## 阿里云系统错误@aliyun |错误码 |含义 |状态码 |错误示例 |可能异常原因 | |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: |:-: | |RequestTimeout |服务器响应超时 |400 |The request has timed out. |服务空间长时间无访问,数据库对应的索引被数据库存储引擎淘汰 | |InternalError |服务器发生未知错误 |500 |The request processing has failed due to some unknown error. | | |InvalidBody.Format |body格式不正确 |400 |The request Body is not valid. |云函数url化body无法解析 | |SignatureNotMatch |客户端参数签名不正确 |403 |The signature we calculated is: %s |客户端spaceId或clientSecret错误,请排查客户端uniCloud.init方法或uniCloud.database内传入的参数| |InvalidParams.Format |body中params参数格式不正确 |400 |The Params is not valid. | | |MissingParams |body中缺少参数params |400 |Params is mandatory for this request. | | |MissingMethod |body中缺少参数method |400 |Method is mandatory for this request. | | |InvalidMethod.Format |参数method格式不正确 |400 |The specified Method is not valid. | | |InvalidSpaceId.NotFound |服务空间不存在 |404 |The specified SpaceId does not exist. | | |InvalidSpace.Deleted |服务空间已销毁 |404 |The space is already deleted. | | |InvalidSpace.NotInService |服务空间不在服务中 |404 |The space is not in service. | | |Throttling.Api |QPS流控 |400 |Request was denied due to api flow control. |云函数、固定ip代理等由QPS系统限制的服务超出了限制 | |Throttling.Api.Concurrency |并发流控 |400 |Request was denied due to api concurrency control. | | |InvalidCustomDomain.NotFound |云函数url化自定义域名不存在 |400 |The specified CustomDomain does not exist. | | |HttpCustomDomainCnameNotAllowed|云函数url化不允许直接使用cname访问 |400 |Http custom domain cname can not be used for http trigger. | | |ClientIpNotAllowed |前端网页托管默认域名clientIP禁止访问 |403 |Your clientIp %s does not in the whitelist. |前端网页托管默认域名白名单未配置,或当天访问默认域名的ip过多 | |InvalidComposedResponseBody |云函数url化响应body格式出错 |400 |The Body of ComposedResponse is not valid. | | |InvalidRequestContentType |云函数url化不支持的body类型 |400 |The request ContentType is not supported. | | |RequestContentLength.Exceeded |云函数url化请求内容长度超限 |400 |The request ContentLength exceeds the limit. | | |ResponseContentLength.Exceeded |云函数url化响应内容长度超限 |400 |The response ContentLength exceeds the limit. | | |InternalServerError |服务器发生未知错误 |200 |%s | | |InternalBizError |服务器发生业务错误 |200 | | | |ParamInvalid |上传文件格式不支持 |200 |Unsupported file type. | | | |上报文件Id不存在 |200 |The specified Id does not exist or has expired. | | | |批量删除或查询文件信息数量超限 |200 |No more than 50 files at a time. | | | |删除或查询的文件不存在 |200 |The specified file does not exist. | | |FunctionResourceExhausted |函数实例资源不足 |200 | | | |FunctionServerError |函数内部错误 |200 | | | |PrePayResourceExhausted |套餐资源不足,请升配 |200 | | | |FunctionBizError |用户的函数业务错误,请检查代码逻辑 |200 | | |