# scala-macro-tools | Project Stage | CI | Codecov | |---------------|-----------------|-------------------------------------------| | ![Stage] | ![CI][Badge-CI] | [![codecov][Badge-Codecov]][Link-Codecov] | | Scaladex | Jetbrains Plugin | Nexus Snapshots | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|-----------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------| | [![scala-macro-tools Scala version support][Badge-Scaladex]][Link-Scaladex] | [![Version][Badge-Jetbrains]][Link-Jetbrains] | [![Sonatype Nexus (Snapshots)][Badge-Snapshots]][Link-Snapshots] | Motivation -- Learn Scala macro and abstract syntax tree. > The project is currently experimental [中文说明](./ | [English](./ # Environment - Compile passed in Java 8、11 - Compile passed in Scala 2.11.12、2.12.14、2.13.8 # Document []( # How to use ## csv-core - `Converter` A basic CSV converter. - `CsvableBuilder` Support for converting Scala`case class`to one CSV line in a custom way. - `ScalableBuilder` Support for converting one CSV line to Scala`case class`in a custom way. - `CsvFormat` Custom format and TSV file support. - Zero dependency, type-safe ```scala "org.bitlap" %% "smt-csv-core" % "" // since 0.5.2 ``` ## csv-derive - `DeriveCsvConverter` Automatically derive`Converter`instances for Scala`case class` ```scala "org.bitlap" %% "smt-csv-derive" % "" // since 0.5.2 ``` ## tools - `@toString` - `@json` - `@builder` - `@log` - `@apply` - `@constructor` - `@equalsAndHashCode` - `@jacksonEnum` - `@elapsed` - `@javaCompatible` - `ProcessorCreator` > The intellij plugin named `Scala-Macro-Tools` in marketplace. ```scala "org.bitlap" %% "smt-tools" % "" // named smt-tools since 0.4.0 ``` ## cacheable-core A cache like Spring `@Cacheable` and `@cacheEvict` based on zio. It has no implementation of storage media. - `@cacheable` / `Cache.apply` - `@cacheEvict` / `Cache.evict` ```scala // cache API, include dependencies: zio, zio-streams, zio-logging "org.bitlap" %% "smt-cacheable-core" % "" // not support Scala2.11.x ``` ## cacheable-redis A distributed cache based on zio and zio-redis. It needs `cacheable-core` module. > TODO Not unavailable, no distributed lock ```scala // distributed cache, include dependencies: zio-redis, config, zio-schema, zio-schema-json, optional (zio-schema-derivation for case class) // dependsOn `smt-cacheable-core` "org.bitlap" %% "smt-cacheable-redis" % "" // not support Scala2.11.x ``` ## cacheable-caffeine A memory cache based on zio and caffeine. It needs `cacheable-core` module. ```scala // local cache, include dependencies: config, caffeine // dependsOn `smt-cacheable-core` "org.bitlap" %% "smt-cacheable-caffeine" % "" // not support Scala2.11.x ``` The artefacts have been uploaded to Maven Central. Importing the library into your build system (e.g gradle, sbt), is not enough. You need to follow an extra step. | Scala 2.11 | Scala 2.12 | Scala 2.13 | | ---------------------------- | ---------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------- | | Import macro paradise plugin | Import macro paradise plugin | Enable compiler flag `-Ymacro-annotations` required | ```scala addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise_" % "") ``` Where `` must be the full scala version. For example 2.12.13, and not 2.12. If that doesn't work, google for alternatives. In version scala`2.13.x`, the functionality of macro paradise has been included in the scala compiler directly. However, you must still enable the compiler flag `-Ymacro-annotations`. [Stage]: [Badge-CI]: [Badge-Scaladex]: [Badge-Jetbrains]: [Badge-Codecov]: [Badge-Snapshots]: [Link-Jetbrains]: [Link-Codecov]: [Link-Scaladex]: [Link-Snapshots]: