package; import android.content.Context; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.view.View; import android.view.View.OnAttachStateChangeListener; import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.view.WindowManager; import com.bumptech.glide.request.Request; import com.bumptech.glide.util.Preconditions; import com.bumptech.glide.util.Synthetic; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * A base {@link Target} for loading {@link}s into {@link View}s that * provides default implementations for most most methods and can determine the size of views using * a {@link android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnDrawListener}. * *

To detect {@link View} reuse in {@link android.widget.ListView} or any {@link * android.view.ViewGroup} that reuses views, this class uses the {@link View#setTag(Object)} method * to store some metadata so that if a view is reused, any previous loads or resources from previous * loads can be cancelled or reused. * *

Any calls to {@link View#setTag(Object)}} on a View given to this class will result in * excessive allocations and and/or {@link IllegalArgumentException}s. If you must call {@link * View#setTag(Object)} on a view, use {@link #setTagId(int)} to specify a custom tag for Glide to * use. * *

Subclasses must call super in {@link #onLoadCleared(Drawable)} * * @param The specific subclass of view wrapped by this target. * @param The resource type this target will receive. * @deprecated Use {@link CustomViewTarget}. Using this class is unsafe without implementing {@link * #onLoadCleared} and results in recycled bitmaps being referenced from the UI and hard to * root-cause crashes. */ @Deprecated public abstract class ViewTarget extends BaseTarget { private static final String TAG = "ViewTarget"; private static boolean isTagUsedAtLeastOnce; @Nullable private static Integer tagId; protected final T view; private final SizeDeterminer sizeDeterminer; @Nullable private OnAttachStateChangeListener attachStateListener; private boolean isClearedByUs; private boolean isAttachStateListenerAdded; /** * Constructor that defaults {@code waitForLayout} to {@code false}. */ public ViewTarget(@NonNull T view) { this.view = Preconditions.checkNotNull(view); sizeDeterminer = new SizeDeterminer(view); } /** * @param waitForLayout If set to {@code true}, Glide will always wait for any pending layout pass * before checking for the size a View. If set to {@code false} Glide will only wait for a pending * layout pass if it's unable to resolve the size from layout parameters or an existing View size. * Because setting this parameter to {@code true} forces Glide to wait for the layout pass to * occur before starting the load, setting this parameter to {@code true} can cause flashing in * some cases and should be used sparingly. If layout parameters are set to fixed sizes, they will * still be used instead of the View's dimensions even if this parameter is set to {@code true}. * This parameter is a fallback only. * * @deprecated Use {@link #waitForLayout()} instead. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // Public API @Deprecated public ViewTarget(@NonNull T view, boolean waitForLayout) { this(view); if (waitForLayout) { waitForLayout(); } } /** * Clears the {@link View}'s {@link Request} when the {@link View} is detached from its * {@link android.view.Window} and restarts the {@link Request} when the {@link View} is * re-attached from its {@link android.view.Window}. * *

This is an experimental API that may be removed in a future version. * *

Using this method can save memory by allowing Glide to more eagerly clear resources when * transitioning screens or swapping adapters in scrolling views. However it also substantially * increases the odds that images will not be in memory if users subsequently return to a screen * where images were previously loaded. Whether or not this happens will depend on the number * of images loaded in the new screen and the size of the memory cache. Increasing the size of * the memory cache can improve this behavior but it largely negates the memory benefits of using * this method. * *

Use this method with caution and measure your memory usage to ensure that it's actually * improving your memory usage in the cases you care about. */ // Public API. @NonNull @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedReturnValue", "WeakerAccess"}) public final ViewTarget clearOnDetach() { if (attachStateListener != null) { return this; } attachStateListener = new OnAttachStateChangeListener() { @Override public void onViewAttachedToWindow(View v) { resumeMyRequest(); } @Override public void onViewDetachedFromWindow(View v) { pauseMyRequest(); } }; maybeAddAttachStateListener(); return this; } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Synthetic void resumeMyRequest() { Request request = getRequest(); if (request != null && request.isCleared()) { request.begin(); } } @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Synthetic void pauseMyRequest() { Request request = getRequest(); // If the Request were cleared by the developer, it would be null here. The only way it's // present is if the developer hasn't previously cleared this Target. if (request != null) { isClearedByUs = true; request.clear(); isClearedByUs = false; } } /** * Indicates that Glide should always wait for any pending layout pass before checking * for the size an {@link View}. * *

By default, Glide will only wait for a pending layout pass if it's unable to resolve the * size from the {@link LayoutParams} or valid non-zero values for {@link View#getWidth()} and * {@link View#getHeight()}. * *

Because calling this method forces Glide to wait for the layout pass to occur before * starting loads, setting this parameter to {@code true} can cause Glide to asynchronous load * an image even if it's in the memory cache. The load will happen asynchronously because Glide * has to wait for a layout pass to occur, which won't necessarily happen in the same frame as * when the image is requested. As a result, using this method can resulting in flashing in some * cases and should be used sparingly. * *

If the {@link LayoutParams} of the wrapped {@link View} are set to fixed sizes, they will * still be used instead of the {@link View}'s dimensions even if this method is called. This * parameter is a fallback only. */ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") // Public API @NonNull public final ViewTarget waitForLayout() { sizeDeterminer.waitForLayout = true; return this; } @CallSuper @Override public void onLoadStarted(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) { super.onLoadStarted(placeholder); maybeAddAttachStateListener(); } private void maybeAddAttachStateListener() { if (attachStateListener == null || isAttachStateListenerAdded) { return; } view.addOnAttachStateChangeListener(attachStateListener); isAttachStateListenerAdded = true; } private void maybeRemoveAttachStateListener() { if (attachStateListener == null || !isAttachStateListenerAdded) { return; } view.removeOnAttachStateChangeListener(attachStateListener); isAttachStateListenerAdded = false; } /** * Returns the wrapped {@link android.view.View}. */ @NonNull public T getView() { return view; } /** * Determines the size of the view by first checking {@link android.view.View#getWidth()} and * {@link android.view.View#getHeight()}. If one or both are zero, it then checks the view's * {@link LayoutParams}. If one or both of the params width and height are less than or equal to * zero, it then adds an {@link android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener} which waits until * the view has been measured before calling the callback with the view's drawn width and height. * * @param cb {@inheritDoc} */ @CallSuper @Override public void getSize(@NonNull SizeReadyCallback cb) { sizeDeterminer.getSize(cb); } @CallSuper @Override public void removeCallback(@NonNull SizeReadyCallback cb) { sizeDeterminer.removeCallback(cb); } @CallSuper @Override public void onLoadCleared(@Nullable Drawable placeholder) { super.onLoadCleared(placeholder); sizeDeterminer.clearCallbacksAndListener(); if (!isClearedByUs) { maybeRemoveAttachStateListener(); } } /** * Stores the request using {@link View#setTag(Object)}. * * @param request {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void setRequest(@Nullable Request request) { setTag(request); } /** * Returns any stored request using {@link android.view.View#getTag()}. * *

For Glide to function correctly, Glide must be the only thing that calls {@link * View#setTag(Object)}. If the tag is cleared or put to another object type, Glide will not be * able to retrieve and cancel previous loads which will not only prevent Glide from reusing * resource, but will also result in incorrect images being loaded and lots of flashing of images * in lists. As a result, this will throw an {@link java.lang.IllegalArgumentException} if {@link * android.view.View#getTag()}} returns a non null object that is not an {@link * com.bumptech.glide.request.Request}.

*/ @Override @Nullable public Request getRequest() { Object tag = getTag(); Request request = null; if (tag != null) { if (tag instanceof Request) { request = (Request) tag; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "You must not call setTag() on a view Glide is targeting"); } } return request; } @Override public String toString() { return "Target for: " + view; } private void setTag(@Nullable Object tag) { if (tagId == null) { isTagUsedAtLeastOnce = true; view.setTag(tag); } else { view.setTag(tagId, tag); } } @Nullable private Object getTag() { if (tagId == null) { return view.getTag(); } else { return view.getTag(tagId); } } /** * Sets the android resource id to use in conjunction with {@link View#setTag(int, Object)} * to store temporary state allowing loads to be automatically cancelled and resources re-used * in scrolling lists. * *

* If no tag id is set, Glide will use {@link View#setTag(Object)}. *

* *

* Warning: prior to Android 4.0 tags were stored in a static map. Using this method prior * to Android 4.0 may cause memory leaks and isn't recommended. If you do use this method * on older versions, be sure to call {@link com.bumptech.glide.RequestManager#clear(View)} on * any view you start a load into to ensure that the static state is removed. *

* * @param tagId The android resource to use. */ // Public API. @SuppressWarnings("unused") public static void setTagId(int tagId) { if (ViewTarget.tagId != null || isTagUsedAtLeastOnce) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("You cannot set the tag id more than once or change" + " the tag id after the first request has been made"); } ViewTarget.tagId = tagId; } @VisibleForTesting static final class SizeDeterminer { // Some negative sizes (Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL) are valid, 0 is never valid. private static final int PENDING_SIZE = 0; @VisibleForTesting @Nullable static Integer maxDisplayLength; private final View view; private final List cbs = new ArrayList<>(); @Synthetic boolean waitForLayout; @Nullable private SizeDeterminerLayoutListener layoutListener; SizeDeterminer(@NonNull View view) { this.view = view; } // Use the maximum to avoid depending on the device's current orientation. private static int getMaxDisplayLength(@NonNull Context context) { if (maxDisplayLength == null) { WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE); Display display = Preconditions.checkNotNull(windowManager).getDefaultDisplay(); Point displayDimensions = new Point(); display.getSize(displayDimensions); maxDisplayLength = Math.max(displayDimensions.x, displayDimensions.y); } return maxDisplayLength; } private void notifyCbs(int width, int height) { // One or more callbacks may trigger the removal of one or more additional callbacks, so we // need a copy of the list to avoid a concurrent modification exception. One place this // happens is when a full request completes from the in memory cache while its thumbnail is // still being loaded asynchronously. See #2237. for (SizeReadyCallback cb : new ArrayList<>(cbs)) { cb.onSizeReady(width, height); } } @Synthetic void checkCurrentDimens() { if (cbs.isEmpty()) { return; } int currentWidth = getTargetWidth(); int currentHeight = getTargetHeight(); if (!isViewStateAndSizeValid(currentWidth, currentHeight)) { return; } notifyCbs(currentWidth, currentHeight); clearCallbacksAndListener(); } void getSize(@NonNull SizeReadyCallback cb) { int currentWidth = getTargetWidth(); int currentHeight = getTargetHeight(); if (isViewStateAndSizeValid(currentWidth, currentHeight)) { cb.onSizeReady(currentWidth, currentHeight); return; } // We want to notify callbacks in the order they were added and we only expect one or two // callbacks to be added a time, so a List is a reasonable choice. if (!cbs.contains(cb)) { cbs.add(cb); } if (layoutListener == null) { ViewTreeObserver observer = view.getViewTreeObserver(); layoutListener = new SizeDeterminerLayoutListener(this); observer.addOnPreDrawListener(layoutListener); } } /** * The callback may be called anyway if it is removed by another {@link SizeReadyCallback} or * otherwise removed while we're notifying the list of callbacks. * *

See #2237. */ void removeCallback(@NonNull SizeReadyCallback cb) { cbs.remove(cb); } void clearCallbacksAndListener() { // Keep a reference to the layout attachStateListener and remove it here // rather than having the observer remove itself because the observer // we add the attachStateListener to will be almost immediately merged into // another observer and will therefore never be alive. If we instead // keep a reference to the attachStateListener and remove it here, we get the // current view tree observer and should succeed. ViewTreeObserver observer = view.getViewTreeObserver(); if (observer.isAlive()) { observer.removeOnPreDrawListener(layoutListener); } layoutListener = null; cbs.clear(); } private boolean isViewStateAndSizeValid(int width, int height) { return isDimensionValid(width) && isDimensionValid(height); } private int getTargetHeight() { int verticalPadding = view.getPaddingTop() + view.getPaddingBottom(); LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams(); int layoutParamSize = layoutParams != null ? layoutParams.height : PENDING_SIZE; return getTargetDimen(view.getHeight(), layoutParamSize, verticalPadding); } private int getTargetWidth() { int horizontalPadding = view.getPaddingLeft() + view.getPaddingRight(); LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams(); int layoutParamSize = layoutParams != null ? layoutParams.width : PENDING_SIZE; return getTargetDimen(view.getWidth(), layoutParamSize, horizontalPadding); } private int getTargetDimen(int viewSize, int paramSize, int paddingSize) { // We consider the View state as valid if the View has non-null layout params and a non-zero // layout params width and height. This is imperfect. We're making an assumption that View // parents will obey their child's layout parameters, which isn't always the case. int adjustedParamSize = paramSize - paddingSize; if (adjustedParamSize > 0) { return adjustedParamSize; } // Since we always prefer layout parameters with fixed sizes, even if waitForLayout is true, // we might as well ignore it and just return the layout parameters above if we have them. // Otherwise we should wait for a layout pass before checking the View's dimensions. if (waitForLayout && view.isLayoutRequested()) { return PENDING_SIZE; } // We also consider the View state valid if the View has a non-zero width and height. This // means that the View has gone through at least one layout pass. It does not mean the Views // width and height are from the current layout pass. For example, if a View is re-used in // RecyclerView or ListView, this width/height may be from an old position. In some cases // the dimensions of the View at the old position may be different than the dimensions of the // View in the new position because the LayoutManager/ViewParent can arbitrarily decide to // change them. Nevertheless, in most cases this should be a reasonable choice. int adjustedViewSize = viewSize - paddingSize; if (adjustedViewSize > 0) { return adjustedViewSize; } // Finally we consider the view valid if the layout parameter size is set to wrap_content. // It's difficult for Glide to figure out what to do here. Although Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL is a // coherent choice, it's extremely dangerous because original images may be much too large to // fit in memory or so large that only a couple can fit in memory, causing OOMs. If users want // the original image, they can always use .override(Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL). Since wrap_content // may never resolve to a real size unless we load something, we aim for a square whose length // is the largest screen size. That way we're loading something and that something has some // hope of being downsampled to a size that the device can support. We also log a warning that // tries to explain what Glide is doing and why some alternatives are preferable. // Since WRAP_CONTENT is sometimes used as a default layout parameter, we always wait for // layout to complete before using this fallback parameter (ConstraintLayout among others). if (!view.isLayoutRequested() && paramSize == LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.INFO)) { Log.i(TAG, "Glide treats LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT as a request for an image the size of" + " this device's screen dimensions. If you want to load the original image and are" + " ok with the corresponding memory cost and OOMs (depending on the input size), use" + " .override(Target.SIZE_ORIGINAL). Otherwise, use LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, set" + " layout_width and layout_height to fixed dimension, or use .override() with fixed" + " dimensions."); } return getMaxDisplayLength(view.getContext()); } // If the layout parameters are < padding, the view size is < padding, or the layout // parameters are set to match_parent or wrap_content and no layout has occurred, we should // wait for layout and repeat. return PENDING_SIZE; } private boolean isDimensionValid(int size) { return size > 0 || size == SIZE_ORIGINAL; } private static final class SizeDeterminerLayoutListener implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener { private final WeakReference sizeDeterminerRef; SizeDeterminerLayoutListener(@NonNull SizeDeterminer sizeDeterminer) { sizeDeterminerRef = new WeakReference<>(sizeDeterminer); } @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Log.v(TAG, "OnGlobalLayoutListener called attachStateListener=" + this); } SizeDeterminer sizeDeterminer = sizeDeterminerRef.get(); if (sizeDeterminer != null) { sizeDeterminer.checkCurrentDimens(); } return true; } } } }