OpenPose - Quick Start ==================================== ## Contents 1. [Quick Start](#quick-start) 1. [Running on Video](#running-on-video) 2. [Running on Webcam](#running-on-webcam) 3. [Running on Images](#running-on-images) 4. [Maximum Accuracy Configuration](#maximum-accuracy-configuration) 5. [3-D Reconstruction](#3-d-reconstruction) 2. [Expected Visual Results](#expected-visual-results) ## Quick Start Check that the library is working properly by running any of the following commands. Make sure that you are in the **root directory of the project** (i.e. in the OpenPose folder, not inside `build/` nor `windows/` nor `bin/`). In addition, `examples/media/video.avi` and `examples/media` do exist, no need to change the paths. ### Running on Video ``` # Ubuntu ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --video examples/media/video.avi # With face and hands ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --video examples/media/video.avi --face --hand ``` ``` :: Windows - Portable Demo bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --video examples\media\video.avi :: With face and hands bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --video examples\media\video.avi --face --hand ``` ``` :: Windows - Library - Assuming you copied the DLLs following doc/ build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --video examples\media\video.avi :: With face and hands build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --video examples\media\video.avi --face --hand ``` ### Running on Webcam ``` # Ubuntu ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin # With face and hands ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --face --hand ``` ``` :: Windows - Portable Demo bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe :: With face and hands bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --face --hand ``` ``` :: Windows - Library - Assuming you copied the DLLs following doc/ build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe :: With face and hands build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --face --hand ``` ### Running on Images ``` # Ubuntu ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --image_dir examples/media/ # With face and hands ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --image_dir examples/media/ --face --hand ``` ``` :: Windows - Portable Demo bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --image_dir examples\media\ :: With face and hands bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --image_dir examples\media\ --face --hand ``` ``` :: Windows - Library - Assuming you copied the DLLs following doc/ build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --image_dir examples\media\ :: With face and hands build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --image_dir examples\media\ --face --hand ``` ### Maximum Accuracy Configuration This command provides the most accurate results we have been able to achieve for body, hand and face keypoint detection. However, this command will need around 6.7 GB of GPU memory and runs around 1 FPS on a Titan X for body. ``` # Ubuntu: Body ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --net_resolution "1312x736" --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 # Ubuntu: Body + Hand + Face ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --net_resolution "1312x736" --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 --hand --hand_scale_number 6 --hand_scale_range 0.4 --face ``` ``` :: Windows - Portable Demo: Body bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --net_resolution "1312x736" --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 :: Windows - Portable Demo: Body + Hand + Face bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --net_resolution "1312x736" --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 --hand --hand_scale_number 6 --hand_scale_range 0.4 --face ``` ``` :: Windows - Library - Assuming you copied the DLLs following doc/ Body build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --net_resolution "1312x736" --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 :: Windows - Library - Assuming you copied the DLLs following doc/ Body + Hand + Face build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --net_resolution "1312x736" --scale_number 4 --scale_gap 0.25 --hand --hand_scale_number 6 --hand_scale_range 0.4 --face ``` ### 3-D Reconstruction 1. Real-time demo ``` # Ubuntu ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 # With face and hands ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 --face --hand ``` ``` :: Windows - Portable Demo bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 :: With face and hands bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 --face --hand ``` ``` :: Windows - Library - Assuming you copied the DLLs following doc/ build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 :: With face and hands build\x64\Release\OpenPoseDemo.exe --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 --face --hand ``` 2. Saving 3-D keypoints ``` # Ubuntu (same flags for Windows version) ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 --write_json output_folder_path/ ``` 3. Fast stereo camera image saving (without keypoint detection) for later post-processing ``` # Ubuntu (same flags for Windows version) # Saving video # Note: saving in PNG rather than JPG will improve image quality, but slow down FPS (depending on hard disk writing speed and camera number) ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --flir_camera --num_gpu 0 --write_video output_folder_path/video.avi --camera_fps 5 # Saving images # Note: saving in PNG rather than JPG will improve image quality, but slow down FPS (depending on hard disk writing speed and camera number) ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --flir_camera --num_gpu 0 --write_images output_folder_path/ --write_images_format jpg ``` 4. Reading and processing previouly saved stereo camera images ``` # Ubuntu (same flags for Windows version) # Optionally add `--face` and/or `--hand` to include face and/or hands # Assuming 3 cameras # Note: We highly recommend to reduce `--output_resolution`. E.g. for 3 cameras recording at 1920x1080, the resulting image is (3x1920)x1080, so we recommend e.g. 640x360 (x3 reduction). # Video ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --video output_folder_path/video.avi --3d_views 3 --3d --number_people_max 1 --output_resolution {desired_output_resolution} # Images ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --image_dir output_folder_path/ --3d_views 3 --3d --number_people_max 1 --output_resolution {desired_output_resolution} ``` 5. Reconstruction when at least n visible views ``` # Ubuntu (same flags for Windows version) # Assuming >=2 cameras and reconstruction when at least 2 visible views ./build/examples/openpose/openpose.bin --flir_camera --3d --number_people_max 1 --3d_min_views 2 --output_resolution {desired_output_resolution} ``` ## Expected Visual Results The visual GUI should show the original image with the poses blended on it, similarly to the pose of this gif:

If you choose to visualize a body part or a PAF (Part Affinity Field) heat map with the command option `--part_to_show`, the result should be similar to one of the following images: