#include #include // std::stringstream #include #include "paddle/framework/op_info.h" #include "paddle/framework/op_registry.h" #include "paddle/pybind/pybind.h" std::string Escape(const std::string& s) { std::string r; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { switch (s[i]) { case '\"': r += "\\\""; break; case '\\': r += "\\\\"; break; case '\n': r += "\\n"; break; case '\t': r += "\\t"; case '\r': break; default: r += s[i]; break; } } return r; } std::string AttrType(paddle::framework::proto::AttrType at) { switch (at) { case paddle::framework::proto::INT: return "int"; case paddle::framework::proto::FLOAT: return "float"; case paddle::framework::proto::STRING: return "string"; case paddle::framework::proto::BOOLEAN: return "bool"; case paddle::framework::proto::INTS: return "int array"; case paddle::framework::proto::FLOATS: return "float array"; case paddle::framework::proto::STRINGS: return "string array"; case paddle::framework::proto::BOOLEANS: return "bool array"; case paddle::framework::proto::BLOCK: return "block id"; } return "UNKNOWN"; // not possible } void PrintVar(const paddle::framework::proto::OpProto::Var& v, std::stringstream& ss) { ss << " { " << "\n" << " \"name\" : \"" << Escape(v.name()) << "\",\n" << " \"comment\" : \"" << Escape(v.comment()) << "\",\n" << " \"duplicable\" : " << v.duplicable() << ",\n" << " \"intermediate\" : " << v.intermediate() << "\n" << " },"; } void PrintAttr(const paddle::framework::proto::OpProto::Attr& a, std::stringstream& ss) { ss << " { " << "\n" << " \"name\" : \"" << Escape(a.name()) << "\",\n" << " \"type\" : \"" << AttrType(a.type()) << "\",\n" << " \"comment\" : \"" << Escape(a.comment()) << "\",\n" << " \"generated\" : " << a.generated() << "\n" << " },"; } void PrintOpProto(const std::string& type, const paddle::framework::OpInfo& opinfo, std::stringstream& ss) { std::cerr << "Processing " << type << "\n"; const paddle::framework::proto::OpProto* p = opinfo.proto_; if (p == nullptr) { return; // It is possible that an operator doesn't have OpProto. } ss << "{\n" << " \"type\" : \"" << Escape(p->type()) << "\",\n" << " \"comment\" : \"" << Escape(p->comment()) << "\",\n"; ss << " \"inputs\" : [ " << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < p->inputs_size(); i++) { PrintVar(p->inputs(i), ss); } ss.seekp(-1, ss.cur); // remove the trailing comma ss << " ], " << "\n"; ss << " \"outputs\" : [ " << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < p->outputs_size(); i++) { PrintVar(p->outputs(i), ss); } ss.seekp(-1, ss.cur); // remove the trailing comma ss << " ], " << "\n"; ss << " \"attrs\" : [ " << "\n"; for (int i = 0; i < p->attrs_size(); i++) { PrintAttr(p->attrs(i), ss); } ss.seekp(-1, ss.cur); // remove the trailing comma ss << " ] " << "\n"; ss << "},"; } int main() { std::stringstream ss; ss << "[\n"; for (auto& iter : paddle::framework::OpInfoMap::Instance().map()) { PrintOpProto(iter.first, iter.second, ss); } ss.seekp(-1, ss.cur); // remove the trailing comma ss << "]\n"; std::cout << ss.str(); }