提交 08df5bf9 编写于 作者: H hjxilinx

refactor codes.

上级 08854f86
......@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ typedef struct SLimitVal {
} SLimitVal;
typedef struct SOrderVal {
int32_t order;
uint32_t order;
int32_t orderColId;
} SOrderVal;
......@@ -697,12 +697,15 @@ static int32_t first_dist_data_req_info(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, TSKEY start, TSKEY
SFirstLastInfo *pInfo = (SFirstLastInfo*) (pCtx->aOutputBuf + pCtx->inputBytes);
if (pInfo->hasResult != DATA_SET_FLAG) {
// result buffer has not been set yet.
} else { // data in current block is not earlier than current result
return (pInfo->ts <= start) ? BLK_DATA_NO_NEEDED : BLK_DATA_ALL_NEEDED;
//todo optimize the filter info
// SFirstLastInfo *pInfo = (SFirstLastInfo*) (pCtx->aOutputBuf + pCtx->inputBytes);
// if (pInfo->hasResult != DATA_SET_FLAG) {
// } else { // data in current block is not earlier than current result
// return (pInfo->ts <= start) ? BLK_DATA_NO_NEEDED : BLK_DATA_ALL_NEEDED;
// }
static int32_t last_dist_data_req_info(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, TSKEY start, TSKEY end, int32_t colId,
......@@ -1416,6 +1419,8 @@ static void stddev_next_step(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx) {
pResInfo->initialized = true; // set it initialized to avoid re-initialization
// save average value into tmpBuf, for second stage scan
SAvgInfo *pAvg = pResInfo->interResultBuf;
......@@ -2078,6 +2083,7 @@ static void copyTopBotRes(SQLFunctionCtx *pCtx, int32_t type) {
TSKEY *output = pCtx->ptsOutputBuf;
for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i, output += step) {
*output = tvp[i]->timestamp;
printf("-------------%lld\n", *output);
// set the corresponding tag data for each record
......@@ -765,22 +765,22 @@ void savePrevRecordAndSetupInterpoInfo(SLocalReducer *pLocalReducer, SQueryInfo*
// todo merge with following function
static void reversedCopyResultToDstBuf(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SSqlRes *pRes, tFilePage *pFinalDataPage) {
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQueryInfo->exprsInfo.numOfExprs; ++i) {
TAOS_FIELD *pField = tscFieldInfoGetField(pQueryInfo, i);
int32_t offset = tscFieldInfoGetOffset(pQueryInfo, i);
char * src = pFinalDataPage->data + (pRes->numOfRows - 1) * pField->bytes + pRes->numOfRows * offset;
char * dst = pRes->data + pRes->numOfRows * offset;
for (int32_t j = 0; j < pRes->numOfRows; ++j) {
memcpy(dst, src, (size_t)pField->bytes);
dst += pField->bytes;
src -= pField->bytes;
//static void reversedCopyResultToDstBuf(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SSqlRes *pRes, tFilePage *pFinalDataPage) {
// for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQueryInfo->exprsInfo.numOfExprs; ++i) {
// TAOS_FIELD *pField = tscFieldInfoGetField(pQueryInfo, i);
// int32_t offset = tscFieldInfoGetOffset(pQueryInfo, i);
// char * src = pFinalDataPage->data + (pRes->numOfRows - 1) * pField->bytes + pRes->numOfRows * offset;
// char * dst = pRes->data + pRes->numOfRows * offset;
// for (int32_t j = 0; j < pRes->numOfRows; ++j) {
// memcpy(dst, src, (size_t)pField->bytes);
// dst += pField->bytes;
// src -= pField->bytes;
// }
// }
static void reversedCopyFromInterpolationToDstBuf(SQueryInfo* pQueryInfo, SSqlRes *pRes, tFilePage **pResPages, SLocalReducer *pLocalReducer) {
......@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ typedef enum {
typedef int (*__block_search_fn_t)(char* data, int num, int64_t key, int order);
static FORCE_INLINE SMeterObj* getMeterObj(void* hashHandle, int32_t sid) {
return *(SMeterObj**)taosGetDataFromHashTable(hashHandle, (const char*) &sid, sizeof(sid));
return *(SMeterObj**)taosGetDataFromHashTable(hashHandle, (const char*)&sid, sizeof(sid));
bool isQueryKilled(SQuery* pQuery);
......@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ bool isPointInterpoQuery(SQuery* pQuery);
bool isTopBottomQuery(SQuery* pQuery);
bool isFirstLastRowQuery(SQuery* pQuery);
bool isTSCompQuery(SQuery* pQuery);
bool notHasQueryTimeRange(SQuery *pQuery);
bool notHasQueryTimeRange(SQuery* pQuery);
bool needSupplementaryScan(SQuery* pQuery);
bool onDemandLoadDatablock(SQuery* pQuery, int16_t queryRangeSet);
......@@ -148,16 +148,16 @@ void vnodeScanAllData(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
int32_t vnodeQueryResultInterpolate(SQInfo* pQInfo, tFilePage** pDst, tFilePage** pDataSrc, int32_t numOfRows,
int32_t* numOfInterpo);
void copyResToQueryResultBuf(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SQuery* pQuery);
void copyResToQueryResultBuf(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SQuery* pQuery);
void doSkipResults(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
void doFinalizeResult(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
int64_t getNumOfResult(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
void forwardIntervalQueryRange(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
void forwardIntervalQueryRange(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
void forwardQueryStartPosition(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
bool normalizedFirstQueryRange(bool dataInDisk, bool dataInCache, SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter,
bool normalizedFirstQueryRange(bool dataInDisk, bool dataInCache, STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter,
SPointInterpoSupporter* pPointInterpSupporter, int64_t* key);
void pointInterpSupporterInit(SQuery* pQuery, SPointInterpoSupporter* pInterpoSupport);
......@@ -165,21 +165,25 @@ void pointInterpSupporterDestroy(SPointInterpoSupporter* pPointInterpSupport);
void pointInterpSupporterSetData(SQInfo* pQInfo, SPointInterpoSupporter* pPointInterpSupport);
int64_t loadRequiredBlockIntoMem(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SPositionInfo* position);
int32_t doCloseAllOpenedResults(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter);
int32_t doCloseAllOpenedResults(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter);
void disableFunctForSuppleScan(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t order);
void enableFunctForMasterScan(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t order);
int32_t mergeMetersResultToOneGroups(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter);
int32_t mergeMetersResultToOneGroups(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter);
void copyFromGroupBuf(SQInfo* pQInfo, SWindowResult* result);
SBlockInfo getBlockBasicInfo(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, void* pBlock, int32_t blockType);
SCacheBlock* getCacheDataBlock(SMeterObj* pMeterObj, SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t slot);
void queryOnBlock(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, int32_t blockStatus, SBlockInfo* pBlockBasicInfo, SMeterDataInfo* pDataHeadInfoEx, SField* pFields,
__block_search_fn_t searchFn);
// void queryOnBlock(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, int32_t blockStatus, SBlockInfo* pBlockBasicInfo,
// SMeterDataInfo* pDataHeadInfoEx, SField* pFields,
// __block_search_fn_t searchFn);
int32_t vnodeFilterQualifiedMeters(SQInfo *pQInfo, int32_t vid, tSidSet *pSidSet, SMeterDataInfo *pMeterDataInfo,
int32_t *numOfMeters, SMeterDataInfo ***pReqMeterDataInfo);
void applyIntervalQueryOnBlock(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SMeterDataInfo* pMeterDataInfo,
SBlockInfo* pBlockInfo, SField* pFields, __block_search_fn_t searchFn);
int32_t vnodeFilterQualifiedMeters(SQInfo* pQInfo, int32_t vid, tSidSet* pSidSet, SMeterDataInfo* pMeterDataInfo,
int32_t* numOfMeters, SMeterDataInfo*** pReqMeterDataInfo);
int32_t vnodeGetVnodeHeaderFileIndex(int32_t* fid, SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t order);
int32_t createDataBlocksInfoEx(SMeterDataInfo** pMeterDataInfo, int32_t numOfMeters,
......@@ -187,20 +191,20 @@ int32_t createDataBlocksInfoEx(SMeterDataInfo** pMeterDataInfo, int32_t numOfMet
int32_t* nAllocBlocksInfoSize, int64_t addr);
void freeMeterBlockInfoEx(SMeterDataBlockInfoEx* pDataBlockInfoEx, int32_t len);
void setExecutionContext(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SWindowResult* outputRes, int32_t meterIdx, int32_t groupIdx,
SMeterQueryInfo* sqinfo);
int32_t setIntervalQueryExecutionContext(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, int32_t meterIdx, SMeterQueryInfo* sqinfo);
void doGetAlignedIntervalQueryRangeImpl(SQuery *pQuery, int64_t pKey, int64_t keyFirst, int64_t keyLast,
int64_t *actualSkey, int64_t *actualEkey, int64_t *skey, int64_t *ekey);
void setExecutionContext(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SWindowResult* outputRes, int32_t meterIdx,
int32_t groupIdx, SMeterQueryInfo* sqinfo);
int32_t setIntervalQueryExecutionContext(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, int32_t meterIdx, SMeterQueryInfo* sqinfo);
void doGetAlignedIntervalQueryRangeImpl(SQuery* pQuery, int64_t pKey, int64_t keyFirst, int64_t keyLast,
int64_t* actualSkey, int64_t* actualEkey, int64_t* skey, int64_t* ekey);
int64_t getQueryStartPositionInCache(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t* slot, int32_t* pos, bool ignoreQueryRange);
int64_t getQueryStartPositionInCache(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t* slot, int32_t* pos, bool ignoreQueryRange);
int64_t getNextAccessedKeyInData(SQuery* pQuery, int64_t* pPrimaryCol, SBlockInfo* pBlockInfo, int32_t blockStatus);
int32_t getDataBlocksForMeters(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SQuery* pQuery, int32_t numOfMeters,
int32_t getDataBlocksForMeters(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, SQuery* pQuery, int32_t numOfMeters,
const char* filePath, SMeterDataInfo** pMeterDataInfo, uint32_t* numOfBlocks);
int32_t LoadDatablockOnDemand(SCompBlock* pBlock, SField** pFields, uint8_t* blkStatus, SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv,
int32_t fileIdx, int32_t slotIdx, __block_search_fn_t searchFn, bool onDemand);
int32_t vnodeGetHeaderFile(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t fileIndex);
int32_t vnodeGetHeaderFile(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t fileIndex);
* Create SMeterQueryInfo.
......@@ -210,14 +214,14 @@ int32_t vnodeGetHeaderFile(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t fileIndex);
* @param ekey
* @return
SMeterQueryInfo* createMeterQueryInfo(SMeterQuerySupportObj *pSupporter, int32_t sid, TSKEY skey, TSKEY ekey);
SMeterQueryInfo* createMeterQueryInfo(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, int32_t sid, TSKEY skey, TSKEY ekey);
* Destroy meter query info
* @param pMeterQInfo
* @param numOfCols
void destroyMeterQueryInfo(SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo, int32_t numOfCols);
void destroyMeterQueryInfo(SMeterQueryInfo* pMeterQueryInfo, int32_t numOfCols);
* change the meter query info for supplement scan
......@@ -225,7 +229,8 @@ void destroyMeterQueryInfo(SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo, int32_t numOfCols);
* @param skey
* @param ekey
void changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(SQueryDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo, TSKEY skey, TSKEY ekey);
void changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(SQueryDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, SMeterQueryInfo* pMeterQueryInfo,
TSKEY skey, TSKEY ekey);
* add the new allocated disk page to meter query info
......@@ -234,7 +239,8 @@ void changeMeterQueryInfoForSuppleQuery(SQueryDiskbasedResultBuf* pResultBuf, SM
* @param pMeterQueryInfo
* @param pSupporter
tFilePage* addDataPageForMeterQueryInfo(SQuery* pQuery, SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo, SMeterQuerySupportObj *pSupporter);
tFilePage* addDataPageForMeterQueryInfo(SQuery* pQuery, SMeterQueryInfo* pMeterQueryInfo,
STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter);
* save the query range data into SMeterQueryInfo
......@@ -258,7 +264,7 @@ void restoreIntervalQueryRange(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SMeterQueryInfo* p
* @param pSupporter
* @param key
void setIntervalQueryRange(SMeterQueryInfo *pMeterQueryInfo, SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, int64_t key);
void setIntervalQueryRange(SMeterQueryInfo* pMeterQueryInfo, STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter, int64_t key);
* set the meter data information
......@@ -275,15 +281,16 @@ void vnodeCheckIfDataExists(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SMeterObj* pMeterObj,
void displayInterResult(SData** pdata, SQuery* pQuery, int32_t numOfRows);
void vnodePrintQueryStatistics(SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSupporter);
void vnodePrintQueryStatistics(STableQuerySupportObj* pSupporter);
void clearTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult *pOneOutputRes);
void copyTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult* dst, const SWindowResult* src);
void clearTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult* pOneOutputRes);
void copyTimeWindowResBuf(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResult* dst, const SWindowResult* src);
int32_t initWindowResInfo(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, int32_t size, int32_t threshold, int16_t type);
int32_t initWindowResInfo(SWindowResInfo* pWindowResInfo, SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, int32_t size,
int32_t threshold, int16_t type);
void cleanupTimeWindowInfo(SWindowResInfo *pWindowResInfo, SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv);
void resetTimeWindowInfo(SQueryRuntimeEnv *pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResInfo* pWindowResInfo);
void cleanupTimeWindowInfo(SWindowResInfo* pWindowResInfo, SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
void resetTimeWindowInfo(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv, SWindowResInfo* pWindowResInfo);
void clearClosedTimeWindow(SQueryRuntimeEnv* pRuntimeEnv);
int32_t numOfClosedTimeWindow(SWindowResInfo* pWindowResInfo);
void closeTimeWindow(SWindowResInfo* pWindowResInfo, int32_t slot);
......@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ typedef struct SWindowStatus {
typedef struct SWindowResult {
uint16_t numOfRows;
int16_t nAlloc;
SPosInfo pos; // Position of current result in disk-based output buffer
SResultInfo* resultInfo; // For each result column, there is a resultInfo
STimeWindow window; // The time window that current result covers.
......@@ -191,8 +190,8 @@ typedef struct SMeterQueryInfo {
int64_t skey;
int64_t ekey;
int32_t numOfRes;
int32_t reverseIndex; // reversed output indicator, start from (numOfRes-1)
int16_t reverseFillRes; // denote if reverse fill the results in supplementary scan required or not
// int32_t reverseIndex; // reversed output indicator, start from (numOfRes-1)
// int16_t reverseFillRes; // denote if reverse fill the results in supplementary scan required or not
int16_t queryRangeSet; // denote if the query range is set, only available for interval query
int16_t lastResRows;
int64_t tag;
......@@ -213,7 +212,7 @@ typedef struct SMeterDataInfo {
SMeterQueryInfo* pMeterQInfo;
} SMeterDataInfo;
typedef struct SMeterQuerySupportObj {
typedef struct STableQuerySupportObj {
void* pMetersHashTable; // meter table hash list
SMeterSidExtInfo** pMeterSidExtInfo;
......@@ -248,7 +247,7 @@ typedef struct SMeterQuerySupportObj {
SMeterDataInfo* pMeterDataInfo;
TSKEY* tsList;
} SMeterQuerySupportObj;
} STableQuerySupportObj;
typedef struct _qinfo {
uint64_t signature;
......@@ -274,18 +273,18 @@ typedef struct _qinfo {
SMeterObj* pObj;
sem_t dataReady;
SMeterQuerySupportObj* pMeterQuerySupporter;
STableQuerySupportObj* pTableQuerySupporter;
int (*fp)(SMeterObj*, SQuery*);
} SQInfo;
int32_t vnodeQuerySingleTablePrepare(SQInfo* pQInfo, SMeterObj* pMeterObj, SMeterQuerySupportObj* pSMultiMeterObj,
int32_t vnodeQueryTablePrepare(SQInfo* pQInfo, SMeterObj* pMeterObj, STableQuerySupportObj* pSMultiMeterObj,
void* param);
void vnodeQueryFreeQInfoEx(SQInfo* pQInfo);
bool vnodeParametersSafetyCheck(SQuery* pQuery);
int32_t vnodeMultiMeterQueryPrepare(SQInfo* pQInfo, SQuery* pQuery, void* param);
int32_t vnodeSTableQueryPrepare(SQInfo* pQInfo, SQuery* pQuery, void* param);
* decrease the numofQuery of each table that is queried, enable the
......@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ void *vnodeQueryOnSingleTable(SMeterObj **pMetersObj, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyE
goto _error;
SMeterQuerySupportObj *pSupporter = (SMeterQuerySupportObj *)calloc(1, sizeof(SMeterQuerySupportObj));
STableQuerySupportObj *pSupporter = (STableQuerySupportObj *)calloc(1, sizeof(STableQuerySupportObj));
pSupporter->numOfMeters = 1;
pSupporter->pMetersHashTable = taosInitHashTable(pSupporter->numOfMeters, taosIntHash_32, false);
......@@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ void *vnodeQueryOnSingleTable(SMeterObj **pMetersObj, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyE
pSupporter->subgroupIdx = -1;
pSupporter->pMeterSidExtInfo = NULL;
pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter = pSupporter;
pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter = pSupporter;
STSBuf *pTSBuf = NULL;
if (pQueryMsg->tsLen > 0) {
......@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ void *vnodeQueryOnSingleTable(SMeterObj **pMetersObj, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyE
if (((*code) = vnodeQuerySingleTablePrepare(pQInfo, pQInfo->pObj, pSupporter, pTSBuf)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (((*code) = vnodeQueryTablePrepare(pQInfo, pQInfo->pObj, pSupporter, pTSBuf)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error;
......@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@ void *vnodeQueryOnMultiMeters(SMeterObj **pMetersObj, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyE
SSchedMsg schedMsg = {0};
SMeterQuerySupportObj *pSupporter = (SMeterQuerySupportObj *)calloc(1, sizeof(SMeterQuerySupportObj));
STableQuerySupportObj *pSupporter = (STableQuerySupportObj *)calloc(1, sizeof(STableQuerySupportObj));
pSupporter->numOfMeters = pQueryMsg->numOfSids;
pSupporter->pMetersHashTable = taosInitHashTable(pSupporter->numOfMeters, taosIntHash_32, false);
......@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@ void *vnodeQueryOnMultiMeters(SMeterObj **pMetersObj, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyE
(SSchema *)pQueryMsg->pTagSchema, pQueryMsg->numOfTagsCols, NULL, 0);
pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter = pSupporter;
pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter = pSupporter;
STSBuf *pTSBuf = NULL;
if (pQueryMsg->tsLen > 0) {
......@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ void *vnodeQueryOnMultiMeters(SMeterObj **pMetersObj, SSqlGroupbyExpr *pGroupbyE
if (((*code) = vnodeMultiMeterQueryPrepare(pQInfo, pQuery, pTSBuf)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (((*code) = vnodeSTableQueryPrepare(pQInfo, pQuery, pTSBuf)) != TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
goto _error;
......@@ -898,8 +898,8 @@ int vnodeSaveQueryResult(void *handle, char *data, int32_t *size) {
SSchedMsg schedMsg = {0};
if (pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter != NULL) {
if (pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter->pSidSet == NULL) {
if (pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter != NULL) {
if (pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter->pSidSet == NULL) {
schedMsg.fp = vnodeSingleTableQuery;
} else { // group by tag
schedMsg.fp = vnodeMultiMeterQuery;
......@@ -446,8 +446,8 @@ void vnodeExecuteRetrieveReq(SSchedMsg *pSched) {
// buffer size for progress information, including meter count,
// and for each meter, including 'uid' and 'TSKEY'.
int progressSize = 0;
if (pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter != NULL)
progressSize = pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter->numOfMeters * (sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(TSKEY)) + sizeof(int32_t);
if (pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter != NULL)
progressSize = pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter->numOfMeters * (sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(TSKEY)) + sizeof(int32_t);
else if (pQInfo->pObj != NULL)
progressSize = sizeof(int64_t) + sizeof(TSKEY) + sizeof(int32_t);
......@@ -486,13 +486,13 @@ void vnodeExecuteRetrieveReq(SSchedMsg *pSched) {
// write the progress information of each meter to response
// this is required by subscriptions
if (numOfRows > 0 && code == TSDB_CODE_SUCCESS) {
if (pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter != NULL && pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter->pMeterSidExtInfo != NULL) {
*((int32_t *)pMsg) = htonl(pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter->numOfMeters);
if (pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter != NULL && pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter->pMeterSidExtInfo != NULL) {
*((int32_t *)pMsg) = htonl(pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter->numOfMeters);
pMsg += sizeof(int32_t);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter->numOfMeters; i++) {
*((int64_t *)pMsg) = htobe64(pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter->pMeterSidExtInfo[i]->uid);
for (int32_t i = 0; i < pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter->numOfMeters; i++) {
*((int64_t *)pMsg) = htobe64(pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter->pMeterSidExtInfo[i]->uid);
pMsg += sizeof(int64_t);
*((TSKEY *)pMsg) = htobe64(pQInfo->pMeterQuerySupporter->pMeterSidExtInfo[i]->key);
*((TSKEY *)pMsg) = htobe64(pQInfo->pTableQuerySupporter->pMeterSidExtInfo[i]->key);
pMsg += sizeof(TSKEY);
} else if (pQInfo->pObj != NULL) {
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