提交 2c259f53 编写于 作者: S Sam Judd

Set transIndex for GIFs with transparent pixels.

Fixes #201.
上级 3640e349
......@@ -246,19 +246,10 @@ public class GifDrawableTest {
public void testGetOpacityReturnsTransparentIfDecoderHasTransparency() {
public void testGetOpacityReturnsTransparent() {
assertEquals(PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT, drawable.getOpacity());
public void testGetOpacityReturnsOpaqueIfDecoderDoesNotHaveTransparency() {
assertEquals(PixelFormat.OPAQUE, drawable.getOpacity());
public void testReturnsFrameCountFromDecoder() {
int expected = 4;
......@@ -14,6 +14,6 @@ class GifBitmapProvider implements GifDecoder.BitmapProvider {
public Bitmap obtain(int width, int height, Bitmap.Config config) {
return bitmapPool.get(width, height, config);
return bitmapPool.getDirty(width, height, config);
......@@ -197,7 +197,8 @@ public class GifDrawable extends GlideDrawable implements GifFrameManager.FrameC
public int getOpacity() {
return decoder.isTransparent() ? PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT : PixelFormat.OPAQUE;
// We can't tell, so default to transparent to be safe.
return PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT;
......@@ -5,26 +5,17 @@ import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import com.bumptech.glide.Glide;
import com.bumptech.glide.gifdecoder.GifDecoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.Encoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.ResourceDecoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.ResourceEncoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.Transformation;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.DiskCacheStrategy;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.bitmap_recycle.BitmapPool;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.engine.cache.MemorySizeCalculator;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.NullDecoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.NullEncoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.NullResourceEncoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.BitmapEncoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.bitmap.StreamBitmapDecoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.load.resource.file.FileToStreamDecoder;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.animation.GlideAnimation;
import com.bumptech.glide.request.target.SimpleTarget;
import java.io.File;
import com.bumptech.glide.util.Util;
class GifFrameManager {
/** 60fps is {@value #MIN_FRAME_DELAY}ms per frame. */
......@@ -32,10 +23,8 @@ class GifFrameManager {
private final MemorySizeCalculator calculator;
private final GifFrameModelLoader frameLoader;
private final GifFrameResourceDecoder frameResourceDecoder;
private final ResourceDecoder<File, Bitmap> cacheDecoder;
private final GifDecoder decoder;
private final Handler mainHandler;
private final ResourceEncoder<Bitmap> encoder;
private final Context context;
private final Encoder<GifDecoder> sourceEncoder;
private final Transformation<Bitmap>[] transformation;
......@@ -69,23 +58,11 @@ class GifFrameManager {
this.transformation = new Transformation[] {transformation};
this.targetWidth = targetWidth;
this.targetHeight = targetHeight;
this.totalFrameSize = frameWidth * frameHeight * (decoder.isTransparent() ? 4 : 2);
this.totalFrameSize = Util.getBitmapByteSize(frameWidth, frameHeight, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
this.calculator = new MemorySizeCalculator(context);
this.frameLoader = new GifFrameModelLoader();
this.sourceEncoder = NullEncoder.get();
if (!decoder.isTransparent()) {
// For non transparent gifs, we can beat the performance of our gif decoder for each frame by decoding jpegs
// from disk.
this.cacheDecoder = new FileToStreamDecoder<Bitmap>(new StreamBitmapDecoder(context));
this.encoder = new BitmapEncoder();
} else {
// For transparent gifs, we would have to encode as pngs which is actually slower than our gif decoder so we
// avoid writing frames to the disk cache entirely.
this.cacheDecoder = NullDecoder.get();
this.encoder = NullResourceEncoder.get();
Transformation<Bitmap> getTransformation() {
......@@ -95,17 +72,9 @@ class GifFrameManager {
public void getNextFrame(FrameCallback cb) {
* Note - Using the disk cache can potentially cause frames to be decoded incorrectly because the decoder is
* sequential. If earlier frames are evicted for some reason, later ones may then not be decoded correctly.
// We don't want to blow out the entire memory cache with frames of gifs, so try to set some
// maximum size beyond which we will always just decode one frame at a time.
boolean skipCache = totalFrameSize > calculator.getMemoryCacheSize() / 2;
// We can decode non transparent (cached as jpegs) frames more quickly from cache, but transparent
// (cached as png) frames more quickly from the gif data.
boolean skipDiskCache = decoder.isTransparent();
long targetTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + Math.max(MIN_FRAME_DELAY, decoder.getNextDelay());
next = new DelayTarget(cb, targetTime);
......@@ -117,11 +86,9 @@ class GifFrameManager {
.diskCacheStrategy(skipDiskCache ? DiskCacheStrategy.NONE : DiskCacheStrategy.RESULT)
......@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ package com.bumptech.glide.gifdecoder;
import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.Log;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
......@@ -144,10 +145,6 @@ public class GifDecoder {
return header.height;
public boolean isTransparent() {
return header.isTransparent;
public byte[] getData() {
return data;
......@@ -323,6 +320,7 @@ public class GifDecoder {
// No point in specially saving an old frame if we're never going to use it.
savePrevious = false;
for (GifFrame frame : header.frames) {
......@@ -458,7 +456,7 @@ public class GifDecoder {
//Copy pixels into previous image
// Copy pixels into previous image
if (savePrevious && currentFrame.dispose == DISPOSAL_UNSPECIFIED || currentFrame.dispose == DISPOSAL_NONE) {
if (previousImage == null) {
previousImage = getNextBitmap();
......@@ -631,8 +629,10 @@ public class GifDecoder {
private Bitmap.Config getPreferredConfig() {
if (config == Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 && !header.isTransparent) {
return Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;
// We can't tell if a gif has transparency to decode a partial frame on top of a previous frame, or if the final
// frame will actually have transparent pixels, so we must always use a format that supports transparency.
if (config == Bitmap.Config.RGB_565 || config == Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444) {
return Bitmap.Config.ARGB_4444;
} else {
return Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888;
......@@ -643,10 +643,15 @@ public class GifDecoder {
Bitmap result = bitmapProvider.obtain(header.width, header.height, targetConfig);
if (result == null) {
result = Bitmap.createBitmap(header.width, header.height, targetConfig);
} else {
// If we're reusing a bitmap it may have other things drawn in it which we need to remove.
return result;
private static void setAlpha(Bitmap bitmap) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 12) {
......@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ public class GifHeader {
int pixelAspect;
//TODO: this is set both during reading the header and while decoding frames...
int bgColor;
boolean isTransparent;
int loopCount;
public int getHeight() {
......@@ -143,7 +143,6 @@ public class GifHeaderParser {
header.currentFrame.dispose = 1;
header.currentFrame.transparency = (packed & 1) != 0;
header.isTransparent |= header.currentFrame.transparency;
// Delay in milliseconds.
header.currentFrame.delay = readShort() * 10;
// Transparent color index
......@@ -36,45 +36,47 @@ import java.io.OutputStream;
public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
protected int width; // image size
private int width; // image size
protected int height;
private int height;
protected Integer transparent = null; // transparent color if given
private Integer transparent = null; // transparent color if given
protected int transIndex; // transparent index in color table
private int transIndex; // transparent index in color table
protected int repeat = -1; // no repeat
private int repeat = -1; // no repeat
protected int delay = 0; // frame delay (hundredths)
private int delay = 0; // frame delay (hundredths)
protected boolean started = false; // ready to output frames
private boolean started = false; // ready to output frames
protected OutputStream out;
private OutputStream out;
protected Bitmap image; // current frame
private Bitmap image; // current frame
protected byte[] pixels; // BGR byte array from frame
private byte[] pixels; // BGR byte array from frame
protected byte[] indexedPixels; // converted frame indexed to palette
private byte[] indexedPixels; // converted frame indexed to palette
protected int colorDepth; // number of bit planes
private int colorDepth; // number of bit planes
protected byte[] colorTab; // RGB palette
private byte[] colorTab; // RGB palette
protected boolean[] usedEntry = new boolean[256]; // active palette entries
private boolean[] usedEntry = new boolean[256]; // active palette entries
protected int palSize = 7; // color table size (bits-1)
private int palSize = 7; // color table size (bits-1)
protected int dispose = -1; // disposal code (-1 = use default)
private int dispose = -1; // disposal code (-1 = use default)
protected boolean closeStream = false; // close stream when finished
private boolean closeStream = false; // close stream when finished
protected boolean firstFrame = true;
private boolean firstFrame = true;
protected boolean sizeSet = false; // if false, get size from first frame
private boolean sizeSet = false; // if false, get size from first frame
protected int sample = 10; // default sample interval for quantizer
private int sample = 10; // default sample interval for quantizer
private boolean hasTransparentPixels;
* Sets the delay time between each frame, or changes it for subsequent frames
......@@ -300,7 +302,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Analyzes image colors and creates color map.
protected void analyzePixels() {
private void analyzePixels() {
int len = pixels.length;
int nPix = len / 3;
indexedPixels = new byte[nPix];
......@@ -327,6 +329,8 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
// get closest match to transparent color if specified
if (transparent != null) {
transIndex = findClosest(transparent);
} else if (hasTransparentPixels) {
transIndex = findClosest(Color.TRANSPARENT);
......@@ -334,7 +338,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Returns index of palette color closest to c
protected int findClosest(int color) {
private int findClosest(int color) {
if (colorTab == null)
return -1;
int r = Color.red(color);
......@@ -361,7 +365,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Extracts image pixels into byte array "pixels"
protected void getImagePixels() {
private void getImagePixels() {
int w = image.getWidth();
int h = image.getHeight();
......@@ -379,7 +383,11 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
pixels = new byte[pixelsInt.length * 3];
int pixelsIndex = 0;
hasTransparentPixels = false;
for (final int pixel : pixelsInt) {
if (pixel == Color.TRANSPARENT) {
hasTransparentPixels = true;
pixels[pixelsIndex++] = (byte) (pixel & 0xFF);
pixels[pixelsIndex++] = (byte) ((pixel >> 8) & 0xFF);
pixels[pixelsIndex++] = (byte) ((pixel >> 16) & 0xFF);
......@@ -389,12 +397,12 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Writes Graphic Control Extension
protected void writeGraphicCtrlExt() throws IOException {
private void writeGraphicCtrlExt() throws IOException {
out.write(0x21); // extension introducer
out.write(0xf9); // GCE label
out.write(4); // data block size
int transp, disp;
if (transparent == null) {
if (transparent == null && !hasTransparentPixels) {
transp = 0;
disp = 0; // dispose = no action
} else {
......@@ -420,7 +428,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Writes Image Descriptor
protected void writeImageDesc() throws IOException {
private void writeImageDesc() throws IOException {
out.write(0x2c); // image separator
writeShort(0); // image position x,y = 0,0
......@@ -443,7 +451,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Writes Logical Screen Descriptor
protected void writeLSD() throws IOException {
private void writeLSD() throws IOException {
// logical screen size
......@@ -460,7 +468,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Writes Netscape application extension to define repeat count.
protected void writeNetscapeExt() throws IOException {
private void writeNetscapeExt() throws IOException {
out.write(0x21); // extension introducer
out.write(0xff); // app extension label
out.write(11); // block size
......@@ -474,7 +482,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Writes color table
protected void writePalette() throws IOException {
private void writePalette() throws IOException {
out.write(colorTab, 0, colorTab.length);
int n = (3 * 256) - colorTab.length;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
......@@ -485,7 +493,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Encodes and writes pixel data
protected void writePixels() throws IOException {
private void writePixels() throws IOException {
LZWEncoder encoder = new LZWEncoder(width, height, indexedPixels, colorDepth);
......@@ -493,7 +501,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Write 16-bit value to output stream, LSB first
protected void writeShort(int value) throws IOException {
private void writeShort(int value) throws IOException {
out.write(value & 0xff);
out.write((value >> 8) & 0xff);
......@@ -501,7 +509,7 @@ public class AnimatedGifEncoder {
* Writes string to output stream
protected void writeString(String s) throws IOException {
private void writeString(String s) throws IOException {
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
out.write((byte) s.charAt(i));
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