// ------------------------- OpenPose Library Tutorial - Thread - Example 2 - Synchronous ------------------------- // Synchronous mode: ideal for performance. The user can add his own frames producer / post-processor / consumer to the OpenPose wrapper or use the default ones. // This example shows the user how to use the OpenPose wrapper class: // 1. Extract and render pose / heatmap / PAF of that image // 2. Save the results on disc // 3. Display the rendered pose // Everything in a multi-thread scenario // In addition to the previous OpenPose modules, we also need to use: // 1. `core` module: // For the Array class that the `pose` module needs // For the Datum struct that the `thread` module sends between the queues // 2. `utilities` module: for the error & logging functions, i.e. op::error & op::log respectively // This file should only be used for the user to take specific examples. // C++ std library dependencies #include // std::atomic #include // `std::chrono::` functions and classes, e.g. std::chrono::milliseconds #include // sscanf #include // std::string #include // std::this_thread #include // std::vector // OpenCV dependencies #include // cv::Mat & cv::Size // Other 3rdpary depencencies #include // DEFINE_bool, DEFINE_int32, DEFINE_int64, DEFINE_uint64, DEFINE_double, DEFINE_string #include // google::InitGoogleLogging, CHECK, CHECK_EQ, LOG, VLOG, ... // OpenPose dependencies // Option a) Importing all modules #include // Option b) Manually importing the desired modules. Recommended if you only intend to use a few modules. // #include // #include // #include // #include // #include // #include // #include // #include // #include // Uncomment to avoid needing `op::` before each class and function of the OpenPose library. Analogously for OpenCV and the standard C++ library // using namespace op; // using namespace cv; // using namespace std; // Gflags in the command line terminal. Check all the options by adding the flag `--help`, e.g. `rtpose.bin --help`. // Note: This command will show you flags for several files. Check only the flags for the file you are checking. E.g. for `rtpose`, look for `Flags from examples/openpose/rtpose.cpp:`. // Debugging DEFINE_int32(logging_level, 3, "The logging level. Integer in the range [0, 255]. 0 will output any log() message, while 255 will not output any." " Current OpenPose library messages are in the range 0-4: 1 for low priority messages and 4 for important ones."); // Producer DEFINE_string(image_dir, "examples/media/", "Process a directory of images."); // OpenPose DEFINE_string(model_pose, "COCO", "Model to be used (e.g. COCO, MPI, MPI_4_layers)."); DEFINE_string(model_folder, "models/", "Folder where the pose models (COCO and MPI) are located."); DEFINE_string(net_resolution, "656x368", "Multiples of 16."); DEFINE_string(resolution, "1280x720", "The image resolution (display and output)."); DEFINE_int32(num_gpu, 1, "The number of GPU devices to use."); DEFINE_int32(num_gpu_start, 0, "GPU device start number."); DEFINE_int32(num_scales, 1, "Number of scales to average."); DEFINE_double(scale_gap, 0.3, "Scale gap between scales. No effect unless num_scales>1. Initial scale is always 1. If you want to change the initial scale," " you actually want to multiply the `net_resolution` by your desired initial scale."); DEFINE_int32(scale_mode, 0, "Scaling of the (x,y) coordinates of the final pose data array (op::Datum::pose), i.e. the scale of the (x,y) coordinates that" " will be saved with the `write_pose` & `write_pose_json` flags. Select `0` to scale it to the original source resolution, `1`" " to scale it to the net output size (set with `net_resolution`), `2` to scale it to the final output size (set with " " `resolution`), `3` to scale it in the range [0,1], and 4 for range [-1,1]. Non related with `num_scales` and `scale_gap`."); DEFINE_bool(heatmaps_add_parts, false, "If true, it will add the body part heatmaps to the final op::Datum::poseHeatMaps array (program speed will decrease). Not" " required for our library, enable it only if you intend to process this information later. If more than one `add_heatmaps_X`" " flag is enabled, it will place then in sequential memory order: body parts + bkg + PAFs. It will follow the order on" " POSE_BODY_PART_MAPPING in `include/openpose/pose/poseParameters.hpp`."); DEFINE_bool(heatmaps_add_bkg, false, "Same functionality as `add_heatmaps_parts`, but adding the heatmap corresponding to background."); DEFINE_bool(heatmaps_add_PAFs, false, "Same functionality as `add_heatmaps_parts`, but adding the PAFs."); DEFINE_int32(heatmaps_scale_mode, 2, "Set 0 to scale op::Datum::poseHeatMaps in the range [0,1], 1 for [-1,1]; and 2 for integer rounded [0,255]."); // OpenPose Rendering DEFINE_bool(no_render_output, false, "If false, it will fill both `outputData` and `cvOutputData` with the original image + desired part to be shown." " If true, it will leave them empty."); DEFINE_int32(part_to_show, 0, "Part to show from the start."); DEFINE_bool(disable_blending, false, "If false, it will blend the results with the original frame. If true, it will only display the results."); DEFINE_double(alpha_pose, 0.6, "Blending factor (range 0-1) for the body part rendering. 1 will show it completely, 0 will hide it."); DEFINE_double(alpha_heatmap, 0.7, "Blending factor (range 0-1) between heatmap and original frame. 1 will only show the heatmap, 0 will only show the frame."); // Consumer DEFINE_string(write_images, "", "Directory to write rendered frames in `write_images_format` image format."); DEFINE_string(write_images_format, "png", "File extension and format for `write_images`, e.g. png, jpg or bmp. Check the OpenCV function cv::imwrite" " for all compatible extensions."); DEFINE_string(write_video, "", "Full file path to write rendered frames in motion JPEG video format. It might fail if the final path does" " not finish in `.avi`. It internally uses cv::VideoWriter."); DEFINE_string(write_pose, "", "Directory to write the people pose data. Desired format on `write_pose_format`."); DEFINE_string(write_pose_format, "yml", "File extension and format for `write_pose`: json, xml, yaml and yml. Json not available for OpenCV < 3.0," " use `write_pose_json` instead."); DEFINE_string(write_pose_json, "", "Directory to write people pose data with *.json format, compatible with any OpenCV version."); DEFINE_string(write_coco_json, "", "Full file path to write people pose data with *.json COCO validation format."); DEFINE_string(write_heatmaps, "", "Directory to write heatmaps with *.png format. At least 1 `add_heatmaps_X` flag must be enabled."); DEFINE_string(write_heatmaps_format, "png", "File extension and format for `write_heatmaps`, analogous to `write_images_format`. Recommended `png` or any compressed and" " lossless format."); // If the user needs his own variables, he can inherit the op::Datum struct and add them // UserDatum can be directly used by the OpenPose wrapper because it inherits from op::Datum, just define Wrapper instead of Wrapper struct UserDatum : public op::Datum { bool boolThatUserNeedsForSomeReason; UserDatum(const bool boolThatUserNeedsForSomeReason_ = false) : boolThatUserNeedsForSomeReason{boolThatUserNeedsForSomeReason_} {} }; // The W-classes can be implemented either as a template or as simple classes given // that the user usually knows which kind of data he will move between the queues, // in this case we assume a std::shared_ptr of a std::vector of UserDatum // This worker will just read and return all the jpg files in a directory class WUserInput : public op::WorkerProducer>> { public: WUserInput(const std::string& directoryPath) : mImageFiles{op::getFilesOnDirectory(directoryPath, "jpg")}, // mImageFiles{op::getFilesOnDirectory(directoryPath, std::vector{"jpg", "png"})}, // If we want "jpg" + "png" images mCounter{0} { if (mImageFiles.empty()) op::error("No images found on: " + directoryPath, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); } void initializationOnThread() {} std::shared_ptr> workProducer() { try { // Close program when empty frame if (mImageFiles.size() <= mCounter) { op::log("Last frame read and added to queue. Closing program after it is processed.", op::Priority::Max); // This funtion stops this worker, which will eventually stop the whole thread system once all the frames have been processed this->stop(); return nullptr; } else { // Create new datum auto datumsPtr = std::make_shared>(); datumsPtr->emplace_back(); auto& datum = datumsPtr->at(0); // Fill datum datum.cvInputData = cv::imread(mImageFiles.at(mCounter++)); // If empty frame -> return nullptr if (datum.cvInputData.empty()) { op::log("Empty frame detected on path: " + mImageFiles.at(mCounter-1) + ". Closing program.", op::Priority::Max); this->stop(); datumsPtr = nullptr; } return datumsPtr; } } catch (const std::exception& e) { op::log("Some kind of unexpected error happened."); this->stop(); op::error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); return nullptr; } } private: const std::vector mImageFiles; unsigned long long mCounter; }; // This worker will just invert the image class WUserPostProcessing : public op::Worker>> { public: WUserPostProcessing() { // User's constructor here } void initializationOnThread() {} void work(std::shared_ptr>& datumsPtr) { // User's post-processing (after OpenPose processing & before OpenPose outputs) here // datum.cvOutputData: rendered frame with pose or heatmaps // datum.poseKeyPoints: Array with the estimated pose try { if (datumsPtr != nullptr && !datumsPtr->empty()) for (auto& datum : *datumsPtr) cv::bitwise_not(datum.cvOutputData, datum.cvOutputData); } catch (const std::exception& e) { op::log("Some kind of unexpected error happened."); this->stop(); op::error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); } } }; // This worker will just read and return all the jpg files in a directory class WUserOutput : public op::WorkerConsumer>> { public: void initializationOnThread() {} void workConsumer(const std::shared_ptr>& datumsPtr) { try { // User's displaying/saving/other processing here // datum.cvOutputData: rendered frame with pose or heatmaps // datum.poseKeyPoints: Array with the estimated pose if (datumsPtr != nullptr && !datumsPtr->empty()) { cv::imshow("User worker GUI", datumsPtr->at(0).cvOutputData); cv::waitKey(500); // It sleeps 500 ms just to let the user see the output. Change to 33ms for normal 30 fps display } } catch (const std::exception& e) { op::log("Some kind of unexpected error happened."); this->stop(); op::error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); } } }; op::PoseModel gflagToPoseModel(const std::string& poseModeString) { op::log("", op::Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); if (poseModeString == "COCO") return op::PoseModel::COCO_18; else if (poseModeString == "MPI") return op::PoseModel::MPI_15; else if (poseModeString == "MPI_4_layers") return op::PoseModel::MPI_15_4; else { op::error("String does not correspond to any model (COCO, MPI, MPI_4_layers)", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); return op::PoseModel::COCO_18; } } op::ScaleMode gflagToScaleMode(const int scaleMode) { op::log("", op::Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); if (scaleMode == 0) return op::ScaleMode::InputResolution; else if (scaleMode == 1) return op::ScaleMode::NetOutputResolution; else if (scaleMode == 2) return op::ScaleMode::OutputResolution; else if (scaleMode == 3) return op::ScaleMode::ZeroToOne; else if (scaleMode == 4) return op::ScaleMode::PlusMinusOne; else { const std::string message = "String does not correspond to any scale mode: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) for (InputResolution, NetOutputResolution, OutputResolution, ZeroToOne, PlusMinusOne)."; op::error(message, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); return op::ScaleMode::InputResolution; } } std::vector gflagToHeatMaps(const bool heatmaps_add_parts, const bool heatmaps_add_bkg, const bool heatmaps_add_PAFs) { std::vector heatMapTypes; if (heatmaps_add_parts) heatMapTypes.emplace_back(op::HeatMapType::Parts); if (heatmaps_add_bkg) heatMapTypes.emplace_back(op::HeatMapType::Background); if (heatmaps_add_PAFs) heatMapTypes.emplace_back(op::HeatMapType::PAFs); return heatMapTypes; } // Google flags into program variables std::tuple, op::ScaleMode> gflagsToOpParameters() { op::log("", op::Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); // outputSize cv::Size outputSize; auto nRead = sscanf(FLAGS_resolution.c_str(), "%dx%d", &outputSize.width, &outputSize.height); op::checkE(nRead, 2, "Error, resolution format (" + FLAGS_resolution + ") invalid, should be e.g., 960x540 ", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); // netInputSize cv::Size netInputSize; nRead = sscanf(FLAGS_net_resolution.c_str(), "%dx%d", &netInputSize.width, &netInputSize.height); op::checkE(nRead, 2, "Error, net resolution format (" + FLAGS_net_resolution + ") invalid, should be e.g., 656x368 (multiples of 16)", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); // poseModel const auto poseModel = gflagToPoseModel(FLAGS_model_pose); // scaleMode const auto scaleMode = gflagToScaleMode(FLAGS_scale_mode); // heatmaps to add const auto heatMapTypes = gflagToHeatMaps(FLAGS_heatmaps_add_parts, FLAGS_heatmaps_add_bkg, FLAGS_heatmaps_add_PAFs); op::check(FLAGS_heatmaps_scale_mode >= 0 && FLAGS_heatmaps_scale_mode <= 2, "Non valid `heatmaps_scale_mode`.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); const auto heatMapsScaleMode = (FLAGS_heatmaps_scale_mode == 0 ? op::ScaleMode::PlusMinusOne : (FLAGS_heatmaps_scale_mode == 1 ? op::ScaleMode::ZeroToOne : op::ScaleMode::UnsignedChar )); // return return std::make_tuple(outputSize, netInputSize, poseModel, scaleMode, heatMapTypes, heatMapsScaleMode); } int openPoseTutorialWrapper2() { // logging_level op::check(0 <= FLAGS_logging_level && FLAGS_logging_level <= 255, "Wrong logging_level value.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); op::ConfigureLog::setPriorityThreshold((op::Priority)FLAGS_logging_level); // op::ConfigureLog::setPriorityThreshold(op::Priority::None); // To print all logging messages op::log("Starting pose estimation demo.", op::Priority::Max); const auto timerBegin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); // Applying user defined configuration cv::Size outputSize; cv::Size netInputSize; op::PoseModel poseModel; op::ScaleMode scaleMode; std::vector heatMapTypes; op::ScaleMode heatMapsScaleMode; std::tie(outputSize, netInputSize, poseModel, scaleMode, heatMapTypes, heatMapsScaleMode) = gflagsToOpParameters(); op::log("", op::Priority::Low, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__); // Initializing the user custom classes // Frames producer (e.g. video, webcam, ...) auto wUserInput = std::make_shared(FLAGS_image_dir); // Processing auto wUserPostProcessing = std::make_shared(); // GUI (Display) auto wUserOutput = std::make_shared(); op::Wrapper> opWrapper; // Add custom input const auto workerInputOnNewThread = false; opWrapper.setWorkerInput(wUserInput, workerInputOnNewThread); // Add custom processing const auto workerProcessingOnNewThread = false; opWrapper.setWorkerPostProcessing(wUserPostProcessing, workerProcessingOnNewThread); // Add custom output const auto workerOutputOnNewThread = true; opWrapper.setWorkerOutput(wUserOutput, workerOutputOnNewThread); // Configure OpenPose const bool displayGui = false; const bool guiVerbose = false; const bool fullScreen = false; const op::WrapperStructPose wrapperStructPose{netInputSize, outputSize, scaleMode, FLAGS_num_gpu, FLAGS_num_gpu_start, FLAGS_num_scales, (float)FLAGS_scale_gap, !FLAGS_no_render_output, poseModel, !FLAGS_disable_blending, (float)FLAGS_alpha_pose, (float)FLAGS_alpha_heatmap, FLAGS_part_to_show, FLAGS_model_folder, heatMapTypes, heatMapsScaleMode}; const op::WrapperStructOutput wrapperStructOutput{displayGui, guiVerbose, fullScreen, FLAGS_write_pose, op::stringToDataFormat(FLAGS_write_pose_format), FLAGS_write_pose_json, FLAGS_write_coco_json, FLAGS_write_images, FLAGS_write_images_format, FLAGS_write_video, FLAGS_write_heatmaps, FLAGS_write_heatmaps_format}; // Pose configuration (use WrapperStructPose{} for default and recommended configuration) // Producer (use default to disable any input) // Consumer (comment or use default argument to disable any output) opWrapper.configure(wrapperStructPose, op::WrapperStructInput{}, wrapperStructOutput); // Set to single-thread running (e.g. for debugging purposes) // opWrapper.disableMultiThreading(); op::log("Starting thread(s)", op::Priority::Max); // Two different ways of running the program on multithread enviroment // // Option a) Recommended - Also using the main thread (this thread) for processing (it saves 1 thread) // // Start, run & stop threads // opWrapper.exec(); // It blocks this thread until all threads have finished // Option b) Keeping this thread free in case you want to do something else meanwhile, e.g. profiling the GPU memory // Start threads opWrapper.start(); // Profile used GPU memory // 1: wait ~10sec so the memory has been totally loaded on GPU // 2: profile the GPU memory std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds{1000}); op::log("Random task here...", op::Priority::Max); // Keep program alive while running threads while (opWrapper.isRunning()) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds{33}); // Stop and join threads op::log("Stopping thread(s)", op::Priority::Max); opWrapper.stop(); // Measuring total time const auto totalTimeSec = (double)std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now()-timerBegin).count() * 1e-9; const auto message = "Real-time pose estimation demo successfully finished. Total time: " + std::to_string(totalTimeSec) + " seconds."; op::log(message, op::Priority::Max); return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Initializing google logging (Caffe uses it for logging) google::InitGoogleLogging("openPoseTutorialWrapper2"); // Parsing command line flags gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true); // Running openPoseTutorialWrapper2 return openPoseTutorialWrapper2(); }