# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Apr 16 14:06:24 2022 @author: ljc545w """ import time import os import wxRobot from wxRobot import WeChatRobot def test_send_text(instance): path = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(__file__))[0] # image full path img_path = os.path.join(path, 'test\\测试图片.png') # file full path filepath = os.path.join(path, 'test\\测试文件') self_info = instance.GetSelfInfo() chat_with = instance.GetFriendByWxNickName("文件传输助手") session = instance.GetChatSession(chat_with.get('wxid')) filehelper = instance.GetWxUserInfo(chat_with.get('wxid')) session.SendText('个人信息:{}'.format(str(self_info.get('wxNickName')))) session.SendText('好友信息:{}'.format(str(filehelper.get('wxNickName')))) if os.path.exists(img_path): session.SendImage(img_path) if os.path.exists(filepath): session.SendFile(filepath) session.SendArticle("天气预报", "点击查看", "http://www.baidu.com") shared = instance.GetFriendByWxNickName("码农翻身") if shared: session.SendCard(shared.get('wxid'), shared.get('wxNickName')) def test_friend_status(instance): f = open('friend_status.txt', 'wt', encoding='utf-8') friend_list = instance.GetFriendList() index = "\t".join(['微信号', '昵称', '备注', '状态', '\n']) f.writelines(index) for Friend in friend_list: result = '\t'.join( [Friend.get('wxNumber'), Friend.get('wxNickName'), Friend.get('wxRemark'), instance.CheckFriendStatus(Friend.get('wxid'))]) print(result) result += '\n' f.writelines(result) time.sleep(1) break f.close() def test_execute_sql(instance): try: dbs = instance.GetDbHandles() dbname = 'MicroMsg.db' handle = dbs.get(dbname).get('Handle') sql = 'select a.UserName as `wxID`,a.Alias as `微信号`,a.EncryptUserName as `V3数据`,\ a.Type as `联系人类型`,a.VerifyFlag as `添加方式`,a.Remark as `备注`,a.NickName as `昵称`,b.bigHeadImgUrl as `头像`,\ a.ExtraBuf as `扩展数据` \ from Contact a inner join ContactHeadImgUrl b where a.UserName=b.usrName and a.Type=3 limit 10' result = instance.ExecuteSQL(handle, sql) print(result) except Exception as e: print(e) def test_BackupDb(instance): try: dbs = instance.GetDbHandles() dbname = 'MicroMsg.db' handle = dbs.get(dbname).get('Handle') rc = instance.BackupSQLiteDB(handle, 'D:\\WeChatBackup\\{}'.format(dbname)) print(rc) except Exception as e: print(e) def show_interfaces(): robot = wxRobot.WeChatRobot(0).robot print(robot.CGetWeChatVer()) interfaces = [i for i in dir(robot) if '_' not in i and i[0] == 'C'] for interface in interfaces: print(interface) if __name__ == '__main__': pid_list = wxRobot.get_wechat_pid_list() wx = WeChatRobot(pid_list[0]) wx.StartService() wx.StartReceiveMessage() wxRobot.register_msg_event() wx.StopService()