package jadx.core.codegen; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import; import; import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import jadx.api.CommentsLevel; import jadx.api.ICodeInfo; import jadx.api.ICodeWriter; import jadx.api.JadxArgs; import jadx.api.metadata.annotations.NodeEnd; import; import; import; import; import jadx.core.Consts; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AFlag; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AType; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.FieldInitInsnAttr; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.nodes.EnumClassAttr; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.nodes.EnumClassAttr.EnumField; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.nodes.LineAttrNode; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.nodes.MethodInlineAttr; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.nodes.SkipMethodArgsAttr; import; import; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.ArgType; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.LiteralArg; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.PrimitiveType; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.mods.ConstructorInsn; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.ClassNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.FieldNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.InsnNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.MethodNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.RootNode; import jadx.core.utils.CodeGenUtils; import jadx.core.utils.EncodedValueUtils; import jadx.core.utils.Utils; import; import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.CodegenException; import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxRuntimeException; public class ClassGen { private final ClassNode cls; private final ClassGen parentGen; private final AnnotationGen annotationGen; private final boolean fallback; private final boolean useImports; private final boolean showInconsistentCode; private final Set imports = new HashSet<>(); private int clsDeclOffset; private boolean bodyGenStarted; @Nullable private NameGen outerNameGen; public ClassGen(ClassNode cls, JadxArgs jadxArgs) { this(cls, null, jadxArgs.isUseImports(), jadxArgs.isFallbackMode(), jadxArgs.isShowInconsistentCode()); } public ClassGen(ClassNode cls, ClassGen parentClsGen) { this(cls, parentClsGen, parentClsGen.useImports, parentClsGen.fallback, parentClsGen.showInconsistentCode); } public ClassGen(ClassNode cls, ClassGen parentClsGen, boolean useImports, boolean fallback, boolean showBadCode) { this.cls = cls; this.parentGen = parentClsGen; this.fallback = fallback; this.useImports = useImports; this.showInconsistentCode = showBadCode; this.annotationGen = new AnnotationGen(cls, this); } public ClassNode getClassNode() { return cls; } public ICodeInfo makeClass() throws CodegenException { ICodeWriter clsBody = cls.root().makeCodeWriter(); addClassCode(clsBody); ICodeWriter clsCode = cls.root().makeCodeWriter(); if (!"".equals(cls.getPackage())) { clsCode.add("package ").add(cls.getPackage()).add(';'); clsCode.newLine(); } int importsCount = imports.size(); if (importsCount != 0) { List sortedImports = new ArrayList<>(imports); sortedImports.sort(Comparator.comparing(ClassInfo::getAliasFullName)); sortedImports.forEach(classInfo -> { clsCode.startLine("import "); ClassNode classNode = cls.root().resolveClass(classInfo); if (classNode != null) { clsCode.attachAnnotation(classNode); } clsCode.add(classInfo.getAliasFullName()); clsCode.add(';'); }); clsCode.newLine(); imports.clear(); } clsCode.add(clsBody); return clsCode.finish(); } public void addClassCode(ICodeWriter code) throws CodegenException { if (cls.contains(AFlag.DONT_GENERATE)) { return; } if (Consts.DEBUG_USAGE) { addClassUsageInfo(code, cls); } CodeGenUtils.addErrorsAndComments(code, cls); CodeGenUtils.addSourceFileInfo(code, cls); addClassDeclaration(code); addClassBody(code); } public void addClassDeclaration(ICodeWriter clsCode) { AccessInfo af = cls.getAccessFlags(); if (af.isInterface()) { af = af.remove(AccessFlags.ABSTRACT) .remove(AccessFlags.STATIC); } else if (af.isEnum()) { af = af.remove(AccessFlags.FINAL) .remove(AccessFlags.ABSTRACT) .remove(AccessFlags.STATIC); } // 'static' and 'private' modifier not allowed for top classes (not inner) if (!cls.getClassInfo().isInner()) { af = af.remove(AccessFlags.STATIC).remove(AccessFlags.PRIVATE); } annotationGen.addForClass(clsCode); insertRenameInfo(clsCode, cls); CodeGenUtils.addInputFileInfo(clsCode, cls); clsCode.startLineWithNum(cls.getSourceLine()).add(af.makeString(cls.checkCommentsLevel(CommentsLevel.INFO))); if (af.isInterface()) { if (af.isAnnotation()) { clsCode.add('@'); } clsCode.add("interface "); } else if (af.isEnum()) { clsCode.add("enum "); } else { clsCode.add("class "); } clsCode.attachDefinition(cls); clsCode.add(cls.getClassInfo().getAliasShortName()); addGenericTypeParameters(clsCode, cls.getGenericTypeParameters(), true); clsCode.add(' '); ArgType sup = cls.getSuperClass(); if (sup != null && !sup.equals(ArgType.OBJECT) && !cls.contains(AFlag.REMOVE_SUPER_CLASS)) { clsCode.add("extends "); useClass(clsCode, sup); clsCode.add(' '); } if (!cls.getInterfaces().isEmpty() && !af.isAnnotation()) { if (cls.getAccessFlags().isInterface()) { clsCode.add("extends "); } else { clsCode.add("implements "); } for (Iterator it = cls.getInterfaces().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ArgType interf =; useClass(clsCode, interf); if (it.hasNext()) { clsCode.add(", "); } } if (!cls.getInterfaces().isEmpty()) { clsCode.add(' '); } } } public boolean addGenericTypeParameters(ICodeWriter code, List generics, boolean classDeclaration) { if (generics == null || generics.isEmpty()) { return false; } code.add('<'); int i = 0; for (ArgType genericInfo : generics) { if (i != 0) { code.add(", "); } if (genericInfo.isGenericType()) { code.add(genericInfo.getObject()); } else { useClass(code, genericInfo); } List list = genericInfo.getExtendTypes(); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { code.add(" extends "); for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { ArgType g =; if (g.isGenericType()) { code.add(g.getObject()); } else { useClass(code, g); if (classDeclaration && !cls.getClassInfo().isInner() && cls.root().getArgs().isUseImports()) { addImport(ClassInfo.fromType(cls.root(), g)); } } if (it.hasNext()) { code.add(" & "); } } } i++; } code.add('>'); return true; } public void addClassBody(ICodeWriter clsCode) throws CodegenException { addClassBody(clsCode, false); } /** * @param printClassName allows to print the original class name as comment (e.g. for inlined * classes) */ public void addClassBody(ICodeWriter clsCode, boolean printClassName) throws CodegenException { clsCode.add('{'); if (printClassName && cls.checkCommentsLevel(CommentsLevel.INFO)) { clsCode.add(" // from class: " + cls.getClassInfo().getFullName()); } setBodyGenStarted(true); clsDeclOffset = clsCode.getLength(); clsCode.incIndent(); addFields(clsCode); addInnerClsAndMethods(clsCode); clsCode.decIndent(); clsCode.startLine('}'); clsCode.attachAnnotation(NodeEnd.VALUE); } private void addInnerClsAndMethods(ICodeWriter clsCode) { Stream.of(cls.getInnerClasses(), cls.getMethods()) .flatMap(Collection::stream) .filter(node -> !node.contains(AFlag.DONT_GENERATE) || fallback) .sorted(Comparator.comparingInt(LineAttrNode::getSourceLine)) .forEach(node -> { if (node instanceof ClassNode) { addInnerClass(clsCode, (ClassNode) node); } else { addMethod(clsCode, (MethodNode) node); } }); } private void addInnerClass(ICodeWriter code, ClassNode innerCls) { try { ClassGen inClGen = new ClassGen(innerCls, getParentGen()); code.newLine(); inClGen.addClassCode(code); imports.addAll(inClGen.getImports()); } catch (Exception e) { innerCls.addError("Inner class code generation error", e); } } private boolean isInnerClassesPresents() { for (ClassNode innerCls : cls.getInnerClasses()) { if (!innerCls.contains(AType.ANONYMOUS_CLASS)) { return true; } } return false; } private void addMethod(ICodeWriter code, MethodNode mth) { if (skipMethod(mth)) { return; } if (code.getLength() != clsDeclOffset) { code.newLine(); } int savedIndent = code.getIndent(); try { addMethodCode(code, mth); } catch (Exception e) { if (mth.getParentClass().getTopParentClass().contains(AFlag.RESTART_CODEGEN)) { throw new JadxRuntimeException("Method generation error", e); } mth.addError("Method generation error", e); CodeGenUtils.addErrors(code, mth); code.setIndent(savedIndent); } } /** * Additional checks for inlined methods */ private boolean skipMethod(MethodNode mth) { MethodInlineAttr inlineAttr = mth.get(AType.METHOD_INLINE); if (inlineAttr == null || inlineAttr.notNeeded()) { return false; } try { if (mth.getUseIn().isEmpty()) { mth.add(AFlag.DONT_GENERATE); return true; } List useInCompleted = mth.getUseIn().stream() .filter(m -> m.getTopParentClass().getState().isProcessComplete()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); if (useInCompleted.isEmpty()) { mth.add(AFlag.DONT_GENERATE); return true; } mth.addDebugComment("Method not inlined, still used in: " + useInCompleted); return false; } catch (Exception e) { // check failed => keep method mth.addWarnComment("Failed to check method usage", e); return false; } } private boolean isMethodsPresents() { for (MethodNode mth : cls.getMethods()) { if (!mth.contains(AFlag.DONT_GENERATE)) { return true; } } return false; } public void addMethodCode(ICodeWriter code, MethodNode mth) throws CodegenException { CodeGenUtils.addErrorsAndComments(code, mth); if (mth.isNoCode()) { MethodGen mthGen = new MethodGen(this, mth); mthGen.addDefinition(code); code.add(';'); } else { boolean badCode = mth.contains(AFlag.INCONSISTENT_CODE); if (badCode && showInconsistentCode) { badCode = false; } MethodGen mthGen; if (badCode || fallback || mth.contains(AType.JADX_ERROR)) { mthGen = MethodGen.getFallbackMethodGen(mth); } else { mthGen = new MethodGen(this, mth); } if (mthGen.addDefinition(code)) { code.add(' '); } code.add('{'); code.incIndent(); mthGen.addInstructions(code); code.decIndent(); code.startLine('}'); code.attachAnnotation(NodeEnd.VALUE); } } private void addFields(ICodeWriter code) throws CodegenException { addEnumFields(code); for (FieldNode f : cls.getFields()) { addField(code, f); } } public void addField(ICodeWriter code, FieldNode f) { if (f.contains(AFlag.DONT_GENERATE)) { return; } if (Consts.DEBUG_USAGE) { addFieldUsageInfo(code, f); } CodeGenUtils.addComments(code, f); annotationGen.addForField(code, f); boolean addInfoComments = f.checkCommentsLevel(CommentsLevel.INFO); if (f.getFieldInfo().isRenamed() && addInfoComments) { code.newLine(); CodeGenUtils.addRenamedComment(code, f, f.getName()); } code.startLine(f.getAccessFlags().makeString(addInfoComments)); useType(code, f.getType()); code.add(' '); code.attachDefinition(f); code.add(f.getAlias()); FieldInitInsnAttr initInsnAttr = f.get(AType.FIELD_INIT_INSN); if (initInsnAttr != null) { InsnGen insnGen = makeInsnGen(initInsnAttr.getInsnMth()); code.add(" = "); addInsnBody(insnGen, code, initInsnAttr.getInsn()); } else { EncodedValue constVal = f.get(JadxAttrType.CONSTANT_VALUE); if (constVal != null) { code.add(" = "); if (constVal.getType() == EncodedType.ENCODED_NULL) { code.add(TypeGen.literalToString(0, f.getType(), cls, fallback)); } else { Object val = EncodedValueUtils.convertToConstValue(constVal); if (val instanceof LiteralArg) { long lit = ((LiteralArg) val).getLiteral(); if (!AndroidResourcesUtils.handleResourceFieldValue(cls, code, lit, f.getType())) { // force literal type to be same as field (java bytecode can use different type) code.add(TypeGen.literalToString(lit, f.getType(), cls, fallback)); } } else { annotationGen.encodeValue(cls.root(), code, constVal); } } } } code.add(';'); } private boolean isFieldsPresents() { for (FieldNode field : cls.getFields()) { if (!field.contains(AFlag.DONT_GENERATE)) { return true; } } return false; } private void addEnumFields(ICodeWriter code) throws CodegenException { EnumClassAttr enumFields = cls.get(AType.ENUM_CLASS); if (enumFields == null) { return; } InsnGen igen = null; for (Iterator it = enumFields.getFields().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { EnumField f =; CodeGenUtils.addComments(code, f.getField()); code.startLine(f.getField().getAlias()); ConstructorInsn constrInsn = f.getConstrInsn(); MethodNode callMth = cls.root().resolveMethod(constrInsn.getCallMth()); int skipCount = getEnumCtrSkipArgsCount(callMth); if (constrInsn.getArgsCount() > skipCount) { if (igen == null) { igen = makeInsnGen(enumFields.getStaticMethod()); } igen.generateMethodArguments(code, constrInsn, 0, callMth); } if (f.getCls() != null) { code.add(' '); new ClassGen(f.getCls(), this).addClassBody(code, true); } if (it.hasNext()) { code.add(','); } } if (isMethodsPresents() || isFieldsPresents() || isInnerClassesPresents()) { if (enumFields.getFields().isEmpty()) { code.startLine(); } code.add(';'); if (isFieldsPresents()) { code.startLine(); } } } private int getEnumCtrSkipArgsCount(@Nullable MethodNode callMth) { if (callMth != null) { SkipMethodArgsAttr skipArgsAttr = callMth.get(AType.SKIP_MTH_ARGS); if (skipArgsAttr != null) { return skipArgsAttr.getSkipCount(); } } return 0; } private InsnGen makeInsnGen(MethodNode mth) { MethodGen mthGen = new MethodGen(this, mth); return new InsnGen(mthGen, false); } private void addInsnBody(InsnGen insnGen, ICodeWriter code, InsnNode insn) { try { insnGen.makeInsn(insn, code, InsnGen.Flags.BODY_ONLY_NOWRAP); } catch (Exception e) { cls.addError("Failed to generate init code", e); } } public void useType(ICodeWriter code, ArgType type) { PrimitiveType stype = type.getPrimitiveType(); if (stype == null) { code.add(type.toString()); } else if (stype == PrimitiveType.OBJECT) { if (type.isGenericType()) { code.add(type.getObject()); } else { useClass(code, type); } } else if (stype == PrimitiveType.ARRAY) { useType(code, type.getArrayElement()); code.add("[]"); } else { code.add(stype.getLongName()); } } public void useClass(ICodeWriter code, String rawCls) { useClass(code, ArgType.object(rawCls)); } public void useClass(ICodeWriter code, ArgType type) { ArgType outerType = type.getOuterType(); if (outerType != null) { useClass(code, outerType); code.add('.'); addInnerType(code, type); return; } useClass(code, ClassInfo.fromType(cls.root(), type)); addGenerics(code, type); } private void addInnerType(ICodeWriter code, ArgType baseType) { ArgType innerType = baseType.getInnerType(); ArgType outerType = innerType.getOuterType(); if (outerType != null) { useClassWithShortName(code, baseType, outerType); code.add('.'); addInnerType(code, innerType); return; } useClassWithShortName(code, baseType, innerType); } private void useClassWithShortName(ICodeWriter code, ArgType baseType, ArgType type) { String fullNameObj; if (type.getObject().contains(".")) { fullNameObj = type.getObject(); } else { fullNameObj = baseType.getObject(); } ClassInfo classInfo = ClassInfo.fromName(cls.root(), fullNameObj); ClassNode classNode = cls.root().resolveClass(classInfo); if (classNode != null) { code.attachAnnotation(classNode); } code.add(classInfo.getAliasShortName()); addGenerics(code, type); } private void addGenerics(ICodeWriter code, ArgType type) { List generics = type.getGenericTypes(); if (generics != null) { code.add('<'); int len = generics.size(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i != 0) { code.add(", "); } ArgType gt = generics.get(i); ArgType wt = gt.getWildcardType(); if (wt != null) { ArgType.WildcardBound bound = gt.getWildcardBound(); code.add(bound.getStr()); if (bound != ArgType.WildcardBound.UNBOUND) { useType(code, wt); } } else { useType(code, gt); } } code.add('>'); } } public void useClass(ICodeWriter code, ClassInfo classInfo) { ClassNode classNode = cls.root().resolveClass(classInfo); if (classNode != null) { useClass(code, classNode); } else { addClsName(code, classInfo); } } public void useClass(ICodeWriter code, ClassNode classNode) { code.attachAnnotation(classNode); addClsName(code, classNode.getClassInfo()); } public void addClsName(ICodeWriter code, ClassInfo classInfo) { String clsName = useClassInternal(cls.getClassInfo(), classInfo); code.add(clsName); } private String useClassInternal(ClassInfo useCls, ClassInfo extClsInfo) { String fullName = extClsInfo.getAliasFullName(); if (fallback || !useImports) { return fullName; } String shortName = extClsInfo.getAliasShortName(); if (useCls.equals(extClsInfo)) { return shortName; } if (isClassInnerFor(useCls, extClsInfo)) { return shortName; } if (extClsInfo.isInner()) { return expandInnerClassName(useCls, extClsInfo); } if (checkInnerCollision(cls.root(), useCls, extClsInfo) || checkInPackageCollision(cls.root(), useCls, extClsInfo)) { return fullName; } if (isBothClassesInOneTopClass(useCls, extClsInfo)) { return shortName; } // don't add import for top classes from 'java.lang' package (subpackages excluded) if (extClsInfo.getPackage().equals("java.lang") && extClsInfo.getParentClass() == null) { return shortName; } // don't add import if this class from same package if (extClsInfo.getPackage().equals(useCls.getPackage()) && !extClsInfo.isInner()) { return shortName; } // ignore classes from default package if (extClsInfo.isDefaultPackage()) { return shortName; } if (extClsInfo.getAliasPkg().equals(useCls.getAliasPkg())) { fullName = extClsInfo.getAliasNameWithoutPackage(); } for (ClassInfo importCls : getImports()) { if (!importCls.equals(extClsInfo) && importCls.getAliasShortName().equals(shortName)) { if (extClsInfo.isInner()) { String parent = useClassInternal(useCls, extClsInfo.getParentClass()); return parent + '.' + shortName; } else { return fullName; } } } addImport(extClsInfo); return shortName; } private String expandInnerClassName(ClassInfo useCls, ClassInfo extClsInfo) { List clsList = new ArrayList<>(); clsList.add(extClsInfo); ClassInfo parentCls = extClsInfo.getParentClass(); boolean addImport = true; while (parentCls != null) { if (parentCls == useCls || isClassInnerFor(useCls, parentCls)) { addImport = false; break; } clsList.add(parentCls); parentCls = parentCls.getParentClass(); } Collections.reverse(clsList); if (addImport) { addImport(clsList.get(0)); } return Utils.listToString(clsList, ".", ClassInfo::getAliasShortName); } private void addImport(ClassInfo classInfo) { if (parentGen != null) { parentGen.addImport(classInfo); } else { imports.add(classInfo); } } public Set getImports() { if (parentGen != null) { return parentGen.getImports(); } else { return imports; } } private static boolean isBothClassesInOneTopClass(ClassInfo useCls, ClassInfo extClsInfo) { ClassInfo a = useCls.getTopParentClass(); ClassInfo b = extClsInfo.getTopParentClass(); if (a != null) { return a.equals(b); } // useCls - is a top class return useCls.equals(b); } private static boolean isClassInnerFor(ClassInfo inner, ClassInfo parent) { if (inner.isInner()) { ClassInfo p = inner.getParentClass(); return Objects.equals(p, parent) || isClassInnerFor(p, parent); } return false; } private static boolean checkInnerCollision(RootNode root, @Nullable ClassInfo useCls, ClassInfo searchCls) { if (useCls == null) { return false; } String shortName = searchCls.getAliasShortName(); if (useCls.getAliasShortName().equals(shortName)) { return true; } ClassNode classNode = root.resolveClass(useCls); if (classNode != null) { for (ClassNode inner : classNode.getInnerClasses()) { if (inner.getShortName().equals(shortName) && !inner.getFullName().equals(searchCls.getAliasFullName())) { return true; } } } return checkInnerCollision(root, useCls.getParentClass(), searchCls); } /** * Check if class with same name exists in current package */ private static boolean checkInPackageCollision(RootNode root, ClassInfo useCls, ClassInfo searchCls) { String currentPkg = useCls.getAliasPkg(); if (currentPkg.equals(searchCls.getAliasPkg())) { // search class already from current package return false; } String shortName = searchCls.getAliasShortName(); return root.getClsp().isClsKnown(currentPkg + '.' + shortName); } private void insertRenameInfo(ICodeWriter code, ClassNode cls) { ClassInfo classInfo = cls.getClassInfo(); if (classInfo.hasAlias() && cls.checkCommentsLevel(CommentsLevel.INFO)) { CodeGenUtils.addRenamedComment(code, cls, classInfo.getType().getObject()); } } private static void addClassUsageInfo(ICodeWriter code, ClassNode cls) { List deps = cls.getDependencies(); code.startLine("// deps - ").add(Integer.toString(deps.size())); for (ClassNode depCls : deps) { code.startLine("// ").add(depCls.getClassInfo().getFullName()); } List useIn = cls.getUseIn(); code.startLine("// use in - ").add(Integer.toString(useIn.size())); for (ClassNode useCls : useIn) { code.startLine("// ").add(useCls.getClassInfo().getFullName()); } List useInMths = cls.getUseInMth(); code.startLine("// use in methods - ").add(Integer.toString(useInMths.size())); for (MethodNode useMth : useInMths) { code.startLine("// ").add(useMth.toString()); } } static void addMthUsageInfo(ICodeWriter code, MethodNode mth) { List useInMths = mth.getUseIn(); code.startLine("// use in methods - ").add(Integer.toString(useInMths.size())); for (MethodNode useMth : useInMths) { code.startLine("// ").add(useMth.toString()); } } private static void addFieldUsageInfo(ICodeWriter code, FieldNode fieldNode) { List useInMths = fieldNode.getUseIn(); code.startLine("// use in methods - ").add(Integer.toString(useInMths.size())); for (MethodNode useMth : useInMths) { code.startLine("// ").add(useMth.toString()); } } public ClassGen getParentGen() { return parentGen == null ? this : parentGen; } public AnnotationGen getAnnotationGen() { return annotationGen; } public boolean isFallbackMode() { return fallback; } public boolean isBodyGenStarted() { return bodyGenStarted; } public void setBodyGenStarted(boolean bodyGenStarted) { this.bodyGenStarted = bodyGenStarted; } @Nullable public NameGen getOuterNameGen() { return outerNameGen; } public void setOuterNameGen(@NotNull NameGen outerNameGen) { this.outerNameGen = outerNameGen; } }