未验证 提交 c3d95974 编写于 作者: X XuanYang-cn 提交者: GitHub

fix size meta to unsigned big int (#3550)

Signed-off-by: Nyangxuan <xuan.yang@zilliz.com>
Co-authored-by: Nyangxuan <xuan.yang@zilliz.com>
上级 fcc679e6
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ Please mark all changes in change log and use the issue from GitHub
- \#3406 No debug and info log generated after server started
- \#3407 Server get stuck if create index after entities inserted with no manual flush
- \#3446 ListIDInSegment get wrong result when delete more than one ids
- \#3482 Server crashed during adding entities
## Feature
- \#2319 Redo metadata to support MVCC
......@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ MetaSession::Select(const std::string& field, const std::vector<U>& values,
if (size_p != nullptr) {
iter = raw.find(F_SIZE);
if (iter != raw.end()) {
auto size = std::stol(iter->second);
uint64_t size = std::stoul(iter->second);
......@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ MetaSession::Select(const std::string& field, const std::vector<U>& values,
if (rc_p != nullptr) {
iter = raw.find(F_ROW_COUNT);
if (iter != raw.end()) {
auto rc = std::stol(iter->second);
uint64_t rc = std::stoul(iter->second);
......@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ static const MetaField MetaStateField = MetaField(F_STATE, "TINYINT", "NOT NULL"
static const MetaField MetaCreatedOnField = MetaField(F_CREATED_ON, "BIGINT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaUpdatedOnField = MetaField(F_UPDATED_ON, "BIGINT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaParamsField = MetaField(F_PARAMS, "JSON", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaSizeField = MetaField(F_SIZE, "BIGINT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaRowCountField = MetaField(F_ROW_COUNT, "BIGINT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaSizeField = MetaField(F_SIZE, "BIGINT UNSIGNED", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaRowCountField = MetaField(F_ROW_COUNT, "BIGINT UNSIGNED", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaTypeNameField = MetaField(F_TYPE_NAME, "VARCHAR(255)", "NOT NULL");
// Environment schema
......@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ static const MetaField MetaStateField = MetaField(F_STATE, "TINYINT", "NOT NULL"
static const MetaField MetaCreatedOnField = MetaField(F_CREATED_ON, "BIGINT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaUpdatedOnField = MetaField(F_UPDATED_ON, "BIGINT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaParamsField = MetaField(F_PARAMS, "VARCHAR(255)", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaSizeField = MetaField(F_SIZE, "BIGINT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaRowCountField = MetaField(F_ROW_COUNT, "BIGINT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaSizeField = MetaField(F_SIZE, "UNSIGNED BIG INT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaRowCountField = MetaField(F_ROW_COUNT, "UNSIGNED BIG INT", "NOT NULL");
static const MetaField MetaTypeNameField = MetaField(F_TYPE_NAME, "VARCHAR(255)", "NOT NULL");
// Environment schema
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