提交 3c9441ae 编写于 作者: G Gines Hidalgo

Slightly improved mAP and reduced false positives, but reduced mAR

上级 80fc1144
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ OpenPose - Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
11. [CUDA_cublas_device_LIBRARY Not Found](#cuda_cublas_device_library-not-found)
12. [CMake-GUI Error While Getting Default Caffe](#cmake-gui-error-while-getting-default-caffe)
13. [Libgomp Out of Memory Error](#libgomp-out-of-memory-error)
14. [Runtime Error with Turing GPU (Tesla T4) or Volta GPU][#runtime-error-with-turing-gpu-teslat4-or-volta-gpu)
2. [Speed Performance Issues](#speed-performance-issues)
1. [Speed Up, Memory Reduction, and Benchmark](#speed-up-memory-reduction-and-benchmark)
2. [How to Measure the Latency Time?](#how-to-measure-the-latency-time)
......@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ OpenPose - Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)
#### Out of Memory Error
**Q: Out of memory error** - I get an error similar to: `Check failed: error == cudaSuccess (2 vs. 0) out of memory`.
**A**: Most probably cuDNN is not installed/enabled, the default Caffe model uses >12 GB of GPU memory, cuDNN reduces it to ~2 GB for BODY_25 and ~1.5 GB for COCO.
**A**: Most probably cuDNN is not installed/enabled, the default Caffe model uses >12 GB of GPU memory, cuDNN reduces it to ~2.2 GB for BODY_25 (default) and ~1.5 GB for COCO (`--model_pose COCO`). Note that you still need at least about 2.2 GB free for the default OpenPose to run. I.e., GPUs with only 2 GB will not fit the default OpenPose, and you will have to either switch to the `COCO` model (slower and less accurate), or reduce the `--net_resolution` (faster speed but also lower accuracy).
......@@ -162,6 +163,14 @@ git submodle update
#### Runtime Error with Turing GPU (Tesla T4) or Volta GPU
**Q**: When I start OpenPose, I receive a runtime error for new GPU architectures.
**A**: To solve this problem, 1) make sure you are using CUDA 10 or higher, and 2) change line 7 in `{OPENPOSE_PATH}/3rdparty/caffe/cmake/Cuda.cmake`, from `set(Caffe_known_gpu_archs "30 35 50 52 60 61")` to `set(Caffe_known_gpu_archs "30 35 50 52 60 61 75")`.
### Speed Performance Issues
#### Speed Up, Memory Reduction, and Benchmark
......@@ -54,9 +54,14 @@ We add links to some community-based work based on OpenPose. Note: We do not sup
- [ROS example](https://github.com/firephinx/openpose_ros) (based on a very old OpenPose version). For questions and more details, read and post ONLY on [issue thread #51](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/51).
- Docker Images. For questions and more details, read and post ONLY on [issue thread #347](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/347).
- Dockerfile working with CUDA 10: [link 1](https://github.com/ExSidius/openpose-docker/blob/master/Dockerfile) and [link 2](https://cloud.docker.com/repository/docker/exsidius/openpose/general).
- [Dockerfile - OpenPose v1.4.0, OpenCV, CUDA 8, CuDNN 6, Python2.7](https://gist.github.com/moiseevigor/11c02c694fc0c22fccd59521793aeaa6).
- [Dockerfile - OpenPose v1.2.1](https://gist.github.com/sberryman/6770363f02336af82cb175a83b79de33).
- Dockerfile working also with CUDA 10:
- [Link 1](https://github.com/esemeniuc/openpose-docker), it claims to also include Python support. Read and post ONLY on [issue thread #1102](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/1102).
- [Link 2](https://github.com/ExSidius/openpose-docker/blob/master/Dockerfile).
- [Link 3](https://cloud.docker.com/repository/docker/exsidius/openpose/general).
- Dockerfile working only with CUDA 8:
- [Dockerfile - OpenPose v1.4.0, OpenCV, CUDA 8, CuDNN 5, Python2.7](https://github.com/tlkh/openpose). Read and post ONLY on [issue thread #1102](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/1102).
- [Dockerfile - OpenPose v1.4.0, OpenCV, CUDA 8, CuDNN 6, Python2.7](https://gist.github.com/moiseevigor/11c02c694fc0c22fccd59521793aeaa6).
- [Dockerfile - OpenPose v1.2.1](https://gist.github.com/sberryman/6770363f02336af82cb175a83b79de33).
- [Google Colab helper script](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/949#issue-387855863): Script to install OpenPose on Google Colab. Really useful when access to a computer powerful enough to run OpenPose is not possible, so one possible way to use OpenPose is to build it on a GPU-enabled Colab runtime and then run the programs there. For questions and more details, read and post ONLY on [issue thread #949](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/949).
......@@ -168,7 +173,25 @@ make -j`nproc`
#### Windows
In order to build the project, open the Visual Studio solution (Windows), called `build/OpenPose.sln`. Then, set the configuration from `Debug` to `Release` and press the green triangle icon (alternatively press <kbd>F5</kbd>).
In order to build the project, select and run only one of the 2 following alternatives.
1. **CMake-GUI alternative (recommended)**: Open the Visual Studio solution (Windows), called `build/OpenPose.sln`. Then, set the configuration from `Debug` to `Release` and press the green triangle icon (alternatively press <kbd>F5</kbd>).
2. Command-line build alternative (not recommended). NOTE: The command line alternative is not officially supported, but it was added in [GitHub issue #1198](https://github.com/CMU-Perceptual-Computing-Lab/openpose/issues/1198). For any questions or bug report about this command-line version, comment in that GitHub issue.
1. Run "MSVS 2017 Developer Command Console"
openpose\mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 15 2017 Win64" -T v140
cmake --build . --config Release
copy x64\Release\* bin\
2. If you want to clean build
cmake --clean-first .
cmake --build . --config Release
copy x64\Release\* bin\
**VERY IMPORTANT NOTE**: In order to use OpenPose outside Visual Studio, and assuming you have not unchecked the `BUILD_BIN_FOLDER` flag in CMake, copy all DLLs from `{build_directory}/bin` into the folder where the generated `openpose.dll` and `*.exe` demos are, e.g., `{build_directory}x64/Release` for the 64-bit release version.
......@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ This module performs 3-D keypoint (body, face, and hand) reconstruction and rend
## Installation
Check [doc/installation.md#3d-reconstruction-module](./installation.md#3d-reconstruction-module) for installation steps.
Check [doc/installation.md#3d-reconstruction-module](../installation.md#3d-reconstruction-module) for installation steps.
## Non Linear Optimization
In order to increase the 3-D reconstruction accuracy, OpenPose optionally performs non-linear optimization if Ceres solver support is enabled (only available in Ubuntu for now). To enable it, check [doc/installation.md#3d-reconstruction-module](./installation.md#3d-reconstruction-module) for more details.
In order to increase the 3-D reconstruction accuracy, OpenPose optionally performs non-linear optimization if Ceres solver support is enabled (only available in Ubuntu for now). To enable it, check [doc/installation.md#3d-reconstruction-module](../installation.md#3d-reconstruction-module) for more details.
......@@ -369,10 +369,14 @@ OpenPose Library - Release Notes
1. Main improvements:
1. Highly improved 3D triangulation for >3 cameras by fixing some small bugs.
2. Added community-based support for Nvidia NVCaffe.
3. Increased accuracy very lightly for CUDA version (about 0.01%) by adapting the threshold in `process()` in `bodyPartConnectorBase.cu` to `defaultNmsThreshold`. This also removes any posibility of future bugs in that function for using a default NMS threshold higher than 0.15 (which was the hard-coded value used previously).
4. Increased mAP but reduced mAR (both about 0.01%) as well as reduction of false positives. Step 1: removed legs where only knee/ankle/feet are found. Step 2: If no people is found in an image, `removePeopleBelowThresholds` is re-run with `maximizePositives = true`.
5. Number of maximum people is not limited by the maximum number of max peaks anymore. However, the number of body part candidates for a specific keypoint (e.g., nose) is still limited to the number of max peaks.
2. Functions or parameters renamed:
1. `--3d_min_views` default value (-1) no longer means that all camera views are required. Instead, it will be equal to max(2, min(4, #cameras-1)). This should provide a good trade-off between recall and precission.
3. Main bugs fixed:
1. Windows: Added back support for OpenGL and Spinnaker, as well as DLLs for debug compilation.
2. `06_face_from_image.cpp` and `07_hand_from_image.cpp` working again, they stopped working in version 1.5.0 with the GPU image resize for the GUI.
4. Changes/additions that affect the compatibility with the OpenPose Unity Plugin:
......@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@ namespace op
void connectBodyPartsGpu(
Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T* const heatMapGpuPtr, const T* const peaksPtr,
const PoseModel poseModel, const Point<int>& heatMapSize, const int maxPeaks, const T interMinAboveThreshold,
const T interThreshold, const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const T scaleFactor = 1.f,
const bool maximizePositives = false, Array<T> pairScoresCpu = Array<T>{}, T* pairScoresGpuPtr = nullptr,
const unsigned int* const bodyPartPairsGpuPtr = nullptr, const unsigned int* const mapIdxGpuPtr = nullptr,
const T* const peaksGpuPtr = nullptr);
const T interThreshold, const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const T scaleFactor,
const bool maximizePositives, Array<T> pairScoresCpu, T* pairScoresGpuPtr,
const unsigned int* const bodyPartPairsGpuPtr, const unsigned int* const mapIdxGpuPtr,
const T* const peaksGpuPtr, const T defaultNmsThreshold);
template <typename T>
void connectBodyPartsOcl(
......@@ -41,17 +41,17 @@ namespace op
const unsigned int numberBodyPartPairs, const Array<T>& precomputedPAFs = Array<T>());
template <typename T>
void removePeopleBelowThresholds(std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes, int& numberPeople,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& subsets,
const unsigned int numberBodyParts, const int minSubsetCnt,
const T minSubsetScore, const int maxPeaks, const bool maximizePositives);
void removePeopleBelowThresholdsAndFillFaces(
std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes, int& numberPeople,
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& subsets, const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const bool maximizePositives, const T* const peaksPtr);
template <typename T>
void peopleVectorToPeopleArray(Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T scaleFactor,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& subsets,
const std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes, const T* const peaksPtr,
const int numberPeople, const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const unsigned int numberBodyPartPairs);
void peopleVectorToPeopleArray(
Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T scaleFactor,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& subsets, const std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes,
const T* const peaksPtr, const int numberPeople, const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const unsigned int numberBodyPartPairs);
template <typename T>
std::vector<std::tuple<T, T, int, int, int>> pafPtrIntoVector(
......@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@ namespace op
void setMaximizePositives(const bool maximizePositives);
void setDefaultNmsThreshold(const T defaultNmsThreshold);
void setInterMinAboveThreshold(const T interMinAboveThreshold);
void setInterThreshold(const T interThreshold);
......@@ -56,6 +58,7 @@ namespace op
PoseModel mPoseModel;
bool mMaximizePositives;
T mDefaultNmsThreshold;
T mInterMinAboveThreshold;
T mInterThreshold;
int mMinSubsetCnt;
......@@ -210,10 +210,12 @@ namespace op
1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f,1.f, \
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0.45f,0.45f,0.45f,0.45f,0.45f, 0.45f,0.45f,0.45f,0.45f,0.45f
// First 0.45f row:
// 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.00f,0.00f,0.00f, 0.00f,0.00f,0.45f,0.45f,0.45f,
255.f, 0.f, 85.f, \
170.f, 0.f, 255.f, \
......@@ -21,12 +21,15 @@ namespace op
void scaleKeypoints2d(Array<T>& keypoints, const T scaleX, const T scaleY, const T offsetX, const T offsetY);
template <typename T>
void renderKeypointsCpu(Array<T>& frameArray, const Array<T>& keypoints, const std::vector<unsigned int>& pairs,
const std::vector<T> colors, const T thicknessCircleRatio,
const T thicknessLineRatioWRTCircle, const std::vector<T>& poseScales, const T threshold);
void renderKeypointsCpu(
Array<T>& frameArray, const Array<T>& keypoints, const std::vector<unsigned int>& pairs,
const std::vector<T> colors, const T thicknessCircleRatio, const T thicknessLineRatioWRTCircle,
const std::vector<T>& poseScales, const T threshold);
template <typename T>
Rectangle<T> getKeypointsRectangle(const Array<T>& keypoints, const int person, const T threshold);
Rectangle<T> getKeypointsRectangle(
const Array<T>& keypoints, const int person, const T threshold, const int firstIndex = 0,
const int lastIndex = -1);
template <typename T>
T getAverageScore(const Array<T>& keypoints, const int person);
......@@ -44,8 +47,9 @@ namespace op
T getDistanceAverage(const Array<T>& keypoints, const int personA, const int personB, const T threshold);
template <typename T>
T getDistanceAverage(const Array<T>& keypointsA, const int personA, const Array<T>& keypointsB, const int personB,
const T threshold);
T getDistanceAverage(
const Array<T>& keypointsA, const int personA, const Array<T>& keypointsB, const int personB,
const T threshold);
* Creates and Array<T> with a specific person.
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ namespace op
// Input cvMat to OpenPose input & output format
// Note: resize on GPU reduces accuracy about 0.1%
bool resizeOnCpu = true;
// const auto resizeOnCpu = (numberGpuThreads < 3);
// const auto resizeOnCpu = (wrapperStructPose.poseMode != PoseMode::Enabled);
if (resizeOnCpu)
const auto gpuResize = false;
......@@ -277,7 +277,8 @@ namespace op
// Note: We realized that somehow doing it on GPU for any number of GPUs does speedup the whole OP
resizeOnCpu = false;
addCvMatToOpOutputInCpu = addCvMatToOpOutput && (resizeOnCpu || !renderOutputGpu);
addCvMatToOpOutputInCpu = addCvMatToOpOutput
&& (resizeOnCpu || !renderOutputGpu || wrapperStructPose.poseMode != PoseMode::Enabled);
if (addCvMatToOpOutputInCpu)
const auto gpuResize = false;
......@@ -618,7 +619,7 @@ namespace op
const auto gpuResize = true;
// Assign shared parameters
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ LIBRARY_NAME := $(PROJECT)
#include <set>
#include <openpose/utilities/check.hpp>
#include <openpose/utilities/fastMath.hpp>
#include <openpose/utilities/keypoint.hpp>
#include <openpose/pose/poseParameters.hpp>
#include <openpose/net/bodyPartConnectorBase.hpp>
namespace op
template <typename T>
inline T getScoreAB(const int i, const int j, const T* const candidateAPtr, const T* const candidateBPtr,
const T* const mapX, const T* const mapY, const Point<int>& heatMapSize,
const T interThreshold, const T interMinAboveThreshold)
inline T getScoreAB(
const int i, const int j, const T* const candidateAPtr, const T* const candidateBPtr, const T* const mapX,
const T* const mapY, const Point<int>& heatMapSize, const T interThreshold, const T interMinAboveThreshold)
......@@ -57,6 +58,27 @@ namespace op
template <typename T>
void getKeypointCounter(
int& personCounter, const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& peopleVector,
const unsigned int index, const int indexFirst, const int indexLast, const int minimum)
// Count keypoints
auto keypointCounter = 0;
for (auto i = indexFirst ; i < indexLast ; i++)
keypointCounter += (peopleVector[index].first.at(i) > 0);
// If enough keypoints --> subtract them and keep them at least as big as minimum
if (keypointCounter > minimum)
personCounter += minimum-keypointCounter; // personCounter = non-considered keypoints + minimum
catch (const std::exception& e)
error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
template <typename T>
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>> createPeopleVector(
const T* const heatMapPtr, const T* const peaksPtr, const PoseModel poseModel, const Point<int>& heatMapSize,
......@@ -211,8 +233,9 @@ namespace op
for (auto j = 1; j <= numberPeaksB; j++)
// Initial PAF
auto scoreAB = getScoreAB(i, j, candidateAPtr, candidateBPtr, mapX, mapY,
heatMapSize, interThreshold, interMinAboveThreshold);
auto scoreAB = getScoreAB(
i, j, candidateAPtr, candidateBPtr, mapX, mapY, heatMapSize, interThreshold,
// E.g., neck-nose connection. If possible PAF between neck i, nose j --> add
// parts score + connection score
......@@ -263,9 +286,8 @@ namespace op
const auto indexB = std::get<2>(aBConnection);
if (!occurA[indexA-1] && !occurB[indexB-1])
abConnections.emplace_back(std::make_tuple(bodyPartA*peaksOffset + indexA*3 + 2,
bodyPartB*peaksOffset + indexB*3 + 2,
bodyPartA*peaksOffset+indexA*3+2, bodyPartB*peaksOffset+indexB*3+2, score));
if (counter==minAB)
......@@ -298,8 +320,8 @@ namespace op
// Add ears connections (in case person is looking to opposite direction to camera)
// Note: This has some issues:
// - It does not prevent repeating the same keypoint in different people
// - Assuming I have nose,eye,ear as 1 person subset, and whole arm as another one, it will not
// merge them both
// - Assuming I have nose,eye,ear as 1 person subset, and whole arm as another one, it
// will not merge them both
else if (
(numberBodyParts == 18 && (pairIndex==17 || pairIndex==18))
|| ((numberBodyParts == 19 || (numberBodyParts == 25)
......@@ -622,49 +644,139 @@ namespace op
template <typename T>
void removePeopleBelowThresholds(
void getRoiDiameterAndBounds(
Rectangle<int>& roi, int& diameter, int& indexFirstNon0, int& indexLastNon0,
const std::vector<int>& personVector, const T* const peaksPtr,
const int indexInit, const int indexEnd)
roi = Rectangle<int>{0,0,0,0};
for (auto index = 0u ; index < personVector.size()-1 ; index++)
const auto x = peaksPtr[personVector[index]-2];
const auto y = peaksPtr[personVector[index]-1];
const auto score = peaksPtr[personVector[index]];
if (roi.x > x)
roi.x = x;
if (roi.y > y)
roi.y = y;
catch (const std::exception& e)
error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
template <typename T>
void removePeopleBelowThresholdsAndFillFaces(
std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes, int& numberPeople,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& peopleVector, const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const int maxPeaks, const bool maximizePositives)
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& peopleVector, const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const bool maximizePositives, const T* const peaksPtr)
// const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const int maxPeaks, const bool maximizePositives)
// Delete people below the following thresholds:
// a) minSubsetCnt: removed if less than minSubsetCnt body parts
// b) minSubsetScore: removed if global score smaller than this
// c) maxPeaks (POSE_MAX_PEOPLE): keep first maxPeaks people above thresholds
// c) maxPeaks (POSE_MAX_PEOPLE): keep first maxPeaks people above thresholds -> Not required
numberPeople = 0;
validSubsetIndexes.reserve(fastMin((size_t)maxPeaks, peopleVector.size()));
// validSubsetIndexes.reserve(fastMin((size_t)maxPeaks, peopleVector.size())); // maxPeaks is not required
// Face valid sets
std::vector<int> faceValidSubsetIndexes;
// Face invalid sets
std::vector<int> faceInvalidSubsetIndexes;
// For each person candidate
for (auto index = 0u ; index < peopleVector.size() ; index++)
auto personCounter = peopleVector[index].first.back();
// Analog for hand/face keypoints
if (numberBodyParts >= 135)
// No consider face keypoints for personCounter
const auto currentCounter = personCounter;
getKeypointCounter(personCounter, peopleVector, index, 65, 135, 1);
const auto newCounter = personCounter;
if (personCounter == 0)
// If body is still valid and facial points were removed, then add to valid faces
else if (currentCounter != newCounter)
// No consider right hand keypoints for personCounter
getKeypointCounter(personCounter, peopleVector, index, 45, 65, 1);
// No consider left hand keypoints for personCounter
getKeypointCounter(personCounter, peopleVector, index, 25, 45, 1);
// Foot keypoints do not affect personCounter (too many false positives,
// same foot usually appears as both left and right keypoints)
// Pros: Removed tons of false positives
// Cons: Standalone leg will never be recorded
// Solution: No consider foot keypoints for that
if (!maximizePositives && (numberBodyParts == 25 || numberBodyParts > 70))
// No consider foot keypoints for that
for (auto i = 19 ; i < 25 ; i++)
personCounter -= (peopleVector[index].first.at(i) > 0);
// No consider hand keypoints for that
if (numberBodyParts > 70)
for (auto i = 25 ; i < 65 ; i++)
personCounter -= (peopleVector[index].first.at(i) > 0);
const auto currentCounter = personCounter;
getKeypointCounter(personCounter, peopleVector, index, 19, 25, 0);
const auto newCounter = personCounter;
// Problem: Same leg/foot keypoints are considered for both left and right keypoints.
// Solution: Remove legs that are duplicated and that do not have upper torso
// Result: Slight increase in COCO mAP and decrease in mAR + reducing a lot false positives!
if (newCounter != currentCounter && newCounter <= 4)
// Add only valid people
const auto personScore = peopleVector[index].second;
if (personCounter >= minSubsetCnt && (personScore/personCounter) >= minSubsetScore)
if (numberPeople == maxPeaks)
// // This is not required, it is OK if there are more people. No more GPU memory used.
// if (numberPeople == maxPeaks)
// break;
// Sanity check
else if ((personCounter < 1 && numberBodyParts != 25 && numberBodyParts < 70) || personCounter < 0)
error("Bad personCounter (" + std::to_string(personCounter) + "). Bug in this"
" function if this happens.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// // Random standalone facial keypoints --> Merge into a more complete face
// if (numberPeople > 0 && faceInvalidSubsetIndexes.size() > 0)
// {
// for (auto faceId = 0u ; faceId < faceInvalidSubsetIndexes.size() ; faceId++)
// {
// // Get ROI
// Rectangle<int> roi;
// int diameter;
// int indexFirstNon0;
// int indexLastNon0;
// const auto index = faceValidSubsetIndexes[faceId];
// getRoiDiameterAndBounds(
// roi, diameter, indexFirstNon0, indexLastNon0, peopleVector[index].first, peaksPtr, 65, 135);
// // const auto personCounter = peopleVector[index].first.back();
// // const auto x = peaksPtr[peopleVector[index].first[part]-2];
// // const auto y = peaksPtr[peopleVector[index].first[part]-1];
// // const auto score = peaksPtr[peopleVector[index].first[part]];
// }
// }
// If no people found --> Repeat with maximizePositives = true
// Result: Increased COCO mAP because we catch more foot-only images
if (numberPeople == 0 && !maximizePositives)
validSubsetIndexes, numberPeople, peopleVector, numberBodyParts, minSubsetCnt, minSubsetScore,
true, peaksPtr);
// // Debugging
// if (numberPeople > 0)
// log("Found " + std::to_string(numberPeople) + " people in second iteration");
catch (const std::exception& e)
......@@ -673,30 +785,35 @@ namespace op
template <typename T>
void peopleVectorToPeopleArray(Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T scaleFactor,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& peopleVector,
const std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes, const T* const peaksPtr,
const int numberPeople, const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const unsigned int numberBodyPartPairs)
void peopleVectorToPeopleArray(
Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T scaleFactor,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>>& peopleVector, const std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes,
const T* const peaksPtr, const int numberPeople, const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const unsigned int numberBodyPartPairs)
// Allocate memory (initialized to 0)
if (numberPeople > 0)
// Initialized to 0 for non-found keypoints in people
poseKeypoints.reset({numberPeople, (int)numberBodyParts, 3}, 0.f);
// No people --> Empty Arrays
// Fill people keypoints
const auto oneOverNumberBodyPartsAndPAFs = 1/T(numberBodyParts + numberBodyPartPairs);
// For each person
for (auto person = 0u ; person < validSubsetIndexes.size() ; person++)
const auto& personPair = peopleVector[validSubsetIndexes[person]];
const auto& personVector = personPair.first;
// For each body part
for (auto bodyPart = 0u; bodyPart < numberBodyParts; bodyPart++)
const auto baseOffset = (person*numberBodyParts + bodyPart) * 3;
......@@ -1109,11 +1226,11 @@ namespace op
// }
template <typename T>
void connectBodyPartsCpu(Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T* const heatMapPtr,
const T* const peaksPtr, const PoseModel poseModel, const Point<int>& heatMapSize,
const int maxPeaks, const T interMinAboveThreshold, const T interThreshold,
const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const T scaleFactor,
const bool maximizePositives)
void connectBodyPartsCpu(
Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T* const heatMapPtr, const T* const peaksPtr,
const PoseModel poseModel, const Point<int>& heatMapSize, const int maxPeaks, const T interMinAboveThreshold,
const T interThreshold, const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const T scaleFactor,
const bool maximizePositives)
......@@ -1124,29 +1241,27 @@ namespace op
if (numberBodyParts == 0)
error("Invalid value of numberBodyParts, it must be positive, not " + std::to_string(numberBodyParts),
__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, double>> refers to:
// - std::vector<int>: [body parts locations, #body parts found]
// - double: person subset score
const auto peopleVector = createPeopleVector(
auto peopleVector = createPeopleVector(
heatMapPtr, peaksPtr, poseModel, heatMapSize, maxPeaks, interThreshold, interMinAboveThreshold,
bodyPartPairs, numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs);
// Delete people below the following thresholds:
// a) minSubsetCnt: removed if less than minSubsetCnt body parts
// b) minSubsetScore: removed if global score smaller than this
// c) maxPeaks (POSE_MAX_PEOPLE): keep first maxPeaks people above thresholds
int numberPeople;
std::vector<int> validSubsetIndexes;
validSubsetIndexes.reserve(fastMin((size_t)maxPeaks, peopleVector.size()));
// validSubsetIndexes.reserve(fastMin((size_t)maxPeaks, peopleVector.size()));
validSubsetIndexes, numberPeople, peopleVector, numberBodyParts, minSubsetCnt, minSubsetScore,
maxPeaks, maximizePositives);
maximizePositives, peaksPtr);
// Fill and return poseKeypoints
peopleVectorToPeopleArray(poseKeypoints, poseScores, scaleFactor, peopleVector, validSubsetIndexes,
peaksPtr, numberPeople, numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs);
poseKeypoints, poseScores, scaleFactor, peopleVector, validSubsetIndexes, peaksPtr, numberPeople,
numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs);
// Experimental code
if (poseModel == PoseModel::BODY_25D)
error("BODY_25D is an experimental branch which is not usable.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
......@@ -1185,16 +1300,16 @@ namespace op
const unsigned int numberBodyParts, const unsigned int numberBodyPartPairs,
const Array<double>& precomputedPAFs);
template OP_API void removePeopleBelowThresholds(
template OP_API void removePeopleBelowThresholdsAndFillFaces(
std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes, int& numberPeople,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, float>>& peopleVector,
const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const int minSubsetCnt, const float minSubsetScore, const int maxPeaks, const bool maximizePositives);
template OP_API void removePeopleBelowThresholds(
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, float>>& peopleVector,
const unsigned int numberBodyParts, const int minSubsetCnt, const float minSubsetScore,
const bool maximizePositives, const float* const peaksPtr);
template OP_API void removePeopleBelowThresholdsAndFillFaces(
std::vector<int>& validSubsetIndexes, int& numberPeople,
const std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, double>>& peopleVector,
const unsigned int numberBodyParts,
const int minSubsetCnt, const double minSubsetScore, const int maxPeaks, const bool maximizePositives);
std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, double>>& peopleVector,
const unsigned int numberBodyParts, const int minSubsetCnt, const double minSubsetScore,
const bool maximizePositives, const double* const peaksPtr);
template OP_API void peopleVectorToPeopleArray(
Array<float>& poseKeypoints, Array<float>& poseScores, const float scaleFactor,
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ namespace op
template <typename T>
inline __device__ T process(
const T* bodyPartA, const T* bodyPartB, const T* mapX, const T* mapY, const int heatmapWidth,
const int heatmapHeight, const T interThreshold, const T interMinAboveThreshold)
const int heatmapHeight, const T interThreshold, const T interMinAboveThreshold, const T defaultNmsThreshold)
const auto vectorAToBX = bodyPartB[0] - bodyPartA[0];
const auto vectorAToBY = bodyPartB[1] - bodyPartA[1];
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ namespace op
const auto l2Dist = sqrtf(vectorAToBX*vectorAToBX + vectorAToBY*vectorAToBY);
const auto threshold = sqrtf(heatmapWidth*heatmapHeight)/150; // 3.3 for 368x656, 6.6 for 2x resolution
if (l2Dist < threshold)
return T(0.15);
return T(defaultNmsThreshold+1e-6); // Without 1e-6 will not work because I use strict greater
return -1;
......@@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ namespace op
// __global__ void pafScoreKernelOld(
// T* pairScoresPtr, const T* const heatMapPtr, const T* const peaksPtr, const unsigned int* const bodyPartPairsPtr,
// const unsigned int* const mapIdxPtr, const unsigned int maxPeaks, const int numberBodyPartPairs,
// const int heatmapWidth, const int heatmapHeight, const T interThreshold, const T interMinAboveThreshold)
// const int heatmapWidth, const int heatmapHeight, const T interThreshold, const T interMinAboveThreshold,
// const T defaultNmsThreshold)
// {
// const auto pairIndex = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
// const auto peakA = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
......@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ namespace op
// const T* const mapY = heatMapPtr + mapIdxY*heatmapWidth*heatmapHeight;
// pairScoresPtr[outputIndex] = process(
// bodyPartA, bodyPartB, mapX, mapY, heatmapWidth, heatmapHeight, interThreshold,
// interMinAboveThreshold);
// interMinAboveThreshold, defaultNmsThreshold);
// }
// else
// pairScoresPtr[outputIndex] = -1;
......@@ -107,7 +108,8 @@ namespace op
__global__ void pafScoreKernel(
T* pairScoresPtr, const T* const heatMapPtr, const T* const peaksPtr, const unsigned int* const bodyPartPairsPtr,
const unsigned int* const mapIdxPtr, const unsigned int maxPeaks, const int numberBodyPartPairs,
const int heatmapWidth, const int heatmapHeight, const T interThreshold, const T interMinAboveThreshold)
const int heatmapWidth, const int heatmapHeight, const T interThreshold, const T interMinAboveThreshold,
const T defaultNmsThreshold)
const auto peakB = (blockIdx.x * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
const auto peakA = (blockIdx.y * blockDim.y) + threadIdx.y;
......@@ -135,191 +137,21 @@ namespace op
const T* const mapY = heatMapPtr + mapIdxY*heatmapWidth*heatmapHeight;
pairScoresPtr[outputIndex] = process(
bodyPartA, bodyPartB, mapX, mapY, heatmapWidth, heatmapHeight, interThreshold,
interMinAboveThreshold, defaultNmsThreshold);
pairScoresPtr[outputIndex] = -1;
// template <typename T>
// std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>> pafVectorIntoPeopleVectorOld(
// const std::vector<std::tuple<T, T, int, int, int>>& pairConnections, const T* const peaksPtr,
// const int maxPeaks, const std::vector<unsigned int>& bodyPartPairs, const unsigned int numberBodyParts)
// {
// try
// {
// // std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, double>> refers to:
// // - std::vector<int>: [body parts locations, #body parts found]
// // - double: person subset score
// std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, T>> peopleVector;
// const auto vectorSize = numberBodyParts+1;
// const auto peaksOffset = (maxPeaks+1);
// // Save which body parts have been already assigned
// std::vector<int> personAssigned(numberBodyParts*maxPeaks, -1);
// // Iterate over each PAF pair connection detected
// // E.g., neck1-nose2, neck5-Lshoulder0, etc.
// for (const auto& pairConnection : pairConnections)
// {
// // Read pairConnection
// // // Total score - only required for previous sort
// // const auto totalScore = std::get<0>(pairConnection);
// const auto pafScore = std::get<1>(pairConnection);
// const auto pairIndex = std::get<2>(pairConnection);
// const auto indexA = std::get<3>(pairConnection);
// const auto indexB = std::get<4>(pairConnection);
// // Derived data
// const auto bodyPartA = bodyPartPairs[2*pairIndex];
// const auto bodyPartB = bodyPartPairs[2*pairIndex+1];
// const auto indexScoreA = (bodyPartA*peaksOffset + indexA)*3 + 2;
// const auto indexScoreB = (bodyPartB*peaksOffset + indexB)*3 + 2;
// // -1 because indexA and indexB are 1-based
// auto& aAssigned = personAssigned[bodyPartA*maxPeaks+indexA-1];
// auto& bAssigned = personAssigned[bodyPartB*maxPeaks+indexB-1];
// // Debugging
// #ifdef DEBUG
// if (indexA-1 > peaksOffset || indexA <= 0)
// error("Something is wrong: " + std::to_string(indexA)
// + " vs. " + std::to_string(peaksOffset) + ". Contact us.",
// __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// if (indexB-1 > peaksOffset || indexB <= 0)
// error("Something is wrong: " + std::to_string(indexB)
// + " vs. " + std::to_string(peaksOffset) + ". Contact us.",
// __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// #endif
// // Different cases:
// // 1. A & B not assigned yet: Create new person
// // 2. A assigned but not B: Add B to person with A (if no another B there)
// // 3. B assigned but not A: Add A to person with B (if no another A there)
// // 4. A & B already assigned to same person (circular/redundant PAF): Update person score
// // 5. A & B already assigned to different people: Merge people if keypoint intersection is null
// // 1. A & B not assigned yet: Create new person
// if (aAssigned < 0 && bAssigned < 0)
// {
// // Keypoint indexes
// std::vector<int> rowVector(vectorSize, 0);
// rowVector[bodyPartA] = indexScoreA;
// rowVector[bodyPartB] = indexScoreB;
// // Number keypoints
// rowVector.back() = 2;
// // Score
// const auto personScore = peaksPtr[indexScoreA] + peaksPtr[indexScoreB] + pafScore;
// // Set associated personAssigned as assigned
// aAssigned = (int)peopleVector.size();
// bAssigned = aAssigned;
// // Create new personVector
// peopleVector.emplace_back(std::make_pair(rowVector, personScore));
// }
// // 2. A assigned but not B: Add B to person with A (if no another B there)
// // or
// // 3. B assigned but not A: Add A to person with B (if no another A there)
// else if ((aAssigned >= 0 && bAssigned < 0)
// || (aAssigned < 0 && bAssigned >= 0))
// {
// // Assign person1 to one where xAssigned >= 0
// const auto assigned1 = (aAssigned >= 0 ? aAssigned : bAssigned);
// auto& assigned2 = (aAssigned >= 0 ? bAssigned : aAssigned);
// const auto bodyPart2 = (aAssigned >= 0 ? bodyPartB : bodyPartA);
// const auto indexScore2 = (aAssigned >= 0 ? indexScoreB : indexScoreA);
// // Person index
// auto& personVector = peopleVector[assigned1];
// // Debugging
// #ifdef DEBUG
// const auto bodyPart1 = (aAssigned >= 0 ? bodyPartA : bodyPartB);
// const auto indexScore1 = (aAssigned >= 0 ? indexScoreA : indexScoreB);
// const auto index1 = (aAssigned >= 0 ? indexA : indexB);
// if ((unsigned int)personVector.first.at(bodyPart1) != indexScore1)
// error("Something is wrong: "
// + std::to_string((personVector.first[bodyPart1]-2)/3-bodyPart1*peaksOffset)
// + " vs. " + std::to_string((indexScore1-2)/3-bodyPart1*peaksOffset) + " vs. "
// + std::to_string(index1) + ". Contact us.",
// __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// #endif
// // If person with 1 does not have a 2 yet
// if (personVector.first[bodyPart2] == 0)
// {
// // Update keypoint indexes
// personVector.first[bodyPart2] = indexScore2;
// // Update number keypoints
// personVector.first.back()++;
// // Update score
// personVector.second += peaksPtr[indexScore2] + pafScore;
// // Set associated personAssigned as assigned
// assigned2 = assigned1;
// }
// // Otherwise, ignore this B because the previous one came from a higher PAF-confident score
// }
// // 4. A & B already assigned to same person (circular/redundant PAF): Update person score
// else if (aAssigned >=0 && bAssigned >=0 && aAssigned == bAssigned)
// peopleVector[aAssigned].second += pafScore;
// // 5. A & B already assigned to different people: Merge people if keypoint intersection is null
// // I.e., that the keypoints in person A and B do not overlap
// else if (aAssigned >=0 && bAssigned >=0 && aAssigned != bAssigned)
// {
// // Assign person1 to the one with lowest index for 2 reasons:
// // 1. Speed up: Removing an element from std::vector is cheaper for latest elements
// // 2. Avoid harder index update: Updated elements in person1ssigned would depend on
// // whether person1 > person2 or not: element = aAssigned - (person2 > person1 ? 1 : 0)
// const auto assigned1 = (aAssigned < bAssigned ? aAssigned : bAssigned);
// const auto assigned2 = (aAssigned < bAssigned ? bAssigned : aAssigned);
// auto& person1 = peopleVector[assigned1].first;
// const auto& person2 = peopleVector[assigned2].first;
// // Check if complementary
// // Defining found keypoint indexes in personA as kA, and analogously kB
// // Complementary if and only if kA intersection kB = empty. I.e., no common keypoints
// bool complementary = true;
// for (auto part = 0u ; part < numberBodyParts ; part++)
// {
// if (person1[part] > 0 && person2[part] > 0)
// {
// complementary = false;
// break;
// }
// }
// // If complementary, merge both people into 1
// if (complementary)
// {
// // Update keypoint indexes
// for (auto part = 0u ; part < numberBodyParts ; part++)
// if (person1[part] == 0)
// person1[part] = person2[part];
// // Update number keypoints
// person1.back() += person2.back();
// // Update score
// peopleVector[assigned1].second += peopleVector[assigned2].second + pafScore;
// // Erase the non-merged person
// peopleVector.erase(peopleVector.begin()+assigned2);
// // Update associated personAssigned (person indexes have changed)
// for (auto& element : personAssigned)
// {
// if (element == assigned2)
// element = assigned1;
// else if (element > assigned2)
// element--;
// }
// }
// }
// }
// // Return result
// return peopleVector;
// }
// catch (const std::exception& e)
// {
// error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// return {};
// }
// }
template <typename T>
void connectBodyPartsGpu(Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T* const heatMapGpuPtr,
const T* const peaksPtr, const PoseModel poseModel, const Point<int>& heatMapSize,
const int maxPeaks, const T interMinAboveThreshold, const T interThreshold,
const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const T scaleFactor,
const bool maximizePositives, Array<T> pairScoresCpu, T* pairScoresGpuPtr,
const unsigned int* const bodyPartPairsGpuPtr, const unsigned int* const mapIdxGpuPtr,
const T* const peaksGpuPtr)
void connectBodyPartsGpu(
Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores, const T* const heatMapGpuPtr, const T* const peaksPtr,
const PoseModel poseModel, const Point<int>& heatMapSize, const int maxPeaks, const T interMinAboveThreshold,
const T interThreshold, const int minSubsetCnt, const T minSubsetScore, const T scaleFactor,
const bool maximizePositives, Array<T> pairScoresCpu, T* pairScoresGpuPtr,
const unsigned int* const bodyPartPairsGpuPtr, const unsigned int* const mapIdxGpuPtr,
const T* const peaksGpuPtr, const T defaultNmsThreshold)
......@@ -352,27 +184,10 @@ namespace op
// pafScoreKernelOld<<<numBlocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(
// pairScoresGpuPtr, heatMapGpuPtr, peaksGpuPtr, bodyPartPairsGpuPtr, mapIdxGpuPtr,
// maxPeaks, (int)numberBodyPartPairs, heatMapSize.x, heatMapSize.y, interThreshold,
// interMinAboveThreshold);
// interMinAboveThreshold, defaultNmsThreshold);
// // pairScoresCpu <-- pairScoresGpu
// cudaMemcpy(pairScoresCpu.getPtr(), pairScoresGpuPtr, totalComputations * sizeof(T),
// cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
// // Get pair connections and their scores
// const auto pairConnections = pafPtrIntoVector(
// pairScoresCpu, peaksPtr, maxPeaks, bodyPartPairs, numberBodyPartPairs);
// const auto peopleVector = pafVectorIntoPeopleVectorOld(
// pairConnections, peaksPtr, maxPeaks, bodyPartPairs, numberBodyParts);
// // Delete people below the following thresholds:
// // a) minSubsetCnt: removed if less than minSubsetCnt body parts
// // b) minSubsetScore: removed if global score smaller than this
// // c) maxPeaks (POSE_MAX_PEOPLE): keep first maxPeaks people above thresholds
// int numberPeople;
// std::vector<int> validSubsetIndexes;
// validSubsetIndexes.reserve(fastMin((size_t)maxPeaks, peopleVector.size()));
// removePeopleBelowThresholds(validSubsetIndexes, numberPeople, peopleVector, numberBodyParts, minSubsetCnt,
// minSubsetScore, maxPeaks, maximizePositives);
// // Fill and return poseKeypoints
// peopleVectorToPeopleArray(poseKeypoints, poseScores, scaleFactor, peopleVector, validSubsetIndexes,
// peaksPtr, numberPeople, numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs);
// OP_PROFILE_END(timeNormalize1, 1e3, REPS);
// Efficient code
......@@ -386,14 +201,16 @@ namespace op
pafScoreKernel<<<numBlocks, THREADS_PER_BLOCK>>>(
pairScoresGpuPtr, heatMapGpuPtr, peaksGpuPtr, bodyPartPairsGpuPtr, mapIdxGpuPtr,
maxPeaks, (int)numberBodyPartPairs, heatMapSize.x, heatMapSize.y, interThreshold,
interMinAboveThreshold, defaultNmsThreshold);
// pairScoresCpu <-- pairScoresGpu
cudaMemcpy(pairScoresCpu.getPtr(), pairScoresGpuPtr, totalComputations * sizeof(T),
// OP_PROFILE_END(timeNormalize2, 1e3, REPS);
// Get pair connections and their scores
const auto pairConnections = pafPtrIntoVector(
pairScoresCpu, peaksPtr, maxPeaks, bodyPartPairs, numberBodyPartPairs);
const auto peopleVector = pafVectorIntoPeopleVector(
auto peopleVector = pafVectorIntoPeopleVector(
pairConnections, peaksPtr, maxPeaks, bodyPartPairs, numberBodyParts);
// // Old code: Get pair connections and their scores
// // std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, double>> refers to:
......@@ -409,13 +226,15 @@ namespace op
// c) maxPeaks (POSE_MAX_PEOPLE): keep first maxPeaks people above thresholds
int numberPeople;
std::vector<int> validSubsetIndexes;
validSubsetIndexes.reserve(fastMin((size_t)maxPeaks, peopleVector.size()));
removePeopleBelowThresholds(validSubsetIndexes, numberPeople, peopleVector, numberBodyParts, minSubsetCnt,
minSubsetScore, maxPeaks, maximizePositives);
// validSubsetIndexes.reserve(fastMin((size_t)maxPeaks, peopleVector.size()));
validSubsetIndexes, numberPeople, peopleVector, numberBodyParts, minSubsetCnt, minSubsetScore,
maximizePositives, peaksPtr);
// Fill and return poseKeypoints
peopleVectorToPeopleArray(poseKeypoints, poseScores, scaleFactor, peopleVector, validSubsetIndexes,
peaksPtr, numberPeople, numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs);
// OP_PROFILE_END(timeNormalize2, 1e3, REPS);
poseKeypoints, poseScores, scaleFactor, peopleVector, validSubsetIndexes, peaksPtr, numberPeople,
numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs);
// // Profiling verbose
// log(" BPC(ori)=" + std::to_string(timeNormalize1) + "ms");
......@@ -436,12 +255,12 @@ namespace op
const float interMinAboveThreshold, const float interThreshold, const int minSubsetCnt,
const float minSubsetScore, const float scaleFactor, const bool maximizePositives,
Array<float> pairScoresCpu, float* pairScoresGpuPtr, const unsigned int* const bodyPartPairsGpuPtr,
const unsigned int* const mapIdxGpuPtr, const float* const peaksGpuPtr);
const unsigned int* const mapIdxGpuPtr, const float* const peaksGpuPtr, const float defaultNmsThreshold);
template void connectBodyPartsGpu(
Array<double>& poseKeypoints, Array<double>& poseScores, const double* const heatMapGpuPtr,
const double* const peaksPtr, const PoseModel poseModel, const Point<int>& heatMapSize, const int maxPeaks,
const double interMinAboveThreshold, const double interThreshold, const int minSubsetCnt,
const double minSubsetScore, const double scaleFactor, const bool maximizePositives,
Array<double> pairScoresCpu, double* pairScoresGpuPtr, const unsigned int* const bodyPartPairsGpuPtr,
const unsigned int* const mapIdxGpuPtr, const double* const peaksGpuPtr);
const unsigned int* const mapIdxGpuPtr, const double* const peaksGpuPtr, const double defaultNmsThreshold);
......@@ -156,26 +156,24 @@ namespace op
pairScoresGpuPtrBuffer, heatMapGpuPtrBuffer, peaksGpuPtrBuffer, bodyPartPairsGpuPtrBuffer, mapIdxGpuPtrBuffer,
maxPeaks, (int)numberBodyPartPairs, heatMapSize.x, heatMapSize.y, interThreshold,
OpenCL::getInstance(gpuID)->getQueue().enqueueReadBuffer(pairScoresGpuPtrBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0,
totalComputations * sizeof(T), pairScoresCpu.getPtr());
pairScoresGpuPtrBuffer, CL_TRUE, 0, totalComputations * sizeof(T), pairScoresCpu.getPtr());
// New code
// Get pair connections and their scores
const auto pairConnections = pafPtrIntoVector(
pairScoresCpu, peaksPtr, maxPeaks, bodyPartPairs, numberBodyPartPairs);
const auto peopleVector = pafVectorIntoPeopleVector(
auto peopleVector = pafVectorIntoPeopleVector(
pairConnections, peaksPtr, maxPeaks, bodyPartPairs, numberBodyParts);
// // Old code
// // Get pair connections and their scores
// // std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, double>> refers to:
// // - std::vector<int>: [body parts locations, #body parts found]
// // - double: person subset score
// const T* const tNullptr = nullptr;
// const auto peopleVector = createPeopleVector(
// tNullptr, peaksPtr, poseModel, heatMapSize, maxPeaks, interThreshold, interMinAboveThreshold,
// bodyPartPairs, numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs, pairScoresCpu);
// // Old code
// // Get pair connections and their scores
// // std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<int>, double>> refers to:
// // - std::vector<int>: [body parts locations, #body parts found]
// // - double: person subset score
// const T* const tNullptr = nullptr;
// const auto peopleVector = createPeopleVector(
// tNullptr, peaksPtr, poseModel, heatMapSize, maxPeaks, interThreshold, interMinAboveThreshold,
// bodyPartPairs, numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs, pairScoresCpu);
// Delete people below the following thresholds:
// a) minSubsetCnt: removed if less than minSubsetCnt body parts
// b) minSubsetScore: removed if global score smaller than this
......@@ -183,15 +181,13 @@ namespace op
int numberPeople;
std::vector<int> validSubsetIndexes;
validSubsetIndexes.reserve(fastMin((size_t)maxPeaks, peopleVector.size()));
removePeopleBelowThresholds(validSubsetIndexes, numberPeople, peopleVector, numberBodyParts, minSubsetCnt,
minSubsetScore, maxPeaks, maximizePositives);
validSubsetIndexes, numberPeople, peopleVector, numberBodyParts, minSubsetCnt, minSubsetScore,
maximizePositives, peaksPtr);
// Fill and return poseKeypoints
peopleVectorToPeopleArray(poseKeypoints, poseScores, scaleFactor, peopleVector, validSubsetIndexes,
peaksPtr, numberPeople, numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs);
// // Sanity check
// cudaCheck(__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
poseKeypoints, poseScores, scaleFactor, peopleVector, validSubsetIndexes, peaksPtr, numberPeople,
numberBodyParts, numberBodyPartPairs);
......@@ -108,6 +108,19 @@ namespace op
template <typename T>
void BodyPartConnectorCaffe<T>::setDefaultNmsThreshold(const T defaultNmsThreshold)
mDefaultNmsThreshold = {defaultNmsThreshold};
catch (const std::exception& e)
error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
template <typename T>
void BodyPartConnectorCaffe<T>::setInterMinAboveThreshold(const T interMinAboveThreshold)
......@@ -300,8 +313,8 @@ namespace op
template <typename T>
void BodyPartConnectorCaffe<T>::Forward_gpu(const std::vector<ArrayCpuGpu<T>*>& bottom, Array<T>& poseKeypoints,
Array<T>& poseScores)
void BodyPartConnectorCaffe<T>::Forward_gpu(
const std::vector<ArrayCpuGpu<T>*>& bottom, Array<T>& poseKeypoints, Array<T>& poseScores)
......@@ -354,12 +367,12 @@ namespace op
// Run body part connector
connectBodyPartsGpu(poseKeypoints, poseScores, heatMapsGpuPtr, peaksPtr, mPoseModel,
Point<int>{heatMapsBlob->shape(3), heatMapsBlob->shape(2)},
maxPeaks, mInterMinAboveThreshold, mInterThreshold,
mMinSubsetCnt, mMinSubsetScore, mScaleNetToOutput, mMaximizePositives,
mFinalOutputCpu, pFinalOutputGpuPtr, pBodyPartPairsGpuPtr, pMapIdxGpuPtr,
poseKeypoints, poseScores, heatMapsGpuPtr, peaksPtr, mPoseModel,
Point<int>{heatMapsBlob->shape(3), heatMapsBlob->shape(2)}, maxPeaks, mInterMinAboveThreshold,
mInterThreshold, mMinSubsetCnt, mMinSubsetScore, mScaleNetToOutput, mMaximizePositives,
mFinalOutputCpu, pFinalOutputGpuPtr, pBodyPartPairsGpuPtr, pMapIdxGpuPtr, peaksGpuPtr,
......@@ -317,6 +317,7 @@ namespace op
// OP_CUDA_PROFILE_END(timeNormalize3, 1e3, REPS);
......@@ -174,9 +174,10 @@ namespace op
const double offsetY);
template <typename T>
void renderKeypointsCpu(Array<T>& frameArray, const Array<T>& keypoints, const std::vector<unsigned int>& pairs,
const std::vector<T> colors, const T thicknessCircleRatio,
const T thicknessLineRatioWRTCircle, const std::vector<T>& poseScales, const T threshold)
void renderKeypointsCpu(
Array<T>& frameArray, const Array<T>& keypoints, const std::vector<unsigned int>& pairs,
const std::vector<T> colors, const T thicknessCircleRatio, const T thicknessLineRatioWRTCircle,
const std::vector<T>& poseScales, const T threshold)
......@@ -209,8 +210,9 @@ namespace op
const auto personRectangle = getKeypointsRectangle(keypoints, person, thresholdRectangle);
if (personRectangle.area() > 0)
const auto ratioAreas = fastMin(T(1), fastMax(personRectangle.width/(T)width,
const auto ratioAreas = fastMin(
T(1), fastMax(
personRectangle.width/(T)width, personRectangle.height/(T)height));
// Size-dependent variables
const auto thicknessRatio = fastMax(
positiveIntRound(std::sqrt(area)* thicknessCircleRatio * ratioAreas), 2);
......@@ -283,21 +285,32 @@ namespace op
const std::vector<double>& poseScales, const double threshold);
template <typename T>
Rectangle<T> getKeypointsRectangle(const Array<T>& keypoints, const int person, const T threshold)
Rectangle<T> getKeypointsRectangle(
const Array<T>& keypoints, const int person, const T threshold, const int firstIndex, const int lastIndex)
// Params
const auto numberKeypoints = keypoints.getSize(1);
// Sanity check
const auto lastIndexClean = (lastIndex < 0 ? numberKeypoints : lastIndex);
// Sanity checks
if (numberKeypoints < 1)
error("Number body parts must be > 0.", __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
if (lastIndexClean > numberKeypoints)
error("The value of `lastIndex` must be less or equal than `numberKeypoints`. Currently: "
+ std::to_string(lastIndexClean) + " vs. " + std::to_string(numberKeypoints),
__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
if (firstIndex > lastIndexClean)
error("The value of `firstIndex` must be less or equal than `lastIndex`. Currently: "
+ std::to_string(firstIndex) + " vs. " + std::to_string(lastIndex),
__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
// Define keypointPtr
const auto keypointPtr = keypoints.getConstPtr() + person * keypoints.getSize(1) * keypoints.getSize(2);
T minX = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
T maxX = std::numeric_limits<T>::lowest();
T minY = minX;
T maxY = maxX;
for (auto part = 0 ; part < numberKeypoints ; part++)
for (auto part = firstIndex ; part < lastIndexClean ; part++)
const auto score = keypointPtr[3*part + 2];
if (score > threshold)
......@@ -328,9 +341,11 @@ namespace op
template OP_API Rectangle<float> getKeypointsRectangle(
const Array<float>& keypoints, const int person, const float threshold);
const Array<float>& keypoints, const int person, const float threshold, const int firstIndex,
const int lastIndex);
template OP_API Rectangle<double> getKeypointsRectangle(
const Array<double>& keypoints, const int person, const double threshold);
const Array<double>& keypoints, const int person, const double threshold, const int firstIndex,
const int lastIndex);
template <typename T>
T getAverageScore(const Array<T>& keypoints, const int person)
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