package jadx.gui.device.debugger; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.time.Instant; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import jadx.gui.device.protocol.ADBDevice; import jadx.gui.ui.panel.LogcatPanel; public class LogcatController { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LogcatController.class); private final ADBDevice adbDevice; private final LogcatPanel logcatPanel; private Timer timer; private final String timezone; private LogcatInfo recent = null; private ArrayList events = new ArrayList<>(); private LogcatFilter filter = new LogcatFilter(null, null); private String status = "null"; public LogcatController(LogcatPanel logcatPanel, ADBDevice adbDevice) throws IOException { this.adbDevice = adbDevice; this.logcatPanel = logcatPanel; this.timezone = adbDevice.getTimezone(); this.startLogcat(); } public void startLogcat() { timer = new Timer(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { getLog(); } }, 0, 1000); this.status = "running"; } public void stopLogcat() { timer.cancel(); this.status = "stopped"; } public String getStatus() { return this.status; } public void clearLogcat() { try { adbDevice.clearLogcat(); clearEvents(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to clear Logcat", e); } } private void getLog() { if (!logcatPanel.isReady()) { return; } try { byte[] buf; if (recent == null) { buf = adbDevice.getBinaryLogcat(); } else { buf = adbDevice.getBinaryLogcat(recent.getAfterTimestamp()); } if (buf == null) { return; } ByteBuffer in = ByteBuffer.wrap(buf); in.order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); while (in.remaining() > 20) { LogcatInfo eInfo = null; byte[] msgBuf; short eLen = in.getShort(); short eHdrLen = in.getShort(); if (eLen + eHdrLen > in.remaining()) { return; } switch (eHdrLen) { case 20: // header length 20 == version 1 eInfo = new LogcatInfo(eLen, eHdrLen, in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.get()); msgBuf = new byte[eLen]; in.get(msgBuf, 0, eLen - 1); eInfo.setMsg(msgBuf); break; case 24: // header length 24 == version 2 / 3 eInfo = new LogcatInfo(eLen, eHdrLen, in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.get()); msgBuf = new byte[eLen]; in.get(msgBuf, 0, eLen - 1); eInfo.setMsg(msgBuf); break; case 28: // header length 28 == version 4 eInfo = new LogcatInfo(eLen, eHdrLen, in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.getInt(), in.get()); msgBuf = new byte[eLen]; in.get(msgBuf, 0, eLen - 1); eInfo.setMsg(msgBuf); break; default: break; } if (eInfo == null) { return; } if (recent == null) { recent = eInfo; } else if (recent.getInstant().isBefore(eInfo.getInstant())) { recent = eInfo; } if (filter.doFilter(eInfo)) { logcatPanel.log(eInfo); } events.add(eInfo); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Failed to get logcat message", e); } } public boolean reload() { stopLogcat(); boolean ok = logcatPanel.clearLogcatArea(); if (ok) { events.forEach((eInfo) -> { if (filter.doFilter(eInfo)) { logcatPanel.log(eInfo); } }); startLogcat(); } return true; } public void clearEvents() { this.recent = null; = new ArrayList<>(); } public void exit() { stopLogcat(); filter = new LogcatFilter(null, null); recent = null; } public LogcatFilter getFilter() { return this.filter; } public class LogcatFilter { private final ArrayList pid; private ArrayList msgType = new ArrayList() { { add((byte) 1); add((byte) 2); add((byte) 3); add((byte) 4); add((byte) 5); add((byte) 6); add((byte) 7); add((byte) 8); } }; public LogcatFilter(ArrayList pid, ArrayList msgType) { if (pid != null) { = pid; } else { = new ArrayList<>(); } if (msgType != null) { this.msgType = msgType; } } public void addPid(int pid) { if (! {; } } public void removePid(int pid) { int pidPos =; if (pidPos >= 0) {; } } public void togglePid(int pid, boolean state) { if (state) { addPid(pid); } else { removePid(pid); } } public void addMsgType(byte msgType) { if (!this.msgType.contains(msgType)) { this.msgType.add(msgType); } } public void removeMsgType(byte msgType) { int typePos = this.msgType.indexOf(msgType); if (typePos >= 0) { this.msgType.remove(typePos); } } public void toggleMsgType(byte msgType, boolean state) { if (state) { addMsgType(msgType); } else { removeMsgType(msgType); } } public boolean doFilter(LogcatInfo inInfo) { if (pid.contains(inInfo.getPid())) { return msgType.contains(inInfo.getMsgType()); } return false; } public ArrayList getFilteredList(ArrayList inInfoList) { ArrayList outInfoList = new ArrayList(); inInfoList.forEach((inInfo) -> { if (doFilter(inInfo)) { outInfoList.add(inInfo); } }); return outInfoList; } } public class LogcatInfo { private String msg; private final byte msgType; private final int nsec; private final int pid; private final int sec; private final int tid; private final short hdrSize; private final short len; private final short version; private int lid; private int uid; public LogcatInfo(short len, short hdrSize, int pid, int tid, int sec, int nsec, byte msgType) { this.hdrSize = hdrSize; this.len = len; this.msgType = msgType; this.nsec = nsec; = pid; this.sec = sec; this.tid = tid; this.version = 1; } // Version 2 and 3 both have the same arguments public LogcatInfo(short len, short hdrSize, int pid, int tid, int sec, int nsec, int lid, byte msgType) { this.hdrSize = hdrSize; this.len = len; this.lid = lid; this.msgType = msgType; this.nsec = nsec; = pid; this.sec = sec; this.tid = tid; this.version = 3; } public LogcatInfo(short len, short hdrSize, int pid, int tid, int sec, int nsec, int lid, int uid, byte msgType) { this.hdrSize = hdrSize; this.len = len; this.lid = lid; this.msgType = msgType; this.nsec = nsec; = pid; this.sec = sec; this.tid = tid; this.uid = uid; this.version = 4; } public void setMsg(byte[] msg) { this.msg = new String(msg); } public short getVersion() { return this.version; } public short getLen() { return this.len; } public short getHeaderLen() { return this.hdrSize; } public int getPid() { return; } public int getTid() { return this.tid; } public int getSec() { return this.sec; } public int getNSec() { return this.nsec; } public int getLid() { return this.lid; } public int getUid() { return this.uid; } public Instant getInstant() { return Instant.ofEpochSecond(getSec(), getNSec()); } public String getTimestamp() { DateTimeFormatter dtFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").withZone(ZoneId.of(timezone)); return dtFormat.format(getInstant()); } public String getAfterTimestamp() { DateTimeFormatter dtFormat = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS").withZone(ZoneId.of(timezone)); return dtFormat.format(getInstant().plusMillis(1)); } public byte getMsgType() { return this.msgType; } public String getMsgTypeString() { switch (getMsgType()) { case 0: return "Unknown"; case 1: return "Default"; case 2: return "Verbose"; case 3: return "Debug"; case 4: return "Info"; case 5: return "Warn"; case 6: return "Error"; case 7: return "Fatal"; case 8: return "Silent"; default: return "Unknown"; } } public String getMsg() { return this.msg; } } }