package jadx.core.xmlgen; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import jadx.api.ICodeInfo; import jadx.api.args.ResourceNameSource; import jadx.core.deobf.NameMapper; import jadx.core.dex.attributes.AFlag; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.FieldNode; import jadx.core.dex.nodes.RootNode; import jadx.core.utils.BetterName; import jadx.core.utils.exceptions.JadxRuntimeException; import jadx.core.xmlgen.entry.EntryConfig; import jadx.core.xmlgen.entry.RawNamedValue; import jadx.core.xmlgen.entry.RawValue; import jadx.core.xmlgen.entry.ResourceEntry; import jadx.core.xmlgen.entry.ValuesParser; public class ResTableParser extends CommonBinaryParser implements IResParser { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ResTableParser.class); private static final Pattern VALID_RES_KEY_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("[\\w\\d_]+"); private static final class PackageChunk { private final int id; private final String name; private final String[] typeStrings; private final String[] keyStrings; private PackageChunk(int id, String name, String[] typeStrings, String[] keyStrings) { = id; = name; this.typeStrings = typeStrings; this.keyStrings = keyStrings; } public int getId() { return id; } public String getName() { return name; } public String[] getTypeStrings() { return typeStrings; } public String[] getKeyStrings() { return keyStrings; } } /** * No renaming, pattern checking or name generation. Required for res-map.txt building */ private final boolean useRawResName; private final RootNode root; private final ResourceStorage resStorage = new ResourceStorage(); private String[] strings; public ResTableParser(RootNode root) { this(root, false); } public ResTableParser(RootNode root, boolean useRawResNames) { this.root = root; this.useRawResName = useRawResNames; } @Override public void decode(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { is = new ParserStream(inputStream); decodeTableChunk(); resStorage.finish(); } public ResContainer decodeFiles(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { decode(inputStream); ValuesParser vp = new ValuesParser(strings, resStorage.getResourcesNames()); ResXmlGen resGen = new ResXmlGen(resStorage, vp); ICodeInfo content = XmlGenUtils.makeXmlDump(root.makeCodeWriter(), resStorage); List xmlFiles = resGen.makeResourcesXml(); return ResContainer.resourceTable("res", xmlFiles, content); } void decodeTableChunk() throws IOException { is.checkInt16(RES_TABLE_TYPE, "Not a table chunk"); is.checkInt16(0x000c, "Unexpected table header size"); /* int size = */ is.readInt32(); int pkgCount = is.readInt32(); strings = parseStringPool(); for (int i = 0; i < pkgCount; i++) { parsePackage(); } } private PackageChunk parsePackage() throws IOException { long start = is.getPos(); is.checkInt16(RES_TABLE_PACKAGE_TYPE, "Not a table chunk"); int headerSize = is.readInt16(); if (headerSize != 0x011c && headerSize != 0x0120) { die("Unexpected package header size"); } long size = is.readUInt32(); long endPos = start + size; int id = is.readInt32(); String name = is.readString16Fixed(128); long typeStringsOffset = start + is.readInt32(); /* int lastPublicType = */ is.readInt32(); long keyStringsOffset = start + is.readInt32(); /* int lastPublicKey = */ is.readInt32(); if (headerSize == 0x0120) { /* int typeIdOffset = */ is.readInt32(); } String[] typeStrings = null; if (typeStringsOffset != 0) { is.skipToPos(typeStringsOffset, "Expected typeStrings string pool"); typeStrings = parseStringPool(); } String[] keyStrings = null; if (keyStringsOffset != 0) { is.skipToPos(keyStringsOffset, "Expected keyStrings string pool"); keyStrings = parseStringPool(); deobfKeyStrings(keyStrings); } PackageChunk pkg = new PackageChunk(id, name, typeStrings, keyStrings); resStorage.setAppPackage(name); while (is.getPos() < endPos) { long chunkStart = is.getPos(); int type = is.readInt16(); LOG.trace("res package chunk start at {} type {}", chunkStart, type); switch (type) { case RES_NULL_TYPE:"Null chunk type encountered at offset {}", chunkStart); break; case RES_TABLE_TYPE_TYPE: // 0x0201 parseTypeChunk(chunkStart, pkg); break; case RES_TABLE_TYPE_SPEC_TYPE: // 0x0202 parseTypeSpecChunk(chunkStart); break; case RES_TABLE_TYPE_LIBRARY: // 0x0203 parseLibraryTypeChunk(chunkStart); break; case RES_TABLE_TYPE_OVERLAY: // 0x0204 throw new IOException( String.format("Encountered unsupported chunk type TYPE_OVERLAY at offset 0x%x ", chunkStart)); case RES_TABLE_TYPE_STAGED_ALIAS: // 0x0206 throw new IOException( String.format("Encountered unsupported chunk type TYPE_STAGED_ALIAS at offset 0x%x ", chunkStart)); default: LOG.warn("Unknown chunk type {} encountered at offset {}", type, chunkStart); } } return pkg; } private void deobfKeyStrings(String[] keyStrings) { int keysCount = keyStrings.length; if (root.getArgs().isRenamePrintable()) { for (int i = 0; i < keysCount; i++) { String keyString = keyStrings[i]; if (!NameMapper.isAllCharsPrintable(keyString)) { keyStrings[i] = makeNewKeyName(i); } } } if (root.getArgs().isRenameValid()) { Set keySet = new HashSet<>(keysCount); for (int i = 0; i < keysCount; i++) { String keyString = keyStrings[i]; boolean isNew = keySet.add(keyString); if (!isNew) { keyStrings[i] = makeNewKeyName(i); } } } } private String makeNewKeyName(int idx) { return String.format("jadx_deobf_0x%08x", idx); } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void parseTypeSpecChunk(long chunkStart) throws IOException { is.checkInt16(0x0010, "Unexpected type spec header size"); int chunkSize = is.readInt32(); long expectedEndPos = chunkStart + chunkSize; int id = is.readInt8(); is.skip(3); int entryCount = is.readInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { int entryFlag = is.readInt32(); } if (is.getPos() != expectedEndPos) { throw new IOException(String.format("Error reading type spec chunk at offset 0x%x", chunkStart)); } } private void parseLibraryTypeChunk(long chunkStart) throws IOException { LOG.trace("parsing library type chunk starting at offset {}", chunkStart); is.checkInt16(12, "Unexpected header size"); int chunkSize = is.readInt32(); long expectedEndPos = chunkStart + chunkSize; int count = is.readInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { int packageId = is.readInt32(); String packageName = is.readString16Fixed(128);"Found resource shared library {}, pkgId: {}", packageName, packageId); if (is.getPos() > expectedEndPos) { throw new IOException("reading after chunk end"); } } if (is.getPos() != expectedEndPos) { throw new IOException(String.format("Error reading library chunk at offset 0x%x", chunkStart)); } } private void parseTypeChunk(long start, PackageChunk pkg) throws IOException { /* int headerSize = */ is.readInt16(); /* int size = */ long chunkSize = is.readUInt32(); long chunkEnd = start + chunkSize; int id = is.readInt8(); is.checkInt8(0, "type chunk, res0"); is.checkInt16(0, "type chunk, res1"); int entryCount = is.readInt32(); long entriesStart = start + is.readInt32(); EntryConfig config = parseConfig(); if (config.isInvalid) { String typeName = pkg.getTypeStrings()[id - 1]; LOG.warn("Invalid config flags detected: {}{}", typeName, config.getQualifiers()); } int[] entryIndexes = new int[entryCount]; for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { entryIndexes[i] = is.readInt32(); } is.checkPos(entriesStart, "Expected entry start"); for (int i = 0; i < entryCount; i++) { if (entryIndexes[i] != NO_ENTRY) { if (is.getPos() >= chunkEnd) { // Certain resource obfuscated apps like com.facebook.orca have more entries defined // than actually fit into the chunk size -> ignore the remaining entries LOG.warn("End of chunk reached - ignoring remaining {} entries", entryCount - i); break; } parseEntry(pkg, id, i, config.getQualifiers()); } } if (chunkEnd > is.getPos()) { // Skip remaining unknown data in this chunk (e.g. type 8 entries") long skipSize = chunkEnd - is.getPos(); LOG.debug("Unknown data at the end of type chunk encountered, skipping {} bytes and continuing at offset {}", skipSize, chunkEnd); is.skip(skipSize); } } private void parseEntry(PackageChunk pkg, int typeId, int entryId, String config) throws IOException { int size = is.readInt16(); int flags = is.readInt16(); int key = is.readInt32(); if (key == -1) { return; } int resRef = pkg.getId() << 24 | typeId << 16 | entryId; String typeName = pkg.getTypeStrings()[typeId - 1]; String origKeyName = pkg.getKeyStrings()[key]; ResourceEntry newResEntry = new ResourceEntry(resRef, pkg.getName(), typeName, getResName(typeName, resRef, origKeyName), config); ResourceEntry prevResEntry = resStorage.searchEntryWithSameName(newResEntry); if (prevResEntry != null) { newResEntry = newResEntry.copyWithId(); // rename also previous entry for consistency ResourceEntry replaceForPrevEntry = prevResEntry.copyWithId(); resStorage.replace(prevResEntry, replaceForPrevEntry); resStorage.addRename(replaceForPrevEntry); } if (!Objects.equals(origKeyName, newResEntry.getKeyName())) { resStorage.addRename(newResEntry); } if ((flags & FLAG_COMPLEX) != 0 || size == 16) { int parentRef = is.readInt32(); int count = is.readInt32(); newResEntry.setParentRef(parentRef); List values = new ArrayList<>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { values.add(parseValueMap()); } newResEntry.setNamedValues(values); } else { newResEntry.setSimpleValue(parseValue()); } resStorage.add(newResEntry); } private String getResName(String typeName, int resRef, String origKeyName) { if (this.useRawResName) { return origKeyName; } String renamedKey = resStorage.getRename(resRef); if (renamedKey != null) { return renamedKey; } // styles might contain dots in name, search for alias only for resources names if (typeName.equals("style")) { return origKeyName; } FieldNode constField = root.getConstValues().getGlobalConstFields().get(resRef); String resAlias = getResAlias(resRef, origKeyName, constField); resStorage.addRename(resRef, resAlias); if (constField != null) { constField.rename(resAlias); constField.add(AFlag.DONT_RENAME); } return resAlias; } private String getResAlias(int resRef, String origKeyName, @Nullable FieldNode constField) { String name; if (constField == null || constField.getTopParentClass().isSynthetic()) { name = origKeyName; } else { name = getBetterName(root.getArgs().getResourceNameSource(), origKeyName, constField.getName()); } Matcher matcher = VALID_RES_KEY_PATTERN.matcher(name); if (matcher.matches()) { return name; } // Making sure origKeyName compliant with resource file name rules String cleanedResName = cleanName(matcher); String newResName = String.format("res_0x%08x", resRef); if (cleanedResName.isEmpty()) { return newResName; } // autogenerate key name, appended with cleaned origKeyName to be human-friendly return newResName + "_" + cleanedResName.toLowerCase(); } public static String getBetterName(ResourceNameSource nameSource, String resName, String codeName) { switch (nameSource) { case AUTO: return BetterName.compareAndGet(resName, codeName); case RESOURCES: return resName; case CODE: return codeName; default: throw new JadxRuntimeException("Unexpected ResourceNameSource value: " + nameSource); } } private String cleanName(Matcher matcher) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; while (matcher.find()) { if (!first) { sb.append("_"); } sb.append(; first = false; } return sb.toString(); } private RawNamedValue parseValueMap() throws IOException { int nameRef = is.readInt32(); return new RawNamedValue(nameRef, parseValue()); } private RawValue parseValue() throws IOException { is.checkInt16(8, "value size"); is.checkInt8(0, "value res0 not 0"); int dataType = is.readInt8(); int data = is.readInt32(); return new RawValue(dataType, data); } private EntryConfig parseConfig() throws IOException { long start = is.getPos(); int size = is.readInt32(); if (size < 28) { throw new IOException("Config size < 28"); } short mcc = (short) is.readInt16(); short mnc = (short) is.readInt16(); char[] language = unpackLocaleOrRegion((byte) is.readInt8(), (byte) is.readInt8(), 'a'); char[] country = unpackLocaleOrRegion((byte) is.readInt8(), (byte) is.readInt8(), '0'); byte orientation = (byte) is.readInt8(); byte touchscreen = (byte) is.readInt8(); int density = is.readInt16(); byte keyboard = (byte) is.readInt8(); byte navigation = (byte) is.readInt8(); byte inputFlags = (byte) is.readInt8(); is.readInt8(); // inputPad0 short screenWidth = (short) is.readInt16(); short screenHeight = (short) is.readInt16(); short sdkVersion = (short) is.readInt16(); is.readInt16(); // minorVersion must always be 0 byte screenLayout = 0; byte uiMode = 0; short smallestScreenWidthDp = 0; if (size >= 32) { screenLayout = (byte) is.readInt8(); uiMode = (byte) is.readInt8(); smallestScreenWidthDp = (short) is.readInt16(); } short screenWidthDp = 0; short screenHeightDp = 0; if (size >= 36) { screenWidthDp = (short) is.readInt16(); screenHeightDp = (short) is.readInt16(); } char[] localeScript = null; char[] localeVariant = null; if (size >= 48) { localeScript = readScriptOrVariantChar(4).toCharArray(); localeVariant = readScriptOrVariantChar(8).toCharArray(); } byte screenLayout2 = 0; byte colorMode = 0; if (size >= 52) { screenLayout2 = (byte) is.readInt8(); colorMode = (byte) is.readInt8(); is.readInt16(); // reserved padding } is.skipToPos(start + size, "Config skip trailing bytes"); return new EntryConfig(mcc, mnc, language, country, orientation, touchscreen, density, keyboard, navigation, inputFlags, screenWidth, screenHeight, sdkVersion, screenLayout, uiMode, smallestScreenWidthDp, screenWidthDp, screenHeightDp, localeScript, localeVariant, screenLayout2, colorMode, false, size); } private char[] unpackLocaleOrRegion(byte in0, byte in1, char base) { // check high bit, if so we have a packed 3 letter code if (((in0 >> 7) & 1) == 1) { int first = in1 & 0x1F; int second = ((in1 & 0xE0) >> 5) + ((in0 & 0x03) << 3); int third = (in0 & 0x7C) >> 2; // since this function handles languages & regions, we add the value(s) to the base char // which is usually 'a' or '0' depending on language or region. return new char[] { (char) (first + base), (char) (second + base), (char) (third + base) }; } return new char[] { (char) in0, (char) in1 }; } private String readScriptOrVariantChar(int length) throws IOException { long start = is.getPos(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { short ch = (short) is.readInt8(); if (ch == 0) { break; } sb.append((char) ch); } is.skipToPos(start + length, "readScriptOrVariantChar"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public ResourceStorage getResStorage() { return resStorage; } @Override public String[] getStrings() { return strings; } }