未验证 提交 29b64300 编写于 作者: J Jan S 提交者: GitHub

fix(gui): multi-threading issue in DebugController fixed (#1701) (PR #1702)

上级 777355e8
......@@ -44,11 +44,12 @@ import jadx.gui.ui.panel.JDebuggerPanel.ValueTreeNode;
import jadx.gui.utils.NLS;
public final class DebugController implements SmaliDebugger.SuspendListener, IDebugController {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DebugController.class);
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DebugController.class);
private static final String ONCREATE_SIGNATURE = "onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V";
private static final Map<String, RuntimeType> TYPE_MAP = new HashMap<>();
private static final RuntimeType[] POSSIBLE_TYPES = { RuntimeType.OBJECT, RuntimeType.INT, RuntimeType.LONG };
private static final int DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE = 512;
private JDebuggerPanel debuggerPanel;
private SmaliDebugger debugger;
......@@ -1115,7 +1116,7 @@ public final class DebugController implements SmaliDebugger.SuspendListener, IDe
private long thisID;
public FrameNode(long threadID, SmaliDebugger.Frame frame) {
cache = new StringBuilder(16);
cache = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE);
this.frame = frame;
this.threadID = threadID;
regNodes = Collections.emptyList();
......@@ -1153,7 +1154,7 @@ public final class DebugController implements SmaliDebugger.SuspendListener, IDe
public void setSignatures(String clsSig, String mthSig) {
this.clsSig = clsSig;
this.mthSig = mthSig;
this.cache.delete(0, this.cache.length());
public String getClsSig() {
......@@ -1167,7 +1168,7 @@ public final class DebugController implements SmaliDebugger.SuspendListener, IDe
public void updateCodeOffset(long codeOffset) {
this.codeOffset = codeOffset;
if (this.codeOffset > -1) {
this.cache.delete(0, this.cache.length());
......@@ -1209,27 +1210,34 @@ public final class DebugController implements SmaliDebugger.SuspendListener, IDe
private void resetCache() {
// Do not reuse thee existing cache instance as this can result in
// multi-threading access issues in case toString() method is active
this.cache = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE);
public String toString() {
if (cache.length() == 0) {
StringBuilder sbCache = cache;
if (sbCache.length() == 0) {
long off = getCodeOffset();
if (off < 0) {
cache.append(String.format("index: %-4d ", off));
sbCache.append(String.format("index: %-4d ", off));
} else {
cache.append(String.format("index: %04x ", off));
sbCache.append(String.format("index: %04x ", off));
if (clsSig == null) {
cache.append("clsID: ").append(frame.getClassID());
sbCache.append("clsID: ").append(frame.getClassID());
} else {
if (mthSig == null) {
cache.append(" mthID: ").append(frame.getMethodID());
sbCache.append(" mthID: ").append(frame.getMethodID());
} else {
return cache.toString();
return sbCache.toString();
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