diff --git a/documentation20/cn/10.cluster/docs.md b/documentation20/cn/10.cluster/docs.md
index 6d7d68fe1b5adc3fd7896c4070a4979398553cb2..7b4073a8836da7b14a50afee5c243d0916bc9270 100644
--- a/documentation20/cn/10.cluster/docs.md
+++ b/documentation20/cn/10.cluster/docs.md
@@ -225,7 +225,13 @@ SHOW MNODES;
## Arbitrator的使用
-如果副本数为偶数,当一个vnode group里一半vnode不工作时,是无法从中选出master的。同理,一半mnode不工作时,是无法选出mnode的master的,因为存在“split brain”问题。为解决这个问题,TDengine引入了Arbitrator的概念。Arbitrator模拟一个vnode或mnode在工作,但只简单的负责网络连接,不处理任何数据插入或访问。只要包含Arbitrator在内,超过半数的vnode或mnode工作,那么该vnode group或mnode组就可以正常的提供数据插入或查询服务。比如对于副本数为2的情形,如果一个节点A离线,但另外一个节点B正常,而且能连接到Arbitrator,那么节点B就能正常工作。
+如果副本数为偶数,当一个 vnode group 里一半 vnode 不工作时,是无法从中选出 master 的。同理,一半 mnode 不工作时,是无法选出 mnode 的 master 的,因为存在“split brain”问题。为解决这个问题,TDengine 引入了 Arbitrator 的概念。Arbitrator 模拟一个 vnode 或 mnode 在工作,但只简单的负责网络连接,不处理任何数据插入或访问。只要包含 Arbitrator 在内,超过半数的 vnode 或 mnode 工作,那么该 vnode group 或 mnode 组就可以正常的提供数据插入或查询服务。比如对于副本数为 2 的情形,如果一个节点 A 离线,但另外一个节点 B 正常,而且能连接到 Arbitrator,那么节点 B 就能正常工作。
-TDengine提供一个执行程序,名为 tarbitrator,找任何一台Linux服务器运行它即可。请点击[安装包下载](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/),在TDengine Arbitrator Linux一节中,选择适合的版本下载并安装。该程序对系统资源几乎没有要求,只需要保证有网络连接即可。该应用的命令行参数`-p`可以指定其对外服务的端口号,缺省是6042。配置每个taosd实例时,可以在配置文件taos.cfg里将参数arbitrator设置为Arbitrator的End Point。如果该参数配置了,当副本数为偶数时,系统将自动连接配置的Arbitrator。如果副本数为奇数,即使配置了Arbitrator,系统也不会去建立连接。
+总之,在目前版本下,TDengine 建议在双副本环境要配置 Arbitrator,以提升系统的可用性。
+Arbitrator 的执行程序名为 tarbitrator。该程序对系统资源几乎没有要求,只需要保证有网络连接,找任何一台 Linux 服务器运行它即可。以下简要描述安装配置的步骤:
+1. 请点击 [安装包下载](https://www.taosdata.com/cn/all-downloads/),在 TDengine Arbitrator Linux 一节中,选择合适的版本下载并安装。
+2. 该应用的命令行参数 `-p` 可以指定其对外服务的端口号,缺省是 6042。
+3. 修改每个 taosd 实例的配置文件,在 taos.cfg 里将参数 arbitrator 设置为 tarbitrator 程序所对应的 End Point。(如果该参数配置了,当副本数为偶数时,系统将自动连接配置的 Arbitrator。如果副本数为奇数,即使配置了 Arbitrator,系统也不会去建立连接。)
+4. 在配置文件中配置了的 Arbitrator,会出现在 `SHOW DNODES;` 指令的返回结果中,对应的 role 列的值会是“arb”。
diff --git a/src/dnode/src/dnodeVnodes.c b/src/dnode/src/dnodeVnodes.c
index 9f32541612c48d9d68cbbbb0799a55ca2c2e5838..d00314fcbc806ab89b9f71a3a28880c7878f4579 100644
--- a/src/dnode/src/dnodeVnodes.c
+++ b/src/dnode/src/dnodeVnodes.c
@@ -198,6 +198,14 @@ void dnodeCleanupVnodes() {
static void dnodeProcessStatusRsp(SRpcMsg *pMsg) {
if (pMsg->code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
dError("status rsp is received, error:%s", tstrerror(pMsg->code));
+ if (pMsg->code == TSDB_CODE_MND_DNODE_NOT_EXIST) {
+ char clusterId[TSDB_CLUSTER_ID_LEN];
+ dnodeGetClusterId(clusterId);
+ if (clusterId[0] != '\0') {
+ dError("exit zombie dropped dnode");
+ }
+ }
taosTmrReset(dnodeSendStatusMsg, tsStatusInterval * 1000, NULL, tsDnodeTmr, &tsStatusTimer);
diff --git a/src/kit/taosdemo/taosdemo.c b/src/kit/taosdemo/taosdemo.c
index 67397d182642d2c68c824d3b23fd7a25b3694217..045f459f8ecf276276cb4067067b255d6a0f8703 100644
--- a/src/kit/taosdemo/taosdemo.c
+++ b/src/kit/taosdemo/taosdemo.c
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@ typedef struct SArguments_S {
bool insert_only;
bool answer_yes;
bool debug_print;
+ bool verbose_print;
char * output_file;
int mode;
char * datatype[MAX_NUM_DATATYPE + 1];
@@ -489,6 +490,7 @@ SArguments g_args = {
false, // use_metric
false, // insert_only
false, // debug_print
+ false, // verbose_print
false, // answer_yes;
"./output.txt", // output_file
0, // mode : sync or async
@@ -526,7 +528,11 @@ static SQueryMetaInfo g_queryInfo;
static FILE * g_fpOfInsertResult = NULL;
#define debugPrint(fmt, ...) \
- do { if (g_args.debug_print) fprintf(stderr, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
+ do { if (g_args.debug_print || g_args.verbose_print) \
+ fprintf(stderr, "DEBG: "fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
+#define verbosePrint(fmt, ...) \
+ do { if (g_args.verbose_print) fprintf(stderr, "VERB: "fmt, __VA_ARGS__); } while(0)
void printHelp() {
@@ -691,6 +697,8 @@ void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[], SArguments *arguments) {
arguments->answer_yes = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-g") == 0) {
arguments->debug_print = true;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-gg") == 0) {
+ arguments->verbose_print = true;
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) {
strcpy(configDir, argv[++i]);
} else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-O") == 0) {
@@ -748,7 +756,7 @@ void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[], SArguments *arguments) {
printf("# Insertion interval: %d\n", arguments->insert_interval);
- printf("# Number of Columns per record: %d\n", arguments->num_of_RPR);
+ printf("# Number of records per req: %d\n", arguments->num_of_RPR);
printf("# Number of Threads: %d\n", arguments->num_of_threads);
printf("# Number of Tables: %d\n", arguments->num_of_tables);
printf("# Number of Data per Table: %d\n", arguments->num_of_DPT);
@@ -805,7 +813,7 @@ static int queryDbExec(TAOS *taos, char *command, int type) {
if (code != 0) {
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() LN%d - command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
+ debugPrint("%s() LN%d - command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to run %s, reason: %s\n", command, taos_errstr(res));
@@ -1986,7 +1994,7 @@ static int createSuperTable(TAOS * taos, char* dbName, SSuperTable* superTbls,
snprintf(superTbls->colsOfCreateChildTable, len+20, "(ts timestamp%s)", cols);
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %s() LN%d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, superTbls->colsOfCreateChildTable);
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, superTbls->colsOfCreateChildTable);
if (use_metric) {
char tags[STRING_LEN] = "\0";
@@ -2039,13 +2047,13 @@ static int createSuperTable(TAOS * taos, char* dbName, SSuperTable* superTbls,
snprintf(command, BUFFER_SIZE,
"create table if not exists %s.%s (ts timestamp%s) tags %s",
dbName, superTbls->sTblName, cols, tags);
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %s() LN%d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, command, NO_INSERT_TYPE)) {
fprintf(stderr, "create supertable %s failed!\n\n", superTbls->sTblName);
return -1;
- debugPrint("DEBUG - create supertable %s success!\n\n", superTbls->sTblName);
+ debugPrint("create supertable %s success!\n\n", superTbls->sTblName);
return 0;
@@ -2064,7 +2072,7 @@ static int createDatabases() {
for (int i = 0; i < g_Dbs.dbCount; i++) {
if (g_Dbs.db[i].drop) {
sprintf(command, "drop database if exists %s;", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName);
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
+ verbosePrint("%s() %d command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, command, NO_INSERT_TYPE)) {
return -1;
@@ -2132,7 +2140,7 @@ static int createDatabases() {
"precision \'%s\';", g_Dbs.db[i].dbCfg.precision);
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
+ debugPrint("%s() %d command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, command, NO_INSERT_TYPE)) {
printf("\ncreate database %s failed!\n\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName);
@@ -2140,11 +2148,11 @@ static int createDatabases() {
printf("\ncreate database %s success!\n\n", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName);
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d supertbl count:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount);
+ debugPrint("%s() %d supertbl count:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount);
for (int j = 0; j < g_Dbs.db[i].superTblCount; j++) {
// describe super table, if exists
sprintf(command, "describe %s.%s;", g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].sTblName);
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
+ verbosePrint("%s() %d command: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, command);
if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, command, NO_INSERT_TYPE)) {
g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j].superTblExists = TBL_NO_EXISTS;
ret = createSuperTable(taos, g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, &g_Dbs.db[i].superTbls[j], g_Dbs.use_metric);
@@ -2232,7 +2240,7 @@ static void* createTable(void *sarg)
len = 0;
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() LN%d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
if (0 != queryDbExec(winfo->taos, buffer, NO_INSERT_TYPE)){
return NULL;
@@ -2247,7 +2255,7 @@ static void* createTable(void *sarg)
if (0 != len) {
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d buffer: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
+ verbosePrint("%s() %d buffer: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
(void)queryDbExec(winfo->taos, buffer, NO_INSERT_TYPE);
@@ -2285,7 +2293,7 @@ int startMultiThreadCreateChildTable(
t_info->threadID = i;
tstrncpy(t_info->db_name, db_name, MAX_DB_NAME_SIZE);
t_info->superTblInfo = superTblInfo;
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d db_name: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, db_name);
+ verbosePrint("%s() %d db_name: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, db_name);
t_info->taos = taos_connect(
@@ -2336,7 +2344,7 @@ static void createChildTables() {
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %s() LN%d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__,
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__,
@@ -2362,7 +2370,7 @@ static void createChildTables() {
len = snprintf(tblColsBuf + len, MAX_SQL_SIZE - len, ")");
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %s() LN%d: dbName: %s num of tb: %d schema: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__,
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: dbName: %s num of tb: %d schema: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__,
g_Dbs.db[i].dbName, g_args.num_of_tables, tblColsBuf);
@@ -3223,7 +3231,6 @@ static bool getMetaFromInsertJsonFile(cJSON* root) {
printf("failed to read json, disorderRange not found");
cJSON* insertRows = cJSON_GetObjectItem(stbInfo, "insert_rows");
if (insertRows && insertRows->type == cJSON_Number) {
@@ -3587,7 +3594,7 @@ PARSE_OVER:
static bool getInfoFromJsonFile(char* file) {
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %s %d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, file);
+ debugPrint("%s %d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, file);
FILE *fp = fopen(file, "r");
if (!fp) {
@@ -3746,6 +3753,7 @@ int generateRowData(char* dataBuf, int maxLen, int64_t timestamp, SSuperTable*
return (-1);
dataLen -= 2;
dataLen += snprintf(dataBuf + dataLen, maxLen - dataLen, ")");
@@ -3776,7 +3784,6 @@ static void syncWriteForNumberOfTblInOneSql(
uint64_t time_counter = winfo->start_time;
- int64_t tmp_time;
int sampleUsePos;
int64_t st = 0;
@@ -3784,6 +3791,7 @@ static void syncWriteForNumberOfTblInOneSql(
for (int i = 0; i < superTblInfo->insertRows;) {
int32_t tbl_id = 0;
for (int tID = winfo->start_table_id; tID <= winfo->end_table_id; ) {
+ int64_t tmp_time = 0;
int inserted = i;
for (int k = 0; k < g_args.num_of_RPR;) {
@@ -3813,7 +3821,7 @@ static void syncWriteForNumberOfTblInOneSql(
if (0 == len) {
len += snprintf(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- "insert into %s.%s%d using %s.%s tags %s values ",
+ "insert into %s.%s%d using %s.%s tags %s values ",
@@ -3823,7 +3831,7 @@ static void syncWriteForNumberOfTblInOneSql(
} else {
len += snprintf(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- " %s.%s%d using %s.%s tags %s values ",
+ " %s.%s%d using %s.%s tags %s values ",
@@ -3836,13 +3844,13 @@ static void syncWriteForNumberOfTblInOneSql(
if (0 == len) {
len += snprintf(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- "insert into %s.%s values ",
+ "insert into %s.%s values ",
superTblInfo->childTblName + tbl_id * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN);
} else {
len += snprintf(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- " %s.%s values ",
+ " %s.%s values ",
superTblInfo->childTblName + tbl_id * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN);
@@ -3850,14 +3858,14 @@ static void syncWriteForNumberOfTblInOneSql(
if (0 == len) {
len += snprintf(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- "insert into %s.%s%d values ",
+ "insert into %s.%s%d values ",
} else {
len += snprintf(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- " %s.%s%d values ",
+ " %s.%s%d values ",
@@ -3892,7 +3900,7 @@ static void syncWriteForNumberOfTblInOneSql(
} else {
retLen = generateRowData(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- tmp_time += superTblInfo->timeStampStep,
+ tmp_time += superTblInfo->timeStampStep,
if (retLen < 0) {
@@ -3920,7 +3928,7 @@ static void syncWriteForNumberOfTblInOneSql(
if (g_args.insert_interval && (g_args.insert_interval > (et - st))) {
int sleep_time = g_args.insert_interval - (et -st);
- debugPrint("DEBUG sleep: %d ms\n", sleep_time);
+ printf("sleep: %d ms specified by insert_interval\n", sleep_time);
taosMsleep(sleep_time); // ms
@@ -3937,7 +3945,7 @@ send_to_server:
int64_t endTs;
startTs = taosGetTimestampUs();
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() LN%d buff: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
+ debugPrint("%s() LN%d buff: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
int affectedRows = queryDbExec(
winfo->taos, buffer, INSERT_TYPE);
@@ -3950,16 +3958,16 @@ send_to_server:
if (delay < winfo->minDelay) winfo->minDelay = delay;
winfo->totalDelay += delay;
- //winfo->avgDelay = (double)winfo->totalDelay / winfo->cntDelay;
+ winfo->avgDelay = (double)winfo->totalDelay / winfo->cntDelay;
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows += affectedRows;
- totalAffectedRows += affectedRows;
int64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) {
printf("thread[%d] has currently inserted rows: %"PRId64 ", affected rows: %"PRId64 "\n",
- totalRowsInserted,
- totalAffectedRows);
+ winfo->totalRowsInserted,
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows);
lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime;
//int64_t t2 = taosGetTimestampMs();
@@ -4090,15 +4098,18 @@ static void* syncWrite(void *sarg) {
uint64_t st = 0;
uint64_t et = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < g_args.num_of_DPT;) {
+ winfo->totalRowsInserted = 0;
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows = 0;
- for (int tID = winfo->start_table_id; tID <= winfo->end_table_id; tID++) {
- int inserted = i;
+ for (int tID = winfo->start_table_id; tID <= winfo->end_table_id; tID++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < g_args.num_of_DPT;) {
+ int tblInserted = i;
int64_t tmp_time = time_counter;
char *pstr = buffer;
pstr += sprintf(pstr,
- "insert into %s.%s%d values",
+ "insert into %s.%s%d values ",
winfo->db_name, g_args.tb_prefix, tID);
int k;
for (k = 0; k < g_args.num_of_RPR;) {
@@ -4122,31 +4133,34 @@ static void* syncWrite(void *sarg) {
pstr += sprintf(pstr, " %s", data);
- inserted++;
+ tblInserted++;
+ i++;
- if (inserted >= g_args.num_of_DPT)
+ if (tblInserted >= g_args.num_of_DPT)
+ winfo->totalRowsInserted += k;
/* puts(buffer); */
int64_t startTs;
int64_t endTs;
startTs = taosGetTimestampUs();
//queryDB(winfo->taos, buffer);
- if (i > 0 && g_args.insert_interval
+ if (i > 0 && g_args.insert_interval
&& (g_args.insert_interval > (et - st) )) {
int sleep_time = g_args.insert_interval - (et -st);
- debugPrint("DEBUG sleep: %d ms\n", sleep_time);
+ printf("sleep: %d ms specified by insert_interval\n", sleep_time);
taosMsleep(sleep_time); // ms
- }
+ }
- if (g_args.insert_interval) {
+ if (g_args.insert_interval) {
st = taosGetTimestampMs();
- }
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %s() LN%d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
+ }
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
int affectedRows = queryDbExec(winfo->taos, buffer, 1);
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: affectedRows:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, affectedRows);
if (0 <= affectedRows){
endTs = taosGetTimestampUs();
int64_t delay = endTs - startTs;
@@ -4156,27 +4170,31 @@ static void* syncWrite(void *sarg) {
winfo->minDelay = delay;
winfo->totalDelay += delay;
- //winfo->avgDelay = (double)winfo->totalDelay / winfo->cntDelay;
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows += affectedRows;
+ winfo->avgDelay = (double)winfo->totalDelay / winfo->cntDelay;
- if (g_args.insert_interval) {
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d: totalaffectedRows:%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, winfo->totalAffectedRows);
+ if (g_args.insert_interval) {
et = taosGetTimestampMs();
- }
+ }
- if (tID == winfo->end_table_id) {
- i = inserted;
- time_counter = tmp_time;
+ if (tblInserted >= g_args.num_of_DPT) {
+ break;
- }
+ } // num_of_DPT
+ } // tId
+ printf("====thread[%d] completed total inserted rows: %"PRId64 ", total affected rows: %"PRId64 "====\n",
+ winfo->threadID,
+ winfo->totalRowsInserted,
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows);
- }
return NULL;
static void* syncWriteWithStb(void *sarg) {
- uint64_t totalRowsInserted = 0;
- uint64_t totalAffectedRows = 0;
uint64_t lastPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
threadInfo *winfo = (threadInfo *)sarg;
@@ -4232,27 +4250,44 @@ static void* syncWriteWithStb(void *sarg) {
return NULL;
- int64_t time_counter = winfo->start_time;
uint64_t st = 0;
uint64_t et = 0;
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %s() LN%d insertRows=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, superTblInfo->insertRows);
+ winfo->totalRowsInserted = 0;
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < superTblInfo->insertRows;) {
+ int sampleUsePos;
- for (uint32_t tID = winfo->start_table_id; tID <= winfo->end_table_id; tID++) {
- uint64_t inserted = i;
- uint64_t tmp_time = time_counter;
+ debugPrint("%s() LN%d insertRows=%"PRId64"\n", __func__, __LINE__, superTblInfo->insertRows);
- int sampleUsePos = samplePos;
- int k = 0;
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %s() LN%d num_of_RPR=%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_args.num_of_RPR);
- for (k = 0; k < g_args.num_of_RPR;) {
- int len = 0;
- memset(buffer, 0, superTblInfo->maxSqlLen);
- char *pstr = buffer;
+ for (uint32_t tID = winfo->start_table_id; tID <= winfo->end_table_id;
+ tID++) {
+ int64_t start_time = winfo->start_time;
- if (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == superTblInfo->autoCreateTable) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < superTblInfo->insertRows;) {
+ int64_t tblInserted = i;
+ if (i > 0 && g_args.insert_interval
+ && (g_args.insert_interval > (et - st) )) {
+ int sleep_time = g_args.insert_interval - (et -st);
+ printf("sleep: %d ms specified by insert_interval\n", sleep_time);
+ taosMsleep(sleep_time); // ms
+ }
+ if (g_args.insert_interval) {
+ st = taosGetTimestampMs();
+ }
+ sampleUsePos = samplePos;
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d num_of_RPR=%d\n", __func__, __LINE__, g_args.num_of_RPR);
+ memset(buffer, 0, superTblInfo->maxSqlLen);
+ int len = 0;
+ char *pstr = buffer;
+ if (AUTO_CREATE_SUBTBL == superTblInfo->autoCreateTable) {
char* tagsValBuf = NULL;
if (0 == superTblInfo->tagSource) {
tagsValBuf = generateTagVaulesForStb(superTblInfo);
@@ -4275,27 +4310,29 @@ static void* syncWriteWithStb(void *sarg) {
- } else if (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS == superTblInfo->childTblExists) {
+ } else if (TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS == superTblInfo->childTblExists) {
len += snprintf(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
"insert into %s.%s values",
superTblInfo->childTblName + tID * TSDB_TABLE_NAME_LEN);
- } else {
+ } else {
len += snprintf(pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
"insert into %s.%s%d values",
- }
+ }
+ int k;
+ for (k = 0; k < g_args.num_of_RPR;) {
int retLen = 0;
if (0 == strncasecmp(superTblInfo->dataSource, "sample", strlen("sample"))) {
retLen = getRowDataFromSample(
pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- tmp_time += superTblInfo->timeStampStep,
+ start_time + superTblInfo->timeStampStep * i,
@@ -4307,54 +4344,44 @@ static void* syncWriteWithStb(void *sarg) {
int rand_num = rand_tinyint() % 100;
if (0 != superTblInfo->disorderRatio
&& rand_num < superTblInfo->disorderRatio) {
- int64_t d = tmp_time - rand() % superTblInfo->disorderRange;
+ int64_t d = start_time - rand() % superTblInfo->disorderRange;
retLen = generateRowData(
pstr + len,
- superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len, d,
+ superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
+ d,
//printf("disorder rows, rand_num:%d, last ts:%"PRId64" current ts:%"PRId64"\n", rand_num, tmp_time, d);
} else {
retLen = generateRowData(
pstr + len,
superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len,
- tmp_time += superTblInfo->timeStampStep,
+ start_time + superTblInfo->timeStampStep * i,
if (retLen < 0) {
goto free_and_statistics_2;
-/* len += retLen;
- inserted++;
+ len += retLen;
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d retLen=%d len=%d k=%d buffer=%s\n", __func__, __LINE__, retLen, len, k, buffer);
+ tblInserted++;
- totalRowsInserted++;
- if (inserted > superTblInfo->insertRows)
- break;
-/* if (inserted >= superTblInfo->insertRows
- || (superTblInfo->maxSqlLen - len) < (superTblInfo->lenOfOneRow + 128))
- break;
- if (i > 0 && g_args.insert_interval
- && (g_args.insert_interval > (et - st) )) {
- int sleep_time = g_args.insert_interval - (et -st);
- debugPrint("DEBUG sleep: %d ms\n", sleep_time);
- taosMsleep(sleep_time); // ms
- }
+ i++;
- if (g_args.insert_interval) {
- st = taosGetTimestampMs();
- }
+ if (tblInserted >= superTblInfo->insertRows)
+ break;
+ }
+ winfo->totalRowsInserted += k;
- if (0 == strncasecmp(superTblInfo->insertMode, "taosc", strlen("taosc"))) {
- //printf("===== sql: %s \n\n", buffer);
- //int64_t t1 = taosGetTimestampMs();
+ if (0 == strncasecmp(superTblInfo->insertMode, "taosc", strlen("taosc"))) {
int64_t startTs;
int64_t endTs;
startTs = taosGetTimestampUs();
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() LN%d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, buffer);
int affectedRows = queryDbExec(winfo->taos, buffer, INSERT_TYPE);
if (0 > affectedRows){
@@ -4366,76 +4393,52 @@ static void* syncWriteWithStb(void *sarg) {
if (delay < winfo->minDelay) winfo->minDelay = delay;
winfo->totalDelay += delay;
- //winfo->avgDelay = (double)winfo->totalDelay / winfo->cntDelay;
- totalAffectedRows += affectedRows;
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows += affectedRows;
int64_t currentPrintTime = taosGetTimestampMs();
if (currentPrintTime - lastPrintTime > 30*1000) {
printf("thread[%d] has currently inserted rows: %"PRId64 ", affected rows: %"PRId64 "\n",
- totalRowsInserted,
- totalAffectedRows);
+ winfo->totalRowsInserted,
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows);
lastPrintTime = currentPrintTime;
- //int64_t t2 = taosGetTimestampMs();
- //printf("taosc insert sql return, Spent %.4f seconds \n", (double)(t2 - t1)/1000.0);
- } else {
- //int64_t t1 = taosGetTimestampMs();
+ } else {
int retCode = postProceSql(g_Dbs.host, g_Dbs.port, buffer);
- //int64_t t2 = taosGetTimestampMs();
- //printf("http insert sql return, Spent %ld ms \n", t2 - t1);
if (0 != retCode) {
printf("========restful return fail, threadID[%d]\n", winfo->threadID);
goto free_and_statistics_2;
- }
- if (g_args.insert_interval) {
- et = taosGetTimestampMs();
- }
- if (loop_cnt) {
- loop_cnt--;
- if ((1 == loop_cnt) && (0 != nrecords_last_req)) {
- nrecords_cur_req = nrecords_last_req;
- } else if (0 == loop_cnt){
- nrecords_cur_req = nrecords_no_last_req;
- loop_cnt = loop_cnt_orig;
- break;
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- */
+ if (g_args.insert_interval) {
+ et = taosGetTimestampMs();
+ }
+ if (tblInserted >= superTblInfo->insertRows)
+ break;
+ } // num_of_DPT
- if (tID == winfo->end_table_id) {
+ if (tID == winfo->end_table_id) {
if (0 == strncasecmp(
superTblInfo->dataSource, "sample", strlen("sample"))) {
samplePos = sampleUsePos;
- i = inserted;
- time_counter = tmp_time;
- }
//printf("========loop %d childTables duration:%"PRId64 "========inserted rows:%d\n", winfo->end_table_id - winfo->start_table_id, et - st, i);
- }
+ } // tID
- winfo->totalRowsInserted = totalRowsInserted;
- winfo->totalAffectedRows = totalAffectedRows;
printf("====thread[%d] completed total inserted rows: %"PRId64 ", total affected rows: %"PRId64 "====\n",
- totalRowsInserted,
- totalAffectedRows);
+ winfo->totalRowsInserted,
+ winfo->totalAffectedRows);
return NULL;
@@ -4453,7 +4456,8 @@ void callBack(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) {
char *data = calloc(1, MAX_DATA_SIZE);
char *pstr = buffer;
pstr += sprintf(pstr, "insert into %s.%s%d values", winfo->db_name, winfo->tb_prefix, winfo->start_table_id);
- if (winfo->counter >= winfo->superTblInfo->insertRows) {
+// if (winfo->counter >= winfo->superTblInfo->insertRows) {
+ if (winfo->counter >= g_args.num_of_RPR) {
winfo->counter = 0;
@@ -4644,12 +4648,12 @@ void startMultiThreadInsertData(int threads, char* db_name, char* precision,
if (superTblInfo) {
superTblInfo->totalAffectedRows += t_info->totalAffectedRows;
superTblInfo->totalRowsInserted += t_info->totalRowsInserted;
- totalDelay += t_info->totalDelay;
- cntDelay += t_info->cntDelay;
- if (t_info->maxDelay > maxDelay) maxDelay = t_info->maxDelay;
- if (t_info->minDelay < minDelay) minDelay = t_info->minDelay;
+ totalDelay += t_info->totalDelay;
+ cntDelay += t_info->cntDelay;
+ if (t_info->maxDelay > maxDelay) maxDelay = t_info->maxDelay;
+ if (t_info->minDelay < minDelay) minDelay = t_info->minDelay;
cntDelay -= 1;
@@ -4698,11 +4702,12 @@ void *readTable(void *sarg) {
int num_of_DPT;
- if (rinfo->superTblInfo) {
+/* if (rinfo->superTblInfo) {
num_of_DPT = rinfo->superTblInfo->insertRows; // nrecords_per_table;
} else {
+ */
num_of_DPT = g_args.num_of_DPT;
- }
+// }
int num_of_tables = rinfo->end_table_id - rinfo->start_table_id + 1;
int totalData = num_of_DPT * num_of_tables;
@@ -4836,7 +4841,7 @@ int insertTestProcess() {
if (ret == -1)
- debugPrint("DEBUG - %d result file: %s\n", __LINE__, g_Dbs.resultFile);
+ debugPrint("%d result file: %s\n", __LINE__, g_Dbs.resultFile);
g_fpOfInsertResult = fopen(g_Dbs.resultFile, "a");
if (NULL == g_fpOfInsertResult) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open %s for save result\n", g_Dbs.resultFile);
@@ -4992,7 +4997,7 @@ void *subQueryProcess(void *sarg) {
int64_t st = 0;
int64_t et = (int64_t)g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate*1000;
while (1) {
- if (g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate && (et - st) < g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate*1000) {
+ if (g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate && (et - st) < (int64_t)g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate*1000) {
taosMsleep(g_queryInfo.subQueryInfo.rate*1000 - (et - st)); // ms
//printf("========sleep duration:%"PRId64 "========inserted rows:%d, table range:%d - %d\n", (1000 - (et - st)), i, winfo->start_table_id, winfo->end_table_id);
@@ -5072,7 +5077,7 @@ static int queryTestProcess() {
char sqlStr[MAX_TB_NAME_SIZE*2];
sprintf(sqlStr, "use %s", g_queryInfo.dbName);
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d sqlStr: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, sqlStr);
+ verbosePrint("%s() %d sqlStr: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, sqlStr);
(void)queryDbExec(t_info->taos, sqlStr, NO_INSERT_TYPE);
} else {
t_info->taos = NULL;
@@ -5183,7 +5188,7 @@ void *subSubscribeProcess(void *sarg) {
char sqlStr[MAX_TB_NAME_SIZE*2];
sprintf(sqlStr, "use %s", g_queryInfo.dbName);
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d sqlStr: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, sqlStr);
+ debugPrint("%s() %d sqlStr: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, sqlStr);
if (0 != queryDbExec(winfo->taos, sqlStr, NO_INSERT_TYPE)){
return NULL;
@@ -5249,7 +5254,7 @@ void *superSubscribeProcess(void *sarg) {
char sqlStr[MAX_TB_NAME_SIZE*2];
sprintf(sqlStr, "use %s", g_queryInfo.dbName);
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() %d sqlStr: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, sqlStr);
+ debugPrint("%s() %d sqlStr: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, sqlStr);
if (0 != queryDbExec(winfo->taos, sqlStr, NO_INSERT_TYPE)) {
return NULL;
@@ -5509,7 +5514,7 @@ void setParaFromArg(){
"2017-07-14 10:40:00.000", MAX_TB_NAME_SIZE);
g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].timeStampStep = 10;
- g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].insertRows = g_args.num_of_DPT;
+ g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].insertRows = g_args.num_of_DPT;
g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].maxSqlLen = TSDB_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
g_Dbs.db[0].superTbls[0].columnCount = 0;
@@ -5614,8 +5619,15 @@ void querySqlFile(TAOS* taos, char* sqlFile)
memcpy(cmd + cmd_len, line, read_len);
- debugPrint("DEBUG %s() LN%d cmd: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, cmd);
+ verbosePrint("%s() LN%d cmd: %s\n", __func__, __LINE__, cmd);
queryDbExec(taos, cmd, NO_INSERT_TYPE);
+ if (0 != queryDbExec(taos, cmd, NO_INSERT_TYPE)) {
+ printf("queryDbExec %s failed!\n", cmd);
+ tmfree(cmd);
+ tmfree(line);
+ tmfclose(fp);
+ return;
+ }
memset(cmd, 0, MAX_SQL_SIZE);
cmd_len = 0;
@@ -5702,7 +5714,7 @@ static void testCmdLine() {
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
parse_args(argc, argv, &g_args);
- debugPrint("DEBUG - meta file: %s\n", g_args.metaFile);
+ debugPrint("meta file: %s\n", g_args.metaFile);
if (g_args.metaFile) {
diff --git a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/crash_gen_main.py b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/crash_gen_main.py
index 309c0df9108f340bf96d73529ccf8bb49c1c9692..43506c68d51b134347df48080ef7f3223b379775 100755
--- a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/crash_gen_main.py
+++ b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/crash_gen_main.py
@@ -35,16 +35,19 @@ import os
import signal
import traceback
import resource
-from guppy import hpy
+# from guppy import hpy
import gc
from crash_gen.service_manager import ServiceManager, TdeInstance
from crash_gen.misc import Logging, Status, CrashGenError, Dice, Helper, Progress
from crash_gen.db import DbConn, MyTDSql, DbConnNative, DbManager
+import crash_gen.settings
import taos
import requests
# Require Python 3
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
raise Exception("Must be using Python 3")
@@ -259,6 +262,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
self._execStats = ExecutionStats()
self._runStatus = Status.STATUS_RUNNING
+ self._stepStartTime = None # Track how long it takes to execute each step
def getTaskExecutor(self):
return self._te
@@ -394,6 +398,10 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
self._syncAtBarrier() # For now just cross the barrier
+ if self._stepStartTime :
+ stepExecTime = time.time() - self._stepStartTime
+ Progress.emitStr('{:.3f}s/{}'.format(stepExecTime, DbConnNative.totalRequests))
+ DbConnNative.resetTotalRequests() # reset to zero
except threading.BrokenBarrierError as err:
self._execStats.registerFailure("Aborted due to worker thread timeout")
@@ -433,6 +441,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
# Then we move on to the next step
+ self._stepStartTime = time.time()
if hasAbortedTask or transitionFailed : # abnormal ending, workers waiting at "gate"
@@ -691,7 +700,7 @@ class AnyState:
def canDropDb(self):
# If user requests to run up to a number of DBs,
# we'd then not do drop_db operations any more
- if gConfig.max_dbs > 0 :
+ if gConfig.max_dbs > 0 or gConfig.use_shadow_db :
return False
return self._info[self.CAN_DROP_DB]
@@ -699,6 +708,8 @@ class AnyState:
return self._info[self.CAN_CREATE_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE]
def canDropFixedSuperTable(self):
+ if gConfig.use_shadow_db: # duplicate writes to shaddow DB, in which case let's disable dropping s-table
+ return False
return self._info[self.CAN_DROP_FIXED_SUPER_TABLE]
def canAddData(self):
@@ -1037,7 +1048,7 @@ class Database:
_clsLock = threading.Lock() # class wide lock
_lastInt = 101 # next one is initial integer
_lastTick = 0
- _lastLaggingTick = 0 # lagging tick, for unsequenced insersions
+ _lastLaggingTick = 0 # lagging tick, for out-of-sequence (oos) data insertions
def __init__(self, dbNum: int, dbc: DbConn): # TODO: remove dbc
self._dbNum = dbNum # we assign a number to databases, for our testing purpose
@@ -1093,21 +1104,24 @@ class Database:
t3 = datetime.datetime(2012, 1, 1) # default "keep" is 10 years
t4 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
t3.timestamp() + elSec2) # see explanation above
- Logging.debug("Setting up TICKS to start from: {}".format(t4))
+ Logging.info("Setting up TICKS to start from: {}".format(t4))
return t4
- def getNextTick(cls):
+ def getNextTick(cls):
+ '''
+ Fetch a timestamp tick, with some random factor, may not be unique.
+ '''
with cls._clsLock: # prevent duplicate tick
if cls._lastLaggingTick==0 or cls._lastTick==0 : # not initialized
# 10k at 1/20 chance, should be enough to avoid overlaps
tick = cls.setupLastTick()
cls._lastTick = tick
- cls._lastLaggingTick = tick + datetime.timedelta(0, -10000)
+ cls._lastLaggingTick = tick + datetime.timedelta(0, -60*2) # lagging behind 2 minutes, should catch up fast
# if : # should be quite a bit into the future
- if Dice.throw(20) == 0: # 1 in 20 chance, return lagging tick
- cls._lastLaggingTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # Go back in time 100 seconds
+ if gConfig.mix_oos_data and Dice.throw(20) == 0: # if asked to do so, and 1 in 20 chance, return lagging tick
+ cls._lastLaggingTick += datetime.timedelta(0, 1) # pick the next sequence from the lagging tick sequence
return cls._lastLaggingTick
else: # regular
# add one second to it
@@ -1334,7 +1348,8 @@ class Task():
elif self._isErrAcceptable(errno2, err.__str__()):
self.logDebug("[=] Acceptable Taos library exception: errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format(
errno2, err, wt.getDbConn().getLastSql()))
- print("_", end="", flush=True)
+ # print("_", end="", flush=True)
+ Progress.emit(Progress.ACCEPTABLE_ERROR)
self._err = err
else: # not an acceptable error
errMsg = "[=] Unexpected Taos library exception ({}): errno=0x{:X}, msg: {}, SQL: {}".format(
@@ -1563,8 +1578,11 @@ class TaskCreateDb(StateTransitionTask):
# numReplica = Dice.throw(gConfig.max_replicas) + 1 # 1,2 ... N
numReplica = gConfig.max_replicas # fixed, always
repStr = "replica {}".format(numReplica)
- self.execWtSql(wt, "create database {} {}"
- .format(self._db.getName(), repStr) )
+ updatePostfix = "update 1" if gConfig.verify_data else "" # allow update only when "verify data" is active
+ dbName = self._db.getName()
+ self.execWtSql(wt, "create database {} {} {} ".format(dbName, repStr, updatePostfix ) )
+ if dbName == "db_0" and gConfig.use_shadow_db:
+ self.execWtSql(wt, "create database {} {} {} ".format("db_s", repStr, updatePostfix ) )
class TaskDropDb(StateTransitionTask):
@@ -1774,13 +1792,13 @@ class TdSuperTable:
]) # TODO: add more from 'top'
- if aggExpr not in ['stddev(speed)']: #TODO: STDDEV not valid for super tables?!
- sql = "select {} from {}.{}".format(aggExpr, self._dbName, self.getName())
- if Dice.throw(3) == 0: # 1 in X chance
- sql = sql + ' GROUP BY color'
- Progress.emit(Progress.QUERY_GROUP_BY)
- # Logging.info("Executing GROUP-BY query: " + sql)
- ret.append(SqlQuery(sql))
+ # if aggExpr not in ['stddev(speed)']: # STDDEV not valid for super tables?! (Done in TD-1049)
+ sql = "select {} from {}.{}".format(aggExpr, self._dbName, self.getName())
+ if Dice.throw(3) == 0: # 1 in X chance
+ sql = sql + ' GROUP BY color'
+ Progress.emit(Progress.QUERY_GROUP_BY)
+ # Logging.info("Executing GROUP-BY query: " + sql)
+ ret.append(SqlQuery(sql))
return ret
@@ -1988,7 +2006,7 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
numRecords = self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_RECORDS
fullTableName = db.getName() + '.' + regTableName
- sql = "insert into {} values ".format(fullTableName)
+ sql = "INSERT INTO {} VALUES ".format(fullTableName)
for j in range(numRecords): # number of records per table
nextInt = db.getNextInt()
nextTick = db.getNextTick()
@@ -2016,12 +2034,24 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
# print("_w" + str(nextInt % 100), end="", flush=True) # Trace what was written
- sql = "insert into {} values ('{}', {}, '{}');".format( # removed: tags ('{}', {})
+ sql = "INSERT INTO {} VALUES ('{}', {}, '{}');".format( # removed: tags ('{}', {})
# ds.getFixedSuperTableName(),
# ds.getNextBinary(), ds.getNextFloat(),
nextTick, nextInt, nextColor)
+ # Quick hack, attach an update statement here. TODO: create an "update" task
+ if (not gConfig.use_shadow_db) and Dice.throw(5) == 0: # 1 in N chance, plus not using shaddow DB
+ nextInt = db.getNextInt()
+ nextColor = db.getNextColor()
+ sql = "INSERt INTO {} VALUES ('{}', {}, '{}');".format( # "INSERt" means "update" here
+ fullTableName,
+ nextTick, nextInt, nextColor)
+ # sql = "UPDATE {} set speed={}, color='{}' WHERE ts='{}'".format(
+ # fullTableName, db.getNextInt(), db.getNextColor(), nextTick)
+ dbc.execute(sql)
except: # Any exception at all
if gConfig.verify_data:
@@ -2070,7 +2100,8 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
random.shuffle(tblSeq) # now we have random sequence
for i in tblSeq:
if (i in self.activeTable): # wow already active
- print("x", end="", flush=True) # concurrent insertion
+ # print("x", end="", flush=True) # concurrent insertion
+ Progress.emit(Progress.CONCURRENT_INSERTION)
self.activeTable.add(i) # marking it active
@@ -2373,6 +2404,11 @@ class MainExec:
help='Write larger amount of data during write operations (default: false)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-m',
+ '--mix-oos-data',
+ action='store_false',
+ help='Mix out-of-sequence data into the test data stream (default: true)')
@@ -2414,6 +2450,11 @@ class MainExec:
help='Verify data written in a number of places by reading back (default: false)')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-w',
+ '--use-shadow-db',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='Use a shaddow database to verify data integrity (default: false)')
@@ -2422,6 +2463,11 @@ class MainExec:
global gConfig
gConfig = parser.parse_args()
+ crash_gen.settings.gConfig = gConfig # TODO: fix this hack, consolidate this global var
+ # Sanity check for arguments
+ if gConfig.use_shadow_db and gConfig.max_dbs>1 :
+ raise CrashGenError("Cannot combine use-shadow-db with max-dbs of more than 1")
diff --git a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/db.py b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/db.py
index e38692dbe1e5c33ffe162015e3e60630fd51fa38..62a369c41a7ed0d73ab847232a206c2cabb53d53 100644
--- a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/db.py
+++ b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/db.py
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ import datetime
import traceback
# from .service_manager import TdeInstance
+import crash_gen.settings
class DbConn:
TYPE_NATIVE = "native-c"
TYPE_REST = "rest-api"
@@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ class MyTDSql:
self._conn.close() # TODO: very important, cursor close does NOT close DB connection!
- def _execInternal(self, sql):
+ def _execInternal(self, sql):
startTime = time.time()
# Logging.debug("Executing SQL: " + sql)
ret = self._cursor.execute(sql)
@@ -257,6 +259,27 @@ class MyTDSql:
cls.longestQuery = sql
cls.longestQueryTime = queryTime
cls.lqStartTime = startTime
+ # Now write to the shadow database
+ if crash_gen.settings.gConfig.use_shadow_db:
+ if sql[:11] == "INSERT INTO":
+ if sql[:16] == "INSERT INTO db_0":
+ sql2 = "INSERT INTO db_s" + sql[16:]
+ self._cursor.execute(sql2)
+ else:
+ raise CrashGenError("Did not find db_0 in INSERT statement: {}".format(sql))
+ else: # not an insert statement
+ pass
+ if sql[:12] == "CREATE TABLE":
+ if sql[:17] == "CREATE TABLE db_0":
+ sql2 = sql.replace('db_0', 'db_s')
+ self._cursor.execute(sql2)
+ else:
+ raise CrashGenError("Did not find db_0 in CREATE TABLE statement: {}".format(sql))
+ else: # not an insert statement
+ pass
return ret
def query(self, sql):
@@ -302,12 +325,18 @@ class DbConnNative(DbConn):
_lock = threading.Lock()
# _connInfoDisplayed = False # TODO: find another way to display this
totalConnections = 0 # Not private
+ totalRequests = 0
def __init__(self, dbTarget):
self._type = self.TYPE_NATIVE
self._conn = None
- # self._cursor = None
+ # self._cursor = None
+ @classmethod
+ def resetTotalRequests(cls):
+ with cls._lock: # force single threading for opening DB connections. # TODO: whaaat??!!!
+ cls.totalRequests = 0
def openByType(self): # Open connection
# global gContainer
@@ -356,6 +385,8 @@ class DbConnNative(DbConn):
Logging.debug("[SQL] Executing SQL: {}".format(sql))
self._lastSql = sql
nRows = self._tdSql.execute(sql)
+ cls = self.__class__
+ cls.totalRequests += 1
"[SQL] Execution Result, nRows = {}, SQL = {}".format(
nRows, sql))
@@ -369,6 +400,8 @@ class DbConnNative(DbConn):
Logging.debug("[SQL] Executing SQL: {}".format(sql))
self._lastSql = sql
nRows = self._tdSql.query(sql)
+ cls = self.__class__
+ cls.totalRequests += 1
"[SQL] Query Result, nRows = {}, SQL = {}".format(
nRows, sql))
diff --git a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/misc.py b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/misc.py
index 6ea5691ce223eb1c14214d4b11c47cf85e29c795..9774ec5455961392d82ea2b4b59c0657b5704f9a 100644
--- a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/misc.py
+++ b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/misc.py
@@ -176,11 +176,13 @@ class Progress:
tokens = {
@@ -188,8 +190,14 @@ class Progress:
def emit(cls, token):
print(cls.tokens[token], end="", flush=True)
+ @classmethod
+ def emitStr(cls, str):
+ print('({})'.format(str), end="", flush=True)
diff --git a/tests/pytest/crash_gen/settings.py b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/settings.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c4c91e6e077c325c53d15918624db783957fc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/pytest/crash_gen/settings.py
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+from __future__ import annotations
+import argparse
+gConfig: argparse.Namespace
+def init():
+ global gConfig
+ gConfig = []
\ No newline at end of file