提交 7d42764f 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng


上级 20499831
......@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
extern "C" {
typedef struct STsdbRepo STsdbRepo;
// ================= tsdbLog.h
extern int32_t tsdbDebugFlag;
#define tsdbFatal(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_FATAL) { taosPrintLog("TDB FATAL ", 255, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0)
......@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@ extern int32_t tsdbDebugFlag;
#define tsdbDebug(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_DEBUG) { taosPrintLog("TDB ", tsdbDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0)
#define tsdbTrace(...) do { if (tsdbDebugFlag & DEBUG_TRACE) { taosPrintLog("TDB ", tsdbDebugFlag, __VA_ARGS__); }} while(0)
// ================= OTHERS
......@@ -88,6 +92,94 @@ typedef struct {
int maxCols;
} STsdbMeta;
#define TSDB_INIT_NTABLES 1024
#define TABLE_TYPE(t) (t)->type
#define TABLE_NAME(t) (t)->name
#define TABLE_CHAR_NAME(t) TABLE_NAME(t)->data
#define TABLE_UID(t) (t)->tableId.uid
#define TABLE_TID(t) (t)->tableId.tid
#define TABLE_SUID(t) (t)->suid
#define TSDB_RLOCK_TABLE(t) taosRLockLatch(&((t)->latch))
#define TSDB_RUNLOCK_TABLE(t) taosRUnLockLatch(&((t)->latch))
#define TSDB_WLOCK_TABLE(t) taosWLockLatch(&((t)->latch))
#define TSDB_WUNLOCK_TABLE(t) taosWUnLockLatch(&((t)->latch))
STsdbMeta* tsdbNewMeta(STsdbCfg* pCfg);
void tsdbFreeMeta(STsdbMeta* pMeta);
int tsdbOpenMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbCloseMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
STable* tsdbGetTableByUid(STsdbMeta* pMeta, uint64_t uid);
STSchema* tsdbGetTableSchemaByVersion(STable* pTable, int16_t version);
int tsdbWLockRepoMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbRLockRepoMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbUnlockRepoMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
void tsdbRefTable(STable* pTable);
void tsdbUnRefTable(STable* pTable);
void tsdbUpdateTableSchema(STsdbRepo* pRepo, STable* pTable, STSchema* pSchema, bool insertAct);
static FORCE_INLINE int tsdbCompareSchemaVersion(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
if (*(int16_t *)key1 < schemaVersion(*(STSchema **)key2)) {
return -1;
} else if (*(int16_t *)key1 > schemaVersion(*(STSchema **)key2)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
static FORCE_INLINE STSchema* tsdbGetTableSchemaImpl(STable* pTable, bool lock, bool copy, int16_t version) {
STable* pDTable = (TABLE_TYPE(pTable) == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) ? pTable->pSuper : pTable;
STSchema* pSchema = NULL;
STSchema* pTSchema = NULL;
if (lock) TSDB_RLOCK_TABLE(pDTable);
if (version < 0) { // get the latest version of schema
pTSchema = pDTable->schema[pDTable->numOfSchemas - 1];
} else { // get the schema with version
void* ptr = taosbsearch(&version, pDTable->schema, pDTable->numOfSchemas, sizeof(STSchema*),
tsdbCompareSchemaVersion, TD_EQ);
if (ptr == NULL) {
goto _exit;
pTSchema = *(STSchema**)ptr;
ASSERT(pTSchema != NULL);
if (copy) {
if ((pSchema = tdDupSchema(pTSchema)) == NULL) terrno = TSDB_CODE_TDB_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
} else {
pSchema = pTSchema;
if (lock) TSDB_RUNLOCK_TABLE(pDTable);
return pSchema;
static FORCE_INLINE STSchema* tsdbGetTableSchema(STable* pTable) {
return tsdbGetTableSchemaImpl(pTable, false, false, -1);
static FORCE_INLINE STSchema *tsdbGetTableTagSchema(STable *pTable) {
if (pTable->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { // check child table first
STable *pSuper = pTable->pSuper;
if (pSuper == NULL) return NULL;
return pSuper->tagSchema;
} else if (pTable->type == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
return pTable->tagSchema;
} else {
return NULL;
static FORCE_INLINE TSKEY tsdbGetTableLastKeyImpl(STable* pTable) {
ASSERT(pTable->lastRow == NULL || pTable->lastKey == dataRowKey(pTable->lastRow));
return pTable->lastKey;
// ------------------ tsdbBuffer.c
typedef struct {
int64_t blockId;
......@@ -105,7 +197,25 @@ typedef struct {
SList* bufBlockList;
} STsdbBufPool;
#define TSDB_BUFFER_RESERVE 1024 // Reseve 1K as commit threshold
STsdbBufPool* tsdbNewBufPool();
void tsdbFreeBufPool(STsdbBufPool* pBufPool);
int tsdbOpenBufPool(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
void tsdbCloseBufPool(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
SListNode* tsdbAllocBufBlockFromPool(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
// ------------------ tsdbMemTable.c
typedef struct {
int rowsInserted;
int rowsUpdated;
int rowsDeleteSucceed;
int rowsDeleteFailed;
int nOperations;
TSKEY keyFirst;
TSKEY keyLast;
} SMergeInfo;
typedef struct {
STable * pTable;
SSkipListIterator *pIter;
......@@ -152,6 +262,39 @@ typedef struct {
char cont[];
} SActCont;
int tsdbRefMemTable(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SMemTable* pMemTable);
int tsdbUnRefMemTable(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SMemTable* pMemTable);
int tsdbTakeMemSnapshot(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SMemTable** pMem, SMemTable** pIMem);
void tsdbUnTakeMemSnapShot(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SMemTable* pMem, SMemTable* pIMem);
void* tsdbAllocBytes(STsdbRepo* pRepo, int bytes);
int tsdbAsyncCommit(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbLoadDataFromCache(STable* pTable, SSkipListIterator* pIter, TSKEY maxKey, int maxRowsToRead, SDataCols* pCols,
TKEY* filterKeys, int nFilterKeys, bool keepDup, SMergeInfo* pMergeInfo);
void* tsdbCommitData(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
static FORCE_INLINE SDataRow tsdbNextIterRow(SSkipListIterator* pIter) {
if (pIter == NULL) return NULL;
SSkipListNode* node = tSkipListIterGet(pIter);
if (node == NULL) return NULL;
return (SDataRow)SL_GET_NODE_DATA(node);
static FORCE_INLINE TSKEY tsdbNextIterKey(SSkipListIterator* pIter) {
SDataRow row = tsdbNextIterRow(pIter);
return dataRowKey(row);
static FORCE_INLINE TKEY tsdbNextIterTKey(SSkipListIterator* pIter) {
SDataRow row = tsdbNextIterRow(pIter);
if (row == NULL) return TKEY_NULL;
return dataRowTKey(row);
// ------------------ tsdbFile.c
extern const char* tsdbFileSuffix[];
......@@ -217,6 +360,37 @@ typedef struct {
} SFileGroupIter;
#define TSDB_FILE_NAME(pFile) ((pFile)->file.aname)
#define TSDB_KEY_FILEID(key, daysPerFile, precision) ((key) / tsMsPerDay[(precision)] / (daysPerFile))
#define TSDB_MAX_FILE(keep, daysPerFile) ((keep) / (daysPerFile) + 3)
#define TSDB_MIN_FILE_ID(fh) (fh)->pFGroup[0].fileId
#define TSDB_MAX_FILE_ID(fh) (fh)->pFGroup[(fh)->nFGroups - 1].fileId
#define TSDB_IS_FILE_OPENED(f) ((f)->fd > 0)
STsdbFileH* tsdbNewFileH(STsdbCfg* pCfg);
void tsdbFreeFileH(STsdbFileH* pFileH);
int tsdbOpenFileH(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
void tsdbCloseFileH(STsdbRepo* pRepo, bool isRestart);
SFileGroup *tsdbCreateFGroup(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int fid, int level);
void tsdbInitFileGroupIter(STsdbFileH* pFileH, SFileGroupIter* pIter, int direction);
void tsdbSeekFileGroupIter(SFileGroupIter* pIter, int fid);
SFileGroup* tsdbGetFileGroupNext(SFileGroupIter* pIter);
int tsdbOpenFile(SFile* pFile, int oflag);
void tsdbCloseFile(SFile* pFile);
int tsdbCreateFile(SFile* pFile, STsdbRepo* pRepo, int fid, int type);
SFileGroup* tsdbSearchFGroup(STsdbFileH* pFileH, int fid, int flags);
int tsdbGetFidLevel(int fid, SFidGroup fidg);
void tsdbRemoveFilesBeyondRetention(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SFidGroup* pFidGroup);
int tsdbUpdateFileHeader(SFile* pFile);
int tsdbEncodeSFileInfo(void** buf, const STsdbFileInfo* pInfo);
void* tsdbDecodeSFileInfo(void* buf, STsdbFileInfo* pInfo);
void tsdbRemoveFileGroup(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SFileGroup* pFGroup);
int tsdbLoadFileHeader(SFile* pFile, uint32_t* version);
void tsdbGetFileInfoImpl(char* fname, uint32_t* magic, int64_t* size);
void tsdbGetFidGroup(STsdbCfg* pCfg, SFidGroup* pFidGroup);
void tsdbGetFidKeyRange(int daysPerFile, int8_t precision, int fileId, TSKEY *minKey, TSKEY *maxKey);
int tsdbApplyRetention(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SFidGroup *pFidGroup);
// ------------------ tsdbMain.c
typedef struct {
......@@ -231,7 +405,7 @@ typedef struct {
void * pMsg;
} SSubmitMsgIter;
typedef struct {
struct STsdbRepo {
int8_t state;
char* rootDir;
......@@ -247,7 +421,34 @@ typedef struct {
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
bool repoLocked;
int32_t code; // Commit code
} STsdbRepo;
#define REPO_ID(r) (r)->config.tsdbId
#define IS_REPO_LOCKED(r) (r)->repoLocked
#define TSDB_SUBMIT_MSG_HEAD_SIZE sizeof(SSubmitMsg)
char* tsdbGetMetaFileName(char* rootDir);
void tsdbGetDataFileName(char* rootDir, int vid, int fid, int type, char* fname);
int tsdbLockRepo(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbUnlockRepo(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
char* tsdbGetDataDirName(char* rootDir);
int tsdbGetNextMaxTables(int tid);
STsdbMeta* tsdbGetMeta(TSDB_REPO_T* pRepo);
STsdbFileH* tsdbGetFile(TSDB_REPO_T* pRepo);
int tsdbCheckCommit(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
static FORCE_INLINE STsdbBufBlock* tsdbGetCurrBufBlock(STsdbRepo* pRepo) {
ASSERT(pRepo != NULL);
if (pRepo->mem == NULL) return NULL;
SListNode* pNode = listTail(pRepo->mem->bufBlockList);
if (pNode == NULL) return NULL;
STsdbBufBlock* pBufBlock = NULL;
tdListNodeGetData(pRepo->mem->bufBlockList, pNode, (void*)(&pBufBlock));
return pBufBlock;
// ------------------ tsdbRWHelper.c
typedef struct {
......@@ -343,15 +544,6 @@ typedef struct {
void* compBuffer; // Buffer for temperary compress/decompress purpose
} SRWHelper;
typedef struct {
int rowsInserted;
int rowsUpdated;
int rowsDeleteSucceed;
int rowsDeleteFailed;
int nOperations;
TSKEY keyFirst;
TSKEY keyLast;
} SMergeInfo;
// ------------------ tsdbScan.c
typedef struct {
SFileGroup fGroup;
......@@ -362,184 +554,14 @@ typedef struct {
FILE* tLogStream;
} STsdbScanHandle;
// Operations
// ------------------ tsdbMeta.c
#define TSDB_INIT_NTABLES 1024
#define TABLE_TYPE(t) (t)->type
#define TABLE_NAME(t) (t)->name
#define TABLE_CHAR_NAME(t) TABLE_NAME(t)->data
#define TABLE_UID(t) (t)->tableId.uid
#define TABLE_TID(t) (t)->tableId.tid
#define TABLE_SUID(t) (t)->suid
#define TSDB_RLOCK_TABLE(t) taosRLockLatch(&((t)->latch))
#define TSDB_RUNLOCK_TABLE(t) taosRUnLockLatch(&((t)->latch))
#define TSDB_WLOCK_TABLE(t) taosWLockLatch(&((t)->latch))
#define TSDB_WUNLOCK_TABLE(t) taosWUnLockLatch(&((t)->latch))
STsdbMeta* tsdbNewMeta(STsdbCfg* pCfg);
void tsdbFreeMeta(STsdbMeta* pMeta);
int tsdbOpenMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbCloseMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
STable* tsdbGetTableByUid(STsdbMeta* pMeta, uint64_t uid);
STSchema* tsdbGetTableSchemaByVersion(STable* pTable, int16_t version);
int tsdbWLockRepoMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbRLockRepoMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbUnlockRepoMeta(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
void tsdbRefTable(STable* pTable);
void tsdbUnRefTable(STable* pTable);
void tsdbUpdateTableSchema(STsdbRepo* pRepo, STable* pTable, STSchema* pSchema, bool insertAct);
static FORCE_INLINE int tsdbCompareSchemaVersion(const void *key1, const void *key2) {
if (*(int16_t *)key1 < schemaVersion(*(STSchema **)key2)) {
return -1;
} else if (*(int16_t *)key1 > schemaVersion(*(STSchema **)key2)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
static FORCE_INLINE STSchema* tsdbGetTableSchemaImpl(STable* pTable, bool lock, bool copy, int16_t version) {
STable* pDTable = (TABLE_TYPE(pTable) == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) ? pTable->pSuper : pTable;
STSchema* pSchema = NULL;
STSchema* pTSchema = NULL;
if (lock) TSDB_RLOCK_TABLE(pDTable);
if (version < 0) { // get the latest version of schema
pTSchema = pDTable->schema[pDTable->numOfSchemas - 1];
} else { // get the schema with version
void* ptr = taosbsearch(&version, pDTable->schema, pDTable->numOfSchemas, sizeof(STSchema*),
tsdbCompareSchemaVersion, TD_EQ);
if (ptr == NULL) {
goto _exit;
pTSchema = *(STSchema**)ptr;
ASSERT(pTSchema != NULL);
if (copy) {
if ((pSchema = tdDupSchema(pTSchema)) == NULL) terrno = TSDB_CODE_TDB_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
} else {
pSchema = pTSchema;
if (lock) TSDB_RUNLOCK_TABLE(pDTable);
return pSchema;
static FORCE_INLINE STSchema* tsdbGetTableSchema(STable* pTable) {
return tsdbGetTableSchemaImpl(pTable, false, false, -1);
static FORCE_INLINE STSchema *tsdbGetTableTagSchema(STable *pTable) {
if (pTable->type == TSDB_CHILD_TABLE) { // check child table first
STable *pSuper = pTable->pSuper;
if (pSuper == NULL) return NULL;
return pSuper->tagSchema;
} else if (pTable->type == TSDB_SUPER_TABLE) {
return pTable->tagSchema;
} else {
return NULL;
static FORCE_INLINE TSKEY tsdbGetTableLastKeyImpl(STable* pTable) {
ASSERT(pTable->lastRow == NULL || pTable->lastKey == dataRowKey(pTable->lastRow));
return pTable->lastKey;
// ------------------ tsdbBuffer.c
#define TSDB_BUFFER_RESERVE 1024 // Reseve 1K as commit threshold
STsdbBufPool* tsdbNewBufPool();
void tsdbFreeBufPool(STsdbBufPool* pBufPool);
int tsdbOpenBufPool(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
void tsdbCloseBufPool(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
SListNode* tsdbAllocBufBlockFromPool(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
// ------------------ tsdbMemTable.c
int tsdbRefMemTable(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SMemTable* pMemTable);
int tsdbUnRefMemTable(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SMemTable* pMemTable);
int tsdbTakeMemSnapshot(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SMemTable** pMem, SMemTable** pIMem);
void tsdbUnTakeMemSnapShot(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SMemTable* pMem, SMemTable* pIMem);
void* tsdbAllocBytes(STsdbRepo* pRepo, int bytes);
int tsdbAsyncCommit(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbLoadDataFromCache(STable* pTable, SSkipListIterator* pIter, TSKEY maxKey, int maxRowsToRead, SDataCols* pCols,
TKEY* filterKeys, int nFilterKeys, bool keepDup, SMergeInfo* pMergeInfo);
void* tsdbCommitData(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
static FORCE_INLINE SDataRow tsdbNextIterRow(SSkipListIterator* pIter) {
if (pIter == NULL) return NULL;
SSkipListNode* node = tSkipListIterGet(pIter);
if (node == NULL) return NULL;
return (SDataRow)SL_GET_NODE_DATA(node);
static FORCE_INLINE TSKEY tsdbNextIterKey(SSkipListIterator* pIter) {
SDataRow row = tsdbNextIterRow(pIter);
return dataRowKey(row);
static FORCE_INLINE TKEY tsdbNextIterTKey(SSkipListIterator* pIter) {
SDataRow row = tsdbNextIterRow(pIter);
if (row == NULL) return TKEY_NULL;
return dataRowTKey(row);
static FORCE_INLINE STsdbBufBlock* tsdbGetCurrBufBlock(STsdbRepo* pRepo) {
ASSERT(pRepo != NULL);
if (pRepo->mem == NULL) return NULL;
SListNode* pNode = listTail(pRepo->mem->bufBlockList);
if (pNode == NULL) return NULL;
STsdbBufBlock* pBufBlock = NULL;
tdListNodeGetData(pRepo->mem->bufBlockList, pNode, (void*)(&pBufBlock));
return pBufBlock;
// ------------------ tsdbFile.c
#define TSDB_KEY_FILEID(key, daysPerFile, precision) ((key) / tsMsPerDay[(precision)] / (daysPerFile))
#define TSDB_MAX_FILE(keep, daysPerFile) ((keep) / (daysPerFile) + 3)
#define TSDB_MIN_FILE_ID(fh) (fh)->pFGroup[0].fileId
#define TSDB_MAX_FILE_ID(fh) (fh)->pFGroup[(fh)->nFGroups - 1].fileId
#define TSDB_IS_FILE_OPENED(f) ((f)->fd > 0)
STsdbFileH* tsdbNewFileH(STsdbCfg* pCfg);
void tsdbFreeFileH(STsdbFileH* pFileH);
int tsdbOpenFileH(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
void tsdbCloseFileH(STsdbRepo* pRepo, bool isRestart);
SFileGroup *tsdbCreateFGroup(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int fid, int level);
void tsdbInitFileGroupIter(STsdbFileH* pFileH, SFileGroupIter* pIter, int direction);
void tsdbSeekFileGroupIter(SFileGroupIter* pIter, int fid);
SFileGroup* tsdbGetFileGroupNext(SFileGroupIter* pIter);
int tsdbOpenFile(SFile* pFile, int oflag);
void tsdbCloseFile(SFile* pFile);
int tsdbCreateFile(SFile* pFile, STsdbRepo* pRepo, int fid, int type);
SFileGroup* tsdbSearchFGroup(STsdbFileH* pFileH, int fid, int flags);
int tsdbGetFidLevel(int fid, SFidGroup fidg);
void tsdbRemoveFilesBeyondRetention(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SFidGroup* pFidGroup);
int tsdbUpdateFileHeader(SFile* pFile);
int tsdbEncodeSFileInfo(void** buf, const STsdbFileInfo* pInfo);
void* tsdbDecodeSFileInfo(void* buf, STsdbFileInfo* pInfo);
void tsdbRemoveFileGroup(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SFileGroup* pFGroup);
int tsdbLoadFileHeader(SFile* pFile, uint32_t* version);
void tsdbGetFileInfoImpl(char* fname, uint32_t* magic, int64_t* size);
void tsdbGetFidGroup(STsdbCfg* pCfg, SFidGroup* pFidGroup);
void tsdbGetFidKeyRange(int daysPerFile, int8_t precision, int fileId, TSKEY *minKey, TSKEY *maxKey);
int tsdbApplyRetention(STsdbRepo* pRepo, SFidGroup *pFidGroup);
int tsdbScanFGroup(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle, char* rootDir, int fid);
STsdbScanHandle* tsdbNewScanHandle();
void tsdbSetScanLogStream(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle, FILE* fLogStream);
int tsdbSetAndOpenScanFile(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle, char* rootDir, int fid);
int tsdbScanSBlockIdx(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle);
int tsdbScanSBlock(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle, int idx);
int tsdbCloseScanFile(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle);
void tsdbFreeScanHandle(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle);
// ------------------ tsdbRWHelper.c
#define TSDB_HELPER_CLEAR_STATE 0x0 // Clear state
......@@ -597,31 +619,6 @@ static FORCE_INLINE int compTSKEY(const void* key1, const void* key2) {
// ------------------ tsdbMain.c
#define REPO_ID(r) (r)->config.tsdbId
#define IS_REPO_LOCKED(r) (r)->repoLocked
#define TSDB_SUBMIT_MSG_HEAD_SIZE sizeof(SSubmitMsg)
char* tsdbGetMetaFileName(char* rootDir);
void tsdbGetDataFileName(char* rootDir, int vid, int fid, int type, char* fname);
int tsdbLockRepo(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
int tsdbUnlockRepo(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
char* tsdbGetDataDirName(char* rootDir);
int tsdbGetNextMaxTables(int tid);
STsdbMeta* tsdbGetMeta(TSDB_REPO_T* pRepo);
STsdbFileH* tsdbGetFile(TSDB_REPO_T* pRepo);
int tsdbCheckCommit(STsdbRepo* pRepo);
// ------------------ tsdbScan.c
int tsdbScanFGroup(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle, char* rootDir, int fid);
STsdbScanHandle* tsdbNewScanHandle();
void tsdbSetScanLogStream(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle, FILE* fLogStream);
int tsdbSetAndOpenScanFile(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle, char* rootDir, int fid);
int tsdbScanSBlockIdx(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle);
int tsdbScanSBlock(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle, int idx);
int tsdbCloseScanFile(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle);
void tsdbFreeScanHandle(STsdbScanHandle* pScanHandle);
// ------------------ tsdbCommitQueue.c
int tsdbScheduleCommit(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ typedef struct {
static int tsdbCommitTSData(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
static int tsdbCommitMeta(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
static int tsdbStartCommit(STsdbRepo *pRepo);
static void tsdbEndCommit(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int eno);
static bool tsdbHasDataToCommit(SCommitIter *iters, int nIters, TSKEY minKey, TSKEY maxKey);
static int tsdbCommitToFile(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int fid, SCommitH *pch);
......@@ -33,12 +34,10 @@ static int tsdbInitCommitH(STsdbRepo *pRepo, SCommitH *pch);
static void tsdbDestroyCommitH(SCommitH *pch, int niter);
void *tsdbCommitData(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
SMemTable * pMem = pRepo->imem;
tsdbInfo("vgId:%d start to commit! keyFirst %" PRId64 " keyLast %" PRId64 " numOfRows %" PRId64 " meta rows: %d",
REPO_ID(pRepo), pMem->keyFirst, pMem->keyLast, pMem->numOfRows, listNEles(pMem->actList));
pRepo->code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
if (tsdbStartCommit(pRepo) < 0) {
tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to commit data while startting to commit since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), tstrerror(terrno));
goto _err;
// Commit to update meta file
if (tsdbCommitMeta(pRepo) < 0) {
......@@ -52,17 +51,14 @@ void *tsdbCommitData(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
goto _err;
tsdbInfo("vgId:%d commit over, succeed", REPO_ID(pRepo));
tsdbEndCommit(pRepo, TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS);
return NULL;
pRepo->code = terrno;
tsdbInfo("vgId:%d commit over, failed", REPO_ID(pRepo));
tsdbEndCommit(pRepo, terrno);
tsdbEndCommit(pRepo, terrno);
return NULL;
......@@ -151,19 +147,38 @@ static int tsdbCommitMeta(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
goto _err;
// tsdbUpdateMFile(pRepo, NULL)
return 0;
return -1;
static int tsdbStartCommit(STsdbRepo *pRepo) {
SMemTable *pMem = pRepo->imem;
tsdbInfo("vgId:%d start to commit! keyFirst %" PRId64 " keyLast %" PRId64 " numOfRows %" PRId64 " meta rows: %d",
REPO_ID(pRepo), pMem->keyFirst, pMem->keyLast, pMem->numOfRows, listNEles(pMem->actList));
pRepo->code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS;
return 0;
static void tsdbEndCommit(STsdbRepo *pRepo, int eno) {
tsdbInfo("vgId:%d commit over, %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), (eno == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) ? "succeed" : "failed");
if (pRepo->appH.notifyStatus) pRepo->appH.notifyStatus(pRepo->appH.appH, TSDB_STATUS_COMMIT_OVER, eno);
SMemTable *pIMem = pRepo->imem;
pRepo->imem = NULL;
tsdbUnRefMemTable(pRepo, pIMem);
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