diff --git a/cmake/install.inc b/cmake/install.inc index 0531d4004839b6f61115d0551414f91fb13f2db6..f5e01e2f1d79f1c2e7fa32552cbe93677de6338d 100755 --- a/cmake/install.inc +++ b/cmake/install.inc @@ -10,31 +10,27 @@ ELSEIF (TD_WINDOWS) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX C:/TDengine) ENDIF () - IF (NOT TD_GODLL) - #INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/connector/go DESTINATION connector) - #INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/connector/grafana DESTINATION connector) - INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/connector/python DESTINATION connector) - INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/tests/examples DESTINATION .) - INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/packaging/cfg DESTINATION .) - INSTALL(FILES ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/inc/taos.h DESTINATION include) - INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos.lib DESTINATION driver) - INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos.exp DESTINATION driver) - INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos.dll DESTINATION driver) + INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/connector/go DESTINATION connector) + INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/connector/nodejs DESTINATION connector) + INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/connector/python DESTINATION connector) + INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/tests/examples DESTINATION .) + INSTALL(DIRECTORY ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/packaging/cfg DESTINATION .) + INSTALL(FILES ${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/src/inc/taos.h DESTINATION include) + INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos.lib DESTINATION driver) + INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos.exp DESTINATION driver) + INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos.dll DESTINATION driver) - IF (TD_POWER) - INSTALL(FILES ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/power.exe DESTINATION .) - ELSE () - INSTALL(FILES ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos.exe DESTINATION .) - ENDIF () + IF (TD_POWER) + INSTALL(FILES ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/power.exe DESTINATION .) + ELSE () + INSTALL(FILES ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos.exe DESTINATION .) + INSTALL(FILES ${EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH}/taosdemo.exe DESTINATION .) + ENDIF () - #INSTALL(TARGETS taos RUNTIME DESTINATION driver) - #INSTALL(TARGETS shell RUNTIME DESTINATION .) - IF (TD_MVN_INSTALLED) - INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.0-dist.jar DESTINATION connector/jdbc) - ENDIF () - ELSE () - INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/libtaos.dll DESTINATION driver) - INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/libtaos.dll.a DESTINATION driver) + #INSTALL(TARGETS taos RUNTIME DESTINATION driver) + #INSTALL(TARGETS shell RUNTIME DESTINATION .) + IF (TD_MVN_INSTALLED) + INSTALL(FILES ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}/taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.0-dist.jar DESTINATION connector/jdbc) ENDIF () ELSEIF (TD_DARWIN) SET(TD_MAKE_INSTALL_SH "${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/packaging/tools/make_install.sh") diff --git a/deps/zlib-1.2.11/CMakeLists.txt b/deps/zlib-1.2.11/CMakeLists.txt index 5502070819894480a0d7a7320d0f113cc545a0ce..f83aa70085491fb6575c0a6bf93252192cddd040 100644 --- a/deps/zlib-1.2.11/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/deps/zlib-1.2.11/CMakeLists.txt @@ -1,8 +1,11 @@ CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8) PROJECT(TDengine) -IF (TD_LINUX) - INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(inc) - AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(src SRC) - ADD_LIBRARY(z ${SRC}) -ENDIF () \ No newline at end of file +IF (TD_WINDOWS) + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG} /WX-") + SET(CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE} /WX-") +ENDIF() + +INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(inc) +AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(src SRC) +ADD_LIBRARY(z ${SRC}) diff --git a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/TAOS SQL-ch.md b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/TAOS SQL-ch.md index e0acaee137eb8f4d65e95ae97be7bbc8988cb122..66d17c6aa686a7ed07ff1b865000f7b4a43f3834 100644 --- a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/TAOS SQL-ch.md +++ b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/TAOS SQL-ch.md @@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ TDengine缺省的时间戳是毫秒精度,但通过修改配置参数enableMic KEEP参数是指修改数据文件保存的天数,缺省值为3650,取值范围[days, 365000],必须大于或等于days参数值。 ```mysql - ALTER DATABASE db_name QUORUM 365; + ALTER DATABASE db_name QUORUM 2; ``` QUORUM参数是指数据写入成功所需要的确认数。取值范围[1, 3]。对于异步复制,quorum设为1,具有master角色的虚拟节点自己确认即可。对于同步复制,需要至少大于等于2。原则上,Quorum >=1 并且 Quorum <= replica(副本数),这个参数在启动一个同步模块实例时需要提供。 ```mysql - ALTER DATABASE db_name BLOCKS 365; + ALTER DATABASE db_name BLOCKS 100; ``` BLOCKS参数是每个VNODE (TSDB) 中有多少cache大小的内存块,因此一个VNODE的用的内存大小粗略为(cache * blocks)。取值范围[3, 1000]。 diff --git a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/advanced features-ch.md b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/advanced features-ch.md index b1d050c8cc1fe1058631506586c43566b06b3c8a..ed02af25f2cd78372f20a2dc074bb0aa30b4e301 100644 --- a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/advanced features-ch.md +++ b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/advanced features-ch.md @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ create table D1002 using meters tags ("Beijing.Haidian", 2); 我们已经知道,可以通过下面这条SQL语句以一分钟为时间窗口、30秒为前向增量统计这些电表的平均电压。 ```sql -select avg(voltage) from meters interval(1m) sliding(30s); +select avg(voltage) from meters interval(1m) sliding(30s); ``` 每次执行这条语句,都会重新计算所有数据。 @@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ select avg(voltage) from meters interval(1m) sliding(30s); 可以把上面的语句改进成下面的样子,每次使用不同的 `startTime` 并定期执行: ```sql -select avg(voltage) from meters where ts > {startTime} interval(1m) sliding(30s); +select avg(voltage) from meters where ts > {startTime} interval(1m) sliding(30s); ``` 这样做没有问题,但TDengine提供了更简单的方法, 只要在最初的查询语句前面加上 `create table {tableName} as ` 就可以了, 例如: ```sql -create table avg_vol as select avg(voltage) from meters interval(1m) sliding(30s); +create table avg_vol as select avg(voltage) from meters interval(1m) sliding(30s); ``` 会自动创建一个名为 `avg_vol` 的新表,然后每隔30秒,TDengine会增量执行 `as` 后面的 SQL 语句, @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ taos> select * from avg_vol; 比如使用下面的SQL创建的连续查询将运行一小时,之后会自动停止。 ```sql -create table avg_vol as select avg(voltage) from meters where ts > now and ts <= now + 1h interval(1m) sliding(30s); +create table avg_vol as select avg(voltage) from meters where ts > now and ts <= now + 1h interval(1m) sliding(30s); ``` 需要说明的是,上面例子中的 `now` 是指创建连续查询的时间,而不是查询执行的时间,否则,查询就无法自动停止了。 @@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ ts: 1597465200000 current: 11.2 voltage: 220 phase: 1 location: Beijing.Haidian ```sql # taos -taos> use power; +taos> use power; taos> insert into d1001 values("2020-08-15 12:40:00.000", 12.4, 220, 1); ``` diff --git a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/architecture-ch.md b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/architecture-ch.md index 460e655f5f9af77b63417eb6f6ba633030ace9d3..7dfff1f21faed52487f442ecb79ec5b14b6a569f 100644 --- a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/architecture-ch.md +++ b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/architecture-ch.md @@ -276,14 +276,14 @@ SQL语句的解析和校验工作在客户端完成。解析SQL语句并生成 在TDengine中引入关键词interval来进行时间轴上固定长度时间窗口的切分,并按照时间窗口对数据进行聚合,对窗口范围内的数据按需进行聚合。例如: ```mysql -select count(*) from d1001 interval(1h); +select count(*) from d1001 interval(1h); ``` 针对d1001设备采集的数据,按照1小时的时间窗口返回每小时存储的记录数量。 在需要连续获得查询结果的应用场景下,如果给定的时间区间存在数据缺失,会导致该区间数据结果也丢失。TDengine提供策略针对时间轴聚合计算的结果进行插值,通过使用关键词Fill就能够对时间轴聚合结果进行插值。例如: ```mysql -select count(*) from d1001 interval(1h) fill(prev); +select count(*) from d1001 interval(1h) fill(prev); ``` 针对d1001设备采集数据统计每小时记录数,如果某一个小时不存在数据,这返回之前一个小时的统计数据。TDengine提供前向插值(prev)、线性插值(linear)、NULL值填充(NULL)、特定值填充(value)。 diff --git a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/cluster-ch.md b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/cluster-ch.md index c36819e5c7ba691f6e6da1f2a858df6ba6b8427d..13b773b3e302185009a07d4aa20db620ef702631 100644 --- a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/cluster-ch.md +++ b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/cluster-ch.md @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ taos> 2. 在第一个数据节点,使用CLI程序taos, 登录进TDengine系统, 执行命令: ``` - CREATE DNODE "h2.taos.com:6030"; + CREATE DNODE "h2.taos.com:6030"; ``` 将新数据节点的End Point (准备工作中第四步获知的) 添加进集群的EP列表。**"fqdn:port"需要用双引号引起来**,否则出错。请注意将示例的“h2.taos.com:6030" 替换为这个新数据节点的End Point。 @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ taos> 3. 然后执行命令 ``` - SHOW DNODES; + SHOW DNODES; ``` 查看新节点是否被成功加入。如果该被加入的数据节点处于离线状态,请做两个检查 @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ taos> 执行CLI程序taos, 使用root账号登录进系统, 执行: ``` -CREATE DNODE "fqdn:port"; +CREATE DNODE "fqdn:port"; ``` 将新数据节点的End Point添加进集群的EP列表。**"fqdn:port"需要用双引号引起来**,否则出错。一个数据节点对外服务的fqdn和port可以通过配置文件taos.cfg进行配置,缺省是自动获取。【强烈不建议用自动获取方式来配置FQDN,可能导致生成的数据节点的End Point不是所期望的】 diff --git a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/cluster.md b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/cluster.md index 43b35dbc66e94cb60c2973b16d71a2ad2531c6df..f5fa6af48c9bb0a4062c9de74ee3555561ac26ba 100644 --- a/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/cluster.md +++ b/documentation20/webdocs/markdowndocs/cluster.md @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ taos> 5. 在第一个节点,使用CLI程序taos, 登录进TDengine系统, 使用命令: ``` - CREATE DNODE "h2.taos.com:6030"; + CREATE DNODE "h2.taos.com:6030"; ``` 将新节点的End Point添加进集群的EP列表。**"fqdn:port"需要用双引号引起来**,否则出错。请注意将示例的“h2.taos.com:6030" 替换为你自己第一个节点的End Point @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ taos> 6. 使用命令 ``` - SHOW DNODES; + SHOW DNODES; ``` 查看新节点是否被成功加入。 @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ taos> ###添加节点 执行CLI程序taos, 使用root账号登录进系统, 执行: ``` -CREATE DNODE "fqdn:port"; +CREATE DNODE "fqdn:port"; ``` 将新节点的End Point添加进集群的EP列表。**"fqdn:port"需要用双引号引起来**,否则出错。一个节点对外服务的fqdn和port可以通过配置文件taos.cfg进行配置,缺省是自动获取。 diff --git a/packaging/deb/makedeb.sh b/packaging/deb/makedeb.sh index f05d7f3414fbd787a97e13ca3084fddf878e98c9..450c6a8f551fe7dd8dff5e53f5dad639aec4656e 100755 --- a/packaging/deb/makedeb.sh +++ b/packaging/deb/makedeb.sh @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ cp -r ${top_dir}/tests/examples/* ${pkg_dir}${install_home_pat cp -r ${top_dir}/src/connector/grafanaplugin ${pkg_dir}${install_home_path}/connector cp -r ${top_dir}/src/connector/python ${pkg_dir}${install_home_path}/connector cp -r ${top_dir}/src/connector/go ${pkg_dir}${install_home_path}/connector +cp -r ${top_dir}/src/connector/nodejs ${pkg_dir}${install_home_path}/connector cp ${compile_dir}/build/lib/taos-jdbcdriver*dist.* ${pkg_dir}${install_home_path}/connector cp -r ${compile_dir}/../packaging/deb/DEBIAN ${pkg_dir}/ diff --git a/packaging/rpm/tdengine.spec b/packaging/rpm/tdengine.spec index a8303c594a1ec6b54218f89cda040c4db6927a22..4e40263dc4ebaf6b566d20890ecd97f64e160340 100644 --- a/packaging/rpm/tdengine.spec +++ b/packaging/rpm/tdengine.spec @@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ cp %{_compiledir}/../src/inc/taoserror.h %{buildroot}%{homepath}/incl cp -r %{_compiledir}/../src/connector/grafanaplugin %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector cp -r %{_compiledir}/../src/connector/python %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector cp -r %{_compiledir}/../src/connector/go %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector +cp -r %{_compiledir}/../src/connector/nodejs %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector cp %{_compiledir}/build/lib/taos-jdbcdriver*dist.* %{buildroot}%{homepath}/connector cp -r %{_compiledir}/../tests/examples/* %{buildroot}%{homepath}/examples diff --git a/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh b/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh index 665fb2845c83a05153cf411f65a1a4323e8cc819..d69a8e6007cb3b7c57214a2cbab555059c757526 100755 --- a/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh +++ b/packaging/tools/makeclient.sh @@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ if [[ "$pagMode" != "lite" ]] && [[ "$cpuType" != "aarch32" ]]; then cp -r ${examples_dir}/python ${install_dir}/examples cp -r ${examples_dir}/R ${install_dir}/examples cp -r ${examples_dir}/go ${install_dir}/examples + cp -r ${examples_dir}/nodejs ${install_dir}/examples + cp -r ${examples_dir}/C# ${install_dir}/examples fi # Copy driver mkdir -p ${install_dir}/driver @@ -111,8 +113,9 @@ if [[ "$pagMode" != "lite" ]] && [[ "$cpuType" != "aarch32" ]]; then cp ${build_dir}/lib/*.jar ${install_dir}/connector fi cp -r ${connector_dir}/grafanaplugin ${install_dir}/connector/ - cp -r ${connector_dir}/python ${install_dir}/connector/ - cp -r ${connector_dir}/go ${install_dir}/connector + cp -r ${connector_dir}/python ${install_dir}/connector/ + cp -r ${connector_dir}/go ${install_dir}/connector + cp -r ${connector_dir}/nodejs ${install_dir}/connector fi # Copy release note # cp ${script_dir}/release_note ${install_dir} diff --git a/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh b/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh index 796f39ccc07de0498ba7aee905fe02422657245d..3958cff53b414d7f1b045d9e73bcfd373d09dbe3 100755 --- a/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh +++ b/packaging/tools/makepkg.sh @@ -113,6 +113,8 @@ if [[ "$pagMode" != "lite" ]] && [[ "$cpuType" != "aarch32" ]]; then cp -r ${examples_dir}/python ${install_dir}/examples cp -r ${examples_dir}/R ${install_dir}/examples cp -r ${examples_dir}/go ${install_dir}/examples + cp -r ${examples_dir}/nodejs ${install_dir}/examples + cp -r ${examples_dir}/C# ${install_dir}/examples fi # Copy driver mkdir -p ${install_dir}/driver @@ -122,10 +124,11 @@ cp ${lib_files} ${install_dir}/driver connector_dir="${code_dir}/connector" mkdir -p ${install_dir}/connector if [[ "$pagMode" != "lite" ]] && [[ "$cpuType" != "aarch32" ]]; then - cp ${build_dir}/lib/*.jar ${install_dir}/connector + cp ${build_dir}/lib/*.jar ${install_dir}/connector cp -r ${connector_dir}/grafanaplugin ${install_dir}/connector/ - cp -r ${connector_dir}/python ${install_dir}/connector/ - cp -r ${connector_dir}/go ${install_dir}/connector + cp -r ${connector_dir}/python ${install_dir}/connector/ + cp -r ${connector_dir}/go ${install_dir}/connector + cp -r ${connector_dir}/nodejs ${install_dir}/connector fi # Copy release note # cp ${script_dir}/release_note ${install_dir} diff --git a/src/balance/src/balance.c b/src/balance/src/balance.c index 2b1888042c0645a93ae08fe9438085f96e547b71..3b9af741c39d9f5dcae6031f6f120ba56df9c972 100644 --- a/src/balance/src/balance.c +++ b/src/balance/src/balance.c @@ -389,6 +389,7 @@ void balanceReset() { pDnode->lastAccess = 0; if (pDnode->status != TAOS_DN_STATUS_DROPPING) { pDnode->status = TAOS_DN_STATUS_OFFLINE; + pDnode->offlineReason = TAOS_DN_OFF_STATUS_NOT_RECEIVED; } mnodeDecDnodeRef(pDnode); @@ -551,6 +552,7 @@ static void balanceCheckDnodeAccess() { if (tsAccessSquence - pDnode->lastAccess > 3) { if (pDnode->status != TAOS_DN_STATUS_DROPPING && pDnode->status != TAOS_DN_STATUS_OFFLINE) { pDnode->status = TAOS_DN_STATUS_OFFLINE; + pDnode->offlineReason = TAOS_DN_OFF_STATUS_MSG_TIMEOUT; mInfo("dnode:%d, set to offline state", pDnode->dnodeId); balanceSetVgroupOffline(pDnode); } diff --git a/src/client/inc/tscUtil.h b/src/client/inc/tscUtil.h index c4fba06426bfed3c45b8ec93933afc8e9ff35438..0323434a992ae25b9f3fe54fb596b56e865bdf55 100644 --- a/src/client/inc/tscUtil.h +++ b/src/client/inc/tscUtil.h @@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ SColumn* tscColumnListInsert(SArray* pColList, SColumnIndex* colIndex); SArray* tscColumnListClone(const SArray* src, int16_t tableIndex); void tscColumnListDestroy(SArray* pColList); +void tscDequoteAndTrimToken(SStrToken* pToken); int32_t tscValidateName(SStrToken* pToken); void tscIncStreamExecutionCount(void* pStream); @@ -257,6 +258,8 @@ void tscDoQuery(SSqlObj* pSql); */ SSqlObj* createSimpleSubObj(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*fp)(), void* param, int32_t cmd); +void registerSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql); + SSqlObj* createSubqueryObj(SSqlObj* pSql, int16_t tableIndex, void (*fp)(), void* param, int32_t cmd, SSqlObj* pPrevSql); void addGroupInfoForSubquery(SSqlObj* pParentObj, SSqlObj* pSql, int32_t subClauseIndex, int32_t tableIndex); diff --git a/src/client/inc/tsclient.h b/src/client/inc/tsclient.h index 55ca02dfb5d67ea150fc0725191fdc570a6c28c8..14fb32d7ab9058d565faf8de166e534d895be501 100644 --- a/src/client/inc/tsclient.h +++ b/src/client/inc/tsclient.h @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ typedef struct STableComInfo { typedef struct SCMCorVgroupInfo { int32_t version; - int8_t inUse; + int8_t inUse; int8_t numOfEps; SEpAddr epAddr[TSDB_MAX_REPLICA]; } SCMCorVgroupInfo; @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ typedef struct STableMeta { } STableMeta; typedef struct STableMetaInfo { - STableMeta * pTableMeta; // table meta, cached in client side and acquired by name + STableMeta *pTableMeta; // table meta, cached in client side and acquired by name SVgroupsInfo *vgroupList; SArray *pVgroupTables; // SArray @@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ typedef struct { }; int32_t insertType; - int32_t clauseIndex; // index of multiple subclause query + int32_t clauseIndex; // index of multiple subclause query char * curSql; // current sql, resume position of sql after parsing paused int8_t parseFinished; @@ -276,7 +276,8 @@ typedef struct { int32_t numOfParams; int8_t dataSourceType; // load data from file or not - int8_t submitSchema; // submit block is built with table schema + int8_t submitSchema; // submit block is built with table schema + STagData tagData; SHashObj *pTableList; // referred table involved in sql SArray *pDataBlocks; // SArray submit data blocks after parsing sql } SSqlCmd; diff --git a/src/client/src/tscAsync.c b/src/client/src/tscAsync.c index 09610575f619be3f02059b6e6ca1ba2c56edcb62..c5d622e2452d42e6863a294ce83fb850d21c5818 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscAsync.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscAsync.c @@ -51,10 +51,7 @@ void doAsyncQuery(STscObj* pObj, SSqlObj* pSql, void (*fp)(), void* param, const pSql->fp = fp; pSql->fetchFp = fp; - uint64_t handle = (uint64_t) pSql; - pSql->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &handle, sizeof(uint64_t), &pSql, sizeof(uint64_t), 2*3600*1000); - - T_REF_INC(pSql->pTscObj); + registerSqlObj(pSql); pSql->sqlstr = calloc(1, sqlLen + 1); if (pSql->sqlstr == NULL) { diff --git a/src/client/src/tscParseInsert.c b/src/client/src/tscParseInsert.c index 327aac22d159875ba644890e4a0fd41e1998ecdf..0480370dfad073c97b2ab4402703ed65666ed5ca 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscParseInsert.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscParseInsert.c @@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ static int32_t tscCheckIfCreateTable(char **sqlstr, SSqlObj *pSql) { sql += index; tscAllocPayload(pCmd, sizeof(STagData)); - STagData *pTag = (STagData *) pCmd->payload; + STagData *pTag = &pCmd->tagData; memset(pTag, 0, sizeof(STagData)); @@ -946,7 +946,6 @@ static int32_t tscCheckIfCreateTable(char **sqlstr, SSqlObj *pSql) { return tscSQLSyntaxErrMsg(pCmd->payload, ") expected", sToken.z); } - pCmd->payloadLen = sizeof(pTag->name) + sizeof(pTag->dataLen) + pTag->dataLen; pTag->dataLen = htonl(pTag->dataLen); if (tscValidateName(&tableToken) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { @@ -1192,8 +1191,7 @@ int tsParseInsertSql(SSqlObj *pSql) { str += index; if (TK_STRING == sToken.type) { - strdequote(sToken.z); - sToken.n = (uint32_t)strtrim(sToken.z); + tscDequoteAndTrimToken(&sToken); } if (sToken.type == TK_RP) { diff --git a/src/client/src/tscPrepare.c b/src/client/src/tscPrepare.c index c4ca6793ff14a86039738ffce1ffc04dfcc42aec..cdbd8685df55d74836b2bcc768e52bf22b972d72 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscPrepare.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscPrepare.c @@ -545,10 +545,8 @@ int taos_stmt_prepare(TAOS_STMT* stmt, const char* sql, unsigned long length) { pSql->cmd.numOfParams = 0; pSql->cmd.batchSize = 0; - - uint64_t handle = (uint64_t) pSql; - pSql->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &handle, sizeof(uint64_t), &pSql, sizeof(uint64_t), 2*3600*1000); - T_REF_INC(pSql->pTscObj); + + registerSqlObj(pSql); int32_t code = tsParseSql(pSql, true); if (code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_ACTION_IN_PROGRESS) { diff --git a/src/client/src/tscSQLParser.c b/src/client/src/tscSQLParser.c index b9c6b5b15efacc32c28a1eb4b49f1cfd7e2e3763..f690d13164bb82749ec7ce9f6229376bfb3f61ac 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscSQLParser.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscSQLParser.c @@ -820,20 +820,20 @@ int32_t tscSetTableFullName(STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo, SStrToken* pzTableNa if (hasSpecifyDB(pzTableName)) { // db has been specified in sql string so we ignore current db path code = setObjFullName(pTableMetaInfo->name, getAccountId(pSql), NULL, pzTableName, NULL); - if (code != 0) { + if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { invalidSqlErrMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg1); } } else { // get current DB name first, then set it into path SStrToken t = {0}; getCurrentDBName(pSql, &t); if (t.n == 0) { - invalidSqlErrMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg2); - } - - code = setObjFullName(pTableMetaInfo->name, NULL, &t, pzTableName, NULL); - if (code != 0) { - invalidSqlErrMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg1); - } + code = invalidSqlErrMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg2); + } else { + code = setObjFullName(pTableMetaInfo->name, NULL, &t, pzTableName, NULL); + if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { + code = invalidSqlErrMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg1); + } + } } if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { @@ -5755,7 +5755,7 @@ int32_t tscCheckCreateDbParams(SSqlCmd* pCmd, SCMCreateDbMsg* pCreate) { char msg[512] = {0}; if (pCreate->walLevel != -1 && (pCreate->walLevel < TSDB_MIN_WAL_LEVEL || pCreate->walLevel > TSDB_MAX_WAL_LEVEL)) { - snprintf(msg, tListLen(msg), "invalid db option walLevel: %d, only 0-2 allowed", pCreate->walLevel); + snprintf(msg, tListLen(msg), "invalid db option walLevel: %d, only 1-2 allowed", pCreate->walLevel); return invalidSqlErrMsg(tscGetErrorMsgPayload(pCmd), msg); } diff --git a/src/client/src/tscServer.c b/src/client/src/tscServer.c index 8eaa406bce95a4831a80366e62b34efea0cc2a5a..0a5cfef80a1bd642fb6376712e39369a47e2c798 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscServer.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscServer.c @@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ static void tscUpdateVgroupInfo(SSqlObj *pObj, SRpcEpSet *pEpSet) { tscDebug("after: EndPoint in use: %d", pVgroupInfo->inUse); taosCorEndWrite(&pVgroupInfo->version); } + void tscPrintMgmtEp() { SRpcEpSet dump; tscDumpMgmtEpSet(&dump); @@ -745,7 +746,6 @@ int tscBuildQueryMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) { SSqlExpr *pExpr = tscSqlExprGet(pQueryInfo, i); if (!tscValidateColumnId(pTableMetaInfo, pExpr->colInfo.colId, pExpr->numOfParams)) { - /* column id is not valid according to the cached table meta, the table meta is expired */ tscError("%p table schema is not matched with parsed sql", pSql); return TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_SQL; } @@ -1495,43 +1495,29 @@ int tscBuildConnectMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) { } int tscBuildTableMetaMsg(SSqlObj *pSql, SSqlInfo *pInfo) { - SCMTableInfoMsg *pInfoMsg; - char * pMsg; - int msgLen = 0; - - char *tmpData = NULL; - uint32_t len = pSql->cmd.payloadLen; - if (len > 0) { - if ((tmpData = calloc(1, len)) == NULL) { - return TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; - } - - // STagData is in binary format, strncpy is not available - memcpy(tmpData, pSql->cmd.payload, len); - } - SSqlCmd * pCmd = &pSql->cmd; SQueryInfo *pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(&pSql->cmd, 0); STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0); - pInfoMsg = (SCMTableInfoMsg *)pCmd->payload; + SCMTableInfoMsg* pInfoMsg = (SCMTableInfoMsg *)pCmd->payload; strcpy(pInfoMsg->tableId, pTableMetaInfo->name); pInfoMsg->createFlag = htons(pSql->cmd.autoCreated ? 1 : 0); - pMsg = (char*)pInfoMsg + sizeof(SCMTableInfoMsg); + char* pMsg = (char*)pInfoMsg + sizeof(SCMTableInfoMsg); - if (pSql->cmd.autoCreated && len > 0) { - memcpy(pInfoMsg->tags, tmpData, len); - pMsg += len; + size_t len = htonl(pCmd->tagData.dataLen); + if (pSql->cmd.autoCreated) { + if (len > 0) { + len += sizeof(pCmd->tagData.name) + sizeof(pCmd->tagData.dataLen); + memcpy(pInfoMsg->tags, &pCmd->tagData, len); + pMsg += len; + } } pCmd->payloadLen = (int32_t)(pMsg - (char*)pInfoMsg); pCmd->msgType = TSDB_MSG_TYPE_CM_TABLE_META; - taosTFree(tmpData); - - assert(msgLen + minMsgSize() <= (int32_t)pCmd->allocSize); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } @@ -1987,15 +1973,11 @@ static void createHBObj(STscObj* pObj) { pSql->param = pObj; pSql->pTscObj = pObj; pSql->signature = pSql; - pObj->pHb = pSql; - tscAddSubqueryInfo(&pObj->pHb->cmd); + registerSqlObj(pSql); + tscDebug("%p HB is allocated, pObj:%p", pSql, pObj); - int64_t ad = (int64_t) pSql; - pSql->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &ad, sizeof(int64_t), &pSql, sizeof(int64_t), 2 * 60 * 1000); - T_REF_INC(pObj); - - tscDebug("%p HB is allocated, pObj:%p", pObj->pHb, pObj); + pObj->pHb = pSql; } int tscProcessConnectRsp(SSqlObj *pSql) { @@ -2170,11 +2152,7 @@ static int32_t getTableMetaFromMgmt(SSqlObj *pSql, STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInf pNew->signature = pNew; pNew->cmd.command = TSDB_SQL_META; - T_REF_INC(pNew->pTscObj); - - // TODO add test case on x86 platform - uint64_t adr = (uint64_t) pNew; - pNew->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &adr, sizeof(uint64_t), &pNew, sizeof(uint64_t), 2*60*1000); + registerSqlObj(pNew); tscAddSubqueryInfo(&pNew->cmd); @@ -2192,8 +2170,7 @@ static int32_t getTableMetaFromMgmt(SSqlObj *pSql, STableMetaInfo *pTableMetaInf assert(pNew->cmd.numOfClause == 1 && pNewQueryInfo->numOfTables == 1); tstrncpy(pNewMeterMetaInfo->name, pTableMetaInfo->name, sizeof(pNewMeterMetaInfo->name)); - memcpy(pNew->cmd.payload, pSql->cmd.payload, pSql->cmd.payloadLen); // tag information if table does not exists. - pNew->cmd.payloadLen = pSql->cmd.payloadLen; + memcpy(&pNew->cmd.tagData, &pSql->cmd.tagData, sizeof(pSql->cmd.tagData)); tscDebug("%p new pSqlObj:%p to get tableMeta, auto create:%d", pSql, pNew, pNew->cmd.autoCreated); pNew->fp = tscTableMetaCallBack; @@ -2301,10 +2278,8 @@ int tscGetSTableVgroupInfo(SSqlObj *pSql, int32_t clauseIndex) { } pNewQueryInfo->numOfTables = pQueryInfo->numOfTables; - T_REF_INC(pNew->pTscObj); + registerSqlObj(pNew); - uint64_t p = (uint64_t) pNew; - pNew->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &p, sizeof(uint64_t), &pNew, sizeof(uint64_t), 2 * 600 * 1000); tscDebug("%p new sqlObj:%p to get vgroupInfo, numOfTables:%d", pSql, pNew, pNewQueryInfo->numOfTables); pNew->fp = tscTableMetaCallBack; diff --git a/src/client/src/tscSql.c b/src/client/src/tscSql.c index e1a07fdcfe7f9ff2e24ae9f6469bad181dd0786f..430a762321718eb78f6271e43086390ea1f2439b 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscSql.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscSql.c @@ -156,10 +156,7 @@ SSqlObj *taosConnectImpl(const char *ip, const char *user, const char *pass, con *taos = pObj; } - T_REF_INC(pSql->pTscObj); - - uint64_t key = (uint64_t) pSql; - pSql->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &key, sizeof(uint64_t), &pSql, sizeof(uint64_t), 2*3600*1000); + registerSqlObj(pSql); tsInsertHeadSize = sizeof(SMsgDesc) + sizeof(SSubmitMsg); return pSql; @@ -270,7 +267,7 @@ void taos_close(TAOS *taos) { pHb->pRpcCtx = NULL; } - tscDebug("%p, HB is freed", pHb); + tscDebug("%p HB is freed", pHb); taos_free_result(pHb); } @@ -789,14 +786,17 @@ int taos_validate_sql(TAOS *taos, const char *sql) { } SSqlObj* pSql = calloc(1, sizeof(SSqlObj)); + pSql->pTscObj = taos; pSql->signature = pSql; + SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res; SSqlCmd *pCmd = &pSql->cmd; pRes->numOfTotal = 0; pRes->numOfClauseTotal = 0; + tscDebug("%p Valid SQL: %s pObj:%p", pSql, sql, pObj); int32_t sqlLen = (int32_t)strlen(sql); @@ -832,11 +832,12 @@ int taos_validate_sql(TAOS *taos, const char *sql) { tsem_wait(&pSql->rspSem); code = pSql->res.code; } + if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscDebug("%p Valid SQL result:%d, %s pObj:%p", pSql, code, taos_errstr(taos), pObj); } - taos_free_result(pSql); + taos_free_result(pSql); return code; } @@ -935,34 +936,32 @@ int taos_load_table_info(TAOS *taos, const char *tableNameList) { SSqlObj* pSql = calloc(1, sizeof(SSqlObj)); pSql->pTscObj = taos; pSql->signature = pSql; + SSqlRes *pRes = &pSql->res; + pRes->code = 0; pRes->numOfTotal = 0; // the number of getting table meta from server pRes->numOfClauseTotal = 0; - pRes->code = 0; - assert(pSql->fp == NULL); tscDebug("%p tableNameList: %s pObj:%p", pSql, tableNameList, pObj); int32_t tblListLen = (int32_t)strlen(tableNameList); if (tblListLen > MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH) { tscError("%p tableNameList too long, length:%d, maximum allowed:%d", pSql, tblListLen, MAX_TABLE_NAME_LENGTH); - pRes->code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_SQL; - taosTFree(pSql); - return pRes->code; + tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); + return TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_SQL; } char *str = calloc(1, tblListLen + 1); if (str == NULL) { - pRes->code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; tscError("%p failed to malloc sql string buffer", pSql); - taosTFree(pSql); - return pRes->code; + tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); + return TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } strtolower(str, tableNameList); - pRes->code = (uint8_t)tscParseTblNameList(pSql, str, tblListLen); + int32_t code = (uint8_t) tscParseTblNameList(pSql, str, tblListLen); /* * set the qhandle to 0 before return in order to erase the qhandle value assigned in the previous successful query. @@ -972,17 +971,17 @@ int taos_load_table_info(TAOS *taos, const char *tableNameList) { pRes->qhandle = 0; free(str); - if (pRes->code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { + if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); - return pRes->code; + return code; } tscDoQuery(pSql); - tscDebug("%p load multi metermeta result:%d %s pObj:%p", pSql, pRes->code, taos_errstr(taos), pObj); - if (pRes->code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { - tscPartiallyFreeSqlObj(pSql); + tscDebug("%p load multi table meta result:%d %s pObj:%p", pSql, pRes->code, taos_errstr(taos), pObj); + if ((code = pRes->code) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { + tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); } - return pRes->code; + return code; } diff --git a/src/client/src/tscStream.c b/src/client/src/tscStream.c index 35cd09a0336dbb3580d4025aed363fc65acaf4b7..81b8cf7359a93764551cc4765efebc19be4d62ad 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscStream.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscStream.c @@ -510,9 +510,7 @@ static void tscCreateStream(void *param, TAOS_RES *res, int code) { return; } - uint64_t handle = (uint64_t) pSql; - pSql->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &handle, sizeof(uint64_t), &pSql, sizeof(uint64_t), 2*3600*1000); - T_REF_INC(pSql->pTscObj); + registerSqlObj(pSql); SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo = tscGetQueryInfoDetail(pCmd, 0); STableMetaInfo* pTableMetaInfo = tscGetMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, 0); diff --git a/src/client/src/tscSub.c b/src/client/src/tscSub.c index 760c5f5a514af8f90ce3e6461dfff019a766c682..2c81bd7c7ce25535dfffe9c1fd6f8a0197fb900b 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscSub.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscSub.c @@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ static SSub* tscCreateSubscription(STscObj* pObj, const char* topic, const char* code = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); goto fail; } + tstrncpy(pSub->topic, topic, sizeof(pSub->topic)); pSub->progress = taosArrayInit(32, sizeof(SSubscriptionProgress)); if (pSub->progress == NULL) { @@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ static SSub* tscCreateSubscription(STscObj* pObj, const char* topic, const char* code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } + pSql->signature = pSql; pSql->pTscObj = pObj; pSql->pSubscription = pSub; @@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ static SSub* tscCreateSubscription(STscObj* pObj, const char* topic, const char* code = TSDB_CODE_TSC_OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto fail; } + strtolower(pSql->sqlstr, pSql->sqlstr); pRes->qhandle = 0; pRes->numOfRows = 1; @@ -152,15 +155,14 @@ static SSub* tscCreateSubscription(STscObj* pObj, const char* topic, const char* goto fail; } - uint64_t handle = (uint64_t) pSql; - pSql->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &handle, sizeof(uint64_t), &pSql, sizeof(uint64_t), 2*3600*1000); - T_REF_INC(pSql->pTscObj); + registerSqlObj(pSql); code = tsParseSql(pSql, false); if (code == TSDB_CODE_TSC_ACTION_IN_PROGRESS) { tsem_wait(&pSub->sem); code = pSql->res.code; } + if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { line = __LINE__; goto fail; @@ -182,8 +184,10 @@ fail: } else { tscFreeSqlObj(pSql); } + pSql = NULL; } + if (pSub != NULL) { taosArrayDestroy(pSub->progress); tsem_destroy(&pSub->sem); diff --git a/src/client/src/tscSystem.c b/src/client/src/tscSystem.c index 82ce1d36791e2a5e79177ea1405bf90145f2776d..620fe13a9fd37c44b9fa9d25183d5134304a08c3 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscSystem.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscSystem.c @@ -122,11 +122,8 @@ void taos_init_imp(void) { tscInitMsgsFp(); int queueSize = tsMaxConnections*2; - if (tscEmbedded == 0) { - tscNumOfThreads = (int)(tsNumOfCores * tsNumOfThreadsPerCore / 2.0); - } else { - tscNumOfThreads = (int)(tsNumOfCores * tsNumOfThreadsPerCore / 4.0); - } + double factor = (tscEmbedded == 0)? 2.0:4.0; + tscNumOfThreads = (int)(tsNumOfCores * tsNumOfThreadsPerCore / factor); if (tscNumOfThreads < 2) tscNumOfThreads = 2; @@ -140,11 +137,8 @@ void taos_init_imp(void) { if(0 == tscEmbedded){ taosTmrReset(tscCheckDiskUsage, 10, NULL, tscTmr, &tscCheckDiskUsageTmr); } - - int64_t refreshTime = tsTableMetaKeepTimer; - refreshTime = refreshTime > 10 ? 10 : refreshTime; - refreshTime = refreshTime < 10 ? 10 : refreshTime; + int64_t refreshTime = 10; // 10 seconds by default if (tscMetaCache == NULL) { tscMetaCache = taosCacheInit(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY, refreshTime, false, NULL, "tableMeta"); tscObjCache = taosCacheInit(TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BIGINT, refreshTime/2, false, tscFreeSqlObjInCache, "sqlObj"); diff --git a/src/client/src/tscUtil.c b/src/client/src/tscUtil.c index 20c3bc2cb6136b2801b7db8345de87ed5e67657a..a98b0272b6fe800ba61c1d8dcdac85ae85e8ee8f 100644 --- a/src/client/src/tscUtil.c +++ b/src/client/src/tscUtil.c @@ -391,10 +391,21 @@ static UNUSED_FUNC void tscFreeSubobj(SSqlObj* pSql) { */ void tscFreeSqlObjInCache(void *pSql) { assert(pSql != NULL); + SSqlObj** p = (SSqlObj**)pSql; + STscObj* pTscObj = (*p)->pTscObj; assert((*p)->self != 0 && (*p)->self == (p)); tscFreeSqlObj(*p); + + int32_t ref = T_REF_DEC(pTscObj); + assert(ref >= 0); + + tscDebug("%p free sqlObj completed, tscObj:%p ref:%d", *p, pTscObj, ref); + if (ref == 0) { + tscDebug("%p all sqlObj freed, free tscObj:%p", *p, pTscObj); + tscCloseTscObj(pTscObj); + } } void tscFreeSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql) { @@ -403,7 +414,6 @@ void tscFreeSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql) { } tscDebug("%p start to free sqlObj", pSql); - STscObj* pTscObj = pSql->pTscObj; tscFreeSubobj(pSql); tscPartiallyFreeSqlObj(pSql); @@ -421,14 +431,6 @@ void tscFreeSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql) { tsem_destroy(&pSql->rspSem); free(pSql); - tscDebug("%p free sqlObj completed", pSql); - - int32_t ref = T_REF_DEC(pTscObj); - assert(ref >= 0); - - if (ref == 0) { - tscCloseTscObj(pTscObj); - } } void tscDestroyDataBlock(STableDataBlocks* pDataBlock) { @@ -1265,6 +1267,51 @@ static int32_t validateQuoteToken(SStrToken* pToken) { return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; } +void tscDequoteAndTrimToken(SStrToken* pToken) { + assert(pToken->type == TK_STRING); + + uint32_t first = 0, last = pToken->n; + + // trim leading spaces + while (first < last) { + char c = pToken->z[first]; + if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') { + break; + } + first++; + } + + // trim ending spaces + while (first < last) { + char c = pToken->z[last - 1]; + if (c != ' ' && c != '\t') { + break; + } + last--; + } + + // there are still at least two characters + if (first < last - 1) { + char c = pToken->z[first]; + // dequote + if ((c == '\'' || c == '"') && c == pToken->z[last - 1]) { + first++; + last--; + } + } + + // left shift the string and pad spaces + for (uint32_t i = 0; i + first < last; i++) { + pToken->z[i] = pToken->z[first + i]; + } + for (uint32_t i = last - first; i < pToken->n; i++) { + pToken->z[i] = ' '; + } + + // adjust token length + pToken->n = last - first; +} + int32_t tscValidateName(SStrToken* pToken) { if (pToken->type != TK_STRING && pToken->type != TK_ID) { return TSDB_CODE_TSC_INVALID_SQL; @@ -1735,6 +1782,16 @@ void tscResetForNextRetrieve(SSqlRes* pRes) { pRes->numOfRows = 0; } +void registerSqlObj(SSqlObj* pSql) { + int32_t DEFAULT_LIFE_TIME = 2 * 600 * 1000; // 1200 sec + + int32_t ref = T_REF_INC(pSql->pTscObj); + tscDebug("%p add to tscObj:%p, ref:%d", pSql, pSql->pTscObj, ref); + + uint64_t p = (uint64_t) pSql; + pSql->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &p, sizeof(uint64_t), &p, sizeof(uint64_t), DEFAULT_LIFE_TIME); +} + SSqlObj* createSimpleSubObj(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*fp)(), void* param, int32_t cmd) { SSqlObj* pNew = (SSqlObj*)calloc(1, sizeof(SSqlObj)); if (pNew == NULL) { @@ -1748,6 +1805,8 @@ SSqlObj* createSimpleSubObj(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*fp)(), void* param, int32_t cm SSqlCmd* pCmd = &pNew->cmd; pCmd->command = cmd; pCmd->parseFinished = 1; + pCmd->autoCreated = pSql->cmd.autoCreated; + memcpy(&pCmd->tagData, &pSql->cmd.tagData, sizeof(pCmd->tagData)); if (tscAddSubqueryInfo(pCmd) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { tscFreeSqlObj(pNew); @@ -1762,8 +1821,7 @@ SSqlObj* createSimpleSubObj(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*fp)(), void* param, int32_t cm pNew->sqlstr = strdup(pSql->sqlstr); if (pNew->sqlstr == NULL) { tscError("%p new subquery failed", pSql); - - free(pNew); + tscFreeSqlObj(pNew); return NULL; } @@ -1774,9 +1832,7 @@ SSqlObj* createSimpleSubObj(SSqlObj* pSql, void (*fp)(), void* param, int32_t cm tscAddTableMetaInfo(pQueryInfo, pMasterTableMetaInfo->name, NULL, NULL, NULL); - T_REF_INC(pNew->pTscObj); - uint64_t p = (uint64_t) pNew; - pNew->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &p, sizeof(uint64_t), &pNew, sizeof(uint64_t), 2 * 600 * 1000); + registerSqlObj(pNew); return pNew; } @@ -1866,7 +1922,6 @@ SSqlObj* createSubqueryObj(SSqlObj* pSql, int16_t tableIndex, void (*fp)(), void pNew->pTscObj = pSql->pTscObj; pNew->signature = pNew; - T_REF_INC(pNew->pTscObj); pNew->sqlstr = strdup(pSql->sqlstr); if (pNew->sqlstr == NULL) { @@ -2015,10 +2070,7 @@ SSqlObj* createSubqueryObj(SSqlObj* pSql, int16_t tableIndex, void (*fp)(), void tscDebug("%p new sub insertion: %p, vnodeIdx:%d", pSql, pNew, pTableMetaInfo->vgroupIndex); } - T_REF_INC(pNew->pTscObj); - - uint64_t p = (uint64_t) pNew; - pNew->self = taosCachePut(tscObjCache, &p, sizeof(uint64_t), &pNew, sizeof(uint64_t), 2 * 600 * 10); + registerSqlObj(pNew); return pNew; _error: diff --git a/src/common/src/tglobal.c b/src/common/src/tglobal.c index a75e712f387cd684486147449adcdfe357a54d67..2630e3c468bd43a4c23b2f391e8e25254cbe8672 100644 --- a/src/common/src/tglobal.c +++ b/src/common/src/tglobal.c @@ -1014,7 +1014,7 @@ static void doInitGlobalConfig(void) { cfg.ptr = &tsLogKeepDays; cfg.valType = TAOS_CFG_VTYPE_INT32; cfg.cfgType = TSDB_CFG_CTYPE_B_CONFIG | TSDB_CFG_CTYPE_B_LOG | TSDB_CFG_CTYPE_B_CLIENT; - cfg.minValue = 0; + cfg.minValue = -365000; cfg.maxValue = 365000; cfg.ptrLength = 0; cfg.unitType = TAOS_CFG_UTYPE_NONE; diff --git a/src/connector/go b/src/connector/go index 06ec30a0f1762e8169bf6b9045c82bcaa52bcdf0..8d7bf743852897110cbdcc7c4322cd7a74d4167b 160000 --- a/src/connector/go +++ b/src/connector/go @@ -1 +1 @@ -Subproject commit 06ec30a0f1762e8169bf6b9045c82bcaa52bcdf0 +Subproject commit 8d7bf743852897110cbdcc7c4322cd7a74d4167b diff --git a/src/connector/jdbc/deploy-pom.xml b/src/connector/jdbc/deploy-pom.xml index 766a58f9babe3e4eec8b482b937378be6b8f0943..3f6ebeff03f538e4963540e015c7fd4b310acc42 100755 --- a/src/connector/jdbc/deploy-pom.xml +++ b/src/connector/jdbc/deploy-pom.xml @@ -5,10 +5,9 @@ com.taosdata.jdbc taos-jdbcdriver - 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT + 2.0.6 jar - JDBCDriver https://github.com/taosdata/TDengine/tree/master/src/connector/jdbc TDengine JDBC Driver diff --git a/src/connector/jdbc/src/main/java/com/taosdata/jdbc/TSDBDriver.java b/src/connector/jdbc/src/main/java/com/taosdata/jdbc/TSDBDriver.java index bc649a31e1e4c56289284885a73469695ae4eae2..97d93fb0a18fa887465583bce1492c8305faaec5 100755 --- a/src/connector/jdbc/src/main/java/com/taosdata/jdbc/TSDBDriver.java +++ b/src/connector/jdbc/src/main/java/com/taosdata/jdbc/TSDBDriver.java @@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ public class TSDBDriver implements java.sql.Driver { } //load taos.cfg start - if (info.getProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_HOST) == null && info.getProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_PORT) == null){ + if (info.getProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_HOST) == null && info.getProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_PORT) == null) { File cfgDir = loadConfigDir(info.getProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CONFIG_DIR)); File cfgFile = cfgDir.listFiles((dir, name) -> "taos.cfg".equalsIgnoreCase(name))[0]; List endpoints = loadConfigEndpoints(cfgFile); @@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ public class TSDBDriver implements java.sql.Driver { } public boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException { - return (url != null && url.length() > 0 && url.trim().length() > 0) && url.toLowerCase().startsWith(URL_PREFIX); + return (url != null && url.length() > 0 && url.trim().length() > 0) && url.startsWith(URL_PREFIX); } public DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, Properties info) throws SQLException { @@ -291,8 +291,7 @@ public class TSDBDriver implements java.sql.Driver { return null; } - String lowerUrl = url.toLowerCase(); - if (!lowerUrl.startsWith(URL_PREFIX) && !lowerUrl.startsWith(URL_PREFIX1)) { + if (!url.startsWith(URL_PREFIX) && !url.startsWith(URL_PREFIX1)) { return null; } diff --git a/src/inc/taosdef.h b/src/inc/taosdef.h index f9d4b3d7bf974bb8e6ca5cbb7c2021e137e32fd5..228aba2a5e57cc362ffb3af54a81093328e047b5 100644 --- a/src/inc/taosdef.h +++ b/src/inc/taosdef.h @@ -294,6 +294,8 @@ void tsDataSwap(void *pLeft, void *pRight, int32_t type, int32_t size, void* buf #define TSDB_CQ_SQL_SIZE 1024 #define TSDB_MIN_VNODES 64 #define TSDB_MAX_VNODES 2048 +#define TSDB_MIN_VNODES_PER_DB 2 +#define TSDB_MAX_VNODES_PER_DB 16 #define TSDB_DNODE_ROLE_ANY 0 #define TSDB_DNODE_ROLE_MGMT 1 diff --git a/src/inc/twal.h b/src/inc/twal.h index 4fdb7aa275d539ae63129e038c4ae50f59552e1f..cf570aefdc50f26944706f4eddb1d44364986bca 100644 --- a/src/inc/twal.h +++ b/src/inc/twal.h @@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ typedef void* twalh; // WAL HANDLE typedef int (*FWalWrite)(void *ahandle, void *pHead, int type); twalh walOpen(const char *path, const SWalCfg *pCfg); +int walAlter(twalh pWal, const SWalCfg *pCfg); void walClose(twalh); int walRenew(twalh); int walWrite(twalh, SWalHead *); diff --git a/src/mnode/inc/mnodeDef.h b/src/mnode/inc/mnodeDef.h index 682986b29f8e7e2d22f96b60e3ecb309ea9c4fdc..8a2947dd180218dfd2ddc91d52b2825ccb011eae 100644 --- a/src/mnode/inc/mnodeDef.h +++ b/src/mnode/inc/mnodeDef.h @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ typedef struct SDnodeObj { int16_t cpuAvgUsage; // calc from sys.cpu int16_t memoryAvgUsage; // calc from sys.mem int16_t bandwidthUsage; // calc from sys.band - int8_t reserved2[2]; + int8_t offlineReason; + int8_t reserved2[1]; } SDnodeObj; typedef struct SMnodeObj { diff --git a/src/mnode/inc/mnodeDnode.h b/src/mnode/inc/mnodeDnode.h index 13b6ec44111cd9526522c8d213a767c66ad834c1..b6ddb7a9bf27252bb9dc97d8c6645245354a6428 100644 --- a/src/mnode/inc/mnodeDnode.h +++ b/src/mnode/inc/mnodeDnode.h @@ -33,6 +33,28 @@ typedef enum { TAOS_DN_ALTERNATIVE_ROLE_VNODE } EDnodeAlternativeRole; +typedef enum EDnodeOfflineReason { + TAOS_DN_OFF_ONLINE = 0, + TAOS_DN_OFF_STATUS_MSG_TIMEOUT, + TAOS_DN_OFF_STATUS_NOT_RECEIVED, + TAOS_DN_OFF_RESET_BY_MNODE, + TAOS_DN_OFF_VERSION_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_DNODE_ID_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_CLUSTER_ID_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_NUM_OF_MNODES_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_ENABLE_BALANCE_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_MN_EQUAL_VN_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_STATUS_INTERVAL_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_MAX_TAB_PER_VN_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_MAX_VG_PER_DB_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_ARBITRATOR_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_TIME_ZONE_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_LOCALE_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_CHARSET_NOT_MATCH, + TAOS_DN_OFF_OTHERS +} EDnodeOfflineReason; + int32_t mnodeInitDnodes(); void mnodeCleanupDnodes(); diff --git a/src/mnode/src/mnodeDb.c b/src/mnode/src/mnodeDb.c index 54c049d242c504eee095120f800e023095b8eda6..8558350950de3892e30fac80514177ed3f76f886 100644 --- a/src/mnode/src/mnodeDb.c +++ b/src/mnode/src/mnodeDb.c @@ -910,13 +910,13 @@ static SDbCfg mnodeGetAlterDbOption(SDbObj *pDb, SCMAlterDbMsg *pAlter) { } if (walLevel > 0 && walLevel != pDb->cfg.walLevel) { - mError("db:%s, can't alter walLevel option", pDb->name); - terrno = TSDB_CODE_MND_INVALID_DB_OPTION; + mDebug("db:%s, walLevel:%d change to %d", pDb->name, pDb->cfg.walLevel, walLevel); + newCfg.walLevel = walLevel; } if (fsyncPeriod >= 0 && fsyncPeriod != pDb->cfg.fsyncPeriod) { - mError("db:%s, can't alter fsyncPeriod option", pDb->name); - terrno = TSDB_CODE_MND_INVALID_DB_OPTION; + mDebug("db:%s, fsyncPeriod:%d change to %d", pDb->name, pDb->cfg.fsyncPeriod, fsyncPeriod); + newCfg.fsyncPeriod = fsyncPeriod; } if (replications > 0 && replications != pDb->cfg.replications) { diff --git a/src/mnode/src/mnodeDnode.c b/src/mnode/src/mnodeDnode.c index ac8730b0ccb308b04be0519e56e91714e09f07b5..61c1d4113fea5170dd02e3d46d5f7a579788f326 100644 --- a/src/mnode/src/mnodeDnode.c +++ b/src/mnode/src/mnodeDnode.c @@ -60,6 +60,28 @@ static int32_t mnodeGetDnodeMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pC static int32_t mnodeRetrieveDnodes(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, void *pConn); static char* mnodeGetDnodeAlternativeRoleStr(int32_t alternativeRole); +static char* offlineReason[] = { + "", + "status msg timeout", + "status not received", + "status reset by mnode", + "version not match", + "dnodeId not match", + "clusterId not match", + "numOfMnodes not match", + "balance not match", + "mnEqualVn not match", + "offThreshold not match", + "interval not match", + "maxTabPerVn not match", + "maxVgPerDb not match", + "arbitrator not match", + "timezone not match", + "locale not match", + "charset not match", + "unknown", +}; + static int32_t mnodeDnodeActionDestroy(SSdbOper *pOper) { taosTFree(pOper->pObj); return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; @@ -70,6 +92,7 @@ static int32_t mnodeDnodeActionInsert(SSdbOper *pOper) { if (pDnode->status != TAOS_DN_STATUS_DROPPING) { pDnode->status = TAOS_DN_STATUS_OFFLINE; pDnode->lastAccess = tsAccessSquence; + pDnode->offlineReason = TAOS_DN_OFF_STATUS_NOT_RECEIVED; } mInfo("dnode:%d, fqdn:%s ep:%s port:%d, do insert action", pDnode->dnodeId, pDnode->dnodeFqdn, pDnode->dnodeEp, pDnode->dnodePort); @@ -334,74 +357,85 @@ static void mnodeProcessCfgDnodeMsgRsp(SRpcMsg *rpcMsg) { mInfo("cfg dnode rsp is received"); } -static bool mnodeCheckClusterCfgPara(const SClusterCfg *clusterCfg) { +static int32_t mnodeCheckClusterCfgPara(const SClusterCfg *clusterCfg) { if (clusterCfg->numOfMnodes != htonl(tsNumOfMnodes)) { mError("\"numOfMnodes\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->numOfMnodes, htonl(tsNumOfMnodes)); - return false; - } - if (clusterCfg->enableBalance != htonl(tsEnableBalance)) { + return TAOS_DN_OFF_NUM_OF_MNODES_NOT_MATCH; + } + if (clusterCfg->enableBalance != htonl(tsEnableBalance)) { mError("\"balance\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->enableBalance, htonl(tsEnableBalance)); - return false; + return TAOS_DN_OFF_ENABLE_BALANCE_NOT_MATCH; } if (clusterCfg->mnodeEqualVnodeNum != htonl(tsMnodeEqualVnodeNum)) { - mError("\"mnodeEqualVnodeNum\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->mnodeEqualVnodeNum, htonl(tsMnodeEqualVnodeNum)); - return false; + mError("\"mnodeEqualVnodeNum\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->mnodeEqualVnodeNum, + htonl(tsMnodeEqualVnodeNum)); + return TAOS_DN_OFF_MN_EQUAL_VN_NOT_MATCH; } - if (clusterCfg->offlineThreshold != htonl(tsOfflineThreshold)) { - mError("\"offlineThreshold\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->offlineThreshold, htonl(tsOfflineThreshold)); - return false; + if (clusterCfg->offlineThreshold != htonl(tsOfflineThreshold)) { + mError("\"offlineThreshold\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->offlineThreshold, + htonl(tsOfflineThreshold)); + return TAOS_DN_OFF_OFFLINE_THRESHOLD_NOT_MATCH; } - if (clusterCfg->statusInterval != htonl(tsStatusInterval)) { - mError("\"statusInterval\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->statusInterval, htonl(tsStatusInterval)); - return false; + if (clusterCfg->statusInterval != htonl(tsStatusInterval)) { + mError("\"statusInterval\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->statusInterval, + htonl(tsStatusInterval)); + return TAOS_DN_OFF_STATUS_INTERVAL_NOT_MATCH; } - if (clusterCfg->maxtablesPerVnode != htonl(tsMaxTablePerVnode)) { - mError("\"maxTablesPerVnode\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->maxtablesPerVnode, htonl(tsMaxTablePerVnode)); - return false; + if (clusterCfg->maxtablesPerVnode != htonl(tsMaxTablePerVnode)) { + mError("\"maxTablesPerVnode\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->maxtablesPerVnode, + htonl(tsMaxTablePerVnode)); + return TAOS_DN_OFF_MAX_TAB_PER_VN_NOT_MATCH; } - if (clusterCfg->maxVgroupsPerDb != htonl(tsMaxVgroupsPerDb)) { - mError("\"maxVgroupsPerDb\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->maxVgroupsPerDb, htonl(tsMaxVgroupsPerDb)); - return false; + if (clusterCfg->maxVgroupsPerDb != htonl(tsMaxVgroupsPerDb)) { + mError("\"maxVgroupsPerDb\"[%d - %d] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->maxVgroupsPerDb, + htonl(tsMaxVgroupsPerDb)); + return TAOS_DN_OFF_MAX_VG_PER_DB_NOT_MATCH; } if (0 != strncasecmp(clusterCfg->arbitrator, tsArbitrator, strlen(tsArbitrator))) { mError("\"arbitrator\"[%s - %s] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->arbitrator, tsArbitrator); - return false; + return TAOS_DN_OFF_ARBITRATOR_NOT_MATCH; } int64_t checkTime = 0; - char timestr[32] = "1970-01-01 00:00:00.00"; + char timestr[32] = "1970-01-01 00:00:00.00"; (void)taosParseTime(timestr, &checkTime, strlen(timestr), TSDB_TIME_PRECISION_MILLI, 0); - if ((0 != strncasecmp(clusterCfg->timezone, tsTimezone, strlen(tsTimezone))) && (checkTime != clusterCfg->checkTime)) { - mError("\"timezone\"[%s - %s] [%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64"] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->timezone, tsTimezone, clusterCfg->checkTime, checkTime); - return false; + if ((0 != strncasecmp(clusterCfg->timezone, tsTimezone, strlen(tsTimezone))) && + (checkTime != clusterCfg->checkTime)) { + mError("\"timezone\"[%s - %s] [%" PRId64 " - %" PRId64 "] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->timezone, + tsTimezone, clusterCfg->checkTime, checkTime); + return TAOS_DN_OFF_TIME_ZONE_NOT_MATCH; } if (0 != strncasecmp(clusterCfg->locale, tsLocale, strlen(tsLocale))) { mError("\"locale\"[%s - %s] cfg parameters inconsistent", clusterCfg->locale, tsLocale); - return false; + return TAOS_DN_OFF_LOCALE_NOT_MATCH; } if (0 != strncasecmp(clusterCfg->charset, tsCharset, strlen(tsCharset))) { mError("\"charset\"[%s - %s] cfg parameters inconsistent.", clusterCfg->charset, tsCharset); - return false; + return TAOS_DN_OFF_CHARSET_NOT_MATCH; } - - return true; + + return 0; } static int32_t mnodeProcessDnodeStatusMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) { + SDnodeObj *pDnode = NULL; SDMStatusMsg *pStatus = pMsg->rpcMsg.pCont; pStatus->dnodeId = htonl(pStatus->dnodeId); pStatus->moduleStatus = htonl(pStatus->moduleStatus); pStatus->lastReboot = htonl(pStatus->lastReboot); pStatus->numOfCores = htons(pStatus->numOfCores); - + uint32_t version = htonl(pStatus->version); if (version != tsVersion) { - mError("status msg version:%d not equal with mnode:%d", version, tsVersion); + pDnode = mnodeGetDnodeByEp(pStatus->dnodeEp); + if (pDnode != NULL && pDnode->status != TAOS_DN_STATUS_READY) { + pDnode->offlineReason = TAOS_DN_OFF_VERSION_NOT_MATCH; + } + mError("dnode:%d, status msg version:%d not equal with cluster:%d", pStatus->dnodeId, version, tsVersion); return TSDB_CODE_MND_INVALID_MSG_VERSION; } - SDnodeObj *pDnode = NULL; if (pStatus->dnodeId == 0) { pDnode = mnodeGetDnodeByEp(pStatus->dnodeEp); if (pDnode == NULL) { @@ -411,7 +445,11 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessDnodeStatusMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) { } else { pDnode = mnodeGetDnode(pStatus->dnodeId); if (pDnode == NULL) { - mError("dnode id:%d, %s not exist", pStatus->dnodeId, pStatus->dnodeEp); + pDnode = mnodeGetDnodeByEp(pStatus->dnodeEp); + if (pDnode != NULL && pDnode->status != TAOS_DN_STATUS_READY) { + pDnode->offlineReason = TAOS_DN_OFF_DNODE_ID_NOT_MATCH; + } + mError("dnode:%d, %s not exist", pStatus->dnodeId, pStatus->dnodeEp); return TSDB_CODE_MND_DNODE_NOT_EXIST; } } @@ -426,6 +464,9 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessDnodeStatusMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) { mDebug("dnode:%d %s, first access, set clusterId %s", pDnode->dnodeId, pDnode->dnodeEp, mnodeGetClusterId()); } else { if (strncmp(pStatus->clusterId, mnodeGetClusterId(), TSDB_CLUSTER_ID_LEN - 1) != 0) { + if (pDnode != NULL && pDnode->status != TAOS_DN_STATUS_READY) { + pDnode->offlineReason = TAOS_DN_OFF_CLUSTER_ID_NOT_MATCH; + } mError("dnode:%d, input clusterId %s not match with exist %s", pDnode->dnodeId, pStatus->clusterId, mnodeGetClusterId()); return TSDB_CODE_MND_INVALID_CLUSTER_ID; @@ -469,16 +510,19 @@ static int32_t mnodeProcessDnodeStatusMsg(SMnodeMsg *pMsg) { if (pDnode->status == TAOS_DN_STATUS_OFFLINE) { // Verify whether the cluster parameters are consistent when status change from offline to ready - bool ret = mnodeCheckClusterCfgPara(&(pStatus->clusterCfg)); - if (false == ret) { + int32_t ret = mnodeCheckClusterCfgPara(&(pStatus->clusterCfg)); + if (0 != ret) { + pDnode->offlineReason = ret; mnodeDecDnodeRef(pDnode); rpcFreeCont(pRsp); - mError("dnode:%d, %s cluster cfg parameters inconsistent", pDnode->dnodeId, pStatus->dnodeEp); + mError("dnode:%d, %s cluster cfg parameters inconsistent, reason:%s", pDnode->dnodeId, pStatus->dnodeEp, + offlineReason[ret]); return TSDB_CODE_MND_CLUSTER_CFG_INCONSISTENT; } - + mDebug("dnode:%d, from offline to online", pDnode->dnodeId); pDnode->status = TAOS_DN_STATUS_READY; + pDnode->offlineReason = TAOS_DN_OFF_ONLINE; balanceSyncNotify(); balanceAsyncNotify(); } @@ -529,6 +573,7 @@ static int32_t mnodeCreateDnode(char *ep, SMnodeMsg *pMsg) { pDnode = (SDnodeObj *) calloc(1, sizeof(SDnodeObj)); pDnode->createdTime = taosGetTimestampMs(); pDnode->status = TAOS_DN_STATUS_OFFLINE; + pDnode->offlineReason = TAOS_DN_OFF_STATUS_NOT_RECEIVED; tstrncpy(pDnode->dnodeEp, ep, TSDB_EP_LEN); taosGetFqdnPortFromEp(ep, pDnode->dnodeFqdn, &pDnode->dnodePort); @@ -654,13 +699,13 @@ static int32_t mnodeGetDnodeMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pC pSchema[cols].bytes = htons(pShow->bytes[cols]); cols++; - pShow->bytes[cols] = 12 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; + pShow->bytes[cols] = 10 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; strcpy(pSchema[cols].name, "status"); pSchema[cols].bytes = htons(pShow->bytes[cols]); cols++; - pShow->bytes[cols] = 6 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; + pShow->bytes[cols] = 5 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; strcpy(pSchema[cols].name, "role"); pSchema[cols].bytes = htons(pShow->bytes[cols]); @@ -672,6 +717,12 @@ static int32_t mnodeGetDnodeMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *pC pSchema[cols].bytes = htons(pShow->bytes[cols]); cols++; + pShow->bytes[cols] = 24 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; + pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; + strcpy(pSchema[cols].name, "offline reason"); + pSchema[cols].bytes = htons(pShow->bytes[cols]); + cols++; + pMeta->numOfColumns = htons(cols); pShow->numOfColumns = cols; @@ -731,8 +782,11 @@ static int32_t mnodeRetrieveDnodes(SShowObj *pShow, char *data, int32_t rows, vo *(int64_t *)pWrite = pDnode->createdTime; cols++; - - numOfRows++; + pWrite = data + pShow->offset[cols] * rows + pShow->bytes[cols] * numOfRows; + STR_TO_VARSTR(pWrite, offlineReason[pDnode->offlineReason]); + cols++; + + numOfRows++; mnodeDecDnodeRef(pDnode); } diff --git a/src/mnode/src/mnodeVgroup.c b/src/mnode/src/mnodeVgroup.c index aa6631ff837010e9fffb3663b5b50a57c61b557c..7dbf605405f1dc393c46be871651f0dab57c8f16 100644 --- a/src/mnode/src/mnodeVgroup.c +++ b/src/mnode/src/mnodeVgroup.c @@ -434,7 +434,8 @@ int32_t mnodeGetAvailableVgroup(SMnodeMsg *pMsg, SVgObj **ppVgroup, int32_t *pSi int maxVgroupsPerDb = tsMaxVgroupsPerDb; if (maxVgroupsPerDb <= 0) { maxVgroupsPerDb = mnodeGetOnlinDnodesCpuCoreNum(); - maxVgroupsPerDb = MAX(maxVgroupsPerDb, 2); + maxVgroupsPerDb = MAX(maxVgroupsPerDb, TSDB_MIN_VNODES_PER_DB); + maxVgroupsPerDb = MIN(maxVgroupsPerDb, TSDB_MAX_VNODES_PER_DB); } int32_t code = TSDB_CODE_MND_NO_ENOUGH_DNODES; @@ -660,13 +661,13 @@ static int32_t mnodeGetVgroupMeta(STableMetaMsg *pMeta, SShowObj *pShow, void *p for (int32_t i = 0; i < pShow->maxReplica; ++i) { pShow->bytes[cols] = 2; pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_SMALLINT; - strcpy(pSchema[cols].name, "dnode"); + snprintf(pSchema[cols].name, TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN, "dnode%d", i + 1); pSchema[cols].bytes = htons(pShow->bytes[cols]); cols++; pShow->bytes[cols] = 9 + VARSTR_HEADER_SIZE; pSchema[cols].type = TSDB_DATA_TYPE_BINARY; - strcpy(pSchema[cols].name, "vstatus"); + snprintf(pSchema[cols].name, TSDB_COL_NAME_LEN, "v%dstatus", i + 1); pSchema[cols].bytes = htons(pShow->bytes[cols]); cols++; } diff --git a/src/os/inc/osDir.h b/src/os/inc/osDir.h index 17683743e3ee7ed11350c02e504cce9f379b73d9..4a522dadb590bdeebe130850ad4bd73cfc37bb8d 100644 --- a/src/os/inc/osDir.h +++ b/src/os/inc/osDir.h @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ void taosRemoveDir(char *rootDir); int taosMkDir(const char *pathname, mode_t mode); void taosRename(char* oldName, char *newName); void taosRemoveOldLogFiles(char *rootDir, int32_t keepDays); +int32_t taosCompressFile(char *srcFileName, char *destFileName); #ifdef __cplusplus } diff --git a/src/os/src/detail/CMakeLists.txt b/src/os/src/detail/CMakeLists.txt index 9f710e3ddffbe9342857cc3e92348f70c586f86e..afb89354536f03d4a467fa16e20a7fe25794ade2 100644 --- a/src/os/src/detail/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/os/src/detail/CMakeLists.txt @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8) PROJECT(TDengine) INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(.) +INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(${TD_COMMUNITY_DIR}/deps/zlib-1.2.11/inc) AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(. SRC) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(osSysinfo.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -w) SET_SOURCE_FILES_PROPERTIES(osCoredump.c PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS -w) diff --git a/src/os/src/detail/osDir.c b/src/os/src/detail/osDir.c index 93651c78ef98cfbcb8bbdbb575b3fb952acab229..30fd05ffc7c040d4abf5bf3a0a9b6dcf28eb3ebb 100644 --- a/src/os/src/detail/osDir.c +++ b/src/os/src/detail/osDir.c @@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ #include "os.h" #include "tglobal.h" #include "tulog.h" +#include "zlib.h" + +#define COMPRESS_STEP_SIZE 163840 void taosRemoveDir(char *rootDir) { DIR *dir = opendir(rootDir); @@ -73,11 +76,11 @@ void taosRemoveOldLogFiles(char *rootDir, int32_t keepDays) { if (de->d_type & DT_DIR) { continue; } else { - // struct stat fState; - // if (stat(fname, &fState) < 0) { - // continue; - // } int32_t len = (int32_t)strlen(filename); + if (len > 3 && strcmp(filename + len - 3, ".gz") == 0) { + len -= 3; + } + int64_t fileSec = 0; for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (filename[i] == '.') { @@ -100,3 +103,45 @@ void taosRemoveOldLogFiles(char *rootDir, int32_t keepDays) { closedir(dir); rmdir(rootDir); } + +int32_t taosCompressFile(char *srcFileName, char *destFileName) { + int32_t ret = 0; + int32_t len = 0; + char * data = malloc(COMPRESS_STEP_SIZE); + FILE * srcFp = NULL; + gzFile dstFp = NULL; + + srcFp = fopen(srcFileName, "r"); + if (srcFp == NULL) { + ret = -1; + goto cmp_end; + } + + int32_t fd = open(destFileName, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO); + if (fd < 0) { + ret = -2; + goto cmp_end; + } + + dstFp = gzdopen(fd, "wb6f"); + if (dstFp == NULL) { + ret = -3; + goto cmp_end; + } + + while (!feof(srcFp)) { + len = (int32_t)fread(data, 1, COMPRESS_STEP_SIZE, srcFp); + gzwrite(dstFp, data, len); + } + +cmp_end: + if (srcFp) { + fclose(srcFp); + } + if (dstFp) { + gzclose(dstFp); + } + free(data); + + return ret; +} diff --git a/src/rpc/src/rpcMain.c b/src/rpc/src/rpcMain.c index cb318d5c24f26e66e2771c170ac39010e6e34ca0..50b1507a56f8923f507b225838717a62a1e8c9bd 100644 --- a/src/rpc/src/rpcMain.c +++ b/src/rpc/src/rpcMain.c @@ -323,14 +323,14 @@ void *rpcMallocCont(int contLen) { tError("failed to malloc msg, size:%d", size); return NULL; } else { - tDebug("malloc mem: %p", start); + tDebug("malloc msg: %p", start); } return start + sizeof(SRpcReqContext) + sizeof(SRpcHead); } void rpcFreeCont(void *cont) { - if ( cont ) { + if (cont) { char *temp = ((char *)cont) - sizeof(SRpcHead) - sizeof(SRpcReqContext); free(temp); tDebug("free mem: %p", temp); @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ static void rpcFreeMsg(void *msg) { if ( msg ) { char *temp = (char *)msg - sizeof(SRpcReqContext); free(temp); - tDebug("free mem: %p", temp); + tDebug("free msg: %p", temp); } } diff --git a/src/rpc/src/rpcTcp.c b/src/rpc/src/rpcTcp.c index 56b3fa8616089e72cfb9ba55e96520fa084a0176..2a3facdb36c0b5ea71aa4b3140245f06404f8bea 100644 --- a/src/rpc/src/rpcTcp.c +++ b/src/rpc/src/rpcTcp.c @@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ static int taosReadTcpData(SFdObj *pFdObj, SRecvInfo *pInfo) { msgLen = (int32_t)htonl((uint32_t)rpcHead.msgLen); buffer = malloc(msgLen + tsRpcOverhead); - if ( NULL == buffer) { + if (NULL == buffer) { tError("%s %p TCP malloc(size:%d) fail", pThreadObj->label, pFdObj->thandle, msgLen); return -1; } else { diff --git a/src/tsdb/src/tsdbMemTable.c b/src/tsdb/src/tsdbMemTable.c index f6a7f1b35cf7992b3bb9ccdab5892418c8174eb1..4cf8ddd4bd8df396352ad66b8499552018d5d322 100644 --- a/src/tsdb/src/tsdbMemTable.c +++ b/src/tsdb/src/tsdbMemTable.c @@ -262,7 +262,9 @@ int tsdbAsyncCommit(STsdbRepo *pRepo) { if (pIMem != NULL) { ASSERT(pRepo->commit); + tsdbDebug("vgId:%d waiting for the commit thread", REPO_ID(pRepo)); code = pthread_join(pRepo->commitThread, NULL); + tsdbDebug("vgId:%d commit thread is finished", REPO_ID(pRepo)); if (code != 0) { tsdbError("vgId:%d failed to thread join since %s", REPO_ID(pRepo), strerror(errno)); terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); diff --git a/src/util/CMakeLists.txt b/src/util/CMakeLists.txt index e63a085cc8d9e81d68e770df64f6c0d6c43e1807..89c8e3dc39211eca1b6c877f7789ad4313917ea2 100644 --- a/src/util/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/src/util/CMakeLists.txt @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ PROJECT(TDengine) AUX_SOURCE_DIRECTORY(src SRC) ADD_LIBRARY(tutil ${SRC}) -TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(tutil pthread osdetail lz4) +TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(tutil pthread osdetail lz4 z) IF (TD_LINUX) TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(tutil m rt) diff --git a/src/util/inc/tskiplist.h b/src/util/inc/tskiplist.h index 4ba620dce03c51cd49faeb0ed113d64fe2d24959..a14a8565617bc08eefc989168a93f523f2e6caff 100644 --- a/src/util/inc/tskiplist.h +++ b/src/util/inc/tskiplist.h @@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ typedef struct SSkipListIterator { SSkipListNode *cur; int32_t step; // the number of nodes that have been checked already int32_t order; // order of the iterator + SSkipListNode *next; // next points to the true qualified node in skip list } SSkipListIterator; /** diff --git a/src/util/src/tcache.c b/src/util/src/tcache.c index 49b9996cf4fcb813f3c0db00697277a5352e9116..2637699adb1c6b7508418fe10e189ff37a969b2a 100644 --- a/src/util/src/tcache.c +++ b/src/util/src/tcache.c @@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ static FORCE_INLINE void taosCacheReleaseNode(SCacheObj *pCacheObj, SCacheDataNo int32_t size = (int32_t)taosHashGetSize(pCacheObj->pHashTable); assert(size > 0); - uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is destroyed from cache, size:%dbytes, num:%d size:%" PRId64 "bytes", + uDebug("cache:%s, key:%p, %p is destroyed from cache, size:%dbytes, totalNum:%d size:%" PRId64 "bytes", pCacheObj->name, pNode->key, pNode->data, pNode->size, size - 1, pCacheObj->totalSize); if (pCacheObj->freeFp) { diff --git a/src/util/src/tlog.c b/src/util/src/tlog.c index e5afe1b68e789e4c5500aad21ea3f074302bc36f..09b0933fd6e32e9b65c8c7acbb81fbfe7d5c005b 100644 --- a/src/util/src/tlog.c +++ b/src/util/src/tlog.c @@ -139,14 +139,22 @@ static void taosUnLockFile(int32_t fd) { } static void taosKeepOldLog(char *oldName) { - if (tsLogKeepDays <= 0) return; + if (tsLogKeepDays == 0) return; int64_t fileSec = taosGetTimestampSec(); char fileName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20]; snprintf(fileName, LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20, "%s.%" PRId64, tsLogObj.logName, fileSec); taosRename(oldName, fileName); - taosRemoveOldLogFiles(tsLogDir, tsLogKeepDays); + if (tsLogKeepDays < 0) { + char compressFileName[LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20]; + snprintf(compressFileName, LOG_FILE_NAME_LEN + 20, "%s.%" PRId64 ".gz", tsLogObj.logName, fileSec); + if (taosCompressFile(fileName, compressFileName) == 0) { + (void)remove(fileName); + } + } + + taosRemoveOldLogFiles(tsLogDir, ABS(tsLogKeepDays)); } static void *taosThreadToOpenNewFile(void *param) { diff --git a/src/util/src/tskiplist.c b/src/util/src/tskiplist.c index 303c2440bf9b59282b8347604d58d3368dd312c0..bacdaef6c8da1e42218331aaa34d25aa40ab5dc4 100644 --- a/src/util/src/tskiplist.c +++ b/src/util/src/tskiplist.c @@ -79,9 +79,12 @@ static SSkipListIterator* doCreateSkipListIterator(SSkipList *pSkipList, int32_t // when order is TSDB_ORDER_ASC, return the last node with key less than val // when order is TSDB_ORDER_DESC, return the first node with key large than val -static SSkipListNode* getPriorNode(SSkipList* pSkipList, const char* val, int32_t order) { +static SSkipListNode* getPriorNode(SSkipList* pSkipList, const char* val, int32_t order, SSkipListNode** pCur) { __compar_fn_t comparFn = pSkipList->comparFn; SSkipListNode *pNode = NULL; + if (pCur != NULL) { + *pCur = NULL; + } if (order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) { pNode = pSkipList->pHead; @@ -93,6 +96,9 @@ static SSkipListNode* getPriorNode(SSkipList* pSkipList, const char* val, int32_ pNode = p; p = SL_GET_FORWARD_POINTER(p, i); } else { + if (pCur != NULL) { + *pCur = p; + } break; } } @@ -107,6 +113,9 @@ static SSkipListNode* getPriorNode(SSkipList* pSkipList, const char* val, int32_ pNode = p; p = SL_GET_BACKWARD_POINTER(p, i); } else { + if (pCur != NULL) { + *pCur = p; + } break; } } @@ -295,7 +304,7 @@ SArray* tSkipListGet(SSkipList *pSkipList, SSkipListKey key) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pSkipList->lock); } - SSkipListNode* pNode = getPriorNode(pSkipList, key, TSDB_ORDER_ASC); + SSkipListNode* pNode = getPriorNode(pSkipList, key, TSDB_ORDER_ASC, NULL); while (1) { SSkipListNode *p = SL_GET_FORWARD_POINTER(pNode, 0); if (p == pSkipList->pTail) { @@ -452,7 +461,7 @@ uint32_t tSkipListRemove(SSkipList *pSkipList, SSkipListKey key) { pthread_rwlock_wrlock(pSkipList->lock); } - SSkipListNode* pNode = getPriorNode(pSkipList, key, TSDB_ORDER_ASC); + SSkipListNode* pNode = getPriorNode(pSkipList, key, TSDB_ORDER_ASC, NULL); while (1) { SSkipListNode *p = SL_GET_FORWARD_POINTER(pNode, 0); if (p == pSkipList->pTail) { @@ -545,7 +554,7 @@ SSkipListIterator *tSkipListCreateIterFromVal(SSkipList* pSkipList, const char* pthread_rwlock_rdlock(pSkipList->lock); } - iter->cur = getPriorNode(pSkipList, val, order); + iter->cur = getPriorNode(pSkipList, val, order, &iter->next); if (pSkipList->lock) { pthread_rwlock_unlock(pSkipList->lock); @@ -567,8 +576,22 @@ bool tSkipListIterNext(SSkipListIterator *iter) { if (iter->order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) { // ascending order iterate iter->cur = SL_GET_FORWARD_POINTER(iter->cur, 0); + + // a new node is inserted into between iter->cur and iter->next, ignore it + if (iter->cur != iter->next && (iter->next != NULL)) { + iter->cur = iter->next; + } + + iter->next = SL_GET_FORWARD_POINTER(iter->cur, 0); } else { // descending order iterate iter->cur = SL_GET_BACKWARD_POINTER(iter->cur, 0); + + // a new node is inserted into between iter->cur and iter->next, ignore it + if (iter->cur != iter->next && (iter->next != NULL)) { + iter->cur = iter->next; + } + + iter->next = SL_GET_BACKWARD_POINTER(iter->cur, 0); } if (pSkipList->lock) { @@ -715,9 +738,11 @@ SSkipListIterator* doCreateSkipListIterator(SSkipList *pSkipList, int32_t order) iter->order = order; if(order == TSDB_ORDER_ASC) { iter->cur = pSkipList->pHead; + iter->next = SL_GET_FORWARD_POINTER(iter->cur, 0); } else { iter->cur = pSkipList->pTail; + iter->next = SL_GET_BACKWARD_POINTER(iter->cur, 0); } - + return iter; } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/vnode/src/vnodeMain.c b/src/vnode/src/vnodeMain.c index a4e88fb9468e47f91e908ea669456d52b2592765..d89c383d6a4147ae6a2501fca0c73481f1a437f0 100644 --- a/src/vnode/src/vnodeMain.c +++ b/src/vnode/src/vnodeMain.c @@ -186,6 +186,12 @@ int32_t vnodeAlter(void *param, SMDCreateVnodeMsg *pVnodeCfg) { return code; } + code = walAlter(pVnode->wal, &pVnode->walCfg); + if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { + pVnode->status = TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY; + return code; + } + code = syncReconfig(pVnode->sync, &pVnode->syncCfg); if (code != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) { pVnode->status = TAOS_VN_STATUS_READY; @@ -390,6 +396,7 @@ void vnodeRelease(void *pVnodeRaw) { if (0 == tsEnableVnodeBak) { vInfo("vgId:%d, vnode backup not enabled", pVnode->vgId); } else { + taosRemoveDir(newDir); taosRename(rootDir, newDir); } diff --git a/src/vnode/src/vnodeWrite.c b/src/vnode/src/vnodeWrite.c index 1a9b05ed34eb787ba6594c99f2fdf7c3f3b81945..0c310439bb0904da9252cb1c29e1652472f60df7 100644 --- a/src/vnode/src/vnodeWrite.c +++ b/src/vnode/src/vnodeWrite.c @@ -130,8 +130,15 @@ static int32_t vnodeProcessCreateTableMsg(SVnodeObj *pVnode, void *pCont, SRspRe int code = TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; STableCfg *pCfg = tsdbCreateTableCfgFromMsg((SMDCreateTableMsg *)pCont); - if (pCfg == NULL) return terrno; - if (tsdbCreateTable(pVnode->tsdb, pCfg) < 0) code = terrno; + if (pCfg == NULL) { + ASSERT(terrno != 0); + return terrno; + } + + if (tsdbCreateTable(pVnode->tsdb, pCfg) < 0) { + code = terrno; + ASSERT(code != 0); + } tsdbClearTableCfg(pCfg); return code; diff --git a/src/wal/src/walMain.c b/src/wal/src/walMain.c index bebad69f3224e70efb795dad51e77745ea3053e4..a90c1b171c2c492a029ec0b56810518de1532f51 100644 --- a/src/wal/src/walMain.c +++ b/src/wal/src/walMain.c @@ -69,6 +69,13 @@ static void walModuleInitFunc() { wDebug("WAL module is initialized"); } +static inline bool walNeedFsyncTimer(SWal *pWal) { + if (pWal->fsyncPeriod > 0 && pWal->level == TAOS_WAL_FSYNC) { + return true; + } + return false; +} + void *walOpen(const char *path, const SWalCfg *pCfg) { SWal *pWal = calloc(sizeof(SWal), 1); if (pWal == NULL) { @@ -95,7 +102,7 @@ void *walOpen(const char *path, const SWalCfg *pCfg) { tstrncpy(pWal->path, path, sizeof(pWal->path)); pthread_mutex_init(&pWal->mutex, NULL); - if (pWal->fsyncPeriod > 0 && pWal->level == TAOS_WAL_FSYNC) { + if (walNeedFsyncTimer(pWal)) { pWal->timer = taosTmrStart(walProcessFsyncTimer, pWal->fsyncPeriod, pWal, walTmrCtrl); if (pWal->timer == NULL) { terrno = TAOS_SYSTEM_ERROR(errno); @@ -127,6 +134,37 @@ void *walOpen(const char *path, const SWalCfg *pCfg) { return pWal; } +int walAlter(twalh wal, const SWalCfg *pCfg) { + SWal *pWal = wal; + if (pWal == NULL) { + return TSDB_CODE_WAL_APP_ERROR; + } + + if (pWal->level == pCfg->walLevel && pWal->fsyncPeriod == pCfg->fsyncPeriod) { + wDebug("wal:%s, old walLevel:%d fsync:%d, new walLevel:%d fsync:%d not change", pWal->name, pWal->level, + pWal->fsyncPeriod, pCfg->walLevel, pCfg->fsyncPeriod); + return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; + } + + wInfo("wal:%s, change old walLevel:%d fsync:%d, new walLevel:%d fsync:%d", pWal->name, pWal->level, pWal->fsyncPeriod, + pCfg->walLevel, pCfg->fsyncPeriod); + + pthread_mutex_lock(&pWal->mutex); + pWal->level = pCfg->walLevel; + pWal->fsyncPeriod = pCfg->fsyncPeriod; + if (walNeedFsyncTimer(pWal)) { + wInfo("wal:%s, reset fsync timer, walLevel:%d fsyncPeriod:%d", pWal->name, pWal->level, pWal->fsyncPeriod); + taosTmrReset(walProcessFsyncTimer, pWal->fsyncPeriod, pWal, &pWal->timer,walTmrCtrl); + } else { + wInfo("wal:%s, stop fsync timer, walLevel:%d fsyncPeriod:%d", pWal->name, pWal->level, pWal->fsyncPeriod); + taosTmrStop(pWal->timer); + pWal->timer = NULL; + } + pthread_mutex_unlock(&pWal->mutex); + + return TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS; +} + void walClose(void *handle) { if (handle == NULL) return; @@ -484,6 +522,12 @@ static void walProcessFsyncTimer(void *param, void *tmrId) { if (fsync(pWal->fd) < 0) { wError("wal:%s, fsync failed(%s)", pWal->name, strerror(errno)); } - - pWal->timer = taosTmrStart(walProcessFsyncTimer, pWal->fsyncPeriod, pWal, walTmrCtrl); + + if (walNeedFsyncTimer(pWal)) { + pWal->timer = taosTmrStart(walProcessFsyncTimer, pWal->fsyncPeriod, pWal, walTmrCtrl); + } else { + wInfo("wal:%s, stop fsync timer for walLevel:%d fsyncPeriod:%d", pWal->name, pWal->level, pWal->fsyncPeriod); + taosTmrStop(pWal->timer); + pWal->timer = NULL; + } } diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/.gitignore b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b79f223d17fd22185243066700aede395f6328fd --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +# custom +/out/ +/logs/ +*.jar + +# Created by .ignore support plugin (hsz.mobi) +.gitignore + +# Build Artifacts +.gradle/* +build/* +target/* +bin/* +dependency-reduced-pom.xml + +# Eclipse Project Files +.classpath +.project +.settings/* diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/pom.xml b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/pom.xml index 92d757edfdea304084b5971613da231db2b9daef..21130746741209b1b9e89d00a73c7e52e496b519 100644 --- a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/pom.xml +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/pom.xml @@ -65,5 +65,10 @@ taos-jdbcdriver 2.0.4 + + log4j + log4j + 1.2.17 + diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/JDBCConnectorChecker.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/JDBCConnectorChecker.java index 1e801bc65894ef437ee41d692f9ef725b4f639ef..74e586d7fdf1a0f8ad65a807134caae7e05f6d4a 100644 --- a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/JDBCConnectorChecker.java +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/JDBCConnectorChecker.java @@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ public class JDBCConnectorChecker { private static String tbName = "weather"; private Connection connection; - /** * get connection **/ @@ -170,5 +169,4 @@ public class JDBCConnectorChecker { checker.close(); } - } diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/JdbcTaosdemo.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/JdbcTaosdemo.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c30d85a084d7175e9e6861ad33d7374a868553d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/JdbcTaosdemo.java @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +package com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo; + +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.domain.JdbcTaosdemoConfig; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.task.CreateTableTask; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.task.InsertTableDatetimeTask; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.task.InsertTableTask; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.ConnectionFactory; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.SqlSpeller; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.TimeStampUtil; +import org.apache.log4j.Logger; + +import java.sql.*; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; + +public class JdbcTaosdemo { + + private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(JdbcTaosdemo.class); + private final JdbcTaosdemoConfig config; + private Connection connection; + + public JdbcTaosdemo(JdbcTaosdemoConfig config) { + this.config = config; + } + + public static void main(String[] args) { + JdbcTaosdemoConfig config = new JdbcTaosdemoConfig(args); + + boolean isHelp = Arrays.asList(args).contains("--help"); + if (isHelp) { + JdbcTaosdemoConfig.printHelp(); + return; + } + if (config.getHost() == null) { + JdbcTaosdemoConfig.printHelp(); + return; + } + + JdbcTaosdemo taosdemo = new JdbcTaosdemo(config); + taosdemo.init(); + taosdemo.dropDatabase(); + taosdemo.createDatabase(); + taosdemo.useDatabase(); + taosdemo.createSuperTable(); + taosdemo.createTableMultiThreads(); + + boolean infinite = Arrays.asList(args).contains("--infinite"); + if (infinite) { + logger.info("!!! Infinite Insert Mode Started. !!!!"); + taosdemo.insertInfinite(); + } else { + taosdemo.insertMultiThreads(); + // single table select + taosdemo.selectFromTableLimit(); + taosdemo.selectCountFromTable(); + taosdemo.selectAvgMinMaxFromTable(); + // super table select + taosdemo.selectFromSuperTableLimit(); + taosdemo.selectCountFromSuperTable(); + taosdemo.selectAvgMinMaxFromSuperTable(); + // drop super table + if (config.isDeleteTable()) + taosdemo.dropSuperTable(); + taosdemo.close(); + } + } + + + /** + * establish the connection + */ + private void init() { + try { + Class.forName("com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver"); + connection = ConnectionFactory.build(config); + if (connection != null) + logger.info("[ OK ] Connection established."); + } catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + throw new RuntimeException("connection failed: " + config.getHost()); + } + } + + /** + * create database + */ + private void createDatabase() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.createDatabaseSQL(config.getDbName(), config.getKeep(), config.getDays()); + execute(sql); + } + + /** + * drop database + */ + private void dropDatabase() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.dropDatabaseSQL(config.getDbName()); + execute(sql); + } + + /** + * use database + */ + private void useDatabase() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.useDatabaseSQL(config.getDbName()); + execute(sql); + } + + /** + * create super table + */ + private void createSuperTable() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.createSuperTableSQL(config.getStbName()); + execute(sql); + } + + /** + * create table use super table with multi threads + */ + private void createTableMultiThreads() { + try { + final int tableSize = config.getNumberOfTable() / config.getNumberOfThreads(); + List threads = new ArrayList<>(); + for (int i = 0; i < config.getNumberOfThreads(); i++) { + Thread thread = new Thread(new CreateTableTask(config, i * tableSize, tableSize), "Thread-" + i); + threads.add(thread); + thread.start(); + } + for (Thread thread : threads) { + thread.join(); + } + logger.info("<<< Multi Threads create table finished."); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + + /** + * insert data infinitely + */ + private void insertInfinite() { + try { + final long startDatetime = TimeStampUtil.datetimeToLong("2005-01-01 00:00:00.000"); + final long finishDatetime = TimeStampUtil.datetimeToLong("2030-01-01 00:00:00.000"); + + final int tableSize = config.getNumberOfTable() / config.getNumberOfThreads(); + List threads = new ArrayList<>(); + for (int i = 0; i < config.getNumberOfThreads(); i++) { + Thread thread = new Thread(new InsertTableDatetimeTask(config, i * tableSize, tableSize, startDatetime, finishDatetime), "Thread-" + i); + threads.add(thread); + thread.start(); + } + for (Thread thread : threads) { + thread.join(); + } + logger.info("<<< Multi Threads insert table finished."); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + + private void insertMultiThreads() { + try { + final int tableSize = config.getNumberOfTable() / config.getNumberOfThreads(); + final int numberOfRecordsPerTable = config.getNumberOfRecordsPerTable(); + List threads = new ArrayList<>(); + for (int i = 0; i < config.getNumberOfThreads(); i++) { + Thread thread = new Thread(new InsertTableTask(config, i * tableSize, tableSize, numberOfRecordsPerTable), "Thread-" + i); + threads.add(thread); + thread.start(); + } + for (Thread thread : threads) { + thread.join(); + } + logger.info("<<< Multi Threads insert table finished."); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + + private void selectFromTableLimit() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.selectFromTableLimitSQL(config.getDbName(), config.getTbPrefix(), 1, 10, 0); + executeQuery(sql); + } + + private void selectCountFromTable() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.selectCountFromTableSQL(config.getDbName(), config.getTbPrefix(), 1); + executeQuery(sql); + } + + private void selectAvgMinMaxFromTable() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.selectAvgMinMaxFromTableSQL("current", config.getDbName(), config.getTbPrefix(), 1); + executeQuery(sql); + } + + private void selectFromSuperTableLimit() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.selectFromSuperTableLimitSQL(config.getDbName(), config.getStbName(), 10, 0); + executeQuery(sql); + } + + private void selectCountFromSuperTable() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.selectCountFromSuperTableSQL(config.getDbName(), config.getStbName()); + executeQuery(sql); + } + + private void selectAvgMinMaxFromSuperTable() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.selectAvgMinMaxFromSuperTableSQL("current", config.getDbName(), config.getStbName()); + executeQuery(sql); + } + + private void close() { + try { + if (connection != null) { + this.connection.close(); + logger.info("connection closed."); + } + } catch (SQLException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + + /** + * drop super table + */ + private void dropSuperTable() { + String sql = SqlSpeller.dropSuperTableSQL(config.getDbName(), config.getStbName()); + execute(sql); + } + + /** + * execute sql, use this method when sql is create, alter, drop.. + */ + private void execute(String sql) { + try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { + long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); + boolean execute = statement.execute(sql); + long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); + printSql(sql, execute, (end - start)); + } catch (SQLException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + + private static void printSql(String sql, boolean succeed, long cost) { + System.out.println("[ " + (succeed ? "OK" : "ERROR!") + " ] time cost: " + cost + " ms, execute statement ====> " + sql); + } + + private void executeQuery(String sql) { + try (Statement statement = connection.createStatement()) { + long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); + ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(sql); + long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); + printSql(sql, true, (end - start)); + printResult(resultSet); + } catch (SQLException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + + private static void printResult(ResultSet resultSet) throws SQLException { + ResultSetMetaData metaData = resultSet.getMetaData(); + while (resultSet.next()) { + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + for (int i = 1; i <= metaData.getColumnCount(); i++) { + String columnLabel = metaData.getColumnLabel(i); + String value = resultSet.getString(i); + sb.append(columnLabel + ": " + value + "\t"); + } + System.out.println(sb.toString()); + } + } + +} diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/domain/JdbcTaosdemoConfig.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/domain/JdbcTaosdemoConfig.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3cca9a3d7a8b45be5d733b9f7a4836eb89c828c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/domain/JdbcTaosdemoConfig.java @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +package com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.domain; + +public final class JdbcTaosdemoConfig { + + //The host to connect to TDengine. Must insert one + private String host; + //The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection. Default is 6030. + private int port = 6030; + //The TDengine user name to use when connecting to the server. Default is 'root' + private String user = "root"; + //The password to use when connecting to the server. Default is 'taosdata' + private String password = "taosdata"; + + //Destination database. Default is 'test' + private String dbName = "test"; + //keep + private int keep = 365 * 20; + //days + private int days = 30; + + //Super table Name. Default is 'meters' + private String stbName = "meters"; + //Table name prefix. Default is 'd' + private String tbPrefix = "d"; + //The number of tables. Default is 10. + private int numberOfTable = 10; + //The number of records per table. Default is 2 + private int numberOfRecordsPerTable = 2; + //The number of records per request. Default is 100 + private int numberOfRecordsPerRequest = 100; + + //The number of threads. Default is 1. + private int numberOfThreads = 1; + //Delete data. Default is false + private boolean deleteTable = false; + + public static void printHelp() { + System.out.println("Usage: java -jar JDBCConnectorChecker.jar [OPTION...]"); + System.out.println("-h host The host to connect to TDengine. you must input one"); + System.out.println("-p port The TCP/IP port number to use for the connection. Default is 6030"); + System.out.println("-u user The TDengine user name to use when connecting to the server. Default is 'root'"); + System.out.println("-P password The password to use when connecting to the server.Default is 'taosdata'"); + System.out.println("-d database Destination database. Default is 'test'"); + System.out.println("-m tablePrefix Table prefix name. Default is 'd'"); + System.out.println("-t num_of_tables The number of tables. Default is 10"); + System.out.println("-n num_of_records_per_table The number of records per table. Default is 2"); + System.out.println("-r num_of_records_per_req The number of records per request. Default is 100"); + System.out.println("-T num_of_threads The number of threads. Default is 1"); + System.out.println("-D delete table Delete data methods. Default is false"); + System.out.println("--help Give this help list"); +// System.out.println("--infinite infinite insert mode"); + } + + /** + * parse args from command line + * + * @param args command line args + * @return JdbcTaosdemoConfig + */ + public JdbcTaosdemoConfig(String[] args) { + for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { + if ("-h".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + host = args[++i]; + } + if ("-p".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + port = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); + } + if ("-u".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + user = args[++i]; + } + if ("-P".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + password = args[++i]; + } + if ("-d".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + dbName = args[++i]; + } + if ("-m".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + tbPrefix = args[++i]; + } + if ("-t".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + numberOfTable = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); + } + if ("-n".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + numberOfRecordsPerTable = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); + } + if ("-r".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + numberOfRecordsPerRequest = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); + } + if ("-T".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + numberOfThreads = Integer.parseInt(args[++i]); + } + if ("-D".equals(args[i]) && i < args.length - 1) { + deleteTable = Boolean.parseBoolean(args[++i]); + } + } + } + + public String getHost() { + return host; + } + + public int getPort() { + return port; + } + + public String getUser() { + return user; + } + + public String getPassword() { + return password; + } + + public String getDbName() { + return dbName; + } + + public int getKeep() { + return keep; + } + + public int getDays() { + return days; + } + + public String getStbName() { + return stbName; + } + + public String getTbPrefix() { + return tbPrefix; + } + + public int getNumberOfTable() { + return numberOfTable; + } + + public int getNumberOfRecordsPerTable() { + return numberOfRecordsPerTable; + } + + public int getNumberOfThreads() { + return numberOfThreads; + } + + public boolean isDeleteTable() { + return deleteTable; + } + + public int getNumberOfRecordsPerRequest() { + return numberOfRecordsPerRequest; + } +} diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/CreateTableTask.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/CreateTableTask.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1da2c8647efe0e9204f1a591ba9431a489c91cb0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/CreateTableTask.java @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +package com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.task; + +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.domain.JdbcTaosdemoConfig; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.ConnectionFactory; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.SqlSpeller; +import org.apache.log4j.Logger; + +import java.sql.Connection; +import java.sql.SQLException; +import java.sql.Statement; + +public class CreateTableTask implements Runnable { + + private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CreateTableTask.class); + private final JdbcTaosdemoConfig config; + private final int startIndex; + private final int tableNumber; + + public CreateTableTask(JdbcTaosdemoConfig config, int startIndex, int tableNumber) { + this.config = config; + this.startIndex = startIndex; + this.tableNumber = tableNumber; + } + + @Override + public void run() { + try { + Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.build(config); + for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + tableNumber; i++) { + Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); + String sql = SqlSpeller.createTableSQL(i + 1, config.getDbName(), config.getStbName()); + statement.execute(sql); + statement.close(); + logger.info(">>> " + sql); + } + connection.close(); + } catch (SQLException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } +} diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/InsertTableDatetimeTask.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/InsertTableDatetimeTask.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f60c25646573223a9cbfd820c8eb37e4f6f6c8c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/InsertTableDatetimeTask.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +package com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.task; + +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.domain.JdbcTaosdemoConfig; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.ConnectionFactory; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.SqlSpeller; +import org.apache.log4j.Logger; + +import java.sql.Connection; +import java.sql.SQLException; +import java.sql.Statement; + +public class InsertTableDatetimeTask implements Runnable { + private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(InsertTableDatetimeTask.class); + + private final JdbcTaosdemoConfig config; + private final int startTableIndex; + private final int tableNumber; + private final long startDatetime; + private final long finishedDatetime; + + public InsertTableDatetimeTask(JdbcTaosdemoConfig config, int startTableIndex, int tableNumber, long startDatetime, long finishedDatetime) { + this.config = config; + this.startTableIndex = startTableIndex; + this.tableNumber = tableNumber; + this.startDatetime = startDatetime; + this.finishedDatetime = finishedDatetime; + } + + @Override + public void run() { + try { + Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.build(config); + int valuesCount = config.getNumberOfRecordsPerRequest(); + for (long ts = startDatetime; ts < finishedDatetime; ts += valuesCount) { + for (int i = startTableIndex; i < startTableIndex + tableNumber; i++) { + String sql = SqlSpeller.insertBatchSizeRowsSQL(config.getDbName(), config.getTbPrefix(), i + 1, ts, valuesCount); + Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); + statement.execute(sql); + statement.close(); + logger.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">>> " + sql); + } + } + connection.close(); + } catch (SQLException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } +} diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/InsertTableTask.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/InsertTableTask.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d6d6ebbff1ac08e68e3e8034a59f84189ad86bf4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/task/InsertTableTask.java @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.task; + +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.domain.JdbcTaosdemoConfig; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.ConnectionFactory; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.SqlSpeller; +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils.TimeStampUtil; +import org.apache.log4j.Logger; + +import java.sql.Connection; +import java.sql.SQLException; +import java.sql.Statement; +import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; + +public class InsertTableTask implements Runnable { + private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(InsertTableTask.class); + private static AtomicLong beginTimestamp = new AtomicLong(TimeStampUtil.datetimeToLong("2005-01-01 00:00:00.000")); + + private final JdbcTaosdemoConfig config; + private final int startIndex; + private final int tableNumber; + private final int recordsNumber; + + public InsertTableTask(JdbcTaosdemoConfig config, int startIndex, int tableNumber, int recordsNumber) { + this.config = config; + this.startIndex = startIndex; + this.tableNumber = tableNumber; + this.recordsNumber = recordsNumber; + } + + @Override + public void run() { + try { + Connection connection = ConnectionFactory.build(config); + // iterate insert + for (int j = 0; j < recordsNumber; j++) { + long ts = beginTimestamp.getAndIncrement(); + // insert data into echo table + for (int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + tableNumber; i++) { + String sql = SqlSpeller.insertOneRowSQL(config.getDbName(), config.getTbPrefix(), i + 1, ts); + Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); + statement.execute(sql); + statement.close(); + logger.info(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ">>> " + sql); + } + } + connection.close(); + } catch (SQLException e) { + logger.error(e.getMessage()); + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } +} diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/ConnectionFactory.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/ConnectionFactory.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..52691f4de722db2eb17e7061e09ff0e59a390077 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/ConnectionFactory.java @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +package com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils; + +import com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.domain.JdbcTaosdemoConfig; +import com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBDriver; + +import java.sql.Connection; +import java.sql.DriverManager; +import java.sql.SQLException; +import java.util.Properties; + +public class ConnectionFactory { + + public static Connection build(JdbcTaosdemoConfig config) throws SQLException { + return build(config.getHost(), config.getPort(), config.getDbName(), config.getUser(), config.getPassword()); + } + + public static Connection build(String host, int port, String dbName) throws SQLException { + return build(host, port, dbName, "root", "taosdata"); + } + + private static Connection build(String host, int port, String dbName, String user, String password) throws SQLException { + Properties properties = new Properties(); + properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_USER, user); + properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_PASSWORD, password); + properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_CHARSET, "UTF-8"); + properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_LOCALE, "en_US.UTF-8"); + properties.setProperty(TSDBDriver.PROPERTY_KEY_TIME_ZONE, "UTC-8"); + return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:TAOS://" + host + ":" + port + "/" + dbName + "", properties); + } + + +} diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/SqlSpeller.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/SqlSpeller.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7af97f3b1baa0206f6f29b18a1ae59d2182c5423 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/SqlSpeller.java @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +package com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils; + +import java.util.Random; + +public class SqlSpeller { + private static final Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); + private static final String[] locations = { + "Beijing", "Shanghai", "Guangzhou", "Shenzhen", + "HangZhou", "Tianjin", "Wuhan", "Changsha", "Nanjing", "Xian" + }; + + public static String createDatabaseSQL(String dbName, int keep, int days) { + return "create database if not exists " + dbName + " keep " + keep + " days " + days; + } + + public static String dropDatabaseSQL(String dbName) { + return "drop database if exists " + dbName; + } + + public static String useDatabaseSQL(String dbName) { + return "use " + dbName; + } + + public static String createSuperTableSQL(String superTableName) { + return "create table if not exists " + superTableName + "(ts timestamp, current float, voltage int, phase float) tags(location binary(64), groupId int)"; + } + + public static String dropSuperTableSQL(String dbName, String superTableName) { + return "drop table if exists " + dbName + "." + superTableName; + } + + public static String createTableSQL(int tableIndex, String dbName, String superTableName) { + String location = locations[random.nextInt(locations.length)]; + return "create table d" + tableIndex + " using " + dbName + "." + superTableName + " tags('" + location + "'," + tableIndex + ")"; + } + + public static String insertOneRowSQL(String dbName, String tbPrefix, int tableIndex, long ts) { + float current = 10 + random.nextFloat(); + int voltage = 200 + random.nextInt(20); + float phase = random.nextFloat(); + String sql = "insert into " + dbName + "." + tbPrefix + "" + tableIndex + " " + "values(" + ts + ", " + current + ", " + voltage + ", " + phase + ")"; + return sql; + } + + public static String insertBatchSizeRowsSQL(String dbName, String tbPrefix, int tbIndex, long ts, int valuesCount) { + float current = 10 + random.nextFloat(); + int voltage = 200 + random.nextInt(20); + float phase = random.nextFloat(); + StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); + sb.append("insert into " + dbName + "." + tbPrefix + "" + tbIndex + " " + "values"); + for (int i = 0; i < valuesCount; i++) { + sb.append("(" + (ts + i) + ", " + current + ", " + voltage + ", " + phase + ") "); + } + return sb.toString(); + } + + public static String selectFromTableLimitSQL(String dbName, String tbPrefix, int tbIndex, int limit, int offset) { + return "select * from " + dbName + "." + tbPrefix + "" + tbIndex + " limit " + limit + " offset " + offset; + } + + public static String selectCountFromTableSQL(String dbName, String tbPrefix, int tbIndex) { + return "select count(*) from " + dbName + "." + tbPrefix + "" + tbIndex; + } + + public static String selectAvgMinMaxFromTableSQL(String field, String dbName, String tbPrefix, int tbIndex) { + return "select avg(" + field + "),min(" + field + "),max(" + field + ") from " + dbName + "." + tbPrefix + "" + tbIndex; + } + + public static String selectFromSuperTableLimitSQL(String dbName, String stbName, int limit, int offset) { + return "select * from " + dbName + "." + stbName + " limit " + limit + " offset " + offset; + } + + public static String selectCountFromSuperTableSQL(String dbName, String stableName) { + return "select count(*) from " + dbName + "." + stableName; + } + + public static String selectAvgMinMaxFromSuperTableSQL(String field, String dbName, String stbName) { + return "select avg(" + field + "),min(" + field + "),max(" + field + ") from " + dbName + "." + stbName + ""; + } + + +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/TimeStampUtil.java b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/TimeStampUtil.java new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d00471f58147f9c66f3747c1f8a1eadbae3a6dab --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/java/com/taosdata/example/jdbcTaosdemo/utils/TimeStampUtil.java @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +package com.taosdata.example.jdbcTaosdemo.utils; + +import java.sql.Date; +import java.text.ParseException; +import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; + +public class TimeStampUtil { + private static final String datetimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; + + public static long datetimeToLong(String dateTime) { + SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(datetimeFormat); + try { + return sdf.parse(dateTime).getTime(); + } catch (ParseException e) { + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } + + public static String longToDatetime(long time) { + SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(datetimeFormat); + return sdf.format(new Date(time)); + } + + public static void main(String[] args) { + final String startTime = "2005-01-01 00:00:00.000"; + + long start = TimeStampUtil.datetimeToLong(startTime); + System.out.println(start); + + String datetime = TimeStampUtil.longToDatetime(1519833600000L); + System.out.println(datetime); + } + + +} diff --git a/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/resources/log4j.properties b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/resources/log4j.properties new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b445e5f52edf1a2b19c35c1be187716d17cdd7b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/examples/JDBC/JDBCDemo/src/main/resources/log4j.properties @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +### 设置### +log4j.rootLogger=debug,stdout,DebugLog,ErrorLog +### 输出信息到控制抬 ### +log4j.appender.stdout=org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender +log4j.appender.stdout.Target=System.out +log4j.appender.stdout.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout +log4j.appender.stdout.layout.ConversionPattern=[%-5p] %d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS} method:%l%n%m%n +### 输出DEBUG 级别以上的日志到=logs/error.log ### +log4j.appender.DebugLog=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender +log4j.appender.DebugLog.File=logs/debug.log +log4j.appender.DebugLog.Append=true +log4j.appender.DebugLog.Threshold=DEBUG +log4j.appender.DebugLog.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout +log4j.appender.DebugLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%-d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [ %t:%r ] - [ %p ] %m%n +### 输出ERROR 级别以上的日志到=logs/error.log ### +log4j.appender.ErrorLog=org.apache.log4j.DailyRollingFileAppender +log4j.appender.ErrorLog.File=logs/error.log +log4j.appender.ErrorLog.Append=true +log4j.appender.ErrorLog.Threshold=ERROR +log4j.appender.ErrorLog.layout=org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout +log4j.appender.ErrorLog.layout.ConversionPattern=%-d{yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss} [ %t:%r ] - [ %p ] %m%n \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/examples/python/read_example.py b/tests/examples/python/read_example.py index dd1475ec1452d8c968d7aa575134ae11ac76d854..73052ab2df54fcee8fb01573e23eb7b29ed11712 100644 --- a/tests/examples/python/read_example.py +++ b/tests/examples/python/read_example.py @@ -22,8 +22,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__': # @password : Password # @database : Database to use when connecting to TDengine server # @config : Configuration directory - conn = taos.connect(host="", user="root", password="taosdata", config="/etc/taos") - + if len(sys.argv)>1: + hostname=sys.argv[1] + conn = taos.connect(host=hostname, user="root", password="taosdata", config="/etc/taos") + else: + conn = taos.connect(host="", user="root", password="taosdata", config="/etc/taos") + # Generate a cursor object to run SQL commands c1 = conn.cursor() # Create a database named db diff --git a/tests/gotest/batchtest.sh b/tests/gotest/batchtest.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a027dd0d7ce04c599233157bdd618fad3885c809 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/gotest/batchtest.sh @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +bash ./case001/case001.sh +#bash ./case002/case002.sh +#bash ./case003/case003.sh diff --git a/tests/gotest/case001/case001.go b/tests/gotest/case001/case001.go new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1d5ede6d21a0bacad34cb807a16b50e0ae643512 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/gotest/case001/case001.go @@ -0,0 +1,308 @@ +/* + * Copyright (c) 2019 TAOS Data, Inc. + * + * This program is free software: you can use, redistribute, and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 + * or later ("AGPL"), as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT + * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or + * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License + * along with this program. If not, see . + */ +package main + +import ( + "database/sql" + "fmt" + _ "github.com/taosdata/driver-go/taosSql" + "log" + "time" +) + +func main() { + taosDriverName := "taosSql" + demodb := "demodb" + demot := "demot" + + fmt.Printf("\n======== start demo test ========\n") + // open connect to taos server + db, err := sql.Open(taosDriverName, "root:taosdata@/tcp(") + if err != nil { + log.Fatalf("Open database error: %s\n", err) + } + defer db.Close() + + drop_database(db, demodb) + create_database(db, demodb) + use_database(db, demodb) + create_table(db, demot) + insert_data(db, demot) + select_data(db, demot) + + fmt.Printf("\n======== start stmt mode test ========\n") + + demodbStmt := "demodbStmt" + demotStmt := "demotStmt" + drop_database_stmt(db, demodbStmt) + create_database_stmt(db, demodbStmt) + use_database_stmt(db, demodbStmt) + create_table_stmt(db, demotStmt) + insert_data_stmt(db, demotStmt) + select_data_stmt(db, demotStmt) + + fmt.Printf("\n======== end demo test ========\n") +} + +func drop_database(db *sql.DB, demodb string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + res, err := db.Exec("drop database if exists " + demodb) + checkErr(err, "drop database if exists "+demodb) + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "drop db, res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + + fmt.Printf("drop database result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) + + //sleep 50毫秒 + time.Sleep(time.Duration(50)* time.Millisecond) +} + +func create_database(db *sql.DB, demodb string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // create database + res, err := db.Exec("create database " + demodb) + checkErr(err, "create db, db.Exec") + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "create db, res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + + fmt.Printf("create database result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) + + return +} + +func use_database(db *sql.DB, demodb string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // use database + res, err := db.Exec("use " + demodb) // notes: must no quote to db name + checkErr(err, "use db db.Exec") + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "use db, res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + + fmt.Printf("use database result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func create_table(db *sql.DB, demot string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // create table + res, err := db.Exec("create table " + demot + " (ts timestamp, id int, name binary(8), len tinyint, flag bool, notes binary(8), fv float, dv double)") + checkErr(err, "create table db.Exec") + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "create table res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("create table result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func insert_data(db *sql.DB, demot string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // insert data + res, err := db.Exec("insert into " + demot + + " values (now, 100, 'beijing', 10, true, 'one', 123.456, 123.456)" + + " (now+1s, 101, 'shanghai', 11, true, 'two', 789.123, 789.123)" + + " (now+2s, 102, 'shenzhen', 12, false, 'three', 456.789, 456.789)") + + checkErr(err, "insert data, db.Exec") + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "insert data res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("insert data result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func select_data(db *sql.DB, demot string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + + rows, err := db.Query("select * from ? ", demot) // go text mode + checkErr(err, "select db.Query") + + fmt.Printf("%10s%s%8s %5s %9s%s %s %8s%s %7s%s %8s%s %4s%s %5s%s\n", " ", "ts", " ", "id", " ", "name", " ", "len", " ", "flag", " ", "notes", " ", "fv", " ", " ", "dv") + var affectd int + + //decoder := mahonia.NewDecoder("gbk") // 把原来ANSI格式的文本文件里的字符,用gbk进行解码。 + + for rows.Next() { + var ts string + var name string + var id int + var len int8 + var flag bool + var notes string + var fv float32 + var dv float64 + + err = rows.Scan(&ts, &id, &name, &len, &flag, ¬es, &fv, &dv) + checkErr(err, "select rows.Scan") + + fmt.Printf("%s|\t", ts) + fmt.Printf("%d|\t", id) + fmt.Printf("%10s|\t", name) + fmt.Printf("%d|\t", len) + fmt.Printf("%t|\t", flag) + fmt.Printf("%s|\t", notes) + fmt.Printf("%06.3f|\t", fv) + fmt.Printf("%09.6f|\n\n", dv) + + affectd++ + } + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("select data result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) + //fmt.Printf("insert data result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1E9) +} + +func drop_database_stmt(db *sql.DB, demodb string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // drop test db + res, err := db.Exec("drop database if exists " + demodb) + checkErr(err, "drop database "+demodb) + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "drop db, res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("drop database result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func create_database_stmt(db *sql.DB, demodb string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // create database + //var stmt interface{} + stmt, err := db.Prepare("create database ?") + checkErr(err, "create db, db.Prepare") + + //var res driver.Result + res, err := stmt.Exec(demodb) + checkErr(err, "create db, stmt.Exec") + + //fmt.Printf("Query OK, %d row(s) affected()", res.RowsAffected()) + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "create db, res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("create database result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func use_database_stmt(db *sql.DB, demodb string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // create database + //var stmt interface{} + stmt, err := db.Prepare("use " + demodb) + checkErr(err, "use db, db.Prepare") + + res, err := stmt.Exec() + checkErr(err, "use db, stmt.Exec") + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "use db, res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("use database result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func create_table_stmt(db *sql.DB, demot string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // create table + // (ts timestamp, id int, name binary(8), len tinyint, flag bool, notes binary(8), fv float, dv double) + stmt, err := db.Prepare("create table ? (? timestamp, ? int, ? binary(10), ? tinyint, ? bool, ? binary(8), ? float, ? double)") + checkErr(err, "create table db.Prepare") + + res, err := stmt.Exec(demot, "ts", "id", "name", "len", "flag", "notes", "fv", "dv") + checkErr(err, "create table stmt.Exec") + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "create table res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("create table result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func insert_data_stmt(db *sql.DB, demot string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + // insert data into table + stmt, err := db.Prepare("insert into ? values(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") + checkErr(err, "insert db.Prepare") + + res, err := stmt.Exec(demot, "now", 1000, "'haidian'", 6, true, "'AI world'", 6987.654, 321.987, + "now+1s", 1001, "'changyang'", 7, false, "'DeepMode'", 12356.456, 128634.456, + "now+2s", 1002, "'chuangping'", 8, true, "'database'", 3879.456, 65433478.456) + checkErr(err, "insert data, stmt.Exec") + + affectd, err := res.RowsAffected() + checkErr(err, "res.RowsAffected") + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("insert data result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func select_data_stmt(db *sql.DB, demot string) { + st := time.Now().Nanosecond() + + stmt, err := db.Prepare("select ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? from ?") // go binary mode + checkErr(err, "db.Prepare") + + rows, err := stmt.Query("ts", "id", "name", "len", "flag", "notes", "fv", "dv", demot) + checkErr(err, "stmt.Query") + + fmt.Printf("%10s%s%8s %5s %8s%s %s %10s%s %7s%s %8s%s %11s%s %14s%s\n", " ", "ts", " ", "id", " ", "name", " ", "len", " ", "flag", " ", "notes", " ", "fv", " ", " ", "dv") + var affectd int + for rows.Next() { + var ts string + var name string + var id int + var len int8 + var flag bool + var notes string + var fv float32 + var dv float64 + + err = rows.Scan(&ts, &id, &name, &len, &flag, ¬es, &fv, &dv) + //fmt.Println("start scan fields from row.rs, &fv:", &fv) + //err = rows.Scan(&fv) + checkErr(err, "rows.Scan") + + fmt.Printf("%s|\t", ts) + fmt.Printf("%d|\t", id) + fmt.Printf("%10s|\t", name) + fmt.Printf("%d|\t", len) + fmt.Printf("%t|\t", flag) + fmt.Printf("%s|\t", notes) + fmt.Printf("%06.3f|\t", fv) + fmt.Printf("%09.6f|\n", dv) + + affectd++ + + } + + et := time.Now().Nanosecond() + fmt.Printf("select data result:\n %d row(s) affectd (%6.6fs)\n\n", affectd, (float32(et-st))/1e9) +} + +func checkErr(err error, prompt string) { + if err != nil { + fmt.Printf("%s\n", prompt) + panic(err) + } +} diff --git a/tests/gotest/case001/case001.sh b/tests/gotest/case001/case001.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a9034c4d18e257eaaf9324c570fbc17b01c548b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/gotest/case001/case001.sh @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +################################################## +# +# Do go test +# +################################################## + +set +e +#set -x + +script_dir="$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))" +#echo "pwd: $script_dir, para0: $0" + +execName=$0 +execName=`echo ${execName##*/}` +goName=`echo ${execName%.*}` + +###### step 1: start one taosd +scriptDir=$script_dir/../../script/sh +bash $scriptDir/stop_dnodes.sh +bash $scriptDir/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +bash $scriptDir/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c walLevel -v 0 +bash $scriptDir/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start + +###### step 2: set config item +TAOS_CFG=/etc/taos/taos.cfg +HOSTNAME=`hostname -f` + +if [ ! -f ${TAOS_CFG} ]; then + touch -f $TAOS_CFG +fi + +echo " " > $TAOS_CFG +echo "firstEp ${HOSTNAME}:7100" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "secondEp ${HOSTNAME}:7200" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "serverPort 7100" >> $TAOS_CFG +#echo "dataDir $DATA_DIR" >> $TAOS_CFG +#echo "logDir $LOG_DIR" >> $TAOS_CFG +#echo "scriptDir ${CODE_DIR}/../script" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "numOfLogLines 100000000" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "dDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "mDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "sdbDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "rpcDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "tmrDebugFlag 131" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "cDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "httpDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "monitorDebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "udebugFlag 135" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "tablemetakeeptimer 5" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "wal 0" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "asyncLog 0" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "locale en_US.UTF-8" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo "enableCoreFile 1" >> $TAOS_CFG +echo " " >> $TAOS_CFG + +ulimit -n 600000 +ulimit -c unlimited +# +##sudo sysctl -w kernel.core_pattern=$TOP_DIR/core.%p.%e +# + +###### step 3: start build +cd $script_dir +rm -f go.* +go mod init $goName +go build +sleep 1s +sudo ./$goName diff --git a/tests/gotest/test.sh b/tests/gotest/test.sh new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fe80d4429546513521286db657a961e0ca8ffc14 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/gotest/test.sh @@ -0,0 +1,42 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +################################################## +# +# Do go test +# +################################################## + +set +e +#set -x + +FILE_NAME= +RELEASE=0 +while getopts "f:" arg +do + case $arg in + f) + FILE_NAME=$OPTARG + echo "input file: $FILE_NAME" + ;; + ?) + echo "unknow argument" + ;; + esac +done + +# start one taosd +bash ../script/sh/stop_dnodes.sh +bash ../script/sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +bash ../script/sh/cfg.sh -n dnode1 -c walLevel -v 0 +bash ../script/sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start + +# start build test go file +caseDir=`echo ${FILE_NAME%/*}` +echo "caseDir: $caseDir" +cd $caseDir +rm go.* +go mod init $caseDir +go build +sleep 1s +./$caseDir + diff --git a/tests/pytest/client/alterDatabase.py b/tests/pytest/client/alterDatabase.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fa397d16c57625d53f6f1b2772afa99ade314e1a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/pytest/client/alterDatabase.py @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +################################################################### +# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. +# All rights reserved. +# +# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. +# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, +# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as +# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao +# +################################################################### + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import sys +from util.log import * +from util.cases import * +from util.sql import * + + +class TDTestCase: + def init(self, conn, logSql): + tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__) + tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql) + + def run(self): + tdSql.prepare() + + tdSql.query('select database()') + tdSql.checkData(0, 0, "db") + + tdSql.execute("alter database db comp 2") + tdSql.query("show databases") + tdSql.checkData(0, 14, 2) + + tdSql.execute("alter database db keep 365") + tdSql.query("show databases") + tdSql.checkData(0, 7, "3650,3650,365") + + tdSql.execute("alter database db quorum 2") + tdSql.query("show databases") + tdSql.checkData(0, 5, 2) + + tdSql.execute("alter database db blocks 100") + tdSql.query("show databases") + tdSql.checkData(0, 9, 100) + + + + def stop(self): + tdSql.close() + tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__) + + +tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase()) +tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase()) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/pytest/fulltest.sh b/tests/pytest/fulltest.sh index e219d76b97fb037291dbd6c3fa4bd57a5bd5807c..b679942054c000050271fcb96328d18adea60b42 100755 --- a/tests/pytest/fulltest.sh +++ b/tests/pytest/fulltest.sh @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f insert/nchar-unicode.py python3 ./test.py -f insert/multi.py python3 ./test.py -f insert/randomNullCommit.py python3 insert/retentionpolicy.py +python3 ./test.py -f insert/alterTableAndInsert.py python3 ./test.py -f table/column_name.py python3 ./test.py -f table/column_num.py @@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ python3 ./test.py -f alter/alter_table_crash.py # client python3 ./test.py -f client/client.py python3 ./test.py -f client/version.py +python3 ./test.py -f client/alterDatabase.py # Misc python3 testCompress.py @@ -197,5 +199,5 @@ python3 test.py -f tools/taosdemo.py # subscribe python3 test.py -f subscribe/singlemeter.py -python3 test.py -f subscribe/stability.py +#python3 test.py -f subscribe/stability.py python3 test.py -f subscribe/supertable.py \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/pytest/insert/alterTableAndInsert.py b/tests/pytest/insert/alterTableAndInsert.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a0447704f3cfa594f3bda01cb0dd14b2e795bb5f --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/pytest/insert/alterTableAndInsert.py @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +################################################################### +# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. +# All rights reserved. +# +# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. +# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, +# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as +# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao +# +################################################################### + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import sys +from util.log import * +from util.cases import * +from util.sql import * + + +class TDTestCase: + def init(self, conn, logSql): + tdLog.debug("start to execute %s" % __file__) + tdSql.init(conn.cursor(), logSql) + + def run(self): + tdSql.prepare() + + tdSql.execute("create table cars(ts timestamp, speed int) tags(id int)") + tdSql.execute("create table car0 using cars tags(0)") + tdSql.execute("insert into car0 values(now, 1)") + tdSql.execute("alter table cars add column c2 int") + tdSql.execute("insert into car0(ts, 'speed') values(now, 2)") + tdSql.checkAffectedRows(1) + + def stop(self): + tdSql.close() + tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__) + +tdCases.addWindows(__file__, TDTestCase()) +tdCases.addLinux(__file__, TDTestCase()) diff --git a/tests/pytest/insert/restful.py b/tests/pytest/insert/restful.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bf9bde99f0f97276e9a00aaa3290258274da988b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/pytest/insert/restful.py @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +################################################################### +# Copyright (c) 2016 by TAOS Technologies, Inc. +# All rights reserved. +# +# This file is proprietary and confidential to TAOS Technologies. +# No part of this file may be reproduced, stored, transmitted, +# disclosed or used in any form or by any means other than as +# expressly provided by the written permission from Jianhui Tao +# +################################################################### + +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- + +import sys +import requests, json +import threading +import string +import random + +class RestfulInsert: + def init(self): + self.header = {'Authorization': 'Basic cm9vdDp0YW9zZGF0YQ=='} + self.url = "" + self.ts = 1104508800000 + self.numOfThreads = 50 + + def get_random_string(self, length): + letters = string.ascii_lowercase + result_str = ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(length)) + return result_str + + def insertData(self, threadID): + print("thread %d started" % threadID) + data = "create table test.tb%d(ts timestamp, name nchar(20))" % threadID + requests.post(self.url, data, headers = self.header) + name = self.get_random_string(10) + start = self.ts + while True: + start += 1 + data = "insert into test.tb%d values(%d, '%s')" % (threadID, start, name) + requests.post(self.url, data, headers = self.header) + + def run(self): + data = "drop database if exists test" + requests.post(self.url, data, headers = self.header) + data = "create database test keep 7300" + requests.post(self.url, data, headers = self.header) + + threads = [] + for i in range(self.numOfThreads): + thread = threading.Thread(target=self.insertData, args=(i,)) + thread.start() + threads.append(thread) + + for i in range(self.numOfThreads): + threads[i].join() + +ri = RestfulInsert() +ri.init() +ri.run() \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/pytest/insert/retentionpolicy.py b/tests/pytest/insert/retentionpolicy.py index c50de31cc468b6a2d48c226dae24bc3d1fe4f033..c69060b5aec16b8d58aa2742e24c44d1ebe543ab 100644 --- a/tests/pytest/insert/retentionpolicy.py +++ b/tests/pytest/insert/retentionpolicy.py @@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ class TDTestRetetion: else: caller = inspect.getframeinfo(inspect.stack()[1][0]) args = (caller.filename, caller.lineno, sql, self.queryRows, expectRows) - os.system("timedatectl set-ntp true") + os.system("sudo timedatectl set-ntp true") + time.sleep(40) tdLog.exit("%s(%d) failed: sql:%s, queryRows:%d != expect:%d" % args) def run(self): @@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ class TDTestRetetion: tdSql.execute('use test;') tdSql.execute('create table test(ts timestamp,i int);') - cmd = 'insert into test values(now-2d,11)(now-1d,11)(now,11)(now+1d,11);' + cmd = 'insert into test values(now-2d,1)(now-1d,2)(now,3)(now+1d,4);' tdLog.info(cmd) tdSql.execute(cmd) tdSql.query('select * from test') @@ -61,46 +62,55 @@ class TDTestRetetion: tdLog.info("=============== step2") tdDnodes.stop(1) - os.system("timedatectl set-ntp false") - os.system("date -s $(date -d \"${DATE} 2 days\" \"+%Y%m%d\")") + os.system("sudo timedatectl set-ntp false") + os.system("sudo date -s $(date -d \"${DATE} 2 days\" \"+%Y%m%d\")") tdDnodes.start(1) - cmd = 'insert into test values(now,11);' + cmd = 'insert into test values(now,5);' + tdDnodes.stop(1) + tdDnodes.start(1) + tdLog.info(cmd) tdSql.execute(cmd) - queryRows=tdSql.query('select * from test') - if queryRows==4: - tdSql.checkRows(4) + self.queryRows=tdSql.query('select * from test') + if self.queryRows==4: + self.checkRows(4,cmd) return 0 else: - tdSql.checkRows(5) - + self.checkRows(5,cmd) tdLog.info("=============== step3") tdDnodes.stop(1) - os.system("date -s $(date -d \"${DATE} 2 days\" \"+%Y%m%d\")") + os.system("sudo date -s $(date -d \"${DATE} 2 days\" \"+%Y%m%d\")") tdDnodes.start(1) - cmd = 'insert into test values(now-1d,11);' tdLog.info(cmd) tdSql.execute(cmd) - queryRows=tdSql.query('select * from test') - tdSql.checkRows(6) + self.queryRows=tdSql.query('select * from test') + if self.queryRows==4: + self.checkRows(4,cmd) + return 0 + cmd = 'insert into test values(now-1d,6);' + tdLog.info(cmd) + tdSql.execute(cmd) + self.queryRows=tdSql.query('select * from test') + self.checkRows(6,cmd) tdLog.info("=============== step4") tdDnodes.stop(1) tdDnodes.start(1) - cmd = 'insert into test values(now,11);' + cmd = 'insert into test values(now,7);' tdLog.info(cmd) tdSql.execute(cmd) - tdSql.query('select * from test') - tdSql.checkRows(7) + self.queryRows=tdSql.query('select * from test') + self.checkRows(7,cmd) tdLog.info("=============== step5") tdDnodes.stop(1) tdDnodes.start(1) cmd='select * from test where ts > now-1d' - queryRows=tdSql.query('select * from test where ts > now-1d') + self.queryRows=tdSql.query('select * from test where ts > now-1d') self.checkRows(1,cmd) def stop(self): - os.system("timedatectl set-ntp true") + os.system("sudo timedatectl set-ntp true") + time.sleep(40) tdSql.close() tdLog.success("%s successfully executed" % __file__) diff --git a/tests/pytest/query/queryNormal.py b/tests/pytest/query/queryNormal.py index 208ac54ecd5192aec7880c49637794c1fa8e17b8..13393117d642ec1fbdf839d59429428ffee79a27 100644 --- a/tests/pytest/query/queryNormal.py +++ b/tests/pytest/query/queryNormal.py @@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ class TDTestCase: tdSql.execute( "insert into tb2 using stb1 tags(2,'tb2', '表2') values ('2020-04-18 15:00:02.000', 3, 2.1), ('2020-04-18 15:00:03.000', 4, 2.2)") - # inner join --- bug + tdSql.error("select * from tb 1") + tdSql.query("select * from tb1 a, tb2 b where a.ts = b.ts") tdSql.checkRows(0) diff --git a/tests/pytest/tools/taosdemo.py b/tests/pytest/tools/taosdemo.py index 54d33c90f36bc5f5b817f7ea9ec6d8787a3f0d78..5bf8ebaf03beb052f09d80b92c6b6b6d588e4f4f 100644 --- a/tests/pytest/tools/taosdemo.py +++ b/tests/pytest/tools/taosdemo.py @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import os from util.log import * from util.cases import * from util.sql import * +from util.dnodes import * class TDTestCase: @@ -25,11 +26,30 @@ class TDTestCase: self.numberOfTables = 10000 self.numberOfRecords = 100 + def getBuildPath(self): + selfPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + if ("community" in selfPath): + projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("community")] + else: + projPath = selfPath[:selfPath.find("tests")] + + for root, dirs, files in os.walk(projPath): + if ("taosd" in files): + rootRealPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(root)) + if ("packaging" not in rootRealPath): + buildPath = root[:len(root)-len("/build/bin")] + break + return buildPath def run(self): tdSql.prepare() - - os.system("yes | taosdemo -t %d -n %d" % (self.numberOfTables, self.numberOfRecords)) + buildPath = self.getBuildPath() + if (buildPath == ""): + tdLog.exit("taosd not found!") + else: + tdLog.info("taosd found in %s" % buildPath) + binPath = buildPath+ "/build/bin/" + os.system("yes | %staosdemo -t %d -n %d" % (binPath,self.numberOfTables, self.numberOfRecords)) tdSql.execute("use test") tdSql.query("select count(*) from meters") diff --git a/tests/script/general/db/alter_option.sim b/tests/script/general/db/alter_option.sim index 49c75966ca12524e0ae80fcb58d7d5e710e78293..c8aa2480c509353ede3c6ce6269afa9e6efd62b5 100644 --- a/tests/script/general/db/alter_option.sim +++ b/tests/script/general/db/alter_option.sim @@ -218,7 +218,10 @@ if $data12_db != 1 then return -1 endi -sql_error alter database db wal 2 +sql alter database db wal 1 +sql alter database db wal 2 +sql alter database db wal 1 +sql alter database db wal 2 sql_error alter database db wal 0 sql_error alter database db wal 3 sql_error alter database db wal 4 @@ -226,11 +229,13 @@ sql_error alter database db wal -1 sql_error alter database db wal 1000 print ============== step fsync -sql_error alter database db fsync 2 -sql_error alter database db fsync 3 -sql_error alter database db fsync 4 +sql alter database db fsync 0 +sql alter database db fsync 1 +sql alter database db fsync 3600 +sql alter database db fsync 18000 +sql alter database db fsync 180000 +sql_error alter database db fsync 180001 sql_error alter database db fsync -1 -sql_error alter database db fsync 1000 print ============== step comp sql show databases diff --git a/tests/script/jenkins/basic.txt b/tests/script/jenkins/basic.txt index 9e42adfea9db15e91f836a57ea2e18ebb8b2c5ac..000d36c17865630a0fa0557a50724e352a8ce1b0 100644 --- a/tests/script/jenkins/basic.txt +++ b/tests/script/jenkins/basic.txt @@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ cd ../../../debug; make ./test.sh -f unique/dnode/balancex.sim ./test.sh -f unique/dnode/offline1.sim ./test.sh -f unique/dnode/offline2.sim +./test.sh -f unique/dnode/reason.sim ./test.sh -f unique/dnode/remove1.sim ./test.sh -f unique/dnode/remove2.sim ./test.sh -f unique/dnode/vnode_clean.sim @@ -302,8 +303,8 @@ cd ../../../debug; make ./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt22.sim ./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt23.sim ./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt24.sim -./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt25.sim -./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt26.sim +#./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt25.sim +#./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt26.sim ./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt33.sim ./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmt34.sim ./test.sh -f unique/mnode/mgmtr2.sim diff --git a/tests/script/unique/dnode/reason.sim b/tests/script/unique/dnode/reason.sim new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ad61a81b9782cf3d52c65059100c879423ae4843 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/script/unique/dnode/reason.sim @@ -0,0 +1,132 @@ +system sh/stop_dnodes.sh + +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode1 -i 1 +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode2 -i 2 + +print ========== step1 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s start +sleep 3000 +sql connect +sql create dnode $hostname2 + +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode2 off: $data7_2 +if $data7_2 != @status not received@ then + return -1 +endi + +print ========== step2 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s start +sleep 3000 +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode2 off: $data7_2 + +print ========== step3 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s stop +sleep 3000 +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode2 off: $data7_2 +if $data7_2 != @status msg timeout@ then + return -1 +endi + +print ========== step4 +sql drop dnode $hostname2 +sleep 5000 +sql show dnodes +if $rows != 1 then + return -1 +endi + +print ========== step5 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s start +sql create dnode $hostname2 +sleep 3000 +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode2 off: $data7_3 +if $data7_3 != @dnodeId not match@ then + return -1 +endi + +print ========== step6 +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode4 -i 4 +system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode4 -c mnodeEqualVnodeNum -v 3 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode4 -s start +sql create dnode $hostname4 + +sleep 3000 +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode4 off: $data7_4 +if $data7_4 != @mnEqualVn not match@ then + return -1 +endi + +print ========== step7 +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode5 -i 5 +system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode5 -c statusInterval -v 3 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode5 -s start +sql create dnode $hostname5 + +sleep 3000 +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode5 off: $data7_5 +if $data7_5 != @interval not match@ then + return -1 +endi + +print ========== step8 +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode6 -i 6 +system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode6 -c balance -v 0 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode6 -s start +sql create dnode $hostname6 + +sleep 3000 +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode6 off: $data7_6 +if $data7_6 != @balance not match@ then + return -1 +endi + +print ========== step9 +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode7 -i 7 +system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode7 -c maxTablesPerVnode -v 3000 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode7 -s start +sql create dnode $hostname7 + +sleep 3000 +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode7 off: $data7_7 +if $data7_7 != @maxTabPerVn not match@ then + return -1 +endi + +print ========== step10 +system sh/deploy.sh -n dnode8 -i 8 +system sh/cfg.sh -n dnode8 -c maxVgroupsPerDb -v 3 +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode8 -s start +sql create dnode $hostname8 + +sleep 3000 +sql show dnodes +print dnode1 off: $data7_1 +print dnode8 off: $data7_8 +if $data7_8 != @maxVgPerDb not match@ then + return -1 +endi + +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode1 -s stop -x SIGINT +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode2 -s stop -x SIGINT +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode3 -s stop -x SIGINT +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode4 -s stop -x SIGINT +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode5 -s stop -x SIGINT +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode6 -s stop -x SIGINT +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode7 -s stop -x SIGINT +system sh/exec.sh -n dnode8 -s stop -x SIGINT \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tests/test/c/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/test/c/CMakeLists.txt index ffab39d41c0170074687684c23dfdc9f57322d44..befaec60a63d0fe60fcee0b5788bb30580fa167b 100644 --- a/tests/test/c/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/tests/test/c/CMakeLists.txt @@ -37,10 +37,10 @@ IF (TD_LINUX) #add_executable(queryPerformance queryPerformance.c) #target_link_libraries(queryPerformance taos_static tutil common pthread) - add_executable(httpTest httpTest.c) - target_link_libraries(httpTest taos_static tutil common pthread mnode monitor http tsdb twal vnode cJson lz4) + #add_executable(httpTest httpTest.c) + #target_link_libraries(httpTest taos_static tutil common pthread mnode monitor http tsdb twal vnode cJson lz4) - add_executable(cacheTest cacheTest.c) - target_link_libraries(cacheTest taos_static tutil common pthread mnode monitor http tsdb twal vnode cJson lz4) + #add_executable(cacheTest cacheTest.c) + #target_link_libraries(cacheTest taos_static tutil common pthread mnode monitor http tsdb twal vnode cJson lz4) ENDIF() diff --git a/tests/test/c/createNormalTable.c b/tests/test/c/createNormalTable.c index 18a648b9e18a9bcc76a273aea4059fb2ce9f7364..60253e2add1ebaa1e6c2c00b073cf13672789346 100644 --- a/tests/test/c/createNormalTable.c +++ b/tests/test/c/createNormalTable.c @@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ void createDbAndSTable(); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { shellParseArgument(argc, argv); taos_init(); - createDbAndSTable(); + if (replica != 0) { + createDbAndSTable(); + } pPrint("%d threads are spawned to create table", numOfThreads); @@ -134,14 +136,31 @@ void *threadFunc(void *param) { int64_t startMs = taosGetTimestampMs(); - for (int32_t t = pInfo->tableBeginIndex; t < pInfo->tableEndIndex; ++t) { - sprintf(qstr, "create table %s%d (ts timestamp, i int)", stableName, t); - TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(con, qstr); - code = taos_errno(pSql); - if (code != 0) { - pError("failed to create table %s%d, reason:%s", stableName, t, tstrerror(code)); + if (replica != 0) { + for (int32_t t = pInfo->tableBeginIndex; t < pInfo->tableEndIndex; ++t) { + sprintf(qstr, "create table %s%d (ts timestamp, i int)", stableName, t); + TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(con, qstr); + code = taos_errno(pSql); + if (code != 0) { + pError("failed to create table %s%d, reason:%s", stableName, t, tstrerror(code)); + } + taos_free_result(pSql); + } + } else { + for (int32_t t = pInfo->tableBeginIndex; t < pInfo->tableEndIndex; ++t) { + sprintf(qstr, "insert into %s%d values(now, 1)", stableName, t); + TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(con, qstr); + code = taos_errno(pSql); + if (code != 0) { + if (code != TSDB_CODE_MND_INVALID_TABLE_NAME) { + pError("failed to create table %s%d, reason:%s", stableName, t, tstrerror(code)); + } + if (code == TSDB_CODE_VND_INVALID_VGROUP_ID) { + exit(0); + } + } + taos_free_result(pSql); } - taos_free_result(pSql); } float createTableSpeed = 0; diff --git a/tests/test/c/importPerTable.c b/tests/test/c/importPerTable.c index b4e8b6870342845ddcc75c2703fbe54119c423f8..68f78980509d5956f6fc177d7e940af5345b68a7 100644 --- a/tests/test/c/importPerTable.c +++ b/tests/test/c/importPerTable.c @@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ #include "ttimer.h" #include "tutil.h" #include "tglobal.h" +#include "osTime.h" #define MAX_RANDOM_POINTS 20000 #define GREEN "\033[1;32m" @@ -43,14 +44,16 @@ void createDbAndTable(); void insertData(); int32_t randomData[MAX_RANDOM_POINTS]; -int64_t rowsPerTable = 10000; +int64_t rowsPerTable = 1000000; int64_t pointsPerTable = 1; -int64_t numOfThreads = 1; -int64_t numOfTablesPerThread = 1; +int64_t numOfThreads = 10; +int64_t numOfTablesPerThread = 100; char dbName[32] = "db"; char stableName[64] = "st"; -int32_t cache = 16384; -int32_t tables = 1000; +int64_t totalUs = 0; +int64_t reqNum = 0; +int64_t maxUs = 0; +int64_t minUs = 100000000; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { shellParseArgument(argc, argv); @@ -58,6 +61,38 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { taos_init(); createDbAndTable(); insertData(); + int64_t avgUs = totalUs / reqNum; + pError("%s totalUs:%ld, avgUs:%ld maxUs:%ld minUs:%ld reqNum:%ld %s\n", GREEN, totalUs, avgUs, maxUs, minUs, reqNum, NC); +} + +int32_t query(void *con, char *qstr) { + int64_t begin = taosGetTimestampUs(); + + TAOS_RES *pSql = taos_query(con, qstr); + int32_t code = taos_errno(pSql); + if (code != 0) { + pError("failed to exec sql:%s, code:%d reason:%s", qstr, taos_errno(con), taos_errstr(con)); + exit(0); + } + taos_free_result(pSql); + + int64_t us = taosGetTimestampUs() - begin; + maxUs = MAX(us, maxUs); + minUs = MIN(us, minUs); + atomic_add_fetch_64(&totalUs, us); + atomic_add_fetch_64(&reqNum, 1); + if (reqNum > 100000) { + int64_t avgUs = totalUs / reqNum; + if (us > avgUs * 100) { + pError("sql:%s", qstr); + pError("%s totalUs:%ld, avgUs:%ld maxUs:%ld minUs:%ld reqNum:%ld %s\n", GREEN, totalUs, avgUs, maxUs, minUs, + reqNum, NC); + taosMsleep(1000); + exit(0); + } + } + + return code; } void createDbAndTable() { @@ -79,14 +114,14 @@ void createDbAndTable() { exit(1); } - sprintf(qstr, "create database if not exists %s cache %d tables %d", dbName, cache, tables); - if (taos_query(con, qstr)) { + sprintf(qstr, "create database if not exists %s", dbName); + if (query(con, qstr)) { pError("failed to create database:%s, code:%d reason:%s", dbName, taos_errno(con), taos_errstr(con)); exit(0); } sprintf(qstr, "use %s", dbName); - if (taos_query(con, qstr)) { + if (query(con, qstr)) { pError("failed to use db, code:%d reason:%s", taos_errno(con), taos_errstr(con)); exit(0); } @@ -102,14 +137,14 @@ void createDbAndTable() { } sprintf(qstr + len, ") tags(t int)"); - if (taos_query(con, qstr)) { + if (query(con, qstr)) { pError("failed to create stable, code:%d reason:%s", taos_errno(con), taos_errstr(con)); exit(0); } for (int64_t t = 0; t < totalTables; ++t) { sprintf(qstr, "create table if not exists %s%ld using %s tags(%ld)", stableName, t, stableName, t); - if (taos_query(con, qstr)) { + if (query(con, qstr)) { pError("failed to create table %s%" PRId64 ", reason:%s", stableName, t, taos_errstr(con)); exit(0); } @@ -122,7 +157,7 @@ void createDbAndTable() { } sprintf(qstr + len, ")"); - if (taos_query(con, qstr)) { + if (query(con, qstr)) { pError("failed to create table %s%ld, reason:%s", stableName, t, taos_errstr(con)); exit(0); } @@ -207,7 +242,7 @@ void *syncTest(void *param) { } sprintf(qstr, "use %s", pInfo->dbName); - taos_query(con, qstr); + query(con, qstr); gettimeofday(&systemTime, NULL); st = systemTime.tv_sec * 1000000 + systemTime.tv_usec; @@ -229,7 +264,7 @@ void *syncTest(void *param) { } len += sprintf(sql + len, ")"); if (len > maxBytes) { - if (taos_query(con, qstr)) { + if (query(con, qstr)) { pError("thread:%d, failed to import table:%s%ld row:%ld, reason:%s", pInfo->threadIndex, pInfo->stableName, table, row, taos_errstr(con)); } @@ -246,7 +281,7 @@ void *syncTest(void *param) { } if (len != strlen(inserStr)) { - taos_query(con, qstr); + query(con, qstr); } gettimeofday(&systemTime, NULL); @@ -284,10 +319,6 @@ void printHelp() { printf("%s%s%s%" PRId64 "\n", indent, indent, "Number of threads to be used, default is ", numOfThreads); printf("%s%s\n", indent, "-n"); printf("%s%s%s%" PRId64 "\n", indent, indent, "Number of tables per thread, default is ", numOfTablesPerThread); - printf("%s%s\n", indent, "-tables"); - printf("%s%s%s%d\n", indent, indent, "Database parameters tables, default is ", tables); - printf("%s%s\n", indent, "-cache"); - printf("%s%s%s%d\n", indent, indent, "Database parameters cache, default is ", cache); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } @@ -311,10 +342,6 @@ void shellParseArgument(int argc, char *argv[]) { numOfThreads = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) { numOfTablesPerThread = atoi(argv[++i]); - } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-tables") == 0) { - tables = atoi(argv[++i]); - } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-cache") == 0) { - cache = atoi(argv[++i]); } else { } } @@ -323,8 +350,6 @@ void shellParseArgument(int argc, char *argv[]) { pPrint("%spointsPerTable:%" PRId64 "%s", GREEN, pointsPerTable, NC); pPrint("%snumOfThreads:%" PRId64 "%s", GREEN, numOfThreads, NC); pPrint("%snumOfTablesPerThread:%" PRId64 "%s", GREEN, numOfTablesPerThread, NC); - pPrint("%scache:%d%s", GREEN, cache, NC); - pPrint("%stables:%d%s", GREEN, tables, NC); pPrint("%sdbName:%s%s", GREEN, dbName, NC); pPrint("%stableName:%s%s", GREEN, stableName, NC); pPrint("%sstart to run%s", GREEN, NC);