提交 270cb069 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

Merge branch 'develop' into feature/2.0tsdb

......@@ -5627,17 +5627,23 @@ static void freeQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo);
static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SArray* pTableIdList, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyExpr, SExprInfo *pExprs,
STableGroupInfo *pTableGroupInfo, SColumnInfo* pTagCols) {
int16_t numOfCols = pQueryMsg->numOfCols;
int16_t numOfOutput = pQueryMsg->numOfOutput;
SQInfo *pQInfo = (SQInfo *)calloc(1, sizeof(SQInfo));
if (pQInfo == NULL) {
return NULL;
goto _cleanup_qinfo;
// to make sure third party won't overwrite this structure
pQInfo->signature = pQInfo;
pQInfo->tableGroupInfo = *pTableGroupInfo;
SQuery *pQuery = calloc(1, sizeof(SQuery));
if (pQuery == NULL) {
goto _cleanup_query;
pQInfo->runtimeEnv.pQuery = pQuery;
int16_t numOfCols = pQueryMsg->numOfCols;
int16_t numOfOutput = pQueryMsg->numOfOutput;
pQuery->numOfCols = numOfCols;
pQuery->numOfOutput = numOfOutput;
pQuery->limit.limit = pQueryMsg->limit;
......@@ -5651,6 +5657,7 @@ static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SArray* pTableIdList,
pQuery->slidingTimeUnit = pQueryMsg->slidingTimeUnit;
pQuery->fillType = pQueryMsg->fillType;
pQuery->numOfTags = pQueryMsg->numOfTags;
pQuery->tagColList = pTagCols;
// todo do not allocate ??
pQuery->colList = calloc(numOfCols, sizeof(SSingleColumnFilterInfo));
......@@ -5663,8 +5670,6 @@ static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SArray* pTableIdList,
pQuery->colList[i].filters = tscFilterInfoClone(pQueryMsg->colList[i].filters, pQuery->colList[i].numOfFilters);
pQuery->tagColList = pTagCols;
// calculate the result row size
for (int16_t col = 0; col < numOfOutput; ++col) {
assert(pExprs[col].bytes > 0);
......@@ -5709,10 +5714,6 @@ static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SArray* pTableIdList,
memcpy(pQuery->fillVal, (char *)pQueryMsg->fillVal, pQuery->numOfOutput * sizeof(int64_t));
// to make sure third party won't overwrite this structure
pQInfo->signature = pQInfo;
pQInfo->tableGroupInfo = *pTableGroupInfo;
size_t numOfGroups = 0;
if (pTableGroupInfo->pGroupList != NULL) {
numOfGroups = taosArrayGetSize(pTableGroupInfo->pGroupList);
......@@ -5775,6 +5776,21 @@ static SQInfo *createQInfoImpl(SQueryTableMsg *pQueryMsg, SArray* pTableIdList,
qDebug("qmsg:%p QInfo:%p created", pQueryMsg, pQInfo);
return pQInfo;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfOutput; ++i) {
SExprInfo* pExprInfo = &pExprs[i];
if (pExprInfo->pExpr != NULL) {
tExprTreeDestroy(&pExprInfo->pExpr, NULL);
return NULL;
......@@ -5893,6 +5909,7 @@ static void freeQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
// todo refactor, extract method to destroytableDataInfo
if (pQInfo->tableqinfoGroupInfo.pGroupList != NULL) {
int32_t numOfGroups = GET_NUM_OF_TABLEGROUP(pQInfo);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < numOfGroups; ++i) {
SArray *p = GET_TABLEGROUP(pQInfo, i);
......@@ -5907,6 +5924,7 @@ static void freeQInfo(SQInfo *pQInfo) {
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