提交 787f5c35 编写于 作者: fxy060608's avatar fxy060608

fix(mp): default slot (#3094)

上级 bc8110fe
......@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ describe('mp-alipay: transform v-slot', () => {
test('default slot', () => {
`<custom><template v-slot/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" onVI="__l"><view slot="d"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" onVI="__l"><view/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" onVI="__l"><view slot="d">test</view></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" onVI="__l">test</custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
......@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ describe('mp-alipay: transform v-slot', () => {
test('named slots', () => {
`<custom><template v-slot:header/><template v-slot:default/><template v-slot:footer/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['header','d','footer']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" onVI="__l"><view slot="header"/><view slot="d"/><view slot="footer"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['header','d','footer']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" onVI="__l"><view slot="header"/><view/><view slot="footer"/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<unicloud-db v-slot:default="{data, loading, error, options}"><view v-if="error">{{error.message}}</view><view v-else></view></unicloud-db>`,
`<unicloud-db u-s="{{['d']}}" slot="d" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" onVI="__l"><view a:for="{{a}}" a:for-item="v0" a:key="c" slot="{{v0.d}}"><view a:if="{{v0.a}}">{{v0.b}}</view><view a:else></view></view></unicloud-db>`,
`<unicloud-db u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" onVI="__l"><view a:for="{{a}}" a:for-item="v0" a:key="c" slot="{{v0.d}}"><view a:if="{{v0.a}}">{{v0.b}}</view><view a:else></view></view></unicloud-db>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _w(({ data, loading, error, options }, s0, i0) => { return _e({ a: error }, error ? { b: _t(error.message) } : {}, { c: i0, d: s0 }); }, { name: 'd', path: 'a', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-0' }) }
......@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('default slot', () => {
`<custom><template v-slot/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d">test</view></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0">test</custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
......@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('named slots', () => {
`<custom><template v-slot:header/><template v-slot:default/><template v-slot:footer/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['header','d','footer']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="header"/><view slot="d"/><view slot="footer"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['header','d','footer']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="header"/><view/><view slot="footer"/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<unicloud-db v-slot:default="{data, loading, error, options}"><view v-if="error">{{error.message}}</view><view v-else></view></unicloud-db>`,
`<unicloud-db u-s="{{['d']}}" slot="d" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d"><block s-for="v0 in a trackBy v0.a"><view s-if="{{v0.b}}">{{v0.c}}</view><view s-else></view></block></view></unicloud-db>`,
`<unicloud-db u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view><block s-for="v0 in a trackBy v0.a"><view s-if="{{v0.b}}">{{v0.c}}</view><view s-else></view></block></view></unicloud-db>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _w(({ data, loading, error, options }, s0, i0) => { return _e({ a: i0, b: error }, error ? { c: _t(error.message) } : {}); }, { name: 'd', path: 'a', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-0' }) }
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('scoped slots', () => {
`<custom><template v-slot:default="slotProps"><view>{{ slotProps.item }}</view></template></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d"><block s-for="slotProps in a trackBy slotProps.a"><view>{{slotProps.b}}</view></block></view></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view><block s-for="slotProps in a trackBy slotProps.a"><view>{{slotProps.b}}</view></block></view></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _w((slotProps, s0, i0) => { return { a: i0, b: _t(slotProps.item) }; }, { name: 'd', path: 'a', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-0' }) }
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('scoped slots + scoped slots', () => {
`<custom><template v-slot:default="slotProps"><custom1><template v-slot:default="slotProps1">{{ slotProps.item }}{{ slotProps1.item }}</template></custom1></template></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d"><block s-for="slotProps in a trackBy slotProps.a"><custom1 u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{slotProps.d}}"><view slot="d"><block s-for="slotProps1 in slotProps.b trackBy slotProps1.a">{{slotProps.c}}{{slotProps1.b}}</block></view></custom1></block></view></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view><block s-for="slotProps in a trackBy slotProps.a"><custom1 u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{slotProps.d}}"><view><block s-for="slotProps1 in slotProps.b trackBy slotProps1.a">{{slotProps.c}}{{slotProps1.b}}</block></view></custom1></block></view></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _w((slotProps, s0, i0) => { return { a: i0, b: _w((slotProps1, s1, i1) => { return { a: i1, b: _t(slotProps1.item) }; }, { name: 'd', path: 'a[' + i0 + '].' + 'b', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-1' + '-' + i0 + ',' + '2a9ec0b0-0' }), c: _t(slotProps.item), d: '2a9ec0b0-1' + '-' + i0 + ',' + '2a9ec0b0-0' }; }, { name: 'd', path: 'a', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-0' }) }
......@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('v-if + scoped slots', () => {
`<custom><template v-if="ok" v-slot:default="slotProps"><view>{{ slotProps.item }}</view></template></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view s-if="{{a}}" slot="d"><block s-for="slotProps in b trackBy slotProps.a"><view>{{slotProps.b}}</view></block></view></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view s-if="{{a}}"><block s-for="slotProps in b trackBy slotProps.a"><view>{{slotProps.b}}</view></block></view></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return _e({ a: _ctx.ok }, _ctx.ok ? { b: _w((slotProps, s0, i0) => { return { a: i0, b: _t(slotProps.item) }; }, { name: 'd', path: 'b', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-0' }) } : {})
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('v-for + scoped slots', () => {
`<custom v-for="item in items"><template v-slot:default="slotProps"><view>{{ slotProps.item }}</view></template></custom>`,
`<custom s-for="item in a" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{item.b}}"><view slot="d"><block s-for="slotProps in item.a trackBy slotProps.a"><view>{{slotProps.b}}</view></block></view></custom>`,
`<custom s-for="item in a" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{item.b}}"><view><block s-for="slotProps in item.a trackBy slotProps.a"><view>{{slotProps.b}}</view></block></view></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: _w((slotProps, s1, i1) => { return { a: i1, b: _t(slotProps.item) }; }, { name: 'd', path: 'a[' + i0 + '].' + 'a', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 }), b: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 }; }) }
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('v-for + v-for + scoped slots', () => {
`<view v-for="item in items"><custom v-for="item1 in item.list" :item="item1"><template v-slot:default="slotProps"><view>{{ slotProps.item }}</view></template></custom></view>`,
`<view s-for="item in a"><custom s-for="item1 in item.a" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{item1.b}}" u-p="{{item1.c}}"><view slot="d"><block s-for="slotProps in item1.a trackBy slotProps.a"><view>{{slotProps.b}}</view></block></view></custom></view>`,
`<view s-for="item in a"><custom s-for="item1 in item.a" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{item1.b}}" u-p="{{item1.c}}"><view><block s-for="slotProps in item1.a trackBy slotProps.a"><view>{{slotProps.b}}</view></block></view></custom></view>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: _f(item.list, (item1, k1, i1) => { return { a: _w((slotProps, s2, i2) => { return { a: i2, b: _t(slotProps.item) }; }, { name: 'd', path: 'a[' + i0 + '].' + ('a[' + i1 + '].') + 'a', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 + '-' + i1 }), b: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 + '-' + i1, c: _p({ item: item1 }) }; }) }; }) }
......@@ -635,6 +635,29 @@ function initProps(mpComponentOptions) {
extend(mpComponentOptions.properties, initDefaultProps());
const PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null];
function parsePropType(type, defaultValue) {
// [String]=>String
if (isArray(type) && type.length === 1) {
return type[0];
if (
// [String,Boolean]=>Boolean
defaultValue === false &&
isArray(type) &&
type.length === 2 &&
type.indexOf(String) !== -1 &&
type.indexOf(Boolean) !== -1) {
return Boolean;
return type;
function normalizePropType(type, defaultValue) {
const res = parsePropType(type, defaultValue);
return PROP_TYPES.indexOf(res) !== -1 ? res : null;
* 初始化页面 props,方便接收页面参数,类型均为String,默认值均为''
* @param param
......@@ -651,10 +674,26 @@ function initPageProps({ properties }, rawProps) {
else if (isPlainObject(rawProps)) {
Object.keys(rawProps).forEach((key) => {
const opts = rawProps[key];
if (isPlainObject(opts)) {
// title:{type:String,default:''}
let value = opts.default;
if (isFunction(value)) {
value = value();
const type = opts.type;
opts.type = normalizePropType(type, value);
properties[key] = {
type: String,
value: '',
type: opts.type,
else {
// content:String
properties[key] = {
type: normalizePropType(opts, null),
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform component', () => {
test('component + component', () => {
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l"><custom1 u-i="2a9ec0b0-1,2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l" slot="d"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l"><custom1 u-i="2a9ec0b0-1,2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l"/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform component', () => {
test('component + component + component', () => {
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l"><custom1 u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-1,2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l" slot="d"><view slot="d"><custom2 u-i="2a9ec0b0-2,2a9ec0b0-1" bind:__l="__l"/><custom2 u-i="2a9ec0b0-3,2a9ec0b0-1" bind:__l="__l"/></view></custom1></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l"><custom1 u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-1,2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l"><custom2 u-i="2a9ec0b0-2,2a9ec0b0-1" bind:__l="__l"/><custom2 u-i="2a9ec0b0-3,2a9ec0b0-1" bind:__l="__l"/></custom1></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform component', () => {
test('component + component with v-for', () => {
`<custom><custom1 v-for="item in items"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l"><view slot="d"><custom1 wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item" u-i="{{item.a}}" bind:__l="__l"/></view></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0" bind:__l="__l"><custom1 wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item" u-i="{{item.a}}" bind:__l="__l"/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: '2a9ec0b0-1' + '-' + i0 + ',' + '2a9ec0b0-0' }; }) }
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform component', () => {
test('component with v-for + component', () => {
`<custom v-for="item in items"><custom1/></custom>`,
`<custom wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{item.b}}" bind:__l="__l"><custom1 u-i="{{item.a}}" bind:__l="__l" slot="d"/></custom>`,
`<custom wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{item.b}}" bind:__l="__l"><custom1 u-i="{{item.a}}" bind:__l="__l"/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: '2a9ec0b0-1' + '-' + i0 + ',' + ('2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0), b: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 }; }) }
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform component', () => {
test('component with v-for + component with v-for', () => {
`<custom v-for="item in items"><custom1 v-for="item1 in item.items"/></custom>`,
`<custom wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{item.b}}" bind:__l="__l"><view slot="d"><custom1 wx:for="{{item.a}}" wx:for-item="item1" u-i="{{item1.a}}" bind:__l="__l"/></view></custom>`,
`<custom wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item" u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="{{item.b}}" bind:__l="__l"><custom1 wx:for="{{item.a}}" wx:for-item="item1" u-i="{{item1.a}}" bind:__l="__l"/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return { a: _f(item.items, (item1, k1, i1) => { return { a: '2a9ec0b0-1' + '-' + i0 + '-' + i1 + ',' + ('2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0) }; }), b: '2a9ec0b0-0' + '-' + i0 }; }) }
......@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ describe('compiler: transform slot', () => {
test('basic', () => {
`<button><slot name="d"/></button>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<button><slot name="default"/></button>`,
`<button><slot name="d"/></button>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform slot', () => {
test('fallback content', () => {
`<button><block wx:if="{{$slots.d}}"><slot name="d"></slot></block><block wx:else>Submit</block></button>`,
`<button><block wx:if="{{$slots.d}}"><slot></slot></block><block wx:else>Submit</block></button>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ describe('compiler: transform slot', () => {
test('slot with component', () => {
`<view><custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d"><block wx:if="{{$slots.d}}"><slot name="d"></slot></block><block wx:else><view>fallback</view></block></view></custom></view>`,
`<view><custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><block wx:if="{{$slots.d}}"><slot></slot></block><block wx:else><view>fallback</view></block></custom></view>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
......@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ describe(`compiler: v-for`, () => {
test(`template v-for w/ <slot/>`, () => {
`<template v-for="item in items"><slot/></template>`,
`<block wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item"><slot name="d"/></block>`,
`<block wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item"><slot/></block>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return {}; }) }
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ describe(`compiler: v-for`, () => {
test(`v-for on <slot/>`, () => {
`<slot v-for="item in items"></slot>`,
`<slot wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item" name="d"></slot>`,
`<slot wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="item"></slot>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _f(_ctx.items, (item, k0, i0) => { return {}; }) }
......@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ describe(`compiler: v-if`, () => {
test(`template v-if w/ single <slot/> child`, () => {
`<template v-if="ok"><slot/></template>`,
`<block wx:if="{{a}}"><slot name="d"/></block>`,
`<block wx:if="{{a}}"><slot/></block>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return _e({ a: _ctx.ok }, _ctx.ok ? {} : {})
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ describe(`compiler: v-if`, () => {
test(`v-if on <slot/>`, () => {
`<slot v-if="ok"/>`,
`<slot wx:if="{{a}}" name="d"/>`,
`<slot wx:if="{{a}}"/>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return _e({ a: _ctx.ok }, _ctx.ok ? {} : {})
......@@ -4,28 +4,28 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('default slot', () => {
`<custom><template v-slot/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<custom><template #default/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d">test</view></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0">test</custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="d">test</view></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view>test</view></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
......@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@ describe('compiler: transform v-slot', () => {
test('named slots', () => {
`<custom><template v-slot:header/><template v-slot:default/><template v-slot:footer/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['header','d','footer']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="header"/><view slot="d"/><view slot="footer"/></custom>`,
`<custom u-s="{{['header','d','footer']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view slot="header"/><view/><view slot="footer"/></custom>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return {}
`<unicloud-db v-slot:default="{data, loading, error, options}"><view v-if="error">{{error.message}}</view><view v-else></view></unicloud-db>`,
`<unicloud-db u-s="{{['d']}}" slot="d" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="v0" wx:key="c" slot="{{v0.d}}"><view wx:if="{{v0.a}}">{{v0.b}}</view><view wx:else></view></view></unicloud-db>`,
`<unicloud-db u-s="{{['d']}}" u-i="2a9ec0b0-0"><view wx:for="{{a}}" wx:for-item="v0" wx:key="c" slot="{{v0.d}}"><view wx:if="{{v0.a}}">{{v0.b}}</view><view wx:else></view></view></unicloud-db>`,
`(_ctx, _cache) => {
return { a: _w(({ data, loading, error, options }, s0, i0) => { return _e({ a: error }, error ? { b: _t(error.message) } : {}, { c: i0, d: s0 }); }, { name: 'd', path: 'a', vueId: '2a9ec0b0-0' }) }
......@@ -422,14 +422,15 @@ function genDirectiveNode(
if (prop.name === 'slot') {
if (prop.arg) {
const arg = prop.arg as SimpleExpressionNode
` slot="${
? dynamicSlotName(arg.content)
: '{{' + arg.content + '}}'
if (arg.isStatic) {
const slotName = dynamicSlotName(arg.content)
// 非作用域默认插槽不生成 slot 属性
if (slotName !== SLOT_DEFAULT_NAME) {
push(` slot="${slotName}"`)
} else {
push(` slot="{{${arg.content}}}"`)
} else if (prop.name === 'show') {
let hiddenPropName = 'hidden'
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import { RENDER_SLOT } from '../runtimeHelpers'
import { genExpr } from '../codegen'
import { isScopedSlotVFor, isVForScope, TransformContext } from '../transform'
import { processProps } from './transformElement'
import { rewriteExpression } from './utils'
import { removeAttribute, rewriteExpression } from './utils'
import {
......@@ -102,6 +102,16 @@ export function rewriteSlot(node: SlotOutletNode, context: TransformContext) {
} else {
// 非作用域默认插槽直接移除命名
if (slotName === `"${SLOT_DEFAULT_NAME}"`) {
removeAttribute(node, 'name')
} else {
// 非作用域默认插槽直接移除命名
if (slotName === `"${SLOT_DEFAULT_NAME}"`) {
removeAttribute(node, 'name')
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
import { VUE_REF, VUE_REF_IN_FOR } from '@dcloudio/uni-cli-shared'
import {
......@@ -189,3 +190,10 @@ function isReferencedByIds(node: Expression, knownIds: string[]) {
export function isStaticLiteral(value: object | null | undefined) {
return isLiteral(value) && !isTemplateLiteral(value)
export function removeAttribute(node: ElementNode, name: string) {
const index = node.props.findIndex((prop) => prop.name === name)
if (index > -1) {
node.props.splice(index, 1)
......@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import {
import { dynamicSlotName, SLOT_DEFAULT_NAME } from '@dcloudio/uni-shared'
import {
} from '@dcloudio/uni-cli-shared'
import { WITH_SCOPED_SLOT } from '../runtimeHelpers'
......@@ -121,19 +120,6 @@ export const transformSlot: NodeTransform = (node, context) => {
transformTemplateSlotElement(onComponentSlot, templateNode, node, context)
node.children = [templateNode]
} else {
if (implicitDefaultChildren.length) {
// <custom>test</custom> => <custom><template #default>test</template></custom>
implicitDefaultChildren.forEach((child) => {
node.children.splice(node.children.indexOf(child), 1)
createDirectiveNode('slot', 'default'),
// 不支持 $slots, 则自动补充 props
if (slots.size && !context.miniProgram.slot.$slots) {
......@@ -630,6 +630,18 @@ function initProps(mpComponentOptions) {
extend(mpComponentOptions.properties, initDefaultProps());
const PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null];
function parsePropType(type, defaultValue) {
// [String]=>String
if (isArray(type) && type.length === 1) {
return type[0];
return type;
function normalizePropType(type, defaultValue) {
const res = parsePropType(type);
return PROP_TYPES.indexOf(res) !== -1 ? res : null;
* 初始化页面 props,方便接收页面参数,类型均为String,默认值均为''
* @param param
......@@ -646,10 +658,26 @@ function initPageProps({ properties }, rawProps) {
else if (isPlainObject(rawProps)) {
Object.keys(rawProps).forEach((key) => {
const opts = rawProps[key];
if (isPlainObject(opts)) {
// title:{type:String,default:''}
let value = opts.default;
if (isFunction(value)) {
value = value();
const type = opts.type;
opts.type = normalizePropType(type);
properties[key] = {
type: String,
value: '',
type: opts.type,
else {
// content:String
properties[key] = {
type: normalizePropType(opts),
......@@ -603,6 +603,18 @@ function initProps(mpComponentOptions) {
extend(mpComponentOptions.properties, initDefaultProps());
const PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null];
function parsePropType(type, defaultValue) {
// [String]=>String
if (isArray(type) && type.length === 1) {
return type[0];
return type;
function normalizePropType(type, defaultValue) {
const res = parsePropType(type);
return PROP_TYPES.indexOf(res) !== -1 ? res : null;
* 初始化页面 props,方便接收页面参数,类型均为String,默认值均为''
* @param param
......@@ -619,10 +631,26 @@ function initPageProps({ properties }, rawProps) {
else if (isPlainObject(rawProps)) {
Object.keys(rawProps).forEach((key) => {
const opts = rawProps[key];
if (isPlainObject(opts)) {
// title:{type:String,default:''}
let value = opts.default;
if (isFunction(value)) {
value = value();
const type = opts.type;
opts.type = normalizePropType(type);
properties[key] = {
type: String,
value: '',
type: opts.type,
else {
// content:String
properties[key] = {
type: normalizePropType(opts),
......@@ -589,6 +589,18 @@ function initProps(mpComponentOptions) {
extend(mpComponentOptions.properties, initDefaultProps());
const PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null];
function parsePropType(type, defaultValue) {
// [String]=>String
if (isArray(type) && type.length === 1) {
return type[0];
return type;
function normalizePropType(type, defaultValue) {
const res = parsePropType(type);
return PROP_TYPES.indexOf(res) !== -1 ? res : null;
* 初始化页面 props,方便接收页面参数,类型均为String,默认值均为''
* @param param
......@@ -605,10 +617,26 @@ function initPageProps({ properties }, rawProps) {
else if (isPlainObject(rawProps)) {
Object.keys(rawProps).forEach((key) => {
const opts = rawProps[key];
if (isPlainObject(opts)) {
// title:{type:String,default:''}
let value = opts.default;
if (isFunction(value)) {
value = value();
const type = opts.type;
opts.type = normalizePropType(type);
properties[key] = {
type: String,
value: '',
type: opts.type,
else {
// content:String
properties[key] = {
type: normalizePropType(opts),
......@@ -603,6 +603,18 @@ function initProps(mpComponentOptions) {
extend(mpComponentOptions.properties, initDefaultProps());
const PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null];
function parsePropType(type, defaultValue) {
// [String]=>String
if (isArray(type) && type.length === 1) {
return type[0];
return type;
function normalizePropType(type, defaultValue) {
const res = parsePropType(type);
return PROP_TYPES.indexOf(res) !== -1 ? res : null;
* 初始化页面 props,方便接收页面参数,类型均为String,默认值均为''
* @param param
......@@ -619,10 +631,26 @@ function initPageProps({ properties }, rawProps) {
else if (isPlainObject(rawProps)) {
Object.keys(rawProps).forEach((key) => {
const opts = rawProps[key];
if (isPlainObject(opts)) {
// title:{type:String,default:''}
let value = opts.default;
if (isFunction(value)) {
value = value();
const type = opts.type;
opts.type = normalizePropType(type);
properties[key] = {
type: String,
value: '',
type: opts.type,
else {
// content:String
properties[key] = {
type: normalizePropType(opts),
......@@ -581,6 +581,18 @@ function initProps(mpComponentOptions) {
extend(mpComponentOptions.properties, initDefaultProps());
const PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null];
function parsePropType(type, defaultValue) {
// [String]=>String
if (isArray(type) && type.length === 1) {
return type[0];
return type;
function normalizePropType(type, defaultValue) {
const res = parsePropType(type);
return PROP_TYPES.indexOf(res) !== -1 ? res : null;
* 初始化页面 props,方便接收页面参数,类型均为String,默认值均为''
* @param param
......@@ -597,10 +609,26 @@ function initPageProps({ properties }, rawProps) {
else if (isPlainObject(rawProps)) {
Object.keys(rawProps).forEach((key) => {
const opts = rawProps[key];
if (isPlainObject(opts)) {
// title:{type:String,default:''}
let value = opts.default;
if (isFunction(value)) {
value = value();
const type = opts.type;
opts.type = normalizePropType(type);
properties[key] = {
type: String,
value: '',
type: opts.type,
else {
// content:String
properties[key] = {
type: normalizePropType(opts),
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