OpenPose - Prerequisites ========================== ## Contents 1. [General Tips](#general-tips) 2. [Ubuntu Prerequisites](#ubuntu-prerequisites) 3. [Mac OS Prerequisites](#mac-os-prerequisites) 4. [Windows Prerequisites](#windows-prerequisites) ### General Tips **Very important**: New Nvidia model GPUs (e.g., Nvidia V, GTX 2080, v100, any Nvidia with Volta or Turing architecture, etc.) require (at least) CUDA 10. CUDA 8 would fail! In addition, CMake automatically downloads all the OpenPose models. However, **some firewall or company networks block these downloads**. You might prefer to download them manually: - [BODY_25 model]( download in `models/pose/body_25/`. - [COCO model]( download in `models/pose/coco/`. - [MPI model]( download in `models/pose/mpi/`. - [Face model]( download in `models/face/`. - [Hands model]( download in `models/hand/`. Finally, if some weird/obscure errors about Caffe and/or Pybind appear, run the following command. It will ensure that all submodules are iniatilised. Reason: OpenPose runs that command through CMake, but some firewalls might block it and we have to run it manually. ``` git submodule update --init --recursive --remote ``` ### Ubuntu Prerequisites 1. Ubuntu - **Anaconda should not be installed** on your system. Anaconda includes a Protobuf version that is incompatible with Caffe. Either you uninstall anaconda and install protobuf via apt-get, or you compile your own Caffe and link it to OpenPose. 2. Install **CMake GUI**: - Ubuntu 14 or 16: run the command `sudo apt-get install cmake-qt-gui`. Note: If you prefer to use CMake through the command line, see [CMake Command Line Configuration (Ubuntu Only)](#cmake-command-line-configuration-ubuntu-only). - Ubuntu 18: **Download and compile CMake-gui from source**. The default CMake-gui version (3.10) installed via `sudo apt-get install cmake-qt-gui` provokes some compiling errors. Required CMake version >= 3.12. - Uninstall your current Cmake-gui version by running `sudo apt purge cmake-qt-gui`. - Run `sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev`. - Download the `Latest Release` of `CMake Unix/Linux Source` from the [CMake download website](, called `cmake-X.X.X.tar.gz`. - Unzip it and go inside that folder from the terminal. - Run `./configure --qt-gui`. Make sure no error occurred. - Run `./bootstrap && make -j8 && make install -j8`. Make sure no error occurred. - Assuming your CMake downloaded folder is in {CMAKE_FOLDER_PATH}, everytime these instructions mentions `cmake-gui`, you will have to replace that line by `{CMAKE_FOLDER_PATH}/bin/cmake-gui`. 3. Nvidia GPU version prerequisites: 1. **Note: OpenPose has been tested extensively with CUDA 8.0 (cuDNN 5.1) and CUDA 10.0 (cuDNN 7.5)**. We highly recommend using those versions to minimize potential installation issues. Other versions should also work, but we do not provide support about any CUDA/cuDNN installation/compilation issue, as well as problems relate dto their integration into OpenPose. 2. **CUDA**: - Ubuntu 14 or 16 ([**CUDA 8**]( **or 10**): Run `sudo ./scripts/ubuntu/` (if Ubuntu 16 or 14 and for Graphic cards up to 10XX) or alternatively download and install it from their website. - Ubuntu 18 ([**CUDA 10**]( Download the latest Nvidia CUDA version from their [official website]( - Select "Linux" -> "x86_64" -> "Ubuntu" -> "18.04" -> "runtime (local)", and download it. - Follow the Nvidia website installation instructions. Make sure to enable the symbolic link in `usr/local/cuda` to minimize potential future errors. 3. **cuDNN**: - Ubuntu 14 or 16 ([**cuDNN 5.1**]( **or 7.2**): Run `sudo ./scripts/ubuntu/` (if Ubuntu 16 or 14 and for Graphic cards up to 10XX) or alternatively download and install it from their website. - Ubuntu 18 ([**cuDNN 7.2**]( Download and install it from the [Nvidia website]( - In order to manually install it (any version), just unzip it and copy (merge) the contents on the CUDA folder, usually `/usr/local/cuda/` in Ubuntu and `C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v8.0` in Windows. 5. AMD GPU version prerequisites: 1. Ubuntu 14 or 16: 1. Download 3rd party ROCM driver for Ubuntu from [**AMD - OpenCL**]( 2. Install `sudo apt-get install libviennacl-dev`. 2. Ubuntu 18: Not tested and not officially supported. Try at your risk. 6. Install **Caffe, OpenCV, and Caffe prerequisites**: - Caffe prerequisites: By default, OpenPose uses Caffe under the hood. If you have not used Caffe previously, install its dependencies by running `sudo bash ./scripts/ubuntu/` (if Ubuntu 16 or 14 and for Graphic cards up to 10XX) or run `sudo bash ./scripts/ubuntu/` after installing your desired CUDA and cuDNN versions. - OpenCV must be already installed on your machine. It can be installed with `apt-get install libopencv-dev`. You can also use your own compiled OpenCV version. 7. **Eigen prerequisite** (optional, only required for some specific extra functionality, such as extrinsic camera calibration): - If you enable the `WITH_EIGEN` flag when running CMake. You can either: 1. Do not do anything if you set the `WITH_EIGEN` flag to `BUILD`, CMake will automatically download Eigen. Alternatively, you might prefer to download it manually: - [Eigen3]( Unzip as `3rdparty/eigen/`. 2. Run `sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev` if you prefer to set `WITH_EIGEN` to `FIND`. 3. Use your own version of Eigen by setting `WITH_EIGEN` to `BUILD`, run CMake so that OpenPose downloads the zip file, and then replace the contents of `3rdparty/eigen/` by your own version. ### Mac OS Prerequisites 1. If you don't have `brew`, install it by running `bash scripts/osx/` on your terminal. 2. Install **CMake GUI**: Run the command `brew cask install cmake`. 3. Install **Caffe, OpenCV, and Caffe prerequisites**: Run `bash scripts/osx/`. 4. **Eigen prerequisite** (optional, only required for some specific extra functionality, such as extrinsic camera calibration): - Enable the `WITH_EIGEN` flag when running CMake, and set it to `BUILD`. - CMake will automatically download Eigen. - Alternatively, you can manually download it from the [Eigen3 website](, and unzip as `3rdparty/eigen/`. ### Windows Prerequisites NOTE: These instructions are only required when compiling OpenPose brom source. If you simply wanna use the OpenPose binaries for Windows, skip this step. 1. Install **CMake GUI**: Download and install the `Latest Release` of CMake `Windows win64-x64 Installer` from the [CMake download website](, called `cmake-X.X.X-win64-x64.msi`. 2. Install **Microsoft Visual Studio (VS) 2017 Enterprise** or **VS 2015 Enterprise Update 3**: - **IMPORTANT**: Enable all C++-related flags when selecting the components to install. - Different VS versions: - If **Visual Studio 2017 Community** is desired, we do not officially support it, but it should run similarly to VS 2017 Enterprise. - VS 2015 Community and Enterprise Update 1 might give some compiler errors. They have not been tested and they are totally not supported (use VS 2017 Community instead). 3. Nvidia GPU version prerequisites: 1. **Note: OpenPose has been tested extensively with CUDA 10.0 / cuDNN 7.5 for VS2017 and CUDA 8.0 / cuDNN 5.1 for VS 2015**. We highly recommend using those versions to minimize potential installation issues. Other versions should also work, but we do not provide support about any CUDA/cuDNN installation/compilation issue, as well as problems related to their integration into OpenPose. 2. [**CUDA 10**]( or [**CUDA 8**]( - Install CUDA 8.0/10.0 after Visual Studio 2015/2017 is installed to assure that the CUDA installation will generate all necessary files for VS. If CUDA was already installed, re-install it. - **Important installation tips**: - (Windows issue, reported Sep 2018): If your computer hangs when installing CUDA drivers, try installing first the [Nvidia drivers](, and then installing CUDA without the Graphics Driver flag. - If CMake returns and error message similar to `CUDA_TOOLKIT_ROOT_DIR not found or specified` or any other CUDA component missing, then: 1) Re-install Visual Studio 2015; 2) Reboot your PC; 3) Re-install CUDA (in this order!). 3. [**cuDNN 7.5**]( or [**cuDNN 5.1**]( - In order to manually install it, just unzip it and copy (merge) the contents on the CUDA folder, usually `C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v8.0` in Windows and `/usr/local/cuda/` in Ubuntu. 4. AMD GPU version prerequisites: 1. Download official AMD drivers for Windows from [**AMD - Windows**]( 2. The libviennacl package comes packaged inside OpenPose for Windows (i.e., no further action required). 5. **Caffe, OpenCV, and Caffe prerequisites**: - CMake automatically downloads all the Windows DLLs. Alternatively, you might prefer to download them manually: - Dependencies: - Note: Leave the zip files in `3rdparty/windows/` so that CMake does not try to download them again. - [Caffe]( Unzip as `3rdparty/windows/caffe/`. - [Caffe dependencies]( Unzip as `3rdparty/windows/caffe3rdparty/`. - [OpenCV 4.0.1]( Unzip as `3rdparty/windows/opencv/`. 6. **Eigen prerequisite** (optional, only required for some specific extra functionality, such as extrinsic camera calibration): - Enable the `WITH_EIGEN` flag when running CMake, and set it to `BUILD`. - CMake will automatically download Eigen. - Alternatively, you can manually download it from the [Eigen3 website](, run CMake so that OpenPose downloads the zip file, and then replace the contents of `3rdparty/eigen/` by your own version.