提交 456ea712 编写于 作者: S Steven Li

Refactored crash_gen tool with stronger typing

上级 7e1b1b1f
# Helpful Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24100558/how-can-i-split-a-module-into-multiple-files-without-breaking-a-backwards-compa/24100645
from crash_gen.service_manager import ServiceManager, TdeInstance, TdeSubProcess
from crash_gen.misc import Logging, Status, CrashGenError, Dice, Helper, Progress
from crash_gen.db import DbConn, MyTDSql, DbConnNative, DbManager
from crash_gen.settings import Settings
from crash_gen.types import DirPath
\ No newline at end of file
# -----!/usr/bin/python3.7
# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2016-2021 by TAOS Technologies, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies.
......@@ -24,30 +24,34 @@ import textwrap
import time
import datetime
import random
import logging
import threading
import copy
import argparse
import getopt
import sys
import os
import io
import signal
import traceback
import resource
import requests
# from guppy import hpy
import gc
import taos
from .shared.types import TdColumns, TdTags
# from crash_gen import ServiceManager, TdeInstance, TdeSubProcess
from crash_gen import ServiceManager, Settings, DbConn, DbConnNative, Dice, DbManager, Status, Logging, Helper, \
CrashGenError, Progress, MyTDSql, \
# from crash_gen import ServiceManager, Config, DbConn, DbConnNative, Dice, DbManager, Status, Logging, Helper, \
# CrashGenError, Progress, MyTDSql, \
# TdeInstance
import taos
import requests
from .service_manager import ServiceManager, TdeInstance
from .shared.config import Config
from .shared.db import DbConn, DbManager, DbConnNative, MyTDSql
from .shared.misc import Dice, Logging, Helper, Status, CrashGenError, Progress
from .shared.types import TdDataType
# Config.init()
# Require Python 3
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
......@@ -81,20 +85,20 @@ class WorkerThread:
self._stepGate = threading.Event()
# Let us have a DB connection of our own
if (Settings.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore
if (Config.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore
# print("connector_type = {}".format(gConfig.connector_type))
tInst = gContainer.defTdeInstance
if Settings.getConfig().connector_type == 'native':
if Config.getConfig().connector_type == 'native':
self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative(tInst.getDbTarget())
elif Settings.getConfig().connector_type == 'rest':
elif Config.getConfig().connector_type == 'rest':
self._dbConn = DbConn.createRest(tInst.getDbTarget())
elif Settings.getConfig().connector_type == 'mixed':
elif Config.getConfig().connector_type == 'mixed':
if Dice.throw(2) == 0: # 1/2 chance
self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative(tInst.getDbTarget())
self._dbConn = DbConn.createRest(tInst.getDbTarget())
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected connector type: {}".format(Settings.getConfig().connector_type))
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected connector type: {}".format(Config.getConfig().connector_type))
# self._dbInUse = False # if "use db" was executed already
......@@ -123,14 +127,14 @@ class WorkerThread:
# self.isSleeping = False
Logging.info("Starting to run thread: {}".format(self._tid))
if (Settings.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore
if (Config.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore
Logging.debug("Worker thread openning database connection")
# clean up
if (Settings.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore
if (Config.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore
if self._dbConn.isOpen: #sometimes it is not open
......@@ -158,7 +162,7 @@ class WorkerThread:
# Before we fetch the task and run it, let's ensure we properly "use" the database (not needed any more)
if (Settings.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # most likely TRUE
if (Config.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection): # most likely TRUE
if not self._dbConn.isOpen: # might have been closed during server auto-restart
# self.useDb() # might encounter exceptions. TODO: catch
......@@ -232,7 +236,7 @@ class WorkerThread:
return self.getDbConn().getQueryResult()
def getDbConn(self) -> DbConn :
if (Settings.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection):
if (Config.getConfig().per_thread_db_connection):
return self._dbConn
return self._tc.getDbManager().getDbConn()
......@@ -283,7 +287,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
self._execStats.registerFailure("User Interruption")
def _runShouldEnd(self, transitionFailed, hasAbortedTask, workerTimeout):
maxSteps = Settings.getConfig().max_steps # type: ignore
maxSteps = Config.getConfig().max_steps # type: ignore
if self._curStep >= (maxSteps - 1): # maxStep==10, last curStep should be 9
return True
if self._runStatus != Status.STATUS_RUNNING:
......@@ -388,7 +392,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
hasAbortedTask = False
workerTimeout = False
while not self._runShouldEnd(transitionFailed, hasAbortedTask, workerTimeout):
if not Settings.getConfig().debug: # print this only if we are not in debug mode
if not Config.getConfig().debug: # print this only if we are not in debug mode
# print(".", end="", flush=True)
# if (self._curStep % 2) == 0: # print memory usage once every 10 steps
......@@ -512,18 +516,18 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
''' Initialize multiple databases, invoked at __ini__() time '''
self._dbs = [] # type: List[Database]
dbc = self.getDbManager().getDbConn()
if Settings.getConfig().max_dbs == 0:
if Config.getConfig().max_dbs == 0:
self._dbs.append(Database(0, dbc))
baseDbNumber = int(datetime.datetime.now().timestamp( # Don't use Dice/random, as they are deterministic
)*333) % 888 if Settings.getConfig().dynamic_db_table_names else 0
for i in range(Settings.getConfig().max_dbs):
)*333) % 888 if Config.getConfig().dynamic_db_table_names else 0
for i in range(Config.getConfig().max_dbs):
self._dbs.append(Database(baseDbNumber + i, dbc))
def pickDatabase(self):
idxDb = 0
if Settings.getConfig().max_dbs != 0 :
idxDb = Dice.throw(Settings.getConfig().max_dbs) # 0 to N-1
if Config.getConfig().max_dbs != 0 :
idxDb = Dice.throw(Config.getConfig().max_dbs) # 0 to N-1
db = self._dbs[idxDb] # type: Database
return db
......@@ -705,7 +709,7 @@ class AnyState:
def canDropDb(self):
# If user requests to run up to a number of DBs,
# we'd then not do drop_db operations any more
if Settings.getConfig().max_dbs > 0 or Settings.getConfig().use_shadow_db :
if Config.getConfig().max_dbs > 0 or Config.getConfig().use_shadow_db :
return False
return self._info[self.CAN_DROP_DB]
......@@ -713,7 +717,7 @@ class AnyState:
return self._info[self.CAN_CREATE_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE]
def canDropFixedSuperTable(self):
if Settings.getConfig().use_shadow_db: # duplicate writes to shaddow DB, in which case let's disable dropping s-table
if Config.getConfig().use_shadow_db: # duplicate writes to shaddow DB, in which case let's disable dropping s-table
return False
return self._info[self.CAN_DROP_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE]
......@@ -1110,7 +1114,7 @@ class Database:
t3 = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) # default "keep" is 10 years
t4 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
t3.timestamp() + elSec2) # see explanation above
Logging.info("Setting up TICKS to start from: {}".format(t4))
Logging.debug("Setting up TICKS to start from: {}".format(t4))
return t4
......@@ -1126,7 +1130,7 @@ class Database:
cls._lastLaggingTick = tick + datetime.timedelta(0, -60*2) # lagging behind 2 minutes, should catch up fast
# if : # should be quite a bit into the future
if Settings.getConfig().mix_oos_data and Dice.throw(20) == 0: # if asked to do so, and 1 in 20 chance, return lagging tick
if Config.isSet('mix_oos_data') and Dice.throw(20) == 0: # if asked to do so, and 1 in 20 chance, return lagging tick
cls._lastLaggingTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # pick the next sequence from the lagging tick sequence
return cls._lastLaggingTick
else: # regular
......@@ -1310,8 +1314,8 @@ class Task():
# This case handled below already.
# elif (errno in [ 0x0B ]) and Settings.getConfig().auto_start_service:
# return True # We may get "network unavilable" when restarting service
elif Settings.getConfig().ignore_errors: # something is specified on command line
moreErrnos = [int(v, 0) for v in Settings.getConfig().ignore_errors.split(',')]
elif Config.getConfig().ignore_errors: # something is specified on command line
moreErrnos = [int(v, 0) for v in Config.getConfig().ignore_errors.split(',')]
if errno in moreErrnos:
return True
elif errno == 0x200 : # invalid SQL, we need to div in a bit more
......@@ -1347,7 +1351,7 @@ class Task():
self._executeInternal(te, wt) # TODO: no return value?
except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
errno2 = Helper.convertErrno(err.errno)
if (Settings.getConfig().continue_on_exception): # user choose to continue
if (Config.getConfig().continue_on_exception): # user choose to continue
self.logDebug("[=] Continue after TAOS exception: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format(
errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql()))
self._err = err
......@@ -1362,7 +1366,7 @@ class Task():
errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql())
if Settings.getConfig().debug:
if Config.getConfig().debug:
# raise # so that we see full stack
......@@ -1560,7 +1564,7 @@ class StateTransitionTask(Task):
def getRegTableName(cls, i):
if ( StateTransitionTask._baseTableNumber is None): # Set it one time
StateTransitionTask._baseTableNumber = Dice.throw(
999) if Settings.getConfig().dynamic_db_table_names else 0
999) if Config.getConfig().dynamic_db_table_names else 0
return "reg_table_{}".format(StateTransitionTask._baseTableNumber + i)
def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread):
......@@ -1580,14 +1584,14 @@ class TaskCreateDb(StateTransitionTask):
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
# was: self.execWtSql(wt, "create database db")
repStr = ""
if Settings.getConfig().num_replicas != 1:
if Config.getConfig().num_replicas != 1:
# numReplica = Dice.throw(Settings.getConfig().max_replicas) + 1 # 1,2 ... N
numReplica = Settings.getConfig().num_replicas # fixed, always
numReplica = Config.getConfig().num_replicas # fixed, always
repStr = "replica {}".format(numReplica)
updatePostfix = "update 1" if Settings.getConfig().verify_data else "" # allow update only when "verify data" is active
updatePostfix = "update 1" if Config.getConfig().verify_data else "" # allow update only when "verify data" is active
dbName = self._db.getName()
self.execWtSql(wt, "create database {} {} {} ".format(dbName, repStr, updatePostfix ) )
if dbName == "db_0" and Settings.getConfig().use_shadow_db:
if dbName == "db_0" and Config.getConfig().use_shadow_db:
self.execWtSql(wt, "create database {} {} {} ".format("db_s", repStr, updatePostfix ) )
class TaskDropDb(StateTransitionTask):
......@@ -1621,8 +1625,9 @@ class TaskCreateSuperTable(StateTransitionTask):
# wt.execSql("use db") # should always be in place
{'ts':'TIMESTAMP', 'speed':'INT', 'color':'BINARY(16)'}, {'b':'BINARY(200)', 'f':'FLOAT'},
dropIfExists = True
{'ts': TdDataType.TIMESTAMP, 'speed': TdDataType.INT, 'color': TdDataType.BINARY16}, {
'b': TdDataType.BINARY200, 'f': TdDataType.FLOAT},
# self.execWtSql(wt,"create table db.{} (ts timestamp, speed int) tags (b binary(200), f float) ".format(tblName))
# No need to create the regular tables, INSERT will do that
......@@ -1651,9 +1656,7 @@ class TdSuperTable:
return dbc.existsSuperTable(self._stName)
# TODO: odd semantic, create() method is usually static?
def create(self, dbc, cols: dict, tags: dict,
dropIfExists = False
def create(self, dbc, cols: TdColumns, tags: TdTags, dropIfExists = False):
'''Creating a super table'''
dbName = self._dbName
......@@ -1668,13 +1671,13 @@ class TdSuperTable:
# Now let's create
sql = "CREATE TABLE {} ({})".format(
",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in cols.items()]))
if tags is None :
sql += " TAGS (dummy int) "
",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v.value) for (k,v) in cols.items()]))
if tags :
sql += " TAGS ({})".format(
",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v) for (k,v) in tags.items()])
",".join(['%s %s'%(k,v.value) for (k,v) in tags.items()])
sql += " TAGS (dummy int) "
def getRegTables(self, dbc: DbConn):
......@@ -1692,7 +1695,7 @@ class TdSuperTable:
def hasRegTables(self, dbc: DbConn):
return dbc.query("SELECT * FROM {}.{}".format(self._dbName, self._stName)) > 0
def ensureTable(self, task: Task, dbc: DbConn, regTableName: str):
def ensureRegTable(self, task: Optional[Task], dbc: DbConn, regTableName: str):
dbName = self._dbName
sql = "select tbname from {}.{} where tbname in ('{}')".format(dbName, self._stName, regTableName)
if dbc.query(sql) >= 1 : # reg table exists already
......@@ -1700,7 +1703,7 @@ class TdSuperTable:
# acquire a lock first, so as to be able to *verify*. More details in TD-1471
fullTableName = dbName + '.' + regTableName
if task is not None: # optional lock
if task is not None: # TODO: what happens if we don't lock the table
Progress.emit(Progress.CREATE_TABLE_ATTEMPT) # ATTEMPT to create a new table
# print("(" + fullTableName[-3:] + ")", end="", flush=True)
......@@ -1892,7 +1895,7 @@ class TaskDropSuperTable(StateTransitionTask):
if Dice.throw(2) == 0:
# print("_7_", end="", flush=True)
tblSeq = list(range(
2 + (self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if Settings.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES)))
2 + (self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if Config.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES)))
tickOutput = False # if we have spitted out a "d" character for "drop regular table"
isSuccess = True
......@@ -1958,13 +1961,13 @@ class TaskRestartService(StateTransitionTask):
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
if Settings.getConfig().auto_start_service:
if Config.getConfig().auto_start_service:
return state.canDropFixedSuperTable() # Basicallly when we have the super table
return False # don't run this otherwise
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
if not Settings.getConfig().auto_start_service: # only execute when we are in -a mode
if not Config.getConfig().auto_start_service: # only execute when we are in -a mode
print("_a", end="", flush=True)
......@@ -1991,7 +1994,7 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
def prepToRecordOps(cls):
if Settings.getConfig().record_ops:
if Config.getConfig().record_ops:
if (cls.fAddLogReady is None):
"Recording in a file operations to be performed...")
......@@ -2009,7 +2012,7 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
return state.canAddData()
def _addDataInBatch(self, db, dbc, regTableName, te: TaskExecutor):
numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if Settings.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS
numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if Config.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS
fullTableName = db.getName() + '.' + regTableName
sql = "INSERT INTO {} VALUES ".format(fullTableName)
......@@ -2021,13 +2024,13 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
def _addData(self, db: Database, dbc, regTableName, te: TaskExecutor): # implied: NOT in batches
numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if Settings.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS
numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if Config.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS
for j in range(numRecords): # number of records per table
nextInt = db.getNextInt()
nextTick = db.getNextTick()
nextColor = db.getNextColor()
if Settings.getConfig().record_ops:
if Config.getConfig().record_ops:
if self.fAddLogReady is None:
raise CrashGenError("Unexpected empty fAddLogReady")
......@@ -2037,7 +2040,7 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
# TODO: too ugly trying to lock the table reliably, refactor...
fullTableName = db.getName() + '.' + regTableName
if Settings.getConfig().verify_data:
if Config.getConfig().verify_data:
# print("_w" + str(nextInt % 100), end="", flush=True) # Trace what was written
......@@ -2050,7 +2053,7 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
# Quick hack, attach an update statement here. TODO: create an "update" task
if (not Settings.getConfig().use_shadow_db) and Dice.throw(5) == 0: # 1 in N chance, plus not using shaddow DB
if (not Config.getConfig().use_shadow_db) and Dice.throw(5) == 0: # 1 in N chance, plus not using shaddow DB
nextInt = db.getNextInt()
nextColor = db.getNextColor()
sql = "INSERt INTO {} VALUES ('{}', {}, '{}');".format( # "INSERt" means "update" here
......@@ -2061,12 +2064,12 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
except: # Any exception at all
if Settings.getConfig().verify_data:
if Config.getConfig().verify_data:
# Now read it back and verify, we might encounter an error if table is dropped
if Settings.getConfig().verify_data: # only if command line asks for it
if Config.getConfig().verify_data: # only if command line asks for it
readBack = dbc.queryScalar("SELECT speed from {}.{} WHERE ts='{}'".
format(db.getName(), regTableName, nextTick))
......@@ -2093,7 +2096,7 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
# Successfully wrote the data into the DB, let's record it somehow
if Settings.getConfig().record_ops:
if Config.getConfig().record_ops:
if self.fAddLogDone is None:
raise CrashGenError("Unexpected empty fAddLogDone")
self.fAddLogDone.write("Wrote {} to {}\n".format(nextInt, regTableName))
......@@ -2104,8 +2107,8 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
# ds = self._dbManager # Quite DANGEROUS here, may result in multi-thread client access
db = self._db
dbc = wt.getDbConn()
numTables = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if Settings.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES
numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if Settings.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS
numTables = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if Config.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES
numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if Config.getConfig().larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS
tblSeq = list(range(numTables ))
random.shuffle(tblSeq) # now we have random sequence
for i in tblSeq:
......@@ -2120,7 +2123,7 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
regTableName = self.getRegTableName(i) # "db.reg_table_{}".format(i)
fullTableName = dbName + '.' + regTableName
# self._lockTable(fullTableName) # "create table" below. Stop it if the table is "locked"
sTable.ensureTable(self, wt.getDbConn(), regTableName) # Ensure the table exists
sTable.ensureRegTable(self, wt.getDbConn(), regTableName) # Ensure the table exists
# self._unlockTable(fullTableName)
if Dice.throw(1) == 0: # 1 in 2 chance
......@@ -2264,7 +2267,7 @@ class ClientManager:
global gContainer
tInst = gContainer.defTdeInstance = TdeInstance() # "subdir to hold the instance"
cfg = Settings.getConfig()
cfg = Config.getConfig()
dbManager = DbManager(cfg.connector_type, tInst.getDbTarget()) # Regular function
thPool = ThreadPool(cfg.num_threads, cfg.max_steps)
self.tc = ThreadCoordinator(thPool, dbManager)
......@@ -2280,7 +2283,7 @@ class ClientManager:
# Release global variables
# gConfig = None
gSvcMgr = None
logger = None
......@@ -2331,7 +2334,7 @@ class MainExec:
def runClient(self):
global gSvcMgr
if Settings.getConfig().auto_start_service:
if Config.getConfig().auto_start_service:
gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr = ServiceManager(1) # hack alert
gSvcMgr.startTaosServices() # we start, don't run
......@@ -2346,20 +2349,12 @@ class MainExec:
def runService(self):
global gSvcMgr
gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr = ServiceManager(Settings.getConfig().num_dnodes) # save it in a global variable TODO: hack alert
gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr = ServiceManager(Config.getConfig().num_dnodes) # save it in a global variable TODO: hack alert
gSvcMgr.run() # run to some end state
gSvcMgr = self._svcMgr = None
def init(self): # TODO: refactor
global gContainer
gContainer = Container() # micky-mouse DI
global gSvcMgr # TODO: refactor away
gSvcMgr = None
# Super cool Python argument library:
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html
def _buildCmdLineParser(self):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
......@@ -2480,20 +2475,29 @@ class MainExec:
help='Continue execution after encountering unexpected/disallowed errors/exceptions (default: false)')
# global gConfig
config = parser.parse_args()
Settings.setConfig(config) # TODO: fix this hack, consolidate this global var
return parser
def init(self): # TODO: refactor
global gContainer
gContainer = Container() # micky-mouse DI
global gSvcMgr # TODO: refactor away
gSvcMgr = None
parser = self._buildCmdLineParser()
# Sanity check for arguments
if Settings.getConfig().use_shadow_db and Settings.getConfig().max_dbs>1 :
if Config.getConfig().use_shadow_db and Config.getConfig().max_dbs>1 :
raise CrashGenError("Cannot combine use-shadow-db with max-dbs of more than 1")
Dice.seed(0) # initial seeding of dice
def run(self):
if Settings.getConfig().run_tdengine: # run server
if Config.getConfig().run_tdengine: # run server
return 0 # success
......@@ -19,10 +19,15 @@ except:
from queue import Queue, Empty
from crash_gen.misc import CrashGenError, Dice, Helper, Logging, Progress, Status
from crash_gen.db import DbConn, DbTarget
from crash_gen.settings import Settings
from crash_gen.types import DirPath
from .shared.config import Config
from .shared.db import DbTarget, DbConn
from .shared.misc import Logging, Helper, CrashGenError, Status, Progress, Dice
from .shared.types import DirPath
# from crash_gen.misc import CrashGenError, Dice, Helper, Logging, Progress, Status
# from crash_gen.db import DbConn, DbTarget
# from crash_gen.settings import Config
# from crash_gen.types import DirPath
class TdeInstance():
......@@ -173,7 +178,7 @@ quorum 2
def getServiceCmdLine(self): # to start the instance
cmdLine = []
if Settings.getConfig().track_memory_leaks:
if Config.getConfig().track_memory_leaks:
Logging.info("Invoking VALGRIND on service...")
cmdLine = ['valgrind', '--leak-check=yes']
# TODO: move "exec -c" into Popen(), we can both "use shell" and NOT fork so ask to lose kill control
......@@ -789,22 +794,10 @@ class ServiceManagerThread:
def stop(self):
# can be called from both main thread or signal handler
# Linux will send Control-C generated SIGINT to the TDengine process
# already, ref:
# Linux will send Control-C generated SIGINT to the TDengine process already, ref:
# https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/176235/fork-and-how-signals-are-delivered-to-processes
# if not self._tdeSubProcess:
# raise RuntimeError("sub process object missing")
# self._status.set(Status.STATUS_STOPPING)
# TdeSubProcess.stop(self._tdeSubProcess) # must stop, no matter what
# self._tdeSubProcess = None
# if not self._tdeSubProcess.stop(): # everything withing
# if self._tdeSubProcess.isRunning(): # still running, should now never happen
# Logging.error("FAILED to stop sub process, it is still running... pid = {}".format(
# self._tdeSubProcess.getPid()))
# else:
# self._tdeSubProcess = None # not running any more
self.join() # stop the thread, change the status, etc.
self.join() # stop the thread, status change moved to TdeSubProcess
# Check if it's really stopped
outputLines = 10 # for last output
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
from typing import Optional
from crash_gen.misc import CrashGenError
from .misc import CrashGenError
# from crash_gen.misc import CrashGenError
# gConfig: Optional[argparse.Namespace]
class Settings:
class Config:
_config = None # type Optional[argparse.Namespace]
def init(cls):
cls._config = None
def init(cls, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser):
if cls._config is not None:
raise CrashGenError("Config can only be initialized once")
cls._config = parser.parse_args()
# print(cls._config)
def setConfig(cls, config: argparse.Namespace):
......@@ -27,3 +33,10 @@ class Settings:
def clearConfig(cls):
cls._config = None
def isSet(cls, cfgKey):
cfg = cls.getConfig()
if cfgKey not in cfg:
return False
return cfg.__getattribute__(cfgKey)
\ No newline at end of file
from __future__ import annotations
import sys
import os
import datetime
import time
import threading
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from crash_gen.types import QueryResult
import taos
from util.sql import *
......@@ -13,13 +15,12 @@ from util.cases import *
from util.dnodes import *
from util.log import *
from .misc import Logging, CrashGenError, Helper, Dice
import os
import datetime
import traceback
# from .service_manager import TdeInstance
from crash_gen.settings import Settings
from .config import Config
from .misc import Logging, CrashGenError, Helper
from .types import QueryResult
class DbConn:
TYPE_NATIVE = "native-c"
......@@ -250,7 +251,13 @@ class MyTDSql:
def _execInternal(self, sql):
startTime = time.time()
# Logging.debug("Executing SQL: " + sql)
# ret = None # TODO: use strong type here
# try: # Let's not capture the error, and let taos.error.ProgrammingError pass through
ret = self._cursor.execute(sql)
# except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
# Logging.warning("Taos SQL execution error: {}, SQL: {}".format(err.msg, sql))
# raise CrashGenError(err.msg)
# print("\nSQL success: {}".format(sql))
queryTime = time.time() - startTime
# Record the query time
......@@ -262,7 +269,7 @@ class MyTDSql:
cls.lqStartTime = startTime
# Now write to the shadow database
if Settings.getConfig().use_shadow_db:
if Config.isSet('use_shadow_db'):
if sql[:11] == "INSERT INTO":
if sql[:16] == "INSERT INTO db_0":
sql2 = "INSERT INTO db_s" + sql[16:]
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class Logging:
return cls.logger
def clsInit(cls, gConfig): # TODO: refactor away gConfig
def clsInit(cls, debugMode: bool):
if cls.logger:
......@@ -62,11 +62,7 @@ class Logging:
# print("setting logger variable")
# global logger
cls.logger = MyLoggingAdapter(_logger, {})
if (gConfig.debug):
cls.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # default seems to be INFO
cls.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG if debugMode else logging.INFO) # default seems to be INFO
def info(cls, msg):
from typing import Any, List, Dict, NewType
from enum import Enum
DirPath = NewType('DirPath', str)
QueryResult = NewType('QueryResult', List[List[Any]])
class TdDataType(Enum):
Use a Python Enum types of represent all the data types in TDengine.
Ref: https://www.taosdata.com/cn/documentation/taos-sql#data-type
BINARY16 = 'BINARY(16)' # TODO: get rid of this hack
BINARY200 = 'BINARY(200)'
TdColumns = Dict[str, TdDataType]
TdTags = Dict[str, TdDataType]
from typing import Any, List, NewType
DirPath = NewType('DirPath', str)
QueryResult = NewType('QueryResult', List[List[Any]])
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