package io.github.liguobin import scala.annotation.{ StaticAnnotation, compileTimeOnly } import scala.language.experimental.macros import scala.reflect.macros.whitebox /** * toString for class * * @author 梦境迷离 * @param verbose Whether to enable detailed log. * @param withInternalField Whether to include the fields defined within a class. * @param withFieldName Whether to include the name of the field in the toString. * @since 2021/6/13 * @version 1.0 */ @compileTimeOnly("enable macro to expand macro annotations") final class toString( verbose: Boolean = false, withInternalField: Boolean = true, withFieldName: Boolean = true ) extends StaticAnnotation { def macroTransform(annottees: Any*): Any = macro stringMacro.impl } case class Argument(verbose: Boolean, withInternalField: Boolean, withFieldName: Boolean) object stringMacro { def printField(c: whitebox.Context)(argument: Argument, lastParam: Option[String], field: c.universe.Tree): c.universe.Tree = { import c.universe._ // Print one field as +"="+fieldName if (argument.withFieldName) { lastParam.fold(q"$field") { lp => field match { case tree @ q"$mods var $tname: $tpt = $expr" => if (tname.toString() != lp) q"""${tname.toString()}+${"="}+this.$tname+${", "}""" else q"""${tname.toString()}+${"="}+this.$tname""" case tree @ q"$mods val $tname: $tpt = $expr" => if (tname.toString() != lp) q"""${tname.toString()}+${"="}+this.$tname+${", "}""" else q"""${tname.toString()}+${"="}+this.$tname""" case _ => q"$field" } } } else { lastParam.fold(q"$field") { lp => field match { case tree @ q"$mods var $tname: $tpt = $expr" => if (tname.toString() != lp) q"""$tname+${", "}""" else q"""$tname""" case tree @ q"$mods val $tname: $tpt = $expr" => if (tname.toString() != lp) q"""$tname+${", "}""" else q"""$tname""" case _ => if (field.toString() != lp) q"""$field+${", "}""" else q"""$field""" } } } } private def toStringTemplateImpl(c: whitebox.Context)(argument: Argument, annotateeClass: c.universe.ClassDef): c.universe.Tree = { import c.universe._ // For a given class definition, separate the components of the class val (className, annotteeClassParams, annotteeClassDefinitions) = { annotateeClass match { case q"$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..$stats }" => (tpname, paramss, stats) } } // Check the type of the class, whether it already contains its own toString val annotteeClassFieldDefinitions = annotteeClassDefinitions.asInstanceOf[List[Tree]].filter(p => p match { case _: ValDef => true case mem: MemberDef =>, s"MemberDef: ${mem.toString}", true) if (mem.toString().startsWith("override def toString")) { c.abort(mem.pos, "'toString' method has already defined, please remove it or not use'@toString'") } false case _ => false }) // For the parameters of a given constructor, separate the parameter components and extract the constructor parameters containing val and var val ctorParams = annotteeClassParams.asInstanceOf[List[List[Tree]]] { case tree @ q"$mods val $tname: $tpt = $expr" => tree case tree @ q"$mods var $tname: $tpt = $expr" => tree }, s"className: $className, ctorParams: ${ctorParams.toString()}", force = true), s"className: $className, fields: ${annotteeClassFieldDefinitions.toString()}", force = true) val member = if (argument.withInternalField) ctorParams ++ annotteeClassFieldDefinitions else ctorParams val lastParam = { case v: ValDef => case c => c.toString } val paramsWithName = member.foldLeft(q"${""}")((res, acc) => q"$res + ${printField(c)(argument, lastParam, acc)}") //scala/bug not be 'Foo(i=1,j=2)' in standard library q"""override def toString: String = ${className.toString()} + ${"("} + $paramsWithName + ${")"}""" } def impl(c: whitebox.Context)(annottees: c.Expr[Any]*): c.Expr[Any] = { import c.universe._ // extract parameters of annotation val arg = c.prefix.tree match { case q"new toString($aa, $bb, $cc)" => (c.eval[Boolean](c.Expr(aa)), c.eval[Boolean](c.Expr(bb)), c.eval[Boolean](c.Expr(cc))) case q"new toString(withInternalField=$bb, withFieldName=$cc)" => (false, c.eval[Boolean](c.Expr(bb)), c.eval[Boolean](c.Expr(cc))) case q"new toString()" => (false, true, true) case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "unexpected annotation pattern!") } val argument = Argument(arg._1, arg._2, arg._3) // Check the type of the class, which can only be defined on the ordinary class val annotateeClass: ClassDef = match { case (claz: ClassDef) :: Nil => claz case _ => c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "Unexpected annottee. Only applicable to class definitions.") } val isCase: Boolean = { annotateeClass match { case q"$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..$stats }" => if (mods.asInstanceOf[Modifiers].hasFlag(Flag.CASE)) { c.warning(c.enclosingPosition, "'toString' annotation is used on 'case class'.") true } else false } }, s"impl argument: $argument, isCase: $isCase", force = true) val resMethod = toStringTemplateImpl(c)(argument, annotateeClass) val resTree = annotateeClass match { case q"$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..$stats }" => q"$mods class $tpname[..$tparams] $ctorMods(...$paramss) extends { ..$earlydefns } with ..$parents { $self => ..${stats.toList.:+(resMethod)} }" } // Print the ast c.enclosingPosition, "\n###### Expanded macro ######\n" + resTree.toString() + "\n###### Expanded macro ######\n", force = argument.verbose ) c.Expr[Any](resTree) } }