未验证 提交 4bf444a1 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #3631 from taosdata/feature/crash

......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ uint16_t tsHttpPort = 6041; // only tcp, range tcp[6041]
int32_t tsHttpCacheSessions = 1000;
int32_t tsHttpSessionExpire = 36000;
int32_t tsHttpMaxThreads = 2;
int32_t tsHttpEnableCompress = 0;
int32_t tsHttpEnableCompress = 1;
int32_t tsHttpEnableRecordSql = 0;
int32_t tsTelegrafUseFieldNum = 0;
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#define JSON_BUFFER_SIZE 10240
#define JSON_BUFFER_SIZE 16384
struct HttpContext;
enum { JsonNumber, JsonString, JsonBoolean, JsonArray, JsonObject, JsonNull };
......@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ int32_t httpWriteBufByFd(struct HttpContext* pContext, const char* buf, int32_t
if (len < 0) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, socket write errno:%d, times:%d", pContext, pContext->fd, errno, countWait);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, socket write errno:%d:%s, times:%d", pContext, pContext->fd, errno, strerror(errno), countWait);
if (++countWait > HTTP_WRITE_RETRY_TIMES) break;
} else if (len == 0) {
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, socket write errno:%d, connect already closed", pContext, pContext->fd, errno);
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, socket write errno:%d:%s, connect already closed", pContext, pContext->fd, errno, strerror(errno));
} else {
countWait = 0;
......@@ -131,14 +131,14 @@ int32_t httpWriteJsonBufBody(JsonBuf* buf, bool isTheLast) {
httpWriteBufNoTrace(buf->pContext, sLen, len);
remain = httpWriteBufNoTrace(buf->pContext, (const char*)compressBuf, compressBufLen);
} else {
httpTrace("context:%p, fd:%d, last:%d, compress already dumped, response:\n%s", buf->pContext,
httpDebug("context:%p, fd:%d, last:%d, compress already dumped, response:\n%s", buf->pContext,
buf->pContext->fd, isTheLast, buf->buf);
return 0; // there is no data to dump.
remain = 0; // there is no data to dump.
} else {
httpError("context:%p, fd:%d, failed to compress data, chunkSize:%" PRIu64 ", last:%d, error:%d, response:\n%s",
buf->pContext, buf->pContext->fd, srcLen, isTheLast, ret, buf->buf);
return 0;
remain = 0;
......@@ -406,15 +406,21 @@ int32_t httpGzipCompressInit(HttpContext *pContext) {
int32_t httpGzipCompress(HttpContext *pContext, char *srcData, int32_t nSrcData, char *destData, int32_t *nDestData, bool isTheLast) {
int32_t err = 0;
int32_t lastTotalLen = (int32_t) (pContext->gzipStream.total_out);
pContext->gzipStream.next_in = (Bytef *) srcData;
pContext->gzipStream.avail_in = (uLong) nSrcData;
pContext->gzipStream.next_out = (Bytef *) destData;
pContext->gzipStream.avail_out = (uLong) (*nDestData);
while (pContext->gzipStream.avail_in != 0 && pContext->gzipStream.total_out < (uLong) (*nDestData)) {
while (pContext->gzipStream.avail_in != 0) {
if (deflate(&pContext->gzipStream, Z_FULL_FLUSH) != Z_OK) {
return -1;
int32_t cacheLen = pContext->gzipStream.total_out - lastTotalLen;
if (cacheLen >= *nDestData) {
return -2;
if (pContext->gzipStream.avail_in != 0) {
......@@ -427,16 +433,16 @@ int32_t httpGzipCompress(HttpContext *pContext, char *srcData, int32_t nSrcData,
if (err != Z_OK) {
return -2;
return -3;
if (deflateEnd(&pContext->gzipStream) != Z_OK) {
return -3;
return -4;
*nDestData = (int32_t) (pContext->gzipStream.total_out);
*nDestData = (int32_t) (pContext->gzipStream.total_out) - lastTotalLen;
return 0;
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ sleep 3000
system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c wallevel -v 0
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c http -v 1
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c maxSQLLength -v 7340032
system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c maxSQLLength -v 340032
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start
sleep 3000
......@@ -18,10 +18,22 @@ sql use d1
sql create table table_rest (ts timestamp, i int)
print sql length is 270KB
restful d1 table_rest 1591072800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591172800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591272800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591372800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591472800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591572800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591672800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591772800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591872800 10000 gzip
restful d1 table_rest 1591972800 10000 gzip
sql select * from table_rest;
print rows: $rows
if $rows != 10000 then
if $rows != 100000 then
return -1
system curl -H 'Authorization: Taosd /KfeAzX/f9na8qdtNZmtONryp201ma04bEl8LcvLUd7a8qdtNZmtONryp201ma04' -d 'select * from d1.table_rest' --compressed
system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ cd ../../../debug; make
./test.sh -f general/http/autocreate.sim
./test.sh -f general/http/chunked.sim
./test.sh -f general/http/gzip.sim
./test.sh -f general/http/restful.sim
./test.sh -f general/http/restful_insert.sim
./test.sh -f general/http/restful_limit.sim
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