## Introduction to options If you need more effects, use '--option your-parameters' to enter what you need. ### Base | Option | Description | Default | | :----------: | :------------------------: | :-------------------------------------: | | --gpu_id | if -1, do not use gpu | 0 | | --media_path | your videos or images path | ./imgs/ruoruo.jpg | | --start_time | start position of video, default is the beginning of video | '00:00:00' | | --last_time | limit the duration of the video, default is the entire video | '00:00:00' | | --mode | program running mode(auto/clean/add/style) | 'auto' | | --model_path | pretrained model path | ./pretrained_models/mosaic/add_face.pth | | --result_dir | output media will be saved here| ./result | | --temp_dir | Temporary files will go here | ./tmp | | --fps | read and output fps, if 0-> origin | 0 | | --no_preview | if specified,do not preview images when processing video. eg.(when run it on server) | Flase | ### AddMosaic | Option | Description | Default | | :----------: | :------------------------: | :-------------------------------------: | | --mosaic_mod | type of mosaic -> squa_avg/ squa_random/ squa_avg_circle_edge/ rect_avg/random | squa_avg | | --mosaic_size | mosaic size,if 0 -> auto size | 0 | | --mask_extend | extend mosaic area | 10 | | --mask_threshold | threshold of recognize mosaic position 0~255 | 64 | ### CleanMosaic | Option | Description | Default | | :----------: | :------------------------: | :-------------------------------------: | | --traditional | if specified, use traditional image processing methods to clean mosaic | | | --tr_blur | ksize of blur when using traditional method, it will affect final quality | 10 | | --tr_down | downsample when using traditional method,it will affect final quality | 10 | | --medfilt_num | medfilt window of mosaic movement in the video | 11 | ### Style Transfer | Option | Description | Default | | :----------: | :------------------------: | :-------------------------------------: | | --output_size | size of output media, if 0 -> origin |512|