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# Document features deployed behind feature flags

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/documentation/feature_flags.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/documentation/feature_flags.html)

*   [Criteria](#criteria)
    *   [Features disabled by default](#features-disabled-by-default)
    *   [Features that became enabled by default](#features-that-became-enabled-by-default)
    *   [Features directly enabled by default](#features-directly-enabled-by-default)
    *   [Features with flag removed](#features-with-flag-removed)

# Document features deployed behind feature flags[](#document-features-deployed-behind-feature-flags "Permalink")

manbetx 客户端打不开使用[功能标志](../feature_flags/index.html)来战略性地推出自己的功能的部署. 我们在功能标记后面记录功能的方式取决于其状态(启用或禁用). 状态更改时,进行更改的开发人员**必须相应地更新文档** .

## Criteria[](#criteria "Permalink")

根据[部署功能标记后的 GitLab 功能](../feature_flags/process.html)的过程:

> *   *默认情况下,功能标志应处于关闭状态.*
> *   *功能标记应尽可能短地保留在代码库中,以减少对功能标记记帐的需求.*
> *   *为了构建最终版本并为自我管理的用户提供功能,功能标志至少应至少默认为 on.*


*   [Features disabled by default](#features-disabled-by-default).
*   [Features that became enabled by default](#features-that-became-enabled-by-default).
*   [Features directly enabled by default](#features-directly-enabled-by-default).
*   [Features with the feature flag removed](#features-with-flag-removed).

**注意:**功能级别的[`**(CORE ONLY)**`](styleguide.html#product-badges)徽标或等效标记应添加到以下行和标题中,即启用/禁用功能标志,因为这样做需要管理员访问权限,因此,它表示不能由 GitLab.com 的普通用户完成.

### Features disabled by default[](#features-disabled-by-default "Permalink")

对于默认情况下禁用的功能,如果由于缺乏完整性而无法使用它们,或者仍在内部评估中(例如,出于性能方面的考虑),请**不要对其进行文档化** :仅在以下情况下添加(或合并)文档:该功能是安全的,可供最终用户使用和测试.


*   说默认情况下它是禁用的.
*   说是否在 GitLab.com 上启用了它.
*   说说是否可以针对每个项目启用或禁用它.
*   说出是否建议将其用于生产.
*   记录如何启用和禁用它.

例如,对于默认情况下禁用的功能,可以在每个项目上启用或禁用 GitLab.com 上禁用的功能,并且不准备用于生产环境:

# Feature Name
 > - [Introduced](link-to-issue) in GitLab 12.0.
> - It's deployed behind a feature flag, disabled by default.
> - It's disabled on GitLab.com.
> - It's able to be enabled or disabled per-project
> - It's not recommended for production use.
> - To use it in GitLab self-managed instances, ask a GitLab administrator to [enable it](#anchor-to-section). **(CORE ONLY)**


### Enable or disable <Feature Name> **(CORE ONLY)**

<Feature Name> is under development and not ready for production use. It is
deployed behind a feature flag that is **disabled by default**.
[GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](../path/to/administration/feature_flags.md)
can enable it for your instance. <Feature Name> can be enabled or disabled per-project

To enable it:

```ruby # Instance-wide
Feature.enable(:<feature flag>)
# or by project
Feature.enable(:<feature flag>, Project.find(<project id>))

To disable it:

```ruby # Instance-wide
Feature.disable(:<feature flag>)
# or by project
Feature.disable(:<feature flag>, Project.find(<project id>))

根据要记录的功能的状态来调整 Blur.

### Features that became enabled by default[](#features-that-became-enabled-by-default "Permalink")


*   假设默认情况下已启用它.
*   说是否在 GitLab.com 上启用了它.
*   说说是否可以针对每个项目启用或禁用它.
*   说出是否建议将其用于生产.
*   记录如何禁用和启用它.

例如,对于最初部署时默认情况下禁用的功能,默认情况下已启用,在 GitLab.com 上启用了该功能,该功能无法按项目启用或禁用,并且可以用于生产环境:

# Feature Name
 > - [Introduced](link-to-issue) in GitLab 12.0.
> - It was deployed behind a feature flag, disabled by default.
> - [Became enabled by default](link-to-issue) on GitLab 12.1.
> - It's enabled on GitLab.com.
> - It's not able to be enabled or disabled per-project
> - It's recommended for production use.
> - For GitLab self-managed instances, GitLab administrators can opt to [disable it](#anchor-to-section). **(CORE ONLY)**


### Enable or disable <Feature Name> **(CORE ONLY)**

<Feature Name> is under development but ready for production use.
It is deployed behind a feature flag that is **enabled by default**.
[GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](..path/to/administration/feature_flags.md)
can opt to disable it for your instance it cannot be enabled or disabled per-project.

To disable it:

```ruby Feature.disable(:<feature flag>)

To enable it:

```ruby Feature.enable(:<feature flag>)

根据要记录的功能的状态来调整 Blur.

### Features directly enabled by default[](#features-directly-enabled-by-default "Permalink")


*   说默认情况下已启用.
*   说是否在 GitLab.com 上启用了它.
*   说说是否可以针对每个项目启用或禁用它.
*   说出是否建议将其用于生产.
*   记录如何禁用和启用它.

For example, for a feature enabled by default, enabled on GitLab.com, cannot be enabled or disabled per-project, and ready for production use:

# Feature Name
 > - [Introduced](link-to-issue) in GitLab 12.0.
> - It's deployed behind a feature flag, enabled by default.
> - It's enabled on GitLab.com.
> - It's not able to be enabled or disabled per-project
> - It's recommended for production use.
> - For GitLab self-managed instances, GitLab administrators can opt to [disable it](#anchor-to-section). **(CORE ONLY)**


### Enable or disable <Feature Name> **(CORE ONLY)**

<Feature Name> is under development but ready for production use.
It is deployed behind a feature flag that is **enabled by default**.
[GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](..path/to/administration/feature_flags.md)
can opt to disable it for your instance.

To disable it:

```ruby Feature.disable(:<feature flag>)

To enable it:

```ruby Feature.enable(:<feature flag>)

根据要记录的功能的状态来调整 Blur.

### Features with flag removed[](#features-with-flag-removed "Permalink")

功能准备就绪并且标记已删除后,请清理文档. 删除功能标记的提及,只保留一个在版本历史记录注释中提及该标记的注释:

# Feature Name
 > - [Introduced](link-to-issue) in GitLab 12.0.
> - [Feature flag removed](link-to-issue) in GitLab 12.2.
