package jadx.core.codegen; import jadx.core.Consts; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AttrNode; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AttributeFlag; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AttributeType; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.EnumClassAttr; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.EnumClassAttr.EnumField; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.SourceFileAttr; import; import; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.ArgType; import jadx.core.dex.instructions.args.InsnArg; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.ClassNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.DexNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.FieldNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.MethodNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.parser.FieldValueAttr; import jadx.core.utils.ErrorsCounter; import jadx.core.utils.Utils; import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.CodegenException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; public class ClassGen { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ClassGen.class); private final ClassNode cls; private final ClassGen parentGen; private final AnnotationGen annotationGen; private final boolean fallback; private final Set imports = new HashSet(); public ClassGen(ClassNode cls, ClassGen parentClsGen, boolean fallback) { this.cls = cls; this.parentGen = parentClsGen; this.fallback = fallback; this.annotationGen = new AnnotationGen(cls, this); } public ClassNode getClassNode() { return cls; } public CodeWriter makeClass() throws CodegenException { CodeWriter clsBody = new CodeWriter(); addClassCode(clsBody); CodeWriter clsCode = new CodeWriter(); if (!"".equals(cls.getPackage())) { clsCode.add("package ").add(cls.getPackage()).add(';'); clsCode.newLine(); } int importsCount = imports.size(); if (importsCount != 0) { List sortImports = new ArrayList(importsCount); for (ClassInfo ic : imports) { sortImports.add(ic.getFullName()); } Collections.sort(sortImports); for (String imp : sortImports) { clsCode.startLine("import ").add(imp).add(';'); } clsCode.newLine(); sortImports.clear(); imports.clear(); } clsCode.add(clsBody); return clsCode; } public void addClassCode(CodeWriter code) throws CodegenException { if (cls.getAttributes().contains(AttributeFlag.DONT_GENERATE)) { return; } if (cls.getAttributes().contains(AttributeFlag.INCONSISTENT_CODE)) { code.startLine("// jadx: inconsistent code"); } makeClassDeclaration(code); makeClassBody(code); code.newLine(); } public void makeClassDeclaration(CodeWriter clsCode) { AccessInfo af = cls.getAccessFlags(); if (af.isInterface()) { af = af.remove(AccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT); } else if (af.isEnum()) { af = af.remove(AccessFlags.ACC_FINAL).remove(AccessFlags.ACC_ABSTRACT); } annotationGen.addForClass(clsCode); insertSourceFileInfo(clsCode, cls); clsCode.startLine(af.makeString()); if (af.isInterface()) { if (af.isAnnotation()) { clsCode.add('@'); } clsCode.add("interface "); } else if (af.isEnum()) { clsCode.add("enum "); } else { clsCode.add("class "); } clsCode.add(cls.getShortName()); makeGenericMap(clsCode, cls.getGenericMap()); clsCode.add(' '); ClassInfo sup = cls.getSuperClass(); if (sup != null && !sup.getFullName().equals(Consts.CLASS_OBJECT) && !sup.getFullName().equals(Consts.CLASS_ENUM)) { clsCode.add("extends ").add(useClass(sup)).add(' '); } if (cls.getInterfaces().size() > 0 && !af.isAnnotation()) { if (cls.getAccessFlags().isInterface()) { clsCode.add("extends "); } else { clsCode.add("implements "); } for (Iterator it = cls.getInterfaces().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ClassInfo interf =; clsCode.add(useClass(interf)); if (it.hasNext()) { clsCode.add(", "); } } if (!cls.getInterfaces().isEmpty()) { clsCode.add(' '); } } clsCode.attachDefinition(cls); } public boolean makeGenericMap(CodeWriter code, Map> gmap) { if (gmap == null || gmap.isEmpty()) { return false; } code.add('<'); int i = 0; for (Entry> e : gmap.entrySet()) { ArgType type = e.getKey(); List list = e.getValue(); if (i != 0) { code.add(", "); } code.add(useClass(type)); if (list != null && !list.isEmpty()) { code.add(" extends "); for (Iterator it = list.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ArgType g =; code.add(useClass(g)); if (it.hasNext()) { code.add(" & "); } } } i++; } code.add('>'); return true; } public void makeClassBody(CodeWriter clsCode) throws CodegenException { clsCode.add('{'); CodeWriter mthsCode = makeMethods(clsCode, cls.getMethods()); CodeWriter fieldsCode = makeFields(clsCode, cls, cls.getFields()); clsCode.add(fieldsCode); if (fieldsCode.notEmpty() && mthsCode.notEmpty()) { clsCode.newLine(); } // insert inner classes code if (cls.getInnerClasses().size() != 0) { clsCode.add(makeInnerClasses(cls, clsCode.getIndent())); if (mthsCode.notEmpty()) { clsCode.newLine(); } } clsCode.add(mthsCode); clsCode.startLine('}'); } private CodeWriter makeInnerClasses(ClassNode cls, int indent) throws CodegenException { CodeWriter innerClsCode = new CodeWriter(indent + 1); for (ClassNode inCls : cls.getInnerClasses()) { if (!inCls.isAnonymous()) { ClassGen inClGen = new ClassGen(inCls, parentGen == null ? this : parentGen, fallback); inClGen.addClassCode(innerClsCode); imports.addAll(inClGen.getImports()); } } return innerClsCode; } private CodeWriter makeMethods(CodeWriter clsCode, List mthList) { CodeWriter code = new CodeWriter(clsCode.getIndent() + 1); for (Iterator it = mthList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { MethodNode mth =; if (mth.getAttributes().contains(AttributeFlag.DONT_GENERATE)) { continue; } try { if (mth.getAccessFlags().isAbstract() || mth.getAccessFlags().isNative()) { MethodGen mthGen = new MethodGen(this, mth); mthGen.addDefinition(code); if (cls.getAccessFlags().isAnnotation()) { Object def = annotationGen.getAnnotationDefaultValue(mth.getName()); if (def != null) { code.add(" default "); annotationGen.encodeValue(code, def); } } code.add(';'); } else { MethodGen mthGen = new MethodGen(this, mth); boolean badCode = mth.getAttributes().contains(AttributeFlag.INCONSISTENT_CODE); if (badCode) { code.startLine("/* JADX WARNING: inconsistent code. */"); code.startLine("/* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */"); LOG.error(ErrorsCounter.formatErrorMsg(mth, " Inconsistent code")); } if (mthGen.addDefinition(code)) { code.add(' '); } code.add('{'); code.incIndent(); insertSourceFileInfo(code, mth); mthGen.addInstructions(code); code.decIndent(); code.startLine('}'); } } catch (Throwable e) { String msg = ErrorsCounter.methodError(mth, "Method generation error", e); code.startLine("/* " + msg + CodeWriter.NL + Utils.getStackTrace(e) + " */"); } if (it.hasNext()) { code.newLine(); } } return code; } private CodeWriter makeFields(CodeWriter clsCode, ClassNode cls, List fields) throws CodegenException { CodeWriter code = new CodeWriter(clsCode.getIndent() + 1); addEnumFields(cls, code); for (FieldNode f : fields) { if (f.getAttributes().contains(AttributeFlag.DONT_GENERATE)) { continue; } annotationGen.addForField(code, f); code.startLine(f.getAccessFlags().makeString()); code.add(TypeGen.translate(this, f.getType())); code.add(' '); code.add(f.getName()); FieldValueAttr fv = (FieldValueAttr) f.getAttributes().get(AttributeType.FIELD_VALUE); if (fv != null) { code.add(" = "); if (fv.getValue() == null) { code.add(TypeGen.literalToString(0, f.getType())); } else { annotationGen.encodeValue(code, fv.getValue()); } } code.add(';'); code.attachDefinition(f); } return code; } private void addEnumFields(ClassNode cls, CodeWriter code) throws CodegenException { EnumClassAttr enumFields = (EnumClassAttr) cls.getAttributes().get(AttributeType.ENUM_CLASS); if (enumFields != null) { InsnGen igen = null; for (Iterator it = enumFields.getFields().iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { EnumField f =; code.startLine(f.getName()); if (f.getArgs().size() != 0) { code.add('('); for (Iterator aIt = f.getArgs().iterator(); aIt.hasNext(); ) { InsnArg arg =; if (igen == null) { // don't init mth gen if this is simple enum MethodGen mthGen = new MethodGen(this, enumFields.getStaticMethod()); igen = new InsnGen(mthGen, enumFields.getStaticMethod(), false); } igen.addArg(code, arg); if (aIt.hasNext()) { code.add(", "); } } code.add(')'); } if (f.getCls() != null) { new ClassGen(f.getCls(), this, fallback).makeClassBody(code); } if (it.hasNext()) { code.add(','); } } if (enumFields.getFields().isEmpty()) { code.startLine(); } code.add(';'); code.newLine(); } } public String useClass(ArgType clsType) { if (clsType.isGenericType()) { return clsType.getObject(); } return useClass(ClassInfo.fromType(clsType)); } public String useClass(ClassInfo classInfo) { String baseClass = useClassInternal(cls.getClassInfo(), classInfo); ArgType type = classInfo.getType(); ArgType[] generics = type.getGenericTypes(); if (generics == null) { return baseClass; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(baseClass); sb.append('<'); int len = generics.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i != 0) { sb.append(", "); } ArgType gt = generics[i]; ArgType wt = gt.getWildcardType(); if (wt != null) { sb.append('?'); int bounds = gt.getWildcardBounds(); if (bounds != 0) { sb.append(bounds == -1 ? " super " : " extends "); sb.append(TypeGen.translate(this, wt)); } } else { sb.append(TypeGen.translate(this, gt)); } } sb.append('>'); return sb.toString(); } private String useClassInternal(ClassInfo useCls, ClassInfo classInfo) { String fullName = classInfo.getFullName(); if (fallback) { return fullName; } String shortName = classInfo.getShortName(); if (classInfo.getPackage().equals("java.lang") && classInfo.getParentClass() == null) { return shortName; } else { // don't add import if this class inner for current class if (isClassInnerFor(classInfo, useCls)) { return shortName; } // don't add import if this class from same package if (classInfo.getPackage().equals(useCls.getPackage()) && !classInfo.isInner()) { return shortName; } // don't add import if class not public (must be accessed using inheritance) ClassNode classNode = cls.dex().resolveClass(classInfo); if (classNode != null && !classNode.getAccessFlags().isPublic()) { return shortName; } if (searchCollision(cls.dex(), useCls, shortName)) { return fullName; } if (classInfo.getPackage().equals(useCls.getPackage())) { fullName = classInfo.getNameWithoutPackage(); } for (ClassInfo importCls : getImports()) { if (!importCls.equals(classInfo) && importCls.getShortName().equals(shortName)) { if (classInfo.isInner()) { String parent = useClassInternal(useCls, classInfo.getParentClass()); return parent + "." + shortName; } else { return fullName; } } } addImport(classInfo); return shortName; } } private void addImport(ClassInfo classInfo) { if (parentGen != null) { parentGen.addImport(classInfo); } else { imports.add(classInfo); } } private Set getImports() { if (parentGen != null) { return parentGen.getImports(); } else { return imports; } } private static boolean isClassInnerFor(ClassInfo inner, ClassInfo parent) { if (inner.isInner()) { ClassInfo p = inner.getParentClass(); return p.equals(parent) || isClassInnerFor(p, parent); } return false; } private static boolean searchCollision(DexNode dex, ClassInfo useCls, String shortName) { if (useCls == null) { return false; } if (useCls.getShortName().equals(shortName)) { return true; } ClassNode classNode = dex.resolveClass(useCls); if (classNode != null) { for (ClassNode inner : classNode.getInnerClasses()) { if (inner.getShortName().equals(shortName)) { return true; } } } return searchCollision(dex, useCls.getParentClass(), shortName); } private void insertSourceFileInfo(CodeWriter code, AttrNode node) { SourceFileAttr sourceFileAttr = (SourceFileAttr) node.getAttributes().get(AttributeType.SOURCE_FILE); if (sourceFileAttr != null) { code.startLine("// compiled from: ").add(sourceFileAttr.getFileName()); } } public ClassGen getParentGen() { return parentGen == null ? this : parentGen; } public AnnotationGen getAnnotationGen() { return annotationGen; } public boolean isFallbackMode() { return fallback; } }