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# Reserved project and group names

> 原文:[https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/reserved_names.html](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/reserved_names.html)

*   [Reserved project names](#reserved-project-names)
*   [Reserved group names](#reserved-group-names)

# Reserved project and group names[](#reserved-project-and-group-names "Permalink")

并非所有项目和组名都被允许,因为它们会与 GitLab 使用的现有路由冲突.


*   `TOP_LEVEL_ROUTES` :是保留为用户名或顶级组的名称
*   `PROJECT_WILDCARD_ROUTES` :是为子组或项目保留的名称.
*   `GROUP_ROUTES` :是为所有组或项目保留的名称.

## Reserved project names[](#reserved-project-names "Permalink")


*   `\-`
*   `badges`
*   `blame`
*   `blob`
*   `builds`
*   `commits`
*   `create`
*   `create_dir`
*   `edit`
*   `environments/folders`
*   `files`
*   `find_file`
*   `gitlab-lfs/objects`
*   `info/lfs/objects`
*   `new`
*   `preview`
*   `raw`
*   `refs`
*   `tree`
*   `update`
*   `wikis`

## Reserved group names[](#reserved-group-names "Permalink")


*   `\-`
*   `.well-known`
*   `404.html`
*   `422.html`
*   `500.html`
*   `502.html`
*   `503.html`
*   `abuse_reports`
*   `admin`
*   `api`
*   `apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png`
*   `apple-touch-icon.png`
*   `assets`
*   `autocomplete`
*   `dashboard`
*   `deploy.html`
*   `explore`
*   `favicon.ico`
*   `favicon.png`
*   `files`
*   `groups`
*   `health_check`
*   `help`
*   `import`
*   `invites`
*   `jwt`
*   `login`
*   `oauth`
*   `profile`
*   `projects`
*   `public`
*   `robots.txt`
*   `s`
*   `search`
*   `sent_notifications`
*   `slash-command-logo.png`
*   `snippets`
*   `unsubscribes`
*   `uploads`
*   `users`
*   `v2`


*   `\-`