/* Copyright 2019 The KubeSphere Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package devops import ( "encoding/json" "github.com/emicklei/go-restful" log "github.com/golang/glog" "kubesphere.io/kubesphere/pkg/models/devops" "net/http" "strings" ) const jenkinsHeaderPre = "X-" func GetPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") res, err := devops.GetPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func SearchPipelines(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { res, err := devops.SearchPipelines(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func SearchPipelineRuns(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") res, err := devops.SearchPipelineRuns(projectName, pipelineName, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetBranchPipelineRun(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetBranchPipelineRun(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetPipelineRunNodesbyBranch(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetPipelineRunNodesbyBranch(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetBranchStepLog(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") nodeId := req.PathParameter("node") stepId := req.PathParameter("step") res, header, err := devops.GetBranchStepLog(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, nodeId, stepId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } for k, v := range header { if strings.HasPrefix(k, jenkinsHeaderPre) { resp.AddHeader(k, v[0]) } } resp.Write(res) } func GetStepLog(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") nodeId := req.PathParameter("node") stepId := req.PathParameter("step") res, header, err := devops.GetStepLog(projectName, pipelineName, runId, nodeId, stepId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } for k, v := range header { if strings.HasPrefix(k, jenkinsHeaderPre) { resp.AddHeader(k, v[0]) } } resp.Write(res) } func Validate(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { scmId := req.PathParameter("scm") res, err := devops.Validate(scmId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetSCMOrg(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { scmId := req.PathParameter("scm") res, err := devops.GetSCMOrg(scmId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetOrgRepo(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { scmId := req.PathParameter("scm") organizationId := req.PathParameter("organization") res, err := devops.GetOrgRepo(scmId, organizationId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func StopBranchPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.StopBranchPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func StopPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.StopPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func ReplayBranchPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.ReplayBranchPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func ReplayPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.ReplayPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetBranchRunLog(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetBranchRunLog(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func GetRunLog(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetRunLog(projectName, pipelineName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func GetBranchArtifacts(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetBranchArtifacts(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetArtifacts(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetArtifacts(projectName, pipelineName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetPipeBranch(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") res, err := devops.GetPipeBranch(projectName, pipelineName, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func CheckBranchPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") nodeId := req.PathParameter("node") stepId := req.PathParameter("step") res, err := devops.CheckBranchPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, nodeId, stepId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func CheckPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") nodeId := req.PathParameter("node") stepId := req.PathParameter("step") res, err := devops.CheckPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, runId, nodeId, stepId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func GetConsoleLog(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") res, err := devops.GetConsoleLog(projectName, pipelineName, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func ScanBranch(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") res, err := devops.ScanBranch(projectName, pipelineName, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func RunBranchPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") res, err := devops.RunBranchPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func RunPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") res, err := devops.RunPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetCrumb(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { res, err := devops.GetCrumb(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func CheckScriptCompile(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { resBody, err := devops.CheckScriptCompile(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } // Jenkins will return different struct according to different results. var resJson = new(devops.CheckScript) if ok := json.Unmarshal(resBody, &resJson); ok != nil { var resJson []interface{} err := json.Unmarshal(resBody, &resJson) if err != nil { resp.WriteError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err) return } resp.WriteAsJson(resJson[0]) return } resp.WriteAsJson(resJson) } func CheckCron(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { res, err := devops.CheckCron(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.WriteAsJson(res) } func GetPipelineRun(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetPipelineRun(projectName, pipelineName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetBranchPipeline(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") res, err := devops.GetBranchPipeline(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetPipelineRunNodes(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetPipelineRunNodes(projectName, pipelineName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetBranchNodeSteps(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") nodeId := req.PathParameter("node") res, err := devops.GetBranchNodeSteps(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, nodeId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetNodeSteps(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") nodeId := req.PathParameter("node") res, err := devops.GetNodeSteps(projectName, pipelineName, runId, nodeId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func ToJenkinsfile(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { res, err := devops.ToJenkinsfile(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func ToJson(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { res, err := devops.ToJson(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Header().Set(restful.HEADER_ContentType, restful.MIME_JSON) resp.Write(res) } func GetNotifyCommit(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { res, err := devops.GetNotifyCommit(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func PostNotifyCommit(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { res, err := devops.GetNotifyCommit(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func GithubWebhook(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { res, err := devops.GithubWebhook(req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.Write(res) } func GetBranchNodesDetail(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") branchName := req.PathParameter("branch") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetBranchNodesDetail(projectName, pipelineName, branchName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.WriteAsJson(res) } func GetNodesDetail(req *restful.Request, resp *restful.Response) { projectName := req.PathParameter("devops") pipelineName := req.PathParameter("pipeline") runId := req.PathParameter("run") res, err := devops.GetNodesDetail(projectName, pipelineName, runId, req.Request) if err != nil { parseErr(err, resp) return } resp.WriteAsJson(res) } func parseErr(err error, resp *restful.Response) { log.Error(err) if jErr, ok := err.(*devops.JkError); ok { resp.WriteError(jErr.Code, err) } else { resp.WriteError(http.StatusInternalServerError, err) } return }