import os import sys import random import pdb import string import struct import logging import time, datetime import copy import numpy as np from sklearn import preprocessing from milvus import Milvus, IndexType, MetricType, DataType port = 19530 epsilon = 0.000001 default_flush_interval = 1 big_flush_interval = 1000 dimension = 128 segment_size = 10 # TODO: all_index_types = [ "FLAT", "IVF_FLAT", "IVF_SQ8", "IVF_SQ8_HYBRID", "IVF_PQ", "HNSW", # "NSG", "ANNOY", "BIN_FLAT", "BIN_IVF_FLAT" ] default_index_params = [ {"nlist": 1024}, {"nlist": 1024}, {"nlist": 1024}, {"nlist": 1024}, {"nlist": 1024, "m": 16}, {"M": 48, "efConstruction": 500}, # {"search_length": 50, "out_degree": 40, "candidate_pool_size": 100, "knng": 50}, {"n_trees": 4}, {"nlist": 1024}, {"nlist": 1024} ] def index_cpu_not_support(): return ["IVF_SQ8_HYBRID"] def binary_support(): return ["BIN_FLAT", "BIN_IVF_FLAT"] def delete_support(): return ["FLAT", "IVF_FLAT", "IVF_SQ8", "IVF_SQ8_HYBRID", "IVF_PQ"] def ivf(): return ["FLAT", "IVF_FLAT", "IVF_SQ8", "IVF_SQ8_HYBRID", "IVF_PQ"] def l2(x, y): return np.linalg.norm(np.array(x) - np.array(y)) def ip(x, y): return np.inner(np.array(x), np.array(y)) def jaccard(x, y): x = np.asarray(x, np.bool) y = np.asarray(y, np.bool) return 1 - np.double(np.bitwise_and(x, y).sum()) / np.double(np.bitwise_or(x, y).sum()) def hamming(x, y): x = np.asarray(x, np.bool) y = np.asarray(y, np.bool) return np.bitwise_xor(x, y).sum() def tanimoto(x, y): x = np.asarray(x, np.bool) y = np.asarray(y, np.bool) return -np.log2(np.double(np.bitwise_and(x, y).sum()) / np.double(np.bitwise_or(x, y).sum())) def substructure(x, y): x = np.asarray(x, np.bool) y = np.asarray(y, np.bool) return 1 - np.double(np.bitwise_and(x, y).sum()) / np.count_nonzero(y) def superstructure(x, y): x = np.asarray(x, np.bool) y = np.asarray(y, np.bool) return 1 - np.double(np.bitwise_and(x, y).sum()) / np.count_nonzero(x) def get_milvus(host, port, uri=None, handler=None, **kwargs): if handler is None: handler = "GRPC" try_connect = kwargs.get("try_connect", True) if uri is not None: milvus = Milvus(uri=uri, handler=handler, try_connect=try_connect) else: milvus = Milvus(host=host, port=port, handler=handler, try_connect=try_connect) return milvus def disable_flush(connect): connect.set_config("storage", "auto_flush_interval", big_flush_interval) def enable_flush(connect): # reset auto_flush_interval=1 connect.set_config("storage", "auto_flush_interval", default_flush_interval) config_value = connect.get_config("storage", "auto_flush_interval") assert config_value == str(default_flush_interval) def gen_inaccuracy(num): return num / 255.0 def gen_vectors(num, dim, is_normal=False): vectors = [[random.random() for _ in range(dim)] for _ in range(num)] vectors = preprocessing.normalize(vectors, axis=1, norm='l2') return vectors.tolist() # def gen_vectors(num, dim, seed=np.random.RandomState(1234), is_normal=False): # xb = seed.rand(num, dim).astype("float32") # xb = preprocessing.normalize(xb, axis=1, norm='l2') # return xb.tolist() def gen_binary_vectors(num, dim): raw_vectors = [] binary_vectors = [] for i in range(num): raw_vector = [random.randint(0, 1) for i in range(dim)] raw_vectors.append(raw_vector) binary_vectors.append(bytes(np.packbits(raw_vector, axis=-1).tolist())) return raw_vectors, binary_vectors def gen_binary_sub_vectors(vectors, length): raw_vectors = [] binary_vectors = [] dim = len(vectors[0]) for i in range(length): raw_vector = [0 for i in range(dim)] vector = vectors[i] for index, j in enumerate(vector): if j == 1: raw_vector[index] = 1 raw_vectors.append(raw_vector) binary_vectors.append(bytes(np.packbits(raw_vector, axis=-1).tolist())) return raw_vectors, binary_vectors def gen_binary_super_vectors(vectors, length): raw_vectors = [] binary_vectors = [] dim = len(vectors[0]) for i in range(length): cnt_1 = np.count_nonzero(vectors[i]) raw_vector = [1 for i in range(dim)] raw_vectors.append(raw_vector) binary_vectors.append(bytes(np.packbits(raw_vector, axis=-1).tolist())) return raw_vectors, binary_vectors def gen_int_attr(row_num): return [random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(row_num)] def gen_float_attr(row_num): return [random.uniform(0, 255) for _ in range(row_num)] def gen_unique_str(str_value=None): prefix = "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in range(8)) return "test_" + prefix if str_value is None else str_value + "_" + prefix def gen_single_filter_fields(): fields = [] for data_type in DataType: if data_type in [DataType.INT32, DataType.INT64, DataType.FLOAT, DataType.DOUBLE]: fields.append({"field":, "type": data_type}) return fields def gen_single_vector_fields(): fields = [] for metric_type in ['HAMMING', 'IP', 'JACCARD', 'L2', 'SUBSTRUCTURE', 'SUPERSTRUCTURE', 'TANIMOTO']: for data_type in [DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, DataType.BINARY_VECTOR]: if metric_type in ["L2", "IP"] and data_type == DataType.BINARY_VECTOR: continue if metric_type not in ["L2", "IP"] and data_type == DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR: continue field = {"field":, "type": data_type, "params": {"metric_type": metric_type, "dim": dimension}} fields.append(field) return fields def gen_default_fields(): default_fields = { "fields": [ {"field": "int64", "type": DataType.INT64}, {"field": "float", "type": DataType.FLOAT}, {"field": "vector", "type": DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, "params": {"metric_type": "L2", "dim": dimension}} ], "segment_size": segment_size } return default_fields def gen_entities(nb, is_normal=False): vectors = gen_vectors(nb, dimension, is_normal) entities = [ {"field": "int64", "type": DataType.INT64, "values": [2 for i in range(nb)]}, {"field": "float", "type": DataType.FLOAT, "values": [3.0 for i in range(nb)]}, {"field": "vector", "type": DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, "values": vectors} ] return entities def gen_binary_entities(nb): raw_vectors, vectors = gen_binary_vectors(nb, dimension) entities = [ {"field": "int64", "type": DataType.INT64, "values": [2 for i in range(nb)]}, {"field": "float", "type": DataType.FLOAT, "values": [3.0 for i in range(nb)]}, {"field": "binary_vector", "type": DataType.BINARY_VECTOR, "values": vectors} ] return raw_vectors, entities def gen_entities_by_fields(fields, nb, dimension): entities = [] for field in fields: if field["type"] in [DataType.INT32, DataType.INT64]: field_value = [1 for i in range(nb)] elif field["type"] in [DataType.FLOAT, DataType.DOUBLE]: field_value = [3.0 for i in range(nb)] elif field["type"] == DataType.BINARY_VECTOR: field_value = gen_binary_vectors(nb, dimension)[1] elif field["type"] == DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR: field_value = gen_vectors(nb, dimension) field.update({"values": field_value}) entities.append(field) return entities def assert_equal_entity(a, b): pass def gen_query_vectors_inside_entities(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params={"nprobe": 10}): query_vectors = entities[-1]["values"][:nq] query = { "bool": { "must": [ {"vector": {field_name: {"topk": top_k, "query": query_vectors, "params": search_params}}} ] } } return query, query_vectors def gen_query_vectors_rand_entities(field_name, entities, top_k, nq, search_params={"nprobe": 10}): dimension = len(entities[-1]["values"][0]) query_vectors = gen_vectors(nq, dimension) query = { "bool": { "must": [ {"vector": {field_name: {"topk": top_k, "query": query_vectors, "params": search_params}}} ] } } return query, query_vectors def add_field(entities): nb = len(entities[0]["values"]) field = { "field": gen_unique_str(), "type": DataType.INT64, "values": [1 for i in range(nb)] } entities.append(field) return entities def add_vector_field(entities, is_normal=False): nb = len(entities[0]["values"]) vectors = gen_vectors(nb, dimension, is_normal) field = { "field": gen_unique_str(), "type": DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, "values": vectors } entities.append(field) return entities def update_fields_metric_type(fields, metric_type): tmp_fields = copy.deepcopy(fields) if metric_type in ["L2", "IP"]: tmp_fields["fields"][-1]["type"] = DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR else: tmp_fields["fields"][-1]["type"] = DataType.BINARY_VECTOR tmp_fields["fields"][-1]["params"]["metric_type"] = metric_type return tmp_fields def remove_field(entities): del entities[0] return entities def remove_vector_field(entities): del entities[-1] return entities def update_field_name(entities, old_name, new_name): for item in entities: if item["field"] == old_name: item["field"] = new_name return entities def update_field_type(entities, old_name, new_name): for item in entities: if item["field"] == old_name: item["type"] = new_name return entities def update_field_value(entities, old_type, new_value): for item in entities: if item["type"] == old_type: for i in item["values"]: item["values"][i] = new_value return entities def add_vector_field(nb, dimension=dimension): field_name = gen_unique_str() field = { "field": field_name, "type": DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, "values": gen_vectors(nb, dimension) } return field_name def gen_segment_sizes(): sizes = [ 1, 2, 1024, 4096 ] return sizes def gen_invalid_ips(): ips = [ # "", # "", # "", # "", "127.0.0", # "", "12-s", " ", "12 s", "BB。A", " siede ", "(mn)", "中文", "a".join("a" for _ in range(256)) ] return ips def gen_invalid_uris(): ip = None uris = [ " ", "中文", # invalid protocol # "tc://%s:%s" % (ip, port), # "tcp%s:%s" % (ip, port), # # invalid port # "tcp://%s:100000" % ip, # "tcp://%s: " % ip, # "tcp://%s:19540" % ip, # "tcp://%s:-1" % ip, # "tcp://%s:string" % ip, # invalid ip "tcp:// :19530", # "tcp://" % port, "tcp://127.0.0:19530", # "tcp://" % port, # "tcp://" % port, # "tcp://" % port, # "tcp://" % port, "tcp://\n:19530", ] return uris def gen_invalid_strs(): strings = [ 1, [1], None, "12-s", " ", # "", # None, "12 s", "BB。A", "c|c", " siede ", "(mn)", "pip+", "=c", "中文", "a".join("a" for i in range(256)) ] return strings def gen_invalid_field_types(): field_types = [ # 1, "=c", # 0, None, "", "a".join("a" for i in range(256)) ] return field_types def gen_invalid_metric_types(): metric_types = [ 1, "=c", 0, None, "", "a".join("a" for i in range(256)) ] return metric_types # TODO: def gen_invalid_ints(): top_ks = [ # 1.0, None, "stringg", [1,2,3], (1,2), {"a": 1}, " ", "", "String", "12-s", "BB。A", " siede ", "(mn)", "pip+", "=c", "中文", "a".join("a" for i in range(256)) ] return top_ks def gen_invalid_params(): params = [ 9999999999, -1, # None, [1,2,3], (1,2), {"a": 1}, " ", "", "String", "12-s", "BB。A", " siede ", "(mn)", "pip+", "=c", "中文" ] return params def gen_invalid_vectors(): invalid_vectors = [ "1*2", [], [1], [1,2], [" "], ['a'], [None], None, (1,2), {"a": 1}, " ", "", "String", "12-s", "BB。A", " siede ", "(mn)", "pip+", "=c", "中文", "a".join("a" for i in range(256)) ] return invalid_vectors def gen_invaild_search_params(): invalid_search_key = 100 search_params = [] for index_type in all_index_types: if index_type == "FLAT": continue search_params.append({"index_type": index_type, "search_params": {"invalid_key": invalid_search_key}}) if index_type in delete_support(): for nprobe in gen_invalid_params(): ivf_search_params = {"index_type": index_type, "search_params": {"nprobe": nprobe}} search_params.append(ivf_search_params) elif index_type == "HNSW": for ef in gen_invalid_params(): hnsw_search_param = {"index_type": index_type, "search_params": {"ef": ef}} search_params.append(hnsw_search_param) elif index_type == "NSG": for search_length in gen_invalid_params(): nsg_search_param = {"index_type": index_type, "search_params": {"search_length": search_length}} search_params.append(nsg_search_param) search_params.append({"index_type": index_type, "search_params": {"invalid_key": 100}}) elif index_type == "ANNOY": for search_k in gen_invalid_params(): if isinstance(search_k, int): continue annoy_search_param = {"index_type": index_type, "search_params": {"search_k": search_k}} search_params.append(annoy_search_param) return search_params def gen_invalid_index(): index_params = [] for index_type in gen_invalid_strs(): index_param = {"index_type": index_type, "params": {"nlist": 1024}} index_params.append(index_param) for nlist in gen_invalid_params(): index_param = {"index_type": "IVF_FLAT", "params": {"nlist": nlist}} index_params.append(index_param) for M in gen_invalid_params(): index_param = {"index_type": "HNSW", "params": {"M": M, "efConstruction": 100}} index_params.append(index_param) for efConstruction in gen_invalid_params(): index_param = {"index_type": "HNSW", "params": {"M": 16, "efConstruction": efConstruction}} index_params.append(index_param) for search_length in gen_invalid_params(): index_param = {"index_type": "NSG", "params": {"search_length": search_length, "out_degree": 40, "candidate_pool_size": 50, "knng": 100}} index_params.append(index_param) for out_degree in gen_invalid_params(): index_param = {"index_type": "NSG", "params": {"search_length": 100, "out_degree": out_degree, "candidate_pool_size": 50, "knng": 100}} index_params.append(index_param) for candidate_pool_size in gen_invalid_params(): index_param = {"index_type": "NSG", "params": {"search_length": 100, "out_degree": 40, "candidate_pool_size": candidate_pool_size, "knng": 100}} index_params.append(index_param) index_params.append({"index_type": "IVF_FLAT", "params": {"invalid_key": 1024}}) index_params.append({"index_type": "HNSW", "params": {"invalid_key": 16, "efConstruction": 100}}) index_params.append({"index_type": "NSG", "params": {"invalid_key": 100, "out_degree": 40, "candidate_pool_size": 300, "knng": 100}}) for invalid_n_trees in gen_invalid_params(): index_params.append({"index_type": "ANNOY", "params": {"n_trees": invalid_n_trees}}) return index_params def gen_index(): nlists = [1, 1024, 16384] pq_ms = [128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4] Ms = [5, 24, 48] efConstructions = [100, 300, 500] search_lengths = [10, 100, 300] out_degrees = [5, 40, 300] candidate_pool_sizes = [50, 100, 300] knngs = [5, 100, 300] index_params = [] for index_type in all_index_types: if index_type in ["FLAT", "BIN_FLAT", "BIN_IVF_FLAT"]: index_params.append({"index_type": index_type, "index_param": {"nlist": 1024}}) elif index_type in ["IVF_FLAT", "IVF_SQ8", "IVF_SQ8_HYBRID"]: ivf_params = [{"index_type": index_type, "index_param": {"nlist": nlist}} \ for nlist in nlists] index_params.extend(ivf_params) elif index_type == "IVF_PQ": IVFPQ_params = [{"index_type": index_type, "index_param": {"nlist": nlist, "m": m}} \ for nlist in nlists \ for m in pq_ms] index_params.extend(IVFPQ_params) elif index_type == "HNSW": hnsw_params = [{"index_type": index_type, "index_param": {"M": M, "efConstruction": efConstruction}} \ for M in Ms \ for efConstruction in efConstructions] index_params.extend(hnsw_params) elif index_type == "NSG": nsg_params = [{"index_type": index_type, "index_param": {"search_length": search_length, "out_degree": out_degree, "candidate_pool_size": candidate_pool_size, "knng": knng}} \ for search_length in search_lengths \ for out_degree in out_degrees \ for candidate_pool_size in candidate_pool_sizes \ for knng in knngs] index_params.extend(nsg_params) return index_params def gen_simple_index(): index_params = [] for i in range(len(all_index_types)): if all_index_types[i] in binary_support(): continue dic = {"index_type": all_index_types[i]} dic.update(default_index_params[i]) index_params.append(dic) return index_params def gen_binary_index(): index_params = [] for i in range(len(all_index_types)): if all_index_types[i] in binary_support(): dic = {"index_type": all_index_types[i]} dic.update(default_index_params[i]) index_params.append(dic) return index_params def get_search_param(index_type): if index_type in ivf() or index_type in binary_support(): return {"nprobe": 32} elif index_type == "HNSW": return {"ef": 64} elif index_type == "NSG": return {"search_length": 100} elif index_type == "ANNOY": return {"search_k": 100} else: logging.getLogger().info("Invalid index_type.") def assert_equal_vector(v1, v2): if len(v1) != len(v2): assert False for i in range(len(v1)): assert abs(v1[i] - v2[i]) < epsilon def restart_server(helm_release_name): res = True timeout = 120 from kubernetes import client, config namespace = "milvus" # service_name = "%s.%s.svc.cluster.local" % (helm_release_name, namespace) config.load_kube_config() v1 = client.CoreV1Api() pod_name = None # config_map_names = v1.list_namespaced_config_map(namespace, pretty='true') # body = {"replicas": 0} pods = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace) for i in pods.items: if != -1 and"mysql") == -1: pod_name = break # v1.patch_namespaced_config_map(config_map_name, namespace, body, pretty='true') # status_res = v1.read_namespaced_service_status(helm_release_name, namespace, pretty='true') # print(status_res) if pod_name is not None: try: v1.delete_namespaced_pod(pod_name, namespace) except Exception as e: logging.error(str(e)) logging.error("Exception when calling CoreV1Api->delete_namespaced_pod") res = False return res time.sleep(5) # check if restart successfully pods = v1.list_namespaced_pod(namespace) for i in pods.items: pod_name_tmp = if pod_name_tmp.find(helm_release_name) != -1: logging.debug(pod_name_tmp) start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time > timeout: status_res = v1.read_namespaced_pod_status(pod_name_tmp, namespace, pretty='true') if status_res.status.phase == "Running": break time.sleep(1) if time.time() - start_time > timeout: logging.error("Restart pod: %s timeout" % pod_name_tmp) res = False return res else: logging.error("Pod: %s not found" % helm_release_name) res = False return res