# This will run on Travis' 'new' container-based infrastructure # Blacklist branches: only: - master # Environment variables + OS + other parameters global: - GH_REPO_NAME: openpose - DOXYFILE: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/doc/doc_autogeneration.doxygen # Set this in Environment Variables on travis-ci.org # - GH_REPO_REF: github.com//openpose.git matrix: # Use a build matrix to test many builds in parallel # envvar defaults: # WITH_CMAKE: true # WITH_PYTHON: false # WITH_CUDA: true # WITH_CUDNN: true # WITH_OPEN_CL: false # WITH_MKL: false include: # Ubuntu 16.04 # Ubuntu 16.04 - Python - CMake - CUDA - os: linux dist: xenial env: NAME="U16-python-cmake-cuda8" WITH_PYTHON=true sudo: required # Generate and deploy documentation after_success: - cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR - chmod +x scripts/generate_gh_pages.sh - ./scripts/generate_gh_pages.sh # Ubuntu 16.04 - Python - CMake - CPU - os: linux dist: xenial env: NAME="U16-python-cmake-cpu" WITH_PYTHON=true WITH_CUDA=false sudo: required # Ubuntu 16.04 - Default - CMake - CUDA - os: linux dist: xenial env: NAME="U16-default-cmake-cuda8" sudo: required # Ubuntu 16.04 - Default - CMake - CPU - os: linux dist: xenial env: NAME="U16-default-cmake-cpu" WITH_CUDA=false sudo: required # Ubuntu 16.04 - Python - CMake - CPU - Debug - os: linux dist: xenial env: NAME="U16-python-cmake-cpu-debug" WITH_PYTHON=true WITH_CUDA=false WITH_DEBUG=true sudo: required # Ubuntu 16.04 - Python - CMake - CPU - Unity - os: linux dist: xenial env: NAME="U16-python-cmake-cpu-unity" WITH_PYTHON=true WITH_UNITY=true WITH_CUDA=false sudo: required # Mac OSX # Mac OSX - Python - CMake - CPU - os: osx osx_image: xcode9.4 # xcode10.1 does not work with Python # Versions: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/objective-c#supported-xcode-versions env: NAME="OSX-python-cmake-cpu" WITH_CUDA=false WITH_PYTHON=true sudo: required # Mac OSX - Default - CMake - CPU - os: osx osx_image: xcode10.1 # Versions: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/objective-c#supported-xcode-versions env: NAME="OSX-default-cmake-cpu" WITH_CUDA=false sudo: required # Mac OSX - Python - CMake - CPU - Debug - os: osx osx_image: xcode9.4 # xcode10.1 does not work with Python # Versions: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/objective-c#supported-xcode-versions env: NAME="OSX-python-cmake-cpu-debug" WITH_CUDA=false WITH_PYTHON=true WITH_DEBUG=true sudo: required # Mac OSX - Python - CMake - CPU - Unity - os: osx osx_image: xcode9.4 # xcode10.1 does not work with Python # Versions: https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/languages/objective-c#supported-xcode-versions env: NAME="OSX-python-cmake-cpu-unity" WITH_CUDA=false WITH_PYTHON=true WITH_UNITY=true sudo: required # # TO-DO: To be implemented # # Windows # # Windows - Default - CMake - CUDA # - os: windows # env: NAME="W10-default-cmake-cuda8" # Ubuntu (others) # Ubuntu 16.04 - Default - Make - CUDA - os: linux dist: xenial env: NAME="U16-default-make-cuda8" WITH_CMAKE=false sudo: required # # TO-DO: To be implemented # # Ubuntu 16.04 - Default - CMake - CPU MKL # - os: linux # dist: xenial # env: NAME="U16-default-cmake-cpu-mkl" WITH_CUDA=false WITH_MKL=true # sudo: required # # Ubuntu 16.04 - Default - CMake - OpenCL # - os: linux # dist: xenial # env: NAME="U16-default-cmake-opencl" WITH_CUDA=false WITH_OPEN_CL=true # sudo: required # # Ubuntu 16.04 - Python - CMake - OpenCL # - os: linux # dist: xenial # env: NAME="U16-python-cmake-opencl" WITH_PYTHON=true WITH_CUDA=false WITH_OPEN_CL=true # sudo: required # # Unnecessary/redundant ones # # Ubuntu 16.04 - Default - CMake - CUDA - no cuDNN # - os: linux # dist: xenial # env: NAME="U16-default-cmake-cuda8-nocudnn" WITH_CUDNN=false # sudo: required # Ubuntu 14.04 - Default - CMake - CPU - os: linux dist: trusty env: NAME="U14-default-cmake-cpu" WITH_CUDA=false sudo: required # Ubuntu 14.04 - Default - Make - CUDA - os: linux dist: trusty env: NAME="U14-default-make-cuda8" WITH_CMAKE=false sudo: required # # Unnecessary/redundant ones # # Ubuntu 14.04 - Default - CMake - CUDA # - os: linux # dist: trusty # env: NAME="U14-default-cmake-cuda8" # sudo: required # Install apt dependencies addons: apt: packages: - doxygen - doxygen-doc - doxygen-latex - doxygen-gui - graphviz # Install Caffe and OP dependencies install: - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "linux" ]]; then sudo bash scripts/travis/install_deps_ubuntu.sh ; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "osx" ]]; then bash scripts/travis/install_deps_osx.sh ; fi - if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" == "windows" ]]; then exit 99 ; fi # Running CMake before_script: - bash scripts/travis/configure.sh # Build your code e.g., by calling make script: - bash scripts/travis/run_make.sh - bash scripts/travis/run_tests.sh