提交 79b0d860 编写于 作者: P Paul Tremberth 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2630 from scrapy/release-notes-1.4.0

Release notes for 1.4.0
......@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ PAPER =
SHELL = /bin/bash
ALLSPHINXOPTS = -b $(BUILDER) -d build/doctrees -D latex_paper_size=$(PAPER) \
ALLSPHINXOPTS = -b $(BUILDER) -d build/doctrees \
-D latex_elements.papersize=$(PAPER) \
.PHONY: help update build html htmlhelp clean
......@@ -3,6 +3,191 @@
Release notes
Scrapy 1.4.0 (2017-XX-XX)
Scrapy 1.4 does not bring that many breathtaking new features
but quite a few handy improvements nonetheless.
Scrapy now supports anonymous FTP sessions with customizable user and
password via the new :setting:`FTP_USER` and :setting:`FTP_PASSWORD` settings.
And if you're using Twisted version 17.1.0 or above, FTP is now available
with Python 3.
There's a new :meth:`response.follow <scrapy.http.TextResponse.follow>` method
for creating requests; **it is now a recommended way to create Requests
in Scrapy spiders**. This method makes it easier to write correct
spiders; ``response.follow`` has several advantages over creating
``scrapy.Request`` objects directly:
* it handles relative URLs;
* it works properly with non-ascii URLs on non-UTF8 pages;
* in addition to absolute and relative URLs it supports Selectors;
for ``<a>`` elements it can also extract their href values.
For example, instead of this::
for href in response.css('li.page a::attr(href)').extract():
url = response.urljoin(href)
yield scrapy.Request(url, self.parse, encoding=response.encoding)
One can now write this::
for a in response.css('li.page a'):
yield response.follow(a, self.parse)
Link extractors are also improved. They work similarly to what a regular
modern browser would do: leading and trailing whitespace are removed
from attributes (think ``href=" http://example.com"``) when building
``Link`` objects. This whitespace-stripping also happens for ``action``
attributes with ``FormRequest``.
**Please also note that link extractors do not canonicalize URLs by default
anymore.** This was puzzling users every now and then, and it's not what
browsers do in fact, so we removed that extra transformation on extractred
For those of you wanting more control on the ``Referer:`` header that Scrapy
sends when following links, you can set your own ``Referrer Policy``.
Prior to Scrapy 1.4, the default ``RefererMiddleware`` would simply and
blindly set it to the URL of the response that generated the HTTP request
(which could leak information on your URL seeds).
By default, Scrapy now behaves much like your regular browser does.
And this policy is fully customizable with W3C standard values
(or with something really custom of your own if you wish).
See :setting:`REFERRER_POLICY` for details.
To make Scrapy spiders easier to debug, Scrapy logs more stats by default
in 1.4: memory usage stats, detailed retry stats, detailed HTTP error code
stats. A similar change is that HTTP cache path is also visible in logs now.
Last but not least, Scrapy now has the option to make JSON and XML items
more human-readable, with newlines between items and even custom indenting
offset, using the new :setting:`FEED_EXPORT_INDENT` setting.
Enjoy! (Or read on for the rest of changes in this release.)
Deprecations and Backwards Incompatible Changes
- Default to ``canonicalize=False`` in :class:`scrapy.linkextractors.LinkExtractor`
(:issue:`2537`, fixes :issue:`1941` and :issue:`1982`):
**warning, this is technically backwards-incompatible**
- Enable memusage extension by default (:issue:`2539`, fixes :issue:`2187`);
**this is technically backwards-incompatible** so please check if you have
any non-default ``MEMUSAGE_***`` options set.
- ``EDITOR`` environment variable now takes precedence over ``EDITOR``
option defined in settings.py (:issue:`1829`); Scrapy default settings
no longer depend on environment variables. **This is technically a backwards
incompatible change**.
- ``Spider.make_requests_from_url`` is deprecated
(:issue:`1728`, fixes :issue:`1495`).
New Features
- Accept proxy credentials in :reqmeta:`proxy` request meta key (:issue:`2526`)
- Support `brotli`_-compressed content; requires optional `brotlipy`_
- New :ref:`response.follow <response-follow-example>` shortcut
for creating requests (:issue:`1940`)
- Added ``flags`` argument and attribute to :class:`Request <scrapy.http.Request>`
objects (:issue:`2047`)
- Support Anonymous FTP (:issue:`2342`)
- Added ``retry/count``, ``retry/max_reached`` and ``retry/reason_count/<reason>``
stats to :class:`RetryMiddleware <scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.retry.RetryMiddleware>`
- Added ``httperror/response_ignored_count`` and ``httperror/response_ignored_status_count/<status>``
stats to :class:`HttpErrorMiddleware <scrapy.spidermiddlewares.httperror.HttpErrorMiddleware>`
- Customizable :setting:`Referrer policy <REFERRER_POLICY>` in
:class:`RefererMiddleware <scrapy.spidermiddlewares.referer.RefererMiddleware>`
- New ``data:`` URI download handler (:issue:`2334`, fixes :issue:`2156`)
- Log cache directory when HTTP Cache is used (:issue:`2611`, fixes :issue:`2604`)
- Warn users when project contains duplicate spider names (fixes :issue:`2181`)
- :class:`CaselessDict` now accepts ``Mapping`` instances and not only dicts (:issue:`2646`)
- :ref:`Media downloads <topics-media-pipeline>`, with :class:`FilesPipelines`
or :class:`ImagesPipelines`, can now optionally handle HTTP redirects
using the new :setting:`MEDIA_ALLOW_REDIRECTS` setting (:issue:`2616`, fixes :issue:`2004`)
- Accept non-complete responses from websites using a new
:setting:`DOWNLOAD_FAIL_ON_DATALOSS` setting (:issue:`2590`, fixes :issue:`2586`)
- Optional pretty-printing of JSON and XML items via
:setting:`FEED_EXPORT_INDENT` setting (:issue:`2456`, fixes :issue:`1327`)
- Allow dropping fields in ``FormRequest.from_response`` formdata when
``None`` value is passed (:issue:`667`)
- Per-request retry times with the new :reqmeta:`max_retry_times` meta key
- ``python -m scrapy`` as a more explicit alternative to ``scrapy`` command
.. _brotli: https://github.com/google/brotli
.. _brotlipy: https://github.com/python-hyper/brotlipy/
Bug fixes
- LinkExtractor now strips leading and trailing whitespaces from attributes
(:issue:`2547`, fixes :issue:`1614`)
- Properly handle whitespaces in action attribute in :class:`FormRequest`
- Buffer CONNECT response bytes from proxy until all HTTP headers are received
(:issue:`2495`, fixes :issue:`2491`)
- FTP downloader now works on Python 3, provided you use Twisted>=17.1
- Use body to choose response type after decompressing content (:issue:`2393`,
fixes :issue:`2145`)
- Always decompress ``Content-Encoding: gzip`` at :class:`HttpCompressionMiddleware
<scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.httpcompression.HttpCompressionMiddleware>` stage (:issue:`2391`)
- Respect custom log level in ``Spider.custom_settings`` (:issue:`2581`,
fixes :issue:`1612`)
- 'make htmlview' fix for macOS (:issue:`2661`)
- Remove "commands" from the command list (:issue:`2695`)
- Fix duplicate Content-Length header for POST requests with empty body (:issue:`2677`)
- Properly cancel large downloads, i.e. above :setting:`DOWNLOAD_MAXSIZE` (:issue:`1616`)
- ImagesPipeline: fixed processing of transparent PNG images with palette
Cleanups & Refactoring
- Tests: remove temp files and folders (:issue:`2570`),
fixed ProjectUtilsTest on OS X (:issue:`2569`),
use portable pypy for Linux on Travis CI (:issue:`2710`)
- Separate building request from ``_requests_to_follow`` in CrawlSpider (:issue:`2562`)
- Remove “Python 3 progress” badge (:issue:`2567`)
- Add a couple more lines to ``.gitignore`` (:issue:`2557`)
- Remove bumpversion prerelease configuration (:issue:`2159`)
- Add codecov.yml file (:issue:`2750`)
- Set context factory implementation based on Twisted version (:issue:`2577`,
fixes :issue:`2560`)
- Add omitted ``self`` arguments in default project middleware template (:issue:`2595`)
- Remove redundant ``slot.add_request()`` call in ExecutionEngine (:issue:`2617`)
- Catch more specific ``os.error`` exception in :class:`FSFilesStore` (:issue:`2644`)
- Change "localhost" test server certificate (:issue:`2720`)
- Remove unused ``MEMUSAGE_REPORT`` setting (:issue:`2576`)
- Binary mode is required for exporters (:issue:`2564`, fixes :issue:`2553`)
- Mention issue with :meth:`FormRequest.from_response
<scrapy.http.FormRequest.from_response>` due to bug in lxml (:issue:`2572`)
- Use single quotes uniformly in templates (:issue:`2596`)
- Document :reqmeta:`ftp_user` and :reqmeta:`ftp_password` meta keys (:issue:`2587`)
- Removed section on deprecated ``contrib/`` (:issue:`2636`)
- Recommend Anaconda when installing Scrapy on Windows
(:issue:`2477`, fixes :issue:`2475`)
- FAQ: rewrite note on Python 3 support on Windows (:issue:`2690`)
- Rearrange selector sections (:issue:`2705`)
- Remove ``__nonzero__`` from :class:`SelectorList` docs (:issue:`2683`)
- Mention how to disable request filtering in documentation of
:setting:`DUPEFILTER_CLASS` setting (:issue:`2714`)
- Add sphinx_rtd_theme to docs setup readme (:issue:`2668`)
- Open file in text mode in JSON item writer example (:issue:`2729`)
- Clarify ``allowed_domains`` example (:issue:`2670`)
Scrapy 1.3.3 (2017-03-10)
......@@ -15,6 +200,7 @@ Bug fixes
A new setting is introduced to toggle between warning or exception if needed ;
see :setting:`SPIDER_LOADER_WARN_ONLY` for details.
Scrapy 1.3.2 (2017-02-13)
......@@ -320,8 +320,6 @@ all be dropped because at least one dimension is shorter than the constraint.
By default, there are no size constraints, so all images are processed.
.. _topics-media-pipeline-override:
Allowing redirections
......@@ -330,10 +328,11 @@ Allowing redirections
By default media pipelines ignore redirects, i.e. an HTTP redirection
to a media file URL request will mean the media download is considered failed.
To handle media redirections, set this settings to ``True``:
To handle media redirections, set this setting to ``True``::
.. _topics-media-pipeline-override:
Extending the Media Pipelines
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ below in :ref:`topics-request-response-ref-request-subclasses` and
Request objects
.. class:: Request(url[, callback, method='GET', headers, body, cookies, meta, encoding='utf-8', priority=0, dont_filter=False, errback])
.. class:: Request(url[, callback, method='GET', headers, body, cookies, meta, encoding='utf-8', priority=0, dont_filter=False, errback, flags])
A :class:`Request` object represents an HTTP request, which is usually
generated in the Spider and executed by the Downloader, and thus generating
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