server_config: address: port: 19530 gpu_index: 0 #which gpu to be used mode: single #optional: single, cluster db_config: db_path: /tmp/milvus #URI format: dialect://username:password@host:port/database #All parts except dialect are optional, but you MUST include the delimiters db_backend_url: mysql://root:1234@:/test index_building_threshold: 1024 #build index file when raw data file size larger than this value, unit: MB metric_config: is_startup: off # on is activated, otherwise is down. note: case sensitive collector: prometheus # prometheus, now we only have prometheus prometheus_config: collect_type: pull # pull means prometheus pull the message from server, push means server push metric to push gateway port: 8080 push_gateway_ip_address: push_gateway_port: 9091 license_config: license_path: "/tmp/system.license" cache_config: cpu_cache_capacity: 16 # memory pool to hold index data, unit: GB