import concurrent.futures import json import unittest import quickjs class LoadModule(unittest.TestCase): def test_42(self): self.assertEqual(quickjs.test(), 42) class Context(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.context = quickjs.Context() def test_eval_int(self): self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("40 + 2"), 42) def test_eval_float(self): self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("40.0 + 2.0"), 42.0) def test_eval_str(self): self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("'4' + '2'"), "42") def test_eval_bool(self): self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("true || false"), True) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("true && false"), False) def test_eval_null(self): self.assertIsNone(self.context.eval("null")) def test_eval_undefined(self): self.assertIsNone(self.context.eval("undefined")) def test_wrong_type(self): with self.assertRaises(TypeError): self.assertEqual(self.context.eval(1), 42) def test_context_between_calls(self): self.context.eval("x = 40; y = 2;") self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("x + y"), 42) def test_function(self): self.context.eval(""" function special(x) { return 40 + x; } """) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("special(2)"), 42) def test_get(self): self.context.eval("x = 42; y = 'foo';") self.assertEqual(self.context.get("x"), 42) self.assertEqual(self.context.get("y"), "foo") self.assertEqual(self.context.get("z"), None) def test_set(self): self.context.eval("x = 'overriden'") self.context.set("x", 42) self.context.set("y", "foo") self.assertTrue(self.context.eval("x == 42")) self.assertTrue(self.context.eval("y == 'foo'")) def test_module(self): self.context.module(""" export function test() { return 42; } """) def test_error(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "ReferenceError: 'missing' is not defined"): self.context.eval("missing + missing") def test_lifetime(self): def get_f(): context = quickjs.Context() f = context.eval(""" a = function(x) { return 40 + x; } """) return f f = get_f() self.assertTrue(f) # The context has left the scope after f. f needs to keep the context alive for the # its lifetime. Otherwise, we will get problems. def test_backtrace(self): try: self.context.eval(""" function funcA(x) { x.a.b = 1; } function funcB(x) { funcA(x); } funcB({}); """) except Exception as e: msg = str(e) else:"Expected exception.") self.assertIn("at funcA (:3)\n", msg) self.assertIn("at funcB (:6)\n", msg) def test_memory_limit(self): code = """ (function() { let arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { arr.push(i); } })(); """ self.context.eval(code) self.context.set_memory_limit(1000) with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "null"): self.context.eval(code) self.context.set_memory_limit(1000000) self.context.eval(code) def test_time_limit(self): code = """ (function() { let arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { arr.push(i); } return arr; })(); """ self.context.eval(code) self.context.set_time_limit(0) with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "InternalError: interrupted"): self.context.eval(code) self.context.set_time_limit(-1) self.context.eval(code) def test_memory_usage(self): self.assertIn("memory_used_size", self.context.memory().keys()) def test_json_simple(self): self.assertEqual(self.context.parse_json("42"), 42) def test_json_error(self): with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "unexpected token"): self.context.parse_json("a b c") def test_execute_pending_job(self): self.context.eval("obj = {}") self.assertEqual(self.context.execute_pending_job(), False) self.context.eval("Promise.resolve().then(() => {obj.x = 1;})") self.assertEqual(self.context.execute_pending_job(), True) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("obj.x"), 1) self.assertEqual(self.context.execute_pending_job(), False) class CallIntoPython(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.context = quickjs.Context() def test_make_function(self): self.context.add_callable("f", lambda x: x + 2) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("f(40)"), 42) def test_make_two_functions(self): for i in range(10): self.context.add_callable("f", lambda x: i + x + 2) self.context.add_callable("g", lambda x: i + x + 40) f = self.context.get("f") g = self.context.get("g") self.assertEqual(f(40) - i, 42) self.assertEqual(g(2) - i, 42) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("((f, a) => f(a))")(f, 40) - i, 42) def test_make_function_call_from_js(self): self.context.add_callable("f", lambda x: x + 2) g = self.context.eval("""( function() { return f(20) + 20; } )""") self.assertEqual(g(), 42) def test_python_function_raises(self): def error(a): raise ValueError("A") self.context.add_callable("error", error) with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "Python call failed"): self.context.eval("error(0)") def test_make_function_two_args(self): def concat(a, b): return a + b self.context.add_callable("concat", concat) result = self.context.eval("concat(40, 2)") self.assertEqual(result, 42) concat = self.context.get("concat") result = self.context.eval("((f, a, b) => 22 + f(a, b))")(concat, 10, 10) self.assertEqual(result, 42) def test_make_function_two_string_args(self): """Without the JS_DupValue in js_c_function, this test crashes.""" def concat(a, b): return a + "-" + b self.context.add_callable("concat", concat) concat = self.context.get("concat") result = concat("aaa", "bbb") self.assertEqual(result, "aaa-bbb") def test_can_eval_in_same_context(self): self.context.add_callable("f", lambda: 40 + self.context.eval("1 + 1")) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("f()"), 42) def test_can_call_in_same_context(self): inner = self.context.eval("(function() { return 42; })") self.context.add_callable("f", lambda: inner()) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("f()"), 42) def test_invalid_argument(self): self.context.add_callable("p", lambda: 42) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("p()"), 42) with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "Python call failed"): self.context.eval("p(1)") with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "Python call failed"): self.context.eval("p({})") def test_time_limit_disallowed(self): self.context.add_callable("f", lambda x: x + 2) self.context.set_time_limit(1000) with self.assertRaises(quickjs.JSException): self.context.eval("f(40)") def test_conversion_failure_does_not_raise_system_error(self): # def test_list(): return [1, 2, 3] self.context.add_callable("test_list", test_list) with self.assertRaises(quickjs.JSException): # With incorrect error handling, this (safely) made Python raise a SystemError # instead of a JS exception. self.context.eval("test_list()") class Object(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.context = quickjs.Context() def test_function_is_object(self): f = self.context.eval(""" a = function(x) { return 40 + x; } """) self.assertIsInstance(f, quickjs.Object) def test_function_call_int(self): f = self.context.eval(""" f = function(x) { return 40 + x; } """) self.assertEqual(f(2), 42) def test_function_call_int_two_args(self): f = self.context.eval(""" f = function(x, y) { return 40 + x + y; } """) self.assertEqual(f(3, -1), 42) def test_function_call_many_times(self): n = 1000 f = self.context.eval(""" f = function(x, y) { return x + y; } """) s = 0 for i in range(n): s += f(1, 1) self.assertEqual(s, 2 * n) def test_function_call_str(self): f = self.context.eval(""" f = function(a) { return a + " hej"; } """) self.assertEqual(f("1"), "1 hej") def test_function_call_str_three_args(self): f = self.context.eval(""" f = function(a, b, c) { return a + " hej " + b + " ho " + c; } """) self.assertEqual(f("1", "2", "3"), "1 hej 2 ho 3") def test_function_call_object(self): d = self.context.eval("d = {data: 42};") f = self.context.eval(""" f = function(d) { return; } """) self.assertEqual(f(d), 42) # Try again to make sure refcounting works. self.assertEqual(f(d), 42) self.assertEqual(f(d), 42) def test_function_call_unsupported_arg(self): f = self.context.eval(""" f = function(x) { return 40 + x; } """) with self.assertRaisesRegex(TypeError, "Unsupported type"): self.assertEqual(f({}), 42) def test_json(self): d = self.context.eval("d = {data: 42};") self.assertEqual(json.loads(d.json()), {"data": 42}) def test_call_nonfunction(self): d = self.context.eval("({data: 42})") with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "TypeError: not a function"): d(1) def test_wrong_context(self): context1 = quickjs.Context() context2 = quickjs.Context() f = context1.eval("(function(x) { return x.a; })") d = context2.eval("({a: 1})") with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, "Can not mix JS objects from different contexts."): f(d) def test_get(self): self.context.eval("a = {x: 42, y: 'foo'};") a = self.context.get_global().get("a") self.assertEqual(a.get("x"), 42) self.assertEqual(a.get("y"), "foo") self.assertEqual(a.get("z"), None) def test_set(self): self.context.eval("a = {x: 'overridden'}") a = self.context.get_global().get("a") a.set("x", 42) a.set("y", "foo") self.assertTrue(self.context.eval("a.x == 42")) self.assertTrue(self.context.eval("a.y == 'foo'")) def test_make_function(self): print(11) self.context.get_global().set("f", lambda x: x + 2) self.assertEqual(self.context.eval("f(40)"), 42) class FunctionTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_adder(self): f = quickjs.Function( "adder", """ function adder(x, y) { return x + y; } """) self.assertEqual(f(1, 1), 2) self.assertEqual(f(100, 200), 300) self.assertEqual(f("a", "b"), "ab") def test_identity(self): identity = quickjs.Function( "identity", """ function identity(x) { return x; } """) for x in [True, [1], {"a": 2}, 1, 1.5, "hej", None]: self.assertEqual(identity(x), x) def test_bool(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f(x) { return [typeof x ,!x]; } """) self.assertEqual(f(False), ["boolean", True]) self.assertEqual(f(True), ["boolean", False]) def test_empty(self): f = quickjs.Function("f", "function f() { }") self.assertEqual(f(), None) def test_lists(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f(arr) { const result = []; arr.forEach(function(elem) { result.push(elem + 42); }); return result; }""") self.assertEqual(f([0, 1, 2]), [42, 43, 44]) def test_dict(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f(obj) { return; }""") self.assertEqual(f({"data": {"value": 42}}), {"value": 42}) def test_time_limit(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f() { let arr = []; for (let i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { arr.push(i); } return arr; } """) f() f.set_time_limit(0) with self.assertRaisesRegex(quickjs.JSException, "InternalError: interrupted"): f() f.set_time_limit(-1) f() def test_garbage_collection(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f() { let a = {}; let b = {}; a.b = b; b.a = a; a.i = 42; return a.i; } """) initial_count = f.memory()["obj_count"] for i in range(10): prev_count = f.memory()["obj_count"] self.assertEqual(f(run_gc=False), 42) current_count = f.memory()["obj_count"] self.assertGreater(current_count, prev_count) f.gc() self.assertLessEqual(f.memory()["obj_count"], initial_count) def test_deep_recursion(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f(v) { if (v <= 0) { return 0; } else { return 1 + f(v - 1); } } """) self.assertEqual(f(100), 100) limit = 500 with self.assertRaises(quickjs.StackOverflow): f(limit) f.set_max_stack_size(2000 * limit) self.assertEqual(f(limit), limit) def test_add_callable(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f() { return pfunc(); } """) f.add_callable("pfunc", lambda: 42) self.assertEqual(f(), 42) def test_execute_pending_job(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ obj = {x: 0, y: 0}; async function a() { obj.x = await 1; } a(); Promise.resolve().then(() => {obj.y = 1}); function f() { return obj.x + obj.y; } """) self.assertEqual(f(), 0) self.assertEqual(f.execute_pending_job(), True) self.assertEqual(f(), 1) self.assertEqual(f.execute_pending_job(), True) self.assertEqual(f(), 2) self.assertEqual(f.execute_pending_job(), False) class JavascriptFeatures(unittest.TestCase): def test_unicode_strings(self): identity = quickjs.Function( "identity", """ function identity(x) { return x; } """) context = quickjs.Context() for x in ["äpple", "≤≥", "☺"]: self.assertEqual(identity(x), x) self.assertEqual(context.eval('(function(){ return "' + x + '";})()'), x) def test_es2020_optional_chaining(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f(x) { return x?.one?.two; } """) self.assertIsNone(f({})) self.assertIsNone(f({"one": 12})) self.assertEqual(f({"one": {"two": 42}}), 42) def test_es2020_null_coalescing(self): f = quickjs.Function( "f", """ function f(x) { return x ?? 42; } """) self.assertEqual(f(""), "") self.assertEqual(f(0), 0) self.assertEqual(f(11), 11) self.assertEqual(f(None), 42) def test_symbol_conversion(self): context = quickjs.Context() context.eval("a = Symbol();") context.set("b", context.eval("a")) self.assertTrue(context.eval("a === b")) def test_large_python_integers_to_quickjs(self): context = quickjs.Context() # Without a careful implementation, this made Python raise a SystemError/OverflowError. context.set("v", 10**25) # There is precision loss occurring in JS due to # the floating point implementation of numbers. self.assertTrue(context.eval("v == 1e25")) def test_bigint(self): context = quickjs.Context() self.assertEqual(context.eval(f"BigInt('{10**100}')"), 10**100) self.assertEqual(context.eval(f"BigInt('{-10**100}')"), -10**100) class Threads(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.context = quickjs.Context() self.executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() def tearDown(self): self.executor.shutdown() def test_concurrent(self): """Demonstrates that the execution will crash unless the function executes on the same thread every time. If the executor in Function is not present, this test will fail. """ data = list(range(1000)) jssum = quickjs.Function( "sum", """ function sum(data) { return data.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) } """) futures = [self.executor.submit(jssum, data) for _ in range(10)] expected = sum(data) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): self.assertEqual(future.result(), expected) def test_concurrent_own_executor(self): data = list(range(1000)) jssum1 = quickjs.Function("sum", """ function sum(data) { return data.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) } """, own_executor=True) jssum2 = quickjs.Function("sum", """ function sum(data) { return data.reduce((a, b) => a + b, 0) } """, own_executor=True) futures = [self.executor.submit(f, data) for _ in range(10) for f in (jssum1, jssum2)] expected = sum(data) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): self.assertEqual(future.result(), expected) class QJS(object): def __init__(self): self.interp = quickjs.Context() self.interp.eval('var foo = "bar";') class QuickJSContextInClass(unittest.TestCase): def test_github_issue_7(self): # This used to give stack overflow internal error, due to how QuickJS calculates stack # frames. Passes with the 2021-03-27 release. # # TODO: Use the new JS_UpdateStackTop function in order to better handle stacks. qjs = QJS() self.assertEqual(qjs.interp.eval('2+2'), 4)