# SPDX-License-Identifier: ISC # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Overview ======== pymenuconfig is a small and simple frontend to Kconfiglib that's written entirely in Python using Tkinter as its GUI toolkit. Motivation ========== Kconfig is a nice and powerful framework for build-time configuration and lots of projects already benefit from using it. Kconfiglib allows to utilize power of Kconfig by using scripts written in pure Python, without requiring one to build Linux kernel tools written in C (this can be quite tedious on anything that's not *nix). The aim of this project is to implement simple and small Kconfiglib GUI frontend that runs on as much systems as possible. Tkinter GUI toolkit is a natural choice if portability is considered, as it's a part of Python standard library and is available virtually in every CPython installation. User interface ============== I've tried to replicate look and fill of Linux kernel 'menuconfig' tool that many users are used to, including keyboard-oriented control and textual representation of menus with fixed-width font. Usage ===== The pymenuconfig module is executable and parses command-line args, so the most simple way to run menuconfig is to execute script directly: python pymenuconfig.py --kconfig Kconfig As with most command-line tools list of options can be obtained with '--help': python pymenuconfig.py --help If installed with setuptools, one can run it like this: python -m pymenuconfig --kconfig Kconfig In case you're making a wrapper around menuconfig, you can either call main(): import pymenuconfig pymenuconfig.main(['--kconfig', 'Kconfig']) Or import MenuConfig class, instantiate it and manually run Tkinter's mainloop: import tkinter import kconfiglib from pymenuconfig import MenuConfig kconfig = kconfiglib.Kconfig() mconf = MenuConfig(kconfig) tkinter.mainloop() """ from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import argparse import kconfiglib # Tk is imported differently depending on python major version if sys.version_info[0] < 3: import Tkinter as tk import tkFont as font import tkFileDialog as filedialog import tkMessageBox as messagebox else: import tkinter as tk from tkinter import font from tkinter import filedialog from tkinter import messagebox class ListEntry(object): """ Represents visible menu node and holds all information related to displaying menu node in a Listbox. Instances of this class also handle all interaction with main window. A node is displayed as a single line of text: PREFIX INDENT BODY POSTFIX - The PREFIX is always 3 characters or more and can take following values: ' ' comment, menu, bool choice, etc. Inside menus: '< >' bool symbol has value 'n' '<*>' bool symbol has value 'y' '[ ]' tristate symbol has value 'n' '[M]' tristate symbol has value 'm' '[*]' tristate symbol has value 'y' '- -' symbol has value 'n' that's not editable '-M-' symbol has value 'm' that's not editable '-*-' symbol has value 'y' that's not editable '(M)' tristate choice has value 'm' '(*)' tristate choice has value 'y' '(some value)' value of non-bool/tristate symbols Inside choices: '( )' symbol has value 'n' '(M)' symbol has value 'm' '(*)' symbol has value 'y' - INDENT is a sequence of space characters. It's used in implicit menus, and adds 2 spaces for each nesting level - BODY is a menu node prompt. '***' is added if node is a comment - POSTFIX adds '(NEW)', '--->' and selected choice symbol where applicable Attributes: node: MenuNode instance this ListEntry is created for. visible: Whether entry should be shown in main window. text: String to display in a main window's Listbox. refresh(): Updates .visible and .text attribute values. set_tristate_value(): Set value for bool/tristate symbols, value should be one of 0,1,2 or None. Usually it's called when user presses 'y', 'n', 'm' key. set_str_value(): Set value for non-bool/tristate symbols, value is a string. Usually called with a value returned by one of MenuConfig.ask_for_* methods. toggle(): Toggle bool/tristate symbol value. Called when '' key is pressed in a main window. Also selects choice value. select(): Called when '' key is pressed in a main window with 'SELECT' action selected. Displays submenu, choice selection menu, or just selects choice value. For non-bool/tristate symbols asks MenuConfig window to handle value input via one of MenuConfig.ask_for_* methods. show_help(): Called when '' key is pressed in a main window with 'HELP' action selected. Prepares text help and calls MenuConfig.show_text() to display text window. """ # How to display value of BOOL and TRISTATE symbols TRI_TO_DISPLAY = { 0: ' ', 1: 'M', 2: '*' } def __init__(self, mconf, node, indent): self.indent = indent self.node = node self.menuconfig = mconf self.visible = False self.text = None def __str__(self): return self.text def _is_visible(self): node = self.node v = True v = v and node.prompt is not None # It should be enough to check if prompt expression is not false and # for menu nodes whether 'visible if' is not false v = v and kconfiglib.expr_value(node.prompt[1]) > 0 if node.item == kconfiglib.MENU: v = v and kconfiglib.expr_value(node.visibility) > 0 # If node references Symbol, then we also account for symbol visibility # TODO: need to re-think whether this is needed if isinstance(node.item, kconfiglib.Symbol): if node.item.type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE): v = v and len(node.item.assignable) > 0 else: v = v and node.item.visibility > 0 return v def _get_text(self): """ Compute textual representation of menu node (a line in ListView) """ node = self.node item = node.item # Determine prefix prefix = ' ' if (isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.choice is None or isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Choice) and item.type is kconfiglib.TRISTATE): # The node is for either a symbol outside of choice statement # or a tristate choice if item.type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE): value = ListEntry.TRI_TO_DISPLAY[item.tri_value] if len(item.assignable) > 1: # Symbol is editable if 1 in item.assignable: prefix = '<{}>'.format(value) else: prefix = '[{}]'.format(value) else: # Symbol is not editable prefix = '-{}-'.format(value) else: prefix = '({})'.format(item.str_value) elif isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.choice is not None: # The node is for symbol inside choice statement if item.type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE): value = ListEntry.TRI_TO_DISPLAY[item.tri_value] if len(item.assignable) > 0: # Symbol is editable prefix = '({})'.format(value) else: # Symbol is not editable prefix = '-{}-'.format(value) else: prefix = '({})'.format(item.str_value) # Prefix should be at least 3 chars long if len(prefix) < 3: prefix += ' ' * (3 - len(prefix)) # Body body = '' if node.prompt is not None: if item is kconfiglib.COMMENT: body = '*** {} ***'.format(node.prompt[0]) else: body = node.prompt[0] # Suffix is_menu = False is_new = False if (item is kconfiglib.MENU or isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and node.is_menuconfig or isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Choice)): is_menu = True if isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.user_value is None: is_new = True # For symbol inside choice that has 'y' value, '(NEW)' is not displayed if (isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.choice and item.choice.tri_value == 2): is_new = False # Choice selection - displayed only for choices which have 'y' value choice_selection = None if isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Choice) and node.item.str_value == 'y': choice_selection = '' if item.selection is not None: sym = item.selection if sym.nodes and sym.nodes[0].prompt is not None: choice_selection = sym.nodes[0].prompt[0] text = ' {prefix} {indent}{body}{choice}{new}{menu}'.format( prefix=prefix, indent=' ' * self.indent, body=body, choice='' if choice_selection is None else ' ({})'.format( choice_selection ), new=' (NEW)' if is_new else '', menu=' --->' if is_menu else '' ) return text def refresh(self): self.visible = self._is_visible() self.text = self._get_text() def set_tristate_value(self, value): """ Call to change value of BOOL, TRISTATE symbols It's preferred to use this instead of item.set_value as it handles all necessary interaction with MenuConfig window when symbol value changes None value is accepted but ignored """ item = self.node.item if (isinstance(item, (kconfiglib.Symbol, kconfiglib.Choice)) and item.type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE) and value is not None): if value in item.assignable: item.set_value(value) elif value == 2 and 1 in item.assignable: print( 'Symbol {} value is limited to \'m\'. Setting value \'m\' instead of \'y\''.format(item.name), file=sys.stderr ) item.set_value(1) self.menuconfig.mark_as_changed() self.menuconfig.refresh_display() def set_str_value(self, value): """ Call to change value of HEX, INT, STRING symbols It's preferred to use this instead of item.set_value as it handles all necessary interaction with MenuConfig window when symbol value changes None value is accepted but ignored """ item = self.node.item if (isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.type in (kconfiglib.INT, kconfiglib.HEX, kconfiglib.STRING) and value is not None): item.set_value(value) self.menuconfig.mark_as_changed() self.menuconfig.refresh_display() def toggle(self): """ Called when key is pressed """ item = self.node.item if (isinstance(item, (kconfiglib.Symbol, kconfiglib.Choice)) and item.type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE)): value = item.tri_value # Find next value in Symbol/Choice.assignable, or use assignable[0] try: it = iter(item.assignable) while value != next(it): pass self.set_tristate_value(next(it)) except StopIteration: self.set_tristate_value(item.assignable[0]) def select(self): """ Called when key is pressed and SELECT action is selected """ item = self.node.item # - Menu: dive into submenu # - INT, HEX, STRING symbol: raise prompt to enter symbol value # - BOOL, TRISTATE symbol inside 'y'-valued Choice: set 'y' value if (item is kconfiglib.MENU or isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and self.node.is_menuconfig or isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Choice)): # Dive into submenu self.menuconfig.show_submenu(self.node) elif (isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.type in (kconfiglib.INT, kconfiglib.HEX, kconfiglib.STRING)): # Raise prompt to enter symbol value ident = self.node.prompt[0] if self.node.prompt is not None else None title = 'Symbol: {}'.format(item.name) if item.type is kconfiglib.INT: # Find enabled ranges ranges = [ (int(start.str_value), int(end.str_value)) for start, end, expr in item.ranges if kconfiglib.expr_value(expr) > 0 ] # Raise prompt self.set_str_value(str(self.menuconfig.ask_for_int( ident=ident, title=title, value=item.str_value, ranges=ranges ))) elif item.type is kconfiglib.HEX: # Find enabled ranges ranges = [ (int(start.str_value, base=16), int(end.str_value, base=16)) for start, end, expr in item.ranges if kconfiglib.expr_value(expr) > 0 ] # Raise prompt self.set_str_value(hex(self.menuconfig.ask_for_hex( ident=ident, title=title, value=item.str_value, ranges=ranges ))) elif item.type is kconfiglib.STRING: # Raise prompt self.set_str_value(self.menuconfig.ask_for_string( ident=ident, title=title, value=item.str_value )) elif (isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.choice is not None and item.choice.tri_value == 2): # Symbol inside choice -> set symbol value to 'y' self.set_tristate_value(2) def show_help(self): node = self.node item = self.node.item if isinstance(item, (kconfiglib.Symbol, kconfiglib.Choice)): title = 'Help for symbol: {}'.format(item.name) if node.help: help = node.help else: help = 'There is no help available for this option.\n' lines = [] lines.append(help) lines.append( 'Symbol: {} [={}]'.format( item.name if item.name else '', item.str_value ) ) lines.append('Type : {}'.format(kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[item.type])) for n in item.nodes: lines.append('Prompt: {}'.format(n.prompt[0] if n.prompt else '')) lines.append(' Defined at {}:{}'.format(n.filename, n.linenr)) lines.append(' Depends on: {}'.format(kconfiglib.expr_str(n.dep))) text = '\n'.join(lines) else: title = 'Help' text = 'Help not available for this menu node.\n' self.menuconfig.show_text(text, title) self.menuconfig.refresh_display() class EntryDialog(object): """ Creates modal dialog (top-level Tk window) with labels, entry box and two buttons: OK and CANCEL. """ def __init__(self, master, text, title, ident=None, value=None): self.master = master dlg = self.dlg = tk.Toplevel(master) self.dlg.withdraw() #hiden window dlg.title(title) # Identifier label if ident is not None: self.label_id = tk.Label(dlg, anchor=tk.W, justify=tk.LEFT) self.label_id['font'] = font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') self.label_id['text'] = '# {}'.format(ident) self.label_id.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=2, pady=2) # Label self.label = tk.Label(dlg, anchor=tk.W, justify=tk.LEFT) self.label['font'] = font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') self.label['text'] = text self.label.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=10, pady=4) # Entry box self.entry = tk.Entry(dlg) self.entry['font'] = font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') self.entry.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=2, pady=2) # Frame for buttons self.frame = tk.Frame(dlg) self.frame.pack(padx=2, pady=2) # Button self.btn_accept = tk.Button(self.frame, text='< Ok >', command=self.accept) self.btn_accept['font'] = font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') self.btn_accept.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=2) self.btn_cancel = tk.Button(self.frame, text='< Cancel >', command=self.cancel) self.btn_cancel['font'] = font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') self.btn_cancel.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=2) # Bind Enter and Esc keys self.dlg.bind('', self.accept) self.dlg.bind('', self.cancel) # Dialog is resizable only by width self.dlg.resizable(1, 0) # Set supplied value (if any) if value is not None: self.entry.insert(0, value) self.entry.selection_range(0, tk.END) # By default returned value is None. To caller this means that entry # process was cancelled self.value = None # Modal dialog dlg.transient(master) dlg.grab_set() # Center dialog window _center_window_above_parent(master, dlg) self.dlg.deiconify() # show window # Focus entry field self.entry.focus_set() def accept(self, ev=None): self.value = self.entry.get() self.dlg.destroy() def cancel(self, ev=None): self.dlg.destroy() class TextDialog(object): def __init__(self, master, text, title): self.master = master dlg = self.dlg = tk.Toplevel(master) self.dlg.withdraw() #hiden window dlg.title(title) dlg.minsize(600,400) # Text self.text = tk.Text(dlg, height=1) self.text['font'] = font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') self.text.insert(tk.END, text) # Make text read-only self.text['state'] = tk.DISABLED self.text.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1, padx=4, pady=4) # Frame for buttons self.frame = tk.Frame(dlg) self.frame.pack(padx=2, pady=2) # Button self.btn_accept = tk.Button(self.frame, text='< Ok >', command=self.accept) self.btn_accept['font'] = font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') self.btn_accept.pack(side=tk.LEFT, padx=2) # Bind Enter and Esc keys self.dlg.bind('', self.accept) self.dlg.bind('', self.cancel) # Modal dialog dlg.transient(master) dlg.grab_set() # Center dialog window _center_window_above_parent(master, dlg) self.dlg.deiconify() # show window # Focus entry field self.text.focus_set() def accept(self, ev=None): self.dlg.destroy() def cancel(self, ev=None): self.dlg.destroy() class MenuConfig(object): ( ACTION_SELECT, ACTION_EXIT, ACTION_HELP, ACTION_LOAD, ACTION_SAVE, ACTION_SAVE_AS ) = range(6) ACTIONS = ( ('Select', ACTION_SELECT), ('Exit', ACTION_EXIT), ('Help', ACTION_HELP), ('Load', ACTION_LOAD), ('Save', ACTION_SAVE), ('Save as', ACTION_SAVE_AS), ) def __init__(self, kconfig, __silent=None): self.kconfig = kconfig self.__silent = __silent if self.__silent is True: return # Instantiate Tk widgets self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.withdraw() #hiden window dlg = self.root # Window title dlg.title('pymenuconfig') # Some empirical window size dlg.minsize(500, 300) dlg.geometry('800x600') # Label that shows position in menu tree self.label_position = tk.Label( dlg, anchor=tk.W, justify=tk.LEFT, font=font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') ) self.label_position.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=2) # 'Tip' frame and text self.frame_tip = tk.LabelFrame( dlg, text='Tip' ) self.label_tip = tk.Label( self.frame_tip, anchor=tk.W, justify=tk.LEFT, font=font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') ) self.label_tip['text'] = '\n'.join([ 'Arrow keys navigate the menu. performs selected operation (set of buttons at the bottom)', 'Pressing includes, excludes, modularizes features', 'Press to go one level up. Press at top level to exit', 'Legend: [*] built-in [ ] excluded module < > module capable' ]) self.label_tip.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1, padx=4, pady=4) self.frame_tip.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=2) # Main ListBox where all the magic happens self.list = tk.Listbox( dlg, selectmode=tk.SINGLE, activestyle=tk.NONE, font=font.nametofont('TkFixedFont'), height=1, ) self.list['foreground'] = 'Blue' self.list['background'] = 'Gray95' # Make selection invisible self.list['selectbackground'] = self.list['background'] self.list['selectforeground'] = self.list['foreground'] self.list.pack(fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1, padx=20, ipadx=2) # Frame with radio buttons self.frame_radio = tk.Frame(dlg) self.radio_buttons = [] self.tk_selected_action = tk.IntVar() for text, value in MenuConfig.ACTIONS: btn = tk.Radiobutton( self.frame_radio, variable=self.tk_selected_action, value=value ) btn['text'] = '< {} >'.format(text) btn['font'] = font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') btn['indicatoron'] = 0 btn.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.radio_buttons.append(btn) self.frame_radio.pack(anchor=tk.CENTER, pady=4) # Label with status information self.tk_status = tk.StringVar() self.label_status = tk.Label( dlg, textvariable=self.tk_status, anchor=tk.W, justify=tk.LEFT, font=font.nametofont('TkFixedFont') ) self.label_status.pack(fill=tk.X, padx=4, pady=4) # Center window _center_window(self.root, dlg) self.root.deiconify() # show window # Disable keyboard focus on all widgets ... self._set_option_to_all_children(dlg, 'takefocus', 0) # ... except for main ListBox self.list['takefocus'] = 1 self.list.focus_set() # Bind keys dlg.bind('', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('n', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('m', self.handle_keypress) dlg.bind('y', self.handle_keypress) # Register callback that's called when window closes dlg.wm_protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self._close_window) # Init fields self.node = None self.node_stack = [] self.all_entries = [] self.shown_entries = [] self.config_path = None self.unsaved_changes = False self.status_string = 'NEW CONFIG' self.update_status() # Display first child of top level node (the top level node is 'mainmenu') self.show_node(self.kconfig.top_node) def _set_option_to_all_children(self, widget, option, value): widget[option] = value for n,c in widget.children.items(): self._set_option_to_all_children(c, option, value) def _invert_colors(self, idx): self.list.itemconfig(idx, {'bg' : self.list['foreground']}) self.list.itemconfig(idx, {'fg' : self.list['background']}) @property def _selected_entry(self): # type: (...) -> ListEntry active_idx = self.list.index(tk.ACTIVE) if active_idx >= 0 and active_idx < len(self.shown_entries): return self.shown_entries[active_idx] return None def _select_node(self, node): # type: (kconfiglib.MenuNode) -> None """ Attempts to select entry that corresponds to given MenuNode in main listbox """ idx = None for i, e in enumerate(self.shown_entries): if e.node is node: idx = i break if idx is not None: self.list.activate(idx) self.list.see(idx) self._invert_colors(idx) def handle_keypress(self, ev): keysym = ev.keysym if keysym == 'Left': self._select_action(prev=True) elif keysym == 'Right': self._select_action(prev=False) elif keysym == 'Up': self.refresh_display(reset_selection=False) elif keysym == 'Down': self.refresh_display(reset_selection=False) elif keysym == 'space': self._selected_entry.toggle() elif keysym in ('n', 'm', 'y'): self._selected_entry.set_tristate_value(kconfiglib.STR_TO_TRI[keysym]) elif keysym == 'Return': action = self.tk_selected_action.get() if action == self.ACTION_SELECT: self._selected_entry.select() elif action == self.ACTION_EXIT: self._action_exit() elif action == self.ACTION_HELP: self._selected_entry.show_help() elif action == self.ACTION_LOAD: if self.prevent_losing_changes(): self.open_config() elif action == self.ACTION_SAVE: self.save_config() elif action == self.ACTION_SAVE_AS: self.save_config(force_file_dialog=True) elif keysym == 'Escape': self._action_exit() pass def _close_window(self): if self.prevent_losing_changes(): print('Exiting..') if self.__silent is True: return self.root.destroy() def _action_exit(self): if self.node_stack: self.show_parent() else: self._close_window() def _select_action(self, prev=False): # Determine the radio button that's activated action = self.tk_selected_action.get() if prev: action -= 1 else: action += 1 action %= len(MenuConfig.ACTIONS) self.tk_selected_action.set(action) def _collect_list_entries(self, start_node, indent=0): """ Given first MenuNode of nodes list at some level in menu hierarchy, collects nodes that may be displayed when viewing and editing that hierarchy level. Includes implicit menu nodes, i.e. the ones dependent on 'config' entry via 'if' statement which are internally represented as children of their dependency """ entries = [] n = start_node while n is not None: entries.append(ListEntry(self, n, indent)) # If node refers to a symbol (X) and has children, it is either # 'config' or 'menuconfig'. The children are items inside 'if X' # block that immediately follows 'config' or 'menuconfig' entry. # If it's a 'menuconfig' then corresponding MenuNode is shown as a # regular menu entry. But if it's a 'config', then its children need # to be shown in the same list with their texts indented if (n.list is not None and isinstance(n.item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and n.is_menuconfig == False): entries.extend( self._collect_list_entries(n.list, indent=indent + 1) ) n = n.next return entries def refresh_display(self, reset_selection=False): # Refresh list entries' attributes for e in self.all_entries: e.refresh() # Try to preserve selection upon refresh selected_entry = self._selected_entry # Also try to preserve listbox scroll offset # If not preserved, the see() method will make wanted item to appear # at the bottom of the list, even if previously it was in center scroll_offset = self.list.yview()[0] # Show only visible entries self.shown_entries = [e for e in self.all_entries if e.visible] # Refresh listbox contents self.list.delete(0, tk.END) self.list.insert(0, *self.shown_entries) if selected_entry and not reset_selection: # Restore scroll position self.list.yview_moveto(scroll_offset) # Activate previously selected node self._select_node(selected_entry.node) else: # Select the topmost entry self.list.activate(0) self._invert_colors(0) # Select ACTION_SELECT on each refresh (mimic C menuconfig) self.tk_selected_action.set(self.ACTION_SELECT) # Display current location in configuration tree pos = [] for n in self.node_stack + [self.node]: pos.append(n.prompt[0] if n.prompt else '[none]') self.label_position['text'] = u'# ' + u' -> '.join(pos) def show_node(self, node): self.node = node if node.list is not None: self.all_entries = self._collect_list_entries(node.list) else: self.all_entries = [] self.refresh_display(reset_selection=True) def show_submenu(self, node): self.node_stack.append(self.node) self.show_node(node) def show_parent(self): if self.node_stack: select_node = self.node parent_node = self.node_stack.pop() self.show_node(parent_node) # Restore previous selection self._select_node(select_node) self.refresh_display(reset_selection=False) def ask_for_string(self, ident=None, title='Enter string', value=None): """ Raises dialog with text entry widget and asks user to enter string Return: - str - user entered string - None - entry was cancelled """ text = 'Please enter a string value\n' \ 'User key to accept the value\n' \ 'Use key to cancel entry\n' d = EntryDialog(self.root, text, title, ident=ident, value=value) self.root.wait_window(d.dlg) self.list.focus_set() return d.value def ask_for_int(self, ident=None, title='Enter integer value', value=None, ranges=()): """ Raises dialog with text entry widget and asks user to enter decimal number Ranges should be iterable of tuples (start, end), where 'start' and 'end' specify allowed value range (inclusively) Return: - int - when valid number that falls within any one of specified ranges is entered - None - invalid number or entry was cancelled """ text = 'Please enter a decimal value. Fractions will not be accepted\n' \ 'User key to accept the value\n' \ 'Use key to cancel entry\n' d = EntryDialog(self.root, text, title, ident=ident, value=value) self.root.wait_window(d.dlg) self.list.focus_set() ivalue = None if d.value: try: ivalue = int(d.value) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror('Bad value', 'Entered value \'{}\' is not an integer'.format(d.value)) if ivalue is not None and ranges: allowed = False for start, end in ranges: allowed = allowed or start <= ivalue and ivalue <= end if not allowed: messagebox.showerror( 'Bad value', 'Entered value \'{:d}\' is out of range\n' 'Allowed:\n{}'.format( ivalue, '\n'.join([' {:d} - {:d}'.format(s,e) for s,e in ranges]) ) ) ivalue = None return ivalue def ask_for_hex(self, ident=None, title='Enter hexadecimal value', value=None, ranges=()): """ Raises dialog with text entry widget and asks user to enter decimal number Ranges should be iterable of tuples (start, end), where 'start' and 'end' specify allowed value range (inclusively) Return: - int - when valid number that falls within any one of specified ranges is entered - None - invalid number or entry was cancelled """ text = 'Please enter a hexadecimal value\n' \ 'User key to accept the value\n' \ 'Use key to cancel entry\n' d = EntryDialog(self.root, text, title, ident=ident, value=value) self.root.wait_window(d.dlg) self.list.focus_set() hvalue = None if d.value: try: hvalue = int(d.value, base=16) except ValueError: messagebox.showerror('Bad value', 'Entered value \'{}\' is not a hexadecimal value'.format(d.value)) if hvalue is not None and ranges: allowed = False for start, end in ranges: allowed = allowed or start <= hvalue and hvalue <= end if not allowed: messagebox.showerror( 'Bad value', 'Entered value \'0x{:x}\' is out of range\n' 'Allowed:\n{}'.format( hvalue, '\n'.join([' 0x{:x} - 0x{:x}'.format(s,e) for s,e in ranges]) ) ) hvalue = None return hvalue def show_text(self, text, title='Info'): """ Raises dialog with read-only text view that contains supplied text """ d = TextDialog(self.root, text, title) self.root.wait_window(d.dlg) self.list.focus_set() def mark_as_changed(self): """ Marks current config as having unsaved changes Should be called whenever config value is changed """ self.unsaved_changes = True self.update_status() def set_status_string(self, status): """ Sets status string displayed at the bottom of the window """ self.status_string = status self.update_status() def update_status(self): """ Updates status bar display Status bar displays: - unsaved status - current config path - status string (see set_status_string()) """ if self.__silent is True: return self.tk_status.set('{} [{}] {}'.format( '' if self.unsaved_changes else '', self.config_path if self.config_path else '', self.status_string )) def _check_is_visible(self, node): v = True v = v and node.prompt is not None # It should be enough to check if prompt expression is not false and # for menu nodes whether 'visible if' is not false v = v and kconfiglib.expr_value(node.prompt[1]) > 0 if node.item == kconfiglib.MENU: v = v and kconfiglib.expr_value(node.visibility) > 0 # If node references Symbol, then we also account for symbol visibility # TODO: need to re-think whether this is needed if isinstance(node.item, kconfiglib.Symbol): if node.item.type in (kconfiglib.BOOL, kconfiglib.TRISTATE): v = v and len(node.item.assignable) > 0 else: v = v and node.item.visibility > 0 return v def config_is_changed(self): is_changed = False node = self.kconfig.top_node.list if not node: # Empty configuration return is_changed while 1: item = node.item if isinstance(item, kconfiglib.Symbol) and item.user_value is None and self._check_is_visible(node): is_changed = True print("Config \"# {}\" has changed, need save config file\n".format(node.prompt[0])) break; # Iterative tree walk using parent pointers if node.list: node = node.list elif node.next: node = node.next else: while node.parent: node = node.parent if node.next: node = node.next break else: break return is_changed def prevent_losing_changes(self): """ Checks if there are unsaved changes and asks user to save or discard them This routine should be called whenever current config is going to be discarded Raises the usual 'Yes', 'No', 'Cancel' prompt. Return: - True: caller may safely drop current config state - False: user needs to continue work on current config ('Cancel' pressed or saving failed) """ if self.config_is_changed() == True: self.mark_as_changed() if not self.unsaved_changes: return True if self.__silent: saved = self.save_config() return saved res = messagebox.askyesnocancel( parent=self.root, title='Unsaved changes', message='Config has unsaved changes. Do you want to save them?' ) if res is None: return False elif res is False: return True # Otherwise attempt to save config and succeed only if config has been saved successfully saved = self.save_config() return saved def open_config(self, path=None): if path is None: # Create open dialog. Either existing file is selected or no file is selected as a result path = filedialog.askopenfilename( parent=self.root, title='Open config..', initialdir=os.path.dirname(self.config_path) if self.config_path else os.getcwd(), filetypes=(('.config files', '*.config'), ('All files', '*.*')) ) if not path or not os.path.isfile(path): return False path = os.path.abspath(path) print('Loading config: \'{}\''.format(path)) # Try to open given path # If path does not exist, we still set current config path to it but don't load anything self.unsaved_changes = False self.config_path = path if not os.path.exists(path): self.set_status_string('New config') self.mark_as_changed() return True # Load config and set status accordingly try: self.kconfig.load_config(path) except IOError as e: self.set_status_string('Failed to load: \'{}\''.format(path)) if not self.__silent: self.refresh_display() print('Failed to load config \'{}\': {}'.format(path, e)) return False self.set_status_string('Opened config') if not self.__silent: self.refresh_display() return True def save_config(self, force_file_dialog=False): path = self.config_path if path is None or force_file_dialog: path = filedialog.asksaveasfilename( parent=self.root, title='Save config as..', initialdir=os.path.dirname(self.config_path) if self.config_path else os.getcwd(), initialfile=os.path.basename(self.config_path) if self.config_path else None, defaultextension='.config', filetypes=(('.config files', '*.config'), ('All files', '*.*')) ) if not path: return False path = os.path.abspath(path) print('Saving config: \'{}\''.format(path)) # Try to save config to selected path try: self.kconfig.write_config(path, header="#\n# Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT.\n") self.unsaved_changes = False self.config_path = path self.set_status_string('Saved config') except IOError as e: self.set_status_string('Failed to save: \'{}\''.format(path)) print('Save failed: {}'.format(e), file=sys.stderr) return False return True def _center_window(root, window): # type: (tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel) -> None """ Attempts to center window on screen """ root.update_idletasks() # root.eval('tk::PlaceWindow {!s} center'.format( # window.winfo_pathname(window.winfo_id()) # )) w = window.winfo_width() h = window.winfo_height() ws = window.winfo_screenwidth() hs = window.winfo_screenheight() x = (ws / 2) - (w / 2) y = (hs / 2) - (h / 2) window.geometry('+{:d}+{:d}'.format(int(x), int(y))) window.lift() window.focus_force() def _center_window_above_parent(root, window): # type: (tk.Tk, tk.Toplevel) -> None """ Attempts to center window above its parent window """ # root.eval('tk::PlaceWindow {!s} center'.format( # window.winfo_pathname(window.winfo_id()) # )) root.update_idletasks() parent = window.master w = window.winfo_width() h = window.winfo_height() px = parent.winfo_rootx() py = parent.winfo_rooty() pw = parent.winfo_width() ph = parent.winfo_height() x = px + (pw / 2) - (w / 2) y = py + (ph / 2) - (h / 2) window.geometry('+{:d}+{:d}'.format(int(x), int(y))) window.lift() window.focus_force() def main(argv=None): if argv is None: argv = sys.argv[1:] # Instantiate cmd options parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Interactive Kconfig configuration editor' ) parser.add_argument( '--kconfig', metavar='FILE', type=str, default='Kconfig', help='path to root Kconfig file' ) parser.add_argument( '--config', metavar='FILE', type=str, help='path to .config file to load' ) if "--silent" in argv: parser.add_argument( '--silent', dest = '_silent_', type=str, help='silent mode, not show window' ) args = parser.parse_args(argv) kconfig_path = args.kconfig config_path = args.config # Verify that Kconfig file exists if not os.path.isfile(kconfig_path): raise RuntimeError('\'{}\': no such file'.format(kconfig_path)) # Parse Kconfig files kconf = kconfiglib.Kconfig(filename=kconfig_path) if "--silent" not in argv: print("In normal mode. Will show menuconfig window.") mc = MenuConfig(kconf) # If config file was specified, load it if config_path: mc.open_config(config_path) print("Enter mainloop. Waiting...") tk.mainloop() else: print("In silent mode. Don`t show menuconfig window.") mc = MenuConfig(kconf, True) # If config file was specified, load it if config_path: mc.open_config(config_path) mc._close_window() if __name__ == '__main__': main()