628000, 23, 16.810783) (1575129629000, 18, 13.115224) (1575129630000, 26, 17.418489) (1575129631000, 20, 17.302315) (1575129632000, 21, 14.283571) (1575129633000, 16, 16.826534) (1575129634000, 18, 19.222122) (1575129635000, 18, 14.931420) (1575129636000, 17, 19.549454) (1575129637000, 22, 16.908388) (1575129638000, 32, 15.637796) (1575129639000, 31, 15.517650) (1575129640000, 18, 14.038033) (1575129641000, 32, 19.859648) (1575129642000, 16, 13.220840) (1575129643000, 28, 16.445398) (1575129644000, 26, 16.695753) (1575129645000, 33, 13.696928) (1575129646000, 21, 15.352819) (1575129647000, 15, 12.388407) (1575129648000, 27, 11.267529) (1575129649000, 20, 14.103228) (1575129650000, 20, 16.250950) (1575129651000, 30, 16.236088) (1575129652000, 22, 18.305340) (1575129653000, 25, 17.360685) (1575129654000, 25, 14.978681) (1575129655000, 33, 14.096183) (1575129656000, 26, 10.019039) (1575129657000, 19, 19.158213) (1575129658000, 22, 15.593924) (1575129659000, 26, 18.780119) (1575129660000, 21, 16.001656) (1575129661000, 16, 18.458328) (1575129662000, 21, 16.417843) (1575129663000, 28, 11.736558) (1575129664000, 34, 18.143946) (1575129665000, 27, 10.303225) (1575129666000, 20, 19.756748) (1575129667000, 22, 12.940063) (1575129668000, 23, 11.509640) (1575129669000, 19, 18.319309) (1575129670000, 19, 16.278345) (1575129671000, 27, 10.898361) (1575129672000, 31, 13.922162) (1575129673000, 15, 19.296116) (1575129674000, 26, 15.885763) (1575129675000, 15, 15.525804) (1575129676000, 19, 19.579538) (1575129677000, 20, 11.073811) (1575129678000, 16, 13.932510) (1575129679000, 17, 11.900328) (1575129680000, 22, 16.540415) (1575129681000, 33, 15.203803) (1575129682000, 17, 11.518434) (1575129683000, 17, 13.152081) (1575129684000, 18, 11.378041) (1575129685000, 21, 15.390745) (1575129686000, 30, 15.127818) (1575129687000, 19, 16.530401) (1575129688000, 32, 16.542702) (1575129689000, 26, 16.366442) (1575129690000, 25, 10.306822) (1575129691000, 15, 13.691117) (1575129692000, 15, 13.476817) (1575129693000, 25, 12.529998) (1575129694000, 22, 15.550021) (1575129695000, 20, 15.064971) (1575129696000, 24, 13.313683) (1575129697000, 23, 17.002878) (1575129698000, 30, 19.991594) (1575129699000, 15, 11.116746) (1575129699990, 16, 19.405090) (1575129700990, 22, 14.377142) (1575129701990, 16, 16.868231) (1575129702990, 20, 11.565193) (1575129703990, 31, 13.009119) (1575129704990, 29, 18.136400) (1575129705990, 17, 13.806572) (1575129706990, 23, 14.688898) (1575129707990, 26, 12.931019) (1575129708990, 32, 12.185531) (1575129709990, 30, 13.608714) (1575129710990, 23, 18.624914) (1575129711990, 22, 12.970826) (1575129712990, 22, 12.065827) (1575129713990, 25, 16.967192) (1575129714990, 16, 10.283031) (1575129715990, 22, 16.072535) (1575129716990, 24, 10.794536) (1575129717990, 32, 10.591207) (1575129718990, 20, 13.015227) (1575129719990, 28, 15.410999) (1575129720990, 29, 12.785076) (1575129721990, 28, 15.305857) (1575129722990, 33, 12.820810) (1575129723990, 34, 13.618055) (1575129724990, 32, 12.971123) (1575129725990, 24, 10.974546) (1575129726990, 15, 10.742910) (1575129727990, 23, 16.810783) (1575129728990, 18, 13.115224) (1575129729990, 26, 17.418489) (1575129730990, 20, 17.302315) (1575129731990, 21, 14.283571) (1575129732990, 16, 16.826534) (1575129733990, 18, 19.222122) (1575129734990, 18, 14.931420) (1575129735990, 17, 19.549454) (1575129736990, 22, 16.908388) (1575129737990, 32, 15.637796) (1575129738990, 31, 15.517650) (1575129739990, 18, 14.038033) (1575129740990, 32, 19.859648) (1575129741990, 16, 13.220840) (1575129742990, 28, 16.445398) (1575129743990, 26, 16.695753) (1575129744990, 33, 13.696928) (1575129745990, 21, 15.352819) (1575129746990, 15, 12.388407) (1575129747990, 27, 11.267529) (1575129748990, 20, 14.103228) (1575129749990, 20, 16.250950) (1575129750990, 30, 16.236088) (1575129751990, 22, 18.305340) (1575129752990, 25, 17.360685) (1575129753990, 25, 14.978681) (1575129754990, 33, 14.096183) (1575129755990, 26, 10.019039) (1575129756990, 19, 19.158213) (1575129757990, 22, 15.593924) (1575129758990, 26, 18.780119) (1575129759990, 21, 16.001656) (1575129760990, 16, 18.458328) (1575129761990, 21, 16.417843) (1575129762990, 28, 11.736558) (1575129763990, 34, 18.143946) (1575129764990, 27, 10.303225) (1575129765990, 20, 19.756748) (1575129766990, 22, 12.940063) (1575129767990, 23, 11.509640) (1575129768990, 19, 18.319309) (1575129769990, 19, 16.278345) (1575129770990, 27, 10.898361) (1575129771990, 31, 13.922162) (1575129772990, 15, 19.296116) (1575129773990, 26, 15.885763) (1575129774990, 15, 15.525804) (1575129775990, 19, 19.579538) (1575129776990, 20, 11.073811) (1575129777990, 16, 13.932510) (1575129778990, 17, 11.900328) (1575129779990, 22, 16.540415) (1575129780990, 33, 15.203803) (1575129781990, 17, 11.518434) (1575129782990, 17, 13.152081) (1575129783990, 18, 11.378041) (1575129784990, 21, 15.390745) (1575129785990, 30, 15.127818) (1575129786990, 19, 16.530401) (1575129787990, 32, 16.542702) (1575129788990, 26, 16.366442) (1575129789990, 25, 10.306822) (1575129790990, 15, 13.691117) (1575129791990, 15, 13.476817) (1575129792990, 25, 12.529998) (1575129793990, 22, 15.550021) (1575129794990, 20, 15.064971) (1575129795990, 24, 13.313683) (1575129796990, 23, 17.002878) (1575129797990, 30, 19.991594) (1575129798990, 15, 11.116746) (1575129799980, 16, 19.405090) (1575129800980, 22, 14.377142) (1575129801980, 16, 16.868231) (1575129802980, 20, 11.565193) (1575129803980, 31, 13.009119) (1575129804980, 29, 18.136400) (1575129805980, 17, 13.806572) (1575129806980, 23, 14.688898) (1575129807980, 26, 12.931019) (1575129808980, 32, 12.185531) (1575129809980, 30, 13.608714) (1575129810980, 23, 18.624914) (1575129811980, 22, 12.970826) (1575129812980, 22, 12.065827) (1575129813980, 25, 16.967192) (1575129814980, 16, 10.283031) (1575129815980, 22, 16.072535) (1575129816980, 24, 10.794536) (1575129817980, 32, 10.591207) (1575129818980, 20, 13.015227) (1575129819980, 28, 15.410999) (1575129820980, 29, 12.785076) (1575129821980, 28, 15.305857) (1575129822980, 33, 12.820810) (1575129823980, 34, 13.618055) (1575129824980, 32, 12.971123) (1575129825980, 24, 10.974546) (1575129826980, 15, 10.742910) (1575129827980, 23, 16.810783) (1575129828980, 18, 13.115224) (1575129829980, 26, 17.418489) (1575129830980, 20, 17.302315) (1575129831980, 21, 14.283571) (1575129832980, 16, 16.826534) (1575129833980, 18, 19.222122) (1575129834980, 18, 14.931420) (1575129835980, 17, 19.549454) (1575129836980, 22, 16.908388) (1575129837980, 32, 15.637796) (1575129838980, 31, 15.517650) (1575129839980, 18, 14.038033) (1575129840980, 32, 19.859648) (1575129841980, 16, 13.220840) (1575129842980, 28, 16.445398) (1575129843980, 26, 16.695753) (1575129844980, 33, 13.696928) (1575129845980, 21, 15.352819) (1575129846980, 15, 12.388407) (1575129847980, 27, 11.267529) (1575129848980, 20, 14.103228) (1575129849980, 20, 16.250950) (1575129850980, 30, 16.236088) (1575129851980, 22, 18.305340) (1575129852980, 25, 17.360685) (1575129853980, 25, 14.978681) (1575129854980, 33, 14.096183) (1575129855980, 26, 10.019039) (1575129856980, 19, 19.158213) (1575129857980, 22, 15.593924) (1575129858980, 26, 18.780119) (1575129859980, 21, 16.001656) (1575129860980, 16, 18.458328) (1575129861980, 21, 16.417843) (1575129862980, 28, 11.736558) (1575129863980, 34, 18.143946) (1575129864980, 27, 10.303225) (1575129865980, 20, 19.756748) (1575129866980, 22, 12.940063) (1575129867980, 23, 11.509640) (1575129868980, 19, 18.319309) (1575129869980, 19, 16.278345) (1575129870980, 27, 10.898361) (1575129871980, 31, 13.922162) (1575129872980, 15, 19.296116) (1575129873980, 26, 15.885763) (1575129874980, 15, 15.525804) (1575129875980, 19, 19.579538) (1575129876980, 20, 11.073811) (1575129877980, 16, 13.932510) (1575129878980, 17, 11.900328) (1575129879980, 22, 16.540415) (1575129880980, 33, 15.203803) (1575129881980, 17, 11.518434) (1575129882980, 17, 13.152081) (1575129883980, 18, 11.378041) (1575129884980, 21, 15.390745) (1575129885980, 30, 15.127818) (1575129886980, 19, 16.530401) (1575129887980, 32, 16.542702) (1575129888980, 26, 16.366442) (1575129889980, 25, 10.306822) (1575129890980, 15, 13.691117) (1575129891980, 15, 13.476817) (1575129892980, 25, 12.529998) (1575129893980, 22, 15.550021) (1575129894980, 20, 15.064971) (1575129895980, 24, 13.313683) (1575129896980, 23, 17.002878) (1575129897980, 30, 19.991594) (1575129898980, 15, 11.116746) (1575129899970, 16, 19.405090) (1575129900970, 22, 14.377142) (1575129901970, 16, 16.868231) (1575129902970, 20, 11.565193) (1575129903970, 31, 13.009119) (1575129904970, 29, 18.136400) (1575129905970, 17, 13.806572) (1575129906970, 23, 14.688898) (1575129907970, 26, 12.931019) (1575129908970, 32, 12.185531) (1575129909970, 30, 13.608714) (1575129910970, 23, 18.624914) (1575129911970, 22, 12.970826) (1575129912970, 22, 12.065827) (1575129913970, 25, 16.967192) (1575129914970, 16, 10.283031) (1575129915970, 22, 16.072535) (1575129916970, 24, 10.794536) (1575129917970, 32, 10.591207) (1575129918970, 20, 13.015227) (1575129919970, 28, 15.410999) (1575129920970, 29, 12.785076) (1575129921970, 28, 15.305857) (1575129922970, 33, 12.820810) (1575129923970, 34, 13.618055) (1575129924970, 32, 12.971123) (1575129925970, 24, 10.974546) (1575129926970, 15, 10.742910) (1575129927970, 23, 16.810783) (1575129928970, 18, 13.115224) (1575129929970, 26, 17.418489) (1575129930970, 20, 17.302315) (1575129931970, 21, 14.283571) (1575129932970, 16, 16.826534) (1575129933970, 18, 19.222122) (1575129934970, 18, 14.931420) (1575129935970, 17, 19.549454) (1575129936970, 22, 16.908388) (1575129937970, 32, 15.637796) (1575129938970, 31, 15.517650) (1575129939970, 18, 14.038033) (1575129940970, 32, 19.859648) (1575129941970, 16, 13.220840) (1575129942970, 28, 16.445398) (1575129943970, 26, 16.695753) (1575129944970, 33, 13.696928) (1575129945970, 21, 15.352819) (1575129946970, 15, 12.388407) (1575129947970, 27, 11.267529) (1575129948970, 20, 14.103228) (1575129949970, 20, 16.250950) (1575129950970, 30, 16.236088) (1575129951970, 22, 18.305340) (1575129952970, 25, 17.360685) (1575129953970, 25, 14.978681) (1575129954970, 33, 14.096183) (1575129955970, 26, 10.019039) (1575129956970, 19, 19.158213) (1575129957970, 22, 15.593924) (1575129958970, 26, 18.780119) (1575129959970, 21, 16.001656) (1575129960970, 16, 18.458328) (1575129961970, 21, 16.417843) (1575129962970, 28, 11.736558) (1575129963970, 34, 18.143946) (1575129964970, 27, 10.303225) (1575129965970, 20, 19.756748) (1575129966970, 22, 12.940063) (1575129967970, 23, 11.509640) (1575129968970, 19, 18.319309) (1575129969970, 19, 16.278345) (1575129970970, 27, 10.898361) (1575129971970, 31, 13.922162) (1575129972970, 15, 19.296116) (1575129973970, 26, 15.885763) (1575129974970, 15, 15.525804) (1575129975970, 19, 19.579538) (1575129976970, 20, 11.073811) (1575129977970, 16, 13.932510) (1575129978970, 17, 11.900328) (1575129979970, 22, 16.540415) (1575129980970, 33, 15.203803) (1575129981970, 17, 11.518434) (1575129982970, 17, 13.152081) (1575129983970, 18, 11.378041) (1575129984970, 21, 15.390745) (1575129985970, 30, 15.127818) (1575129986970, 19, 16.530401) (1575129987970, 32, 16.542702) (1575129988970, 26, 16.366442) (1575129989970, 25, 10.306822) (1575129990970, 15, 13.691117) (1575129991970, 15, 13.476817) (1575129992970, 25, 12.529998) (1575129993970, 22, 15.550021) (1575129994970, 20, 15.064971) (1575129995970, 24, 13.313683) (1575129996970, 23, 17.002878) (1575129997970, 30, 19.991594) (1575129998970, 15, 11.116746) (1575129999960, 16, 19.405090) (1575130000960, 22, 14.377142) (1575130001960, 16, 16.868231) (1575130002960, 20, 11.565193) (1575130003960, 31, 13.009119) (1575130004960, 29, 18.136400) (1575130005960, 17, 13.806572) (1575130006960, 23, 14.688898) (1575130007960, 26, 12.931019) (1575130008960, 32, 12.185531) (1575130009960, 30, 13.608714) (1575130010960, 23, 18.624914) (1575130011960, 22, 12.970826) (1575130012960, 22, 12.065827) (1575130013960, 25, 16.967192) (1575130014960, 16, 10.283031) (1575130015960, 22, 16.072535) (1575130016960, 24, 10.794536) (1575130017960, 32, 10.591207) (1575130018960, 20, 13.015227) (1575130019960, 28, 15.410999) (1575130020960, 29, 12.785076) (1575130021960, 28, 15.305857) (1575130022960, 33, 12.820810) (1575130023960, 34, 13.618055) (1575130024960, 32, 12.971123) (1575130025960, 24, 10.974546) (1575130026960, 15, 10.742910) (1575130027960, 23, 16.810783) (1575130028960, 18, 13.115224) (1575130029960, 26, 17.418489) (1575130030960, 20, 17.302315) (1575130031960, 21, 14.283571) (1575130032960, 16, 16.826534) (1575130033960, 18, 19.222122) (1575130034960, 18, 14.931420) (1575130035960, 17, 19.549454) (1575130036960, 22, 16.908388) (1575130037960, 32, 15.637796) (1575130038960, 31, 15.517650) (1575130039960, 18, 14.038033) (1575130040960, 32, 19.859648) (1575130041960, 16, 13.220840) (1575130042960, 28, 16.445398) (1575130043960, 26, 16.695753) (1575130044960, 33, 13.696928) (1575130045960, 21, 15.352819) (1575130046960, 15, 12.388407) (1575130047960, 27, 11.267529) (1575130048960, 20, 14.103228) (1575130049960, 20, 16.250950) (1575130050960, 30, 16.236088) (1575130051960, 22, 18.305340) (1575130052960, 25, 17.360685) (1575130053960, 25, 14.978681) (1575130054960, 33, 14.096183) (1575130055960, 26, 10.019039) (1575130056960, 19, 19.158213) (1575130057960, 22, 15.593924) (1575130058960, 26, 18.780119) (1575130059960, 21, 16.001656) (1575130060960, 16, 18.458328) (1575130061960, 21, 16.417843) (1575130062960, 28, 11.736558) (1575130063960, 34, 18.143946) (1575130064960, 27, 10.303225) (1575130065960, 20, 19.756748) (1575130066960, 22, 12.940063) (1575130067960, 23, 11.509640) (1575130068960, 19, 18.319309) (1575130069960, 19, 16.278345) (1575130070960, 27, 10.898361) (1575130071960, 31, 13.922162) (1575130072960, 15, 19.296116) (1575130073960, 26, 15.885763) (1575130074960, 15, 15.525804) (1575130075960, 19, 19.579538) (1575130076960, 20, 11.073811) (1575130077960, 16, 13.932510) (1575130078960, 17, 11.900328) (1575130079960, 22, 16.540415) (1575130080960, 33, 15.203803) (1575130081960, 17, 11.518434) (1575130082960, 17, 13.152081) (1575130083960, 18, 11.378041) (1575130084960, 21, 15.390745) (1575130085960, 30, 15.127818) (1575130086960, 19, 16.530401) (1575130087960, 32, 16.542702) (1575130088960, 26, 16.366442) (1575130089960, 25, 10.306822) (1575130090960, 15, 13.691117) (1575130091960, 15, 13.476817) (1575130092960, 25, 12.529998) (1575130093960, 22, 15.550021) (1575130094960, 20, 15.064971) (1575130095960, 24, 13.313683) (1575130096960, 23, 17.002878) (1575130097960, 30, 19.991594) (1575130098960, 15, 11.116746) (1575130099950, 16, 19.405090) (1575130100950, 22, 14.377142) (1575130101950, 16, 16.868231) (1575130102950, 20, 11.565193) (1575130103950, 31, 13.009119) (1575130104950, 29, 18.136400) (1575130105950, 17, 13.806572) (1575130106950, 23, 14.688898) (1575130107950, 26, 12.931019) (1575130108950, 32, 12.185531) (1575130109950, 30, 13.608714) (1575130110950, 23, 18.624914) (1575130111950, 22, 12.970826) (1575130112950, 22, 12.065827) (1575130113950, 25, 16.967192) (1575130114950, 16, 10.283031) (1575130115950, 22, 16.072535) (1575130116950, 24, 10.794536) (1575130117950, 32, 10.591207) (1575130118950, 20, 13.015227) (1575130119950, 28, 15.410999) (1575130120950, 29, 12.785076) (1575130121950, 28, 15.305857) (1575130122950, 33, 12.820810) (1575130123950, 34, 13.618055) (1575130124950, 32, 12.971123) (1575130125950, 24, 10.974546) (1575130126950, 15, 10.742910) (1575130127950, 23, 16.810783) (1575130128950, 18, 13.115224) (1575130129950, 26, 17.418489) (1575130130950, 20, 17.302315) (1575130131950, 21, 14.283571) (1575130132950, 16, 16.826534) (1575130133950, 18, 19.222122) (1575130134950, 18, 14.931420) (1575130135950, 17, 19.549454) (1575130136950, 22, 16.908388) (1575130137950, 32, 15.637796) (1575130138950, 31, 15.517650) (1575130139950, 18, 14.038033) (1575130140950, 32, 19.859648) (1575130141950, 16, 13.220840) (1575130142950, 28, 16.445398) (1575130143950, 26, 16.695753) (1575130144950, 33, 13.696928) (1575130145950, 21, 15.352819) (1575130146950, 15, 12.388407) (1575130147950, 27, 11.267529) (1575130148950, 20, 14.103228) (1575130149950, 20, 16.250950) (1575130150950, 30, 16.236088) (1575130151950, 22, 18.305340) (1575130152950, 25, 17.360685) (1575130153950, 25, 14.978681) (1575130154950, 33, 14.096183) (1575130155950, 26, 10.019039) (1575130156950, 19, 19.158213) (1575130157950, 22, 15.593924) (1575130158950, 26, 18.780119) (1575130159950, 21, 16.001656) (1575130160950, 16, 18.458328) (1575130161950, 21, 16.417843) (1575130162950, 28, 11.736558) (1575130163950, 34, 18.143946) (1575130164950, 27, 10.303225) (1575130165950, 20, 19.756748) (1575130166950, 22, 12.940063) (1575130167950, 23, 11.509640) (1575130168950, 19, 18.319309) (1575130169950, 19, 16.278345) (1575130170950, 27, 10.898361) (1575130171950, 31, 13.922162) (1575130172950, 15, 19.296116) (1575130173950, 26, 15.885763) (1575130174950, 15, 15.525804) (1575130175950, 19, 19.579538) (1575130176950, 20, 11.073811) (1575130177950, 16, 13.932510) (1575130178950, 17, 11.900328) (1575130179950, 22, 16.540415) (1575130180950, 33, 15.203803) (1575130181950, 17, 11.518434) (1575130182950, 17, 13.152081) (1575130183950, 18, 11.378041) (1575130184950, 21, 15.390745) (1575130185950, 30, 15.127818) (1575130186950, 19, 16.530401) (1575130187950, 32, 16.542702) (1575130188950, 26, 16.366442) (1575130189950, 25, 10.306822) (1575130190950, 15, 13.691117) (1575130191950, 15, 13.476817) (1575130192950, 25, 12.529998) (1575130193950, 22, 15.550021) (1575130194950, 20, 15.064971) (1575130195950, 24, 13.313683) (1575130196950, 23, 17.002878) (1575130197950, 30, 19.991594) (1575130198950, 15, 11.116746) (1575130199940, 16, 19.405090) (1575130200940, 22, 14.377142) (1575130201940, 16, 16.868231) (1575130202940, 20, 11.565193) (1575130203940, 31, 13.009119) (1575130204940, 29, 18.136400) (1575130205940, 17, 13.806572) (1575130206940, 23, 14.688898) (1575130207940, 26, 12.931019) (1575130208940, 32, 12.185531) (1575130209940, 30, 13.608714) (1575130210940, 23, 18.624914) (1575130211940, 22, 12.970826) (1575130212940, 22, 12.065827) (1575130213940, 25, 16.967192) (1575130214940, 16, 10.283031) (1575130215940, 22, 16.072535) (1575130216940, 24, 10.794536) (1575130217940, 32, 10.591207) (1575130218940, 20, 13.015227) (1575130219940, 28, 15.410999) (1575130220940, 29, 12.785076) (1575130221940, 28, 15.305857) (1575130222940, 33, 12.820810) (1575130223940, 34, 13.618055) (1575130224940, 32, 12.971123) (1575130225940, 24, 10.974546) (1575130226940, 15, 10.742910) (1575130227940, 23, 16.810783) (1575130228940, 18, 13.115224) (1575130229940, 26, 17.418489) (1575130230940, 20, 17.302315) (1575130231940, 21, 14.283571) (1575130232940, 16, 16.826534) (1575130233940, 18, 19.222122) (1575130234940, 18, 14.931420) (1575130235940, 17, 19.549454) (1575130236940, 22, 16.908388) (1575130237940, 32, 15.637796) (1575130238940, 31, 15.517650) (1575130239940, 18, 14.038033) (1575130240940, 32, 19.859648) (1575130241940, 16, 13.220840) (1575130242940, 28, 16.445398) (1575130243940, 26, 16.695753) (1575130244940, 33, 13.696928) (1575130245940, 21, 15.352819) (1575130246940, 15, 12.388407) (1575130247940, 27, 11.267529) (1575130248940, 20, 14.103228) (1575130249940, 20, 16.250950) (1575130250940, 30, 16.236088) (1575130251940, 22, 18.305340) (1575130252940, 25, 17.360685) (1575130253940, 25, 14.978681) (1575130254940, 33, 14.096183) (1575130255940, 26, 10.019039) (1575130256940, 19, 19.158213) (1575130257940, 22, 15.593924) (1575130258940, 26, 18.780119) (1575130259940, 21, 16.001656) (1575130260940, 16, 18.458328) (1575130261940, 21, 16.417843) (1575130262940, 28, 11.736558) (1575130263940, 34, 18.143946) (1575130264940, 27, 10.303225) (1575130265940, 20, 19.756748) (1575130266940, 22, 12.940063) (1575130267940, 23, 11.509640) (1575130268940, 19, 18.319309) (1575130269940, 19, 16.278345) (1575130270940, 27, 10.898361) (1575130271940, 31, 13.922162) (1575130272940, 15, 19.296116) (1575130273940, 26, 15.885763) (1575130274940, 15, 15.525804) (1575130275940, 19, 19.579538) (1575130276940, 20, 11.073811) (1575130277940, 16, 13.932510) (1575130278940, 17, 11.900328) (1575130279940, 22, 16.540415) (1575130280940, 33, 15.203803) (1575130281940, 17, 11.518434) (1575130282940, 17, 13.152081) (1575130283940, 18, 11.378041) (1575130284940, 21, 15.390745) (1575130285940, 30, 15.127818) (1575130286940, 19, 16.530401) (1575130287940, 32, 16.542702) (1575130288940, 26, 16.366442) (1575130289940, 25, 10.306822) (1575130290940, 15, 13.691117) (1575130291940, 15, 13.476817) (1575130292940, 25, 12.529998) (1575130293940, 22, 15.550021) (1575130294940, 20, 15.064971) (1575130295940, 24, 13.313683) (1575130296940, 23, 17.002878) (1575130297940, 30, 19.991594) (1575130298940, 15, 11.116746) (1575130299930, 16, 19.405090) (1575130300930, 22, 14.377142) (1575130301930, 16, 16.868231) (1575130302930, 20, 11.565193) (1575130303930, 31, 13.009119) (1575130304930, 29, 18.136400) (1575130305930, 17, 13.806572) (1575130306930, 23, 14.688898) (1575130307930, 26, 12.931019) (1575130308930, 32, 12.185531) (1575130309930, 30, 13.608714) (1575130310930, 23, 18.624914) (1575130311930, 22, 12.970826) (1575130312930, 22, 12.065827) (1575130313930, 25, 16.967192) (1575130314930, 16, 10.283031) (1575130315930, 22, 16.072535) (1575130316930, 24, 10.794536) (1575130317930, 32, 10.591207) (1575130318930, 20, 13.015227) (1575130319930, 28, 15.410999) (1575130320930, 29, 12.785076) (1575130321930, 28, 15.305857) (1575130322930, 33, 12.820810) (1575130323930, 34, 13.618055) (1575130324930, 32, 12.971123) (1575130325930, 24, 10.974546) (1575130326930, 15, 10.742910) (1575130327930, 23, 16.810783) (1575130328930, 18, 13.115224) (1575130329930, 26, 17.418489) (1575130330930, 20, 17.302315) (1575130331930, 21, 14.283571) (1575130332930, 16, 16.826534) (1575130333930, 18, 19.222122) (1575130334930, 18, 14.931420) (1575130335930, 17, 19.549454) (1575130336930, 22, 16.908388) (1575130337930, 32, 15.637796) (1575130338930, 31, 15.517650) (1575130339930, 18, 14.038033) (1575130340930, 32, 19.859648) (1575130341930, 16, 13.220840) (1575130342930, 28, 16.445398) (1575130343930, 26, 16.695753) (1575130344930, 33, 13.696928) (1575130345930, 21, 15.352819) (1575130346930, 15, 12.388407) (1575130347930, 27, 11.267529) (1575130348930, 20, 14.103228) (1575130349930, 20, 16.250950) (1575130350930, 30, 16.236088) (1575130351930, 22, 18.305340) (1575130352930, 25, 17.360685) (1575130353930, 25, 14.978681) (1575130354930, 33, 14.096183) (1575130355930, 26, 10.019039) (1575130356930, 19, 19.158213) (1575130357930, 22, 15.593924) (1575130358930, 26, 18.780119) (1575130359930, 21, 16.001656) (1575130360930, 16, 18.458328) (1575130361930, 21, 16.417843) (1575130362930, 28, 11.736558) (1575130363930, 34, 18.143946) (1575130364930, 27, 10.303225) (1575130365930, 20, 19.756748) (1575130366930, 22, 12.940063) (1575130367930, 23, 11.509640) (1575130368930, 19, 18.319309) (1575130369930, 19, 16.278345) (1575130370930, 27, 10.898361) (1575130371930, 31, 13.922162) (1575130372930, 15, 19.296116) (1575130373930, 26, 15.885763) (1575130374930, 15, 15.525804) (1575130375930, 19, 19.579538) (1575130376930, 20, 11.073811) (1575130377930, 16, 13.932510) (1575130378930, 17, 11.900328) (1575130379930, 22, 16.540415) (1575130380930, 33, 15.203803) (1575130381930, 17, 11.518434) (1575130382930, 17, 13.152081) (1575130383930, 18, 11.378041) (1575130384930, 21, 15.390745) (1575130385930, 30, 15.127818) (1575130386930, 19, 16.530401) (1575130387930, 32, 16.542702) (1575130388930, 26, 16.366442) (1575130389930, 25, 10.306822) (1575130390930, 15, 13.691117) (1575130391930, 15, 13.476817) (1575130392930, 25, 12.529998) (1575130393930, 22, 15.550021) (1575130394930, 20, 15.064971) (1575130395930, 24, 13.313683) (1575130396930, 23, 17.002878) (1575130397930, 30, 19.991594) (1575130398930, 15, 11.116746) (1575130399920, 16, 19.405090) (1575130400920, 22, 14.377142) (1575130401920, 16, 16.868231) (1575130402920, 20, 11.565193) (1575130403920, 31, 13.009119) (1575130404920, 29, 18.136400) (1575130405920, 17, 13.806572) (1575130406920, 23, 14.688898) (1575130407920, 26, 12.931019) (1575130408920, 32, 12.185531) (1575130409920, 30, 13.608714) (1575130410920, 23, 18.624914) (1575130411920, 22, 12.970826) (1575130412920, 22, 12.065827) (1575130413920, 25, 16.967192) (1575130414920, 16, 10.283031) (1575130415920, 22, 16.072535) (1575130416920, 24, 10.794536) (1575130417920, 32, 10.591207) (1575130418920, 20, 13.015227) (1575130419920, 28, 15.410999) (1575130420920, 29, 12.785076) (1575130421920, 28, 15.305857) (1575130422920, 33, 12.820810) (1575130423920, 34, 13.618055) (1575130424920, 32, 12.971123) (1575130425920, 24, 10.974546) (1575130426920, 15, 10.742910) (1575130427920, 23, 16.810783) (1575130428920, 18, 13.115224) (1575130429920, 26, 17.418489) (1575130430920, 20, 17.302315) (1575130431920, 21, 14.283571) (1575130432920, 16, 16.826534) (1575130433920, 18, 19.222122) (1575130434920, 18, 14.931420) (1575130435920, 17, 19.549454) (1575130436920, 22, 16.908388) (1575130437920, 32, 15.637796) (1575130438920, 31, 15.517650) (1575130439920, 18, 14.038033) (1575130440920, 32, 19.859648) (1575130441920, 16, 13.220840) (1575130442920, 28, 16.445398) (1575130443920, 26, 16.695753) (1575130444920, 33, 13.696928) (1575130445920, 21, 15.352819) (1575130446920, 15, 12.388407) (1575130447920, 27, 11.267529) (1575130448920, 20, 14.103228) (1575130449920, 20, 16.250950) (1575130450920, 30, 16.236088) (1575130451920, 22, 18.305340) (1575130452920, 25, 17.360685) (1575130453920, 25, 14.978681) (1575130454920, 33, 14.096183) (1575130455920, 26, 10.019039) (1575130456920, 19, 19.158213) (1575130457920, 22, 15.593924) (1575130458920, 26, 18.780119) (1575130459920, 21, 16.001656) (1575130460920, 16, 18.458328) (1575130461920, 21, 16.417843) (1575130462920, 28, 11.736558) (1575130463920, 34, 18.143946) (1575130464920, 27, 10.303225) (1575130465920, 20, 19.756748) (1575130466920, 22, 12.940063) (1575130467920, 23, 11.509640) (1575130468920, 19, 18.319309) (1575130469920, 19, 16.278345) (1575130470920, 27, 10.898361) (1575130471920, 31, 13.922162) (1575130472920, 15, 19.296116) (1575130473920, 26, 15.885763) (1575130474920, 15, 15.525804) (1575130475920, 19, 19.579538) (1575130476920, 20, 11.073811) (1575130477920, 16, 13.932510) (1575130478920, 17, 11.900328) (1575130479920, 22, 16.540415) (1575130480920, 33, 15.203803) (1575130481920, 17, 11.518434) (1575130482920, 17, 13.152081) (1575130483920, 18, 11.378041) (1575130484920, 21, 15.390745) (1575130485920, 30, 15.127818) (1575130486920, 19, 16.530401) (1575130487920, 32, 16.542702) (1575130488920, 26, 16.366442) (1575130489920, 25, 10.306822) (1575130490920, 15, 13.691117) (1575130491920, 15, 13.476817) (1575130492920, 25, 12.529998) (1575130493920, 22, 15.550021) (1575130494920, 20, 15.064971) (1575130495920, 24, 13.313683) (1575130496920, 23, 17.002878) (1575130497920, 30, 19.991594) (1575130498920, 15, 11.116746) (1575130499910, 16, 19.405090) (1575130500910, 22, 14.377142) (1575130501910, 16, 16.868231) (1575130502910, 20, 11.565193) (1575130503910, 31, 13.009119) (1575130504910, 29, 18.136400) (1575130505910, 17, 13.806572) (1575130506910, 23, 14.688898) (1575130507910, 26, 12.931019) (1575130508910, 32, 12.185531) (1575130509910, 30, 13.608714) (1575130510910, 23, 18.624914) (1575130511910, 22, 12.970826) (1575130512910, 22, 12.065827) (1575130513910, 25, 16.967192) (1575130514910, 16, 10.283031) (1575130515910, 22, 16.072535) (1575130516910, 24, 10.794536) (1575130517910, 32, 10.591207) (1575130518910, 20, 13.015227) (1575130519910, 28, 15.410999) (1575130520910, 29, 12.785076) (1575130521910, 28, 15.305857) (1575130522910, 33, 12.820810) (1575130523910, 34, 13.618055) (1575130524910, 32, 12.971123) (1575130525910, 24, 10.974546) (1575130526910, 15, 10.742910) (1575130527910, 23, 16.810783) (1575130528910, 18, 13.115224) (1575130529910, 26, 17.418489) (1575130530910, 20, 17.302315) (1575130531910, 21, 14.283571) (1575130532910, 16, 16.826534) (1575130533910, 18, 19.222122) (1575130534910, 18, 14.931420) (1575130535910, 17, 19.549454) (1575130536910, 22, 16.908388) (1575130537910, 32, 15.637796) (1575130538910, 31, 15.517650) (1575130539910, 18, 14.038033) (1575130540910, 32, 19.859648) (1575130541910, 16, 13.220840) (1575130542910, 28, 16.445398) (1575130543910, 26, 16.695753) (1575130544910, 33, 13.696928) (1575130545910, 21, 15.352819) (1575130546910, 15, 12.388407) (1575130547910, 27, 11.267529) (1575130548910, 20, 14.103228) (1575130549910, 20, 16.250950) (1575130550910, 30, 16.236088) (1575130551910, 22, 18.305340) (1575130552910, 25, 17.360685) (1575130553910, 25, 14.978681) (1575130554910, 33, 14.096183) (1575130555910, 26, 10.019039) (1575130556910, 19, 19.158213) (1575130557910, 22, 15.593924) (1575130558910, 26, 18.780119) (1575130559910, 21, 16.001656) (1575130560910, 16, 18.458328) (1575130561910, 21, 16.417843) (1575130562910, 28, 11.736558) (1575130563910, 34, 18.143946) (1575130564910, 27, 10.303225) (1575130565910, 20, 19.756748) (1575130566910, 22, 12.940063) (1575130567910, 23, 11.509640) (1575130568910, 19, 18.319309) (1575130569910, 19, 16.278345) (1575130570910, 27, 10.898361) (1575130571910, 31, 13.922162) (1575130572910, 15, 19.296116) (1575130573910, 26, 15.885763) (1575130574910, 15, 15.525804) (1575130575910, 19, 19.579538) (1575130576910, 20, 11.073811) (1575130577910, 16, 13.932510) (1575130578910, 17, 11.900328) (1575130579910, 22, 16.540415) (1575130580910, 33, 15.203803) (1575130581910, 17, 11.518434) (1575130582910, 17, 13.152081) (1575130583910, 18, 11.378041) (1575130584910, 21, 15.390745) (1575130585910, 30, 15.127818) (1575130586910, 19, 16.530401) (1575130587910, 32, 16.542702) (1575130588910, 26, 16.366442) (1575130589910, 25, 10.306822) (1575130590910, 15, 13.691117) (1575130591910, 15, 13.476817) (1575130592910, 25, 12.529998) (1575130593910, 22, 15.550021) (1575130594910, 20, 15.064971) (1575130595910, 24, 13.313683) (1575130596910, 23, 17.002878) (1575130597910, 30, 19.991594) (1575130598910, 15, 11.116746) (1575130599900, 16, 19.405090) (1575130600900, 22, 14.377142) (1575130601900, 16, 16.868231) (1575130602900, 20, 11.565193) (1575130603900, 31, 13.009119) (1575130604900, 29, 18.136400) (1575130605900, 17, 13.806572) (1575130606900, 23, 14.688898) (1575130607900, 26, 12.931019) (1575130608900, 32, 12.185531) (1575130609900, 30, 13.608714) (1575130610900, 23, 18.624914) (1575130611900, 22, 12.970826) (1575130612900, 22, 12.065827) (1575130613900, 25, 16.967192) (1575130614900, 16, 10.283031) (1575130615900, 22, 16.072535) (1575130616900, 24, 10.794536) (1575130617900, 32, 10.591207) (1575130618900, 20, 13.015227) (1575130619900, 28, 15.410999) (1575130620900, 29, 12.785076) (1575130621900, 28, 15.305857) (1575130622900, 33, 12.820810) (1575130623900, 34, 13.618055) (1575130624900, 32, 12.971123) (1575130625900, 24, 10.974546) (1575130626900, 15, 10.742910) (1575130627900, 23, 16.810783) (1575130628900, 18, 13.115224) (1575130629900, 26, 17.418489) (1575130630900, 20, 17.302315) (1575130631900, 21, 14.283571) (1575130632900, 16, 16.826534) (1575130633900, 18, 19.222122) (1575130634900, 18, 14.931420) (1575130635900, 17, 19.549454) (1575130636900, 22, 16.908388) (1575130637900, 32, 15.637796) (1575130638900, 31, 15.517650) (1575130639900, 18, 14.038033) (1575130640900, 32, 19.859648) (1575130641900, 16, 13.220840) (1575130642900, 28, 16.445398) (1575130643900, 26, 16.695753) (1575130644900, 33, 13.696928) (1575130645900, 21, 15.352819) (1575130646900, 15, 12.388407) (1575130647900, 27, 11.267529) (1575130648900, 20, 14.103228) (1575130649900, 20, 16.250950) (1575130650900, 30, 16.236088) (1575130651900, 22, 18.305340) (1575130652900, 25, 17.360685) (1575130653900, 25, 14.978681) (1575130654900, 33, 14.096183) (1575130655900, 26, 10.019039) (1575130656900, 19, 19.158213) (1575130657900, 22, 15.593924) (1575130658900, 26, 18.780119) (1575130659900, 21, 16.001656) (1575130660900, 16, 18.458328) (1575130661900, 21, 16.417843) (1575130662900, 28, 11.736558) (1575130663900, 34, 18.143946) (1575130664900, 27, 10.303225) (1575130665900, 20, 19.756748) (1575130666900, 22, 12.940063) (1575130667900, 23, 11.509640) (1575130668900, 19, 18.319309) (1575130669900, 19, 16.278345) (1575130670900, 27, 10.898361) (1575130671900, 31, 13.922162) (1575130672900, 15, 19.296116) (1575130673900, 26, 15.885763) (1575130674900, 15, 15.525804) (1575130675900, 19, 19.579538) (1575130676900, 20, 11.073811) (1575130677900, 16, 13.932510) (1575130678900, 17, 11.900328) (1575130679900, 22, 16.540415) (1575130680900, 33, 15.203803) (1575130681900, 17, 11.518434) (1575130682900, 17, 13.152081) (1575130683900, 18, 11.378041) (1575130684900, 21, 15.390745) (1575130685900, 30, 15.127818) (1575130686900, 19, 16.530401) (1575130687900, 32, 16.542702) (1575130688900, 26, 16.366442) (1575130689900, 25, 10.306822) (1575130690900, 15, 13.691117) (1575130691900, 15, 13.476817) (1575130692900, 25, 12.529998) (1575130693900, 22, 15.550021) (1575130694900, 20, 15.064971) (1575130695900, 24, 13.313683) (1575130696900, 23, 17.002878) (1575130697900, 30, 19.991594) (1575130698900, 15, 11.116746) (1575130699890, 16, 19.405090) (1575130700890, 22, 14.377142) (1575130701890, 16, 16.868231) (1575130702890, 20, 11.565193) (1575130703890, 31, 13.009119) (1575130704890, 29, 18.136400) (1575130705890, 17, 13.806572) (1575130706890, 23, 14.688898) (1575130707890, 26, 12.931019) (1575130708890, 32, 12.185531) (1575130709890, 30, 13.608714) (1575130710890, 23, 18.624914) (1575130711890, 22, 12.970826) (1575130712890, 22, 12.065827) (1575130713890, 25, 16.967192) (1575130714890, 16, 10.283031) (1575130715890, 22, 16.072535) (1575130716890, 24, 10.794536) (1575130717890, 32, 10.591207) (1575130718890, 20, 13.015227) (1575130719890, 28, 15.410999) (1575130720890, 29, 12.785076) (1575130721890, 28, 15.305857) (1575130722890, 33, 12.820810) (1575130723890, 34, 13.618055) (1575130724890, 32, 12.971123) (1575130725890, 24, 10.974546) (1575130726890, 15, 10.742910) (1575130727890, 23, 16.810783) (1575130728890, 18, 13.115224) (1575130729890, 26, 17.418489) (1575130730890, 20, 17.302315) (1575130731890, 21, 14.283571) (1575130732890, 16, 16.826534) (1575130733890, 18, 19.222122) (1575130734890, 18, 14.931420) (1575130735890, 17, 19.549454) (1575130736890, 22, 16.908388) (1575130737890, 32, 15.637796) (1575130738890, 31, 15.517650) (1575130739890, 18, 14.038033) (1575130740890, 32, 19.859648) (1575130741890, 16, 13.220840) (1575130742890, 28, 16.445398) (1575130743890, 26, 16.695753) (1575130744890, 33, 13.696928) (1575130745890, 21, 15.352819) (1575130746890, 15, 12.388407) (1575130747890, 27, 11.267529) (1575130748890, 20, 14.103228) (1575130749890, 20, 16.250950) (1575130750890, 30, 16.236088) (1575130751890, 22, 18.305340) (1575130752890, 25, 17.360685) (1575130753890, 25, 14.978681) (1575130754890, 33, 14.096183) (1575130755890, 26, 10.019039) (1575130756890, 19, 19.158213) (1575130757890, 22, 15.593924) (1575130758890, 26, 18.780119) (1575130759890, 21, 16.001656) (1575130760890, 16, 18.458328) (1575130761890, 21, 16.417843) (1575130762890, 28, 11.736558) (1575130763890, 34, 18.143946) (1575130764890, 27, 10.303225) (1575130765890, 20, 19.756748) (1575130766890, 22, 12.940063) (1575130767890, 23, 11.509640) (1575130768890, 19, 18.319309) (1575130769890, 19, 16.278345) (1575130770890, 27, 10.898361) (1575130771890, 31, 13.922162) (1575130772890, 15, 19.296116) (1575130773890, 26, 15.885763) (1575130774890, 15, 15.525804) (1575130775890, 19, 19.579538) (1575130776890, 20, 11.073811) (1575130777890, 16, 13.932510) (1575130778890, 17, 11.900328) (1575130779890, 22, 16.540415) (1575130780890, 33, 15.203803) (1575130781890, 17, 11.518434) (1575130782890, 17, 13.152081) (1575130783890, 18, 11.378041) (1575130784890, 21, 15.390745) (1575130785890, 30, 15.127818) (1575130786890, 19, 16.530401) (1575130787890, 32, 16.542702) (1575130788890, 26, 16.366442) (1575130789890, 25, 10.306822) (1575130790890, 15, 13.691117) (1575130791890, 15, 13.476817) (1575130792890, 25, 12.529998) (1575130793890, 22, 15.550021) (1575130794890, 20, 15.064971) (1575130795890, 24, 13.313683) (1575130796890, 23, 17.002878) (1575130797890, 30, 19.991594) (1575130798890, 15, 11.116746) (1575130799880, 16, 19.405090) (1575130800880, 22, 14.377142) (1575130801880, 16, 16.868231) (1575130802880, 20, 11.565193) (1575130803880, 31, 13.009119) (1575130804880, 29, 18.136400) (1575130805880, 17, 13.806572) (1575130806880, 23, 14.688898) (1575130807880, 26, 12.931019) (1575130808880, 32, 12.185531) (1575130809880, 30, 13.608714) (1575130810880, 23, 18.624914) (1575130811880, 22, 12.970826) (1575130812880, 22, 12.065827) (1575130813880, 25, 16.967192) (1575130814880, 16, 10.283031) (1575130815880, 22, 16.072535) (1575130816880, 24, 10.794536) (1575130817880, 32, 10.591207) (1575130818880, 20, 13.015227) (1575130819880, 28, 15.410999) (1575130820880, 29, 12.785076) (1575130821880, 28, 15.305857) (1575130822880, 33, 12.820810) (1575130823880, 34, 13.618055) (1575130824880, 32, 12.971123) (1575130825880, 24, 10.974546) (1575130826880, 15, 10.742910) (1575130827880, 23, 16.810783) (1575130828880, 18, 13.115224) (1575130829880, 26, 17.418489) (1575130830880, 20, 17.302315) (1575130831880, 21, 14.283571) (1575130832880, 16, 16.826534) (1575130833880, 18, 19.222122) (1575130834880, 18, 14.931420) (1575130835880, 17, 19.549454) (1575130836880, 22, 16.908388) (1575130837880, 32, 15.637796) (1575130838880, 31, 15.517650) (1575130839880, 18, 14.038033) (1575130840880, 32, 19.859648) (1575130841880, 16, 13.220840) (1575130842880, 28, 16.445398) (1575130843880, 26, 16.695753) (1575130844880, 33, 13.696928) (1575130845880, 21, 15.352819) (1575130846880, 15, 12.388407) (1575130847880, 27, 11.267529) (1575130848880, 20, 14.103228) (1575130849880, 20, 16.250950) (1575130850880, 30, 16.236088) (1575130851880, 22, 18.305340) (1575130852880, 25, 17.360685) (1575130853880, 25, 14.978681) (1575130854880, 33, 14.096183) (1575130855880, 26, 10.019039) (1575130856880, 19, 19.158213) (1575130857880, 22, 15.593924) (1575130858880, 26, 18.780119) (1575130859880, 21, 16.001656) (1575130860880, 16, 18.458328) (1575130861880, 21, 16.417843) (1575130862880, 28, 11.736558) (1575130863880, 34, 18.143946) (1575130864880, 27, 10.303225) (1575130865880, 20, 19.756748) (1575130866880, 22, 12.940063) (1575130867880, 23, 11.509640) (1575130868880, 19, 18.319309) (1575130869880, 19, 16.278345) (1575130870880, 27, 10.898361) (1575130871880, 31, 13.922162) (1575130872880, 15, 19.296116) (1575130873880, 26, 15.885763) (1575130874880, 15, 15.525804) (1575130875880, 19, 19.579538) (1575130876880, 20, 11.073811) (1575130877880, 16, 13.932510) (1575130878880, 17, 11.900328) (1575130879880, 22, 16.540415) (1575130880880, 33, 15.203803) (1575130881880, 17, 11.518434) (1575130882880, 17, 13.152081) (1575130883880, 18, 11.378041) (1575130884880, 21, 15.390745) (1575130885880, 30, 15.127818) (1575130886880, 19, 16.530401) (1575130887880, 32, 16.542702) (1575130888880, 26, 16.366442) (1575130889880, 25, 10.306822) (1575130890880, 15, 13.691117) (1575130891880, 15, 13.476817) (1575130892880, 25, 12.529998) (1575130893880, 22, 15.550021) (1575130894880, 20, 15.064971) (1575130895880, 24, 13.313683) (1575130896880, 23, 17.002878) (1575130897880, 30, 19.991594) (1575130898880, 15, 11.116746) (1575130899870, 16, 19.405090) (1575130900870, 22, 14.377142) (1575130901870, 16, 16.868231) (1575130902870, 20, 11.565193) (1575130903870, 31, 13.009119) (1575130904870, 29, 18.136400) (1575130905870, 17, 13.806572) (1575130906870, 23, 14.688898) (1575130907870, 26, 12.931019) (1575130908870, 32, 12.185531) (1575130909870, 30, 13.608714) (1575130910870, 23, 18.624914) (1575130911870, 22, 12.970826) (1575130912870, 22, 12.065827) (1575130913870, 25, 16.967192) (1575130914870, 16, 10.283031) (1575130915870, 22, 16.072535) (1575130916870, 24, 10.794536) (1575130917870, 32, 10.591207) (1575130918870, 20, 13.015227) (1575130919870, 28, 15.410999) (1575130920870, 29, 12.785076) (1575130921870, 28, 15.305857) (1575130922870, 33, 12.820810) (1575130923870, 34, 13.618055) (1575130924870, 32, 12.971123) (1575130925870, 24, 10.974546) (1575130926870, 15, 10.742910) (1575130927870, 23, 16.810783) (1575130928870, 18, 13.115224) (1575130929870, 26, 17.418489) (1575130930870, 20, 17.302315) (1575130931870, 21, 14.283571) (1575130932870, 16, 16.826534) (1575130933870, 18, 19.222122) (1575130934870, 18, 14.931420) (1575130935870, 17, 19.549454) (1575130936870, 22, 16.908388) (1575130937870, 32, 15.637796) (1575130938870, 31, 15.517650) (1575130939870, 18, 14.038033) (1575130940870, 32, 19.859648) (1575130941870, 16, 13.220840) (1575130942870, 28, 16.445398) (1575130943870, 26, 16.695753) (1575130944870, 33, 13.696928) (1575130945870, 21, 15.352819) (1575130946870, 15, 12.388407) (1575130947870, 27, 11.267529) (1575130948870, 20, 14.103228) (1575130949870, 20, 16.250950) (1575130950870, 30, 16.236088) (1575130951870, 22, 18.305340) (1575130952870, 25, 17.360685) (1575130953870, 25, 14.978681) (1575130954870, 33, 14.096183) (1575130955870, 26, 10.019039) (1575130956870, 19, 19.158213) (1575130957870, 22, 15.593924) (1575130958870, 26, 18.780119) (1575130959870, 21, 16.001656) (1575130960870, 16, 18.458328) (1575130961870, 21, 16.417843) (1575130962870, 28, 11.736558) (1575130963870, 34, 18.143946) (1575130964870, 27, 10.303225) (1575130965870, 20, 19.756748) (1575130966870, 22, 12.940063) (1575130967870, 23, 11.509640) (1575130968870, 19, 18.319309) (1575130969870, 19, 16.278345) (1575130970870, 27, 10.898361) (1575130971870, 31, 13.922162) (1575130972870, 15, 19.296116) (1575130973870, 26, 15.885763) (1575130974870, 15, 15.525804) (1575130975870, 19, 19.579538) (1575130976870, 20, 11.073811) (1575130977870, 16, 13.932510) (1575130978870, 17, 11.900328) (1575130979870, 22, 16.540415) (1575130980870, 33, 15.203803) (1575130981870, 17, 11.518434) (1575130982870, 17, 13.152081) (1575130983870, 18, 11.378041) (1575130984870, 21, 15.390745) (1575130985870, 30, 15.127818) (1575130986870, 19, 16.530401) (1575130987870, 32, 16.542702) (1575130988870, 26, 16.366442) (1575130989870, 25, 10.306822) (1575130990870, 15, 13.691117) (1575130991870, 15, 13.476817) (1575130992870, 25, 12.529998) (1575130993870, 22, 15.550021) (1575130994870, 20, 15.064971) (1575130995870, 24, 13.313683) (1575130996870, 23, 17.002878) (1575130997870, 30, 19.991594) (1575130998870, 15, 11.116746) (1575130999860, 16, 19.405090) (1575131000860, 22, 14.377142) (1575131001860, 16, 16.868231) (1575131002860, 20, 11.565193) (1575131003860, 31, 13.009119) (1575131004860, 29, 18.136400) (1575131005860, 17, 13.806572) (1575131006860, 23, 14.688898) (1575131007860, 26, 12.931019) (1575131008860, 32, 12.185531) (1575131009860, 30, 13.608714) (1575131010860, 23, 18.624914) (1575131011860, 22, 12.970826) (1575131012860, 22, 12.065827) (1575131013860, 25, 16.967192) (1575131014860, 16, 10.283031) (1575131015860, 22, 16.072535) (1575131016860, 24, 10.794536) (1575131017860, 32, 10.591207) (1575131018860, 20, 13.015227) (1575131019860, 28, 15.410999) (1575131020860, 29, 12.785076) (1575131021860, 28, 15.305857) (1575131022860, 33, 12.820810) (1575131023860, 34, 13.618055) (1575131024860, 32, 12.971123) (1575131025860, 24, 10.974546) (1575131026860, 15, 10.742910) (1575131027860, 23, 16.810783) (1575131028860, 18, 13.115224) (1575131029860, 26, 17.418489) (1575131030860, 20, 17.302315) (1575131031860, 21, 14.283571) (1575131032860, 16, 16.826534) (1575131033860, 18, 19.222122) (1575131034860, 18, 14.931420) (1575131035860, 17, 19.549454) (1575131036860, 22, 16.908388) (1575131037860, 32, 15.637796) (1575131038860, 31, 15.517650) (1575131039860, 18, 14.038033) (1575131040860, 32, 19.859648) (1575131041860, 16, 13.220840) (1575131042860, 28, 16.445398) (1575131043860, 26, 16.695753) (1575131044860, 33, 13.696928) (1575131045860, 21, 15.352819) (1575131046860, 15, 12.388407) (1575131047860, 27, 11.267529) (1575131048860, 20, 14.103228) (1575131049860, 20, 16.250950) (1575131050860, 30, 16.236088) (1575131051860, 22, 18.305340) (1575131052860, 25, 17.360685) (1575131053860, 25, 14.978681) (1575131054860, 33, 14.096183) (1575131055860, 26, 10.019039) (1575131056860, 19, 19.158213) (1575131057860, 22, 15.593924) (1575131058860, 26, 18.780119) (1575131059860, 21, 16.001656) (1575131060860, 16, 18.458328) (1575131061860, 21, 16.417843) (1575131062860, 28, 11.736558) (1575131063860, 34, 18.143946) (1575131064860, 27, 10.303225) (1575131065860, 20, 19.756748) (1575131066860, 22, 12.940063) (1575131067860, 23, 11.509640) (1575131068860, 19, 18.319309) (1575131069860, 19, 16.278345) (1575131070860, 27, 10.898361) (1575131071860, 31, 13.922162) (1575131072860, 15, 19.296116) (1575131073860, 26, 15.885763) (1575131074860, 15, 15.525804) (1575131075860, 19, 19.579538) (1575131076860, 20, 11.073811) (1575131077860, 16, 13.932510) (1575131078860, 17, 11.900328) (1575131079860, 22, 16.540415) (1575131080860, 33, 15.203803) (1575131081860, 17, 11.518434) (1575131082860, 17, 13.152081) (1575131083860, 18, 11.378041) (1575131084860, 21, 15.390745) (1575131085860, 30, 15.127818) (1575131086860, 19, 16.530401) (1575131087860, 32, 16.542702) (1575131088860, 26, 16.366442) (1575131089860, 25, 10.306822) (1575131090860, 15, 13.691117) (1575131091860, 15, 13.476817) (1575131092860, 25, 12.529998) (1575131093860, 22, 15.550021) (1575131094860, 20, 15.064971) (1575131095860, 24, 13.313683) (1575131096860, 23, 17.002878) (1575131097860, 30, 19.991594) (1575131098860, 15, 11.116746) (1575131099850, 16, 19.405090) (1575131100850, 22, 14.377142) (1575131101850, 16, 16.868231) (1575131102850, 20, 11.565193) (1575131103850, 31, 13.009119) (1575131104850, 29, 18.136400) (1575131105850, 17, 13.806572) (1575131106850, 23, 14.688898) (1575131107850, 26, 12.931019) (1575131108850, 32, 12.185531) (1575131109850, 30, 13.608714) (1575131110850, 23, 18.624914) (1575131111850, 22, 12.970826) (1575131112850, 22, 12.065827) (1575131113850, 25, 16.967192) (1575131114850, 16, 10.283031) (1575131115850, 22, 16.072535) (1575131116850, 24, 10.794536) (1575131117850, 32, 10.591207) (1575131118850, 20, 13.015227) (1575131119850, 28, 15.410999) (1575131120850, 29, 12.785076) (1575131121850, 28, 15.305857) (1575131122850, 33, 12.820810) (1575131123850, 34, 13.618055) (1575131124850, 32, 12.971123) (1575131125850, 24, 10.974546) (1575131126850, 15, 10.742910) (1575131127850, 23, 16.810783) (1575131128850, 18, 13.115224) (1575131129850, 26, 17.418489) (1575131130850, 20, 17.302315) (1575131131850, 21, 14.283571) (1575131132850, 16, 16.826534) (1575131133850, 18, 19.222122) (1575131134850, 18, 14.931420) (1575131135850, 17, 19.549454) (1575131136850, 22, 16.908388) (1575131137850, 32, 15.637796) (1575131138850, 31, 15.517650) (1575131139850, 18, 14.038033) (1575131140850, 32, 19.859648) (1575131141850, 16, 13.220840) (1575131142850, 28, 16.445398) (1575131143850, 26, 16.695753) (1575131144850, 33, 13.696928) (1575131145850, 21, 15.352819) (1575131146850, 15, 12.388407) (1575131147850, 27, 11.267529) (1575131148850, 20, 14.103228) (1575131149850, 20, 16.250950) (1575131150850, 30, 16.236088) (1575131151850, 22, 18.305340) (1575131152850, 25, 17.360685) (1575131153850, 25, 14.978681) (1575131154850, 33, 14.096183) (1575131155850, 26, 10.019039) (1575131156850, 19, 19.158213) (1575131157850, 22, 15.593924) (1575131158850, 26, 18.780119) (1575131159850, 21, 16.001656) (1575131160850, 16, 18.458328) (1575131161850, 21, 16.417843) (1575131162850, 28, 11.736558) (1575131163850, 34, 18.143946) (1575131164850, 27, 10.303225) (1575131165850, 20, 19.756748) (1575131166850, 22, 12.940063) (1575131167850, 23, 11.509640) (1575131168850, 19, 18.319309) (1575131169850, 19, 16.278345) (1575131170850, 27, 10.898361) (1575131171850, 31, 13.922162) (1575131172850, 15, 19.296116) (1575131173850, 26, 15.885763) (1575131174850, 15, 15.525804) (1575131175850, 19, 19.579538) (1575131176850, 20, 11.073811) (1575131177850, 16, 13.932510) (1575131178850, 17, 11.900328) (1575131179850, 22, 16.540415) (1575131180850, 33, 15.203803) (1575131181850, 17, 11.518434) (1575131182850, 17, 13.152081) (1575131183850, 18, 11.378041) (1575131184850, 21, 15.390745) (1575131185850, 30, 15.127818) (1575131186850, 19, 16.530401) (1575131187850, 32, 16.542702) (1575131188850, 26, 16.366442) (1575131189850, 25, 10.306822) (1575131190850, 15, 13.691117) (1575131191850, 15, 13.476817) (1575131192850, 25, 12.529998) (1575131193850, 22, 15.550021) (1575131194850, 20, 15.064971) (1575131195850, 24, 13.313683) (1575131196850, 23, 17.002878) (1575131197850, 30, 19.991594) (1575131198850, 15, 11.116746) (1575131199840, 16, 19.405090) (1575131200840, 22, 14.377142) (1575131201840, 16, 16.868231) (1575131202840, 20, 11.565193) (1575131203840, 31, 13.009119) (1575131204840, 29, 18.136400) (1575131205840, 17, 13.806572) (1575131206840, 23, 14.688898) (1575131207840, 26, 12.931019) (1575131208840, 32, 12.185531) (1575131209840, 30, 13.608714) (1575131210840, 23, 18.624914) (1575131211840, 22, 12.970826) (1575131212840, 22, 12.065827) (1575131213840, 25, 16.967192) (1575131214840, 16, 10.283031) (1575131215840, 22, 16.072535) (1575131216840, 24, 10.794536) (1575131217840, 32, 10.591207) (1575131218840, 20, 13.015227) (1575131219840, 28, 15.410999) (1575131220840, 29, 12.785076) (1575131221840, 28, 15.305857) (1575131222840, 33, 12.820810) (1575131223840, 34, 13.618055) (1575131224840, 32, 12.971123) (1575131225840, 24, 10.974546) (1575131226840, 15, 10.742910) (1575131227840, 23, 16.810783) (1575131228840, 18, 13.115224) (1575131229840, 26, 17.418489) (1575131230840, 20, 17.302315) (1575131231840, 21, 14.283571) (1575131232840, 16, 16.826534) (1575131233840, 18, 19.222122) (1575131234840, 18, 14.931420) (1575131235840, 17, 19.549454) (1575131236840, 22, 16.908388) (1575131237840, 32, 15.637796) (1575131238840, 31, 15.517650) (1575131239840, 18, 14.038033) (1575131240840, 32, 19.859648) (1575131241840, 16, 13.220840) (1575131242840, 28, 16.445398) (1575131243840, 26, 16.695753) (1575131244840, 33, 13.696928) (1575131245840, 21, 15.352819) (1575131246840, 15, 12.388407) (1575131247840, 27, 11.267529) (1575131248840, 20, 14.103228) (1575131249840, 20, 16.250950) (1575131250840, 30, 16.236088) (1575131251840, 22, 18.305340) (1575131252840, 25, 17.360685) (1575131253840, 25, 14.978681) (1575131254840, 33, 14.096183) (1575131255840, 26, 10.019039) (1575131256840, 19, 19.158213) (1575131257840, 22, 15.593924) (1575131258840, 26, 18.780119) (1575131259840, 21, 16.001656) (1575131260840, 16, 18.458328) (1575131261840, 21, 16.417843) (1575131262840, 28, 11.736558) (1575131263840, 34, 18.143946) (1575131264840, 27, 10.303225) (1575131265840, 20, 19.756748) (1575131266840, 22, 12.940063) (1575131267840, 23, 11.509640) (1575131268840, 19, 18.319309) (1575131269840, 19, 16.278345) (1575131270840, 27, 10.898361) (1575131271840, 31, 13.922162) (1575131272840, 15, 19.296116) (1575131273840, 26, 15.885763) (1575131274840, 15, 15.525804) (1575131275840, 19, 19.579538) (1575131276840, 20, 11.073811) (1575131277840, 16, 13.932510) (1575131278840, 17, 11.900328) (1575131279840, 22, 16.540415) (1575131280840, 33, 15.203803) (1575131281840, 17, 11.518434) (1575131282840, 17, 13.152081) (1575131283840, 18, 11.378041) (1575131284840, 21, 15.390745) (1575131285840, 30, 15.127818) (1575131286840, 19, 16.530401) (1575131287840, 32, 16.542702) (1575131288840, 26, 16.366442) (1575131289840, 25, 10.306822) (1575131290840, 15, 13.691117) (1575131291840, 15, 13.476817) (1575131292840, 25, 12.529998) (1575131293840, 22, 15.550021) (1575131294840, 20, 15.064971) (1575131295840, 24, 13.313683) (1575131296840, 23, 17.002878) (1575131297840, 30, 19.991594) (1575131298840, 15, 11.116746) (1575131299830, 16, 19.405090) (1575131300830, 22, 14.377142) (1575131301830, 16, 16.868231) (1575131302830, 20, 11.565193) (1575131303830, 31, 13.009119) (1575131304830, 29, 18.136400) (1575131305830, 17, 13.806572) (1575131306830, 23, 14.688898) (1575131307830, 26, 12.931019) (1575131308830, 32, 12.185531) (1575131309830, 30, 13.608714) (1575131310830, 23, 18.624914) (1575131311830, 22, 12.970826) (1575131312830, 22, 12.065827) (1575131313830, 25, 16.967192) (1575131314830, 16, 10.283031) (1575131315830, 22, 16.072535) (1575131316830, 24, 10.794536) (1575131317830, 32, 10.591207) (1575131318830, 20, 13.015227) (1575131319830, 28, 15.410999) (1575131320830, 29, 12.785076) (1575131321830, 28, 15.305857) (1575131322830, 33, 12.820810) (1575131323830, 34, 13.618055) (1575131324830, 32, 12.971123) (1575131325830, 24, 10.974546) (1575131326830, 15, 10.742910) (1575131327830, 23, 16.810783) (1575131328830, 18, 13.115224) (1575131329830, 26, 17.418489) (1575131330830, 20, 17.302315) (1575131331830, 21, 14.283571) (1575131332830, 16, 16.826534) (1575131333830, 18, 19.222122) (1575131334830, 18, 14.931420) (1575131335830, 17, 19.549454) (1575131336830, 22, 16.908388) (1575131337830, 32, 15.637796) (1575131338830, 31, 15.517650) (1575131339830, 18, 14.038033) (1575131340830, 32, 19.859648) (1575131341830, 16, 13.220840) (1575131342830, 28, 16.445398) (1575131343830, 26, 16.695753) (1575131344830, 33, 13.696928) (1575131345830, 21, 15.352819) (1575131346830, 15, 12.388407) (1575131347830, 27, 11.267529) (1575131348830, 20, 14.103228) (1575131349830, 20, 16.250950) (1575131350830, 30, 16.236088) (1575131351830, 22, 18.305340) (1575131352830, 25, 17.360685) (1575131353830, 25, 14.978681) (1575131354830, 33, 14.096183) (1575131355830, 26, 10.019039) (1575131356830, 19, 19.158213) (1575131357830, 22, 15.593924) (1575131358830, 26, 18.780119) (1575131359830, 21, 16.001656) (1575131360830, 16, 18.458328) (1575131361830, 21, 16.417843) (1575131362830, 28, 11.736558) (1575131363830, 34, 18.143946) (1575131364830, 27, 10.303225) (1575131365830, 20, 19.756748) (1575131366830, 22, 12.940063) (1575131367830, 23, 11.509640) (1575131368830, 19, 18.319309) (1575131369830, 19, 16.278345) (1575131370830, 27, 10.898361) (1575131371830, 31, 13.922162) (1575131372830, 15, 19.296116) (1575131373830, 26, 15.885763) (1575131374830, 15, 15.525804) (1575131375830, 19, 19.579538) (1575131376830, 20, 11.073811) (1575131377830, 16, 13.932510) (1575131378830, 17, 11.900328) (1575131379830, 22, 16.540415) (1575131380830, 33, 15.203803) (1575131381830, 17, 11.518434) (1575131382830, 17, 13.152081) (1575131383830, 18, 11.378041) (1575131384830, 21, 15.390745) (1575131385830, 30, 15.127818) (1575131386830, 19, 16.530401) (1575131387830, 32, 16.542702) (1575131388830, 26, 16.366442) (1575131389830, 25, 10.306822) (1575131390830, 15, 13.691117) (1575131391830, 15, 13.476817) (1575131392830, 25, 12.529998) (1575131393830, 22, 15.550021) (1575131394830, 20, 15.064971) (1575131395830, 24, 13.313683) (1575131396830, 23, 17.002878) (1575131397830, 30, 19.991594) (1575131398830, 15, 11.116746) (1575131399820, 16, 19.405090) (1575131400820, 22, 14.377142) (1575131401820, 16, 16.868231) (1575131402820, 20, 11.565193) (1575131403820, 31, 13.009119) (1575131404820, 29, 18.136400) (1575131405820, 17, 13.806572) (1575131406820, 23, 14.688898) (1575131407820, 26, 12.931019) (1575131408820, 32, 12.185531) (1575131409820, 30, 13.608714) (1575131410820, 23, 18.624914) (1575131411820, 22, 12.970826) (1575131412820, 22, 12.065827) (1575131413820, 25, 16.967192) (1575131414820, 16, 10.283031) (1575131415820, 22, 16.072535) (1575131416820, 24, 10.794536) (1575131417820, 32, 10.591207) (1575131418820, 20, 13.015227) (1575131419820, 28, 15.410999) (1575131420820, 29, 12.785076) (1575131421820, 28, 15.305857) (1575131422820, 33, 12.820810) (1575131423820, 34, 13.618055) (1575131424820, 32, 12.971123) (1575131425820, 24, 10.974546) (1575131426820, 15, 10.742910) (1575131427820, 23, 16.810783) (1575131428820, 18, 13.115224) (1575131429820, 26, 17.418489) (1575131430820, 20, 17.302315) (1575131431820, 21, 14.283571) (1575131432820, 16, 16.826534) (1575131433820, 18, 19.222122) (1575131434820, 18, 14.931420) (1575131435820, 17, 19.549454) (1575131436820, 22, 16.908388) (1575131437820, 32, 15.637796) (1575131438820, 31, 15.517650) (1575131439820, 18, 14.038033) (1575131440820, 32, 19.859648) (1575131441820, 16, 13.220840) (1575131442820, 28, 16.445398) (1575131443820, 26, 16.695753) (1575131444820, 33, 13.696928) (1575131445820, 21, 15.352819) (1575131446820, 15, 12.388407) (1575131447820, 27, 11.267529) (1575131448820, 20, 14.103228) (1575131449820, 20, 16.250950) (1575131450820, 30, 16.236088) (1575131451820, 22, 18.305340) (1575131452820, 25, 17.360685) (1575131453820, 25, 14.978681) (1575131454820, 33, 14.096183) (1575131455820, 26, 10.019039) (1575131456820, 19, 19.158213) (1575131457820, 22, 15.593924) (1575131458820, 26, 18.780119) (1575131459820, 21, 16.001656) (1575131460820, 16, 18.458328) (1575131461820, 21, 16.417843) (1575131462820, 28, 11.736558) (1575131463820, 34, 18.143946) (1575131464820, 27, 10.303225) (1575131465820, 20, 19.756748) (1575131466820, 22, 12.940063) (1575131467820, 23, 11.509640) (1575131468820, 19, 18.319309) (1575131469820, 19, 16.278345) (1575131470820, 27, 10.898361) (1575131471820, 31, 13.922162) (1575131472820, 15, 19.296116) (1575131473820, 26, 15.885763) (1575131474820, 15, 15.525804) (1575131475820, 19, 19.579538) (1575131476820, 20, 11.073811) (1575131477820, 16, 13.932510) (1575131478820, 17, 11.900328) (1575131479820, 22, 16.540415) (1575131480820, 33, 15.203803) (1575131481820, 17, 11.518434) (1575131482820, 17, 13.152081) (1575131483820, 18, 11.378041) (1575131484820, 21, 15.390745) (1575131485820, 30, 15.127818) (1575131486820, 19, 16.530401) (1575131487820, 32, 16.542702) (1575131488820, 26, 16.366442) (1575131489820, 25, 10.306822) (1575131490820, 15, 13.691117) (1575131491820, 15, 13.476817) (1575131492820, 25, 12.529998) (1575131493820, 22, 15.550021) (1575131494820, 20, 15.064971) (1575131495820, 24, 13.313683) (1575131496820, 23, 17.002878) (1575131497820, 30, 19.991594) (1575131498820, 15, 11.116746) (1575131499810, 16, 19.405090) (1575131500810, 22, 14.377142) (1575131501810, 16, 16.868231) (1575131502810, 20, 11.565193) (1575131503810, 31, 13.009119) (1575131504810, 29, 18.136400) (1575131505810, 17, 13.806572) (1575131506810, 23, 14.688898) (1575131507810, 26, 12.931019) (1575131508810, 32, 12.185531) (1575131509810, 30, 13.608714) (1575131510810, 23, 18.624914) (1575131511810, 22, 12.970826) (1575131512810, 22, 12.065827) (1575131513810, 25, 16.967192) (1575131514810, 16, 10.283031) (1575131515810, 22, 16.072535) (1575131516810, 24, 10.794536) (1575131517810, 32, 10.591207) (1575131518810, 20, 13.015227) (1575131519810, 28, 15.410999) (1575131520810, 29, 12.785076) (1575131521810, 28, 15.305857) (1575131522810, 33, 12.820810) (1575131523810, 34, 13.618055) (1575131524810, 32, 12.971123) (1575131525810, 24, 10.974546) (1575131526810, 15, 10.742910) (1575131527810, 23, 16.810783) (1575131528810, 18, 13.115224) (1575131529810, 26, 17.418489) (1575131530810, 20, 17.302315) (1575131531810, 21, 14.283571) (1575131532810, 16, 16.826534) (1575131533810, 18, 19.222122) (1575131534810, 18, 14.931420) (1575131535810, 17, 19.549454) (1575131536810, 22, 16.908388) (1575131537810, 32, 15.637796) (1575131538810, 31, 15.517650) (1575131539810, 18, 14.038033) (1575131540810, 32, 19.859648) (1575131541810, 16, 13.220840) (1575131542810, 28, 16.445398) (1575131543810, 26, 16.695753) (1575131544810, 33, 13.696928) (1575131545810, 21, 15.352819) (1575131546810, 15, 12.388407) (1575131547810, 27, 11.267529) (1575131548810, 20, 14.103228) (1575131549810, 20, 16.250950) (1575131550810, 30, 16.236088) (1575131551810, 22, 18.305340) (1575131552810, 25, 17.360685) (1575131553810, 25, 14.978681) (1575131554810, 33, 14.096183) (1575131555810, 26, 10.019039) (1575131556810, 19, 19.158213) (1575131557810, 22, 15.593924) (1575131558810, 26, 18.780119) (1575131559810, 21, 16.001656) (1575131560810, 16, 18.458328) (1575131561810, 21, 16.417843) (1575131562810, 28, 11.736558) (1575131563810, 34, 18.143946) (1575131564810, 27, 10.303225) (1575131565810, 20, 19.756748) (1575131566810, 22, 12.940063) (1575131567810, 23, 11.509640) (1575131568810, 19, 18.319309) (1575131569810, 19, 16.278345) (1575131570810, 27, 10.898361) (1575131571810, 31, 13.922162) (1575131572810, 15, 19.296116) (1575131573810, 26, 15.885763) (1575131574810, 15, 15.525804) (1575131575810, 19, 19.579538) (1575131576810, 20, 11.073811) (1575131577810, 16, 13.932510) (1575131578810, 17, 11.900328) (1575131579810, 22, 16.540415) (1575131580810, 33, 15.203803) (1575131581810, 17, 11.518434) (1575131582810, 17, 13.152081) (1575131583810, 18, 11.378041) (1575131584810, 21, 15.390745) (1575131585810, 30, 15.127818) (1575131586810, 19, 16.530401) (1575131587810, 32, 16.542702) (1575131588810, 26, 16.366442) (1575131589810, 25, 10.306822) (1575131590810, 15, 13.691117) (1575131591810, 15, 13.476817) (1575131592810, 25, 12.529998) (1575131593810, 22, 15.550021) (1575131594810, 20, 15.064971) (1575131595810, 24, 13.313683) (1575131596810, 23, 17.002878) (1575131597810, 30, 19.991594) (1575131598810, 15, 11.116746) (1575131599800, 16, 19.405090) (1575131600800, 22, 14.377142) (1575131601800, 16, 16.868231) (1575131602800, 20, 11.565193) (1575131603800, 31, 13.009119) (1575131604800, 29, 18.136400) (1575131605800, 17, 13.806572) (1575131606800, 23, 14.688898) (1575131607800, 26, 12.931019) (1575131608800, 32, 12.185531) (1575131609800, 30, 13.608714) (1575131610800, 23, 18.624914) (1575131611800, 22, 12.970826) (1575131612800, 22, 12.065827) (1575131613800, 25, 16.967192) (1575131614800, 16, 10.283031) (1575131615800, 22, 16.072535) (1575131616800, 24, 10.794536) (1575131617800, 32, 10.591207) (1575131618800, 20, 13.015227) (1575131619800, 28, 15.410999) (1575131620800, 29, 12.785076) (1575131621800, 28, 15.305857) (1575131622800, 33, 12.820810) (1575131623800, 34, 13.618055) (1575131624800, 32, 12.971123) (1575131625800, 24, 10.974546) (1575131626800, 15, 10.742910) (1575131627800, 23, 16.810783) (1575131628800, 18, 13.115224) (1575131629800, 26, 17.418489) (1575131630800, 20, 17.302315) (1575131631800, 21, 14.283571) (1575131632800, 16, 16.826534) (1575131633800, 18, 19.222122) (1575131634800, 18, 14.931420) (1575131635800, 17, 19.549454) (1575131636800, 22, 16.908388) (1575131637800, 32, 15.637796) (1575131638800, 31, 15.517650) (1575131639800, 18, 14.038033) (1575131640800, 32, 19.859648) (1575131641800, 16, 13.220840) (1575131642800, 28, 16.445398) (1575131643800, 26, 16.695753) (1575131644800, 33, 13.696928) (1575131645800, 21, 15.352819) (1575131646800, 15, 12.388407) (1575131647800, 27, 11.267529) (1575131648800, 20, 14.103228) (1575131649800, 20, 16.250950) (1575131650800, 30, 16.236088) (1575131651800, 22, 18.305340) (1575131652800, 25, 17.360685) (1575131653800, 25, 14.978681) (1575131654800, 33, 14.096183) (1575131655800, 26, 10.019039) (1575131656800, 19, 19.158213) (1575131657800, 22, 15.593924) (1575131658800, 26, 18.780119) (1575131659800, 21, 16.001656) (1575131660800, 16, 18.458328) (1575131661800, 21, 16.417843) (1575131662800, 28, 11.736558) (1575131663800, 34, 18.143946) (1575131664800, 27, 10.303225) (1575131665800, 20, 19.756748) (1575131666800, 22, 12.940063) (1575131667800, 23, 11.509640) (1575131668800, 19, 18.319309) (1575131669800, 19, 16.278345) (1575131670800, 27, 10.898361) (1575131671800, 31, 13.922162) (1575131672800, 15, 19.296116) (1575131673800, 26, 15.885763) (1575131674800, 15, 15.525804) (1575131675800, 19, 19.579538) (1575131676800, 20, 11.073811) (1575131677800, 16, 13.932510) (1575131678800, 17, 11.900328) (1575131679800, 22, 16.540415) (1575131680800, 33, 15.203803) (1575131681800, 17, 11.518434) (1575131682800, 17, 13.152081) (1575131683800, 18, 11.378041) (1575131684800, 21, 15.390745) (1575131685800, 30, 15.127818) (1575131686800, 19, 16.530401) (1575131687800, 32, 16.542702) (1575131688800, 26, 16.366442) (1575131689800, 25, 10.306822) (1575131690800, 15, 13.691117) (1575131691800, 15, 13.476817) (1575131692800, 25, 12.529998) (1575131693800, 22, 15.550021)")
end_time = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
tdLog.info("Execute time without compress: %dms" % (end_time - start_time))
simLogPath = tdDnodes.getSimLogPath()
grepCmd = "grep -a 'compress rpc msg, before:' -r %s | head -2" % simLogPath
output = subprocess.check_output(grepCmd, shell=True).decode("utf-8")
if output != "":
tdLog.info("Find %s in log file." % output)
tdLog.exit("%s successfully executed! Compress works but NOT expected." % __file__)
tdLog.success("%s failed! Compress does NOT works as expected." % __file__)
......@@ -22,23 +22,47 @@ class TDSimClient:
def __init__(self):
self.testCluster = False
self.cfgDict = {
"numOfLogLines": "100000000",
"numOfThreadsPerCore": "2.0",
"locale": "en_US.UTF-8",
"charset": "UTF-8",
"asyncLog": "0",
"anyIp": "0",
"sdbDebugFlag": "135",
"rpcDebugFlag": "135",
"tmrDebugFlag": "131",
"cDebugFlag": "135",
"udebugFlag": "135",
"jnidebugFlag": "135",
"qdebugFlag": "135",
def init(self, path):
self.path = path
def getLogDir(self):
self.logDir = "%s/sim/psim/log" % (self.path)
return self.logDir
def getCfgDir(self):
self.cfgDir = "%s/sim/psim/cfg" % (self.path)
return self.cfgDir
def setTestCluster(self, value):
self.testCluster = value
def addExtraCfg(self, option, value):
self.cfgDict.update({option: value})
def cfg(self, option, value):
cmd = "echo '%s %s' >> %s" % (option, value, self.cfgPath)
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
def deploy(self):
self.logDir = "%s/sim/psim/log" % (self.path,)
self.logDir = "%s/sim/psim/log" % (self.path)
self.cfgDir = "%s/sim/psim/cfg" % (self.path)
self.cfgPath = "%s/sim/psim/cfg/taos.cfg" % (self.path)
......@@ -46,11 +70,11 @@ class TDSimClient:
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
cmd = "rm -rf " + self.cfgDir
cmd = "mkdir -p " + self.logDir
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
cmd = "mkdir -p " + self.logDir
cmd = "rm -rf " + self.cfgDir
if os.system(cmd) != 0:
......@@ -66,19 +90,10 @@ class TDSimClient:
self.cfg("masterIp", "")
self.cfg("secondIp", "")
self.cfg("logDir", self.logDir)
self.cfg("numOfLogLines", "100000000")
self.cfg("numOfThreadsPerCore", "2.0")
self.cfg("locale", "en_US.UTF-8")
self.cfg("charset", "UTF-8")
self.cfg("asyncLog", "0")
self.cfg("anyIp", "0")
self.cfg("sdbDebugFlag", "135")
self.cfg("rpcDebugFlag", "135")
self.cfg("tmrDebugFlag", "131")
self.cfg("cDebugFlag", "135")
self.cfg("udebugFlag", "135")
self.cfg("jnidebugFlag", "135")
self.cfg("qdebugFlag", "135")
for key, value in self.cfgDict.items():
self.cfg(key, value)
tdLog.debug("psim is deployed and configured by %s" % (self.cfgPath))
......@@ -378,6 +393,9 @@ class TDDnodes:
for i in range(len(self.dnodes)):
self.sim = TDSimClient()
def setTestCluster(self, value):
self.testCluster = value
......@@ -385,8 +403,6 @@ class TDDnodes:
self.valgrind = value
def deploy(self, index):
self.sim = TDSimClient()
if (self.simDeployed == False):
......@@ -474,5 +490,11 @@ class TDDnodes:
def getSimCfgPath(self):
return self.sim.getCfgDir()
def getSimLogPath(self):
return self.sim.getLogDir()
def addSimExtraCfg(self, option, value):
self.sim.addExtraCfg(option, value)
tdDnodes = TDDnodes()
......@@ -71,7 +71,8 @@ class TDSql:
except Exception as e:
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, repr(e))
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args)
tdLog.notice("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args)
raise Exception(repr(e))
return self.queryRows
def waitedQuery(self, sql, expectRows, timeout):
......@@ -89,7 +90,8 @@ class TDSql:
except Exception as e:
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, repr(e))
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args)
tdLog.notice("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args)
raise Exception(repr(e))
return (self.queryRows, timeout)
def checkRows(self, expectRows):
......@@ -158,7 +160,8 @@ class TDSql:
except Exception as e:
caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0])
args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, repr(e))
tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args)
tdLog.notice("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, %s" % args)
raise Exception(repr(e))
return self.affectedRows
def checkAffectedRows(self, expectAffectedRows):
system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
system sh/ip.sh -i 1 -s up
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -m -i
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c commitLog -v 0
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c walLevel -v 0
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sleep 3000
sql connect
sleep 2000
run general/parser/alter.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/alter1.sim
......@@ -7,7 +8,6 @@ sleep 2000
run general/parser/auto_create_tb.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/auto_create_tb_drop_tb.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/col_arithmetic_operation.sim
sleep 2000
......@@ -23,65 +23,61 @@ run general/parser/create_tb.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/dbtbnameValidate.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/fill.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/fill_stb.sim
sleep 2000
#run general/parser/fill_us.sim #
sleep 2000
run general/parser/first_last.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/import_commit1.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/import_commit2.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/import_commit3.sim
sleep 2000
#run general/parser/import_file.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/insert_tb.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/first_last.sim
run general/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim
sleep 2000
#run general/parser/import_file.sim
run general/parser/interp.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/lastrow.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/nchar.sim
sleep 2000
#run general/parser/null_char.sim
run general/parser/limit.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/single_row_in_tb.sim
run general/parser/limit1.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/select_from_cache_disk.sim
run general/parser/limit1_tblocks100.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/selectResNum.sim
run general/parser/limit2.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/mixed_blocks.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/limit1.sim
run general/parser/nchar.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/limit.sim
run general/parser/null_char.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/limit1_tblocks100.sim
run general/parser/selectResNum.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/select_across_vnodes.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/slimit1.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/tbnameIn.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/projection_limit_offset.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/limit2.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/fill.sim
run general/parser/select_from_cache_disk.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/fill_stb.sim
run general/parser/set_tag_vals.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/where.sim
run general/parser/single_row_in_tb.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/slimit.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/select_with_tags.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/interp.sim
run general/parser/slimit1.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim
run general/parser/slimit_alter_tags.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/groupby.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/set_tag_vals.sim
run general/parser/tbnameIn.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/slimit_alter_tags.sim # persistent failed
sleep 2000
......@@ -89,11 +85,19 @@ run general/parser/join.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/join_multivnode.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/repeatAlter.sim
run general/parser/projection_limit_offset.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/select_with_tags.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/groupby.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/union.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/sliding.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/binary_escapeCharacter.sim
run general/parser/fill_us.sim
sleep 2000
run general/parser/bug.sim
run general/parser/tags_filter.sim
#sleep 2000
#run general/parser/repeatStream.sim
......@@ -117,8 +117,6 @@ cd ../../../debug; make
./test.sh -f general/parser/import_commit3.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/insert_tb.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/first_last.sim
# dyh is processing this script
#./test.sh -f general/parser/import_file.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/lastrow.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/nchar.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/null_char.sim
......@@ -145,7 +143,6 @@ cd ../../../debug; make
./test.sh -f general/parser/groupby.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/set_tag_vals.sim
#./test.sh -f general/parser/sliding.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/tags_dynamically_specifiy.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/tags_filter.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/slimit_alter_tags.sim
./test.sh -f general/parser/join.sim
......@@ -125,7 +125,6 @@ echo "mqttDebugFlag 131" >> $TAOS_CFG
echo "qdebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG
echo "rpcDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG
echo "tmrDebugFlag 131" >> $TAOS_CFG
echo "cDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG
echo "udebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG
echo "sdebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG
echo "wdebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG
#system sh/stop_dnodes.sh
#system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
#system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 10000
#system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 256
#system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
#sql connect
#$db = db1
#sql create database $db
#sql use $db
#$stb = stb1
#sql create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int) tags(t1 int, t2 binary(8))
$tblStart = 0
$tblEnd = 10000
$tblEnd = 1000
$tsStart = 1325347200000 # 2012-01-01 00:00:00.000
......@@ -10,7 +26,6 @@ $stb = stb1
sql use $db
######sql create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int) tags(t1 int, t2 binary(8))
$tagPrex = ' . tag
......@@ -19,12 +34,15 @@ while $i < $tblEnd
$tb = tb . $i
$tagBinary = $tagPrex . $i
$tagBinary = $tagBinary . '
sql create table if not exists $tb using $stb tags ($i, $tagBinary)
# print create table if not exists $tb using $stb tags ( $i , $tagBinary )
sql create table if not exists $tb using $stb tags ( $i , $tagBinary )
$i = $i + 1
print ====================== client1_0 create table end, start insert data ............
sql select count(tbname) from $stb
print select count(tbname) from $stb
print data00 $data00
$rowsPerLoop = 100
$ts = $tsStart
......@@ -54,3 +72,4 @@ while $i < $tblEnd
print ====================== client1_0 insert data complete once ............
print ====================== client1_0 success and auto end =====================
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -3,41 +3,49 @@ system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode2 -i 2
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode3 -i 3
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode4 -i 4
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode5 -i 5
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c numOfMnodes -v 3
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c numOfMnodes -v 3
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c numOfMnodes -v 3
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c numOfMnodes -v 3
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c numOfMnodes -v 3
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c walLevel -v 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c walLevel -v 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c walLevel -v 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c walLevel -v 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c walLevel -v 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c balanceInterval -v 10
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c balanceInterval -v 10
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c balanceInterval -v 10
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c balanceInterval -v 10
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c balanceInterval -v 10
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 4
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 4
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 4
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 4
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 256
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 256
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 256
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 256
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c numOfTotalVnodes -v 256
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c alternativeRole -v 0
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c alternativeRole -v 0
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c alternativeRole -v 0
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c alternativeRole -v 0
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c alternativeRole -v 0
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 1000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 1000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 1000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 1000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 5000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 5000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 5000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 5000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c maxtablesPerVnode -v 5000
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c arbitrator -v $arbitrator
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode2 -c arbitrator -v $arbitrator
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode3 -c arbitrator -v $arbitrator
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c arbitrator -v $arbitrator
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c arbitrator -v $arbitrator
print ============== step0: start tarbitrator
system sh/exec_tarbitrator.sh -s start
......@@ -64,407 +72,159 @@ $stb = stb1
sql create table $stb (ts timestamp, c1 int) tags(t1 int, t2 binary(8))
print ============== step4: start 10 client1/ 10 client2/ 10 client3/ 10 client4/ 1 client5
#run_back unique/cluster/client_test.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client1_0.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client1_1.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client1_2.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client1_3.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client2_0.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client2_1.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client2_2.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client2_3.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client3.sim
run_back unique/cluster/client4.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client1_1.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client1_2.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client1_3.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client2_0.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client2_1.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client2_2.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client2_3.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client3.sim
#run_back unique/cluster/client4.sim
sleep 20000
sql select count(tbname) from $stb
print select count(tbname) from $stb
print data00 $data00
if $data00 < 1000 then
sleep 3000
goto wait_subsim_insert_complete_create_tables
print select count(*) from $stb
sql select count(*) from $stb
print data00 $data00
if $data00 < 1 then
if $data00 < 1000 then
sleep 3000
goto wait_subsim_insert_data
print wait for a while to let clients start insert data
sleep 5000
$loop_cnt = 0
print **** **** **** START loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
print ============== step5: start dnode4 and add into cluster, then wait dnode4 ready
print ============== step5: start dnode4/dnode5 and add into cluster, then wait ready
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode4 -s start
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode5 -s start
sql create dnode $hostname4
sql create dnode $hostname5
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 4 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode4_ready_0
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode1Status = $data4_1
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
#$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_6
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_8
else then
print **** **** **** END loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
if $dnode4Status != ready then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode4_ready_0
sleep 5000
print ============== step6: stop and drop dnode1, then remove data dir of dnode1
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 4 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode1_offline_0
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$dnode1Status = $data4_1
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
$dnode1Status = $data4_5
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
$dnode1Status = $data4_7
elif $loop_cnt == 3 then
$dnode1Status = $data4_9
else then
print **** **** **** END loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
if $dnode1Status != offline then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode1_offline_0
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
print show mnodes
sql show mnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_mnode1_offline_0
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$mnode1Status = $data2_1
$mnode2Status = $data2_2
$mnode3Status = $data2_3
$mnode4Status = $data2_4
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$mnode1Status = $data2_1
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
$mnode1Status = $data2_5
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
$mnode1Status = $data2_7
elif $loop_cnt == 3 then
$mnode1Status = $data2_9
else then
print **** **** **** END loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
if $mnode1Status != offline then
sleep 2000
goto wait_mnode1_offline_0
sleep 5000
sql drop dnode $hostname1
sleep 5000
system rm -rf ../../../sim/dnode1/data
sleep 20000
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
print show mnodes
sql show mnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_mnode4_slave_0
print show mnodes
print rows: $rows
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$mnode1Status = $data2_1
$mnode2Status = $data2_2
$mnode3Status = $data2_3
$mnode4Status = $data2_4
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$mnode4Status = $data2_4
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
$mnode4Status = $data2_6
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
$mnode4Status = $data2_8
else then
print **** **** **** END loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
if $mnode4Status != slave then
sleep 2000
goto wait_mnode4_slave_0
print $data0_5 $data1_5 $data2_5 $data3_5 $data4_5
print $data0_6 $data1_6 $data2_6 $data3_6 $data4_6
print $data0_7 $data1_7 $data2_7 $data3_7 $data4_7
print $data0_8 $data1_8 $data2_8 $data3_8 $data4_8
print $data0_9 $data1_9 $data2_9 $data3_9 $data4_9
return -1
print ============== step7: stop dnode2, waiting dnode4
print ============== step7: stop dnode2
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 5000
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode2_offline_0
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode1Status = $data4_1
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $dnode2Status != offline then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode2_offline_0
sleep 3000
print show mnodes
sql show mnodes
print show mnodes
print rows: $rows
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
print $data0_5 $data1_5 $data2_5 $data3_5 $data4_5
print $data0_6 $data1_6 $data2_6 $data3_6 $data4_6
print $data0_7 $data1_7 $data2_7 $data3_7 $data4_7
print $data0_8 $data1_8 $data2_8 $data3_8 $data4_8
print $data0_9 $data1_9 $data2_9 $data3_9 $data4_9
print ============== step8: restart dnode2, then wait sync end
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s start
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode2_ready_0
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode1Status = $data4_1
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $dnode2Status != ready then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode2_ready_0
sleep 3000
print show mnodes
sleep 20000
sql show mnodes
print show mnodes
print rows: $rows
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
print $data0_5 $data1_5 $data2_5 $data3_5 $data4_5
print $data0_6 $data1_6 $data2_6 $data3_6 $data4_6
print $data0_7 $data1_7 $data2_7 $data3_7 $data4_7
print $data0_8 $data1_8 $data2_8 $data3_8 $data4_8
print $data0_9 $data1_9 $data2_9 $data3_9 $data4_9
print ============== step9: stop dnode3, then wait sync end
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode3 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 3000
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode3_offline_0
sleep 20000
sql show mnodes
print show mnodes
print rows: $rows
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode1Status = $data4_1
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $dnode3Status != offline then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode3_offline_0
print $data0_5 $data1_5 $data2_5 $data3_5 $data4_5
print $data0_6 $data1_6 $data2_6 $data3_6 $data4_6
print $data0_7 $data1_7 $data2_7 $data3_7 $data4_7
print $data0_8 $data1_8 $data2_8 $data3_8 $data4_8
print $data0_9 $data1_9 $data2_9 $data3_9 $data4_9
print ============== step10: restart dnode3, then wait sync end
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode3 -s start
sleep 3000
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode3_ready_0
sleep 20000
sql show mnodes
print show mnodes
print rows: $rows
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode1Status = $data4_1
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $dnode3Status != ready then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode3_ready_0
print $data0_5 $data1_5 $data2_5 $data3_5 $data4_5
print $data0_6 $data1_6 $data2_6 $data3_6 $data4_6
print $data0_7 $data1_7 $data2_7 $data3_7 $data4_7
print $data0_8 $data1_8 $data2_8 $data3_8 $data4_8
print $data0_9 $data1_9 $data2_9 $data3_9 $data4_9
print ============== step11: stop dnode4, then wait sync end
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode4 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 3000
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode4_offline_0
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode1Status = $data4_1
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
#$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_6
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_8
else then
print **** **** **** END loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
if $dnode4Status != offline then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode4_offline_0
sleep 20000
print ============== step12: restart dnode4, then wait sync end
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode4 -s start
sleep 3000
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode4_ready_1
sleep 20000
sql show mnodes
print show mnodes
print rows: $rows
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode1Status = $data4_1
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
#$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_6
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_8
else then
print **** **** **** END loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
if $dnode4Status != ready then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode4_ready_1
print $data0_5 $data1_5 $data2_5 $data3_5 $data4_5
print $data0_6 $data1_6 $data2_6 $data3_6 $data4_6
print $data0_7 $data1_7 $data2_7 $data3_7 $data4_7
print $data0_8 $data1_8 $data2_8 $data3_8 $data4_8
print $data0_9 $data1_9 $data2_9 $data3_9 $data4_9
print ============== step13: alter replica 2
sql alter database $db replica 2
......@@ -476,50 +236,14 @@ if $data04 != 2 then
return -1
print ============== step14: stop and drop dnode4, then remove data dir of dnode4
print ============== step14: stop and drop dnode4/dnode5, then remove data dir of dnode4/dnode5
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode4 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 3000
$cnt = 0
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode4_offline_1
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
#$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_6
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
$dnode4Status = $data4_8
else then
print **** **** **** END loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
if $dnode4Status != offline then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode4_offline_1
sleep 3000
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode5 -s stop -x SIGINT
sleep 20000
sql drop dnode $hostname4
sql drop dnode $hostname5
system rm -rf ../../../sim/dnode4/data
system rm -rf ../../../sim/dnode5/data
print ============== step15: alter replica 1
sql alter database $db replica 1
......@@ -530,7 +254,6 @@ if $data04 != 1 then
return -1
print ============== step16: alter replica 2
sql alter database $db replica 2
sql show databases
......@@ -546,42 +269,7 @@ system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c second -v $hostname3
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sql create dnode $hostname1
$cnt = $cnt + 1
if $cnt == 10 then
return -1
sql show dnodes
if $rows != 3 then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode1_ready_0
print $data0_1 $data1_1 $data2_1 $data3_1 $data4_1
print $data0_2 $data1_2 $data2_2 $data3_2 $data4_2
print $data0_3 $data1_3 $data2_3 $data3_3 $data4_3
print $data0_4 $data1_4 $data2_4 $data3_4 $data4_4
print $data0_5 $data1_5 $data2_5 $data3_5 $data4_5
#$dnode1Status = $data4_1
$dnode2Status = $data4_2
$dnode3Status = $data4_3
$dnode4Status = $data4_4
if $loop_cnt == 0 then
$dnode1Status = $data4_5
elif $loop_cnt == 1 then
$dnode1Status = $data4_7
elif $loop_cnt == 2 then
$dnode1Status = $data4_9
else then
print **** **** **** END loop cluster do (loop_cnt: $loop_cnt )**** **** **** ****
if $dnode1Status != ready then
sleep 2000
goto wait_dnode1_ready_0
sleep 20000
print ============== step18: alter replica 3
sql alter database $db replica 3
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