# 文件历史记录[](#文件历史记录 "Permalink") 在 GitLab 0.8.0 中[引入](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/blob/9ba1224867665844b117fa037e1465bb706b3685/app/controllers/commits_controller.rb) Git 文件历史记录提供有关与文件关联的提交历史记录的信息. 您可以在项目中的每个文件中找到" **历史记录"**按钮. [![File history button](img/4b803fd891a7ec7f422522d2ff185864.png "History button")](img/file_history_button_v12_6.png) 当选择" **历史记录"**按钮时,您将看到一个带有说明信息的屏幕: [![Git log output](img/0dad61d266449688c931d1703509bca3.png "History button output")](img/file_history_output_v12_6.png) 如果将鼠标悬停在 UI 中的提交上,您将看到上次修改提交的确切日期和时间. ## Associated `git` command[](#associated-git-command "Permalink") 如果从命令行运行`git` ,则等效命令为`git log ` . 例如,如果要在本地目录中找到有关`README.md`文件的`history`信息,请运行以下命令: ``` git log README.md ``` 您将看到类似于以下内容的输出,其中包括 UTC 格式的提交时间: ``` commit 0e62ed6d9f39fa9bedf7efc6edd628b137fa781a Author: Mike Jang Date: Tue Nov 26 21:44:53 2019 +0000 Deemphasize GDK as a doc build tool commit 418879420b1e3a4662067bd07b64bb6988654697 Author: Marcin Sedlak-Jakubowski Date: Mon Nov 4 19:58:27 2019 +0100 Fix typo commit 21cc1fef11349417ed515557748369cfb235fc81 Author: Jacques Erasmus Date: Mon Oct 14 22:13:40 2019 +0000 Add support for modern JS Added rollup to the project commit 2f5e895aebfa5678e51db303b97de56c51e3cebe Author: Achilleas Pipinellis Date: Fri Sep 13 14:03:01 2019 +0000 Remove gitlab-foss Git URLs as we don't need them anymore [ci skip] ```