package pipeline import ( v1 "" "" fakeDevOps "" "reflect" "testing" "time" metav1 "" "" "" "" kubeinformers "" k8sfake "" core "" "" "" devops "" "" informers "" ) var ( alwaysReady = func() bool { return true } noResyncPeriodFunc = func() time.Duration { return 0 } ) type fixture struct { t *testing.T client *fake.Clientset kubeclient *k8sfake.Clientset namespaceLister []*v1.Namespace pipelineLister []*devops.Pipeline actions []core.Action kubeactions []core.Action kubeobjects []runtime.Object // Objects from here preloaded into NewSimpleFake. objects []runtime.Object // Objects from here preloaded into devops initDevOpsProject string initPipeline []*devops.Pipeline expectPipeline []*devops.Pipeline } func newFixture(t *testing.T) *fixture { f := &fixture{} f.t = t f.objects = []runtime.Object{} return f } func newNamespace(name string, projectName string) *v1.Namespace { ns := &v1.Namespace{ TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ Kind: "Namespace", APIVersion: v1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(), }, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Name: name, Labels: map[string]string{constants.DevOpsProjectLabelKey: projectName}, }, } TRUE := true ns.ObjectMeta.OwnerReferences = []metav1.OwnerReference{ { APIVersion: devops.SchemeGroupVersion.String(), Kind: devops.ResourceKindDevOpsProject, Name: projectName, BlockOwnerDeletion: &TRUE, Controller: &TRUE, }, } return ns } func newPipeline(namespace, name string, spec devops.PipelineSpec, withFinalizers bool) *devops.Pipeline { pipeline := &devops.Pipeline{ TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ Kind: devops.ResourceKindPipeline, APIVersion: devops.SchemeGroupVersion.String(), }, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Namespace: namespace, Name: name, }, Spec: spec, Status: devops.PipelineStatus{}, } if withFinalizers { pipeline.Finalizers = append(pipeline.Finalizers, devops.PipelineFinalizerName) } return pipeline } func newDeletingPipeline(namespace, name string) *devops.Pipeline { now := metav1.Now() pipeline := &devops.Pipeline{ TypeMeta: metav1.TypeMeta{ Kind: devops.ResourceKindPipeline, APIVersion: devops.SchemeGroupVersion.String(), }, ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{ Namespace: namespace, Name: name, DeletionTimestamp: &now, }, } pipeline.Finalizers = append(pipeline.Finalizers, devops.PipelineFinalizerName) return pipeline } func (f *fixture) newController() (*Controller, informers.SharedInformerFactory, kubeinformers.SharedInformerFactory, *fakeDevOps.Devops) { f.client = fake.NewSimpleClientset(f.objects...) f.kubeclient = k8sfake.NewSimpleClientset(f.kubeobjects...) i := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(f.client, noResyncPeriodFunc()) k8sI := kubeinformers.NewSharedInformerFactory(f.kubeclient, noResyncPeriodFunc()) dI := fakeDevOps.NewWithPipelines(f.initDevOpsProject, f.initPipeline...) c := NewController(f.kubeclient, f.client, dI, k8sI.Core().V1().Namespaces(), i.Devops().V1alpha3().Pipelines()) c.pipelineSynced = alwaysReady c.eventRecorder = &record.FakeRecorder{} for _, f := range f.pipelineLister { i.Devops().V1alpha3().Pipelines().Informer().GetIndexer().Add(f) } for _, d := range f.namespaceLister { k8sI.Core().V1().Namespaces().Informer().GetIndexer().Add(d) } return c, i, k8sI, dI } func (f *fixture) run(fooName string) { f.runController(fooName, true, false) } func (f *fixture) runExpectError(fooName string) { f.runController(fooName, true, true) } func (f *fixture) runController(projectName string, startInformers bool, expectError bool) { c, i, k8sI, dI := f.newController() if startInformers { stopCh := make(chan struct{}) defer close(stopCh) i.Start(stopCh) k8sI.Start(stopCh) } err := c.syncHandler(projectName) if !expectError && err != nil { f.t.Errorf("error syncing foo: %v", err) } else if expectError && err == nil { f.t.Error("expected error syncing foo, got nil") } actions := filterInformerActions(f.client.Actions()) for i, action := range actions { if len(f.actions) < i+1 { f.t.Errorf("%d unexpected actions: %+v", len(actions)-len(f.actions), actions[i:]) break } expectedAction := f.actions[i] checkAction(expectedAction, action, f.t) } k8sActions := filterInformerActions(f.kubeclient.Actions()) for i, action := range k8sActions { if len(f.kubeactions) < i+1 { f.t.Errorf("%d unexpected actions: %+v", len(k8sActions)-len(f.kubeactions), k8sActions[i:]) break } expectedAction := f.kubeactions[i] checkAction(expectedAction, action, f.t) } if len(f.kubeactions) > len(k8sActions) { f.t.Errorf("%d additional expected actions:%+v", len(f.kubeactions)-len(k8sActions), f.kubeactions[len(k8sActions):]) } if len(f.actions) > len(actions) { f.t.Errorf("%d additional expected actions:%+v", len(f.actions)-len(actions), f.actions[len(actions):]) } if len(dI.Pipelines[f.initDevOpsProject]) != len(f.expectPipeline) { f.t.Errorf(" unexpected objects: %v", dI.Projects) } for _, pipeline := range f.expectPipeline { actualPipeline := dI.Pipelines[f.initDevOpsProject][pipeline.Name] if !reflect.DeepEqual(actualPipeline, pipeline) { f.t.Errorf(" pipeline %+v not match %+v", pipeline, actualPipeline) } } } // checkAction verifies that expected and actual actions are equal and both have // same attached resources func checkAction(expected, actual core.Action, t *testing.T) { if !(expected.Matches(actual.GetVerb(), actual.GetResource().Resource) && actual.GetSubresource() == expected.GetSubresource()) { t.Errorf("Expected\n\t%#v\ngot\n\t%#v", expected, actual) return } if reflect.TypeOf(actual) != reflect.TypeOf(expected) { t.Errorf("Action has wrong type. Expected: %t. Got: %t", expected, actual) return } switch a := actual.(type) { case core.CreateActionImpl: e, _ := expected.(core.CreateActionImpl) expObject := e.GetObject() object := a.GetObject() if !reflect.DeepEqual(expObject, object) { t.Errorf("Action %s %s has wrong object\nDiff:\n %s", a.GetVerb(), a.GetResource().Resource, diff.ObjectGoPrintSideBySide(expObject, object)) } case core.UpdateActionImpl: e, _ := expected.(core.UpdateActionImpl) expObject := e.GetObject() object := a.GetObject() if !reflect.DeepEqual(expObject, object) { t.Errorf("Action %s %s has wrong object\nDiff:\n %s", a.GetVerb(), a.GetResource().Resource, diff.ObjectGoPrintSideBySide(expObject, object)) } case core.PatchActionImpl: e, _ := expected.(core.PatchActionImpl) expPatch := e.GetPatch() patch := a.GetPatch() if !reflect.DeepEqual(expPatch, patch) { t.Errorf("Action %s %s has wrong patch\nDiff:\n %s", a.GetVerb(), a.GetResource().Resource, diff.ObjectGoPrintSideBySide(expPatch, patch)) } default: t.Errorf("Uncaptured Action %s %s, you should explicitly add a case to capture it", actual.GetVerb(), actual.GetResource().Resource) } } // filterInformerActions filters list and watch actions for testing resources. // Since list and watch don't change resource state we can filter it to lower // nose level in our tests. func filterInformerActions(actions []core.Action) []core.Action { ret := []core.Action{} for _, action := range actions { if len(action.GetNamespace()) == 0 && (action.Matches("list", devops.ResourcePluralPipeline) || action.Matches("watch", devops.ResourcePluralPipeline) || action.Matches("list", "namespaces") || action.Matches("watch", "namespaces")) { continue } ret = append(ret, action) } return ret } func (f *fixture) expectUpdatePipelineAction(p *devops.Pipeline) { action := core.NewUpdateAction(schema.GroupVersionResource{ Version: devops.SchemeGroupVersion.Version, Resource: devops.ResourcePluralPipeline, Group: devops.SchemeGroupVersion.Group, }, p.Namespace, p) f.actions = append(f.actions, action) } func getKey(p *devops.Pipeline, t *testing.T) string { key, err := cache.DeletionHandlingMetaNamespaceKeyFunc(p) if err != nil { t.Errorf("Unexpected error getting key for pipeline %v: %v", p.Name, err) return "" } return key } func TestDoNothing(t *testing.T) { f := newFixture(t) nsName := "test-123" pipelineName := "test" projectName := "test_project" ns := newNamespace(nsName, projectName) pipeline := newPipeline(nsName, pipelineName, devops.PipelineSpec{}, true) f.pipelineLister = append(f.pipelineLister, pipeline) f.namespaceLister = append(f.namespaceLister, ns) f.objects = append(f.objects, pipeline) f.initDevOpsProject = nsName f.initPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{pipeline} f.expectPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{pipeline}, t)) } func TestAddPipelineFinalizers(t *testing.T) { f := newFixture(t) nsName := "test-123" pipelineName := "test" projectName := "test_project" ns := newNamespace(nsName, projectName) pipeline := newPipeline(nsName, pipelineName, devops.PipelineSpec{}, false) expectPipeline := newPipeline(nsName, pipelineName, devops.PipelineSpec{}, true) f.pipelineLister = append(f.pipelineLister, pipeline) f.namespaceLister = append(f.namespaceLister, ns) f.objects = append(f.objects, pipeline) f.initDevOpsProject = nsName f.initPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{pipeline} f.expectPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{pipeline} f.expectUpdatePipelineAction(expectPipeline), t)) } func TestCreatePipeline(t *testing.T) { f := newFixture(t) nsName := "test-123" pipelineName := "test" projectName := "test_project" ns := newNamespace(nsName, projectName) pipeline := newPipeline(nsName, pipelineName, devops.PipelineSpec{}, true) f.pipelineLister = append(f.pipelineLister, pipeline) f.namespaceLister = append(f.namespaceLister, ns) f.objects = append(f.objects, pipeline) f.initDevOpsProject = nsName f.expectPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{pipeline}, t)) } func TestDeletePipeline(t *testing.T) { f := newFixture(t) nsName := "test-123" pipelineName := "test" projectName := "test_project" ns := newNamespace(nsName, projectName) pipeline := newDeletingPipeline(nsName, pipelineName) expectPipeline := pipeline.DeepCopy() expectPipeline.Finalizers = []string{} f.pipelineLister = append(f.pipelineLister, pipeline) f.namespaceLister = append(f.namespaceLister, ns) f.objects = append(f.objects, pipeline) f.initDevOpsProject = nsName f.initPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{pipeline} f.expectPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{} f.expectUpdatePipelineAction(expectPipeline), t)) } func TestDeleteNotExistPipeline(t *testing.T) { f := newFixture(t) nsName := "test-123" pipelineName := "test" projectName := "test_project" ns := newNamespace(nsName, projectName) pipeline := newDeletingPipeline(nsName, pipelineName) expectPipeline := pipeline.DeepCopy() expectPipeline.Finalizers = []string{} f.pipelineLister = append(f.pipelineLister, pipeline) f.namespaceLister = append(f.namespaceLister, ns) f.objects = append(f.objects, pipeline) f.initDevOpsProject = nsName f.initPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{} f.expectPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{} f.expectUpdatePipelineAction(expectPipeline), t)) } func TestUpdatePipelineConfig(t *testing.T) { f := newFixture(t) nsName := "test-123" pipelineName := "test" projectName := "test_project" ns := newNamespace(nsName, projectName) initPipeline := newPipeline(nsName, pipelineName, devops.PipelineSpec{}, true) expectPipeline := newPipeline(nsName, pipelineName, devops.PipelineSpec{Type: "aa"}, true) f.pipelineLister = append(f.pipelineLister, expectPipeline) f.namespaceLister = append(f.namespaceLister, ns) f.objects = append(f.objects, expectPipeline) f.initDevOpsProject = nsName f.initPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{initPipeline} f.expectPipeline = []*devops.Pipeline{expectPipeline}, t)) }